Josh Goes to College

By Sam Shell

Published on Jun 20, 2010


This story is purely fiction however some places mentioned do in fact exist but certain things may be changed for the advantage of the story. This story will at some point include sexual relations between two college aged males if you don’t want to read something like that then leave. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) or if it is illegal for you to view this material then you should exit out of this.

This story is copyrighted and may not be copied for any reason without the authors’ permission.


Chapter 2

I step into the terminal and look around, I take a deep breath well this is it this state will be my home for the next 4 years.

I go to get my luggage (all 4 bags!) and I manage grab them all and drag them to the door of the airport. I step outside and I’m instantly in a sauna my god is it going to be this hot all the time? I hope not I might die before my first day is over by heat stroke!

Ok so I realized that I haven’t really gave you a lot of details about where I lived and where I’m going to college. Hey don’t start complaining I told you I don’t think when I’m flying. So I’m from a little town in Michigan and I have now landed in hell A.K.A. Oklahoma or at least it’s hot enough to be hell.

I know what you are probably thinking Oklahoma really? Yes really! I had a scholarship offer that I couldn’t refuse: tuition, fees, books, dorm and meals, and a stipend of $300 a month. Nowhere else that I applied to came close and with 2 brothers and 3 sisters, 3 of which are still in high school I thought that accepting the scholarship would help my parents a lot (not that they ever mentioned anything about money) they didn’t even want me to go to school so far away. I know it’s kind of funny that I want to come out in a conservative state and a state that is part of “the bible belt” but I’ll just have to see how open-minded people are I said I wanted to be out but not like “Hi my name is Josh and I’m gay!” I just want to learn how to be comfortable being me. I don’t want to lie but I don’t want to tell everyone I meet.

Anyway back to stepping out into a sauna! The university had arranged a ride from the airport to the university which was about an hour away. I quickly found my ride and introduced myself to the driver.

“Hi I’m Josh Williams and I think you are here for me” I said.

“Yes I’m here to pick you up, I’m Rick” he said.

“So what’s your major?” Rick asked.

“I’m not sure but I’m thinking that I might choose education. I like the idea of being a teacher and I think I could probably be a better teacher than the teachers I had during high school” I answered.

“Hey if that’s what you want to do that’s cool, good luck to you I don’t know if I could deal with a bunch of teenagers much less try to teach them something” He said.

We made some more small talk and before I knew it we were there!

“Welcome to Southwestern Oklahoma State University or SWOSU” Rick announced.

I looked around and I realized I liked it. It wasn’t huge by some universities standards but certainly not small and I knew that I would probably learn my way around quickly. I got my bags which Rick quickly offered to help me carry and we made our way to Rogers hall, Rick carrying half my bags.

I couldn’t believe how many people were waiting to be given their room assignments. It was crazy and the poor people handing them out looked stressed. When it was my turn I stepped forward.

“Name” the person asked

“Josh Williams” I replied.

“Your room is number 115 and your roommate is Justin Myers. Here is your key there is a meeting in the common area at 7:30 tonight and attendance is mandatory” He replied.

I quickly got out of the way and found the stairs. It was only one floor up so I decided I wasn’t too lazy to go up one flight of stairs. I found my room and used the key to unlock it. Stepping in I took my first look around at my new home, it was small, I mean very small! I thought man if I were to lay on my bed and my roommate on his bed we could reach out and touch each other.

There were 2 twin size beds, 2 closets, 2 chest of drawers, and 2 desks. Overall I could handle living here I just hope that if my roommate is straight that he is ugly because I don’t know what I’ll do if he is straight and hot. Since my roommate hadn’t arrived yet I quickly chose which side of the room I wanted and set my stuff down. After such a long day I realized that I was hungry so I grabbed my keys and wallet and left in search of some food. I knew the student union had various restaurants along with the cafeteria so I headed out to find it. Bringing out my map thinking well this puts a target on me that says confused freshman I quickly found the student union and went inside.

Well lets see, pizza, burgers, Mexican, Chinese or cafeteria? I choose pizza and find a table to sit at. Sitting there eating my pizza I people watch, This guy catches my eye I don’t know what it is but it’s like I’m drawn to him. Something about him makes me want to just go over there and hug him or something he looks like he lost his best friend. I realized that I had probably been staring at him for far too long when he looked up and caught me staring. I quickly looked back down at my now empty plate and I couldn’t help blushing at being caught. I look back up at him and this time he looks up to meet my eyes at the same time. The look of sadness radiating from his eyes actually chokes me up and I try to give him an encouraging smile, he smiles back weakly and goes back to playing with his food. Sighing I get up and throw my trash in the trashcan and leave the student union.

Why didn’t I try to talk to him? If nothing else he seems like he could really use a friend and to tell the truth I could too because I certainly don’t know anybody here. I decided then and there that if I ever see him again I would approach him and try to get to know him.

It had started cooling down and it was still a couple of hours before I needed to be at the dorm meeting so I decided that I’d wonder around the campus a little bit. Looking at all the buildings I suddenly felt a little overwhelmed and it started sinking in that I was a long way from home and more importantly my family and I realized then how much they truly did mean to me. I took my cell phone out and called home.

It rang only once.

“Josh?” Mom answered.

I can’t help but laugh “yes Mom it’s me, how did you know?”

“Oh honey, how was your flight? Was it Okay? Are you Okay? Where are you at now? Are you at the university?”

I laugh again “Mom I’m fine the flight was fine and I’m at the university I just want to call you to tell you I got here and to tell you that I’m going to miss all of you”

“Well it’s not too late to change your mind. You know you can always go to the University of Michigan” Mom said

“No Mom I want to go here, I’ll be fine I want to do this but that doesn’t mean I won’t miss my family”

She sighed and said “I know, I know you want to be more independent. That doesn’t mean I have to like that you are so far away from me”

“Okay well mom I have to get back to the dorm for a meeting but I’ll call you again soon” I said

“You better call me or I’ll get on a plane and hunt your ass down!” my mom said chuckling

“Yeah I know you would, Love you”

“Love you too, sweetie”

I head back to the doom and realize I still have 30 minutes until the meeting so I decide to go up to my room and change.

I unlock the door and step inside and the first thing I see is a very tall guy faced away from me. When he hears me come in he turns around. Well there goes my wish that my roommate is ugly, this guy is gorgeous! He is probably 6’2” and I can tell he works out.

He smiles and says “Hi, my name is Justin you must be Josh”

I realize I’m just staring and finally get myself under control enough to say “yeah that’s me”

“Well I’m heading down to the common room for the meeting, you coming?” he asked

“Umm, yeah I’ll walk down with you” I replied.

Completely forgetting that I wanted to change, I followed him down for the meeting thinking about how hard it was going to be to control myself, this was either going to be an interesting semester or a disaster.

Authors Note

So a little about me: I’m in my 20’s and hopefully will be starting grad school in August in counseling (I have had the interview but haven’t gotten a letter telling me if I’ve been accepted) If that happens my time may be limited but I promise I won’t leave this story unfinished. Of course we don’t have the ability to predict drastic situations like serious illness or death but aside from that it will be finished. I am from a conservative state that is in the bible belt so if I offended you by making fun of a state in this chapter I certainly don’t mean to offend but just to make it entertaining with the hot as hell comment.

So? I’m always willing to hear others’ opinions just try to keep it constructive as I would like to improve. Please keep emails either positive or if you want to constructively criticize that is fine as well but any negative comments that are meant to just criticize will be deleted as they only mean to bring people down but not help the person improve. If you have questions or want to comment on this story you can email me at:

Next: Chapter 3

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