Joshs Promised Land

By moc.rehtona@29nyllewell

Published on Sep 3, 2001


Author's Note: What you are about to read is a gay fantasy about a teen, and a preteen character from the TV show "Promised Land" Produced by CBS Productions, in association with MoonWater Productions, Inc. 1996, and created by Mary Williamson. The characters were used without permission of the creators of the show, it does not represent nor imply the true sexual orientation of the actors or the characters they play. If fantasies about fictional characters having a same sex experience offend you, if you are under age or if this type of material is illegal in your area, you should not read any further. This story has been posted at free adult sites featuring gay stories for adult entertainment only and may not be copied electronically nor in any other form for redistribution.

If the subject of teen/boy or boy/boy sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

Part two picks up where part one ended. It can stand on its own, but will make more sense if you read part one.

Josh's Promised Land; Part 2

by Llewellyn92

Joshua Green awoke with a start! It felt to him like there was a 100 pound weight pressing on his whole body. Josh always had trouble getting his eyes open in the morning, so he started to feel his chest. He felt warm soft skin with his hands, but could only feel pressure with his chest. He could find only two bony lumps instead of his nipples. His hands also seemed to be too far from his chest. Still groggy he could feel even pressure around his 14 year old morning erection. How could there be pressure if his hands were on his chest?

The weight moved. Josh felt hands on his chest, but could not feel his chest with his hands. His foggy brain could still not grasp the situation. He moved his hands up toward his face and encountered a mass of hair. He was on his back! How could there be hair there?

The fantastic pressure Josh felt around his swollen member seared his brain. He felt a trickle of sticky liquid run down his balls and join the sticky mess between his legs.

As the cobwebs began to melt away, Josh began to remember the events of the night before. What a time it had been. Josh didn't want to open his eyes just in case this was a dream.

Suddenly the pressure around his prick tightened. He saw stars. the feeling was fantastic.

Slowly Josh opened his eyes to be greeted with a mop of red hair, round face, pug nose, freckles and a huge smile. The eyes on the face before him were closed, but Josh could tell that the owner of those eyes wasn't asleep.

Slowly those beautiful eyes opened, revealing the incredible blue hidden beneath the lids. The smile below them widened even more into a grin that would have made the Cheshire Cat envious.

Another squeeze of that incredible enclosure, and Josh was about to cum.

Josh pulled the face in front of him to his own and planted little kisses all over it, finally planting a huge wet one on the perfect lips before him.

Nathaniel sighed. His 10 year old frame was feeling the most intense sensations it had ever known. The sex of the night before was fabulous. He had experienced his first orgasm. Had had his but fucked twice, well, fucked once, but cum into twice. In fact the fuck he was enjoying now could be considered the same one. When his dad did him, once he came it was over for the night. In fact usually by morning his dad had rolled onto his side facing away from his still sex hungry offspring, much to Nathaniel's frustration.

Nathaniel sat up. His little pricklet was aching in the confinement between their bodies. As he did Josh's prick slipped deeper into his channel. He let out a sigh. This was the best night he had spent in over a year. In fact this was probably the best night he had spent in his entire life.

Nathaniel began his up and down rhythm. Josh was so close it only took about 6 pumps to bring him off. He thrashed wildly, then stiffened and pumped about 6 blasts into Nathaniel's butt.

Nathaniel for his part milked him with his sphincter heightening Josh's pleasure beyond all reason.

As Josh came down from his orgasmic high, he remembered that Nathaniel had never experienced the thrill of fucking someone. He'd always been on the receiving end. He pulled Nathaniel down, and kissed him again, and again. He then pulled the boy up his body letting his now not so hard prick slip out of Nathaniel's well used butt.

Nathaniel began to protest, but Josh put his finger to his mouth and rolled his knees up to his chest.

"Your turn.", Josh whispered.

Nathaniel was speechless.

"You've never fucked anyone. It's your turn. You gotta know how it feels!"

Nathaniel's eyes grew wide, his face lit up with the realization that he could actually fuck someone. He'd been on the receiving end for 3 years now. Well actually 2 if you discount the year that he'd been with Josh's family and nothing had happened. That long frustrating dry year that both he and Josh had endured till last night.

Nathaniel moved into position. In his eagerness he placed his hand wrong and it slipped, his face landing in Josh's crotch. The funky smell of spent cum and anal odors put him into hyper-drive. He gave the still hard prick another sniff and then continued into position for his first ever fuck!!!!!

He put his arms on either side of Josh's body and put his 3 inch pricklet in place. He was trembling with anticipation. Josh reached down and guided his pricklet into place then reached around his hips and pulled. Nathaniel held his breath. Every nerve in his body was on fire as his boytoy entered the warm cavern provided by Josh.

Nathaniel's dicky sank slowly in to the hilt. When he was completely embedded, he let out a long sigh. This was much better than he had possibly imagined, so tight yet so soft and warm. It was like a well tailored glove.

Nathaniel was so lost in the feelings surrounding his pricklet, he didn't move.

Josh said gently, "Are you just going to let it soak or are you going to do something?"

Nathaniel's trance broke, "Hunh!? ...... Oh!!! ...... Get ready for a real ride!!!"

He started to move in and out. He knew the drill, he'd done it enough times on the receiving end. It was different though. He may have controlled the action when he was on top, but he never experienced the feelings he was having now. He was on top, he was in control AND HE WAS FUCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was on top of the world. He was in complete control. He could feel the sensations he'd first felt the night before beginning to build. His pricklet was as hard as steel, harder possibly than last night. His little marbles were pulled up tight against his groin, so tight they almost hurt. The burning, tingling sensation he had felt last night started in his balls. It spread through his groin, into his stomach, down his legs. It spread until his whole body was engulfed. His body stiffened, he threw his head back in an ecstatic groan. His little pricklet pulsed. Josh clamped his anal muscles around the little spike embedded there. Nathaniel pulsed again, another squeeze, two more pulses, another tight squeeze, a gasping yelp, several more pulses......... Nathaniel kept spasming for more than 2 minutes.

As suddenly as they started, the sensations stopped. Nathaniel collapsed in a heap on Josh's chest and stomach. He was gasping for air, ragged hoarse gasps. He was still quivering, and kept it up for another minute.

When he regained some composure, he looked up at Josh, "Awesome! Totally rad. No wonder you and Dad like to do it. I've never felt anything like that EVER!!! NOT EVER!!!!! Thanks."

"My pleasure Twirp, anytime you want it, my ass is yours."

"Really?!" Nathaniel couldn't believe that he could repeat that experience any time he wanted, well almost.

"Hey, it's almost 9:00. We better get up. Everybody will wonder what happened to us." Josh said.

He started to sit up, forcing Nathaniel's semi hard pricklet out of his hardly used love tunnel. He leaned forward and engulfed Nathaniel's mouth with his own. He sucked so hard that he drew Nathaniel's tongue into his own mouth and milked it with his lips. Nathaniel's breath was drawn out with his tongue and he started to get faint. At last Josh let go and Nathaniel gasped to regain his breath.

"Boy, you're one hot fucker." Nathaniel gasped. "Leave me a little air next time."

"Don't bet on it, Twirp. I can't get enough of your face or your body."

"Well I do need to breathe!"

" Let's take a shower."

Off they went to the bathroom. Josh set the water temp. and stepped into the shower.

"You commin' in Twirp?"

"Can I?!!!?"

"You want an engraved invitation?"

Nathaniel didn't need to be told twice. He was in the shower like a shot.

"Wash my back Twirp."

"Only if you wash mine. Giggle, giggle."


Nathaniel soaped up a wash cloth and began rubbing Josh's back. His touch was gentle, he soaped and massaged Josh from neck to lower back. The sensations Josh felt were driving his lust. He could feel his prick expanding.

"Do my butt."

Nathaniel let his hands slip below Josh's waist. He kneaded the firm globes.

"Wash in between!"

He ran the wash cloth between the firm melons and across the small pucker. Josh jumped at the sensation of terry cloth across his sensitive sphincter.

"Ditch the cloth and use your fingers!!"

Nathaniel put the cloth where he could get it if he needed it. He started massaging the globes with his small fingers. He ran his finger down the valley between the pale mountains. When his finger made contact with Josh's pucker he paused. Gently he fingered the sensitive opening, probing ever so slightly.

"Unhhhh. Push it in, OHHHHH!!!!"

Nathaniel pushed his finger into the tight orifice, and started to finger fuck Josh.

"Unnnhhhhh, ohhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhh. Oh that feels so good!!!! Don't stop!!!!!"

Nathaniel continued to finger fuck Josh's back door. He then reached around and started rubbing Josh's dick. Josh could feel the familiar glow start in his balls. They pulled up tight under his cock and the tingling glow started to spread and turn into a burning lust. He groaned and grunted. suddenly the finger disappeared and was replaced by another. A second hand reached around and started fondling Josh's balls in their tight sack. Kisses filled his back up to his shoulder blades.

"Wait a minute." Josh said to himself, "How can he finger fuck me and jack me AND rub my balls at the same time?"

Suddenly the light went on, and the "finger" fell out of his ass. Josh squatted about 6" lower, and the "finger" found its way back in to the tight orifice. It moved in and out frantically and the hands working his jewels went at a rapid rate to match.

Suddenly Josh exploded, His semen splattered on the wall of the shower. His clenching sphincter milked a similar response from the "finger" invading his most private place. It pulsed and its owner writhed in a dry orgasm as intense as his companion's wet one.

As one they slumped to their knees unable to stand, unable to keep their balance. When they were able to, Josh turned around and embraced Nathaniel, kissing the top of his head. He grabbed the cloth and started to soap up Nathaniel. They finished washing, toweled each other off, embraced again for a passionate kiss, then got dressed and went to breakfast.

"Sleep well? Josh's mom Claire asked when the boys arrived for breakfast. "It's almost 10:00."

"Nathaniel had a bad time of it at first, and kept me awake crying. But I got him settled and once we got to sleep we slept good."

"You slept well, Josh!"

"Yea, that too." said Nathaniel.

"She was correcting my grammar." said Josh in a stage whisper.

"Oh." said Nathaniel.

"That's the hazard of having a teacher for a mother."

"OOOOOOO." said Claire, and gave Josh a loving slap on the head.

"Mornin' sleepy heads." Josh's dad Russell grabbed both boys around the neck in a bear hug. "Sleep good?"

Wrestling free both shouted "WELL!!!!" and giggled.

"At least they're learning." said Claire.

"You two are in a good mood!!" said Russell "What? No fighting?"

"We talked last night. I got to know the little twirp, He's OK."

"Yea, we're cool now. We just needed to get into each other." Nathaniel just about fell off of his chair laughing at his pun. Josh glared at him then started laughing too.

"I'll never understand kids." said Russell as he went back to fixing the door he was working on.

"Go help your father when you're finished. He could use you."

"OK mom." Josh wolfed down his breakfast, gave his mom a kiss and headed for the door.

"Oh, Josh!"

"Yea mom?"

"It was kind of warm last night. Do your sheets need washing?"

"Yea, thanks." then he thought of the cum stains, "Er, I'll do them."

"It's OK honey, I have to do ours, Dinah's and Gramma's"

"No, that's OK." Josh said nervously.

"Why the sudden interest in laundry?"

"I'll just do them OK!!!

"Josh, did you have an accident?"


"Don't worry honey, at your age things happen. Your body is changing and, well, things happen. I hope it was a good dream." She kissed him on the cheek, patted his but and said, "Go help your father. GO!"

Josh chuckled. It had been a good dream, and a better reality.

Chapter 2

The Greens finished the work they had been doing fixing up the motel. Said their good-byes to the teary owner, and headed where ever the road was to take them.

Cash was running low so it was decided that they would settle down for a while. Russell got a job in a garage as a mechanic, Claire got a substituting job, and gramma Hattie got a job teaching dance to an accelerated group at the elementary school.

Times had been very dry for Josh and Nathaniel. It was really hard to find a place to make out. The occasional rest room or campground shower provided some relief, but it wasn't like it had been at the motel where they had their own room. All of the kids had been attending the local schools, so the only time they saw each other was at night from supper on until breakfast, and on weekends.

One morning Nathaniel awoke with a groan. Josh was first to his side.

"You OK Twirp?" he said with real concern.

"I don't feel good."

"You don't look good.... Mom!!"

"What is it honey?"

"Nathaniel doesn't feel good."


"My stomach aches. I think I'm OK, but I think I'm starting the poops. That could be really embarrassing at school. Could I stay home?"

"Who will stay with you? Uncle Russell and I both have to get to work, and Gramma has classes all day too."

"Josh could stay with me."

"Josh has school too"

"Please Aunt Claire"

"I don't have any tests today, mom, and my average is 3.3." Josh ventured.


"I really don't mind." Josh's concern melted his mother's resolve.


Another groan from Nathaniel.

Josh looked at his lover with concern. It hurt him to see his little buddy suffering.

One by one the family left. Just before Claire got to the door of the trailer, Nathaniel bolted to the bathroom, There was a loud wet farting sound. Claire shook her head and left.

"I hope that felt better than it sounded." said Josh.

Nathaniel emerged from the bathroom. He was naked and sporting a hard on and a wicked grin.


"Boy they fell for it, hook line and sinker."

"You little faker, laughed Josh, I really thought you were sick. Commere!"

Nathaniel raced down the hallway and jumped into Josh's waiting arms. He covered Josh's astonished face with hundreds of little kisses.

When he finished he said, "We got almost 6 hours, let's make the most of it.

Josh set him down, locked the door, closed all of the curtains, and undressed in record time. He sat on the sofa, his dick at attention. Nathaniel snuggled up to him and they kissed some more. Not breaking their kiss, Josh moved Nathaniel over to the couch and pushed him onto his back. He kissed Nathaniel's mouth, his nose, both eyes and his forehead. He moved to his left ear and nibbled on it. Then with a peck to the lips on the way he moved to the right ear and nibbled on that too. Back to the mouth, down to the chin. Josh sucked on his chin and nibbled it. Then down to Nathaniel's neck. He licked and kissed the creamy smooth neck and licked a path from his Adam's apple down to the hollow between the collar bones. He licked and kissed his way out to Nathaniel's left shoulder, then back to the hollow and out to the right shoulder and back. He left a trail of wetness down Nathaniel's sternum and around his left pec. to the tiny nipple. He nursed and teased it till it was an angry little mosquito bite. Back up to the collar bone, down the sternum and around the right pec. to the nipple. He licked and sucked it to a hard little point as he pinched and tweaked the left one with his hand. Back to the collar bone and down the sternum again. This time he kept going tracing each ab of Nathaniel's soft six pack while keeping his nipples hard with his fingers.

Nathaniel was breathing hard. His pricklet was like a steel nail. His head rolled from side to side, and he groaned and grunted in extreme pleasure.

Josh continued down Nathaniel's stomach stopping at his innie belly button. He drilled the hole with his tongue, drawing gasping giggles from his almost immobilized partner. He tongued his way down to the pubic mound, licking its hairless surface, bringing grunts and gasps from its owner. Nathaniel strained his hips higher, hoping Josh would lick his pricklet. Josh circled the pubic mound several times then out the left pelvic groove and back. Out the right pelvic groove and back.

Nathaniel was almost vibrating he was strung so high by the ministrations of Josh's tongue.

Josh, for his part, needed to taste every part of the beautiful 10 ½ year old beneath him. He licked from the pubic mound down the inside of Nathaniel's left leg. He licked the sole of Nathaniel's foot, then starting with the big toe he suckled each one in turn. Up the outside of his left leg to the pelvic groove, back to the pubic mound and down the inside of his right leg to his foot and toes. Up the outside to the pelvic groove and back to the prize he was teasing. He lifted Nathaniel's legs and licked the space between his tight little balls and pulsing pucker. He moved his tongue down to the well used hole and drilled it for a while. Then back up the genital scar to the marbles. They were almost hidden inside Nathaniel's body he was strung so high. He sucked and kneaded them with his mouth and tongue. He put Nathaniel's legs back down and licked 4 or 5 circles around his little package.

Nathaniel couldn't take much more of this. He was about to explode. He was writhing in uncontrollable lust when Josh ran his tongue up the under side of his pricklet.

Nathaniel shuddered.

Josh drilled the tiny piss slit with his tongue.

Nathaniel convulsed.

Josh devoured the miniature jewels, pricklet and balls in one gulp. He tickled the head with his tongue as he suctioned the throbbing member in his mouth. At that moment he jammed his middle finger to the hilt into Nathaniel's very receptive anus.

Nathaniel was at a fever pitch. He couldn't take any more. He stiffened, arched his back and screamed aloud as he drove his pricklet into Josh's throat. Josh thought his finger would be cut off as Nathaniel's sphincter contracted around it. He continued to jam it in and out as best he could while suctioning the spike in his mouth. It spasmed once, twice 3,...4,...5,...6............... Nathaniel kept throbbing and thrusting, bouncing on the finger in his ass, and fucking the mouth that was driving him crazy.

Josh was beginning to think Nathaniel was never going to come down from his orgasm. He had been going for at least 2 minutes. But all good things must come to an end. Nathaniel collapsed, totally spent.

Nathaniel couldn't talk for at least 2 minutes. He just couldn't get his breath.

When he finally did get enough air into his lungs to be able to force some out, he said, "WOW!!!!!! It's been too long! I love you so much, I just don't know how to tell you."

He started to sob, as much from the strain of the incredible orgasm he had just experienced as from emotion.

"I swear," said Josh, "I'll never disappoint you. I'll always be here for you when ever you need me."

"Will you fuck me?" Nathaniel pleaded. "I need you in me. I need you more than you can imagine."

"Top or bottom?"

"Bottom. I want to be your boy pussy. I want you in control!!"

Josh gently grasped Nathaniel's feet and rolled him up so he could get to the love tunnel offered to him. He brought his mouth to the tiny pucker and gently started to lick around the delightful offering. He kept licking in tighter circles driving Nathaniel crazy with lust. His pricklet, so recently sucked, was soon rigid. Josh licked the pucker two or three times, then drove his tongue into the tight orifice. He tongue fucked it for a while getting it really wet with his saliva.

"Unhhh!!! ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Josh by now was really worked up by the sexiness of his oral ministrations. He was ready to fuck his willing little cousin. He pulled his face away from Nathaniel's sphincter, giving it one last kiss before he left it, and got into position.

This would be the first time he would be on top. The thought of plowing into Nathaniel's tight hole, and controlling the action was driving his lust to new heights.

The last time he had been on top was when he had tried to fuck his life long buddy Jason almost 2 years ago. Jason, unfortunately, had not been able to accept Josh's member, so his first attempt had not come (cum??) to pass.

Josh thought back to that day, and wished that it was Jason beneath him.

"Josh.........Earth to Josh.......Hey Josh!!!!! Wake up!!!!"

Josh snapped out of his reverie, "Oh, sorry twirp, I was thinking of something."


"Yea, How'd you know? Does that bother you?"

"Naah. Well, maybe a little, but you do get more into it when you think about him."

"How do you know when I think about him?!!"

"You always get the same look on your face."


"Hey, you were best buddies for 13 years, and lovers for 3. How could I expect you to forget him. You've only known me for a little more than 2 years, and half of that we were fighting."

"Do you want me to fuck you, or what?"


Josh lined up his prick with Nathaniel's little hole and pressed. Nathaniel let out a little groan. Josh pushed slowly, relishing every millimeter as it entered the tight, moist orifice. Nathaniel's love tunnel always felt new whenever Josh entered him. It was always tight and gripped his member as he slid it in.

"I could fuck you till I'm an old man, and never get tired of feeling me inside you. You feel the same way?"

"MMMMMMMM......Shut up and fuck me."

Josh started slowly pumping in and out. He bent down and kissed Nathaniel's forehead. He licked down Nathaniel's nose and fastened his lips to Nathaniel's. Nathaniel's tongue forced its way into Josh's mouth, fucking it as Josh fucked his pucker.

They both wanted this to last as long as possible. Josh deliberately took long slow strokes, keeping his lust in check. Nathaniel moaned, and gave forth a grunt each time Josh bottomed out. Both were breathing harder with each passing minute.

Much too soon for both of them, Josh could feel the results of the friction Nathaniel was providing. He picked up speed. He was like an animal now fucking Nathaniel hard and deep. The friction of his stomach against Nathaniel's pricklet was causing said member to throb. The friction against his immature prostate was also bringing him to new heights.

Josh's hips were almost a blur now. His pistoning was probably rocking the whole trailer.

Nathaniel was gasping for breath, "I'm.....getting......close." he rasped.

" too...Unhhhhhhh!!!!

Josh's balls stopped slapping Nathaniel's butt. They drew up tight, so tight they hurt. But what an exquisite hurt. Nathaniel's were trapped between their bodies, but were so contracted that they weren't receiving more than friction. Both gasped, Josh went rigid, followed almost instantly by Nathaniel.

Josh's first spurt was followed by an organ crushing squeeze by Nathaniel's sphincter. Another spurt followed by another squeeze. Both were in lala land, spasming uncontrollably. This had to be one of the most intense orgasms either of them had experienced.


Both nearly jumped out of their skins. Their orgasms stopped instantly.

BANG!! BANG!! BANG!!!!!!

"Wh...who is it?" Gasped Josh.

"Jack Palmer, Truant Officer!" came the reply.

"Truant Officer???!!!" Thought Josh. "Oh SHIT, I forgot to call the schools!"

"Just a minute!", shouted Josh. To Nathaniel he whispered, "Get a robe on,....... and wet the front!"


"Just do it!!!!" hissed Josh. "I'll be right there!" he shouted, and ran for his robe wetting his hair on the way.

Opening the door he said, "What's the problem, sir?"

"Isn't it a little late in the day, A SCHOOL DAY, for a shower?"

"Oh man, I'm sorry, I forgot to call. My cousin Nathaniel was sick this morning and I volunteered to stay home with him. Mom Dad and grandma all have jobs and couldn't stay home with him. He just threw up on both of us and we just got cleaned up from that."

"Really?" said Mr. Palmer, not buying it. "Get dressed."

"Yes sir."

Nathaniel walked into the room looking very ill.

"Come here young man." said Mr. Palmer.

Nathaniel walked over to him, shivering once for effect.

"What's the problem?"

"I had the runs this morning, and as Josh just said, I threw up on both of us."

The officer felt Nathaniel's forehead, "You don't seem to have a fever. Maybe we should take you to the hospital."

"NO!!! uh...that's not necessary, I feel much better since I puked!"

"Unh huh, you really expect me to believe that?" said Mr. Palmer. "The truth."

"Uhh....I....I didn't want to go to school today because I wasn't ready to take a test. Josh didn't know, he really thought I was sick. Please don't get him in trouble because of me."

"I have to take you both in because you both missed school. How can I contact your parents?"

"Mom is subbing at the High School, and dad works at the Mobile station down town." said Josh.

"Well I don't want to interrupt anyone else's education, so, since my office is so close to the station, we'll stop there on the way."

The boys looked at each other, then went to get dressed.

"Dad's going to kill us." said Josh once they were alone in the bathroom.

"Don't I know it."

"We better hurry."

Josh locked the trailer and the boys left with the truant officer. At the Mobil station, they stayed in the car while the Mr. Palmer talked with Josh's dad. When they came out of the station, Russell was fuming. He got his truck and followed Mr. Palmer to his office. Once there, each sat down, only to stand again when a woman entered the room.

"This is Mrs. Cagney." said Mr. Palmer. "She's a social worker."

"Ms. Cagney" said Russell as he extended his hand in recognition.

She took his and shook it, saying "Mr. Green."

"Mrs. Cagney will be listening in, as she will be handling any problems that may arise." said Mr. Palmer. "Josh, Tell us what happened."

"Well, this morning I got up and had breakfast, then went to get Nathaniel up. He said he didn't feel good so I told mom. She came and asked him what was wrong, and Nathaniel said he felt like he was going to have the runs. She was just about to leave for work. Then Nathaniel got up and ran to the bathroom. Boy what a fart he made."

"JOSH!!" shouted Russell.

"That's OK Mr. Green.", said Mrs. Cagney. "I have a son too."

"Well, he sure had us convinced. So I volunteered to stay home so mom could go to work. I just forgot to call and tell the schools."

"Nathaniel?" asked Mr. Palmer.

"That's the truth." said Nathaniel almost in tears. "I'm sorry. You can spank me if you wanna."

"That's a real possibility." said Russell.

"Uh just a minute, time out here." said Mrs. Cagney. "Did I hear you correctly Mr. Green?"

"Mam?" replied Russell.

"You're considering spanking the boy?"


"I understand he's your nephew."

"Yes'em, my brother's son."

"How is it that he's living with you?"

"My brother left him with a friend, who turned him over to us."

"Your brother abandoned him?"

"Not really mam, Erasmus was a good person to leave him with till we arrived."

"Do you have any paperwork giving you authority to have him?"


"Any adoption papers or the like?" said Mr. Palmer.

"Joe wasn't around to sign anything, but I'm sure he wanted us to take Nathaniel in."

"If you have no legal right to have him, I'm afraid we can't let him go home with you." said Mrs. Cagney.

"What???!!!!" shouted Russell, echoed by the boys.

"Especially if you are thinking of using corporal punishment on the boy."

"You gotta be kidding." exploded Russell. "He's my kin, he belongs with family!"

"Please Mr. Green." said Mr. Palmer. "Don't make this any worse than it is already."

"We will both go with you so that Nathaniel can collect his belongings, then he will come home with me until we can find a foster home." said Mrs. Cagney.

They went back to the trailer. Claire was home by then and wondered what had happened. Mr. Palmer and Mrs. Cagney filled her in while Josh helped Nathaniel pack. Nathaniel sobbed the whole time.

"Could we have a moment alone, please?" asked Josh. "Please, dad!" his eyes were almost brimming.

Russell looked at the officials, They nodded and the adults left the trailer.


"I can't. I want to, but I can't."

"Hold me."

Without another word they embraced. Nathaniel sobbed and sobbed. Josh, for his part wanted to, but tried to keep a stoic expression for his buddy, his lover, his heart and soul. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. He tried again, and then lost it.

"I'm so sorry." Josh sobbed. "It's my fault for not calling. I...."

"NO!!!!!! It's mine. I started it with the stupid faking!!"

"We both screwed up! I'll get you back if it's the last thing I do."

They hugged again, Nathaniel sobbing uncontrollably. There was a gentle knock on the door.

"Come in." said Josh.

Claire came in and quietly said, "It's time."

"Thanks for everything Aunt Calire, I'm so sorry."

"We'll work it out, don't worry, Nathaniel." said Claire.

Nathaniel hugged her, starting his sobbing again.

Josh picked up Nathaniel's bag and headed for the door followed by Nathaniel and Claire.

Once outside Nathaniel ran up to Russell and gave him a big bear hug, sobbing, "I'm so sorry."

Russell patted his head, gently running his fingers through his hair, "We'll find a way, Nathaniel. We'll find a way."

Nathaniel picked up his bag and headed for Mrs. Cagney's car. He made no noise as he walked, but it was evident that he was still sobbing. He looked back as he got in. These were the first people who had ever loved him, and he'd screwed it up royally. He wanted to run, to hide, maybe even catch up with his dad. That was crazy. It'd just make things worse.

As the car pulled away, Russell said. "What are we going to tell Momma?"

Mr. Palmer hadn't left yet, so Russell asked him if a visit could be arranged for Nathaniel's grandma and cousin Dinah to visit. Mr. Palmer said he'd do what he could and left.

The three of them entered the trailer just before the school bus arrived with Dinah and Hattie.

Once inside, Russell said, "I ought to whup you good."

"It might make me feel better, at least I'd have a good reason to cry."

With that father and son embraced and Josh let it flow. At this point Dinah and Hattie came in.

"What's going on?" asked grandma Hattie.

Claire filled them in as Russell and Josh went outside.

"I know a lawyer who I think can help us." said Hattie. "It'll probably take time, but I think we have a good case to keep Nathaniel."

Outside, Josh said, "We gotta get him back, I don't think I can live without him."

"We'll do what we can, son, we'll do what we can.

Nathaniel arrived at his new "home". He and Mrs. Cagney were met by a cute dark haired boy of about 11. He was about the same size as Nathaniel, but a lot thinner.

"Nathaniel, this is Cole, he's my son. He's just about a year older than you.

"Hi." said Cole. His voice was higher pitched than Nathaniel's.

"Hi." said Nathaniel with no emotion.

"Cole will you take Nathaniel up to your room and make him feel at home? He'll be staying with us till I can arrange something else."

"OK mom, common Nathaniel."

Nathaniel trudged up to Cole's room and set his bag on the bed Cole indicated.

"Whata you wanna do?" asked Cole, "I got nintendo."

Nathaniel sat on the bed, and looked at his hands.

"What happened?"

Nathaniel stared at his fingers.

"Please talk to me."

Nathaniel buried his face in the pillow and started sobbing again.

Cole walked over and put his hand on Nathaniel's shoulder.

"Please.....I wanna be alone." Nathaniel sobbed.

Cole left him and sought out his mother.

"Mom, what's with Nathaniel?"

"You know I can't discuss business, Cole."

"He seems so sad!"

"If he wants to tell you, it's up to him."

About an hour later, Mrs. Cagney called the boys to dinner. They ate in silence, Nathaniel mostly pushing the food around with his fork. They went into the living room and sat down.

"Nathaniel, wanna watch TV or a movie?"

No answer.

"Wanna play Nintendo?"

No answer.

Nathaniel got up and went to bed. Cole followed soon after. When Cole arrived, Nathaniel was already in bed. Cole went over and said good night. Nathaniel did not respond. Cole got into his own bed and tried to sleep. Just as he started to doze he heard a sound coming from Nathaniel. He was crying again.

The next few nights were the same story. Nathaniel barely ate, politely sat in the living room for about a half hour then went to bed where he cried almost all night. At school he zombied through the day, not participating in anything.

This went on for 2 weeks with no sign of any improvement. Cole couldn't stand it any more. He went over to Nathaniel's bed and sat on the edge. He gently stroked Nathaniel's arm trying to soothe him. Suddenly Nathaniel rolled over sat up and embraced Cole, burying his face in Cole's shoulder. He sobbed for about five minutes, then lifted his face and kissed Cole on the cheek.

Cole was a bit startled.

"Thank you." said Nathaniel. You've tried so hard to cheer me up."

"Why'd you kiss me?"

"I didn't know how else to thank you." Nathaniel turned away and even in the darkness Cole could see he was blushing.

Cole took Nathaniel's chin and turned his face back, He looked into Nathaniel's eyes and pulled his face close. He wrapped his other arm around Nathaniel and pulled him closer and gently kissed Nathaniel on his lips. It was now Nathaniel's turn to be surprised.

"I've wanted to do that since the first time you started crying. Whenever you cry I hurt for you, I want to make everything all right. Please don't cry any more."

Nathaniel wrapped his arms around Cole pulling him close. This time there was a million volt charge between them. Nathaniel pressed his tongue into Cole's mouth. At first Cole resisted, then opened his mouth to admit Nathaniel's tongue. They Frenched for about ten minutes, Nathaniel growing feelings that were familiar, Cole feeling things he never felt before. Scary things, pleasant and frightening at the same time.

"Cole, would you do something for me?"

"What's that, Nathaniel?"

"Cole.....I ....what I mean is.....Cole??!! Will you.....I don't know how to say this, unh aaaa Cole!!!?????

To Be Continued...............

Next: Chapter 3

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