Josh the Cumdump

By Keith Hernandez

Published on Mar 6, 2022


Josh the Cumdump

By Keith Hernandez

Josh was sucking his first cock. He could not resist the urging of Adam Jefferson, big man on campus, who got him on his knees to "help him out" while his arm was in a cast. His cheeks caved and his mouth was drooling as he bobbed up and down and pumped his hand on the stud's hard penis. Adam was sitting with his legs spread, groaning as his head rested on the back of the couch. People at the party now noticed what was going on in the alcove and started to gather in the open doorway.

Josh lifted his head and whispered, "People can see us!" Adam grabbed a handful of hair and pushed his mouth back down to his cock, sliding it deep and groaning again. It had been so long since the stud had gotten off, he couldn't care less who saw. He looked at the people watching and held up his cast. There were a couple of snickers and someone pulled out their phone.

"What are friends for?" Adam said, drawing a couple of laughs as he kept right on using Josh's mouth for a public blowjob. "And he even told me he was straight!" Louder laughs and hoots echoed through the basement at that comment. Adam winked and settled back down to the task at hand--getting his long-awaited nut, even if it was in the mouth of another dude.

"He isn't straight now!" someone in the crowd said, chuckling.

For Josh, being on his knees performing fellatio while people at the party strolled by was a humiliation few would understand. Adam pushed his head down on his big cock until he gagged and sputtered in protest. It didn't matter. Adam was ramping up to a huge orgasm. Josh could feel him tense his legs. He could hear people walk up to the doorway. He could hear the jokes. He knew he was going to get a mouthful of cum as people stood around watching.

How in the hell did this happen? As Josh started to feel the big cock swell in his mouth, his mind went back to how he ended up in this predicament...

Josh was a Tennesee high school kid who was always a bit on the chubby side, which made him insecure. The extra weight went to his rear end and it gave him an almost feminine butt, packed into his bluejeans like a sexy girl. Some of the guys in the school made fun of his ass, some of them made fun of him being a virgin. To add to his woes, Josh had a pretty small dick, only about 5 inches and uncut. As a teen, all of this zapped his confidence and gave him a pretty bad case of anxiety. He combed his wavy brown hair over his eyes a lot and generally tried to to hide from the world.

Josh was pretty sure he was straight, but not 100% sure. He was turned on by girls, but he watched a porn video once that showed straight guys being turned into "sissies" and it turned him on so much that he hid a copy on his computer. He felt a connection to the weak men in the video that were on their knees servicing better men.

Still, he was taking steps to turn his life in a new direction and maybe even find a girlfriend. It started with trying to get fit and lose a little weight. He measured himself at 5'8" and weighed himself, shaking his head as the scale climbed near 200 lbs. He wrote it down in the margins of his new workout routine and wrote the number 175 in bold. Lifting and watching his diet would transform him physically and mentally, he hoped.

This is how Josh came to be working out at the local junior college. He was far too embarassed to work out at school with his peers, so he went the extra mile to buy a membership to the college wellness center. And it was there that he first laid eyes on Adam Jefferson, sophmore middle linebacker and the undisputed leader of the Franklin Community College football team. 6-2 and 225 pounds, every bit a Greek God. Josh found himself staring as the stud worked out, muscles rippling and sweat running down his perfect chiseled looks.

Josh started to time his arrival with the football squad's pre-season workouts so he could get a look at Adam. There were other beautiful masculine players on the team, but Adam was the whole package--amazing eyes, the tightest buns, and a bulge in his shorts that made his swagger and confidence unmistakable. The ultimate alpha male.

At least that is what it looked like to Josh. In truth, Adam's hyper-masculinity was covering some insecurities--Adam lifted the most weight, ran the fastest 40, racked up the most tackles, got the most attention. But it never seemed to be enough. Adam's world was about being praised and being fawned over for his physical prowess and good looks. When he wasn't getting those things, it knawed at his self-esteem and made him hunger for a way to shine. If he couldn't get this, he wouldn't hesitate to put down weaker peers and attempt to dominate them in some way until his confidence was restored.

Now, these two worlds might never have collided if Adam hadn't broke his arm, ending his season before it even started and sticking him with a wrist to elbow cast. This was an inmitigated disaster. And not just because his scholarship offers might dry up. Out of the line-up and relegated to the sidelines, Adam's ego was starved. To make matters worse, his "no chicks during the season" rule was backfiring. Franklin CC was a mostly male campus and a lot of the female students were on the cross-town campus where the nursing building was. Stuck in an all-male dorm with no car and unable to jerk off, Adam was fast becoming a horny mess.

And that's when he noticed Josh. Always around in the gym, always glancing at him. Young, always alone, weakly lifting the weights all wrong. Probably shy and needing a strong male role model. Adam sized him up pretty accurately--and could not help it as his mind began running scenarios through his head.

"Hi little man," Josh said. "Can you give me a spot? As you can see, I'm a little handicapped." Adam waved his cast and sat at the curl bench.

For Josh it was a red-letter day just for the fact that Adam had come up and talked to him. It got better as he helped Adam with his one-armed workout for the next half hour. To be there as the Greek God threw around iron right next to him, close enough to smell every fiber of manhood that was oozing out of the burly stud. To have Adam put his arm around him and chat him up about coming back the next day.

And Josh did come back, exactly when Adam told him to. They worked out for about 45 minutes and Adam gave him some tips and improved his technique. During the workout they talked about sports and girls. Josh lied a little bit, and Adam knew he was probably lying, but that didn't bother him. If the kid was trying to impress him, then perhaps he would help him out. Perhaps he would help him "relieve some pressure" as they say.

When Adam had worked up a good sweat and finished his last set he steered Josh to the lockerroom and led him inside.

"I don't have a towel or anything, I always just go home," Josh said.

"No problem, you can use mine," Adam said. Josh could hardly object--he was glad to be receiving all the attention. Adam flipped on a couple showers and started kicking off his shoes and stuffing them into a locker. He pulled off his shirt and Josh marveled at his body. It was goddamned perfect. Josh tried to hide his embarrasment as he peeled off his clothes and stood stark naked with his hands over his privates. Adam got down to his underwear and walked to the other side of the lockerroom.

"My buddy has a bar of soap down here," he grabbed it and then stepped out of his briefs and walked up to Josh completely nude, his big cock swinging back and forth. Adam handed him the soap and pulled out a towel, putting it around his neck. Josh looked everywhere but down.

"Think you can give me a hand," Adam said, looking at Josh.

"With what?"

"With my cast," Adam said, and Josh noticed that he had a plastic sleeve in his hand. "If you help it goes on in a second."

"Sure sure," Josh stammered. He helped get the sleeve over the cast. He was barely watching what he was doing, however. Putting on the cover, he was able to stare right at Adam's penis without him noticing. It was thick and cut, with a neatly trimmed bush. When they were done Adam thanked him like it was no big deal and went into the shower.

Josh and Adam didn't talk as they showered together. Josh couldn't help sneaking peeks at Adam from under the water and Adam couldn't help showing off a little. He stretched his arms when he soaped up and made sure to face Josh when he washed his crotch. Washing his junk was making it come to life and he didn't try to hide it from the boy.

Adam rinsed and snapped off the shower, Josh following him back to the lockers. Adam grabbed the towel and began to dry off right in front of Josh, his big dick continuing to stir. That's when Josh realized there was only one towel, but he stood by and tried to hide his awkwardness.

"How long until I get a body like yours," Josh said, shivering while he waited for Adam.

"Ha! It will be a little while, don't get ahead of yourself. You got a lot of booty, I think we should hit the squats with that, you know?" Adam handed him the used towel and stood in front of him with his growing cock on full display. There really was no reason to flaunt his dick, but Adam wanted to see what he would do.

And Josh didn't do anything. A full grown man was standing buck-naked in front of him with his hands on his hips, sporting a full boner--and Josh didn't do a thing. He ignored it as long as he could, and when he was done drying himself he handed the towel back to Adam, who put it around his neck.

"Sorry about the wood," Adam finallly said, smiling. "I can't really do much with the cast on. Left-handed is frigging impossible bro. You have no idea."

Josh let out a nervous laugh, happy someone said something. "That...that's okay man, I mean hey if I was packing meat like you I wouldn't care...I mean, you know," Josh was instantly embarrassed at what he had said, he didn't mean to compliment his erection, it just came out before he realized what he said.

Adam loved it, his ego inflating almost as much as his dong. "Yeah? It's hard all the time, I hope I can get someone to help me out soon or I'm going to lose my mind." He thrust his hip out and his cock jutted out at a 45 degree angle, it's head swollen huge. Like everything else about Adam's physique, his cock was perfect. It was thick and perfectly proportioned to the rest of his body. Josh's mind reeled.

As they got dressed Adam started talking about a party. "No car got one?"

"Yeah sure," Josh said. "You need a ride?"

"It's like you read my mind boy," Adam said. "Give me your cell number so I can call you. You'll be my Uber and I will be your personal trainer."

That night Josh picked up Adam and directed him to the party. It was way off campus and it wasn't the usual team party. That was just what Adam wanted. He was going to get off tonight if it was the last thing he did. If he could find some pussy, awesome. But if not, he was ready to push things with Josh and see if he would jack him off. If that happened the last thing he wanted was people around that he knew.

When they got there Adam ditched Josh fairly quickly and made his rounds. It was pretty barren--the girls at the party were all with their boyfriends or heading for the hills when Adam came sniffing around. He decided to move on to plan B, so he found Josh holding up a wall and announced it was time to get high. There weren't any available girls, but there was a good amount of pot and Adam was free to smoke now that he wasn't going to play. He slapped backs with some guys at the party and he and Josh blazed up.

Josh had smoked a couple times before, but tonight he really hit the pipe hard. In no time he was really stoned. It made him feel so calm and so passive. Adam laughed as he watched the high schooler get high.

"I feel so stoned man," Josh admitted as he and Adam found an alcove with an old sofa, away from most of the party. Adam put his arm around him and then had him switch sides with him, so the boy was on his right. Josh thought that was weird, but he was floating now and started to gush to Adam about what a cool party it was and how neat it was to hang out. He started to feel embarrassed about what he was saying and about how close they were sitting.

"I should keep my mouth closed," Josh said. Adam laughed at the kid--he might have some use for an open mouth before the night was through.

"There was nothing out there tonight man," Adam said, adjusting his cock in his jeans. "The slump continues. I need a girl in the worst way...I mean look at this thing. Feel it..."

Josh glanced at the bulge in Adam's lap and before he could say anything Adam grabbed his hand and put it on his crotch.

"Oh's big and hard again," Josh said, pulling his hand away...he pulled it away but not like he touched a hot stove. Adam put his hand on his crotch again and this time Josh's hand lingered for a second or two more before he took it off.

Adam started unsnapping his pants. "Can you help a brother out? Do me a little favor?"

"Um I don't know man, I'm straight, I' know," Josh said. It didn't stop Adam who pushed his jeans and underwear down to his knees and sat there with his cock out. It was getting stiffer and Josh was transfixed on the big dick. He was feeling a wave of fear, but he was so stoned. Why did he take those big hits? Because he wanted to impress Adam, that's why. And now Adam took his wrist and put his hand right on his bare cock.

"This won't make you gay or anything," Adam said, looking him in the eye.

It felt so warm in his palm, and Josh squeezed it and began to lightly stroke it. He knew where it would feel good and he got right under the big head.

Adam moaned and pulled Josh in a little closer with his cast. "Damn that feels good, boy...jack me off. Jack me off I really need it."

Josh stoked the big cock for a minute. The head felt so big and soft on the hard shaft. It was surreal to watch his own hand pumping the stud's cock. "I can't beleive I'm doing this," he said.

Josh was jacking off Adam and glancing at the party just outside the alcove. Anyone who walked up to the door and looked in would see him pumping the big stud's pecker. In his stoned state he just couldn't focus on anything except the cock in his hand. He even slid down and cupped Adam's balls, squeezing them for a second or two and then going back up the shaft.

It was happening just as Adam thought it would. Josh was the shy guy in the gym. Adam caught him staring one too many times--and just a little too long. He was admiring him as he worked out. Adam figured he could turn him out...and now he was going to try and do just that.

"Come on, get down on your knees," Adam said, grabbing Josh by his hair and kicking his pants down to his ankles.

"No man, no..." Josh begged him weakly, not wanting to give head.

Adam ignored him and pushed him down between his legs and held his head steady. With his cast he pushed on the base of his cock and aimed his meat right at Josh's mouth. The stoned kid shook his head but felt his willpower leaving him...after a moment or two of hesitation he opened up and slid his toungue around the head.

"This is where you belong," Adam said. "Now suck me off, boy."

Josh did as he was told. The effects of the pot and the powerful stud gripping his head left no choice. He began to suck cock. He was down on his knees just like a girl, gripping a thick shaft and bobbing his head up and down, sucking and looking up at Adam and sucking some more. The cock was so warm and the fact that it was was intoxicating.

He noticed people gathering and talking and pointing out that he was giving head. He heard Adam joke with them and he was aware that everyone would now think he was gay. Here he was, a straight guy, on his knees giving another man a blowjob. He was embarassed that people were watching but his mind was too fuzzy to do anything about it. The smell of Adam's crotch, the feel of the smooth cock sliding in and out faster and faster...Josh lost track of time. He was sucking Adam's cock!

Adam had such a load built up in his balls that it took absolutely no time to cum. The kid was a natural cock-sucker and Adam couldn't stop from moaning, even though people were watching. In a couple minutes he shot past the point of no return and his cock erupted inside the boy's mouth. "Oh my God! Fuuuuuccck suck it off bitch...ohhhh suck it!"

The big cock pulsed in Josh's mouth and a gush of hot, bitter cum sprayed his tonsils. He twisted his head to the side and managed to dislodge the thick cock. Another blast of semen coated his cheek and ear...another sent a sticky rope into his hair...Adam regained control of Josh's head and pushed his mouth back down on his throbbing penis. Josh was forced to gulp down cum as the big red dick continued to spasm and ejaculate in his mouth. Adam used the kid's mouth to pump out the last of his pent-up load.

Finally he let out a deep groan and let go of the kid's head. "Oh my god that's enough--stop stop..." Josh realized that he was still nursing on the big dick even after Adam had stopped coming. The cock slipped from his lips and cum spilled out onto the floor in a puddle between Adam's legs. There was so much cum...

Someone in the doorway whistled and said "Wow"...someone else said something about "what a huge fucking nut." Josh climbed off his knees and wanted to disappear, but he had no place to hide. There were some claps of approval from the doorway and Adam pulled up his pants and stood with a huge satisfied grin. He stretched his arms like a yawn and looked down at Josh while the crowd drifted away.

"That wasn't too bad, boy. You take good dick. Now let's get the fuck out of here."

To be continued...

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"Turned Out By Big Scott" (Gay Authoritarian 28 May 2021)

"Mark Made Me A Bottom" (Gay Authoritarian 9 Jun 2021)

"No Longer Straight" (Transgender High School 18 Jul 2021)

Next: Chapter 2

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