Josh in Biology Class

By Mike Austin

Published on Mar 4, 2020



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I reached Ricardo and arranged for him to have an XYZ Sign held up for the arriving guest, Chuck, to identify the ride. Not knowing Chuck or his looks, I figured a distinguishing XYZ Sign would be unique enough to connect the arriving passenger and his ride. Engineer Pete of course knew nothing of my room change from another double to the garden view with its king bed. Hope this Chuck guy was ok with the arrangements?

One and half hours after Chuck's flight was to land, there was a knock on the door. I answered in swim trunks, holding a tequila sunrise and a smile. Chuck was at least 6'5", 225-230 pound, muscled black daddy. I think my mouth dropped open as Chuck stood in the doorway smiling. "Do I get to come in or is this all the room space I get", he joked. Gathered my wits again and inviting him in was the least I could do. We shook hands, I explained the room arrangements and change and hoped he didn't object to the king bed? Shaking his head no, Chuck lobbed his totes to the floor and toured the room. "This place is fucking awesome", he admitted. "The website doesn't match the real thing, this is terrific", again he offered. "Pete said not be too surprised if you were the planner, but the place IS top notch" he continued. "How do you want to split the costs and I'm happy to pay what would have been Pete's portion for the entire break, if you like or...", I stopped him with both hands up. "Chill Chuck, have a sunrise with me and we'll go get the other guys for a swim or some chow and give you a chance to unwind pronto", I suggested. "You got place for me to put out some of my toiletries or just keep them in my kit", he asked. I ushered him into the bath and there was ample space for him to lay out his gear and I offered him time to grab a shower if he felt a need after his flight and customs ordeal, but he declined and opted to grab some breakfast and a swim. Chuck's frame was big, the long baggy black shorts concealed a monster dick and enormous balls, I was to learn AND enjoy!!! "Oh and BTW, the taxi driver, I think his name was Ricardo- wouldn't take any money for the ride and said you'd cover it later, so thanks man", Chuck shared. He disappeared into the bath to change into swim trunks and emerged with a large bath towel around his broad shoulders and framing his dark black chiseled body. The swath of black chest and ab fur only added to the allure. I handed off a sunrise and we headed to the patio and pool beyond for some breakfast and intros. I would be sending Pete a whole stalk of bananas...

Over breakfast, we told our stories and learned that Chuck was 4 years older as he'd been in the Army for a tour before starting college. That technically made him a freshman, though he'd taken some AP credits and was closer to a sophomore. Pete's engineering Fraternity had been mentoring engineer majors and Chuck had been one selected for the program. Being older, he felt a bit awkward and sort of stuck to himself a lot and hoped to get in some Summer hours to further his course status. He was carrying an 18 hour semester load and was welcoming this break. I wondered about his "load" quietly. After a swim, we all agreed to take the Chichen Itza Excursion the next day, but would hop on the City Tour later today. After the tour, another swim, some more tequila, Bret and Pete had made plans to hit a dance bar and invited Chuck along, who declined in favor of a first night's sleep to prep for the next day's activities. I of course declined to join the party guys so Chuck and I planned a dinner at La Epicure Boutique and we weren't disappointed; with excellent service and phenomenal fare. We returned for a pool drink and end a great day. I admit being uneasy about how Chuck and the sleeping arrangements but WTF, we were guys being guys and he'd been in the Army so was sure they'd not had separate sleeping quarters........

I stretched, claimed fatigue and Chuck said he'd fix another nightcap then would be in and if I was asleep he'd be extra quiet. HELLS BELLS, I wanted him to wake me UP, I thought..... I hit the sack and must have been out like a light as I woke about 2 a.m. to find Chuck in a fetal position, facing away from me, lightly snoring and all the lights on in the room. I chuckled a bit, took a leak and returned to the warmth of my side of the king bed. I woke the next morning to the scent of coffee brewing and the sight of Chuck standing there facing the patio in his boxer briefs. That amazing blue-black torso outlined by the patio doors; what a fucking sight to see first thing. I yawned, he turned, walked to the coffee bar and poured me a cup, headed to the bed with cup of brew in hand and offered, "get up bro you're sleeping away the day, the tour bus leaves in 30". The black coffee jolted me awake and the sight of Chuck within arm's reach was enticing. I looked up, then down to his crotch, then back up into his grinning eyes; "uh huh, Pete said you'd be a good `roomy' and take care of things", then groping his crotch, he went on "but not now buddy boy, you got to get it in gear and we got to meet the guys and that tour bus". I jetted to the head, and was dressed and ready in 15. We grabbed some pastries and boarded our elongated van for the trip to Chichen Itza. The other hotel guests joined in and lots of selfies and other pics and vids, filled the day along with facts, food, walking and finally a nap en route back to the hotel. Chuck did NOT disappoint. As soon as we hit the room, he announced he was hitting the shower and invited me to join. I soaped his torso, felt the muscles respond, sudsed his glutes and crack then he rotated and presented his heavy dick and balls for soap and pleasure. I dropped before him, the hot spray cascading water down his torso and over my head as I slowly swallowed the long thick deep purple dickhead; then swallowed as best I could. Once used to the girth, I began a long deep throat session. His heavy scrotum swung free of his groin and thighs and enabled me to slowly jack his bag and heavy balls. The hot water continued to flow down him and across me and my head job grew more and more rapid. His deep voice directing me for his pleasures and finally gripping my head, he slammed deep, held me down and emptied his huge orgasm down my throat. I remained kneeling and lapped his cock and balls in appreciation, stood, he soaped me and we both rinsed free of suds and any remnant cum. "Pete said you'd take care of things", he reminded me. "There's more of that whenever you want it", I acknowledged. We met the guys and headed to Querreke and enjoyed the hell out of the meal and fun time. As with so many things, the event ended, Bret and Pete were a bit smashed by the time we got back to the hotel.

They hit their room and we headed to ours. Some small talk ensued and the knock on the door announced a late night visitor. Pete stood there with a bottle of tequila, invited himself in and announced "let the party begin". Chuck laughed aloud, "I'm in" he admitted. Both guys began a strip tease sharing the tequila and teasing me with abandon. At one point, they did a crotch to crotch pump and opened their hands as though inviting me for both. Not letting the minute escape, I dropped between the two hunks, taking both hardening dicks in my hands and licking one head, then the other, back and forth. Both dicks continued to grow and Pete turned my head to his dick and plunged hair deep down my throat. Chuck, undaunted grabbed my head from Pete's meat and slammed his monster down my throat slot. Back and forth from one to the other several times until I was dizzy with lust and liquor. Chuck was the first, reaching under my pits, lifting me from my floor position and onto the bed. "Lemme show you how he likes it brother" said Pete; taking his cue to get me doggy again. In no time I was protesting, and then Chuck fed me that huge silky black cock and Pete lubed my hole before driving his tourbus-sized dick in me........................... The three-way was on in earnest. They synced my holes-fuck driving in together and pulling back together. In and out in and out, I was lost in the middle AND LOVED IT. They high-fived over me and agreed to swap slots. If I felt Pete's thick dick was huge, Chuck was even more massive as that ARMY MEAT plunged wide and deep inside me. I moaned, tried to moan again, but Pete held my head down on his thick cock and choked off my repeated moans. The two men fucked faster and faster and suddenly let go simultaneously in each end. I pulled off Pete and gasping for air, felt Chuck withdraw. Both guys flipped me on my back then faced each other over my head and had me suck them further. I was so turned on by the sight and presence of these two hot tops on either side of my head, feeding me, that my achy throat and sore as fuck ass were dismissed to Neverland.....More high fives from the two guys reassured me that I'd done a good thing, or was a good thing, or was anything at all...............WHEW. After Pete left, Chuck wanted more head, which I gave gladly, drinking every last drop of power sperm he had in his balls.

With two days left, Ricardo showed up the next morning to ask about getting us back to the airport on our departure. I agreed, paid him for getting Chuck, gave him a quick blowjob in our room and confirmed our pick up time once again. Maldo, the 22 year old nephew of the hotel's chef, did triple duty as poolboy, yard guy and `entertainer'. The tall lean guy had a fine chest, tight butt and showed an ample bulge that I'd been noticing since our arrival. I made some small talk after the guys headed off to the Mercado this morning and agreed to a great tip for all his pool and yard efforts for the benefit of the hotel guests. He added he had other talents he often helped guests out with. The invitation wasn't ignored and he announced he had some time on his break if I needed any help? He glanced about, then we disappeared into the room. He stripped, layed back on the bed with his arms folded behind his head. His lean body flexed a bit, his dick swelled and the fine head extended from his hood. I kneeled between his firm thighs and went down slowly at first, burying my face in his dense crotch, letting his cock swell further in my mouth. My tongue swiped his head, lapped and I began giving him deep throat action with a vengeance. His flood came swiftly, then he wanted it again and again he came faster than expected. Up and re-dressed I paid his tip and a little extra. He asked if I needed any further help to get hold of him and he also had a friend if I wanted a small party. I agreed to get hold of him and perhaps even his "friend".

The night before our departure, we had a catered meal at the hotel beside the pool. Maldo was our server and his uncle the chef, made special Yucatecan fare. It was delicious and so was the server. Bret, Pete and Chuck returned to our room for nightcaps. Maldo managed to invite himself along. It began with me giving Maldo head. The other three did a slow strip in the process. In the throe of passion, I managed to get doggy with Chuck deep in my throat and Bret and Pete double dicking my ass. Maldo watched intrigued and stroking off. The three peers took turns at either end and when Pete and Chuck got in my ass, I thought I'd be ripped apart they were so massive. Bret's skull fuck followed in due course and was an analgesic to the ass pain, Pete and Chuck were causing. Again Maldo got in a JO session and shot across my face, when Bret withdrew. Both Pete and Chuck came deep in me as they high-fived each other again and again. I was spent, they were drained and we were all a bit drunk. We piled on the bed and collapsed in a sound sleep.

The morning sun pried my eyes apart and then the ass pain rocketed through my brain. Crawling from bed and the entwined hunks, I grabbed my bag, gulped down several Tylenols and felt an urgent need to pee. Muffled voices from the bed announced the waking hulks there and I went to the coffee bar and made a pot of brew to help the mass of hunks wake up, get out and get to packing. After a quick breakfast, paying our tabs and board, Ricardo met us out front for the airport trip. After paying his fare, group tip and thanks and a few winks and we disappeared into the throng of tourists headed to customs. The flight home had me squirming in discomfort from the group ass fucking the night before. I gulped down a few more Tylenols to ease the pain and tried to rest a bit. We arrived, Pete met Chuck; Bret and Pete headed to the parking lot for Bret's SUV, Josh met me and wanted details as we drove back to the apt.

No sooner had we arrived at the apt and got inside than Josh had his dick down my throat. Those dense blonde pubes scrubbed hard against my face and his hardon felt wonderfully comfortable lodged behind my Adam's Apple. In what seemed an instant, his balls tugged up and the hot dick lobbed cum shots down my throat. After a few of my repeated gulps, he was done, withdrawn and I asked about a late lunch. He said he had after-graduation news to announce. I showered, unpacked, dropped laundry in and went through my mail and bills. UGH. We hit the Olive Garden for a late lunch, then returned to the apt. Chuck had lit up my cell phone, as did both Bret and Pete with thanks for the fine trip. Josh admitted he regretted not being able to join but reminded me that he had to work. I called Engineer Pete and thanked him for getting Chuck down to Merida for Spring Break. "Yeah, I hear yall hit it off", he responded. "I owe you a boatload of bananas bro" came my reply!!!! He laughed and we agreed to connect soon. Josh's news was that he'd accepted a position out of state and would be moving right after graduation. I was thrilled for him, though more than a bit saddened too. Then I shared my news from one piece of mail. I'd been accepted into the Graduate Program here and would just keep the apt. Soon after announcing the news to the other guys, Chuck approached me about being roommates since Josh would be moving out. The remainder of Spring happened, with me being fed or fucked by my now very familiar round of studs. Sometimes, there were one on ones and at other times, two or more came to the apt to party. Josh was intrigued by my flexibility and willingness and more than once was second or third in line of "fire". The day after graduation, Josh's folks arrived to help him pack up and load the rental truck. His younger brother would accompany him on the drive and help him unload at his new place. I wondered if the younger version of Josh would attend college here? THAT would be a great treat for sure. Chuck showed up the next day, we cleaned up his new room and bathroom and I reflected on the men who'd been in that room; Todd, Josh and now Chuck. How many showers and cumloads had come from or in that room? How many more were yet to?

Thanks, The End.......

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