Josh Goes to College

By Sam Shell

Published on Aug 22, 2010


This story is purely fictional. However, some places mentioned do in fact exist, but certain things may be changed for the advantage of the story. This story will, at some point, include sexual relations between two college-age males. If you don't want to read something like that, then leave. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas), or if it is illegal for you to view this material, then you should exit out of this.

This story is copyrighted and may not be copied for any reason, without the authors permission.

Author's note

In this chapter we introduce Jason. Jason, as you remember, is Justin's brother, and I know everybody is curious about him and the relationship between the brothers, both in the past and in the present. Jason's pov may or may not make a regular appearance in the story.


People always say that my brother and I look like twins...same blond hair and green eyes, same height, except I'm not as built as my brother - I'm actually a lot thinner, and there is another thing that's different about my brother and I - he's straight and I'm gay. We were always close growing up, despite a 2 year age difference. I would always play with him and his friends, and if his friends had a problem with me, then he didn't want to play with them; they quickly learned to keep their mouths shut about me.

I guess I must have been eleven years old when I realized that I wasn't like my brother and all the other boys. Robert Stone was the boy that changed my life; he was my first crush. I guess I really began to notice him in the fifth grade, when we started using the locker rooms after PE to take showers. It's also the first time I heard the term faggot'; not directed toward me, of course. I heard Robert and a couple of other boys talking about a faggot', and I somehow knew they were talking about me. It upset me that Robert could be so mean, and I swore right then and there that I would never let people find out I was `one of them'. Of course, I got older and went through puberty, and the older I got, the harder it was to hide.

I became depressed, and just kind of went into my own little world; it was safe there. But then something happened, something that threatened that world - I met Pete. Pete is the sweetest, most caring guy I've ever met. I don't know how he did it, but he got through the wall that I worked so hard to keep up. We met in biology class when the teacher told us that the person next to us was our lab partner for the rest of the year. I hadn't paid attention to who sat next to me, until then, and when I looked up, I gasped! He was gorgeous: black hair, blue eyes; I could tell he was tall, even though he was sitting down. He is the type of guy who is a friend to everybody, so it was only natural that he tried to become my friend. But at that point, I wasn't having any of that. However, after about a month of trying, he did get through. He had finally had enough, because he said, "Listen, I don't know what your problem is, but I'm not going to spend the entire year being your lab partner, when I can't even get you to talk to me. So if that's how it's going to be, maybe we should talk to the teacher about changing partners."

When he said that, I don't know why, but I felt this panicky feeling build up, and I knew I didn't want to be partners with anyone else. So I took a deep breath and said, "No, look. I'm sorry; I'm just not used to having to work with other people. I want you to be my lab partner, if you still want me."

"I do want you..." he started looking nervous, and then he said, "you know, to be my lab partner."

That opened the door to us getting to know each other and, eventually, we discovered that we were both gay; and then we found out that we both felt the same way about each other. We recently celebrated our one year anniversary. It may seem like I was the scared, hesitant one, and Pete was the confident one, but it turned out just the opposite, because I soon found out that he was terrified of anybody finding out he is gay. While he was terrified, I quickly opened up, and I wasn't so scared over the possibility of someone finding out, and I didn't exactly understand why Pete wouldn't invite me to his house, and wouldn't go out on a date with me, even if it just looked like two guys hanging out. I finally had enough one day, when he wouldn't ask his parents if he could come over to my house to study. He had been extra paranoid for a couple of weeks, and it was driving me nuts. I confronted him about it, and that was when he told me that his brother was kicked out of the house for being gay, and he was terrified that his parents would find out and do the same to him. He talked about how much he misses his brother, and how his parents act like they never had another son. After he told me that, I became more understanding, and he has gotten better at spending more time with me.

He has really shown me how much he cares about me lately, because my brother has turned into a completely different person, someone I don't even recognize. When he made that first homophobic remark, I felt my heart drop into my stomach. He has gotten worse, too; he never talks to me anymore without saying something bad about gay people. My mom knows about me, and is fine with it, and I've been telling her some of the things he has been saying, and I don't think she believed it was as serious as it is, until he went off in front of her about a week ago. I had heard his voice, so I came out of my room to say "hi", but before I could, he started yelling, and he said that all fags should die. I was so shocked that all I could think about was getting out of there. I know I wasn't supposed to go to Pete's house, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to go; well, anywhere else I wanted to be, and no one else I wanted to see but Pete. By the time I got there, I had stopped crying, because I knew it wouldn't look good to his parents if I was crying, but I was barely holding it together.

I knocked on the door and, thankfully, it was Pete who answered.

"Are your parents' home?"

"No, what are you doing here? What's wrong?" I told him everything, and when I broke down again, he held me; that showed me how much he really does care for me. Eventually, I left and went home. Thankfully, everybody was asleep, so I quietly made my way to my room and crashed.

My mom later told me what happened after I left, and I was shocked, but I really hope he changes, because if he finds out I'm gay, I'll lose him.

Today, Pete finally agreed to go see a movie with me! He did say that he would meet me there, but you take what you can get, right? So here I am...waiting for him to get here. He's late, not so late that he's going to miss the movie, but late enough that I'm wondering if he changed his mind.

"Well, look who it is! Hey, fag, who you waiting for?"

Shit! Adrian Minton and his friends; just what I need! If Pete sees them, there's no way he'll come up to me. I've never come out to anyone at school, but for somehow they seem to know I'm gay. They haven't done anything besides name calling and a couple of shoves, so I always let it go, but now I'm alone. It must be a slow day at the movie theater, because nobody is outside. I have to admit I'm kind of nervous.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, fag!" He got closer to me.

"Come on, Adrian, leave me alone."

"Who you waiting for? Nobody? Well, well, well, boys; we got ourselves a lonely fag! You know what we do to lonely fags?" By now, they have me surrounded. Shit! I'm in trouble; there's no way that I can get away.

It happened so fast, I never saw it coming. Adrian had punched me. While I was still dazed, he pulled me up, threw me to the ground, and started kicking me in the ribs.

"Come on, guys, don't just stand there!"

That's when his other two friends joined in. I felt a rib crack, and I screamed! Someone kicked me in the head, making me dizzy.

"Hey! Stop!" I heard someone yell. Realizing it was Pete, I panicked.

Pete! Oh my, god! No! Don't come over here, please! I don't want you hurt, too, I thought.

They continued to kick me, and I could feel myself losing consciousness. I felt another hard kick to my head, and everything went black.


When I came to, I wasn't in the bathroom anymore; I was in the locker room again; how the fuck did I get here? That's when I noticed the coach looking at me.

"Are you ok?"

Am I ok? What? Why isn't he yelling at me for what I did?

"Yeah, I'm ok, but what about the guy I hit? Is he ok?

"Yeah, I'm fine; I'm a black belt; I know how to keep blows from hurting me. I could have easily stopped you, but the look you had in your eyes stopped me. It looked like you needed to get out some anger."

"It wasn't really directed at you..."

"I know," he interrupted.

"Well, it started out as you; you fuckin' pinched my ass!"

He blushed. "I know; I'm sorry about that; I didn't mean for you to be offended. I was just playin' with you; I didn't think you would react like that."

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off like that."

"It's ok; let's just move on, ok?"

"Yeah, thanks for understanding."

"No problem. Now are you ok? We found you passed out in the bathroom."

"Yeah I'm ok; I guess I was just so stressed out by what I did to you that it became too much for me."

"Hey! Enough chit-chat! I don't care why you attacked him; you still did it, and I won't tolerate something like that on my team; do you understand me?" the coach interrupted. I had almost forgotten about the coach, and everybody else, when me and the guy were talking.

"Yes, I understand coach; I'm sorry."

"Well, since there doesn't seem to be any damage, and the two of you seem to be ok, I'll let it go... this time. Next time, you are suspended from the team for a week, got it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Hey; Justin, right?"


"I'm Billy, by the way."

I smiled. "Well, thanks for not pulling your ninja shit on me."

He laughed. "No problem, man. Listen, if you ever need to talk, I'm here, ok? I promise not to touch you; just listen. But I do have to admit I really am gay, and I do find you attractive, but I know now that you're straight. Sometimes, it helps to talk to someone you don't know."

"I appreciate that; I really do, but this is something I have to figure out on my own, ok?"

"Sure, bud, but the offer still stands."


He left me standing there. I can't believe I made him bleed, and probably gave him a black eye, yet he is being nice to me. If I were him, I wouldn't be nice to me. I finally finished getting dressed, and grabbed my stuff and left for the dorm. I was almost there, when my cell phone rang. Not looking at the ID, I answered.


"Justin!" it was my mom...crying.

"Mom? What's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?"

She was crying so hard that I could hardly understand what she was saying.

"Your have to come to the hospital!"

"WHAT!? Oh my god!" "Ok, mom; I'm on my way!"

I took off running for my dorm. Don't ask me why I didn't just head for my car; I wasn't thinking clearly. By the time I got to my room, I was in a daze. I don't know what's wrong with my brother, but it has to be serious if she is crying. I can't lose him; I just can't! Not after all the problems we've had lately.


I wish I could say that things have gotten better in the week since Justin apologized to me, but I'd be lying. Justin isn't really being homophobic or anything, but he has shut down. I don't know what happened to him while he was at home, but for the past week he has done nothing but go to class and practice; the rest of the time he lays in his bed. I even started bringing food back to the room for him, so that I know he is eating; and Noah and I? Forget it! We haven't had any alone time in a week, except for when I go to his room, or the couple of hours Justin is in practice. I'm starting to worry about him; I mean I know that he hasn't exactly been nice to me, but last night when he thought I was asleep, I could hear him crying, and I almost said something, but I didn't. It actually hurts me to see him like this; it's like he has given up on life, and he looks so hopeless. Right now, he's at practice, and I'm not looking forward to him coming back; but maybe that's because Noah is coming over!

There was a knock at the door, and I got up to open it. "Noah!" He immediately started kissing me. "Hold on, baby; Justin will be back soon."

"All the more reason why we have to hurry," he started pushing me back toward the bed, and down on top of it. I have to admit...him taking charge like that really turned me on! He pushed me down, so that I was lying down with him on top of me. When he started humping against me, I thought I would lose it before he even got my clothes off. He started kissing down my neck, but then stopped and moved to the other side; only this time, he started licking and nibbling behind my ear. I wanted him to keep doing that, but I also wanted him to do more. I guess he was ready for more, because he said, "Raise your arms, baby." He took off my shirt, and licked and kissed his way to my nipples. Taking my right nipple into his mouth, he lightly chewed on it; I couldn't help but moan at that. He looked up and smiled. "Feel good?" All I could do was nod in response.

He raised up and took off his shirt, and I pulled him back down to me for another kiss; I cannot get enough of his soft lips. He raised up and, laughing, said, "Wait, I want to take off my pants."

He stood up and took off his pants and boxers, all at the same time. I couldn't help but gasp at the sight of him, standing there naked. He climbed back on the bed and started undoing the button on my jeans, then slid the zipper down. "Lift up." I lifted my hips so he could get them off me. Once he had them off, he lowered himself on top of me.

"Oh, god!" I groaned. Noah laid his head on my shoulder for a minute, then raised up. He had tears in his eyes, but then he looked me in the eyes, and smiled, and then leaned in and started kissing me. I responded, running my tongue along his bottom lip, hoping he would accept my tongue; he did.

He started thrusting into me, causing his cock to rub up against mine. Soon, I was thrusting up to meet him. I knew I wasn't going to last long, with all the friction between us, but I know that's exactly what we wanted to happen, because Justin was going to be back soon.

Noah captured my lips again, and started thrusting faster and harder into me. I was leaking like crazy, and I know Noah was, too. All too soon, I felt that familiar tingle, and I knew I was going to cum.

"I'm close," I managed to gasp out.

"Me, too," he moaned.

I started thrusting harder to meet him, as he leaned down to kiss me again. Then, groaning into my mouth, and with one final thrust, he started shooting. That did it, and I started shooting with him. We laid there gasping for air, riding out the waves of pleasure until it was over. Noah laid his head on my chest and sighed.

"You ok?" I asked.

He raised up his head to look at me, and smiled. "I'm great! That was amazing!"

"Yeah, it was. I can't wait to get to the other stuff; will you be my teacher?"

"Hmm, it depends on if you are a good boy."

"Yes, sir, I'll be a very good boy."

He laughed, gave me one more kiss, and then said, "Well, student, if we don't get cleaned up, someone is going to have to take a crowbar to us, and I don't know about you, but I rather like the hair on my chest, and I'd like to keep it!"

We got up, and I got a towel to clean us up. After we took care of that, we got dressed again (in case Justin came back), and laid back down on the bed. We must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, the door opened. I was expecting Justin to complain that we were in bed together (even though we were dressed), but he didn't. I looked up, and Justin was just standing there, staring into space.

"Justin? Hey!" I got up off the bed. "Justin?" I snapped my fingers at him, and that got his attention.

"My brother...he's in the hospital. I don't know why...." Tears started streaming down his face. I grabbed hold of him, and hugged him. "It's gonna be ok; don't worry." I looked over to my bed, and seeing Noah was awake, I said, "Noah will drive us to the hospital, ok?" I glanced at Noah again, and he was nodding, and said, "Yeah, I'll take you; let's go; you don't need to drive yourself."

He grabbed his keys and mine, and we led Justin out the door; he was like a zombie. When we got to the car, I sat him down in the passenger side, and I got in the backseat. We quickly made it to the hospital, and found the waiting room.


On the ride to the hospital, I managed to pull myself together. I had to be strong for my mom. By the time we got there, I was functioning again. We found a parking space, and I ran into the hospital, and found the waiting room; my mom was pacing back and forth. She looked up when she heard us and ran to me. "I don't know what's wrong! They haven't told me anything!"

"Ok, mom, I'll go see if I can find out anything."

I left in search of the nurses' station. When I found it, I said, "Excuse me; do you have any information on Jason Myers? I'm his brother, and my mom says that no one has told her anything yet."

"Hold on, hon; I'll see what I can find out," the nurse said. She got up and left, while I waited impatiently for her to get back. When she returned, she said, "I'm sorry, hon; all I could find out is that he is in surgery. A doctor will be out, as soon as possible, to tell you more."

I sighed. "Ok, thank you for trying."

I slowly walked back to the waiting room. Why is he in surgery? Just the idea that he's in surgery makes me nervous. When I got back, my mom was finally sitting down, and I went over and sat next to her.

"All they could tell me is that he is in surgery, and that a doctor will be out to talk to us soon."

"Well, I already knew about the surgery, but thanks for trying."

"Mom, did they tell you why he needs surgery?"

"No. When I got here, they already had him in there, and that's what worries me; because they need my permission to treat him, and if they took him in there without it, he must be in trouble."

I grabbed her hand and said, "Don't worry mom; I'm sure he'll be ok," even though I didn't believe it myself.

`Soon' turned out to be almost 3 hours, and by then, even Josh and Noah were pacing, and they didn't even know my brother.

"I really appreciate you guys bringing me, but if you want to leave, you can; I plan on staying here anyway."

"No, Justin; we really want to stay, if you don't mind. We are concerned, too, even though we don't know him. We know you, and we know how much you care for your brother. We want to be here for you."

"Thanks, guys."

Before they could reply, a very stressed out looking doctor came out.


"Yes, I'm Jason's mom."

"Mrs. Myers, your son is a very sick young man; I'll let the police talk to you about what they know, but..."

"Police? Why would the police be involved?" my mom interrupted.

"Your son was severely beaten. He has a fractured right arm, a collapsed lung, a bruised kidney, and 2 broken ribs, but what is most worrisome is his head; his brain is swollen, so swollen that we had to take him into surgery to relieve some of the pressure, and while we were in there, we noticed that he has a small bleed, as well. I'm sorry to have to tell you that."

"Oh god! Is he going to be ok?" my mom squeaked out.

The doctor sighed and said, "Your son is young, and appears to be very healthy. To be honest, I think that kept him from being worse, but, right now, it's a lot of wait and see. If the swelling doesn't go down...Mrs. Myers, as of right now, I'd say he has a 35-40% chance of survival. The first 48 hours are critical; if he can get through that, he has a good chance. Right now, he is in a medically induced coma, so he can have a better chance to heal. We'll watch him closely in ICU."

"Can I see him?"

"He is in recovery right now; you can see him when we get him settled in his room in a couple of hours; someone will come and get you."

As soon as the doctor left, my mom collapsed against me and sobbed. Noah and Josh rushed over to help me get her into a chair; I had to get out of there.

"I'll be right back, ok?"

Josh nodded, and held my mom to him, trying to comfort her.

I just had to get out of there! I didn't want them to see me break down; my mom didn't need that; she needed me to be strong. I found the nearest bathroom, barely making it in there before I let go. I started crying so hard that I couldn't stand, I slid down the wall and sat there sobbing. Why the fuck would anyone hurt my brother like that? He didn't deserve that! Nobody deserves that!

"Are you ok?"

I jumped, when I heard Noah's voice. He sat down beside me, and pulled me into him.

"I don't want to lose him."

"You won't."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do; let him know you care about him and how much you love him; he'll hear you."

"You think he will?"

"I know he will."

"But we haven't been getting along lately; I think he hates me."

"He doesn't hate you. So you're not getting along; it doesn't mean you don't love him, and he knows that."

"I hope you're right."

"You ready to go back?"

"Yeah, I guess I have to."

He got up and offered his hand to me; I took it and he pulled me up.

"Why don't you wash your face?"

"Ok, I'll meet you back there."

He turned to leave.


Turning back around, he asked, "Yeah?"

"Thanks, you're ok."

"No problem; you're ok, too," he said, smiling at me.

I splashed some water on my face, and then headed back to the waiting room. When I got there, I sat down next to my mom, and took her hand. I had only been back for a few minutes, when two uniformed police officers came into the room.

"Are you the family of Jason Myers?" one of them asked.

"Yes, I'm his mother," my mom replied.

"Ok ma'am. Do you know of a reason why someone would attack your son?"

"No, I don't know why anybody would do such a thing to my son."

"Do you know a Peter Watkins?"

"What! What do you mean a Peter Watkins?" Noah interrupted.

"Yes, I know him; he's Jason's b-b...umm friend. Do you know him, Noah?" my mom asked.

"Yes, he's my brother."

"Well, like I was saying, Peter told us that he was meeting your son at the movies, and he was a little late. When he got there, he saw three boys kicking your son repeatedly. He yelled for them to stop, but they didn't, and when he tried to stop them, they punched him, and when he tried again, one of the boys twisted his arm so roughly that they dislocated his shoulder. He fought against them, but couldn't get loose from the grip of the boy who was holding him. When your son lost consciousness, the boy holding Peter back, threw him to the ground, and they left."

"Mrs. Myers, we have reason to suspect that this is a hate crime," the other officer said.

"What! Why do you say that?"

"Peter, and another witness we found, said that the boys were shouting certain slur words, as they were kicking him."

At that, I sat back down in my chair. It all came back to me - the silent, tense phone calls, his reaction when I went off that day at our house, mom's pale face when she realized he heard me; it all made since now - Jason is gay. Fuck! Now I really do feel like shit! If Jason survives, I swear I'll change. I'll even go to counseling if I have to, because I never want to do to someone else what they did to my brother.

My mom shook her head, and sat back down.

"I can't believe someone could do something so cruel!"

"Ma'am? We'll do everything possible to find those boys; we'll keep you updated."

"Yes, please do."

"Young man?" one of the officers directed to Noah.

"Yes sir?"

"Your brother is fine. If you want to see him, he is in room 213; we were just there."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

They nodded to us and left.

"Noah, if you want to go see your brother, it's ok; we'll be fine here."

"Yeah, umm, ok, I'll be back. Come with me?" he asked Josh.

"I guess, if you want me to."

"I do."

"Ok, we'll be back soon."

Soon after they left, a nurse came in and said that we could see Jason, one at a time, but only for 10 minutes, because he needed to rest, and we could stimulate him too much.

Mom took one look at me and said, "You go first." I think she could tell that I put two and two together, and had figured out that he's gay, and that I feel guilty.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, baby, you go."

"Ok, I'll be out in a minute."

When I walked in, I gasped at the sight of all the wires and tubes coming from his body. I went over to him and took his hand, and leaned down to kiss the little part of his forehead that wasn't covered with gauze.

"Hey, bro, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I've been such a shit to you, and I didn't even know I was. I didn't know why you were so mad at me, but now I do. You didn't deserve to hear all the things I said. I wish I could take it back, all of it, but I can't; all I can do is promise you that I'll work on it, even if that means I need help to get it all worked out in my head. I'll do anything, anything if you'll just get better...please. I love you, bro. I don't care if you're gay; just don't die on me.


When I heard my brother's name, I was shocked that he had witnessed something like that, and that he seems to know Justin's brother. I am definitely going to go see him.

I don't know if my parents are here or not, but I haven't seen my brother in months, and I'm going to see him and make sure he is ok.

When we found 213, I glanced in; nobody there except Pete.

I walked in, and when Pete saw me, he jumped off the bed and came running to me, grabbing hold of me with his good side.

"Oh my god! Noah! How did you find me?"

"Well, you know Jason? He is Josh's roommate's brother," I said pointing to Josh.

"How is he? They won't tell me anything. Is he gonna be ok?"

"I don't know, Pete; they said he has some pretty bad injuries."

"Shit! He has to be ok, Noah; he just has to be ok. I don't know what I'll do if he isn't."

"Wait! Pete, is Jason more than just a friend?"

He looked at Josh, and then back at me, and quietly answered, "Yes."

"Really? Wow! How long have you been together?"

He cringed, and said, "A year."

"So you were together when I got kicked out?"

"Yeah, I'm really sorry, Noah; I was a coward for not saying anything."

"No, Pete. I would never want you to come out defending me. I'm glad you didn't say anything, I would have felt guilty if you got kicked out, too."

"Really? You aren't mad at me?"

"No, of course not. I'm just really glad to see you," I told him.

"Me, too, I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too," I said, pulling him into a hug again.

He pulled back and, smiling, asked, "So, is this your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, sorry; this is Josh; Josh, this is Pete."

"It's nice to meet you, Josh."

"You too, Pete, although I wish it wasn't like this."

We sat down and started catching up. It was great finding out what was going on in his life, and watching Pete and Josh get to know each other.

We were probably in there for 30 minutes, when I heard the voice of the man I never wanted to see father.


Author's Note

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I am so sorry for making you wait this long for another chapter. I am starting graduate school on Monday; the program I am going into is very intense and time consuming, because of this I'm afraid that the amount of time you have had to wait for this chapter will probably become common. I do promise all of you that I will never abandon this story, because I hate when I start reading a story that never gets finished and I will not do that to you. I will do everything in my power to get the chapters out as quickly as I can and I won't make you wait too long.

You can email me with any comments, questions, or suggestions at

You can be notified of new chapters and discuss this story with others through joining my yahoo group:

Special thanks to Jere for editing.

Next: Chapter 10

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