Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Dec 18, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Josh and Brad Chapter 8

Michael was up in a flash.

He saw this big football player, Steve something, was coming at him.

Having taken Self Defense classes with Josh for several years, he quickly landed a kick to the guy's gut. Then a fist to the chest. The guy backed of a step then charged again. Michael caught him with another kick, this time to the chest.

About now one of the guy's buddies tackled Michael to the floor.

Michael was able to see that the first guy was moving towards Brad, who was just getting up off the floor.

"BRAD, LOOK OUT!!!" Michael shouted.

Brad turned when he heard his name. The guy came at him grabbing him by the shirt at the chest and slamming him into the lockers.

Brad got the wind knocked out of him and hit his head against the lockers. He couldn't catch his breath and he was starting to feel dizzy.

The football player was saying something....Fagots........need to learn....wont tolerate....I'll teach you. Brad was having trouble keeping conscious.

Pain, he felt pain in his stomach.

Pain the side of his head.

Michael shouting.........Tommy.......Tommy's voice.....Jeannie.......I.......darkness.

Michael was tossing his tackler off and moving towards the Steve guy.

Two more football players were trying to get in on the fight.

Michael was grabbing Steve from behind and yanking him off of Brad.

Another player was coming up behind him only to be yanked from behind from Tommy and pulled backwards.

The the player that had tackled Michael was up and moving. He was tripped by Jeannie out of nowhere. Not equal to the player in strength she did what any young women in a fight would do. Before the guy could get up, she graceful stomped on his balls. Gave him a "hmf" turned and headed for the next nearest guy.

Tommy had his guy pinned to the floor.

Michael was landing another couple of blows to Steve's upper body.

Jeannie was running interference with any of the other players that were trying to get in on the action.

"STEVE, WE GOTTA GO" shouted one of the players.

Steve managed to get away from Michael and take off down the hall.

Tommy's guy ripped his shirt to get away and was also down the hall.

The kid Jeannie had managed to take out of the fight was already gone.

The other players were leaving as quickly.

"Brad, Brad can you hear me?" Michael was at Brad's side trying to asses the damages.

"Tommy you were here in seconds how did you know?" Michael asked while he checked over Brad.

When he didn't get a response right away he looked up and saw that they were all there. Tommy, Jeannie, Danny, Brian, Charlie, and Robby.

Since he looked a little confused Tommy tried to explain. "EDPB 1 remember. You didn't text that Brad got to class safely. More then likely we were heading this way just as the attack started."

"Well, we know that worked" Michael said still trying to determine Brad's condition. He had some bruises but he was breathing and seemed to waking up slowly.

Just then Ms Carol was coming up to the crowed of students and trying to break them up and get them to class. "Michael, Tommy please take Brad to the nurses office.

"We all go" Jeannie said.

Ms Carol looked at her niece a little confused and surprised at the way she was speaking. Not rude or disrespectful just point blank and unemotional.

Jeannie continued "It's part of the plan. If there is an attack and someone is hurt, the team stays together until the threat is removed or the police arrive."

"But Jeannie, I am here now. We will take care of this." Ms. Carol tried to explain with compassion.

"I'm sorry Aunt Dressy. But the attackers have not been caught. We have to get Brad to the nurses station. The police are not here yet. And from what I have seen we are facing a bunch of football players. The team is safer as a whole. We stay together until they are caught." Jeannie said trying not to sound like she was arguing with her aunt.

Ms. Carol looked at her nice. "I understand Jeannie. I agree. All of you, please stay with Brad as long as you feel it is needed.

"Brad is awake and able to walk. Tommy help me get him up and we will start to the nurse." Michael said.

"OK buddy, lets take this nice and easy. If you feel light headed at any point just tell us and Michael and I will carry you OK?" Tommy directed to Brad.

"OK guys, I'm fine. I just feel like road kill" Brad said in a shaky voice, but improving.

"Well you look kinda like that too, so don't worry" Tommy said trying to lighten his spirits.

"Is somebody going to tell me what happened?' asked Brad.

"Sure buddy, but on the way. Come on lets get you looked at." Michael said.

So as the team helped and escorted Brad to get checked out, Ms. Carol called the nearest teacher and started the process to round up the football team.

When the group got to the nurses office they laid Brad on one of the beds and began to explain what happened to the nurse.

Michael had some bruises around his head and face and would most likely have some on his body as well.

Tommy, Jeannie and the others didn't mix it up to much so they really didn't have any injuries to speak of.

Brad had quit a few bruises about his chest, head, back legs and arms. The only concern to the nurse was the short black out. Could have been caused from getting the wind knocked out of him or from bumping his head. She wanted to ask him some questions to see if he needed to go to the hospital.

"I have to go find Josh" Michael said. "He is bound to hear what happened and if we don't let him know Brad is OK he is going to be pissed."

"You all stay with Brad. I'll go with Michael" Tommy said.

With that the boys were out of the office heading towards Josh's class. It was good that they had done all the planing and training. They were able to do exactly what they had set out to do.

"You know we did it don't you?" Tommy said to Michael

"Ya" Michael said.

"What is it Michael?" Tommy started.

"I know everything worked they way we wanted it to Tommy. But that's not what worries me." Michael started. "What happens now? We stopped one attack. We showed people that we were prepared. But we cannot be with them all the time. What happens the one time we don't make it in time. What then. There has to be more we can do."

"Stop" Tommy said putting his hand on Michael's arm.

Michael stopped walking and looked at him. "What"

"Michael, we all will do whatever we can to protect, not just Brad or Josh but each other. Your right we can't always be there. And yes we showed those assholes what we can do. But we did more than that." Tommy said.

"Ya, and what is that."

"We showed the other students that a small group of friends can say NO. We wont allow you to do that. We just showed almost the whole school that when a few people stand up for whats right, we can push back against those that would try to hurt us. I know some of those kids. They will see what we did and realize they can make a difference too. You'll see Michael. We can make sure something good comes out of this.

"OK, I guess your right" Michael said starting to look around at students running down the hall.

"What the hell? Now what?" said Tommy.

"OH NO." Michael was saying more to himself then Tommy. "Josh."

Tommy's eyes got wide. "You don't think they attacked him do you?"

"We were all tied up with Brad. We didn't have the plan in action to escort both of them. Josh wasn't with Brad and I talking. I didn't think anyone knew about him." Michael said starting to move in the direction of all the other students.

Michael and Tommy started to run full speed towards an even larger group of kids and teacher. They carefully started moving to the front of the students. Odd thing was when kids saw that it was Michael the more or less got out of the way enough for him to get through.

When the boys got to the front of the pack of kids, what they saw was not what they were expecting.

"OH NO" Michael said again moving forward.


Next: Chapter 9

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