Josh in Biology Class

By Mike Austin

Published on Jan 30, 2020


He sat behind and across the aisle from me in my Frosh Biology class. He was one of the 20 or so jocks in the class, for non-science majors. The T.A. was a jerk and knew she held us captive for the 1.5 hours each Tues-Thurs for the semester AND for the corresponding 2 hr lab, twice weekly. She was arrogant, pompous and made us feel her power with each syllable she uttered. The jocks of course were drooling over her long blonde hair, ample tits and clearly superior attitude and were all eager to bed her for extra credits or just to claim the score!!! Often I scoped the jocks out as she lectured and saw a blend of lust and daze in their eyes. As there were only 50 of us in the class, the rest of us were a mix of lit, history and art majors; so we were even less interesting to our T.A. than the steroided-jocks.

Josh Daniel was not tall, about 5'10" with that straw blonde hair, cut longish with a slight curl. His lean body told the tale of the tennis jock, yes I know an oxymoron, but a jock nonetheless and his prowess extended into a full-on diving star. His crotch was always packed tightly by the `Speedo' fabric or vaguely displayed in his tennis whites; where you could clearly discern he dressed left. The slight brush of blonde chest hair was cleaned when he was diving, but evident during tennis matches. There he sat, longish lean legs stretched forward, the blonde fur of his legs, evident. How often I'd imagined licking his legs from feet to crotch.... "uh Ms. Brown, could you repeat the question", the hag had summoned a reply from me and I was daydreaming of Josh's legs and that licking imagery....I could almost taste his salt. I replied to the hag's query and she moved on to harass another disinterested classmate.

Luckily, the chime, indicating the end of the class period sounded, before she had a chance to refocus her evil assault on me. Shaking my head, Josh strode past me, exiting the classroom, paused to hand-off a notebook of some sort to Ms. Brown, and continued out the door. Again the licking imagery and Josh's green eyes came into focus, before I wrestled back to reality and left the room. The hall was jammed with students and profs and the cacophony that supported the interlude. It was lunchtime and I had no follow-on class so hit the head before the commons and cafeteria. The rush of guys exiting and scrambling for their next class was funny to watch; like cats scrambling from a "Scat" yell. My heart stopped, Josh stood at the urinal finishing. He clearly was in no hurry, but I KNEW he had an Algebra class to attend. He turned his head, smiled a bit and nodded before zipping up and stepping away from the urinal, tugging his shorts and redressing his crotch. "Gotta fly bro", he uttered as we passed. `Bro' lingered in my brain......

Regroup and return to reality as I felt the eager urge to pee now; though I think there was a faint scent of Josh, still hanging beside me.......

Exiting the head, and science building, I made my way to my truck. The parking lot was again pretty still, now that students had made it to class or were already headed off campus or other campus venues. I turned the key and the radio shocked me back to reality. Smiling, I wondered what music Josh listened to when he worked out, was studying, or getting ready to run? My dick urged at the thought of him wearing headphones as I blew him; his toes tapping the air to the beat of the tune almost ignoring the long, deep throating I was giving him..........and then there were those lean, long furry legs.

The cafeteria was full by the time I arrived. I knew I had plenty of time before heading back for the afternoon lab, so just ambled about and cruised. Bret, the journalism major with the thick veiny dick, nodded and he continued visiting with friends. He was great Friday afternoon and came thick ropes and had violent orgasm reflexes; always a turn on for me. Don my Buddy Bryan's bf, grinned up as I tapped his shoulder and winked. If he and Bryan weren't together I'd be going after that. Pete the engineering major, with the thin but very long dick and enormous head and slit, stood against a wall, talking to some other engineering guys. I wanted to blow all 4 of them. Pete always tasted sweet, as though he ate candy or fruit before cumming. Bored now and clearly not finding anyone to suck-off, I got back to the truck and headed to Whataburger for a chicken sandwich. Sitting in line to place my order, I reflected on my luck, getting a full-ride and working the weekends, which covered my meals, rent and incidentals. Getting a roommate, helped cover the rent and utilities and he made being a roommate even better, when he often was extra horny and let me blow him. Todd, was a guy's guy, but was typically a 20 y/o horn dawg too. If his girl du jour didn't handle things, he knew I would!!!!

One Saturday night about 2 months ago, Todd came in late about 9:30 ranting and raving; asking if there was any booze and cussing up a storm. I'd just gotten home myself from work, was about to grab a shower, met his rant with a bottle of tequila and suggested he, sip it slowly. I watched as he quickly downed two swigs. "PIG" I thought. "Dinner and nothing fucking else", he stormed about the apartment. Down went 2 more swigs and the thought of his hard dick came flooding into my brain!!! Todd was on the baseball team, pitcher, and not just on the field. At 6'2", the tall black-haired and blue-eyed stud was always looking for an angle to bed any girl he set his sights on. Most of the time, they texted pussy or tit shots for him to enjoy and after a bit, he usually did.....But this night was not his time to score. That set me up for helping calm the savage beast!!!! I announced I was grabbing a shower and disappeared to my room. As I showered away the day, the stereo rocked to life. I heard him on his phone as I came out drying off. The bottle of tequila was now toast, bone dry, not even a drop left amassed at the bottom. The one can of beer from the back of the refrigerator sat beside Todd on the sofa table. He punched in a few more calls and clearly wasn't getting anywhere with his quest. I asked if he wanted any eggs and bacon as that was my planned supper. "No I don't want eggs and bacon, bitch", came his reply; at which point I spun faced him head-on and reminded him I wasn't his bitch, that I hadn't worked him up into a frenzy and then fucked up his fuck plans for the night like Melanie did; and furthermore, "go fuck yourself for emptying MY bottle of Jose Cuervo and I now don't give a flying fuck if you eat or not"... Stunned he started belly laughing so hard I thought he was going to hurl. "You do get right to the point bro" Todd choked out between laughs and sighs. At that, I laughed hard too. Todd reached around me, turned off the range, leaned back against the counter and shifted his legs some, "how `bout this instead" as he grabbed his crotch? Well we both knew I wasn't about to turn down his offer. Todd's meat was far better than ANY EGGS or BACON. I squatted in front of him, as he tugged off his t-shirt. Glancing up at his familiar torso, the hard nips and flat pecs, lightly covered in that black hair that led like a "This way down" treasure trail and then there were those lapis blue eyes watching me. Todd kicked off his Nike's, I rubbed my face at his crotch and felt him throb against my cheek. Eagerly but teasingly, I unhooked his belt, "You know you want it", he uttered and grabbed his crotch again. "UM HUM" I moaned. "C'mon" he led and turned to leave the kitchen for his room. I followed like any eager gay slut would be doing. That pitcher's ass was muscled and taut in his jeans, just out of reach. His shoulders spread wide above his blades and showed off those well-defined lats. Todd, kicked back on his bed, splayed his legs, propped his head up with his arms behind his head and nodded silent instructions. I didn't need them repeated. In one motion, he shoved his feet flat to the mattress, raining his glutes so I could strip away the jeans and boxer briefs, unleashing that beast within. Jerking off his clothes and socks, Todd lay even further spread-eagle that s-curve dick beginning to urge hard again off his left thigh. His large balls filled the black mass of his crotch and scrotum. The full head was already pumping pre-cum and his slit growing wider with each pulse of pre.

I moved under his balls, sucked the left, then the right, then both in my mouth. Tongued them and lapped behind his sack, slowly pulling his scrotum out and away from his torso. Todd's dick rose further to the occasion and now veiny and slightly curving left, flagged in mid-air craving worship and attention. Releasing his balls I licked up the shaft to the head, tongued the head and slit, sucking up the volume of pre-cum, before diving down and deep throating him in one motion. Todd's sucking sound filed the room as I drove his dick down my throat then released it and withdrew back up the his head, before diving back down for more of that ever-thickening cock. Todd's hands came from behind his head, gripped my head and he began to fuck my mouth with increasing frenzy. I backed away and knew he'd get pissed at that action, and before he could speak, I dove back down for more deep-throating "oh fuck Oh Fuck, OH FUCK YEAH" he filled the room. "Suck that dick", was all that remained. I was working his shaft and his dickhead was foamy with pre-cum now. His hip thrusts were clear evidence of his nearing orgasm. The rapid fire thrusts and and head-smashing tension of his hands holding my head warned me of the pending cumload. Never one to ask if or warn me about his soon-to-cum event; he shoved my head hard down, face in his dense black-haired crotch and arched his back, before the head slipped even deep in my cum craving throat. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHH" filled the room as his cum fired deep down my throat. Two, three, four loads of thick tequila-infused cum.

In no time, Todd was fast asleep. I wandered back to the kitchen, relit the range, fried my eggs and made toast. I had all the meat I needed and disregarded the bacon. Sitting at the computer, cruising for late night horndawgs nearby on Grindr; chatted with a few before I got bored and went back to the kitchen for more milk. I heard a muffled voice in Todd's room. "Yeah Melanie fucked me over after dinner" and knew he was on his phone. "Yeah bro, Mike shared his tequila to get me out of the ceiling rafters, then took care of things" and I quietly made for the kitchen. I was rinsing off the dish, fork and milk glass when Todd came in the kitchen, opened the refrigerator door, grabbed the milk jug and a glass. He stood naked and hard before me. Grinning as he swallowed down his milk. "Thanks for earlier bro", he nodded. "Oh by the way, that was Josh Daniel, he's on his way over"

....he winked!!

Next: Chapter 2

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