Josh and Nate

By Jonathan Cain

Published on Feb 20, 2002


Part II

I got about ten feet before I heard him. Another foot or so before he grabbed from behind, spun me around and planted his lips on mine.

"Whoah. Josh.. uhm.. we cant do this.."

"Why not?"

"I'm not saying that it wasn't good. oh.. uhm.. but well for one, here comes a pickup truck and it may be our last ride out of here and for another, I would like to get to know you a little better first."

We got a ride back to a gas station where we split the bill for a tow truck. Josh had to get his car towed out of the ditch, with minimal damage.

And I had to get mine towed back to get a new tire (and get my spare pumped up). I rode with Josh while he followed my car back to the station and I convinced him to give college one more try. Well actually, I had to bribe him. I told him that the only way I would see him again was if he went back, luckily he was just moving his stuff that day and hadn't withdrawn yet.

We spent the weekend getting to know each other better. That night he treated me to a movie and dinner and the next night I rented some movies and we crashed in his room. I asked him what his plans were for Thanksgiving and he said he was staying in the dorm. I asked him about his family and he said he was no longer welcome after he came out to his parents. (God I hate assholes, if I could I would have knocked them both out right then) He asked me about my plans and I told him much the same, only my mother died a long time ago and I never knew my father. We made plans to hang out together that week and boy did we. That whole week we were inseparable. We went to movies, watched tv, walked on the C&O Canal trail (Josh somehow inspired me to do this.. ;o) ), and did everything that any normal loving couple would do.

After the break, I helped him get caught up in his classes (he was failing three of them cause he missed so much), and he helped me with my speech class. He was very helpful for that.. You know how they tell you to pretend your audience is in their undies?? Well while I was practicing, Josh took it one step further.. he actually was in his boxers. After I got over the initial shock it actually did help. Well the weeks flew by and before I knew it Christmas break was looming in the future. The usual rush to sign up for new rooms was going on and since Josh was a freshman, we knew our little private room would soon be over.

"Hey Nate, I got something to ask you."

"What's that?"

"Uhm. well you know how I told you my roommate moved out cause I was gay. Well, rather than get stuck again with another homophobe, I was wondering.."

"Yeah.." I said knowing what he was going to say.

"I was wondering if you would want to move in with me."

Well, I know he was going to say it. But wow.. If you have ever had anyone that you care for ask you that then you know what I mean.

"Josh.. There is nothing I would want more.. I would love to move in with you."

The head RA was a girl (it was a cooed dorm) that I went out with once and I was able to convince her to let me move in before the new semester since we were both staying over Christmas break. I think she thought that I wanted to be closer to her since she kept saying she would be free after the break and we could go out. I just gave her a noncommittal reply.

I didn't have much to move in.. some clothes.. a few books.. my laptop.. toiletries.. photos.. and that is about all of it. All in all it was less than a car load.. of course we didn't use the car since the building was right next door. I took the half of the room that Josh wasn't using. I knew living with Josh was gonna be hard, but I didn't know the extent of it. I mean he is an excellent roommate and all.. clean.. respectful and all. It was my own feelings that was making it hard.

I knew I was falling in love with him, but after the last time I wanted to make sure he loved me too. And if you don't think that is hard, just try spending the night with someone you want to desperately make love to.

And of course, cause he lived there, it was a little hard to relieve my tension..

Well Christmas break came.. as a celebration to finished finals Josh and I spent the night getting plastered while watching my collection of JTT movies. (no JTT is not gay.. I just wish he was..) Josh got a job at the local Wal~Mart and that allowed me time to think of a present for him.

On Christmas Eve, I picked up Josh at work. I took him to a new Greek restaurant, it was expensive but what the heck... This was Josh we were talking about, spare no expense. When we got back to the room I paused at the door.

"Now Josh, before we go in, I want to talk to you. These last several weeks have been very special for me and I wanted to do something special for you..."

"Nate, just you being here is enough for me."

"Josh, let me finish. I know you have been wanting to take this relationship to the next level, but you know how hard that is for me. After Sheila, I was sure I couldn't love anyone again. And then you came into my life and screwed everything up... but in a good way... You've shown me that not everyone is an asshole, and I want to thank you for that."

I leaned in and kissed him, hard and long.

"Nate, you know I love you. You've helped me so much with everything. I am glad that you care the same way for me. And that was the best present ever."

"Well... that isn't the present... that was just the stocking stuffer. The real present is inside."

And with that I opened the door...

Next: Chapter 3

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