Josh Goes to College

By Sam Shell

Published on Jun 27, 2010


This story is purely fiction however some places mentioned do in fact exist but certain things may be changed for the advantage of the story. This story will at some point include sexual relations between two college aged males if you don't want to read something like that then leave. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) or if it is illegal for you to view this material then you should exit out of this.

This story is copyrighted and may not be copied for any reason without the authors' permission.

Please Note

From this point on the story will be told not only from Josh's point of view but from others as well I decided this because I felt I couldn't tell the story as well if Josh was the only one telling the story. I felt that it would add to the story if the other characters could be included.

Chapter 3


13 months 2 weeks and 3 days. That is how long it's been since my life was turned upside down. I had everything, loving parents, a little brother who was more like my best friend and a boyfriend of 2 years who I loved more than life itself. That was until I lost it.

My parents often took off for a weekend and left my brother and I at home. This was good for me because I could have my boyfriend Aiden over. My parents had no idea I was gay but my brother knew so it made it convenient for me to have him over. Usually we would just order pizza and watch a movie and then go to my room.

Our 2 year anniversary just happened to be on a Saturday and my parents were going to be gone so instead of staying home like we usually did, Aiden decided that we were going to go out and celebrate our 2 year anniversary.

He had made reservations at a restaurant that I knew must have cost a lot of money and I started to tell him to just forget it and that I didn't want him to spend that much money but he told me not to worry about it and that his parents (who knew about us) had insisted that we go out somewhere special for our anniversary. I relented and decided I would just have to take him somewhere nice some time.

We were sitting there talking and eating when he pulled out a box and said "I know we are going to college in a year and I want you to know that I want this to be for forever. I never want to be with anyone else ever again, I love you and I want to give you this ring as a promise that I will always be yours and you will always be mine"

Tears were streaming down my face as I said "I never want to be with anybody but you, I love you too"

We finished eating and got in the car to go home. We were driving back and talking about the future and occasionally teasing each other. We stopped at a stop light and he looked over at me, eyes sparkling with happiness and said "Noah this has been the best day, I can't wait until we can live together"

The light turned green and he started driving when a person ran a red light and crashed right into the driver's side of the car. I looked over and I knew he was gone. I walked away with a mild concussion and a bruised rib and he was killed instantly. I wished that I had died with him.

I shut down after that. Before I went to sleep every night I would hope that I would die in my sleep so that I wouldn't have to live without Aiden anymore. I don't know how I managed to keep my grades up but I did. I had to be dragged out of bed every day and I had to be reminded to do the simplest things like eat and drink. I was like a zombie.

My parents had no idea what to do. They were really great about everything, really supportive but as far as they knew he was just my best friend so after about 6 months they decided to take the `tough love' approach to try to bring me back to the land of the living. I was laying on my bed and they knocked on the door and I said "come in"

"Honey we've got to do something, you can't keep going like this it isn't healthy. We understand that Aiden was your best friend but he wouldn't want you to quit living he would want you to go on with your life" Mom said.

"Son, we aren't going to let you do this anymore from now on you will eat with the family and you will spend more time out of this room. It's been six months and I understand he was your friend but you've got to quit doing this" Dad said.

"I can't help it, you don't understand" I replied.

"Well I know it's hard to lose a friend but I think at this point you are overreacting and this has to stop now!" Dad said.

What I'm overreacting! Overreacting? How insensitive can you be? I exploded.

"Overreacting? Are you serious? How fucking dare you say that I'm overreacting! For your information he wasn't just my best friend, he was my boyfriend and that day we were celebrating our 2 year anniversary. That day quickly went from the best day of my life to the worst day of my life. I loved him more than I have ever loved anybody and you have the nerve to tell me I'm overreacting" I yelled.

"You're a fucking faggot? Well I will not have a faggot living in my house. One hour, you have one hour to get your shit and get out I never want to see you ever again!" My dad yelled. He stormed out taking my mom with him but not before I had the chance to see the disgust on my moms' face.

Tears streaming down my face I quickly got a bag and put some clothes, my textbook for school, a picture of my brother and I and a few other things and got in my car and left. Thankfully I owned my car so they couldn't take that away. I just drove around wondering where I could go. Aiden's parents have always been kind to me but I didn't know if I could handle going to them, it would be too painful. I decided I would call my friend Isaac, he didn't know I was gay and I had no idea how he would react but I didn't know what else to do. Calling him was hard but I had no choice so I took a deep breath and called him.



"yeah bud what's wrong you sound terrible?"

"umm can I come over?"

"you know you can, when will you be here?

"in a few minutes"

"Ok see you then"

I started my car back up and went over to his house. When I got there he was outside waiting for me. From the look on his face you could tell that he knew something bad had happened and that I had been crying.

"Come on in and lets talk" he said.

"So what's going on?" he asked after we got to his room.

"I got kicked out of my house" I said trying not to get emotional again.

"What! Why?"

I didn't know how I was going to tell him I was gay and I had no idea what his reaction would be but I knew I needed to tell him. I looked at him and told him about my parents coming to me and telling me to get over Aidens death and how my dad made me mad and then I told him that I'm gay and that I had accidentally come out to them because I was so mad. Then he did something I didn't expect, he grabbed me and hugged me and told me that I could stay with him and that everything would be okay. I just started sobbing and he held me the entire time I was crying. Finally after what seemed like forever I stopped and we went down to get my stuff. When his parents came home I had to go over the entire thing again and I ended up staying there the rest of senior year and the summer. They helped me get some of my life back, I am in no way back to normal but I'm getting there.

I moved into my dorm room 2 days ago I don't have a roommate yet but then I did come here a day early. Today I woke up around noon and decided to go to the student union to get something to eat. I got a burger and fries and sat down. I wasn't really eating much of it and was just mostly playing with it when I got that feeling you get when someone is staring at you I looked around and saw this guy just staring at me. He looked like he was in his own little world but when I stared at him for a few seconds he suddenly came out of it and looked away quickly, blushing. He had black hair and blue eyes and he was pale so the blush was obvious. He kept glancing at me and one time he smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. He got up and dropped off his trash and left but he stayed on my mind for the rest of the day which to be honest both scared the hell out of me and made me feel guilty as hell.

I dropped my half eaten dinner in the trash can and left. I didn't feel like doing anything but go back to bed so I went straight to Jefferson hall to my room. 13 months may seem like a long time but it really is such a short time. I feel like I may never be ready to love someone else, even the thought makes me feel sick.


"Justin I just don't understand why you don't want to stay here, the university is less than a mile away" mom said.

"I know but I want the whole college experience and that means the dorms"

"Well let me tell you, the dorms aren't some great thing and you won't like it for long but I guess I understand wanting more independence I'll just really miss you being here. You know that you can always move back anytime you want too, right?" She said.

"Yes mom I know" I said before kissing her cheek. "you make it sound like I'm moving half way across the world, I could be here in less than five minutes so you know I'll see you a lot plus Jason (my brother) would kill me if I didn't come see him a lot."

I didn't really bring a lot to my dorm room because I just thought it would be easier to bring a little at a time since I was so close to home so I just had my bedding and a suitcase of clothes. When I got my room assignment I went up the flight of stairs and opened the door. I noticed that one bed already had some stuff on it so that meant my roommate was already here. I had almost finished packing when I heard the door opening and I turned around to see a tall guy standing there.

"Hi, my name is Justin you must be Josh" I said smiling at him.

He had this sort of stunned look on his face that confused me but said, "yeah that's me"

"Well I'm heading down to the common room for the meeting, you coming?" I asked.

"Umm, yeah I'll walk down with you" he replied.

We headed down where there were a group of maybe 20 guys waiting. Just as we found a seat this guy walked in.

"Hi my name is Shawn and I'm your R.A., The main purpose of this meeting is to go over some rules and the curfew. You also have all of this info in your packet but I have to go over it. I know all of you have better things to do than listen to me so lets get started. Curfew..."

I can't honestly say I listened because I really don't care all that much I can read about it in my packet. I kind of just thought of all the changes that were happening to me. I had no idea what to expect when it came to college, classes, roommates it was kind of scary moving into another part of life and leaving what you have always known behind but at the same time it was exciting.

"Well that's about it, are there any questions?" Shawn asked.

That caught my attention and I looked over at Josh who looked scared for some reason.

"you coming back to the room?" I asked him.

"umm, yeah I'm kind of tired".

We headed back to our room and I sat down on my bed and said "So Josh where you from?"

"Bellaire Michigan, you?"

"I'm from here I could have actually lived at home but I wanted the whole college experience. So Michigan huh? You're a long way from home what made you choose a school in Oklahoma?"

"Well I'm a swimmer and I was offered some scholarships from different states and I want to get away and be more independent so I knew I didn't want to say in Michigan and Oklahoma offered the best scholarship so here I am".

"I'm on a football scholarship so it looks like we'll both be busy" I said.

"Yeah looks like it I have practice every day and sometimes twice a day" he said.

"So what are you majoring in?" I asked.

"I'm thinking education but I'm not sure yet. What about you?"

"Pharmacy, my Dad was a pharmacist and he always said that he loved it and that he wanted me to follow in his footsteps so I'm gonna try it out because I know it would have made him proud plus it sounds interesting" I replied.

"past tense? Would it offend you if I asked what happened?" he asked. I could tell he was hesitate to ask.

"He died when I was 12 from pancreatic cancer. He fought if for a long time but we all knew he wasn't going to beat it so we made the most of the time we had. We went on vacation to different places, I visited more places in a year than I had my whole life. He never let it get too him, he was never angry or sad about it but I think leaving my brother and I was hard for him to deal with. I remember the last thing he said to me was to live life to the fullest and to become whoever I'm meant to be as long as I'm happy" I said trying not to tear up but failing miserably.

I saw that he could see that I was tearing up and suddenly I felt embarrassed I'm not someone who gets emotional easily. "I'm sorry I just haven't really talked about it in a while" I said

"It's ok I can imagine how I would feel if one of my parents died" he replied.

"Hey listen I hate to cut this getting to know you thing short but if we keep going I might fall asleep on you" I said.

"yeah me too I never knew I would be this tired at only 9pm. I'm gonna go get ready for bed" he said.

He grabbed his toothbrush and other stuff and left. I knew I need to go get ready to go to bed but I decided to wait until he got back.

I must have fell asleep waiting because the next thing I knew I heard him opening the door.

"I'll be back" I told him I went down to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and then decided that I would wait until the morning to take a shower because I was exhausted.

I came back to the room, stripped to my boxers and said "goodnight".

"night" he replied.

That's the last thing I remember, I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.


When we went down to the common room for the meeting I looked around and there were probably 20 other guys there. We found a seat just as a guy came in.

"Hi my name is Shawn and I'm your R.A., The main purpose of this meeting is to go over some rules and the curfew. You also have all of this info in your packet but I have to go over it. I know all of you have better things to do than listen to me so lets get started. Curfew..."

At this point my mind just started to wonder and I found myself sneaking glances at all the guys around me but mostly at my roommate. My god I don't know what I'm going to do I am in so much trouble. How in the world am I going to control myself? He looks like a football player and he is over 6 feet he had blond hair and these penetrating green eyes. His shirt looks like its straining to keep from ripping.

"Well that's about it, are there any questions?" Shawn asked.

Shit! How long have I been staring at Justin? I quickly looked away, hoping that he hadn't caught me.

He didn't let on that he even noticed but got up and said "you coming back to the room?"

"umm, yeah I'm kind of tired".

We headed back to our room and he sat down on his bed and said "So Josh where you from?"

"Bellaire Michigan, you?"

"I'm from here I could have actually lived at home but I wanted the whole college experience. So Michigan huh? You're a long way from home what made you choose a school in Oklahoma?"

"Well I'm a swimmer and I was offered some scholarships from different states and I want to get away and be more independent so I knew I didn't want to say in Michigan and Oklahoma offered the best scholarship so here I am".

"I'm on a football scholarship so it looks like we'll both be busy" he said.

I knew it! I knew he had to be a football player.

"Yeah looks like it I have practice every day and twice a day 3 days a week" I said.

"So what are you majoring in?" he asked.

"I'm thinking education but I'm not sure yet. What about you?"

"Pharmacy, my Dad was a pharmacist and he always said that he loved it and that he wanted me to follow in his footsteps so I'm gonna try it out because I know it would have made him proud" he replied.

"past tense? Would it offend you if I asked what happened?" I asked hoping I wasn't sounding insensitive.

He then told me that his dad died of cancer when he was 12 and seeing him tear up almost made me want to hug him but I stopped myself.

He noticed I was watching him and said "sorry I just haven't really talked about it in a long time"

"It's ok I can imagine how I would feel if one of my parents died"

"Hey listen I hate to cut this getting to know you thing short but if we keep going I might fall asleep on you" he said.

"yeah me too I never knew I would be this tired at only 9pm. I'm gonna go get ready for bed".

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Staring at the mirror all I could think about was how I was going to deal with having roommate as hot as Justin. I decided to go ahead and take a shower, besides I was feeling horny from staring at Justin so much and I didn't know if I would get the opportunity to take care of it in the room with us being so close together.

I stepped into the shower stall and turned the water on. I stepped under the water and just stood there and let the hot water run over me. I reached down and ran a finger teasingly down the length of my cock and shivered, suppressing a groan. I ran my thumb over the head and started stroking while thinking of Justin's body and what I hoped was underneath his clothes but knowing how he looked with clothes I was sure he looked good without them. Stroking faster now I imagine what it would be like to have his mouth on my cock and right when I imagine him deep throat me I start shooting with a groan that I hope nobody heard. I can't remember ever cumming so hard in my life. Looks like I'm going to be taking a lot of showers.

Authors Note

I wanted to basically introduce the other characters and how they got to this point before I really get into the story. You are now introduced so I can now get on with the story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks to all those who emailed me I really appreciate all the emails. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions you can email me at:

Next: Chapter 4

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