Joshs Summer Job

By Sean Josh

Published on Mar 25, 2023


This is an explicit fictional account of homoerotic behavior. If you are offended by such material or access to it is banned in your community read no further!

Things are gonna get a little freaky for a bit, bear with me. If you are not into S&M, B&D, genital torture, incest, familial cruelty, and urination turn back now!

NOTE: I'd be interested in knowing how many have their appetites whetted by

this warning, and how many have said "he's done gone round da bend!"

The characters and situations portrayed are purely fictional and therefor(e) have no fear of catching or passing on STDs. If you are sexually active, play safe and use protection.

Comments and criticism of this work are welcome. Email:

Josh's Summer Job 13

Josh wasn't on the property, or in the neighborhood, or anywhere on the route home. His cell phone wasn't on. The sound of his voicemail made Billy gut tremble. The message had obvious overtones. In terms of his new understanding Billy had a new insight into Josh's carefully managed persona. The warm timbre of Josh's voice brought that disarming smile to mind.

The cell phone seemed to be the only thing Josh had taken with him. Billy needed to go home to find Josh's home number. His mother had it on the fridge list. Josh's Mother hadn't seen him either. She wasn't terribly concerned, Josh had promised to call that afternoon, to make some sort of plans for dinner. They weren't ready to explain the full circumstances that led to Josh's departure that day, and thanked her for her time.

Josh sat in the shadow of a hedge across the street from the house. He'd been there for hours. He rocked nervously as the car returned. The tinted windows made it impossible to tell who was driving, and the attached garage and electric garage door assured that the driver would remain unseen as he left the car and went inside. It grew dark. Josh's gut hurt and his face throbbed. He watched the lights come on around the house, but none were evident in the cellar windows. Josh knew why, they'd been painted black. Painted to stop prying eyes, to stop the sunlight from penetrating the space, to stop anyone from realizing how much time they'd spent there. Josh didn't know the time. His watch had broken. Billy's kick had flung him into the tailgate and smashed the crystal.

He gathered his nerve and forced himself to his feet. The act made the ache in his stomach worsen and his head throb. He burped, tasting his own bile. The trek from his shadowy nook to the front door seemed to take an eternity. His hand trembled as he reached for the door bell. He could hear someone approaching. The door opened. A halo of light seemed to encircle the man standing in the doorway. To say he looked surprised would have been a gross understatement.

"My my, what would bring you to my door?" He said looking over the shirtless boy.

"I've been bad." Josh whispered, his eyes downcast, his body trembling.

"Are you certain?"


"You know the way." He said stepping aside.

Josh walked through the foyer to the door beside the grandfather clock. It was quarter to nine. He opened the door and proceeded down the stairs. He could almost hear the glee in the light quick footsteps that followed him. He turned right and stood before the metal door. He reached for the handle, and the man's hand came to rest on his shoulder.

"You know the rules."

Josh stepped out of his jeans and boxers after kicking off his sneakers. He folded the clothing neatly and placed them on a self in the closet.

"Would you like me to wash Sir?"

"No, oh no, we'll tend to cleansing you later."

Once more, Josh reached for the door knob.

"Now now, what haven't we done?"


"A safe word."

"We won't need one." Josh said voice strained and shoulders trembling.

"But we will have one anyway. Won't we Joshua. One you choose."

"I've missed this."

"Is that your safe word, or an admission of longing?" The man smiled.

"My safe word." Josh spat, torn between his guilt and fear.

The man shut off the video recorder. He inspected the naked youth before him, running a hand over Josh's muscled flank.

"It has been a long time, hasn't it Joshua. You've grown so. I can't wait to see how strong you've become. You must have been a very bad boy to come back. Perhaps you'll tell me before we're done."

He reached out and opened the metal door shoving Josh forward. He stumbled into the darkness and the door clanged shut behind him. The room was pitch black. He leaned against the cold steel bars that were mere inches before him. He remained standing. The cage wasn't large enough to allow him to sit. The fencing device that powered the cage buzzed to life. He reached out. The current was relatively gentle, far milder than he remembered.

A door opened off to his right. Light poured in through the opening. The man entered the room. He'd changed into jeans and a leather vest. He was carrying a riding crop. White hot lights bleached the color from Josh's naked frame. They accented the swelling of his nose and cheek.

"Who could have hurt such a hale and hearty young man?" The man wondered aloud. "Who would harm that pretty face?"

Josh trembled as he heard a chair dragged closer. The man and chair disappeared behind the lights.

"No need to fear me Joshua. You know what you get with me."

The riding crop flicked through the bars catching the tip of Josh's dangling penis. Josh gasped and stiffened backing into the door behind him.

"Oh no, we've made some improvements since your last visit."

A jolt from the door spurred Josh forward. The cage was still electrified and a nipple made contact before he stopped himself. The riding crop flicked out catching his balls with loud slap. Josh grit his teeth and stifled a groan.

"There's no need to be brave Joshua. Listening to the pretty noises you make is one of the things I've missed most."

A video monitor came to life.

A boy was strapped face down over a pommel horse. A wide strap secured his waist firmly between the pommels while his legs were stretched wide by thongs secured to the opposing legs of the devise. A college aged man stood on the opposite side of the device. His face was transfixed. His hands were full of tawny blond hair. His hips pumped in a relentless slow rhythm and a gurgling choking sound masked his moans. He pulled free. His massive cock pulsed as he swaggered out of view.

Two older men entered the scene from the direction of the camera. One freed the boy's sizable balls from beneath his straining leg and displayed them for the camera. The other slowly removed the plug that filled the boy's asshole. He rolled a complex looking machine into place. Then produced a tray loaded with various phallic devices.

The riding crop cut the air announcing its approach. Its expert aim raised a welt above Josh's left nipple. The pain and surprise caused him to bounce between the door and bars. He reached out and grabbed the bars to avoid the far more powerful jolt from the door. The man reached out and grabbed Josh's balls in his gloved hand.

"Do you have permission to hang on to the bars?" He growled squeezing hard.

Josh released the bars trying to hold still. The video had continued.

The two men were still preparing the youth. One was tightening a strap around his balls while the other was making a great show of selecting an attachment for the machine. The strap was attached to a ring. The man lifted a ten pound weight and attached it to the ring stretching the youth's balls earthward. The second man had made his decision. The dildo he'd selected was very thick. It screwed into a pipe that protruded from the front of the machine. The camera zoomed into the boy's hairless furrow. His asshole gapped slightly. It was red and angry looking. They rolled the machine into position slowly impaling the boy on the head of the massive rubber cock.

`Should we grease it?'

`I don't think he's ever done that one.' answered a familiar off screen voice.

The camera swung in a wide arc around the pommel horse to reveal a young Josh. His face streaked with tears his arms stretched out in the same manner as his legs.

`What do you think?"

`Please, not now, please, I'm so tired.'

`Maybe a little,' the camera operator acquiesced.

The camera moved back to its original position. The machine was pulled back. One of the men dipped his hand into a can of Crisco, and worked four fingers into the Josh's tortured hole. Josh's body strained against the straps as the finger delved deeper and deeper. The camera zoomed in to show the man tucking his thumb in as he began fisting the boy.

That should do it.' The disembodied voice directed, don't want to spoil him.'

The machine was wheeled back into place.

Josh looked away. The crop whistled clipping the other nipple.

"You will watch our little home videos." The man ordered as the floor of the cage supplied a jolt that rocked Josh's frame.

He bounced like a pinball between the three electrical sources for what seemed like a very long moment before grabbing hold of the bars once more. The man raged at him, fisting his genitals and using the crop to slap the head of Josh's meat. Josh stood stock still, saliva streaking his chin. The sound of his own voice brought him to his senses.

Josh cried out begging for mercy. The machine had been rolled forward once again. Once the head of the dildo was properly inserted, the wheels on the cart were locked, and the power was slowly increased. The enormous dildo was driven in and out by the pipe to which it was attached. The pipe was driven by a fly wheel. It was secured to the wheel via a bearing on its circumference. The location of the bearing allowed the attached tool to shift as the wheel rotated, on a downward angle as it plunged forward and pitching upward as it moved back. The men at the control varied the speed eliciting varying protests and moans from their victim. They played him like some perverse instrument. The camera zoomed in. The boy's cock was spewing long lines of cum down the leather covering of the pommel horse. One of the men bent to sample the emission, licking up the lines of boy spunk until he sucked it directly from the source. The camera tilted up to display the blurring piston that hammered Josh's ass.

`Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop." Josh chanted in ever diminishing volume.

The camera once more swung out to provide a side view. The display was surreal. The length and girth of the tool entering the boy seemed incongruent compared to his skinny frame. Josh was gasping and trembling violently. His lips moved as he tried to beg for respite, but could no longer summon the breath.

`All you have to do is ask.'

`I, I, caaaaannnn'ttt. I cannn'tttt rememmmmbbber.' He gasped vibrating in time with the pounding machine.

`Course you can.'

For long minutes Josh hung there, tortured and thrumming. His body flushed, sweat dripping from his frame. Suddenly his head snapped up and he gasped.

`I love you.'

`What's that?'

`I love you,' Josh gasped louder.

`Who do you love?'

Josh young face hardened. He glared into the camera. His jaw set.

`I love you Daddy.' The words grinding from his pallet like some hard fought blasphemy.

`Alright, Alright shut it off, get him out of there.'

The video screen went blue. Josh still clung to the bars, his musculature was rock solid as the current flowed through him. It suddenly went off. He slumped against the door. The cold steel was delightful against his overworked back.

"Turn around."

Josh complied bring his arms back so that his elbows were exposed behind him. A short wooden bar attached to pair of leather restraints was strapped to Josh's arms above his elbows before the cage door was unlocked. He manhandled Josh across the room. There were drains set in the floor. He attached the restrain to pair of chains hanging from an overhead hoist. With the touch of button, Josh was raised until his arms ached and his feet barely held his weight. A cold hose was turned on him. The powerful spray stung and he was rinsed him head to toe leaving him shivering and gasping for breath. He knew what was next. The brass probe was cold as it was twisted into his anus. Its thick ball end caused his little used ass to clench. Warm water gushed into him. It made his body flush and cock rise. The probe was plucked from his ass. The water rushed from him in a torrent. The probe was reinserted. This time the flow was icy. His gut contracted and ached as his abs drew tight. He wasn't sure how many times the process was repeated. He was weak kneed when the wench unwound and he was dragged to the pommel horse.

"Here's you old friend, right where you left it." He said jamming Josh into the appliance.

He strapped Josh's mid section down between the pommels and secured his legs before releasing the arm restraints. Then he captured Josh's arms one at a time and secured them as well. A hand operated wench spread his appendages until they strained under the force. He walked around his victim admiring his handy work.

"Feel like workin' me up into a nice hardon for old time sake?"

"Fuck yourself."

"Wrong answer little man."

He slapped Josh hard then stepped up and pissed in boy's face.

"I'm sorry Billy." Josh whispered.

"Are you still talking? No one's asked you a question."

He selected a wide leather strap attached to a wooden handle from the collection on the wall.

"You always had a fine ass." He said bringing the strap down hard and fast across Josh muscled bottom.

A deep red welt rose in its path.

"I sure hope that pussy is as hot I remember, cause Daddy needs to get his nut."

Next: Chapter 14

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