Josh Goes to College

By Sam Shell

Published on Oct 12, 2010


Disclaimer: Don't read if male/male relationships bother you, don't read if you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to do so. Don't copy this story. For full disclaimer, see the any of the first 10 chapters.

Authors note

In this chapter, I introduce Uncle Mike's Pov. I do this because Uncle Mike and Brian will be big part of the story from now on.


My life over the past few weeks can only be described as a roller-coaster of emotions. I told my mom about wanting to start counseling; she was so happy about that... well, probably relieved is more like it. So, on the Monday morning after Jason was taken to the hospital, I called the student health center, and they gave me an appointment for Wednesday.

Counseling in itself is a draining, emotional roller-coaster. I think I've gone through every emotion you can possibly go through in the 3 weeks I've been going. The counselor set it up so that it was in between my classes and practice, two times a week. About a week ago, Jason came home; I was so happy to see him out of that hospital bed, and I've been going over there every day and spending as much time as possible, helping him, since my mom has to work. It's hard trying to help him, when I have classes, practice, and counseling, but I try. Hopefully, he can go back to school soon, but they say it could be another week or two.

So, now you are caught up on the interesting life of Justin Myers. Today, I got up, went to class, and went to counseling. Then I headed over to get something to eat, before my last practice before fall break. Walking into the student union, I realized that I was going to be lucky to find somewhere to sit; the place was packed with people. I guessed they were trying to get something to eat before leaving for break, but it looked like the whole school was trying to eat at the same time. I decided on a burger and fries, and went in search of a table. Finally, I found one, and practically ran to get to it before someone else could take it. I had been sitting there and eating for a few minutes, minding my own business, when I heard:

"Do you mind if I sit here?" a girl asked.

I looked up into the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, and just stared; I couldn't speak.

"So, do you mind?" she said.

"Huh...umm, yeah, go ahead. Sit, please." Coming out of my daze, I saw a look of amusement on her face, as she pulled out the other chair and sat down.

"I'm Megan."


"Well, Justin, if you don't pick up your tongue and put it back in your mouth, your food will be cold."

Blushing, I said, "Sorry, it's just...your eyes...they''re beautiful." Damn it! Idiot; scare her away. "I'm sorry; I didn't actually mean to say that. It's true, though, and your eyes...I've never seen such a...a piercing blue like that; it's like swimming in the ocean; I want to fall into them." Clearing my throat, I said, "I'm sorry; maybe I should just quit talking."

I had looked down at some point, while I was talking, but when she didn't say anything for a minute, I looked up to see that amused expression on her face again, but also something else - she was blushing. I couldn't help but smile at her, and before I knew what was happening, we had been talking for over an hour, and I realized that I had to be at practice soon, or I would be late. So, reluctantly, I told her I had to go, and we exchanged numbers, and that was that. I didn't know if I would see her again, but I hoped so. I went to practice; nothing interesting to say about that. They let us out half an hour early, which was good, because I was eager to get my break underway. I already had a bag packed, so all I had to do was go up to my room to get it. When I got there, Josh looked like he was deep in thought, but I made sure I told him that I was going to be gone, and that my mom wants him and Noah to come to dinner most nights; I think she really likes them.

I got to the house, and walked in to no one; my mom wasn't home, yet, but it was after three, so I knew that Pete was home from school. I hated not helping Jason today, but I was so busy with it being the last day of school before break, that I told him not to expect me. I hope he did alright. Hmm... where are they? I heard some noises coming from Jason's room, right as that thought crossed my mind. So I headed that way to tell them I was home, when I heard, "Oh fuck, Pete, don't stop! Aaaahhh! Oh fuck, yes! Keep going; suck me!" I stopped in my tracks. Ok, maybe I'll just go grab something to drink, and watch some TV. I definitely didn't need to hear what I just heard. I can imagine what they...Wait! No, I don't want to think about that! The thought made me shudder, but I shook it off.

Eventually, they came out of Jason's room, with Pete helping Jason. They asked how long I had been there, and I told them, "Just a few minutes;" no reason to embarrass them if it wasn't necessary. So we sat down to watch some TV; big mistake - the news was on, and we saw the story about Pete's dad. It turned him into a zombie, with Jason and me trying to bring him out of it. That was how my mom found us when she walked in. We explained what we saw on the news, and she was shocked. She had been home for a few minutes, when Josh and Noah showed up, and, evidently, they had seen the news, also, because they immediately went over to Pete, and Noah grabbed him into a hug. Eventually, my mom called us for dinner, but it was just a silent dinner, filled with the sounds of silverware hitting the plates, and nothing else.

Uncle Mike

Having my nephews back in my life made me realize just how much I've missed them. Brian had to be back at work, so he left, and I stayed until Jason was released from the hospital. I wanted to stay longer, but Brain needed me back at work. See, I help him do a lot of stuff that needs to be done - paperwork, phone answering, emails - really a variety of things that he doesn't have time to do. We operate a youth center, primarily for homeless teens who have been kicked out of their home for being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. I never realized just how many teenagers were homeless, and for something they can't help; it makes me sick. It has made me want to do everything I can to make them more comfortable. I like to go around the center and talk to them, joke with them; anything to take their minds off their situation. The center has twenty-five beds, three kitchens, a media room, and a game room. I wish we had more room, because we could definitely use it. The reason the center is even in existence is because of Brian - he received an inheritance from his grandfather, and, since he had always dreamed of starting a group like this, it's the first thing he did.

The center has only been open for two years, but has received a lot of attention, particularly from those with plenty of money, and they have donated a lot of money, which has definitely helped us. We also regularly get clothes, shoes, toiletries, name it...we have had it donated to us. It has restored my faith in humanity.

I think Brian has realized how much I miss my family; how could he not? I've been moping around since I got back; even the residents of the center are showing their concern, and they don't need to worry about me. I know I must really be bad, because, earlier today, Seth, one of the residents, just randomly came up and hugged me. He didn't say anything; just hugged me. I know it's bad when the residents are the ones comforting me, not the other way around; I've got to do something.

Finally, the day was over for me. Brian usually stays an extra couple of hours, but I can leave at five. When I got home, I got something to drink and grabbed an apple. I'd eat an actual meal when Brian got home; he is bringing home some lasagna from a local Italian restaurant. I found my picture album, and curled up in a chair. Flipping through, I couldn't help but smile at all the memories those pictures brought up. I've had a long time to try to live with what happened to Justin, but what makes it even worse is the time I've lost with my family...the time they've lost with me. A two-hour drive may not seem like much, but it is to me. Oh, over the years, my heart ached for them, but the hurt I feel now, after spending those two weeks with them; and then leaving...I can't even describe the loss I feel. I feel like I'm not a part of me is missing, and that part lives two hours away from me.

I was so engrossed in the photo album that I almost jumped out of my chair, when I felt hands land on my shoulders. The person attached to the hands started laughing, and said, "Relax, Babe; it's me."

I tilted my head back so I was looking up at him, and he leaned down and gave me one of his dick-hardening kisses. Pulling back, he walked around the chair, so that he was in front of me, and then he kneeled down and took my hands in his and stared at me intently, like he was staring into my soul.

"You are really missing them, huh?"

I looked down at my lap and muttered, "Yeah, I do miss them." I couldn't help the tears that formed; saying those words aloud somehow made it more real, more painful. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around me, resting my head in the comfort of his chest. I lost it; I cried for what happened to Jason, for what happened to Justin, and what that had cost him and me; I cried for all the years I missed - seven years...gone. I don't want to miss anymore; I want to be close to them; be able to see them often; but how could I? The center is here, Brian is here; my life is here.

When I finally got myself under control, I pulled away.

"I'm sorry."

"Hey! What do I always say when you say that?"

"Don't be sorry for being human," I say softly.

"Right; now since it seems like your feelings aren't going to go away...," Noticing my reaction to that, he quickly added, "and I don't expect them to, believe me. I would give anything to be near my family, and be loved by them. I understand your feelings completely; that's why I've decided to accept an offer I have been given. I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to get your hopes up, and then something go wrong, but it seems like it is all going to go through, exactly how I want it, too; so, I am selling the center. I'm sorry that I didn't consult you. Normally I would have, but, like I said, I didn't want to give you false hope."

"Wait! What? What about the kids? What's going to happen to them? What do you mean..."

"Hold on; wait," he interrupted. "Remember Robert Johnson?" Nodding, I said, "Yeah, the new counselor at Blue Rock Agency."

"Yeah, well he also has an inheritance, and wants to start something like we have with the center. See, he was disowned by his father for being gay, and was homeless for a little over a year, when his grandfather managed to find him. His father had told his father, Robert's grandfather, nothing about his disowning him, but when he found out, he was pissed; he disowned his son for disowning his grandson, and hired some private investigators to find his grandson. Well, he found him and took him in, but the grandfather died a couple of years ago, leaving all of his money to Robert. Robert has wanted to give something back, to help those that are in the situation he was in several years ago. We were talking a couple of weeks ago, and he asked where you were, and when I told him what was going on, he asked if I would want to sell the center; it would help him, because the center is already established, and it would give us the opportunity to move to Weatherford, if we wanted. He even said that he liked how the center is doing things, and doesn't wish to change what is already working. So, how about it? Should we do it?"

I was sitting there with my mouth open. I was speechless.

"Babe? Mike? Hello? Are you in there?" he said, waving his hand in front of my face.

He grabbed me and kissed me, and that did it. "YES! Yes, yes yes! Let's do it! Oh my god! I can't believe we are going to do this! I love you so much!"

I grabbed hold of him, and gave him the biggest, most passionate kiss I could possibly give him, causing us both to become erect instantly. I pulled him up, so that he was standing in front of me; I knew the chair was at the perfect height to do what I was about to do. I grabbed him by the ass, and pulled him in closer, undid his belt, and then pulled his pants and boxers down in one move, and proceeded to give him the best blow job of his life. After he reciprocated, we cuddled up together on the sofa, not really saying anything...just enjoying the silence, and each other.

After a while, I asked, "Do you really want to do this? I mean, you've worked so hard at getting the center where you want it to be; wouldn't you miss it?"

"Well, yes, I'll miss the people, but I know the center will be in good hands, and your happiness means everything to me; if you aren't happy, I'm not happy. Besides, I'm going to start another center...not in Weatherford, because it's too small, but in the next biggest city. We can live in Weatherford and commute to work; it won't be bad...we'll get used to it. I like the idea of having family again; I like the idea of you having your family back in your life. We are just going through the motions here; we have no life aside from the center. With you in my life, it makes it great, but it would make it complete to have your family as part of the picture."

"Our family."

Smiling, he nodded, and said, "Our family."

I kissed him, and then a peaceful, satisfied feeling came over me; everything would be ok.


Before I knew it, fall break was over, and we were back in class. Fall break was great! Noah stayed with me, and we slept in the same bed every night. I got so used to sleeping with him, that I can't really sleep well without him. We also went to Justin's house for dinner every night; Shannon wouldn't take no' for an answer; for a small woman, she meant business; I feared she might attack, if we kept politely refusing. We've been in class for a week now, and, already, I'm ready for a break. I really don't want to be here anymore. I mean, of course I want Noah, still, but the classes don't interest me; its like I'm here for nothing. I'm starting to wonder whether teaching is something I really want to do; the idea doesn't even excite me anymore. I guess it started when Justin opened up the first night back from fall break.

We were lying in our beds...neither of us able to sleep, and he started talking about his counseling sessions, and about the counselor. It was literally like this light bulb went off in my head and, for the first time, I questioned whether teaching is right for me; counseling feels "right." I talked to Noah about it, and he was talking about how he feels the same way...that pre-law isn't right for him; that business feels right for him, and that his father had drilled into him so much that he has to be a lawyer, that he just naturally chose pre-law, even though his father disowned him. Even Justin now questions whether his motives of wanting to be a pharmacist, because his father was a pharmacist, were unwise. He was, also, like me, leaning toward counseling. I think we are all going to change our majors.

I'm also nervous about the fact that Thanksgiving will be here soon, in about a month, actually. I've been going over and over in my head whether or not to come out to my family. I also want to invite Noah to go home with me, but I don't know if he'll want to come with me, or stay here to be with his brother. I've talked to Andy about it, but he just says to "just do it; they won't care. Bring your boyfriend, too; they'll love him." He just doesn't understand; it's not that easy to tell your parents that you are gay. It doesn't help that I have the real life example of disownment in Noah. The closer it gets, the more worried I'm getting, and the more stressed I feel. Can I just fast forward to Thanksgiving and get this over with?


Megan is great! She's funny, she's smart, she's beautiful; she's everything I could ask for, and more. I asked her out for coffee three times this week, and I asked her out for dinner, for tonight. I just dropped her off, and I think this might be the best night of my life. When is it too soon to know that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone? Ok, I know it's too soon to tell, but, damn, she makes me feel happier than I can ever remember being. Already, I miss her when she leaves me; already, I can't wait to see her, to hear her, to touch her, to hold her hand in mine. Wow! Did I really just think all of that? I'm not used to mushiness, but I'm not embarrassed; maybe at one time I would have been, but she is worth all the mushiness. My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts, while I was walking back to my room; it was Uncle Mike.


"You sound happy."

"I am; I just went out with the most beautiful girl in the world."

"You'll have to tell me about this girl that makes you sound so happy, but, first, I have some good news."


"Brian and I are moving to Weatherford."


"Really; we'll be there as soon as we can find a house and get things settled here."

We talked about Megan, and about moving here, and then said our goodbyes. I went out with a beautiful girl, and found out my uncle is moving here; this really has been the best day of my life!

Authors note

Aww! Justin found himself a girlfriend! Don't worry; I'll spare you any heterosexual sex. And, Uncle Mike and Uncle Brian are moving to Weatherford! I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Email me with any comments at

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As always, thanks to Jere for editing.

Next: Chapter 13

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