Josh Goes to College

By Sam Shell

Published on Oct 4, 2010


Disclaimer: By now you know the warning, no reading if underage and don't copy my story! This story is fiction. For full disclaimer, look at any of the first 10 chapters.


Right as we broke from the hug, a nurse came in smiling.

"Well, look who's awake," she said, and walked over to Jason, and started poking and prodding. "I'll go page the doctor, maybe he'll get that tube out of your throat; I'll be right back."

"Jas, I'll be right back; I'm going to go tell mom you're awake." I left Pete there, and almost ran to the waiting room. When I got there, my mom jumped up and ran to me.

"How is he?" she asked anxiously, before I could say anything.

I smiled and said, "He's awake!"


"Yes, really! Come on, I know he wants to see you!"

I started dragging her toward the door, and we got half way down the hall, when she stopped suddenly, and then I heard "Shit! She looked so serious, but unlike a week ago, I laughed! I laughed so hard that tears started streaming down my face. I think it was due more to the fact that my brother was ok, and I was relieved, than from what she said.

Finally, I got myself under control enough to ask, "What's wrong?"

"Your Uncle Mike!"

"What? What about Uncle Mike...oh, shit!" I knew exactly why she reacted like she did.

"I can't believe I forgot to call him! With everything going on, I completely forgot. I have to go call him!"

"No, mom, you go in and see Jason; I'll call him!"

She nodded, and started walking toward his room, and I turned to go outside to use my cell phone. I rode the elevator down, while trying to decide how to tell Uncle Mike what happened. I couldn't just say "Hey, Uncle Mike; just thought I'd let you know that Jason was close to death, and we forgot to call you, but, hey! Good news! He woke up, and is doing fine." It's not like we don't care enough to let Uncle Mike know things like this, but I think we were both so worried about Jason, that any thoughts about anything else left our brains. He would understand that, right? I sure hope so.

When I got outside, I took a deep breath and called.


"Uncle Mike?"

"Justin? Why are you calling me? Is something wrong? No, wait! I don't mean to make you think something has to be wrong for you to want to call me."

"Well, no; that isn't how I feel at all, but you're right; something is wrong!"

"Oh, God! What is it? Is your mom ok? Your brother?"

"Jason is in the hospital. I'm sorry. We would have called you sooner, but with everything going on; Jason was the only thing we were thinking about."

"What! What happened? Is he ok?"

"He was....he was bashed."

"You mean...?"

"Yeah, three guys attacked him because he's gay. He just woke up, so I think he's going to be ok."

"Well, I'm coming down there; I'll be there in a couple of hours."

"Really, Uncle Mike, he's ok, you don't have..."

"I want to; I'll see you soon!" he interrupted.

He hung up without saying anything. I went back into the hospital, and up to Jason's room. When I got there, I told my mom that Uncle Mike is on his way, and then looked over at Jason.

"Hey! You got that tube out!"

He nodded, and whispered, "Yeah." I felt this sudden urge to just hug him, so I went over and gently did just that, even though I felt like hugging him tightly, and not letting go.

"Jas, I'm so sorry! I wish I had never said the things I said. I'll be better, I promise. I'll go to counseling; I'll do anything to again have the relationship we've always had. I love you, Bro. I don't want to lose you." Tears were streaming down my face; I was just so happy that it looked like he was going to be ok.

"It's ok; I still love you, asshole!" he whispered. He tried to laugh, but his throat wouldn't let him. I was laughing, though. I pulled away, and sat down in a chair beside his bed. About 30 minutes later, a nurse came in and said that they were going to move him to a regular room, as soon as it was ready, and that we could see him again when he got settled; so we left and returned to the waiting room.

Apparently, it took them a while to change rooms, because Uncle Mike showed up before they came back to get us. He came rushing into the waiting room, with a very tall man trying to keep up with him.

He rushed over to my mom and asked, "Where is he? I'd like to see him. How bad is he?"

She hugged him, and told him that they were moving him out of ICU into a regular room, and that they would let us know when we could see him. At the mention of ICU, Uncle Mike started to tear up. My mom spent the next several minutes telling him what happened, and about his injuries; it only made him more upset, and at the mention of how close he came to dying, he began to sob.

I had learned earlier that Josh and Noah had left, after they found out Jason was awake, and it looked like he was going to be ok, because they had a meet they couldn't get out of, no matter how hard they tried. They couldn't risk not going, because of their scholarships. So it was only Pete, me, mom, Mike, and the man who came with him, and we all ended up in one big group hug, when Uncle Mike started sobbing. We were still hugging, when a nurse came in and said that we could see Jason.

When we were told the number, Uncle Mike jumped up and practically ran to the room, and was the first one in there. He rushed over to Jason and grabbed his hand, and leaned down and kissed his forehead.

"Uncle Mike?" he asked. I guess his throat must have gotten a little better in the few hours since we had seen him, because he was no longer whispering.

"Yes, it's me. How ya feeling?"

"I'm ok; I'm feeling a little better, now."

"I'm sorry, Jason; I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"It's ok, Uncle Mike. You're here, and my mom, and Justin, and Pete; I have everybody I need right here to help me through it."

"And I'll be here for as long as you need me," Uncle Mike said.

Jason smiled, and then I noticed that he looked like he could fall asleep at any minute. Just as I was about to say something about it, a nurse came in and told us that visiting hours were over. We all said "goodbye" to Jas, and said we would see him tomorrow.

"You are staying with us," my mom told my uncle; it was a statement, not a question.

"Ok, ok! I get it. You won't let me stay anywhere else." Then this guilty look developed, and he looked behind him, to the man who had just been standing there quietly. "I am so sorry, baby!" The man just smiled, with an understanding look on his face, and started walking toward us to stand by my uncle. Uncle Mike turned back to us and said, "Everybody, this is Brian, my partner. Brian, these are the assholes I call family." My mom reached out and smacked him on the head playfully, which was funny in itself, because he is so much taller than her, that she had to stand on her toes to hit him. Everybody, including Jason, laughed at them.

"Hey, Uncle Mike, do you mind giving me a ride to the dorm? I need to get my car and grab some things I need. I'm going to stay the night at the house. Maybe Mom can entertain Uncle Brian with embarrassing stories of you while we're gone." I smiled at Brian as I said, "Uncle Brian," which earned me a grin that lit up his eyes. Then I looked back over to Uncle Mike, to find he had tears in his eyes and an equally bright smile on his face.

"Of course I can." Looking over at my mom, he said "Shannon, I have equally embarrassing stories, and I'm not afraid to tell them, so you better watch what you say, unless you want payback."

I laughed at the three adults, and as we got ready to leave, I asked mom, "When should I be there?"

"Let's make it 7pm, ok?"

"Ok, I'll be there."

"Oh, make sure you invite Josh and Noah."

"Ok, I will."

I followed Uncle Mike to his car, but I was kind of nervous. I mean, the last time we were together was when I blew up at my mom, and he told me that I had been abused by two of his past boyfriends. I don't hate him, but I'm not sure how to have a relationship with him. Maybe that's something that I'll have to learn when I start counseling. I had already decided after what happened to Jason that I am going to call the student health center on Monday to schedule an appointment; now I just had to tell my mom and uncle.

When we got to the car, my uncle hugged me and said, "Thank you for calling Brian `uncle'; you have no idea what that means to him. His family disowned him sixteen years ago, and he is an uncle now, but he can't see them. I am so proud of you. I know it's a lot harder for you than it appears to be, but I know it will get easier for you."

"Thanks, Uncle Mike. It is hard, but I've decided to go to counseling. I know this is too big for me to fix on my own, and I don't want to be like the people who did this to Jason. I really hope you visit us more often; I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too. Now how about we get you back to the dorm, so that I can try to stop your mom before she tells the really embarrassing stories, huh?"

"Yeah, but I bet she's told the really embarrassing ones first!"

"Yeah, you're right; I've missed seeing her a lot."

We got in the car and drove the short distance to the school. I told Uncle Mike that I'd see him soon and walked quickly up to my room. When I got there, I stopped short - a black X' was on the board. I couldn't help but laugh; hey, I laughed! I could laugh about it! It felt good. "Shit!" I muttered to myself; how am I going to get my stuff? I just decided to wait for a little bit, so I sat down on the floor and dug out my cell phone, and just started messing around with it, texting people, playing a game, doing anything I could to pass the time. Eventually, the door opened, and a boxer clad Josh started to erase the X', then saw me sitting against the wall. He blushed deep red, causing me to laugh.

"Umm...I - I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, I came to get some of my stuff; I'm staying the night at my house. Mom told me to invite you to eat dinner with us, but I don't think it was so much an invite as a demand. You and Noah should get dressed; I'll drive you, or you can just follow me to my house." At the mention of them getting dressed, he managed to blush again; that boy could get embarrassed way too easily!


Noah and I had a swim meet, but we wanted to make sure Jason was ok before we met with the team to leave. When we got to the hospital, Jason's mom told us that he was doing much better, and that he should wake up soon. So, we just decided that we should go ahead and leave; we didn't have a lot of time anyway.

At the swim meet, Noah got second place, and I got third; not great, but we both had a lot on our minds, so I didn't expect anything different. When we got back, we went up to my room, and took advantage of the privacy; this time with me lying on top. We hadn't really done much, besides the time in the shower, with just the quick lick. We hadn't even done anything oral, and definitely no anal sex. I was eager to do more, but I could tell that Noah still had some issues to work through, and, even though it was killing me, I didn't pressure him. So we only did what we did the first time, except, like I said, with me on top of him; I kind of liked being more in control for a change. I had made sure the `X' was on the board, because, even though Justin seemed to be making an effort to change his attitude, I'm sure that walking in on us in action wouldn't be good for any progress he has made.

When I saw Justin sitting on the floor, I about died of embarrassment, but he just thought it was funny, a real change in attitude for him. He invited us to his house, and I quickly agreed, because I'm sure that Noah was eager to spend as much time with his brother as he could, after not seeing him for several months. I could see the excitement in Noah's face at the idea of eating dinner with his brother. We got dressed, and Justin grabbed what he needed, after he thoughtfully made a comment about how it smelled like sex in the room. "Phew, we need to air this fucker out!" he said, while laughing his ass off. I didn't know it was possible to blush as much as I did, in such a short amount of time.

I enjoyed the dinner; Justin's uncle and his mom constantly bantered back and forth, teasing each other mercilessly, and his partner, Brian, was funny as hell. Noah and Pete spent the whole evening catching up. While I enjoyed it, it made me homesick; it made me realize just how much I miss my family.

Jason began to make remarkable progress in his recovery, and, before I knew it, three weeks had passed. Today marked the first day of fall break - Jason was released a week ago, and Justin has been over there during the day, helping him out when he isn't in class or practice, because their mom has to work and Jason isn't allowed to go back to school until his doctor releases him, which could be another week or two.

I decided not to go home for the break, since it isn't that long of a break; I just don't see the point of going home; so I've been sitting here in my room doing nothing. As I was thinking about this, Justin suddenly came in, set his bag down, and said, "Hey...umm, listen, I'm going to spend the break at my house. I'll be staying the night there, and I won't be back until Sunday night. So if...umm you, you know...if you want to have Noah stay here, you can...umm...ok, well, I guess I better go. Oh, Mom says that you are required to have dinner with us at least 4 out of the 5 nights during the break. Actually, I think she wants you at every dinner she ever cooks, but she knows she can't get that out of you. She really likes you and Noah, and I think she wants Noah around a lot because of Pete. Anyway, I'll see you at six?" I nodded, and he said, "See ya later."

I called Noah and made sure he was still coming over soon, and decided it would be fun to answer the door naked, so I quickly got undressed. Soon, he was knocking on the door, and opening it, he immediately attacked me, sticking his tongue down my throat, and pushing me back toward the bed. He started taking off my clothes and kissing down my chest, and we were soon both naked. He started doing the same stuff we've been doing, and something came over me...I wanted me. Should I ask, though? I mean, what if he freaks out? Oh, fuck it! Taking a deep breath, I said, "I want you, Noah." "I want you, too," he said, and went back to licking my nipple. "No, I mean I want you. I want you to fuck me, to make love to me." That got a reaction...not the one I wanted, though. Sitting up quickly, and turning his head away, he sat silently on the bed, not doing anything; just sitting there.

"Noah? Noah, please talk to me. Please?"

Nothing, he just sat there.

"Noah, tell me what you're thinking. If we start not talking, we won't make it. I promise I won't be mad; just talk to me."

I heard sniffling, and then he slowly turned his head toward me, but he didn't look at me. I reached out and lifted his chin, so that he would look at me.

"It's just...Aiden was...he was the first...the only person I've done that with. It was something that we waited a long time to do; something special. I care about you; I really do; I may even be able to say that I love you, someday, but I'm just not ready to do that again; soon, but not yet. I know it's silly, but it will be like I'm letting the last piece of Aiden go, and I'm just not ready yet."

"Noah, you will never let Aiden go completely; he will always have a special place in your heart. I know that, and I don't expect anything different. I know that doesn't lessen what you feel, and will feel in the future, for me. Don't think of it as letting Aiden go completely; think of it as, opening your heart to another person, and letting yourself love again. Keep that in mind. If you aren't ready yet, that's ok. What we are doing now is great, and if that's all you want to do for now, fine. I'm just happy to be with you."

I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I'll wait; he's worth it.

He quickly recovered, and what he did next shocked me. He started licking down my chest and stomach, and then licked around the head of my cock. I groaned loudly at the sensation. He looked up, and this mischievous grin appeared on his face. Oh, yeah; my Noah is back! I grinned back, and then he went back to work; this time licking my balls, before, slowly, and I do mean slowly, almost like he was purposely teasing me, licking his way up my shaft. Actually, seeing the grin he gave me, he probably really was teasing me. He made his way to my cock head, and then, without warning, plunged down, taking me all the way in, and down his throat. "Fuuuck! I yelled. "Oh, god! How in the fuck are you doing that? Shit! I don't care, just keep doing it!" From there, all intelligible thought went right out of my head, and all I could do was moan at the sensations I was experiencing. Oh, god! What his throat was doing to me! There was no way I could hold back very long, with his throat muscles working my cock like that, and, before I knew it, I was warning him.

"Noah...I'm gonna...oh, god! I'm gonna cum!"

I expected him to pull off, but he didn't.

"I'm cumming!" I lost count of how many times I shot, but I know it was more than I ever have in my life. After I was done, Noah moved up to lay beside me, and kissed me; I could taste myself on his tongue - kind of sweet - I liked it. Maybe it was Noah's tongue more than my cum; I don't know.

I also don't know when, but I fell asleep. When I woke up, Noah was beside me, just watching me.

"How long have you been watching me? How long have I been out?"

"About half an hour." I didn't question what that was an answer to; maybe both.

"What about you?" I asked, gesturing toward his cock.

He shook his head `no', and said, "Nope, that was just for you."

"Aww, come on."

"Nope, later."

"Umm...ok," I said. Looking at the clock, I noticed it was almost 4; still too early to get dressed for dinner at Justin's. "So, wanna watch TV?" I asked.


I found the remote, and turned on the TV to the 4 o'clock news.

Noah laughed, and said, "The news? Really?"

"Yeah, I like to see what's going on. I'm weird, ok?" I grinned at him, and he grinned back.

I got up and got us both a bottle of water, before settling in for the news.

Our top story tonight is about a preacher who was caught with his pants down. We go to Sherri Wilson for more. Sherri?

"Yes, Amy, I'm in Heritage Park where, right behind me, John Watkins, a local preacher of the First Missionary Baptist Church in Weatherford, was caught last night with a 15-year-old-boy. The minor was performing a sexual act on Mr. Watkins, when a police officer, during a routine patrol of the park, witnessed the act. Mr. Watkins was taken into custody on various charges. The age of the minor will more than likely add more charges to the list of charges he is facing. We will have more on this when more information becomes available. Back to you, Amy."

I had taken a drink of my water, and spit it out, when I heard Noah's father's name, and just sat there in shock. I finally looked over at Noah, who was just staring at the TV.

"You never told me that your dad is a preacher."

"I thought I did. He has always preached against gay people...fucking hypocrite!" He shook his head, sighed, and said, "We better get dressed. I know it's early, but I think I need to spend some extra time with Pete."

"Ok," I sadly replied. I knew that Noah was really upset, and I felt so badly for him, and I knew that he did need to be with Pete.

We got dressed quickly, and I took his keys from him. "I'll drive; don't argue."

He just nodded, and followed me out to his car. We got there in just a couple of minutes, and made our way to the door. He looked so bad, that I stopped him, took his hand in mine, placed my other hand under his chin, and kissed him as tenderly as I could, hoping I could transfer some strength, and show him how much, in that kiss, that I cared. He smiled slightly, and knocked on the door. Shannon opened it, and we stepped inside, only to see Pete sitting in a chair, staring into space with the same look Noah had earlier.

Noah walked over to him, kneeled down, took his hands in his, and said, "You saw the news."

"Yeah, I did."

Noah grabbed him in a hug, and that was the way they stayed, until Shannon told us that dinner was ready.

Author's Note

So, here is the chapter that you probably feel you've waited forever for. Grad school is very time consuming. This chapter had a lot of issues and my editor deserves a lot of credit for helping me fix it, I couldn't have made the chapter half as good if it weren't for him, thank you so much Jere! I won't make any promises that I might not be able to keep but I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't have to wait this long again. Thank you for your continued support, I hope all of you are well, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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Next: Chapter 12

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