Josh Goes to College

By Sam Shell

Published on Jul 11, 2010


This story is purely fiction. However, some places mentioned do in fact exist, but certain things may be changed for the advantage of the story. This story will at some point include sexual relations between two college-age males. If you don't want to read something like that, then leave. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas), or if it is illegal for you to view this material, then you should exit out of this.

This story is copyrighted and may not be copied for any reason, without the authors' permission.


My heart was beating so hard, as I waited for him to say something. Why isn't he saying anything? Oh, god! He hates me; I know it! I don't know if I can deal with it if he hates me.

The silence seemed to go on for an hour but was probably only about 30 seconds.

", Josh! I'm...umm, well I'm shocked!" Silence again. Fuck!

He cleared his throat and said, "Listen, Josh. I don't care; really, I don't. I'm just a little shocked; I mean all those girls you dated... He sighed, and said, "You're my bro; my best friend; the guy I've shared a room with for 17 years. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can change that; nothing. I love your stupid ass." He kind of chuckled while saying that.

As soon as he called me a `stupid ass', I knew he really was ok with me being gay, and, just when I thought I was done crying, those damn tears made a reappearance, but this time because of relief and happiness.

"Now what happened with your roommate?"

"Well, he came back to the room, and was really pissed about two guys kissing and holding hands. He was talking about how disgusting it was, and how straight people shouldn't have to be around gay people. Andy, he was so disgusted by it; he said he had to take a shower."

"I'm sorry, bro. I bet you chose that school because you didn't want to hide anymore, right?" Not waiting for an answer, he continued, "And you were getting ready to come out to him, because he seemed like a nice guy. Now you feel like all your plans are ruined, right?"

"Fuck! What'd you do? Read my mind?"

Laughing, he said, "No, I just know my bro."

"So what am I supposed to do now?"

"Well, I don't know. I mean, he could have acted like that because he was raised like that, or maybe he just hasn't been around gay people before, so he doesn't understand, but, either way, I don't want anything to happen to you, so maybe the best thing to do is to just be civil to him, and avoid him as much as possible. You can always switch rooms after this semester, so you only have to live with him for 4 more months."

"Yeah, I guess, but if he keeps up with the homophobic shit, I don't know how long I can keep my mouth shut. I just don't understand how he can be so homophobic, but a nice guy otherwise."

"A lot of people are like that, bro. I can't say I understand you being gay, because I don't, but you being gay doesn't make me hate you, but it's just going to take some time for me to get used to it."

"I was so afraid to tell you, but I'm glad I did."

"Come on, bro. You never have to be afraid to tell me anything; you should know that."

"I do now. I'm sorry that I doubted you."

"It's okay; just never do it again asshole!"

"Ok, Andy, I'm gonna head back up to my room now, but I'll call you again soon."

"You better!"

"I will, I promise. Love ya, bro."

"Love ya, too, bitch!" The last thing I heard, before we hung up, was him laughing.

As I walked back to my dorm, I realized how much better I felt. I wish I had told my brother a long time ago. I don't know how I'm going to live with someone like Justin for the next 4 months, but I guess I'll just do what Andy suggested: avoid him as much as I can, and when I have to be around him, be civil. I definitely don't want to act like I don't like him, because he would probably try to find out why I suddenly didn't like him. I think avoiding him will be easy to do, because classes start tomorrow, and with that and practice, I won't be in my room a lot anyway.


Ugh! The thought of those two fags together made my skin crawl, and I felt dirty, so I turned the water as hot as I could stand it, and just stood there. After I finished, I headed back to my room, only to find Josh gone. I pulled on some boxers, and decided to see what my brother is doing, and besides, he is always good at listening to me when I need to vent; so I pick up my cell phone and call him.

"Hey, Justin!"

"Hey, bro, what you up to?"

"Nothin' much."

"You sound irritated; what's up?"

"Oh, nothin; just something that happened when I was eating dinner."


"Oh, some fags were kissing and stuff; it was just really disgusting."


"Jason? Are you still there?"

"Umm...uh, yeah. Sorry; got distracted."

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Yea...Yeah, I'm fine. Listen, Justin, I've got to go. I'll talk to you later. Ok?"

"Sure, bro, later."

`Huh. That's weird. He has always been willing to talk, even if he's busy. I wonder what's going on with him. Oh, well. Maybe I'll find out later.' I grabbed my laptop, and took it to my bed. I checked my email; nothing. Not finding anything else to do, I shut off my laptop, and laid down. Today has been such a strange day. I saw those fags, and then I tell Josh about it, and it looks like he just left, as soon as I went to take a shower. And then I call my brother, and he is acting like he didn't want to talk to me, and he has never done that. Eventually, Josh came back in, and he looked like shit.

"Hey, bud. Where'd you go?"



"Took a walk."


"Listen, if you want to stay awake, that's fine, but I have to be up early for practice, and then I have 3 classes; so I'm going to bed."

"Yeah, you're right; I have an 8 o'clock class. Goodnight."


`Man! Both Josh and Jason are being kind of short with me; what did I do wrong?'


When the alarm went off, it took everything I had in me to get my ass out of bed; 5:30 was way too early to get up, and not only do I have practice, but I have classes today; 3 of them: English, psychology, and history.

I drag myself out of bed, and throw on some clothes. There was a time when I cared how I looked; where it took me a long time to get dressed, but now I just throw on anything that smells like it's clean. When I'm done getting dressed, I headed to the pool. I don't want to be late; I think if I do anything wrong, the coach might kick me off the team, and then I would be fucked. When I got there, I sat on the bleachers, waiting for practice to begin. I wasn't really paying attention, until someone sat next to me, and I looked up, and noticed a guy walk in. It was that guy! The one from the Student Union; the one who kept looking at me; the one with the black hair, and those piercing blue eyes, that made it hard to even look into them. Man! `Gorgeous' was the only way to describe him. Well, he was beautiful, and I know that we don't like to be thought of as beautiful, but that's what he was - beautiful! How can anyone look so good this early in the morning?

`Whoa, Noah! What the fuck are you doing; you aren't supposed to think of another guy like that.' Guilt is a very ugly thing, and, at that moment, I felt a lot of it. Am I ever going to stop feeling guilty? Am I ever going to feel like it's ok to move on?' My thoughts were interrupted by the coach, thankfully.

"Ok, men! Everybody go get ready, and then come back out here, and I'll tell you what your best stroke was, and you'll be doing that today. Noah, stay here for a second." After everyone left for the locker room, the coach said, "Noah, I know you missed practice, so I want you to do what the others did yesterday. I want you to do backstroke, butterfly, breaststroke, and freestyle, and then I want you to do the one that you think you are the best at, and do laps. I'll let you know which one you were best at the end of practice. Go, get ready"

I went into the locker room and found my locker. Fuck there he was...naked. I had to force myself to look away from him so I could get into my suit. I got ready as fast as I could, and left, I was the last one in there, and the first one out. I jumped into the pool and did all the different strokes that the coach wanted; and, then, did backstroke for my laps. After practice, the coach said that backstroke was my best. We were done at 8:30, and class was at 9:00; so I rushed to my dorm to grab my books.

I walked into my first class, English, and took a seat in the back. I was looking around at the other people when HE walked in. `Don't I ever get a break? He spotted me, and started walking toward me; no, no, please don't sit by me!'

"Hi, I'm Josh. We seem to be following each other."

"Hi, I'm Noah," I managed to get out.

"That was you at the Student Union, right?"

"Umm, yeah, and then at practice."

"Yeah, I didn't see you there yesterday."

"I forgot to set my alarm."

"So, what other classes do you have today?"

"Psychology and history."

"Wow! Me, too!"


"That's great!" I lied.

`At that moment, the professor came in, and we stopped talking. Maybe I can go talk to my advisor about changing my classes. There is something about him that scares me. I don't even know him, but I could easily fall for him, and I can't let that happen; I just can't.'


I'm glad Justin doesn't have to be up early because I don't have to talk to him. I grabbed my books, so I wouldn't have to come back to get them in between practice and class. When I got to the pool, I walked over to the bleachers, and I saw him - the guy from the Student Union; brown hair and green eyes, same sad look, although there was something else in his eyes; maybe surprise? I have a feeling that his eyes would be brighter, if he didn't look so sad. There is something about him. I feel it deep inside, and he is so hot, but, more than that, I feel this thing...kind of pull toward him, like we are both magnets being pulled toward each other. I don't know if he feels it, too, but I know I do.' I went into the locker room, and had just gotten undressed, when he walked in. Damn!' I had forgotten his locker was right beside me. I try to ignore him, as I get dressed, but it didn't matter anyway, because he was in and out so fast I swear it was only 5 seconds.

When we were done with practice, I grabbed my bag, and headed to my first class, English. I walked in, and there he is, again. I walk toward him, and sit down next to him.

I introduced myself, and he nervously tells me his name is Noah, which I already knew. I found out we had all our classes together today and I wonder what Tuesdays and Thursdays look like for him; maybe we have the same classes then, too. I was about to ask, but the professor came in and started class. All through class, all I could think about was Noah, and how I could get to know him better. I want to get to know him; I feel so drawn to him.

Authors' Note

I know this chapter is a little short but I felt like this was a good place to stop.

So since there are a few characters with J names (accidentally done by me) and since I never really went over the siblings of our characters specifically Josh and Noah I am including a character list here: * indicates not yet been introduced into story

Josh- 18, gay, looking for boyfriend and freedom to be gay

*Judy and David Williams- Josh's parents

*David Jr. a.k.a. Dave- 25 Josh's oldest brother, married to Anne, also 25

*Hannah- 21 Josh's oldest sister

Andrew a.k.a. Andy- 17 Josh's brother and the only one who knows he is gay

*Olivia- 15 Josh's sister

*Ava- 12 Josh's youngest sister

Justin- 18, straight, Josh's homophobic roommate

Shannon- Justin's mom

Jason- 16, Justin's brother

Noah- 18, gay, lost his boyfriend in a car accident

*Peter- 16, Noah's brother and the only accepting member of the family

So there you have it. I hope that cleared up any confusion you have or may have in the future. There will at some point be more characters but I won't include those because it could tell you what will happen in the future and I don't want that.

Thanks to all those who have emailed me!

A special thank you to my new editor!

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Next: Chapter 6

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