Joss Non Consensual Cumming

By Michael Hancock

Published on Jul 10, 2007


Mind you, the problem, IS,' said Alan as they crowded round my bed, 'the pleasure of milking Joss was that he was desperate to avoid it at first and I had to turn him right round. This one is as gay as the rest of us so where's the fun in that? You've been lying there stroking yourself, dreaming of me jerking you off, haven't you, Tom? That secret sexual fantasy you never told us about, what was it? We shall have to find out. Because the trouble with fantasies is that they are generally pleasures we are a little nervous of in real life, so we have to imagine them. Tie him up to the beam!' A beam ran across just below the ceiling of both the main bedrooms of the old house. They dragged me out of bed and stripped me. Mikey looked in the wardrobe and found a couple of old belts. He buckled them together and slung them over the beam. Then they lashed the ends round my wrist after he had found a third belt on my trousers, hanging over a chair. They lifted me and spun me and I swung slowly from the beam by my wrists. The feeling of helplessness was no longer exciting. Oh dear!' said Alan. No erection at all now! Find something in the bathroom to oil him up a little.' Two of them went to the bathroom while Mikey and little Louis nuzzled and licked and tickled my stretched armpits and stroked my nipples. Alan spun me slowly again and they moved round with me. Johnny B came back with some shower gel and his friend Barker held out his hands as he squirted it out. Barker began to smear it all over my stretched white body. 'He's smooth as an eel,' he said. Not a hair in sight. You know, Al, I always hated this bastard!' Plenty of hair down here,' said Alan, laughing and those same slender hands that had driven poor Jess mad an hour earlier, on the night before his wedding, were fondling my swollen balls, caressing my hardening cock. There was a squelching noise as he helped himself to some of the gel and squeezed my cockhead with it. I gasped. Let's shave him first. Bring it in here, Barker.' I hated Barker as much as he disliked me. . He was a good looking little sod but a sly little runt who was always making trouble. He clung to Johnny B like a leech and did all his dirty work for him. Don't let that bastard near me with a razor,' I grunted. We got a history.' Ooooh, a history! Alan mocked. Come on little Louis. You can shave him then. Trust little Louis, do you, Tom? We'll get him to lather you then. We won't let Barker near you with a razor! But when Louis has shaved you, we'll give you to Barker and he can do what he likes with you.' No! No! Not him!' I said. They all laughed. While you're shaving him I'll have another go with the bridegroom to be, I think,' said Alan. Joss! In here! Now!' Joss appeared in the doorway, naked, bent, wet-eyed, mouth open. On the bed, Joss. I will now give you what you really want after all that wanking,said Alan, flicking his long hair out of his eyes with one long elegant arm. Joss looked wide-eyed.No! No more!' he said. 'My wedding!' Lads!' He had no cboice. I looked down from my swinging position still being fondled and stroked and oiled and shaved by four pairs of loving hands. Joss was thrown down on the bed, his arms and legs out like a star fish. Alan was on him in seconds, forcing him up on all fours and then stroking his own long cock erect before taking the gel on his still slimy hand and preparing Joss for his entry. He slid in easily, reaching round to wank Joss erect again as he started to fuck him. Joss screamed in protest, gasped in pain and then his body began to undulate and ripple as Alan took charge of him, clearly working his prostate deep inside as he smoothly massaged his cock.' Joss began to moan in pleasure despite himself. His eyes closed. Hey,' shouted Barker. I didn't even know the little ginger runt's christian name. This one's getting off from watching. Hold him still.' He was right. I was wildly excited from watching Alan seduce Joss again. My whole body was throbbing, my balls were unbearably swollen, the hands still stroked and caressed my nipples and balls, worked my armpits. Barker pulled me towards him, took another handful of the gel and started to stroke it into my ass. Oh, his fingers felt so good and he knew it, the little bastard. I hated him more than ever but he played me like a trout fisherman tickling a trout, just working my chute as I swayed and gasped in the others' hands. He tugged me down a little and one of the belt buckles snapped. I fell on the bed next to Joss and Barker landed on top of me. He slid underneath reaching for my hard cock and sucking it instantly in his tight mean mouth. No!' I shouted, but then Alan pushed Joss aside and slid deep into me. He started to fuck me in long fast thrusts. I never felt a cock so long and slender. And Barker sucked me as Alan took me and my body shot up like an inverted V as I squirted into Barker's mouth. He sucked me, laughing triumphantly into my cock as it went on spurting. Then I felt his tongue wrapping round it, licking and sucking as my jerking body set Alan off at last and he was shouting and thrusting and squirting himself, deep inside me. Mikey and Louis had taken Joss over and were finishing him off the same way the other two were doing me. When they had all finished, they piled into the bathroom to clean up. I lay on the bed and looked sideways at Joss. To my astonishment he was still stroking himself and whimpering. Lord alone knew how he would get through his wedding night! Postscript: Funnily enough, after we had all gone through the wedding like sleep walkers, Joss still looked sane ands fairly normal as he waved them off on their honeymoon. I met him a fortnight later, coming home on the last train from the office. We didn't know what to say to each other. How did you manage with Melanie, then? I said, in the bridal suite.' I just pretended she was Alan when she held me,' he said `And when she sucked me I imagined it was him, too. I managed to cum like a fountain!' I wasn't surprised. The day after the wedding Alan and the boys came round to see me. And I managed to cum like a fountain again, too. Three times. Mind you, I could hardy walk for a week. Bastards!

Still want more? I do. Tell me at And I will tell you what happened next.

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