Josh Goes to College

By Sam Shell

Published on Jan 5, 2011



You know the rules. Follow them. If you don't, I'm not responsible. For full disclaimer, check any of the first 10 chapters.

I am the author, which means I have the rights to this and all stories I write, nobody else does. Do not copy without my permission.

Thanks Jere for editing!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 13


Lying with my head on Noah's chest, having just finished making love...wait! Is that what I thought of sex with Noah? Making love? Smiling, I realized that is exactly what I thought. Do I love him already? Actually, yes; I think I do...Wow! I don't think Noah is ready to hear those words, but that doesn't change the way I feel.

Thanksgiving is a week away, and I want Noah to come home with me, but I'm not sure he will go. I want to come out to my parents, and I want them to know that Noah is my boyfriend. The more I think about it, the more nervous I get, but I'm hoping that by having Noah there, it will calm me down.



"You know I want to come out to my parents at Thanksgiving, right?"


"Well, will you come with me? I want you to be there when I come out. I want to introduce you as my boyfriend."

"You know I would love to be there, but don't you think that might be a little bit too much for them all at once?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, even if they are completely fine with you being gay, telling them you are gay and then immediately introducing them to your boyfriend, might be too much to deal with all at once."

"Yeah, I guess," I agreed, reluctantly.

He kissed me on the top of my head and said, "How about this; you go home for Thanksgiving and come out to them, have a good time with your family, and then I'll come with you for Christmas?"

I raised my head to look at him, and he smiled at me, and I saw only kindness in his eyes, and I knew that he wanted what was best for me. "Ok, I guess you're right; it might be a little too much for them all at once." Even though I said that, I still wished that Noah would be there with me.

"So, what are we going to do today?" he asked.

"Hmm kiss, how about kiss we skip class kiss and stay in bed all day?"

Laughing, Noah said, "As much as I would like that, I don't think it would be a good idea to skip class so close to Thanksgiving, and I meant what are we going to do after class? We were lucky enough that Coach decided to cancel swim practice today, but I don't think we should skip class so close to the end of the semester."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I admitted. Looking at my alarm, and seeing that we had an hour to get to class, I gave Noah one last kiss, moaning into his lips and wishing, once again, that I could just stay right there in bed with him. Lately, my need to have him...all of him, and for him to have all of me, has become almost overwhelming; but I keep reminding myself that no matter how much I want to just sink right into him, I promised him that he would set the pace. So, even if it kills me, I'll wait.

Taking his hands, I pulled him out of bed and into my arms, and couldn't resist getting another kiss. Licking along his bottom lip, he opened for me, and, as I slid my tongue over his, I couldn't think of anywhere I would rather be.

Finally pulling away, I handed Noah his boxers, and then put mine on. Grabbing us both a towel and my shower kit, we made our way to the bathroom. Seeing others in there, we quickly took a shower, and, noticing that we didn't need to shave, made our way back to my room.


"No, not really hungry. You?"


"I'll meet you back here; ok?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, I'll be back about one. Why don't we go get some lunch off campus?"

"I'd like that; I'm sick of eating campus food."

"How about that new Italian restaurant?"


I walked over to him, pulling him close and kissing him hard. Reaching down, I grabbed him, finding him already half hard.

"After we eat...we'll come back here for dessert," I said, licking my lips. Noah groaned, "You asshole! Now I'm going to be hard all day."

Laughing, I said, "So will I."


When Josh asked me to go with him to Michigan, I really wanted to say `yes', but I don't think it would be a good idea. I don't think his parents will react like my parents, but I also think that coming out, and introducing your boyfriend to your parents at the same time, is too much for any parent to deal with. I have really begun to care about Josh a lot, and I want to be there for support him, but I also don't want to make things worse for him by being there.

Pete asked me to spend Thanksgiving with him, and Shannon also insisted. It will be nice to spend time with Pete; I really missed him after I was kicked out. I know the holidays will be hard for us. This time of year was the one time that my parents didn't seem to be fighting with each other, and with us. It was peaceful, and I have a lot of good memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year, not only do we not have our parents, but we were kicked out by our parents, and our dad is facing charges for doing the thing that got us kicked out. It would be easy to be angry with him for being a hypocrite, and angry at my mom for going along with it, but I can't. Because of what happened, Pete and I have found family in Shannon and Jason, and even Justin has started coming around. Justin's and Jason's uncles are even moving here soon, and I have a good feeling about Josh's family. Despite everything, I feel thankful for what I have.

Getting through four days without Josh will be hard, in more ways than one. Lately, Justin has been staying at home, so we've had their dorm room to ourselves, and we have definitely used it to our advantage. The sex is great, but it's the sleeping with him that I will miss the most. I don't think I'll sleep well without him next to me. The thought scares me a little, but I know that Aiden would want me to be happy, and Josh makes me happy. I think I could fall in love with him; maybe I already have.


Megan is great! She is funny, sweet, has a great sense of humor, and, for some reason, she likes me! She is also strong; isn't afraid to say what she thinks; and isn't afraid to be herself around me. I haven't told her about my past, or how that has affected me, but I know I'll have to soon. I've invited her to my house for Thanksgiving, and all she had to say is `I guess that means I'll eat twice.' Noah will be there, too, and, although we are getting along now, I still feel guilty for acting like an asshole. I think I will spend the rest of my life making up for all the rude comments I made.

I'm sure my mom and brother are enjoying having me at home. Since I've been home, my mom has been making all my favorites, and my brother is back to trying to beat me at video games (unsuccessfully, I might add), when he isn't spending time with Pete. Pete seems to be fitting right in, and I've tried to make him feel welcome. He has his own room, but I know he doesn't use it, and, honestly, that does freak me out, but I'm hoping that, when my uncles move here, Uncle Mike will be able to help me become more comfortable with gay people. My counselor thinks it is a good idea to have him come with me to a few of my sessions, so I'm going to ask him if he will. A few days ago, he called me to tell me that they found a house, and will be moving here before Christmas. I have really missed Uncle Mike over the years, and I want to get to know the man who helped him get his life back.

Josh is going back home for Thanksgiving. He told me that he's going to come out to his family, and I hope it goes well. I'm sure Noah will miss him, and, honestly, I'll miss seeing him too.

"Justin, I'm going to beat your ass once and for all at this game. Get in here, fucker!" Jason said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, you think so?" I said, laughing. "I've only beat you every time we've played, but I'll beat you again before Pete gets back. I know you won't be interested in games then; at least not video games," I teased. I succeeded in making him blush deeply, which only made me laugh harder. Eventually, he muttered, "Asshole", and slowly made his way back to the room. He has been healing well, but I know he still has a ways to go. I gave in to his taunts and followed him into his room. Maybe I should let him win. But then, again; maybe I'll just decide to beat him again!

A week later


"I'll miss you," Noah told me, for the twelfth time in the last 24 hours. Yes, I counted; so sue me. Every time he tells me he'll miss me, my heart beats a little faster. It lets me know that he cares, even if we haven't admitted it's love, yet.

"I'll miss you, too," I reply, kissing him, despite the fact that we we're standing in the airport, earning us plenty of glares from the people around us. I cared about none of them; only the man I'm holding in my arms.

"You'll call, right?"

"Of course. Do you really think I can go four days without hearing your voice? Besides," I continued, closer to his ear, "I thought my teacher could give his student some lessons on phone sex."

He groaned, and said, "I think the teacher can do that."

"Yeah?" I asked teasingly.


"Ok, it's a date then; every night – ten o'clock."

"Ok, it's a date."

"I have to go."

"I know," he said, making no effort to let me go.

I kissed him one more time, and then pulled away.

"I lo.., I'll call you," I said, hoping he wouldn't notice the slip-up, and freak out. He didn't act like he noticed, so I waved and turned toward security, already missing him, and wondering how the hell I'm going to tell my parents that I'm gay.

The hours spent thinking on the airplane didn't provide me with an answer either; just more time to worry; great!


I immediately spotted my whole family. When they saw me, they all broke out in big grins, that I couldn't help but return. When I got to them, my mom pulled me into a huge hug, and, when she pulled away, I could see the tears in her eyes. Before I could say anything to her, though, my dad pulled me into a hug, and then Andy and the rest of my brothers and sisters did the same. Looking at Olivia and Ava, I couldn't believe how much they had changed since I've been gone. At fifteen and twelve, they were still growing and changing. Seeing them has only made me realize how much I'm missing, and how much I want Noah to be a part of this.

"Come on, son, let's get you home," my dad said.

I only had my carry-on bag, so I followed my family out of the airport, going home for the first time in three months.

"Sit next to me?" Ava asked.

"Sure," I said, winking at Olivia and Andy, who were both standing behind Ava. They gave me an understanding smile that told me that they wouldn't argue with Ava. Aside from Andy, with whom I had shared a room, Ava probably took my leaving harder than anybody else, even my parents. She has always looked up to me, following me around when she was younger. Olivia was nearly as bad, but she is at the age where she understands why I went away – well, not the exact reason, but she understands that I wanted to get away. Andy was sad to see me go, but really understands. Dave is my oldest brother and, at twenty-five, is already married to Anne. While I'm sure he has missed me, he hasn't been living at home for four years, so it was easier for him to see me leave. Hannah, my oldest sister, is twenty-one, and is a senior at the local university, but she once told me that she wishes that she had had the courage to go out of state; so I think she is happy for me.

"I missed you! Do you really have to go back?" Ava asked, once we left the airport.

"Yeah, Avabear." I said, using the nickname I gave her a long time ago. "I'm sorry, but I do. I have four days with you, though, and I'll be back for Christmas in a month," I said, hoping that I wasn't lying.

"Ok," she replied dejectedly, making me feel guilty as hell. She started talking nonstop, telling me all about school, her friends, the boy she likes (geeze, she's only twelve!), and so many different things that, after a while, I felt my brain shutting down. I couldn't help but smile, regardless of her nonstop talking; her enthusiasm was catching.

Before I knew it, I was home. Looking at the house, it looked the same, but it felt strange . . . seeing it again. When I left, I was so confused about how to be happy as a gay man, and now I have friends at school, all of whom know I'm gay . . . and I have a boyfriend, something I was unsure I would ever have. I've had sex with him, doing things I never imagined, and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him.

"Come on, Josh; I want to show you what I did to my room," Ava said, grabbing my hand and literally pulling me out of the van (who knew she was so strong?). I heard laughing, and I looked back to see my dad, laughing and everybody else looking like they would burst out laughing at any moment. I knew he were laughing at how Ava was acting, because she is normally very quiet. So all the talking and enthusiasm really was funny, but it also warmed my heart.

I was literally dragged into the house and up the stairs, Ava not letting me go until I was standing in her room, which, instead of pink, was now purple. She also had a new, bigger bed, and various art work, that she had done, hanging on her walls. She is a great artist, and I have a feeling she will go to school for that.

"Wow, I love it Ava!"

"Really?" she beamed.

"Yeah, it's you, and I love the art; you've gotten even better since I've been gone."

"Thanks," she said quietly.

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "No, really, Ava. You are a really good artist; I only wish I could do what you can do." She melted into me, and I held her for a minute longer; then pulled away to have a closer look at a landscape that I had never seen before. It was truly breathtaking, and I knew immediately that she had painted a part of the park that was close to home. The park was a beautiful place, and it was very peaceful. Whenever I wanted to think, I'd go there; it holds a special place in my heart.

"Ava, this is beautiful. When did you do this?"

"About a month ago."

"Well, I think this is my favorite."

I looked at her, and saw she was blushing. "How about we go see what the rest of the family is doing?"


She took my hand again, and, this time, slowly led me down the stairs.

"So, you convinced teddy bear to release her claws from you?" Dad asked, laughing.

"Daaad!" Ava whined, while taking a seat next to Olivia.

"How has your semester been?" Dad asked.

"It's been good; I like it."

"Good; I'm glad you are happy. You know you can always transfer; right?"

"Yes, dad, I know; but I like it there. I've made friends, and my roommate is nice." I have a boyfriend. That part I didn't add, but at the mention of my roommate being nice, I saw Andy look at me questioningly, and I looked at him with a look that clearly said, `I'll tell you later.'

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Mom asked.

Knowing the question was coming, I just said, "No, mom, I don't."

"Oh, ok," she replied, looking disappointed.

I saw my dad give her a look I couldn't figure out, and then he said, "I know you just got home, but we thought it would be nice to go out to your favorite restaurant for dinner. The reservation is in about an hour, so we should get going."

"Mama Rosa's?" I asked excitedly, mouth already watering for the lasagna I love.

"Yes," my mom said, smiling.

"Where's my bag? I want to take it up to my room before we go."

"By the door," my mom said. "Andy, go help your brother," she continued, "and, Josh, change into something better than jeans, please; you, too, Andy."

Grabbing my bag, Andy headed up the stairs to our room. When I walked in, my jaw dropped; it was a mess!

"Fuck, Andy; how am I supposed to sleep in here with all this shit all over my bed, and all over the floor? How the fuck do you even walk in here?"

"Yeah, I know; it's bad; I'll clean it up. Dad told me to do it a couple of days ago, but I had a date. I've been spending a lot of time with Amy, my new girlfriend, and just haven't had the time to clean."

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Fine; let's just hurry up and change; I want my lasagna."

"Why don't you ever order anything else?"

"Because nothing could possibly be better than Mama Rosa's Lasagna. My mouth is watering- just thinking about it."

I turned to my bag, now on my bed, and pulled out my khakis and polo shirt, while Andy did the same from the closet.

"So, what's that about `my roommate is nice'? I thought he hates you?"

"He did, but he doesn't anymore. It's a long story; I'll tell you about it later, but, basically, he found out his brother is gay, and he is trying to be better about the gay thing." I decided not to tell him about his past; some things shouldn't be talked about without permission.

"Oh, ok. So he has stopped making comments?"

"Yeah, he has. I can tell some things make him uncomfortable, but he is working on it."

"That's great! So...umm, are you still going to come out to mom and dad before you leave?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "Them, and the family; but I'm worried; I don't know if I can do it. Did you see how disappointed mom seemed when I told her I didn't have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I did; but honestly, Josh, I think they just want you to be happy. If that means having a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend, then they will be ok with that. It may take a while to get used to it, but I think, in the end, they will be completely supportive."

"Yeah, maybe. I missed you, fucker!"

"I missed you, too, asshole!"

We looked at each other for a minute, and then burst out laughing. Then I walked over to him and gave him a hug, and reached up to mess up his hair, like I always have.

"Touch it, and you die!"

Laughing, I said, "Ok, I'll be good."

When we finished getting dressed, we headed downstairs, but not before I managed to fuck up his hair anyway, then took off running before he could catch me.

We got to the restaurant, and took our seats at the table; then ordered our drinks - cokes for the under twenty-one's', and wine for the adults', except for Anne. That was unusual, because everybody, who could, always got wine at Mama Rosa's. Apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed, because my mom said, "Anne, don't you want any wine?"

"No, I'm ok; I'll just have some water," she replied, glancing at my brother Dave, who smiled in return.

My mom looked at my brother, and then at Anne and back at my brother, with a strange look on her face, and then burst out with an excited, "Really? Oh my God!" and, receiving a nod, she got up from her chair and grabbed each of them into a hug.

We all sat there looking completely confused, and then, like magic, it hit us all at once, and we all jumped up to hug them; Anne's pregnant!

"We were going to wait until tomorrow to say anything, so we could tell the whole family together, but I guess that's out," Dave said.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I just had this feeling, and had to know. I really didn't mean to ruin the surprise," my mom said.

"No, it's ok, Judy. I wasn't sure if I could wait until tomorrow anyway. I've been dying to tell you for a couple of weeks now. We'll tell the rest of the family tomorrow, as planned," Anne said.

"Oh my! We have so much to do! My first grandchild! I could just burst!" mom beamed.

We all laughed happily at my mom's excitement, knowing that all of us were excited, as well. At the same time, I felt guilty, because I didn't want to ruin that happiness with my coming out. How was I supposed to do it, now that everybody was so happy?

That night, Andy was nice enough to leave me alone in our room, so I could have some privacy while talking to Noah.

"I miss you," I said, when he answered.

"I miss you, too; I don't know how I'll sleep tonight without you next to me," he replied.

"Me, either."

"How's it going so far?" he asked.

"Good. I didn't realize how much I've missed them until I got here. Oh, guess what?"


"I'm going to be an uncle."

"Really? That's great!"

"Yeah, it is. My brother will be a great dad. Now I feel bad for ruining the good mood everybody is in, though."

"Josh, everything you've told me about your family tells me that they will be fine with it. I think it might take some time to get used to it, but I think they just want you to be happy."

"That's basically what Andy said," I told him.

"See? If your brother says that, then it should be fine. He knows how your parents are."

"Yeah, I know, but it doesn't make it any easier."

"I know."

"Noah, can we skip the lesson tonight? I'm really tired; traveling takes a lot out of me, and I'm afraid I might fall asleep on you."

"Ok, get some rest, babe; we'll talk tomorrow. You do plan on coming out tomorrow night, right?"


"Well, make sure you call and tell me how it went."

"I will."

"Ok, sleep well; goodnight."


I was out before my head hit the pillow.

The next day, Thanksgiving, was utter chaos. All my aunts, uncles, and cousins were at the house; it's our turn to host Thanksgiving dinner.

The day was filled with laughter, food, more laughter, and even more food, before everybody, except my parents and siblings, had left.

"Well, Josh, we would like to stay, but it's getting late, and we need to get home," Dave told me.

"It's ok. You are coming back tomorrow, though, right?"

"Yeah, we'll be back bright and early; can't stay away while you're here, can we?"

"No, I'd hunt your ass down," I replied.

"Josh, language," my mom admonished, with no heat behind it.

"Sorry, mom."

After Dave and Anne left, my siblings went to their rooms, with Andy giving me an encouraging smile, and squeezing my shoulders, as he passed.

"Mom, dad, can we talk?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, honey."

"Umm, well, I know that you didn't really want me to go to school out of state, and I really appreciate you supporting my decision anyway. I know it couldn't have been easy for you, and I never really gave you an explanation when you asked why I didn't want to stay here, other than just wanting to explore a different place. Well, the reason why I needed to go out of state is because I felt like I needed to figure out some things, and, to do that, I needed to get away from my friends and family, and now I need to tell you something."

"Ok, son, just tell us."

With my heart pounding so hard that I wondered if they could hear it, I dove in.

"I-I'm...umm, I-I'm...going to change my major," Fuck! "to psychology," I finished dejectedly.

"Oh, well, if you are sure that's what you want to do, we'll support you, but you do realize that will mean more school; at least a master's. Are you prepared to spend more than four years in school?" my dad asked.

"Yeah, I really want to be a counselor. I don't mind going to school longer if it means I get to do that."

"Well, that all you wanted to tell us, son?" he asked.

"Y-Yes," I said.

He stared at me intently, and then said, "Alright. Well, if you have anything else to say, you know where to find us."

Nodding, I got up, leaving the room . . . feeling like a coward.

"How did it go?" Noah asked, as soon as I called.

"I couldn't fucking do it! I don't know what happened, but I was right there, and I was going to say it, but, instead, I told them that I'm changing majors. I'm such a coward," I told him, from the bathroom, the only place with privacy.

"No, you aren't. You just need more time; it's not easy. You'll do it when you are ready."

We talked for a while longer, before I hung up and grabbed my coat. We have this swing on the porch that I use to sit and think when I can't go to the park. It didn't matter that it's cold outside; I needed some fresh air.

As I sat down on the swing, I sighed. I really fucked up things. Now I feel like I can't make myself do it at all. But, I know I want Noah with me for Christmas, and I feel like I'm lying to my family. Only Andy knows the `real me', and I don't like that at all. What a difference time makes. Three months ago, I left here to go to a place I had never been, and coming out was something that I never imagined doing; but Noah changed all of that. I need to come out, not only for me, but for Noah; but how?

"It's cold out here," my dad said, breaking into my thoughts and making me jump.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Can't sleep?" he asked, coming to sit next to me, and draping a blanket over us that he had brought out.


He nodded his head, and then we sat in silence, each in his own thoughts. I don't know how long we sat there, but eventually he asked, "Did your mom or I ever tell you the story of the day you were born?"

"Maybe a long time ago; I don't really remember."

"Well, we always wanted a lot of kids, so when we had David, and then Hannah, we were thrilled, and knew that we weren't done. When we found out your mom was pregnant again, we were so happy. Right from the start, you were an individual. With David and Hannah, they were easy pregnancies; almost no morning sickness, and the pregnancies went by without any complications at all. With you, she was sick the entire time she was pregnant, and you kicked so often and so hard that she didn't get a lot of sleep, but, despite that, she would just laugh and say, `This one will be stubborn; hell, I bet he will decide to come at the worst possible time.'

"She was right, because you decided to come during the worst blizzard of the year," my dad said, laughing.

I couldn't help but smile at him.

"When she told me it was time, I swear I almost had a heart attack. I called the next door neighbors to come and look after David and Hannah, and then I had a decision to make: call an ambulance and hope they can get here, or drive her myself. I decided to drive her myself, and about two minutes into the drive, I realized that was a mistake. The snow was coming down fast, and I couldn't see anything. I honestly thought I'd have to deliver you myself! I don't know how we made it, but we did, and just in time, because it was only about ten minutes after we got there that she was ready to push."

He put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer, and kissed the top of my head; something he hadn't done since I was seven.

"You know, it's truly the most amazing feeling, no matter how many times it happens, when you have a child; the feeling of complete, unconditional love is overwhelming, and when I saw you and held you for the first time, that feeling was there, instantly. I made you the promise that I've made all of my children: that I would love you unconditionally, and that I would do everything in my power to protect you and make sure you are happy."

He looked into my eyes, and he smiled.

"Josh, that unconditional love never goes away, at least for your mom and me. I love you just as much today, as I did the day I met you, and all I want is for you and your brothers and sisters to be happy, healthy, and safe; whatever that means for you, wherever you go to seek those things, is ok with me."

"Thanks, dad. I love you."

"Love you, too. Why don't you go to bed; we can talk more tomorrow."


We stood up, and he led me inside, and up the stairs to my room.

As I lay in my bed, I couldn't help but go over what he had told me. Maybe he already suspects. Maybe they both do.

The next day, I was so distracted that I'm sure everybody noticed, but they just left me alone with my thoughts.

My mom made some of my favorites for dinner, despite there being a lot of Thanksgiving leftovers. As she was finishing cooking, I walked up behind her and hugged her, putting my chin on her shoulder.

"Thanks, mom, you're the best!"

"Yeah, I know," she laughed.

"Honey, we are having Hannah and Andy, take Olivia and Ava to the movies after dinner. I think we need to talk."

"Yeah, we do," I sighed.

She patted my face, and went back to dinner.

Dinner was horrible! I couldn't eat, and everybody seemed to be eating way faster than they normally did. I wanted them to slow down, but, at the same time, I wanted to get it over with.

When dinner was over, I went into the living room and sat on the couch, waiting for the inevitable. I heard my brother and sisters leave, and then my parents came into the living room.

"Son, telling us about changing your major wasn't all you wanted to tell us, was it," my dad stated, more than asked.

Looking at my feet, I said, "No."

"Do you want to tell us what you really wanted to say?"

"No...yes; I don't know," I sighed in frustration.

"Joshua, what I said last night; I meant it."

"I know. I just..."

"Just what, honey?" my mom asked.

"It's hard; I - I'm scared. I know that's stupid; I know you both love me, but..."

I closed my eyes; this is it; something I never thought I'd do. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at them for the first time since they came into the room.

"I'm gay. There; I said it. I'm gay." I watched them, as different emotions came and went across their faces, but what never went away is the love I saw.

"Ok," they both said at the exact same time, making us all laugh, and breaking the tension.

"Ok? That's it? You don't care?"

"Well, no, we do care, but not in the way you might think. Life is hard enough as it is, without adding being gay to it. We worry about your safety, and what this will mean for you in life; but we love you, no matter what," my mom said.

"Yeah. Besides, we suspected you were gay from the time you were thirteen, and when Andy started dating and you didn't, we really started thinking that maybe you were. When you told us you were leaving to go to school, we thought maybe you were running away, so you could be yourself without having to tell us. I think that's what hurt us the most; that you felt you couldn't be honest with us. We felt that maybe you thought we wouldn't love you enough to accept you," my dad said.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, honey. It couldn't have been easy, but don't be afraid to be honest with us from now on. We love you, and we always will, no matter what," my mom said.

"So, are you seeing someone?" my dad asked, smirking slightly, in a way that let me know he could and would tease me if he got the chance.

"Yes, actually I am. His name is Noah."

"That's great, honey," my mom said.

"You are...umm...well, what I'm trying to ask are being safe, right?" my dad asked, looking uncomfortable, but determined.

I blushed several shades of red, as I said, "Yes."

"Well, ok, then; that's all I want to know," Dad said.

"Are his parents supportive?" mom asked.

"Actually, no; his parents kicked him out when they found out." I know there will be time later to tell them the whole story.

"Well, where is he? Don't tell me he celebrated Thanksgiving alone."

"No, he didn't. Actually, my roommate's brother, Jason, is the boyfriend of Noah's brother, Pete, and Pete lives with Jason, so he was invited to Thanksgiving dinner there. Noah thought it wasn't a good idea for me to come out, and introduce my boyfriend to you at the same time."

"Well, we wouldn't have minded, but he sounds like a considerate young man," my mom said.

"He is," I said.

"Well, you need to tell him that he is invited for Christmas, and that we won't take `no' for an answer," she said.

"I will," I laughed. "Actually, I think he is eager to meet all of you."

"Son, what about your brothers and sisters; do you plan on coming out to them?" my dad asked.

"Well, actually, Andy already knows. I told him soon after I started school, but as for the others, I will tell them before I leave."

"Ok; I don't think they will have a problem with it at all; so don't worry."

"I won't," I lied.


Before I knew it, I was standing in the airport, saying goodbye to my family. I didn't want it to end, but I also knew that Noah would be waiting for me, and I couldn't wait to see him again. He told me that we are going to celebrate my successful coming out.

"Goodbye, honey; call when you land," my mom said.

"I will, mom." I hugged her, and then moved on to my dad.

"See you in a few weeks, son. Don't forget; Noah has a ticket, too; he'd better use it."

"He will; I'll drag him onto the airplane, if I have to." Then I hugged him, too.

Each one of my brothers and sisters hugged me tight, and told me they couldn't wait until I come back in a few weeks.

As I sat down in my seat and waited for the airplane to take off, I thought back to the previous night. I am so lucky to have the family that I do. Every single one of my siblings was accepting of me. David said, "Well, I don't get it, but whatever makes you happy, makes me happy." And all the rest said basically the same; that they just want me to be happy, and that they have to meet the man that makes me happy.

I smiled the whole way back to Oklahoma.

"Josh!" Noah yelled happily.

"Hey, babe," I said, as soon as I reached him.

"I missed you!" he said, hugging me tight and burying his head in the crook of my neck, oblivious of all the people around us.

"I missed you, too. Let's get out of here and celebrate. What are we doing?" I asked, as we walked toward the airport exit.

"Well..." he grinned evilly. "I thought we would go to a hotel, and I could lick you from head to toe, and then suck your brains out through your cock."

I groaned, instantly hard at the thought of that happening. "Don't tease me."

"Oh, it's not teasing at all; I plan on doing just that. I have a hotel room close to the airport. Let's go."

"Oh fuck!" I groaned. "You're killing me; just get us there."

We quickly got to the hotel, and went hurriedly up to the room. As soon as we got in the door, he tossed my bag into the room, closing the door and pushing me up against it, both of us moaning into the kiss. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, caressing my tongue. I pulled away, and he groaned in protest.

"Go slow; I won't last otherwise."

"Fuck slow; we can do it again; this is just to take the edge off."

He took off my shirt, kissing and licking down my neck, and then made his way to my right nipple, nipping it lightly, and licking it thoroughly, before moving over to my left, and giving it the same treatment. So help me, all I could do was moan helplessly. When he stopped licking my nipple, he grinned at me evilly, and then got down on his knees. Unbuttoning my pants, he pulled them and my boxers down at the same time, and started licking around my cock, avoiding it, and driving me crazy. After a few minutes of licking my thighs and balls, and basically everywhere else, except my cock, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop teasing me and suck me!" I begged. It had been too long, and I was painfully hard.

He must have realized just how much I needed to get off, because he licked the tip, gathering some of my fluid on his tongue; then moaned, and took me all the way down, all at once, drawing the breath right out of me. "Fuck!" I groaned. He continued to bob up and down, licking along the length, and then spending time just on my head, which he knows drives me crazy. He nipped lightly - not enough to hurt, but enough to feel amazing; then slid all the way down again, taking me in his throat and humming. Long before I wanted to, I felt myself getting close. My balls tight, I managed to warn him before I started cumming down his throat; he swallowed all I had to offer. When he finally released me, I slid down the door. Damn, we didn't even make it to the bed. When I had recovered enough to think, I reached for him, but he said, "Too late." I realized then that he had cum, just by sucking me off. That thought was almost enough to make me hard again.

We took a shower, exploring every inch of each other. I got brave and stuck a finger in my mouth, and then tentatively rubbed it along his ass. When he didn't pull away, I rubbed at his entrance, watching for any negative reaction. Seeing none, I pushed my finger all the way in. It was so hot and tight, and I immediately got hard, imagining being in there. We were getting close to doing that; I could feel it, but I knew he wasn't quite ready; soon, but not yet.

As we lay together after I sucked him off, we talked about all that had happened with my family. He said he couldn't wait to meet them in a few weeks. Then he turned to me, kissed me softly, and said, "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," I replied.

Author's note

Finally another chapter! I am so sorry for making you wait so long but life gets in the way sometimes. I truly hope everybody enjoyed this chapter. If you aren't a part of my yahoo group then you don't know what is going to happen with Josh so here is where I tell everybody. The next chapter will be the last chapter in part 1 of Josh Goes to College. I will then take a hiatus from it so that I can figure out everything I want to put into the story before I end it. Look for part 2 in Late March.

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