Joshs Promised Land

By moc.rehtona@29nyllewell

Published on Oct 30, 2002


Author's Note: What you are about to read is a gay fantasy about a teen, and preteen characters from the TV show "Promised Land" Produced by CBS Productions, in association with MoonWater Productions, Inc. 1996, and created by Mary Williamson. The characters were used without permission of the creators of the show, it does not represent nor imply the true sexual orientation of the actors or the characters they play. If fantasies about fictional characters having a same sex experience offend you, if you are under age or if this type of material is illegal in your area, you should not read any further. This story has been posted at free adult sites featuring gay stories for adult entertainment only and may not be copied electronically nor in any other form for redistribution.

If the subject of teen/teen, teen/boy or boy/boy sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

I suggest that you read parts 1-5 as that will make part 6 make more sense.

Josh's Promised Land; Part 6 by Llewellyn92

The last two weeks of school went much to fast for Nathaniel. He didn't want to leave Cole. Cole was the second most important person in his life.

There were many oppertunities for the boys to have fun, but more and more, Nathaniel found himself to be a third wheel. He was being replaced in Cole's affections by Lamar. While his reason told him this was good, Nathaniel's heart ached at the gradual rejection.

Lamar and Cole spent more and more time together. Lamar's dyslexia was a tailor made excuse for Cole to tutor him. Cole was the top student in the class. Who better to be a tutor. Cole's love for Lamar made him more patient than he would have been with anyone else, and Lamar's love for Cole made him work harder than ever to achieve.

Nathaniel's 11th birthday would be two weeks after school was out. The thought of celebrating without Cole was eating at his emotions. The last day of school was a Thursday. Nathaniel didn't want to go. He'd made many friends, but seeing Cole and Lamar there for the last time wasn't something he wanted to do. After much proding and begging, Cole managed to convince him to go.

Once there, Nathaniel decided that it wasn't that bad after all. By the last period he had said his good-byes and was feeling pretty good.

He was surprised when there was an announcement that he should go to his home room instead of his regular class. He was not prepared for what he encountered there. All of his friends from the school, all of his teachers and his family were there, as well as Mrs. C. and Lamar's parents. There was even a p.a. system set up. His entrance was accompanied by a rousing ovation. As the clapping died down, Cole aproached the microphone.

"Thank you all for comming." said Cole to those assembled. "As many of you know, Nathaniel will be 11 in two weeks. He won't be around here then, so we are celebrating now. Nathaniel, I want to thank you for letting me get to know you. You have tought me so much about life. You helped me out of a realy bad situation that I was dumb enough to get into. I ran away from home. I did some really stupid things before that, but that was the stupidest. You went with me even though it could have cost you getting back with your family. You helped me when I didn't know what to do. You found us a place to stay, and made me keep going when I wanted to quit. You found us a safe place, and made sure we got back to a safer one. You taught me that my mother really did love me when I thought she didn't. You also taught me that I shouldn't be afraid of people just because they seem to be too popular to be interested in me."

Lamar looked at Cole with a mix of pride, and fear at the thought that Cole might go too far.

"You may be only 11, but you are smarter than a lot of grownups I know."

Many of the adults in the room looked a little surprised at that statement. Mrs. C. looked bashfully at the floor, but smiled at her son's perceptiveness.

"Thank you, Nathaniel. My life is much richer for having known you."

As the gathering applauded, Nathaniel turned a deep crimson. He wanted to crawl under a desk and hide.

Mrs. C. took the stage next, "Nathaniel, I owe you more than you'll ever know. You and your family have taught me more than 4 years of college. I thought that I knew everything there was to know about proper parenting. I am, after all, an 'expert'. Dealing with people problems is my job.

All of the time I was 'helping' other people, I was neglecting my own responsibility as a parent. My son was involved in all sorts of activities that a boy is supposed to love. I really thought that I was the perfect mother, giving my son all sorts of oppertunities that he should have access to. I never bothered to ask him if he liked them. He participated to please me. He played Little League. I never went to a game. I was too busy working at what I thought was important. Thanks to Nathaniel and his family, I now know that my son is my most important job.

I, in my book learned wisdom, was going to take Nathaniel away from the people who most cared for him, and had his best interests at heart.

When my son ran away, I thought of things I wanted to do to him that were far worse than anything Mr. Greene mentioned when Nathaniel's case came to my attention. Mr. Greene helped me to see that what Cole did was his way of begging me to pay attention to him. The Greene family helped me deal with the fear I felt when Cole and Nathaniel were missing.

I am a better person for knowing you. Thank you, Nathaniel, Thank you."

Several of his class mates gave short speaches, and his home-room teacher finished up by saying that she hadn't seen anyone make so much progress in such a short time, and that she would remember him for his generosity and helpfulness.

Then everyone sang "Happy Birthday", Nathaniel blew out his candles, and everyone partied 'til the final bell announced the end of the school day.

As they were getting ready to leave, Nathaniel pulled Cole aside and asked him, "If it's alright with everyone else, could I spend tonight with you? Alone?"

"I'd like that." Cole replied. "I want to say good-bye in a special way."

Nathaniel asked the Greenes, and Mrs. C., who all agreed that it would be OK.

Cole told Lamar, "I want to spend my last night with Nathaniel alone. Is that OK with you?"

"OK? Of course it's OK. I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact I was thinking of that myself, and was wondering how to tell you. Go for it."

That evening, the Cagneys and the Greens had a cook-out at the Greenes' camp site, then the Cagneys and Nathaniel went back to Cole's house.

They watched some television, and puttered around a little. Mrs. C. could see that their minds were elsewhere. She had begun to suspect that there was more than a bond of friendship between Her son and her former ward.

Finally she said, "It's getting late. You have a big day tomorrow, Nathaniel, and both of you need to get to bed." She smiled and gave them a little wink when she said 'bed'. "I think I'll be going there soon anyway.

Nathaniel and Cole looked at her, then at each other, questioningly.

Each thought to himself, "Does she know?"

Not knowing what to make of that statment, the boys just got up and went to Cole's room. They changed into their sleep wear, did their nightly ritual in the bathroom, then returned to Cole's room, and each other's embrace. Their lips met in a delicate touch, then a firmer press. Soon they were duelling tongues. There is nothing better than kissing a freshly brushed mouth, unless it is kissing a freshly cummed mouth.

Nathaniel trembled with anticipation. He suddenly became shy. Nathaniel, who had been having intimate relations for almost three years now, was shy. He didn't know what to do next.

Cole sensed this and took Nathaniel's hand. He kissed it then led his first lover to his bed. Cole hooked his fingers under the hem of Nathaniel's shirt. With his thumb and index fingers he raised the shirt, gently brushing Nathaniel's sides as he lifted it. Whan he reached Nathaniel's chest, Cole cupped his pecs and fondled those little bumps that are so sensitive. Caressing and tweaking them till they became little hard lumps of excitement. As Nathaniel's breathing became less stable, Cole finished removing the shirt. As he threw it to the floor, he attached his hungry mouth to the right nubbin and suckled it driving its owner closer to ecstasy. Cole traced his tongue across Nathanil's chest and nipped at the other hard portrusion, giving it the attention it deserved.

As he nursed the little bullet on Nathaniel's chest, Cole ran his hands gently down Nathaniel's sides. The sensation made Nathaniel shiver. It was like a tickle but it was loving rather than annoying. When he reached Nathaniel's waist, Cole hooked his fingers into the waist band of Nathaniel's pants. Cole sank slowly to his knees, dragging his tongue down Nathanile's abs, and drawing Nathaniel's pants down at the same time.

As Cole's tongue met the crease between Nathaniel's belly and his pubis, Nathaniel's pricklet sprang free of his pants and slapped Cole in the chin, breaking the sensual mood of the moment.

Both boys giggled, momentarily becoming boys again instead of lovers.

When they had regained their composure, Cole devoured the 4 incher that was pointing at him. He lapped at Nathaniel's balls eliciting a groan from their owner.

As Nathaniel began pumping his turged little meat in and out of Cole's suckling mouth, He groaned again and hissed "Yesssss!" He grunted a few times in rythm with his thrusting.

As this happened, Sandra Cagney passed the room on her way to her own room. She heard the sounds of passion eminating from behind Cole's door. She had a pretty good idea what was happening, but wanted to confirm her suspisions. Gently she opened the door. In Cole's dresser mirror she could see what was happening. She could see Cole kneeling with his back to the mirror, bobbing his head in Nathaniel's naked groin. Nathaniel was totally unaware of anything other than his crotch and his nipples which Cole was manipulating as he gave head.

Just as gently as she had opened it, Sandra closed the door. Nathaniel opened his eyes just as the quiet click of the latch met his ears. He smiled. She did know, and it was OK.

Sandra smiled to herself, now she knew, Cole was gay, just as she was. She had loved Cole's father, but not in a sexual way. He had been her first male companion, and out of curiosity she had had sex with him. Her first intercourse had made Cole. She had married him, wanting as normal a home as possible for Cole. The marriage took place one week after she learned that she was pregnant. She had known Cole's father for less than two months. They had intercourse once more and she decided that that would be the last. He asked several times and she kept comming up with excuses. Finally he had had it and packed his belongings and left. That was the last anyone heard from him. Cole wouldn't be born for another two months.

Sandra was happy that Cole had found himself and seemed to be enjoying what he had and what he was.

Nathaniel was thrusting furiously into Cole's mouth. He was feeling that warm fuzzy tingling in his groin. He closed his eyes again and thrust into his lover's mouth. He pulled back, and out. He thrust forward into........ NOTHING. He pulled back and thrust again...... NOTHING. He reached forward. No Cole.

He opened his eyes. Cole was stripping furiously.

"What?" asked Nathaniel, "What ....... are you ........doing?" he panted.

"Fuck Me!"


"FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!"

Nathaniel didn't need to be told twice. As Cole rolled onto his back, spreading his legs, Nathaniel dived into place.



"You sure?"

"YES.... FUCK ME!!!!!!!"

"OK, ........ I don't wanna hurt ya."

"Will you shut up and fuck me? NOW?"

Lust overtook him. Nathaniel, as gently as a horny 11 year old could, thrust his weiner home.

Cole grunted at the assault, grit his teeth a little, and pushed out opening his sphincter.

Nathaniel wondered as his pricklet slid in easily.

"You already lubed?"

"Yeah, I knew you would want to fuck me, and I wanted to be ready. I did it when you were brushing your teeth."

"Good move. I may not be that big, but you haven't had that many big dicks in you and it still might hurt."

"Shut up and fuck me."

Cole pulled Nathaniel's face to his own and smothered him with kisses. Nathaniel pummeled Cole's love tunnel with his little jack hammer. The symphony of grunting grew with Nathaniel's lust.

As the music of their love-making reached a creshendo, Cole suddinly remembered his mother....

"Shhh, my mom will hear. If she catches us, we're toast."

"Don't worry, she won't catch us. She knows what we're doing. She peeked in when you were blowing me."

Cole froze.

"It's OK. ......If she was .......gonna ......bust us, ......she .....woulda then. ......She must .......OK with it .......or she .......woulda stopped us .........then." Nathaniel never missed a beat.

Cole relaxed, "Ya ......really think"

"I my ......dick!"


Suddenly, Nathaniel quivered. His head jerked, and he gasped. Cole tightened his anal cavity. Nathaniel drove his pricklet deep as he could into Cole's tender hole. Nathaniel stiffened. Cole could feel Nathaniel's little member expand and throb, trying to expell fluids that his body wasn't able to produce as yet.

Nathaniel convulsed, and gasped again. As he regained some movement, he thrust into Cole's little heaven, bringing more sensations crashing through his spasming frame. Then...... he colapsed, panting.

Cole covered his face with kisses. As Nathaniel's breathing began to regulate, Cole began to sit up. "Lay back."

As Nathaniel did, his pricklet pulled out of Cole's oven. Nathaniel rolled back into position. Cole got the lube and mounted his friend. He pushed in slowly, savouring the smooth heat of the passage he was invading.

Cole began a gentle rocking motion. He was in no hurry to end this. This would be his last time with his tutor, and he wanted to demonstrate what he had learned. He leaned forward and licked one of Nathaniel's nipples. Nathaniel sighed, and squeezed his sphincter, trapping Cole for a moment until he relaxed it again.

"Man he knows what to do." thought Cole.

He was taking mental notes so he could use these techniques in the future. It would be so much fun teaching them to Lamar.

"Stop thinking about Lamar!" he murmured to himself.


"Nothing, I was just thinking, but I don't want to. I just want to enjoy."

"Unh hunh."

Nathaniel was beyond thought. All he was thinking about was Cole's 5 inches rubbing against his prostate, sending shivers throughout his body. He never lost his erection, and now the stimulus from inside had it as hard as it was before he entered Cole's cavern.

Cole began to pick up speed. He was working his boyhood harder into Nathaniel's chamber, priming both weapons as he thrust.

Cole wrapped his hand around Nathaniel's turged little pecker and let it slide with each thrust from behind.

Nathaniel groaned, and Cole gasped as the warm tickle began to invade each boy's balls.

Cole was pounding Nathaniel for all he was worth. He needed both arms for support, so he guided one of Nathaniel's to hold himself. Cole then wailed that chamber as Nathaniel alternately clamped and relaxed.

Cole shivered, Nathaniel shuddered. Both stiffened and began the cycle that all knowlegable boys and men strive for.

Nathaniel's sphincter placed a death strangle on Cole's love stick. Accompanied with a loud groan from it's owner, it throbbed and sent his small but prescious issue deep into Nathaniel's bowels. Nathaniel felt its heat spread inside him. Each time Cole came there was a little more. Nathaniel's spasming bowel milked the prescious seed as his own love cannon tried yet again to shoot volleys that weren't in the arsenal.

Both boys jerked and grunted as they were in the grips of their passion. Then just as quickly as it came on, it was over.

They colapsed, Cole on top, panting. Sex is a lot of work. They both suddenly felt very tired.

"I want to sleep with you." said Nathaniel quietly.

"I'd like that."

They almost crawled to Cole's bed. Cole got in first, and held the covers up for Nathaniel. Nathaniel spooned against his love, and Cole wrapped his arms around his mentor.

"I'm glad my mom knows." said Cole sleepily.

"MMMMMM" said Nathaniel as he drifted off to sleep.

"Yeahhhhhhhh", sighed Cole as he followed into dreamland.

Cole was first to awaken the next morning. Nathaniel was still spooned against him in the same position in which they fell asleep. He sniffed Nathaniel's red hair reveling in it's fragrance. It was a mix of coconut shampoo and boy sweat, quite intoxicating. He nuzzled Nathaniel and raised his head so he could blow across Nathaniel's ear. Cole snaked out his tongue and laved the lobulus auriculae (ear lob for those who missed "Doogie Howser M.D.").

As Cole made love to Nathaniel's ear, his reproductive appendage began to respond, pressing into the fold so convienently placed at his groin. He began the age old dance of love. Nathaniel stired and felt the probe in his gluteual cleft. He lifted his leg making access to his chamber easier.

Cole repositioned himself and sent his depth probe into the damp dark cave, drawing a satisfied moan from Nathaniel.

"Oh yeah! Fuck me good!!!" hissed Nathaniel.

"My pleasure." Cole responded as he nibbled Nathaniel's ear.

Cole thrust his lance deeply into Nathaniel's love tunnel. Slowly he withdrew, then thrust hard again. Nathaniel relaxed on each in stroke and clenched on each out stroke causing Cole to shiver each time he moved.

"You ......have got have ......unh......the most...... tal..unh..anted ......ass has .........been privilege fuck."

"Thanks .........practice."



"Did .......I ........ever tell that ..........I"

"No......... but I ............unh guessed."

"Thank you .............for.............every unh thing.

"Shut up ............and fuck!"

Cole sped up his assault on Nathaniel's veteran anal passage. Whether it was the realization that this would be their last time, or just the passion of the moment, both boys were quickly reaching their peaks.

"Unh... Here it.... unh.....cums!" Groaned Cole.

Nathaniel just panted as his scrotum retracted, making his balls just about disappear. The sensations in his groin were making his stomach flutter. The pleasure/pain in his gonads was wound so tight that he could hardly stand it. He wanted to let it go, but also wanted it to last forever.

He fought off the completion of his arousal for what seemed like a lifetime. In actual time it was maybe a minute. Finally his genitals seemed to explode. His pricklet throbbed. It's stiffness was frightening, he could have pulverized a brick with that little jack-hammer.

Nathaniel's anal cavity clamped hard on Cole's rigid member, sending him over the edge. His first volley caused him to throw his head back violently. With his second he hunched forward slamming his forehead into the top of Nathaniel's head with a resounding clunk.

Both boys were so engulfed in thier ecstacy that neither felt it. They spasmed for what seemed an eternity. Two and a half minutes can seem an eternigy when one is engulfed in such bliss.

As their orgasms subsided, the realization of what had happened with their heads hit them.

"Ouch." said Cole as his brain began to focus on other things.

Nathaniel began to giggle uncontrolably as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Each experience with you is a trip." laughed Nathaniel.

Cole withdrew, and Nathaniel turned over to face him. Nathaniel placed his hands gently on each of Cole's cheeks, and drew his face forward. He gently kissed Cole's forhead.

"Awll better now?" he asked in a baby talk voice.

Cole howled, "Asshole!" he giggled.

His giggles turned to sobbs. Nathaniel hugged him and tried to comfort him, but both were facing the truth that they would probably never see each other again. tears began to well in Nathaniel's eyes and he was soon crying as hard as Cole.

Sandra was about to knock on the door to wake the boys when she heard their sobbing. She figured that there was still enough time, so she left them to to their sorrow.

As they cried, they kissed as if their lives depended on it. Each deulled with the other's tongue, gasping for air as their breaths caught in their throats.

One can only cry for so long, as they finished, Cole said, "I don't want you to leave."

"I don't want to, but I can't leave Josh. I love him too much."

"I know, but why do you have to move out of town?"

"We don't really belong here. I think we came so that I could make your life happier. Have I?"

"Yeah, but I'd be happier still if you stayed."

"What about Lamar? You've been head over heels since I've known you, and I know he loves you."

"Why can't I have both of you?"

"Three's a crowd. I was feeling left out after Lamar came into the picture."

"I'll change, I'll love you both the same!"

"You can't. I know, I've tried. I love you so much, it hurts, but I love Josh more. I can't live without him. I'll miss you, oh god how I'll miss you, but after that day when you went out with your mom, and Josh stayed here with me, ........ well, ........ it's kinda like, ....... well, like we're married. I asked him to fuck me real hard, so hard that it hurt. He even made me bleed. That hurt him so much he nearly killed me for making him do it. He said he'd never hurt me again, and I can't hurt him either."

"I don't think I could love Lamar as much as I love you."

"You already do. I can see it in the way you look at him, the way you miss him when he's not here. I know that when I'm gone, he'll love you just as much as me, maybe even more. Do me a favor, love him back. Please?"

Nathaniel placed a gentle peck on Cole's forehead and broke his embrace. He got out of bed, found his sleep clothes, dressed and went to take a shower.

Cole had never felt so alone. He dressed and went down stairs. His mother was in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. Cole looked terrible as he walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." she said.

"Morning." he mumbled. How could it be 'good'? he thought.

"Sleep well?"

"Unh huh."

"Want to talk about it?"

He shot her a dirty glance, then looked down guiltily.

"It's OK, honey. I love you just the same."

"I know." he replied without emotion.

"You know, being gay isn't bad. I am."

Cole looked at his mother with disbelief.

"It's true, your father was the only man I ever slept with. I only did it twice. The first time you were conceived, the second was after I found out I was pregnant. He left because I couldn't give him what every husband needs. I made him marry me so you'd have a father. He left before you were born. I hated him for it until about a week after we got back from Chicago. That's when I realized that some of my neglect was my anger at him. I'm sorry Cole. I'm so sorry. I missed out on so much. I'm glad you have found out that you're gay and that you have friends who've helped."

"But he's leaving!"

"He'll always be in your heart, I know he'll always be in mine. He gave you back to me, and taught me how to give myself to you. He also helped you and Lamar get together. That shows just how much he loves you. He didn't want to leave you alone."

"It's gonna be so hard to say goodbye."

"I'll bet you did a good job last night."

Cole blushed. That was enough to tell his mother that it had been very good.

Nathaniel entered the kitchen at that point, "The shower's ready."

"OK." said Cole. And left.

"He's going to miss you."

"I know, I wish I didn't have to leave."

"How do you know so much?"

"Me and my dad travelled a lot. My mom gave me to him when I was 6. We went everywhere. Nice places, and real dumps."

"Did he teach you about sex?"

Nathaniel hesitated. Had he said too much already?

"It's OK. I'm not a social worker right now. I'm just curious. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"This is 'off the record'?"

"Off the record!"

"Yeah. He was having a dry spell. He didn't have any money or dope, so he couldn't find anyone to fuc... sorry."

"That's OK. I've heard worse than that."

"Well one night, just after I turned 8, he found some weed and got really high.

He started to look at me funny, then said, "Well if I can't get any chick pussy, at least I can have some boy pussy. Get undressed kid." I didn't know better, so I did. He did too.

Then the said, "Get on the bed, on your stomach."

I did and he started to rub my back. It felt really good. He rubbed all over real gentle, then he started to rub my butt. He took a cheek in each hand and massaged them real good. He spit in his hand, and rubbed it in my crack. That really felt good, then he started to poke his finger into me. He got it real wet so that wasn't bad either. He pushed it in and out till he got it all in, then he put in another one. He kept working it till he had three in. Then he pulled them out, and stuck his dick in. He pushed slow at first.

I told him it hurt, but he said, "Shut up and take it like a man."

Then he pushed in real hard. It hurt like hell, I thought I would die. I think I passed out for a while, because the next thing I remember was him fucking me real hard. When he came it felt a little better 'cause his cum acted like lube. I was crying 'cause it hurt so much, but when he finished, he fell on top of me and passed out. It was a little hard to breathe 'cause he was so big compared to me.

He fucked me whenever he couldn't find a chick to do him. When he did, he would tell me to wait in the car till she left. Sometimes it was all night. I didn't like it when he fucked me, but the next day he was real nice to me and I really liked that. Sometimes I would watch them get it on if I could. One night the girl was riding on top of him. That gave me an idea.

The next time he wanted some 'boy pussy', I told him to lie on his back. At first he didn't want to listen, but he was so stoned that he didn't care as long as he got off. I sucked on him like I had seen some chicks do to get it real wet, then sat on him. That's when I got hooked. It was so good. I was in control, he was loving it and everything felt right.

After that, that's the way we always did it. Sometimes I even asked. All the time we fucked, I never came. I knew he enjoyed it, but I really didn't know why. I know his dick rubbed something inside me that gave me some real neat feelings, but I never quite got there.

I tried to fuck him a few times when he was asleep, but I couldn't get it in because I wasn't big enough.

One day dad heard that his brother, Uncle Russell, was comming to the town we were in. We were staying with an old friend of the family named Rasmus, and he told dad that Uncle Russell and his family were moving there. After I went to bed, they talked for a long time. I couldn't hear what they were saying and I went to sleep. The next day when I came down for breakfast, Rasmus told me to sit down.

"Nathaniel, you got kin commin' to town, your Uncle Russell, and his family, along with your granma Hattie. They got two kids, a boy and a girl. They gonna be here tomorrow."

"Where's dad?"

"He said he wanted you to be in a real family. He left early this morning. He couldn't face you 'cause he likes you so much. He knew you wouldn't let him leave, so he did it before you woke up."

At that point I hated the world. My dad left me, I didn't even know where my mom was, and now some strangers were gonna get me. I decided that I wouldn't let them like me. The guy that Uncle Russell was supposed to work for died the same day that dad left, so everybody went to the funeral. That's where I met my new family.

I got bored and went outside. So did Josh. He didn't know who I was, and I didn't know who he was. He tried to talk to me and be friendly, but I was just a snot and either ignored him, or insulted him.

Since Uncle Russell didn't have a job, he and the others decided to travel and see some of the country. I didn't have much choice but to go also. They were so nice to me I finally decided that they weren't that bad and started to like them. Josh was the only one who wouldn't accept me.

Sometimes when we were sleeping, I'd hear Josh call out the name Jason.

After about a year on the road, we were staying at a motel, where we helped the owner fix it up. When we started helping, she said we could have real rooms 'cause the trailer was real crowded. I thought we could each have a room of our own, but Uncle Russell said that Josh and me had to share.

Josh was mad as hell. I guess he was looking forward to jacking off in private, 'cause he hadn't had anything but public showers or bathrooms for over a year.

By now I was friends with the rest of the family and wanted to get to be friends with him too. I tried to talk to him but he yelled at me and told me to shut up. I started to cry, and he told me he'd pound me if I didn't stop. I really wanted to be his friend, because he reminded me of my dad.

It was real hot that night, so we were only in under pants. He was lying on his back and I could see that he had a hard on.

Once he went to sleep, I could tell he was dreaming. He kept saying "Jason, Jason, it's been too long. Then he made some sucking sounds. His dick was getting harder, so I figured he was having a sex dream. I got undressed, and quietly got on the bed. When I put my hands on his under pants, he lifted his butt so I could pull them down.

He said, "Oh yes. Yes Jason, yes"

I got on top of him and sat on his dick the way I did with my dad. It felt so good. He wasn't the only one who hadn't had sex in a year.

He said, "Yes, Jason, You can do it! You learned how."

I could tell he was close to cumming, so I started to really work him. Just before he came, he woke up. He smiled at me, then he looked shocked, then he smiled and filled me up.

When we were done, he kissed me. Dad never did that. Then he started to get hard again. Dad NEVER did that.

He asked me if I got off, and I didn't know what he meant. I thought he wanted me to get off of him. I started to cry, and he kissed me again and explained cumming. Then he fucked me again and jacked me at the same time. I never fealt anything like it. I was totally hooked.

When we were done, we talked. He told me about Jason, and I told him about dad. That's when we both found out why we were so snotty to each other. He said I looked almost the same as Jason, and I told him how much he looked like my dad. We figured that if we started to like each other, we'd stop loving our old lovers.

We found out that that wasn't true. I still love my dad, though I don't like what he did, and we're going to visit Jason on Josh's birthday. He doesn't know, so don't tell him.

"You really love your cousin, don't you?"

"That's why I faked being sick so that we couold be home alone and have some fun. It's real hard when you have six people living in a trailer.

I don't think my dad was right to fuck me so young, but I never would have known how when I met Josh, so I'm glad he did."

"Well, Thank you for telling me. Now I know that you weren't forced by anyone you are with now. It's not normal for a boy your age to know so much about sex, so I figured that someone taught you. I'm glad it wasn't your uncle or your cousin."

"Uncle Russell has never touched me in a sex way, and I don't think he will. He's OK with me and Josh fucking. Josh told me that he told him that him and dad played around when they were kids. Dad is four years younger than Uncle Russell. Josh said they started when my dad was 10, The same as Josh and me.

I want to spend the rest of my life with Josh, and I think he feels the same."

"Well, I hope you have a wonderful life together. Both of us will miss you."

Cole had heard most of the story, but he waited outside the kitchen 'til it was over.

"I knew that there was a reason I loved you."

He wrapped his arms around Nathaniel from the back and nibbled his ear.

"Your mom's gonna get suspicous if you keep that up."

"That's OK, she already knows."

"You keep that up, and you're gonna have to give me a blow job."

"What, here?"

"Why not?"

Nathaniel went for his belt.

"OK, you two, knock it off. I'm OK with you fooling around, but not in front of me."

Both boys cracked up, soon to be followed by Mrs. C..

When they regained their composure, Nathaniel said, "You don't really think we would have, do you?"

"I wasn't sure."

They laughed some more.

They had breakfast. Lamar arrived just as they were finishing, then the Greenes arrived. Both boys were very quiet all of the time the Greens were saying goodbye. Nathaniel asked if he and Josh could say goodbye to Cole and Lamar in private. The adults laughed and went outside.

"Don't take too long." chuckled Russell as he left, winking at them.

"Don't worry daddy." said Josh.

Both of the Greene boys hugged their friends, and Nathaniel kissed each of them. Cole was very brave and concentrated on keeping his composure.

"Cole's mom knows about us." Nathaniel told Lamar.

"She does?" asked Lamar, the words sticking in his throat.

"Yeah, and she's kewel about it."

"She is?" he replied with surprise and relief.

"Yeah. She doesn't mind if you show it by necking and kissing. Just don't go fucking in front of her."

Lamar blushed, and Cole and Josh laughed at Nathaniel's bluntness.

"We better get going twirp." said Josh, "And by the way, Our family knows about us too."

Josh wraped his arm around Nathaniel's shoulder, and Nathaniel encircled Josh's waist. Cole and Lamar followed suite. Both couples walked to the front door. As Josh and Nathaniel made their way ot the car, Lamar enfolded Cole from the back. Mrs. C. embraced both of them and they watched as Josh and Nathaniel waved and got in.

As they pulled away, Nathaniel saw Cole turn and burry his head into Lamar's shoulder. Mrs. C. hugged both close.

Nathaniel couldn't take it any more and burried his face into Josh's chest an opened the flood gates.

"I know buddy, I know. You'll never forget him, and I don't want you to. Let it go, let it go."

Nathaniel cried off and on for the next two hours. Josh comforted him as best he could. He hurt for his little lover, and he could understand just what he was going through. He was so glad that he was there to help. When he was forced away form Jason, he had no one who understood to console him. He now knew that his father would have understood, but that didn't help him then.

It took two weeks to get back to Chickory Falls. They celebrated Nathaniel's birthday on the road. That night they stayed at a motel, and the boys got their own room. They slept most of the next day on the road, entwined in each other's arms. They sat in the way back seat, and nobody paid them any attention. When the were awake they kissed and petted, then went back to sleep, content in each other's arms.

They arrived in Chickory Falls at dusk on Wednesday. Erasmus had dinner ready and all ate heartily. Hattie insisted that she Claire and Diana clean up so Russell, Erasmus and the boys went into the living room to catch up.

As the evening wore on, Erasmus asked, "Same sleeping arrangements as last time?"

The house had five bedrooms. That left four for the Greenes if everyone slept in the house. The last time they were there, Russell and Claire used one, Nathaniel had been in one when his father left him. Josh had taken another and Hattie and Diana had shared.

Both boys started talking at the same time.

"One at a time." Said Erasmus, "Josh first."

"Diana can have a room to herself. We'll bunk together." replied Josh indicating Nathaniel.


"That's what I was gonna say."

"Well!" laughed Erasmus, "You two sure have come a long way since I last saw you. When you left you weren't talking."

"They're as close as Joe and I were when we were their age." chuckled Russell.

"Oh? ..........OH!........Really?"

"Really!" laughed Russell.

"Well, don't keep us awake." said Erasmus with a wink.

Both boys blushed and gave Russell a dirty look.

"Well, it IS true isn't it?"

"Well, yeah, but you don't have to tell EVERYBODY." responded Josh.

"Not everybody, just family. You guys can get kinda loud."

"You and mom don't whisper, ya know." interjected Josh.

Russell threw a sofa pillow at him, and they all had a good laugh.

A couple of days passed, and Josh asked if he could make arrangements to see Jason.

"I don't see why not." said Russell, "Erasmus, do you mind if he calls his buddy back home?"

"Not at all, not at all. You go right ahead." replied their host.

"Oh, by the way, I'm planning to go down there with your mother Monday. See if that's OK."

"You bet!" Josh almost ran to the phone.

Five minutes later he returned dejectedly. He looked as if he were going to cry.

"What is it, son?" asked Russell.

"He's away at basketball camp. I didn't know that there even was such a thing as fuc... sorry ...". He turned and went to his bedroom.

Nathaniel waited till he was out of the room, then smiled broadly, "It worked!"

"Told ya." chuckled Russell, "You better go with him."

"Yeah, he looked as if someone died."

"What?" asked Erasmus.

"Monday is Josh's birthday. We told Jason's mom to tell Josh that Jason was away so we can surprise him."

"That's just plain mean, I love it."

Nathaniel knocked, but got no answer. He went in quietly, and sat down on the bed next to Josh. Josh was looking blankly out of the window. If he knew Nathaniel was there he did not acknowledge.

Nathaniel put his arm around Josh and cuddled close, "It's not the end of the world. It's not like he's dead or something."

Josh shot him a dirty look.

"Sorry." he pulled away.

Josh pulled him back again., "I know, but basketball camp? Why did he fucking have to pick now!"

"He didn't know you were comming. You still gonna go Monday?"

"Why bother. It's my fucking 16th birthday, and I got nobody to celebrate it with." Josh spat the words.

"Hey, what am I chopped liver?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. I heard it on TV. It seemed as if it fit."

"Sorry twirp, I know I have you. I know I'll always have you."

Josh kissed him on the forehead.

"It's just that......." a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Please come with us. I want to see where you lived. I want you to show me. Please?"

"OK, Just for you."

Nathaniel embraced and kissed him deeply.


Nathaniel was a wreck waiting for Monday. He nearly spilled the beans three times.

Sunday night Josh said, "You sure are wound up. You'd think it was your old home we're going to."

"I can't wait, you're really gonna..... unh I unh, we ........ I don't know."

"Commere, twirp."

Nathaniel leap into Josh's bed, and smothered him with kisses. He started to untie Josh's sweat pants. Josh pushed Nathaniel's pajama bottoms down and off. Nathaniel licked his way down to Josh's enlarging organ, and engulfed it. after getting it very wet he spit on his fingers and inserted three in his love tunnel. He then scooted up and sat on the rigid 6 1/2 inches, absorbing all of it in a blink.

"I can't wait to meet Jas.... unh Jason's parents."

"You'll like them." said Josh. He thought, "What a strange time to say that."

Nathaniel started to work his expert channel on Josh's turged spike, massaging his own prostate at the same time. Talk was forgotten as they got into it.

Nathaniel felt the tingle as his balls drew tight against his groin. Josh felt the same thing as his became a prominant not so little package.

"Jack me!" gasped Nathaniel.

Josh wrapped his hand around Nathaniel's pricklet and let the motion create the friction needed.

Nathaniel rocked back and forth hard, driving Josh's stiffness into himself on the back motion and driving his own little spike into Josh's hand on the forward thrust.

Suddenly Nathaniel shreeked, that shreek stiffled by the strangling effect of his dry orgasm. His entire body quivered as his mouth kept shreeking silently. His sphincter clamped mercilessly on Josh's fuck stick, causing extremes of pain and pleasure. He wondered how somebody who had been fucked almost constantly for a year could be so tight.

His own orgasm started, but the clenching on his joy stick was so tight his body couldn't force its baby juice out. He stayed at that creshendo, spasming yet not cumming until Nathaniel relaxed a little. Then he filled his cousin with a gusher. He lost count at 6 shots.

Nathaniel's entire body convulsed twice then he fell forward. Josh caught hem before their faces colided. Josh pulled him tight, but Nathaniel was not aware of what was happening. He was out cold.

Josh cradled his head and gently kissed him, "Sleep tight, lover."

Josh soon joined him in the land of slumber.

The next morning, Josh was awakened by the now familiar sensation of a muscular channel stimulating his morning erection. He hadn't pissed away a morning erection since that first night he and Nathaniel conjoined, except when Nathaniel was with the Cagneys.

They finished their morning session, very good, but not like the night before.

"Happy birthday, Josh."

"Thanks twirp."

"Let's get ready."

The boys showered, seperately, and dressed. Josh started to put on grubbies, but Nathaniel sugested that they might go to a restaurant so he should look at least somewhat presentable.

They ate breakfast then left. Josh said nothing, opting to just stare out of the window. Nathaniel cuddled next to him. It seemed strange to see sights that he took for granted three years ago. They were so familiar yet so forign.

He sighed as they passed the middle school. He had been in eighth grade when they had left.

"That's the middle school I went to." he told Nathaniel.

"This is our street. That house there was ours....... It's RED now. And that's ......that's Jason's." the last word was choked.

As they pulled into the driveway, Nathaniel excitedly asked, "Is that the treehouse?"

Josh nodded. Tears welled in his eyes, and his throat was tight. Nathaniel squeezed his hand.

"Will you show me?" he wispered.

"O (cough) K." was all Josh could muster.

He struggled to get his emotions under control as they exited the car.

Jason's mother, Marie greeted them at the door, It's so good to see y'all. Come on in. My what a pretty little lady you've become, Diana. Josh, You must have grown two feet." She hugged both in turn., "And you must be Nathaniel. My word! You look just like Jason did at your age. It's just too much."

"Thank you maam." replied Nathaniel.

Hovering in the background was an african american boy of ten or so. He watched the proceedings uncomfortably.

"Land sakes, How could I forget. Everybody, this is Joey. He's our foster child. Joey, these are the Greenes. I'm sure Jason has told you about them."

Nathaniel went right over, hand extended, and said, "Hi Joey, I'm Nathaniel. Can you show me the bathroom?"

"Nathaniel!!!!" chorused five voices.

"S' OK." said Joey.

The two went off the to the facility.

"Where is he?" asked Nathaniel.

"Who?" asked Joey.


"At ......uh basketball camp?"

"I know he's not. It's just Josh we're trying to surprise."

"In the treehouse. He's mighty sad today."

"I know how to cheer him up."


"Yeah, let's let Josh show me the treehouse. When they see each other, everything's gonna be great."

"Ya think?"

"I know!"

They returned to the livingroom.

"Josh, could you show me your treehouse now?"

"I dn'know."

"Come on." said Joey.

"Oh, all right."

The two boys all but dragged Josh to the treehouse. The treehouse, the place where Josh and Jason discovered masturbation, oral and anal sex. The place where they discovered love.

"You go up first." said Joey. "I have trouble with the door."

"Josh wasn't sure he could go through with it. His eyes began to water. He blinked trying to see through his tears. He pushed open the hatch and stuck his head through. In the corner he thought he saw a figure. He wasn't sure through his tears. The figure moved, the hair was blond. No redish blond. Suddenly the figure stood. He had to stoop because the celing was so low. Josh froze in place.

"Come on slowpoke." said Nathaniel from seemingly far below him.

Suddenly his feet disappeared from view, too fast to have done so under Josh's power.

Nathaniel and Joey clambered up the ladder to find Josh and Jason in a fierce embrace, seemingly trying to devour each other's faces. Both were sobbing, laughing, slurping, grinding you name it.

"Told ya everything was gonna be great!" said Nathaniel triumphantly. Then he added, "You DID know that Jason is gay?"

"Fuck yeah." said Joey. So am I. We been foolin' around since I moved in."

"Me and Josh have been fuckin' for more than a year now."

"You're cute. You do look a lot like Jason."

"So'r you. Commere."

The two embraced and kissed tentatively, then more passionately.

"I never kissed a black guy before."

"Well I never kissed a white guy before Jason."

They pecked again then sucked some tongue. They parted.

"Well, I gotta say, I've only kissed three other guys like that before."

"I only kissed one guy like that before." he looked downcast, "My brother."

His demeanor changed drastically.

"What?" asked Nathaniel, concerned.

"My bro. is in the hospital." said Joey quietly, almost a wisper.

"Ya want me to tell them?" came a bass voice. The two younger boys were startled.

"Yeah." wispered Joey, a tear streaking his cheek. Nathaniel wraped a protective arm around his new friend.

"Joey came to live with us about two years ago." began Jason. "His mother ran off when Joey was five. She couldn't take living with his father anymore.

Joey's brother Jamie sort of became his mother and big brother. Jamie was nine then. Joey took to sleeping with Jamie 'cause he was afraid of their dad, and he missed his mom. Their dad was fucking Jamie soon after their mom left.

After a while he started to like it, and he wanted to share with Joey. He started by giving Joey blow jobs, then slowly got him to where he could fuck Joey. Joey says it never hurt. Jamie wasn't all that big then anyway, 'cause he was only eleven. They fucked almost every night till Jamie was almost 13. Their dad was usually passed out from drinking.

One night he came in while Jame was doing Joey and went ballistic.

"I'm the only one has the right to fuck in this here house."

He pulled Jamie off and sucker punched him. Before he could recover he punched him so hard in the head, he knocked him out. Then he fucked the shit out of Joey. Then he passed out. Joey paniced. He was bleeding from being fucked. Their dad has 10 inches and it's 2 inches around. He checked Jamie and got no response so he ran to the neighbor's. He didn't even get dressed.

It took them ten minutes to get him calmed down enough to tell them what happened. The neighbors called the police and ambulance.

Jamie was taken to the hospital. Their dad was arrested.

They ran all kinds of tests on Jamie. They couldn't find anything wrong, but he hasn't woken up in almost two years."

Joey sat there rocking and crying softly. Nathaniel hugged him close.

"It's my fault."

"No it's NOT!!! yelled Nathaniel, "You were just a little kid. Your dad was an asshole! Just like.......just like.......mine."

"Nathaniel's dad started fucking him when he was eight, at least he never did it because he was mad. He was just horny. He was always fucked when he was on grass or booze, and he only did it when he couldn't get a chick."

"I wish you guys coulda discovered sex the way we did." mused Jason. "Well, Joey sorta did, but things are sure a mess now."

"I'm glad my dad taught me to fuck, 'cause I wouldn't have known how to connect with Josh if he didn't.

By the time Josh and Nathaniel caught Jason up on their adventures, Joey was feeling better. He's crawled into Jason's lap and Jason was petting and hugging him. It was obvious that they were very much in love.

"So." began Jason, "It seems that we've both found other lovers."

"Yeah, it does doesn't it. It bother you?"

"A little."

"Me too. It took almost a year for me to even look at Nathaniel. I thought that if I let myself like him at all, I'd like you less. Boy was I stuped. Loving him made me love you even more. By the way, what was this about basketball camp?"


"You were supposed to be at basketball camp."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

They both looked at the other boys, who were looking at the floor, smiling sheepishly.

"That was so we could surprise you. If we just drove here, you wouldn't be surprised. What fun would that be. We've been planning this since me and Cole came back from Chicago. Man it was hard keeping it a secret. I almost told you six times."

"You're lookin' good man." said Jason.

"Back at ya. I think we've outgrown this treehouse. How tall are you now?

"Six feet even."

"I'm five eight."

"How big are you where it counts?"

"Six and a half. You?"

"Seven and a quarter."

"You're as big as my dad!" interjected Nathaniel. "Can I try it on for size?"

"I don't think we got time."

"We're stayin' the rest of the week."

"We are?"

"You must of really been out of it. Didn't you notice that the trailer was gone?"


"Uncle Russell brought it here yesterday. He left it at the high school."

"Rad!" said Josh and Jason together.

"Kewel." replied Joey.

"Let's go shoot some hoops." suggested Jason.

The treehouse had a hatch in the floor and a door in the wall facing away from the tree. Jason was up in a flash and out the side door, landing like a cat. Josh was right behind him. The drop was about nine feet and Nathaniel just looked out in surprise then at Joey questioningly.

"I don't do that." said Joey, "I'm not that crazy."

The two younger boys exited by the hatch and ladder. They soon joined the teens and teamed up Josh with Joey and Jason with Nathaniel.

Jason sank basket after basket. Josh was struggling to keep up. Joey was sort of holding his own, and Nathaniel was completely out classed. Finally with a score of 62 to 12, Josh called time.

"Shit, you're good. I'm dead, and you aren't even breathing hard."


"We're gonna go to visit Jamie this afternoon, then there's a game tonight. Wanna come?"

"Of course, but with all that to do when will we have time to cum."


"Takes one to know one."

"Let's go shower. I got you." said Jason tossing the ball to Josh.

"Y' wanna go with me?" Joey asked Nathaniel.

"Sure. It's more fun with two."

"How old are you Nathaniel?" asked Joey.

"Eleven last week."

"I'll be ten in two weeks"

"Why don't you two go first. I wanna talk to Josh."

"Yeah, right." said Joey.

"Don't wear your lips out." said Nathaniel.

"Fuck you." said the teens. Jason connecting with Joey's ass with a loud slap.

"You wish!" taunted Nathaniel.

They ran off, Joey showing the way.

"Fuckin' kids." said Jason.

"They are right, aren't they?"

"Yeah." Jason sighed as he embraced Josh.

They kissed deeply.

"How do you have so much stamina?"

"I told you, practice." Jason said defensivly.

"OK, OK. Kiss me."

Meanwhile, Joey and Nathaniel were in the bathroom stripping down. Nathaniel couldn't keep his eyes off of the cute 9 year old.

Joey had not one ounce of fat. He was slim, but muscular, a deep chocolate color. Each muscle and sinew was visable and Nathaniel could see each little muscle bundle flex as Joey moved.

"You're beautiful." sighed Nathaniel.

"You're not bad yourself." replied Joey, looking over the redhead.

"Looks like you're taking after your dad in one department."

Joey's uncut tool was stiffening with anticipation. It was still hanging down and it was longer than Nathaniel's.

"How big does it get."

"5 inches." replied Joey selfconsciously.

Both boys' weapons were sticking straight out from their bodies. Nathaniel moved closer and grabbed Joey's shoulders. Joey did the same. Swinging his hips, Nathaniel took a swipe at Joey's sword. Joey swiped back with his own weapon. Soon both were hard as a rock, giggling like lunitics. Nathaniel's sword stood straight up 3 1/2 inches, and about a half inch thick. Joey stood at 45 degrees 5 inches long, but about the same 1/2 inch diameter. Joey pulled Nathaniel close and fed him his tongue. Nathaniel's giggles stopped as he attended to the serious business at hand. Sex was no laughing matter.

Joey broke and said, "Let's take that shower."

Hand in hand they got into the stall. There was plenty of room, even two shower heads. Each boy turned on a shower and adjusted the temperature. Then they picked up where they left off.

After a slopy kiss, Joey grabbed two bars of soap, handed one to Nathaniel, and said, "Let's wash each other."

With their hards pressing against each other's, they soaped each other's backs. They explored each other's backs freely and soon were massaging each other's butts. Joey pressed a soapy finger into the moist cavern and Nathaniel moaned. Joey dropped the soap and began to finger fuck his new friend.

" good." cooed Nathaniel.

He couldn't hold the soap any more. He dropped it and began to finger Joey's chamber, bringing groans and sighs from the little frame in his arms.

They worked a finger in and out of each other's orafaces, bringing each boy wonderful feelings.

Nathaniel slumped to his knees and consumed the sausage presented to him. Joey's breath caught in his throat as Nathaniel deep throated him. Jason had never done that, and Jamie hadn't even thought of it. Joey's knees sagged as he experienced the tightness there. Joey's equipment was slender enough that Nathaniel could breathe around it. He began to hum creating a vibration that drove Joey wild. He started to drive his not so little pricklet in and out of Nathaniel's mouth. Nathaniel created as much suction as possible. He kept the vocal vibrations going, keeping Joey on the edge.

Joey shivered. His weakening legs shoved his pricklet deep into Nathaniel's throat. His body stiffened. His scrotum slipped into Nathaniel's mouth, partly from the suction partly from the last thrust.

Joey's body started to tremble. He began to giggle in time with the trembling. His joy stick pulsed in Nathaniel's mouth. It pumped dryly, vianly attempting to impregnate Nathaniel's throat. He spasmed 7,8,9 times, giggling uncontorlably. As suddenly as he started, he stopped and melted into Nathaniel's arms.

Joey was still quivering as Nathaniel kissed him, reviving him a little.

"Wow, .....................fucking wow!" was the only comment Joey could muster.

"Ya liked that?"

"Yeah." Joey replied dreamily.

"That's the first time I deep throated anybody."

"Awesome!........................ You need to get off!"

"S' OK."

"No, want me to suck you or do you wanna fuck me."

"What do YOU want."

"Fuck me." he said quietly.

"How do you like it?"

"On my back."

He lay down and got a face full of shower water.

"Turn off the shower first."

Nathaniel truned off the water and kneeled between Joey's spread legs. He lifted those legs and burried his face in Joey's crack. He tongued the cleft concentrating on the little star hidden there. After tickling the tender rosebud for a while, he grabbed the soap and used it to lube his little organ. He was surprised at how easily he was able enter the youngster. He pressed his turged little pricklet into the steamy oraface, and began to work it in and out. He was already hot from the mouth fucking he had just received, and it didn't take long for him to begin to feel that fabulous feeling between his legs.

He began to tremble as his passion built. How could life be better. He started to bend over to kiss Joey, but could tell that he would slip if he bent any more. He pumped his joy stick harder and harder, faster and faster into the tight tunnel. His passion kept building higher. He felt as if he were going to explode.

"Unh ..... unh ....unhaaaaaaaa." he exploded.

Nathaniel's body went rigid. His pricklet pulsed. Joey clamped his sphincter tightly around Nathaniel's rod. Nathaniel desprately tried to empty his balls, but there still wasn't anything there. He quivered for about a minute as the tingles raced from his groin to the tips of his fingers and toes. Even his lips tingled. His body convulsed three times then slumped on top of Joey.

Joey pulled Nathaniel's face to his own, and kissed him.

"Oh man." gasped Nathaniel. "Oh man!"

"Liked It?"

"Oh maaaaaaaaan!!!!!"

"That all you can say?"

"Oh, FUCK what a rush!! I ain't had one that good in weeks!"

"Fuck, we better get out so Jason and Josh can get theirs!"

"Oh, I'm sure they'll get theirs."

Both laughed at that and got towls to wrap around themselves.

Meanwhile, Josh and Jason were busy making oral love. Each was fucking the other's mouth with his tongue. Saliva dripped from each adding to the wetness of their t-shirts. They parted.

"Those twirps sure have been in there long enough. said Josh.

"They're not twirps." replied Jason defensivly.

"Oh, I don't mean it that way, 'twirp' is my pet name for Nathaniel. He loves it, since he knows that it means I love him."

"You're really strange."

"Takes one to know one."

"Can't you think of a better comeback?"

"Fuck you."

"Very original, but I'll take that as a promise."

"You got it, asshole."

"Just where I want it!"

"Seems to me you couldn't take it the last time I tried."

"I'm ready now, lover boy."

"I think I heard a door close."

Just then the door to Jason and Joey's room opened and in came the two younger boys.

"Took you fucking long enough." said Jason.

"We left you at least five seconds of hot water." taunted Joey.

"You guys sound like us." commented Nathaniel, indicating Josh.

"Naah, they're worse." interjected Josh.

"Fuck you!" responded both Joey and Jason at the same time.

This broke all of them up, and Josh and Jason left for the bathroom.

"You don't mind comming to visit my bro. do you?"

"No, but I don't want to interfere."

"It's easier if someone else is there."

"I don't know what I'd do if something like that happened to Josh."

In the bathroom, Josh and Jason stripped down. There wasn't an ounce of fat on Jason's body. The pudgy little kid Josh remembered, was now a 6' tall mountain of a man. He looked more like 18 that 16. It was obvious that he worked out regularly. Josh almost gawked at him, marvelling at his masculine beauty.

"Close your mouth." said Jason, "You look like a fish."

"I can't believe how much you've changed."

"You've changed too."

"Yeah, but you were a little kid when I left. Now you look like Arnold Schwartzeneger."

"I hope you like it."

"Yeah." Josh replied dreamily.


They embraced, mashing their pecs. abs. and pricks together. As they kissed, their endowments began to grow.

"If we don't get in that shower, I'm gonna rape you right here." said Jason.

"Ready when you are."

They got into the shower and began to soap eachother. Face to face each soaped the other's back. They were taken back three years to when they last showered together. Their boners grew by the second and slapped together as they washed.

Suddenly Josh dropped to his knees and devoured Jason's 7+ inch tube steak. Jason jumped, surprised at the sudden move and aroused more and more by the tender yet urgent actions Josh was regailing on his prong. As the water splashed down on them, Jason gyrated his hips pumping his member in and out of Josh's hot oraface. Jason was beginning to tremble, when Josh stopped.

"Fuck me." he said.


"Please fuck me!!"

Josh stood and backed into Jason's prod.

"I've been waiting two years for this." said Josh.

"Me unh to." grunted Jason as he pressed forward.

Josh had never had anything this big invade his love tunnel. The biggest invader before this was Lamar's 4 1/2 incher. He grunted as the glans penetrated beyond his sphincter. Jason went slow and Josh just felt full, very full. Slowly the organ slid deeper and deeper. Josh shivered as it slid over his prostate. He had never had anything this deeply embedded within him.

"So good." moaned Jason, "So fucking good."

"Yeah unh." grunted Josh, enjoying the full feeling, but struggling a little too. "Man you're big."

Jason had started a gentle rhythmic pumping of his buddy's hole.

"Unh.....the dear."

Josh was enjoying the sensations too much to react to that. He pushed back on each assault of Jason's magnificant tool. Impaling himself as deeply as possible on each thrust.

Jason was so horny that he knew he wouldn't last much longer. He began to wail his buddy's ravaged hole, pushing in and pulling out at an amazing speed. The friction was causing Josh's love tunnel to burn hightening his pleasure.

Both boys were panting at the exertion. Jason was having a hard time regulating his breathing. It came in small gasps with an occasional deep gulp. His throat began to tighten as his balls constricted.

"" he said in a strangled voice.

His body stiffened, his nuts ached, his swolen pole arm expanded even more. He growled a deep almost frighteningly animal growl, and felt the juices begin their rush out of his turged cock. Josh continued the motion as Jason quivered in his ecstasy. Shot after shot of hot fluid filled Josh's rectum, almost burning it. Jason quivered and quaked for what seemed an eternity, then stopped. He began to sink to the shower floor. As he disengaged, Josh realized that he was having difficulty standing and quickly turned and helped him to the floor so he wouldn't hurt himself.

Josh kissed him, but got no reaction from Jason. Josh kissed his buddy again, still no response. He shook Jason gently, then a little harder. He turned off the water and gently slapped Jason's face. This got a reaction.

Jason slowly revived, and said, "What happened?"

"I didn't know you were a fainter."


"You fainted."

"Wow, really?"


"Musta been real good."

"From what I saw and felt, it was.

"Kiss me." Jason said, almost pleading.

They embraced and kissed deeply, tongues deuling.

"We better get dressed, it's getting late." said Josh.

"You didn't get off." protested his buddy.

"That's OK, from what Nathaniel says, we got plenty of time."

"Yeah, we can do it after my victory tonight. Man, I hope this ache in my arm goes away."

"Sounds like a plan, bro."

They dried off, Jason nursing his arm trying to shake off the dull ache he felt there. They went back to Jason's room to get dressed. Since they were going to the hospital first, they dressed nicely. Jason put his things for the game later into his gym bag, and they were ready.

As they were about to leave, Jason said, "I'll meet you down stairs."

"OK." replied Josh.

He left, not bothering to close the door, then he remembered something he needed and went back to get it. As he walked in, the saw Jason swallowing something, then putting the bottle, it looked like a pill bottle, back into his sock drawer. He turned and left unnoticed, then reentered the room, making a little more noise, to get what he was after.

Josh decided that he should just ignore what he had seen. He didn't want to cause any friction, but something inside him kept saying, "You gotta do something."

They all piled into Jason's family's van and left for the hospital. They arrived and Joey escorted them to Jamie's room. He hesitated as they prepared to enter the room.

"You don't hafta do this." said Jason.

"Yes I do." replied Joey firmly. "He's my bro., and the docs say talkin' might help."

The adults had stayed in the waiting room. The boys entered. Jamie lay on his back, feeding tubes inserted in his arm, blood preasure, heart monitor etc. attached to his arm and finger.

Josh and Nathaniel were almost swept away by his beauty. His features were bold, but arranged to give the maximum effect. sort of like Judy Garland and her daughter Liza. They have the same features, but on Judy they were striking, on Liza they compeat. He looked as if he were sleeping, breathing lightly, an almost angelic expression on his face. He was thin, almost gaunt. His arms were not much more than sticks.

"He's cute." said Nathaniel, then he covered his mouth, not sure he should have said anything.

"Yeah, he sure is." replied Joey.

As the Greens looked him over they couldn't miss the fact that Jamie had a prominent buldge under the sheet at about the groin area. It was substantial. After all its owner WAS fourteen, and was genetically predisposed toward greatness.

"He's got a boner." Nathaniel observed to Josh.


"He's had that boner almost since he's been here." replied Joey.

"It's true." observed Jason, "I've never seen it down since I've known him."

"He's had a boner for almost two years?" asked Nathaniel increduliously. "Man, I couldn't live that long without doing something!"

Joey approached the bedside. He sat in a chair and took Jamie's thin hand into his own.

"Jamie, I'm here bro. Jason's got some old friends visiting. They're Josh, who grew up with Jason, and Nathaniel, Josh's cousin. What an awesome ass fucker Nathaniel is."

Nathaniel shifted uneasily on his feet, Josh and Jason glanced at him and smiled knowingly.

"I's OK, Nathaniel. I felt just the same way when Joey told him about us. Joey tells Jamie everything he does. He figures that if Jamie can hear him, he should know about everything so Joey won't forget anything when he wakes up."


"Yeah Josh?"

"Could we talk, privately?"


"Nathaniel, stay here with Joey."

"Sure, what's up, Josh."

"I got an idea. I wanna discuss it with Jason."


Josh and Jason left the room and went to the restroom.

"What's up?" asked Jason.

"I read somewhere that sometimes another shock can jolt a coma victim out of his coma."

"What are you suggesting? You wanna knock him around for a while? That would really go over big with the staff."

"Of course not. You should know me better than that. Think about it, he's had a wood for almost two years. That means that somewhere in there he's horny."

"Yeah so?"

"What's the most important thing for a horny guy?"

"Getting off I suppose."

"You suppose?"

"Unh yeah, getting off."

"And what does getting off do to you?"

"Makes you feel good."

"After, but what does it do when it happens."

"Makes you breath hard."

"Yeah, go on."

"Makes your pulse go faster, gets you all hyped up."

"In other words it really gets you worked up."

"Yeah, so?"

"He's been veg-ing in that bed for almost two years. He probably hasn't moved unless someone moves him. How's he gonna get a 'shock' to his system if he isn't doing anything?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So, sex is the best way I can think of to wake up his body. If we can wake up his body, maybe it'll wake up his brain."

"So how're we gonna do this. If we get him worked up, his vital signs will change and the staff will come running."

"Is there ever a time they take off the monitor?"

"When they give him a bath."

"When do they do that."

"Every other day, and when he messes himself."

"What if his catheter comes off and he pees himself?"

"Yeah they would then."

"Could we stay?"

"I don't think so, but Joey could."

"If we take the towl, the guy would have to get another one and we'd have him alone without the monitor."

"Could work."

"Gotta try. Think Joey would go for it?"

"If it'll bring his brother back, I think he'd go for anything."

They went back and explained their plans to the two younger boys.

"I'll do it!" exclaimed Joey.

"It might not work." cautioned Josh.

"Something is better than nothing, and so far that's all there's been, nothing."

"How hard is it to get his catheter off?"

"It's just a cap on the end of his dick."

"Anybody gotta pee?"

"I do." said Nathaniel.

"So do I." added Joey.

"Pee in this cup."

They did, providing enough to make a mess. Joey took off the urine collector and they replaced the sheet over Jamie's erection just as it had been. Slowly Josh poured the urine in the cup over the tip of Jamie's erection. It wet the sheet and spread around the tip. When he thought it was a big enough spot, he lifted the sheet and poured the rest over Jamie's groin. Then Joey pushed the call button.

"Yes?" came a voice over the room's intercom.

"Jamie's pee catcher musta slipped off, he wet himself." replied Joey.

"Someone will be right there." responded the voice.

Very soon an orderly arrived. "Could you boys leave?"

"Can I stay?" asked Joey.

"Sure Joey, I don't see any harm."

The orderly knew Joey as he was there almost every day. As they left, Josh swiped the towls off of the cart, and stuffed them under his shirt. The orderly stripped the bed, then reached for the towls to dry the unconcious boy.

"Damn, I thought I had some towls on that cart. Could you watch him while I get some more, Joey?"


As the orderly left, Joey dropped his pants. He'd already decided how he was going to get his brother off. When the other boys snuck in, he was already lowering his anus onto his brother's turged organ.

"Man, You sure are a horny little fuck." commented Jason.

"This was his favorite position."

Joey was already pumping his body up and down Jamie's 8 inches. He was working at a feavered pace, trying to get as much friction as possible. His own rigid pricklet stood half the hight of his brother's. Nathaniel wrapped his hand around Joey's swolen rod and pumped him as Joey rode his brother.

Both boy's breathing increased. Joey was as turned on as he had aver been. He'd been waiting two years for this and was enjoying it to its fullest. As Joey's orgasm approached, there was a very slight movement in the hips of his partner. The first time nobody noticed.

"He moved his body!" said Nathaniel.

"No." said Jason.

"Yes!" said Josh, "He's fucking back."

Sure enough each time Joey pushed down, Jamie pushed up. He was picking up the rhythm Joey had set. He was soon fucking his little brother with force.

Suddenly, he coughed. His eyes flew open, and he pumped two years of cum into his little brother's ass. Joey exploded as soon as he felt Jamie's cum blast his insides. They writhed in ecstasy for a few minutes, each savoring the actions of the other.

"Joey!?" came a hoarse whisper from the boy laying on the bed.

"Jamie?!!!!" shouted the boy on top of him.

He lay down on his brother and kissed him. Jamie returned the kiss.

"Holy fuck!"

Everybody turned to see the orderly standing there in shock. Jason closed the door, Josh brought a chair and sat the shaken man down.

"He's awake." stated Joey simply.

Joey dismounted, and pulled his pants on. He went over to the orderly and sat next to him.

"Me and Jamie been fucking since I was six and he was ten. I think our dad taught him how after mom ran off. That's why dad beat him up. He was put out that Jamie was fucking me. He said that all the boy pussies in his house belonged to him. Josh said that sometimes shocking someone can make them wake up, and I decided that this was the best way to do it. I sorry we couldn't let you in on it. Could you keep it a secret just between the six of us?"

He gave the orderly the cuteist pleading look, melting his heart.

"They're going to wonder how he came out of his coma."

"Sometimes people just wake up, don't they?"

"I suppose."

"I'll make it worth your while." said Nathaniel seductively, noticing the obvious buldge in his pants. He walked over and stroked the man's thigh.

"Is this boy offering what he think he is?" thought the orderly. The offer was very tempting. He'd never done anything with someone so young.

"Uh, Your secret is safe with me."

"You sure?" asked Nathaniel sincerely and a little dissapointed.

"Yeah, I'd like to, but no. ......Thank you." He went over to the intercom, "Uh, this is George. Jamie came out of his coma while I was bathing him. You want to get someone down here to examine him?"

"He what?" came the voice at the other end.

"He woke up as I was washing him. He discharged and I think that woke him."

The room was soon a-buzz with personel, poking and proding him and asking him questions. The three older boys left Joey, and rejoined their parents.

"What happened?" asked Russell.

"It's a little embarassing." said Josh. "Let me tell you in private, then you can tell them.

Josh told his dad everything.

"I can see what you mean." replied Russell.

"Could somebody get off while he's being washed?"

"I think you know the answer to that. I've heard some of your showers, remember."

Josh blushed. It was great that his dad knew and approved of his love for Nathaniel, but discussing the details was still embarassing.

"The story that the orderly, George, came up with is that he came while he was being washed."

"That works, that's what we'll tell them."

"Thanks Dad." He said as he hugged his father .

Joey wanted to stay with his brother, but the nurse told him that Jamie needed rest.

"Rest?!! He's been sleeping for two years, what does he need rest for?"

Chuckling she said, "You can come back tomorrow at 9:00, you can spend the whole day with him if you want to."

"OK." he responded dejectedly.

"You can tell him all about my game." offered Jason.

"Yeah, he likes b-ball. He used to be pretty good."

They had an hour before the game, so they went to the Golden Arches and ate a big meal. Then it was off to the game. Jason had arranged front row seats. The two families sat down , but Josh went with Jason to the locker room. Jason was a little late, so most of the team was already done getting suited up.



"What was that pill you took?"

"What pill?" he looked at the floor.

"The one you were hiding in your sock drawer."


"Why were you hiding it in your sock drawer?"

"What's it to you?"

"You're my best friend in the whole world. I thought we didn't have secrets."

Jason hung his head. "Performance enhancer."



"You crazy?"

"I want a b-ball scholarship."

"But those things can kill you."

"BUZZ OFF. It's my business, not yours. If you don't like it leave."

Josh left the locker room in silence. He joined his family as the teams entered the gym. His father noticed Josh's expression, but decided to let it pass.

The game started, and Jason played brillintly. He was out scoring everyone else on his team. and whiping the floor boards with the other. The noise of the crowd was unbelievable as Jason's team backed his brilliant moves. Almost every time an opposing player got the ball, Jason appeared out of nowhere and spirited it away, more often than not making the goal himself. Jason's team seemed to be only supporting actors in the drama unfolding on the court. Jason was breathing a little more deeply than normal, but atributed it to the intensity of the game.

The final buzzer was only 4 minutes away, Jason shot, then grabbed his arm. Josh rose from his seat. Jason slumped to his knees, his team taking the ball to the other end of the court. Josh was sprinting to his best buddy, his first love. Jason fell back onto the floor boards as Josh reached his side. Others were now noticing the tableau being played out on the floor. Jason's coach and his father reached him at the same time. Jason was gasping and clutching both arms in severe pain. He was loosing conciousness.

"Check his heart." screamed Josh.

"What?" asked the coach.

"I think it's his heart, check his heart." Josh was beside himself with grief.

A doctor who was in the crowd approached Jason, "Give him room, let me take a look." he flashed his credentials to the coach.

He palpitated Jason's chest, and listened to his heart. "Call an ambulence stat."

"What is it?" asked Jason's father.

"He's in cardiac distress."

"He's what?!!!"

"He's in the first stage of a heart attack. If we can get him stablized, there is a good chance there won't be any damage."

In shock his dad asked, "How could a healthy 16 year old be having a heart attack?"

"It's rare, but it happens." replied the doctor."

"I know." said Josh tears running down his cheeks. "He was taking steroids." He sank to his knees sobbing.

"Steroids?" asked the three men in shock.

"I saw him take a pill just before we left for the hospital. He told me what it was just before the game."

"Steroids?" repeated Jason's dad, still not believing what he had heard.

"He wanted a basketball scholarship." Josh's words were hard to understand through his sobs.

The ambulance arrived and Jason was loaded in. Josh began to get in with him.

"You can't come son." the emt told him.

"Whose gonna stop me." Josh hissed, surprising even himself.

"Could he ride with my son, please" pleaded Jason's dad.

"OK, get in."


Please note the new address, Yahoo dumped me. Ern, if you read this, please contact me.

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