Journey into Womanhood


Published on Dec 29, 2007


Journey Into Womanhood.

Chapter 4.

By Rayeanne

"That was some great loving baby. You are such a sweet little lover. I hope I didn't hurt you taking your cherry"

"It only hurt when you first penetrated me, but after that I remembered to relax and let you into me as my therapist taught me. Then I really felt that you thrusting into me was so completely natural and fulfilling to me. I felt all tingly inside."

"But you didn't come did you? Oh well, it was your first time. Most virgins don't come their first time."

"Oh? I didn't say I didn't "come" as you call it.", I teased.

"I'm so glad you liked it darling. God, I actually felt it when you spurted in me! It was so squishy! Oh I loved it knowing that your sperm was actually in me."

"Well, that's wonderful if you did come baby, it makes me feel proud. You are just my kind of woman, or at least you are getting there. You know I was married at one time to a biological woman but I discovered that I much more preferred anal sex to female vaginal sex. She didn't like that idea so our relationship ended. After that I tried several ts's as lovers and some were ok but they were just too far short of the womanliness I wanted in my anal vagina lover. You dear girl are the answer both for now and for what it to unfold in the future. When Greta gets up here next week, between she and Dr. Johnson, the outline of the long term plan for us will be given to you. My challenge right now is to make sure the necessary work be done to realize that. That is a major, but not the only, reason for my research team in Europe."

I drove Josh to the airport the next morning, feeling very sad that he would be gone for so long, just when we were becoming intimate with each other. He assured me that I was going to be too busy to spend much time longing to be with him. He said he would miss me very much, but he too would be very busy with this mysterious but important reseach that he was involved in somewhere in Europe. It was apparently kept secret. He said that some of it was important to our future. I had no idea what it could be but my guess was that it had something to do with sex.

That afternoon, after art class, I had an appointment with my therapist. She seemed happy to see me. It had been a while since my last visit. Josh must have spoken to her becuase the first thing she brought up was our intercourse the night before.

"Did you enjoy it? How did it make you feel?"

"Yes I did enjoy it after I got by the pain of penetration. I was so excited at the very idea of it! After a little while it felt wonderful, but when he stroked too deep in me it was uncomfortable."

"That's fine. You will adapt to the depth issue. The important thing is you felt good with his thickness. That is often a problem with virgin ts's. Now tell me, did you experience any tingling deep inside as your coupling progressed?"

"Well, yes I...I did. I felt kind of ashamed that I was under him with my legs folded up around him, I felt like I was reaching some kind of peak feeling that I had no control over. It seemed he was in control of how I was feeling. It made me feel helpless and submissive."

"Well, its sounds like you didn't have a clitoral orgasm, but that's ok, you did have a g-spot orgasm. That's a good start. You will find as you progress that your internal climaxes will occur several times more often than your flowing climaxes. Your flowing climaxes will be exquisite, but your multiple internals will be satisfying too."

"Now Ashley, I'm going to give you a little overview of some procedures that are going to be used on you while Josh is away. After all we want to have you even better prepared to make love with him when he returns, right?'

"Yes, I surely want to be more desirable to him. I love being sexy for him."

"Good. We have you scheduled later this week for the first minor surgery. The doctor will tack up your little testicles under the fat layer of your mons. This will be done outpatient. Next week you will go in hospital for penile surgery. This will be a bit more involved. Basically you will have just the glans of your little penis left intact. It will sit naturally at the clitoris location. The difference in your case is that when your new clit is aroused it will be much bigger than a normal female clitoris, and of course it will flow, even sometimes squirt, at orgasm. Apart from that it will look just like a clit, buried between the labia that will be formed from your scrotal sac."

"You mean I'm actually going have an empty space between my thighs? I don't know how I will be able to deal with that... I...I... think it will make me feel sexually powerless!"

"No sweetie, you are going to feel more like a woman than you can imagine. You will be taking on even more feminine attributes. Now to continue with your planned schedule, about a month after your mound restructuring, during which time we will flood you even more than usual with hormones and testosterone suppressor, a surgery will be performed to pull your anal opening forward. This will keep you in bed for several days. It will be worth it to you though, because this is going to make sex in the missionary position much more natural for you. Another effect will be that it will pull backward on your clit creating a constant stimulation that will keep you aware of sexual feelings most ot the time."

"Oh, god, I don't want that pain. But it does sound exciting. I like the picture you are painting for my flowering."

"Finally, after that heals six or eight weeks from now, a procedure of dilating your anal opening will be used to go up into your rectum and stitch in place a special sleeve. It looks like half a condom, split down the middle from tip to base, but it is much stronger and durable. The exit end of this material will be stitched around your anal ring over the forward 3/4's of the ring. With this arrangement, phallic penetration will naturally enter into the long pocket formed by your rectal wall on the front side and the containing sleeve on the back side. Because this material is very elastic, this arrangement will allow for your normal bowel movement. Pretty neat huh? This will form your new vagina. Is all that more technical than you care to hear sweetie?"

"Oh no. I don't understand all the technical stuff but it sounds interesting. It all sounds exciting but I'm such a sissy about pain. Will it hurt much?"

"Only the anus movement surgery will be painful, and that for only a few days, after which you will heal quickly. But the pain will be worth it to you later, as we said. You see what that procedure will do in addition for you is cause much more stimulation of your g-spot during intercourse. You won't be having any problem getting full internal and flowing orgasms. There is another reason for doing that procedure, concerning later developments for you, but we don't need to go into that now, you already have a full menu to deal with for awhile."

"What other reason are you talking about, and when in the future?"

"Ashley, this is all something set up long ago by Josh, with help from Greta and me and several doctors here locally. It is part of his grand plan, but more on that in a year or two."

When I left the session I was full of questions, like why make me look so exactly like a female without actually performing SRS. Why build such a special rectal simulation of a vagina, retract my testicles, strip my little thingy down to an oversized clitoris? I remembered what Josh had said about wanting anal sex only but he also wanted a male woman, if such a thing existed!

Greta and Mandy arrived as expected two days after Josh left for Europe and one day before my first medical procedure. We had a great time going shopping at Macy's and Saks, as well as at a local outlet for Victoria's Secret. Mandy helped me select new heels, slacks, skirts, and dresses. I also got new lengerie including more garterbelts and stockings, which I knew Josh liked me to wear. She also insisted that I buy several panty girdles because my slacks were now fitting me rather tight due to my swelling hips, butt, and thighs. Mandy fitted me with several A-cup WonderBra's. I did not fill an A-cup as it was, but with this new bra I was pushed in and actually showed a little cleavage. I was thrilled with it and got several of them. When we got back home I modeled some of the things for them. I was so happy they approved the way I looked in them.

They stayed the next day for my first round of surgery. To make a long story short, I was now flat between my legs. Well, not exactly. I had a slightly greater than normal, for a woman, swell of my mons pubis. Gretat assured me that this was very sexy to men and besides I would look even more alluring in a bikini bathing suit. After I got home, even still swollen and sore, I had to try on panties. They fit so much better. I looked in the bathroom mirror and was thrilled. I looked just like a woman between the legs. My glans was withdrawn into the upper end of my outer labia, which had been formed from the remains of my scrotum.

We talked late into the evening after wine and dinner.

"Ashley, Josh is going to ask you to become his fiancee' when he returns. He told me that he has fallen in love with you and one day you will be his legal wife. That will be possible because back when you first came into the orphanage late in your ninth year we started to work on your birth certificate at the same time that we took a DNA sample from you. So you are already a female by law."

"Oh, that's wonderful. Uh, why did you take a DNA?...sample? What is that?"

" Oh, I probably should not have mentioned it but now the cat is out of the bag so to speak, I might as well tell you now what is in the future for you. Josh is growing your very own uterus and ovaries in a lab in Europe. It has been growing now for almost eight years and in another two years, with the accelerated growth method they have developed, it will be ready for implant in your belly. Your future is that you will be a fully capable woman. Periods and everything else that goes with being a normal healthy woman. The only difference will be the unusual construction of your vagina."

I was stunned by this revelation. I stammered as I tried to absorb the implications of it all.

" Uh... what... mean by everthing else? Surely you don't mean pregnancy?"

" Well, I'm happy that you said it and not me. Yes, sweetie, that is in your future, some years down the road. But not something to be concerned about right now. We have to get you well from your surgeries, through this intense hormone period, and have you ready in all your new voluptuousness for his return. You need to call him in a few days and let him know how you are doing OK?"

And I did call him and we talked about my surgeries and how I was feeling with it all. He was so sweet and considerate of my discomfort. My last surgery was set for two days after I talked to him and I promised to talk to him a few days after that.

The main thing I noticed after a couple of days home out of the hospital was the tight backward pull in my crotch. My clit seemed to be somewhat pulled back. I gingerly touched myself down there, in my split, and felt my entrance. It was moved forward, though not by much, and it seemed to be tilted more forward to aid penetration in the missionary position. It seemed that my entrance was now more like a slit than a hole. I had been already given a lot of hygiene information relating to my toilet chores, doucheing, etc. I could see that this new arrangement between my legs was going to require some getting used to.

I was coming off the hormone flooding, with very good results I thought. My breasts had definitely responded, with much more sensitive and thicker nipples and a swell now up to a full A-cup. When I looked at my nude figure in the full length mirror, I was reasonably satisfied with what I saw. Fuller hips and butt and thighs, and a smaller waist. I was looking more like a normal 17 year old girl, I thought.

Within a week I was feeling good and now beginning to feel once again sexually responsive. I thought about Josh all the time. I was getting so hot for him. I had come to realize that I was dependent on him for my fulfillment. Without him I felt vulnerable, empty, needy. I was sure that the stretching that I felt in my split was keeping me constantly aware of my sexuality and stimulating me to the point that my panties would become wet during the day even when I was busy with chores. When I went to the bathroom and felt down in my split it was slick and wet everywhere. It seemed to come from my clit but also from my slit-like vaginal opening. Oh god, I needed to be with him so badly. I thought if I didn't come soon I would loose my mind. I refused to masturbate. I wanted to save this pent up sexual tension for him.

He would arrive back home in a few more days now. I made elaborate preparations for his return. I wondered what he would think of me. The weeping from both my vagina and my clitoris became more copious. Oh, I need him so badly.! I needed my big Josh covering me and filling me.

Will he like how I look?

Will he want me?

P.S. if the root of your belly tingles from this let me know. love, rayeanne.

Next: Chapter 5

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