By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 30, 2008



DEDICATION: This story is dedicated to two people who have gone far out of their way to help me since my stroke. There is no way I can ever thank them enough for their love and their care.

This story is dedicated to Treva and Dawn.

JOSH, RYAN AND ME By RimPig 2008

You see, there was this girl. We were at a team party for the wrestling team and we both got a little drunk. Okay, maybe more than a little. And I know it was stupid not to use any protection but how was I to know that she'd end up pregnant. I was only 17 and a junior. I had no intentions of becoming a father or worse a husband. Thank God, she didn't want to get married either. However, she didn't want to be saddled with the kid.

Now most people would see a very clear and simple answer to this problem. But both her parents and my parents considered abortion and least a sin, if not a crime. She was already a senior and had a scholarship to some big university back east. She had no intentions of staying in West Texas in the little town where we both grew up.

It was decided by our parents that she would have the child, and then I would become the custodial parent. And so just before my 18th birthday I became the very proud but very scared father of little Joshua Westphal or Josh as we came to call him.

Because most people in the town were opposed to abortion on either religious or legal grounds, our high school had a daycare center on the campus. This was to provide for the girls who got pregnant a place to care for their children while they continued their academic pursuits.

However, the school system never really figured on a guy being an unwed father, as I discovered the day I took Josh there to register him. All of the forms kept asking for the "mother's" name and I kept scratching it out and putting "father's" name instead.

When you go through something as embarrassing and stressful as the birth of my son had been, you get to know who your friends really are. Not that I had that many to begin with but, by the time I was headed back to school for my senior year I only had one.

Ryan wrestled the unlimited weight class on my wrestling team. But don't get the idea that he was fat or anything. Ryan stood about 6 foot 5 inches and weighed in at 210 pounds. He was massive and all 210 pounds of him were rock hard muscle. Ryan had the most defined and muscular body I'd ever seen on another guy. With his dark hair and his dark eyes, he was considered a major "catch" by a lot of girls. Only thing was, none of them could seem to catch him. While he dated occasionally, Ryan didn't hook up with any girl for any length of time.

On the surface that gave us something in common, but not really. I was sure that Ryan's reason for playing the field was very different than mine. Like any other jock, I was used to being chased by girls from the time I got on the team. The only problem was I really didn't like girls. I never felt comfortable around them and when I had sex with them it was never all that great. It always seemed like something was missing, some excitement that was supposed to be there but never was.

Ryan and I had become friends our freshmen year. We were both on the wrestling team but we didn't wrestle in the same weight class. I was a lot smaller than Ryan at only 5 foot 10 and I only weighed 150 pounds. While I was mostly muscle, I looked more like a member of the track team than the wrestling team. I always considered myself lucky that I didn't have to wrestle Ryan. With his size, strength, and weight he could have broken me in half with hardly any effort.

Ryan and really surprised me though. I remember the first day that we brought Josh home from the hospital, Ryan was waiting for us when we got home. He stayed with me all day and helped me to take care of Josh, even going so far as to changing diapers and feeding him his bottle. Since I was an only child I had no idea how to do these things but Josh had four younger brothers and sisters so he knew a lot more about taking care of babies than I did. Of course, my mom was around but she and my dad were still angry at me for getting in this situation to begin with. Ryan, on the other hand, never said one word of judgment about it. I think I was most grateful to him for that.

Ryan started spending nights at my house playing with Josh and helping me take care of him. In so many ways, it was like we were both Josh's father. I could see that Josh was bonding with Ryan. He could be carrying on crying and being fussy and the minute Ryan picked him up in his arms, Josh would quiet right down. I have to admit, I was somewhat jealous of that. I don't ever remember my dad holding me when I was little. He always seemed distant and uninterested. To be honest, I had already decided that was not the way Josh was going to be raised. He would know that I held him. He would know that from the moment he entered my life he became the most important person in it.

I have to think that was the reason that I missed what was going on.

Of all the sports seasons in a high school year wrestling is the longest. We would begin training in late August and the season wouldn't end until the following March. I was afraid that because of Josh, the coach wouldn't let me wrestle my senior year. I went to see him in early August before training camp started.

"Coach," I said. "Are you going to let me back on the team?"

"Why wouldn't I?" he countered.

"Well, you know, I have a son now."

"Look, Jason, I've three sons. If you can come back to school and handle that, I don't see any reason why you can't handle wrestling too."

"I just wondered. I figured you might not want me. After all, nobody on the team, except for Ryan, has even so much is spoken me since my son was born."

"I hate to say this, Jason, but guys your age can be a real assholes. They have no idea what you're going through or how great it can be. My children mean more to me than anything else on earth. And I'd be willing to bet you feel the same way. But your teammates aren't gonna understand that until they have kids of their own. That probably won't be too many years from now but they have to get there before they can understand. Don't worry about it."

So every day after school Ryan and I would go to the daycare center, pick up Josh and head to wrestling practice. If anybody was going to make jokes about me bringing a baby to wrestling practice, they quickly shut up when the first day of practice Ryan walked in carrying Josh. They might think they could get away with making fun of me, but nobody was going to try that with Ryan. They all wanted to continue breathing and walking.

For the rest of the season, not one word was ever said to me about bringing Josh to practice. In fact, a lot of guys on the team started coming over during breaks and asking if they could hold him. Some of them even quietly told me how lucky I was to have such a cute kid like him.

But throughout the season something else was happening. Something I didn't understand at first. Ryan was spending more and more nights with me and Josh. There were three beds in my room. Two singles and Josh's crib. There were a number of nights that I would wake up to Josh's cries only to see Ryan get up and either change him or get Josh's bottle. I had gone to the Salvation Army thrift store and found an old a wooden rocker that I put in my room. Frequently, I found Ryan asleep in it with Josh in his arms.

The more time that Ryan and I spent together, the more I began to have some very deep feelings about him. At first, I couldn't admit to myself that what I was feeling was love. While I'd never had those feelings for a girl I sure didn't expect to feel them for a guy. And once I was able to admit to myself what I was feeling I became very scared of Ryan ever finding out. Of course, I never thought about Ryan's feelings until a night near the end of the wrestling season.

I had noticed that Ryan had been rather quiet for the past couple of days and finally one night while we were sitting on my bed, watching TV up in my room with Josh crawling all over us, I decided to find out what was wrong.

"You haven't said much the last few days. Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"What are you gonna do after graduation?" he asked me instead of answering.

"I don't know. I mean I always meant to go to college but having Josh, I don't know if I can handle it."

"What if you had help?"

"What do you mean-help?"

"Well, like I help you now." He said very quietly.

"Why would you want to do that? That would be asking an awful lot of you. I wouldn't feel right about it."

"What if I told you that I wanted to. What if I told you that I've grown to love Josh very much."

"I can understand that, but it doesn't make much sense. Eventually, you'll find a girl, fall in love, get married and have kids of your own."

"That's not going to happen, Jason."

"What do you mean? Why not?"

Ryan didn't say anything for quite a while he just sat there hunched over, his elbows on his knees looking at the floor. When he finally did speak I could barely hear him, he said it's so quietly.

"You may hate me for this, but I can't fall in love with a girl because I'm already in love, with you."

I just sat there completely thunderstruck. At first, I did know what to say. It was such a hard idea to grasp. I knew I was in love with him but I had no idea that he would never feel the same way about me.

"Are you sure?"

Ryan practically growled at me, "Of course I'm sure!"

"You don't understand. I figured out months ago that I was falling in love with you. I tried to fight it and, when I couldn't, I tried to hide it from you the best I could."

"Well, you did a good job. I was so scared. I figured you'd never want to see me again.

That I would lose both you and Josh at the same time."

"Let me ask you something? Have you ever been with another guy?"

"No. Have you?"

"No, except for you I'd never had feelings for a guy before."

"So what do we do?" Ryan asked.

"How the fuck should I know? I know what to do with a girl and you're sure as fuck ain't no girl."

"Haven't you even thought about it?"

"Well There was one thing I thought about."

"Yeah, what was that?"

"I would watch you sometimes holding Josh and wish that you would hold me that way."

"That's really funny, because sometimes when I'm holding Josh I'd wish it was you I had in my arms."

Ryan got up from the bed, picked up Josh and put him in his crib. Then he sat back down and held his arms out to me. I didn't hesitate, I practically flew across the bed and into his arms.

The feelings of safety and love that I felt being held in his strong, muscular arms was beyond anything that I had been able to imagine. I could feel Ryan's warmth and, better yet, I could smell his scent, that earthy muskiness that filled me with desire for him. Even if I didn't know what two guys did together, sexually, I was more than ready to find out.

Ryan then did something which, at the time, surprised me though I don't know why it should have. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss. He pulled back and looked down into my eyes, I guess to see how I was going to handle it. I look back at him and murmured, "Again. Please, do it again."

I didn't need to ask twice. His mouth came down on mine in a kiss that quickly went from gentle to deeply passionate. My whole body thrilled to the feelings of that kiss. Here was the excitement that I had never found with a girl. Here was a strength and a passion that had always been missing. Ryan began to lick my upper lip with his tongue begging for entrance. I opened my mouth and felt his tongue surge against mine. I began to suck on it and gently scrape it with my teeth. I heard a deep groan from Ryan at this. I suddenly realized that I didn't need to guess at what two guys did with each other. I knew exactly what to do with Ryan because I knew exactly what I wanted. I didn't have to guess at what would feel good. I didn't have to wonder if he was really turned on because as my hand slowly slid down his muscular body it quickly encountered the hard mound in his jeans that told me all I needed to know.

"I want you naked." Ryan murmured to me, pulling his mouth from mine.

There was a deep huskiness in his voice I had never heard before. I realized that I probably sounded pretty much the same as I said, "I want you the same way."

We let go of each other, stood up and are clothes went flying in every direction until we were both standing there, naked as the day we were born, and starring at each other. I'd seen Ryan's body hundreds of times in the locker room but this was different, this was intimate. Not only that but I had never seen him hard before. I was more than a little taken aback by the size of him. It's not that you don't see the occasional hard on in the locker room but I had never seen one that big! While I had nothing to be ashamed of, with about 8 inches, Ryan had what I later found out was 10 inches and very, very thick.

"FUCK! You're huge!" I exclaimed.

"You aren't so small yourself." Ryan chuckled.

"I ain't got anything like you." I insisted.

"What? You don't like it?" he asked.

"I didn't say that. I'm just thinking that it might be real painful to do stuff I've heard guys do together."

"If you're talking about cornholing', we don't have to do that."

"Yes, we do."


"You do like to fuck, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, I do."

"And you're gonna stand there and tell me that you're going to be happy never fucking again?"

"No. I can't say that."

"So if you don't fuck me, who is it you're gonna fuck?"

"Nobody." He said quietly.

"Then that means I gotta find a way to take that donkey dick of yours up my ass. Just out of curiosity, have you ever fucked a girl in the ass?"

"Once. She wouldn't let any guy fuck her pussy. She claimed she wanted to be a virgin when she got married. But she must have got fucked in the ass a lot because she took my cock without even a whimper."

"I don't think I'll be able to do that. Maybe eventually when I get used to it."

"We don't have to do that tonight." He insisted.

"No. I know what I want to do tonight."

His eyes seem to light up as he eagerly asked, "What's that?"

"If you're anything like me, and I'm betting you are, then you love getting your cock sucked."

"Oh, fuck yeah!" he grinned.

I slowly walked towards him until there were just a few inches between us. I slowly lowered myself to my knees until his groin was in my face. While I intended to suck his cock, right before my eyes was his hairy scrotum and I could smell a deeply masculine scent coming from them. I leaned forward pushing my nose up against his sack and began breathing deeply of his smell. I instantly fell in love with it. I guess he could hear me and tell what I was doing.

"Do you like how I smell?" I could hear his deep, husky voice coming from above me.

"Fuck yeah! I love it." I assured him.

And if I thought I loved how he smelled, that was nothing compared to how much I loved how he tasted once I began gently licking his balls. I could taste the saltiness of his sweat and the tang of his musk and I was lost to the richness of the flavors.

Once his balls were fully wet with my saliva I reached up and grabbed hold of his hard cock, pulling it down so that I could get it in my mouth. At first, I didn't think it would actually fit, the head was so big but I saw a bubble of glistening pre-cum coming out of his piss slit and slowly slid my tongue across it tasting Ryan's sweetness for the first time. I tasted my own once, but it was salty. Ryan's, on the other hand, was as sweet as honey.

The more I licked the head of his cock, the more pre-cum he produced for me to lick off.

Finally, I just open my mouth as wide as I could and took the head of his cock inside it. I knew enough from bad blow jobs I'd gotten from girls to keep my teeth covered with my lips so I wouldn't scrape them against him. I tried taking more than just the head but was only able to get about another inch of his shaft before his cock hit the back of my throat and I nearly gagged.

"You don't need to take all of it. What you're doing is fine." Ryan assured me.

I pulled off his cock and looked up at him. "I want to get you off." I said.

"That's not gonna be any problem, trust me. But I want to get you off too." And saying this he pulled his cock from my mouth and lay down on the bed on his side, his head resting on his hand.

"Lay down the opposite way. I want to taste you, too."

We got into the classic 69 position and it was then, for the first time, that I felt the warm wetness of his mouth surround my cock. I took his cock back into my mouth and we lay there eagerly sucking on each other. But not for long. We had both been without release for quite a while and in only a few minutes Ryan flooded my mouth with spurt after spurt of his cum. This triggered me and I could feel Ryan eagerly swallowing my load as I shot in his mouth. It wasn't until afterwards that I could taste Ryan's cum, because I was too busy swallowing to keep from drowning. The aftertaste of him in my mouth was almost as sweet as his pre-cum. It was then I knew that I was truly a cocksucker' because I almost immediately wanted to do it again. I had found what had been missing in all the sex with girls that I had. I loved the feeling of his cock in my mouth. I love that taste of his cock in my mouth. And I loved when he shot his load in my mouth. Yep! I was a cocksucker. No way around it. But I also knew that this was the only cock I ever wanted to suck because this cock was Ryan's.

Ryan turned around on the bed so that we were laying in each other's arms. He again pressed his mouth to mine and I found myself tasting my own load on his tongue. I'm sure he could taste his on mine. There was something deeply significant about sharing so intimately with another guy.

As we lay there, kissing and touching each other's bodies, it didn't take long for us to recover our hard-ons. However, this time Ryan asked me to do something for him. He asked me to roll over on my stomach and spread my legs.

"I thought you weren't going to cornhole me?" I asked.

"I'm not going to. I promise. I won't fuck you until you ask me to."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Just please do what I ask and don't ask any more questions. I promise you'll like this."

I rolled over onto my stomach, spread my legs, and shut my mouth. I'm not completely stupid. I did figure out that he wanted to do something and he didn't want to talk about it. Ryan got on top of me, his body covering mine completely, and it was then that I felt his tongue licking the back of my neck, across my shoulders and finally down my back. The feeling of his tongue against my skin had me positively whimpering by the time he were each the small of my back. I figured he would stop there. But I was wrong. He moved down between my legs and the next thing I felt was his tongue gently licking the cheeks of my ass. His tongue kept moving across from one cheek to the other. I was groaning and lifting my ass up trying to get more of his tongue against it. Instead of this, however, I felt his hands spread my cheeks apart until the cleft of my ass was open to him.

I did know what he was about to do. I had absolutely no idea having never even heard or thought about someone doing it. The next thing I knew I could feel something wet and slightly rough wiggling its way from the back of my balls all the way through the crack of my ass. I practically screamed, "What the Fuck are you doing?!"

"Keep it down! You'll wake up Josh."

I turned my head around and again asked, "What the Fuck are you doing?"

"If you have to ask, then you've never had it done before. I'm licking your ass."

"You're what?" I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

"I'm licking your ass. The girl I told you about, the one I butt-fucked, she did it to me. I fucking loved it! I figured you would too. Didn it feel good?"

I had to stop a second and think about that.

"Yeah, it felt good, but are you sure you want to do that?"

"Oh, hell yeah! I really love your butt and I've wanted to do this almost since the first time I saw it."

Well, that was an interesting piece of information. So Ryan loves my butt! That was good because I sure loved his.

"If you love it that much then go ahead back to what you were doing."

And he did. He must have licked my butt for an hour or more. He got me so relaxed and feeling so good that he was even able to get his tongue up my hole. He fucked me with it like a small, wet cock and until my butt started to crave something bigger going in and out of it. It was then that it dawned on me that Ryan had a plan in mind for how to get into my ass. Not only that, but the plan was working because I could feel my resistance to being cornholed crumbling.

I guess he knew that it was working as well because the next thing he asked me was, "Do you have any lube?"

"In the drawer of the table between the beds."

I kept it there to jack off with sometimes.

Ryan got the bottle of lube of the drawer and then got back on the bed. I felt something cold dripping on my asshole and I moaned.

"Sorry, I don't have any way to warm it. But just hang on they'll be warm in a second."

Ryan said.

I felt Ryan begin to work the lube into my hole. Then he slowly and gently began to slide one of his fingers inside me. He worked it in until he couldn't go any further then he began to fuck me with it, slowly drawing it in and out. I had wanted something larger and longer than his tongue. One of his large fingers definitely fit the bill. I lay there moaning and feeling a type of pleasure I had never felt in my life. Oh, I played with my ass while I jacked off before but it had never felt like this. If this was what getting fucked in the ass felt like, then call me the

Corn-hole' kid!

Ryan continued to finger-fuck me adding more lube and more fingers as I slowly relaxed and I opened up to him. When he got two fingers in me he started moving them around. At one point, he brushed up against something up inside me and the feeling was so intense that I nearly came.

"What the Fuck?! What the fuck was that? I nearly fucking came!"

"I don't know. Whatever it is, it's round and it's big. About the size of a walnut." Ryan answered.

"I think that if you can get your cock to rub up against that while you're fucking me, you can make me come really easy."

"Are you saying you want me to fuck you?"

"Don't you want to?"

"Of course I want to. But I told you, I won't do it unless you ask me to."

I pulled my ass off His fingers and turned over onto my back and looked at him. With a smile on my face, I slowly raised my legs and spread them open. I grabbed them behind the knees with my hands and pulled and spread them as far as I could.

"Is that enough asking?"

"OH, fuck yeah!"

Ryan grabbed the bottle of lube and began liberally applying it to his cock. He added more to my asshole and then placed the head of his cock up against it. He rose up over me resting on his hands which were beside my shoulders. He looked down at me.

"Last chance to say no'." he murmured.

Then his mouth came down on mine in a deeply passionate kiss and there was no chance to say anything. I felt pressure against my hole and then I could feel his cock slowly inching its way inside me. There was no pain. Just a feeling of fullness. Ryan took it very slowly. He pulled his mouth away from mine but continued to look down at me, watching for any signs of pain. After what seemed hours but were probably only minutes, I felt his pubic hair brushing up against the entrance to my body. He was all the way inside me. I had taken all of his monster cock.

"You still okay?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah, I can't believe it but it doesn't hurt in all."

"You are unbelievably tight and hot inside."

Ryan slowly began to fuck me. He pulled out only in inch or so to start. And then slowly shoved it back in. He kept up this slow and steady pace until he was pulling almost half his cock out and then sliding back in. By this point, however, my ass had relaxed and opened up. I wanted to feel him shoving back inside harder and pulling back further.

I looked up into his eyes and begged him, "Fuck me, Ryan! Fuck me harder! Gimme all you've got!"

"Okay, but just remember you asked for it!"

And with this Ryan gave me exactly what I had begged for. He began power-fucking my ass slamming his cock into my ass with all his strength. He was fucking me so hard that I was literally being shoved across the bed. In fact, had there not been a pillow between my head and the wall I probably would've been knocked out. He was pulling out almost to the point that his cock came out of my hole and then slamming all the way back in. I couldn't believe as hard as he was pounding my body, how unbelievably good it felt! In fact, my cock was rock hard and leaking and I had need and touched it.

As Ryan continued to plow my ass, I could feel his cock rubbing up against whatever that was up in my ass and before I knew it, I could feel that special tension in my groin that told me I was about to come. I looked up at Ryan and I knew he saw the shock on my face.

"I'm gonna cum! I can't stop it! FUCK ME!"

As Ryan continued to pound his cock into me my cock began spraying cum all over both of us. It was the most intense orgasm I'd ever had in my life. What it was over we even found some of the cum dripping down the wall above my head.

My orgasm evidently triggered Ryan's because the next thing I knew his thrusts lost all their rhythm and he was groaning deeply, "OH FUCK! OH FUCK! OH FUCK!"

I could feel his hard cock jerking in my ass and I knew that he was shooting his load deep inside me. A feeling came over me that is almost impossible to describe. It was part pride at having gotten him off so well. It was also partly very deep love and the feeling of belonging to him. There was a small part of me that only wished that by taking his cum inside of me I could have a son for him.

That was the other thing that surprised me. Throughout all are rutting and the noise we made fucking, Joshua continued to sleep through it all. I hoped that continued to be the case because now that I knew what it was like to have Ryan make love to me, there was no way I was ever going to stop needing and wanting it.

We lay there sweaty and covered with my sperm and slowly drifted off to sleep together.

The feeling of sleeping in Ryan's arms was topped only by waking up in them. It was still the dead of night when I awoke to Ryan gently kissing all over my face. I reached up my hand and gently stroked his cheek.

"I love you. I never knew that I could ever love somebody this much." Ryan murmured to me.

"With your arms around me like this, I feel like I belong to you."

"What makes you think you don't?"

"It's a strange feeling though. At the same time, I feel like you belong to me."

"I do. Forever and ever."

"Did we just get married?"

"As far as I'm concerned we did."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"More than anything in the world. What about you?"

"I never thought that I'd ever say this to another guy, but I can't live without you, you're everything to me. As far as I'm concerned, I want to live the rest of my life with you."

"Then yeah, I guess we did get married."

Six months later, we were at the state university. Ryan got a full wrestling scholarship body made it clear to the wrestling coach that he had to provide us housing in the married student apartments because we had a kid. We didn't need to tell him that we were a married couple. That just kind of went without saying.

When Josh was five Ryan and I took out student loans and went to graduate school.

Ryan went to law school while I was working on my PhD in history. When we graduated Ryan got a position with an old established law firm in Boston and I was able to get a teaching position at Brandeis university. Because of the law in Massachusetts which permits the marriage of same sex couples, when Joshua was 10 years old he acted as ring bearer at his fathers' marriage. Not only that, but Ryan legally I adopted him and so now he is truly OUR son.

We live a very busy, normal life in a house built in the 1700s in Cambridge. Unlike his fathers, Josh's sport is soccer not wrestling. Ryan and I have had to adapt to that.

We're still very much in love. I just hope, for his sake, that Josh is still able to sleep through all the noise that comes from our bedroom.


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For those of you who don't know, I am also a published author. I write male/male erotic romance novels for the E-publisher, Loose Id. You can find my books under my pen name, Bobby Michaels, at their website at

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