Josh and Terry

By Cristian M.

Published on Aug 28, 2017


Thanks for the feedback people, i really appreciate it.


It was a cold night. A dark grey van is approaching an abandoned warehouse. Two tall men come out of it, and they take another man from the back. He has a black bag in his head, the tall men take the smaller one inside, they sit him on a chair and take the bag off his head. The man doesn't look surprised, hes been here before, but he is very nervous. Another man appears. The place is too dark to fully reveal his face, but it's obvious that he is old, maybe around 60.

"Mister Laskey" The old man says to the one in the chair. His voice echoes in the room. "I knew it was a mistake to send you, you had to fuck it up, didn't you?

"But sir, i had to improvise, things got out of hand really fast!"

"Yes i know, i should have seen this coming." The old man made a gesture and the other men brought him a chair. "I was surprised when you managed to get out of that house. That was impresive"

"It wasn't too hard, sir." Said Laskey, sounding a little bit relieved. "That guy is too stupid."

"Don't underestimate him Laskey, i'm sure he only let you go because he knew he could find you later. Ryerson is smarter than he looks."

"Did it work, sir? Did he contact him?"

"Yes, it worked. That's the only reason you're still alive" Laskey was nervous again. "You did, however, make things more complicated, so i've decided that the only payment you will get is your life."

"But sir, i need the mo--"

"Shut up! I can barely tolerate your stupid ass! So you should be glad i'm not putting a bullet in your skull. Go away, i never want to see you agan." The two tall men grabbed Laskey and put the bag in his head again. "Drop him wherever you want guys" the old man said, as they put him back in the van and drove away.

  • CHAPTER 2 - (Terry)

"Beer?" Josh said to me as i was putting my bags down. It was 1:00 am when i got to his house, he was waiting for me. His family was sleeping.

"No man thanks, i'm good." I was trying to keep my drinking to a minimum.

"Good for you, we'll have some coffee then."

"That'd be awesome, it's too fucking cold outside."

As he was making coffee, i went to the bathroom. On my way back, i stopped to watch some photos of Josh's family. Perfect is the best word to describe them, they're all so healthy and happy, and beautiful too. I keep wondering if it's possible for me to have this kind of happiness, all that love. It has to be, i have to make it possible, for Aaron, i don't want him to grow up with a shit dad like i did. But i still think coming here was a bad idea, i have a bad feeling, i'm not doing Josh any good...

"Hey Terry! what's taking you so long?"

"Coming!" I went back, he was waiting for me in the kitchen table.

"We need to talk" He said, and took a sip of his coffee.

"I know, look, i still don't think i should be here--"

"Stop. We've been through this, i can take care of myself, you don't need to worry about me, or my family, or anything. I can help you, i want to help you, so just let me do it."

"Fuck. You sure have a point. I'll stay, but i still don't like it"

"Yeah, you said that already. You have to admit it though, you missed me."

"Shut up." I said, with a smile, he was more than right. "What did you want to talk about?" As soon as i said that he got serious again.

"It's about the gang. But first i need you to tell me you're completely done with them."

"This shit again? I told you, i'm done. Fred said those exact words to me. How many times do i have to repeat myself?"

"Terry you have to understand, all the bad stuff you did, it doesn't just go away like that, it takes time to--"

"Right, this is the part where you judge me. I knew it." I stood up and started heading back to the door. How is he supposed to help me if he doesn't trust me? This was a waste of time.

"Jesus, Terry would you stop?!." He yelled, so i stopped. "It's not what you think. I'm not judging you, i said that because i know what it's like. I know you can't just forget about everything. It was easier for me because of my family, but you don't have one. You need your family Terry. I want to help you get it back."

Why can't i just stop being an asshole? I've always been hot-headed but this was just too much. I wanted to tell him he was right, that i needed him, that i was a piece of shit, that i didn't deserve him... but i just said:


"It's ok. Come back to the table and drink your coffee, i have something to tell you." He said sitting back in the chair. I did as he told me.

"I'm sorry Josh, really. I know you just want to help."

"I do. And i think you can help me. Do you know someone named Thomas Laskey?" That question hit me by surprise.

"Thomas Laskey... No, never heard of him. Who is he?"

"He ambushed me in a diner while i was with Julie and the kids. He was pretending to be a cop. He wanted to talk in private, so we did. He told me he knew everything about what i used to do, and that he was going to put me in jail."

"Holy fuck. Just like that?" Josh nodded. "And what did you do?"

"What do you think? i denied everything and told him to stay away. But he still showed up right here this morning, in my house."

"But who the fuck is he? did he tell you? where is he now?"

"I don't know. He just said he was some kind of messenger, but he didn't tell me who sent him."

"And what was his message?"

"His message was a lie. He told me they had you, that they got my name, along with the names of the other guys in the gang, from you. He implied that they had tortured you to get them. He even said they were going to kill you if i didn't let him go safely."

"Damn... that's crazy, isn't it? i mean... who would do all this?"

"I don't know, i really have no clue who could be and that's driving me nuts."

For a minute or two we just sat there in silence. I know i'm not exactly Sherlock Holmes, but i had no idea who could be doing this or why, it all seemed so pointless. So yeah, Josh wanted my help with something for once, and i was useless. I think he noticed what i was thinking because he looked at me and started talking.

"Look, don't worry." He said, standing up. "I think we have time to figure this out later. Now we should go to sleep, you really should rest and i have to go to work tomorrow."

"Should i go to work with you?"

"No. Like i said you need to rest. We'll worry about that later. The guests room is ready for you."

"Thanks man, really."

"Don't mention it. Now go, i'll see you tomorrow."

It may be hard to believe, but that night i slept like a baby.

The next day was amazing. The kids were happy to see me, and that made ME happy, Josh went to work and insisted that i stayed. I went with Julie to take the kids to school and then we had some time to talk. She was happy i was finally trying to turn my life around, even though we were never really "friends".

My relationship with Julie was pretty much non-existent. In the past, she used to blame me for making Josh's life more complicated, she didn't like or trust me very much at first, and with good reason. I didn't like her either, and i made sure she knew that. I used to get drunk and call her a controlling bitch, that she would never split me and Josh apart, and that he would get bored of her eventually. Of course, i knew that last bit was a lie, because i hadn't met Lyla at the time so all i had were girls i had sex with, but Josh wasn't like me, he really liked this girl. So yeah, maybe i was jealous.

Josh would stand up for me even when i didn't deserve it. When Julie realized we were inseparable, she just had to accept me. When she got pregnant is when i truly realized they were going to be together forever, so i just had to accept her. We didn't exacly become friends, but we didn't argue anymore, because we knew we were both important for Josh and all he wanted was for us to get along.

Kevin was a beautiful kid, just like his mom, blonde with blue eyes and a perfect smile. Julie was always, and still is, very pretty and sexy. Now i may be a piece of shit in many ways, but i could never even think of betraying my best friend, so she was untouchable for me. But even if she wasn't with Josh, i don't think she would ever be attracted to me, because even though i'm actually a good looking guy, i'm a pretty shitty person, and Josh is not. He is kind, funny, humble, patient and smart. I'm none of those things... ok maybe funny but that's it.

Anyway, that's in the past. Now i'm trying my best to change, and Julie appreciates it, that makes living with them a lot easier. After a few days i got used to the routine, Josh got me a job, a pretty easy one, i just have to drive a truck from one point of town to another. When i'm at home i help Julie around the house, play with the kids, whatch TV. Josh and i go out with some of his friends and coworkers some nights, to drink some beers and play pool, me of course trying very hard not to get drunk and fuck everything up. But i'm loving spending time with my friend and his family, i really feel that i can enjoy living like this, i just need to get enough money so i can get my own auto repair shop, but there's no rush, i can take my time.

It's been almost a week and me and Josh almost haven't talked about the gang or that Laskey guy. He hasn't seen or heard from him or anyone related to the gang, and neither have i. I'm glad we can leave it behind and i think so is he. But we agreed that it would be stupid to assume nothing will happen, so we keep our heads up, but still try not to think about it.

That Saturday when i came back from work at around 8:00 pm, Josh was already in the house, alone.

"Hi, where's everyone?" I asked. As i went to the fridge.

"Hey, Julie took the kids to her sister's house for the weekend." He said, while he was buttoning a very nice white shirt. "Me and her are going out for dinner. Remember i told you this morning?"

"Oh, yeah of course." I really didn't remember him saying that at all, but if he says so it must be true.

"I'm sure she's about to get here. You can... do whatever you want tonight really, i'm sorry to leave you alone like this though."

"No man, don't be. Come on, you have fun i'll find something to do."

"Thanks buddy." As he said that we heard a car coming and Julie walked in.

"Hi Terry." She said, and gave me a kiss in the cheek. She was in a very good mood.

"Hi Jules, what's with all the love?"

"Well it's our anniversary!" She said with a smile.

"Oh! So that's what's going on, congratulations then!"

"Thanks you! Now excuse me, while i go get ready." And she went running upstairs.

"Why didn't you tell me, you moron?" I said to Josh with a smile, as i sat in the couch.

"I...i don't know." He said, i could tell he was blushing, that was weird.

"Okay... i could have looked after the kids you know?"

"I know, but they wanted to see their cousins. Besides, you could use a break, right?"

"Yeah, i guess."

I really had no idea what to do, no plans at all. I just turned the TV on for a while. After some time Josh and Julie were ready to go.

"Well look at you!" I said, standing up "You look so pretty, everyone's eyes will be on you!... and you look nice too Julie."

"Oh shut up!" She said laughing. "We should get going baby."

"Yes, we'll see you later Terry."

"Sure, you guys have fun."

As they were leaving, Josh made me a weird sign with his hand. I really didn't get it, why was he acting so weird? Anyway after they were gone i just watched TV for like, 30 minutes until i got bored and decided to go out. I didn't feel like driving so i chose to go for a walk. It was kind of a small town so there was a bar near by, where Josh and me usually go. One of his friends was there. I sat with him and we talked for a while, and after some beers i started to feel a little dizzy so i decided it was better to stop drinking. We played pool with other guys for some time, then i went back to the street. The night was nice, a bit cold, but still nice. I sat on a bench and checked te time on my phone, 11:38 pm, i thought about calling Lyla, but it made no sense, maybe some other time. Then i realized that i was pretty horny, i thought about going back to the bar and ask the guys where could i find some whores in this town, but for some reason i just went back home. I hadn't had sex in more than a week, but i was too tired now, maybe tomorrow.

When i got to the house i decided to go straight to bed when i heard something, noises coming from upstairs. Josh and Julie were home, and they were in their bedroom having sex. Of course, he wanted me to go out so they could be alone in the house tonight, why didn't he just tell me? i don't know, i smiled and started to go back when i heard Julie:

"Oh yeah baby! harder! come on!" She was almost screaming. Now, in a moment like that, i guess the normal thing would be to just go to sleep, or even go outside again, but i just stood there, looking at their bedroom door, then i heard Josh: "Fuck yeah!, take it baby, take my cock!". They were really into it! i slowly approached the door and put my ear against it, they were moaning like crazy, my heart was racing and i was breathing so loud i tought they'd hear me. What was wrong with me? this was an intimate moment for them, and i was creeping around like a pervert. "Go deep baby, oh yeah, fuck me deep and hard!" Julie screamed, "Oh fuck, you like that? you like it when i fuck you hard baby?" Josh said, breathing heavily. I never thought i'd hear him say anything like that, but here i was, spying on him fucking his hot wife. After a while he said: "Come on now, time to ride my dick." I don't know why, but i just had to see that. I wanted to. I opened the door very slowly, they didn't notice, they were too immersed in their lust and love for each other, and i was enjoying every second of it. It was a beautiful sight, Josh was laying on the bed on his back and Julie was on top of him, she was moving back and forth, with both her hands placed on Josh's hairy chest, he had one hand in her face with his thumb in her mouth, and with the other one he was playing with her perfect tits. I was rubbing my rock-hard dick over my pants, completely lost in the situation, i was being a total creep and i didn't even care, it was insanely hot. They were both moaning and kissing passionately, and then Julie started to ride Josh's dick like a pro, "Oh yeah come on, ride that cock, you fucking love that don't you?" He said while grabbing her ass cheeks, "Oh yeah baby, your big cock feels amazing!". I could't take it anymore, i took my dick out and started stroking it, i could't believe i was jerking off to my best friend having sex with his wife. But it wasn't just sex, it was hot wild animal sex, they were devouring each other with such passion, and i was beating my dick like a horny teenager, watching as Julie rode her husbands cock until he said he was getting close to cum. Then she took it out and proceeded to kiss Josh in the mouth. After some minutes of intense tongue action he said he was ready to keep going, and Julie grabbed his dick and licked it a few times before taking the whole thing in her mouth. I could tell by his face how much he was enjoying it, he grabbed her head and pushed it deeper into his thick cock, moaning like a madman. I didn't want to cum so i tried not to jerk off so hard, it was dificult because i was completely horny, and what i was watching was better than any porn i'd ever seen. Julie was now laying on her back with her legs spread as Josh placed his hard cock in her cunt and pushed it all in. He started fucking her hard again. God, i couldn't take my eyes off him... that's when i realized what i was really doing and closed the door.

"Holy fuck. This can't be real." I thought. I wasn't just spying on my friend and his wife, i was jerking off!. But that wasn't the worst part. I was jerking off to HIM. At first i was looking at both of them, but as i kept watching, my mind started to focus on Josh. For some reason, what kept me interested was seeing my best friend like that, so horny, so passionate, talking so dirty, and... oh god, i was getting off on seeing him naked, with his hard cock and his hairy, beefy body... "Holy shit, fuck no" i thought, "I'm not gay, that can't be true." but the truth was, i was hard as fuck thinking about all that.

I could still hear them fucking, i rushed to the bathroom, took out my hard cock and jerked it like crazy, thinking about Josh, my best friend, my buddy, until i came all over the floor. I tried as hard as i could not to make a sound as i shot my huge load. I cleaned up and went straight to bed. I felt dirty as fuck, but that was, without a doubt, the best orgasm i've had in years.

After that night, things were never the same for me. I, of course, continued acting as if nothing had happened, talking to Josh (and Julie too) in the same way as always. But the fact was, a lot of crazy shit was going through my mind. For some reason, i was not ashamed of what i had done, but i was still in a continuing battle with myself. Sometimes while Josh was taking a shower i would stand by the door, close my eyes, and imagine him washing his naked body, then i would think to myself, "Stop. What the hell are you doing? You're not a fag. He's your best friend." but i knew it was pointless. The weirdest thing was that, even though it seemed like i was turning gay, i still didn't like dudes, i wasn't feeling any kind of attraction towards other men. That was my main excuse to not admit that maybe i wasn't as straight as i thought. I could barely concentrate at work, waiting for the day to be over so i could go home and see him.

Josh has always been very good looking, he's tall and in good shape, not like an athlete, more like a regular guy who does some exercise, he's pretty big, not fat at all just beefy, and very hairy. He has green eyes and dark hair, always with a butch haircut, and a beard. Despite being so handsome, Josh never liked to show off, he's actually kind of shy. Me on the other hand, i have no shame. I don't mind being shirtless all day when it's hot. Even though i'm a year younger, i've always been told that i look older than him, when we were kids that was a compliment to me but now, not so much. I'm a bit taller than Josh, but not too much. I'm a pretty big guy too, but not as fit as him, and i have more belly, but i'm not fat either. I still beat him at arm wrestling though, i've always been stronger, at least physically. I'm hairy too but not as much as him. I have spiky blonde hair, blue eyes and i usually have a "Wolverine" type of beard, but i shave mostly. I have a big tattoo on my back that goes up to the right side of my neck, and i usually wear a septum piercing.

Now all this shit was happening inside of me, and Josh wasn't just a good looking guy anymore, he was... eye candy. Looking at him actually made me horny, and that was driving me insane. I had no idea what to do, the thought of talking to him about this made me shudder, that was a huge no no. I had no choice but to try and bury this whole thing, to forget about it i needed to think about something else. So i thought about Aaron, my son, and what i was trying to do when i came here, hoping that would be enough...

  • CHAPTER 2 - (Josh)

Terry's arrival made me happy. It felt good thinking i was helping him at last, and it was fun having him around. The kids love him and Julie seems to believe he is a completely diferent man. That was the best part, because my biggest fear was that they would not get along. In the past, she really disliked Terry, though to be fair, he didn't gave her a chance. I was torn all the time because they both had good points; Julie used to say that he was a bad influence and an awful person overall and that he was going to end up ruining me, Terry used to say she treated me like her dumb little dog and blamed every bad thing in my life on him. They were both kind of right, but when things got complicated i had to put my family first, no matter how much it hurt me to turn my back on my friend.

But that's all in the past, we are all grown up now, no more silly fights. I was extremely proud of Terry, he was really putting a lot of effort on moving his life forward, i had never seen him like this, so dedicated. And now i had a friend to go out with at night, i introduced him to the guys i usually hang out with and he got along with them really fast, though that wasn't surprising as that has always been the case with him.

There was something that felt wrong in all this though, and that was the whole Laskey fiasco. Terry and i agreed to let it go for now as nothing else happened. He apparently forgot about it but i couldn't get it out of my head. I asked around and did a little secret investigation but i came up with nothing, there were times when i couldn't sleep at night trying to make sense of it all, one of those times Julie got worried enough to start asking.

"Baby, you are still awake, if you want to pretend to be sleeping then don't breathe so fast." She said to me as she turned the lights on.

"I'm sorry, i'll go down to the kitchen for a drink you go back to sleep." I said getting up, but she stopped me.

"No, don't go, talk to me, please. Something has been bothering you and you know i don't like secrets. Tell me what's going on, i want to help you."

"It's just, i don't want to worry you for no reason, baby."

"But you are. If it's not a big deal then just tell me, please."

"It's about that guy at the diner, it's about the gang, i don't want to bring all of that back." I said, looking at her right in the eyes. "That is all in the past and i want to keep it there, at least between us."

She grabbed my hands and said "I'm not afraid of the past, whatever it is, we'll face it together, trust me."

When she said that i just took a deep breath and proceded to tell her all that had happened with Laskey and Terry. She was as clueless as i was. She understood that going to the police was out of the question because of my past, and we both agreed to just wait and see what happened. I felt much better knowing she was with me on this, all i needed was to not be alone and i really didn't want to distract Terry from his goal.

As the days went by, i started to think less and less about the gang thing, and i was able to enjoy my kids, my friend and my wife. Our anniversary came and all we wanted was a nice dinner and the house for ourselves, so she took the kids to her sister while i had to tell Terry to somehow go out alone that night. I didn't want to make him feel like he was in the way so i made things simple by just hinting that we needed the house. Thankfully, he got it because when whe came back, no one was home and we had an amazing night.

A few days later Julie's sister and her family asked us if they could celebrate their girl's birthday in our house and we were more than happy to say yes. So the preparations started.

I noticed something weird was going on with Terry, he would stare at me at times, and avoid me at others, i figured there was something he wanted to talk about, maybe he got a call from Lyla or something. I had learn a long time ago not to ambush him and let him come to me when he was ready.

The day of the party came and the kids had a great time, and at night so did the adults. When all the kids were sleeping we were all talking in the backyard, it was a lovely night. But something was worrying me; Terry was drinking a bit too much and i didn't know how to tell him to stop in front of everyone without making a scene. He finally went inside so i followed him.

"Hey buddy, don't you think you had enough of those?" I said to him as he was grabbing another pack of beers from the fridge.

"Well, maybe" He said, with a big smile on his face. "But it's a special night isn't it?"

"Not really, just a kid's birthday." I said trying to keep things funny. "Come on, put those back and let's go outside ok?"

"Don't start with that shit." His smile was gone. "Don't start treating me like a fucking kid."

"Don't curse, don't get angry please, you know i'm only trying to help."

"I know, but i just don't care tonight, let me drink all i want, just for tonight, i'll be good i promise."

How did he not want me to treat him like a kid when he was acting like that? "You can't promise anything in that state, and you know i'm right Terry, come on give me those" i said as i approached him to take the beers.

"Don't get close to me! Please stay back, man." He said looking right at my eyes, his sudden loud voice surprised me. "I'm not that drunk come on."

"I'm not gonna hurt you." I said with a laugh "I just want to take the beers, come on, give them to me." I turned around to see if anyone outside had heard us but they were too distracted talking.

"I know you won't, but please don't come too close, it's just too much."

"You're not making any sense." I said and i tried to grab a hold of the beers. "Give me that." But they fell on the floor and a couple of them broke. "Aw look at that mess, nice job buddy." I said and i got on my knees to pick it all up.

As i was on my knees picking up the mess i heard Terry say something. "Oh my god." he said. I was on my knees right in front of him so i looked up and he was staring at me, it was a strange look, i don't know how to describe it but it gave me a strange feeling of discomfort.

"What's wrong?" i asked, not moving from where i was.

"Holy shit." it's all he said, almost whispering. He then put his left hand on my cheek, staring right at me and gave me a little smile.

"Terry?" To say i was confused would be a huge understatement.

Then i saw it. I was right in front of his crotch, and he was having an erection. I was in shock, time suddenly slowed down, i couldn't move. Terry was wearing shorts and i could perfecly see his dick starting to grow in front of me. I looked up and then down again, up and then down, i couldn't believe it. The craziest part is that i was still on my knees, not moving. Then, as if it had life of it's own, my hand started to move towards his bulge, and i slowly put my finges on his pants one by one, i looked up and he was staring right at me, he was breathing fast and so was i. He slowly started to pull his pants down and i had no intention to stop him, i didn't even think about the people outside, it was just him and me right now. When his pants were down only his underwear remained, blue boxer briefs. He grabbed both my hands and placed them on his waist, "Pull 'em down." he said, with his husky voice. I obediently started to pull his underwear down, his pubes started to show then all of his cock and balls were exposed. I couldn't believe this, i had my best friend's junk right in front of my face, and i was cool with it! his dick was not fully hard but it looked very big already, thick and veiny and uncut, his hairy low hanging balls were completely huge. I looked up and he was staring at me.

"What do you think?" He said with a smile. My god was he really asking me what i thought about his dick?

"It's a great tool." I said smiling too, hardly believing those words had just come out of my mouth.

"Touch it." He said. "Please." he added, seeing my hesitation. That was all i needed, i put my right hand on his thing and then i grabbed it, i started to pull his foresking back and then forth again, i was fascinated by it, me being cut since i was a baby i had never seen something like this. I could't believe i was masturbating Terry, it was just insane! he left out a soft moan as i played with his foreskin. I got a little bit closer and i noticed his smell, it wasn't a bad smell it was just a manly one, i think he noticed i was sniffing him like a dog because he said "Sorry, i didn't had time to take a shower."

"It's fine, i like it." And i wasn't lying, for some reason i found his manly smell very arousing.

"Really?" he said, making me realize what i had just said was completely crazy, like this whole situation. "Open your mouth and take your tongue out." He said.

"What for?" i asked, i knew the answer but i had to ask or i was going to go insane.

"What do you think?"

I opened my mouth and took out my tongue as he said, he then put the tip of his dick on the tip of my tongue. As it made contact i just closed my eyes and started to lick. I started licking the tip like it was ice cream, then i used my hand to pull his foreskin back and i started licking every bit of the head of his cock, it tasted really good i wanted to keep going for ever, then with my eyes still closed i started to lick his shaft like i was a kid licking the sweetest lollipop ever, going up and down several times, until he put his hand on my head and pushed me down to his balls. I licked his hairy balls too, they were huge so i used my hand to grab them and put them in my mouth to taste them better.

I hadn't noticed, but Terry was moaning a lot now, he grabbed my head and said "Open wide." and proceded to insert his cock in my mouth. He was fully hard now and he slowly started to stick it in, all the way down my throat. It was my first time sucking a cock and it was too much for me, i was gagging and he was moaning like a mad man "Fuck yeah, that feels so good, yeah suck that dick." His eyes were closed and his thrusts were getting more and more violent, he was completely fucking my face now. Aparently no one outside could hear anything, and the view was blocked so they couldn't see anything either. Terry kept fucking my face and i couldn't say a thing, i had my mouth full of his big cock, i couldn't breathe, i had tears in my eyes, i tried to get up but he was forcing me to the floor, i tried to make him a sign to stop but he wasn't paying attention. "You're gonna make me cum, oh i'm gonna fucking cum in your mouth man!" and so he did, he exploded right inside and i felt the warm liquid fill my mouth as he took his cock out. It tasted bitter and i couldn't swallow it, i got on all fours on the ground, cum was dripping out of my mouth and i was breathing heavily, so was him, his cock started to deflate, stil leaking drops of spunk. I looked right at him with teary eyes and cum on my all over my beard, he looked at me, i could see regret in his eyes. "I'm so sorry." he said, and he pulled his pants up and ran to his room.

I just sat there on my kitchen floor, my wife and the guests were outside, and i was in here covered in my friend's semen, feeling a million things at the same time, but mainly, guilt, i'm not sure if it was only because of what i had just done, or because my wife was just a few steps away, or because my kids were sleeping upstairs. Maybe, it was just the fact that my cock was throbbing hard and leaking in my pants, and i had the urge to relieve myself right there. I unzipped my pants and took my dick out and started stroking it very gently, i closed my eyes and i tought about what just happened, how wrong and dirty it was, i started picking up the pace of my strokes as i licked the remains of Terry's cum from my face and mouth, it wasn't long until i started to feel close to orgasm, but reality forced me to stop.

"Josh? are you in here?" It was my sister in law Sandra, i quickly put my dick back in my pants and cleaned any cum i could find on me. I pretended to be picking up the beers from the floor. "What happened here? You need help?" she said as she got closer and saw me struggling on the floor.

"I dropped this, it's ok i got it thanks."

"Ok i just came in here to see what you were up to, where is your friend?"

"Oh, he... he went to sleep he wasn't feeling too good." I said as i put the beers back in the fridge.

"Oh ok, i'll go back outside, will you join us?"

"Yeah yeah i'll be right there."

But i lied, i went upstairs, straight to the guests room, where Terry slept. I knocked on the door and there was no response, i tried to open it but it was locked.

"Terry, it's me. Can you please let me in?" I said, leaning my head against the door.

"Go away."

"We should talk about it. Open the door. Pease."

"Just go away man, i'm begging you."

"I... i just wanted to say..." I wanted to say that what had just happened was an interesting experience, that it actually made me feel really good things, i wanted to let him know i was just as confused as he probably was. But words failed me. "Alright, i'll... i'll leave you alone... we can... we can talk tomorrow." There was no response.

I just walked away, back downstairs and outside. I told everyone i was going to go to bed because i was too tired, they say good night, i couldn't even look at Julie in the eyes but i could tell she was looking at me. I went to my bedroom and laid on my bed with my eyes closed, thinking. I wasn't sure i was going to sleep that night, and i knew i was not the only one...


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