Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Nov 22, 2010


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Josh and Brad Chapter 4

While he washed his body, he couldn't help thinking back to all that had happened this evening. He wanted to make sure that this was what Brad wanted. It would devastate him if it wasn't. But he would make sure that Brad was comfortable with there relationship. He would NOT take advantage of the boy. And regardless of how much it hurt him, Brad's happiness was the most important thing in the world to Josh.

Josh, finishing with his hair, rinsed off and got out of the shower. Drying off quickly, he walked into his bedroom and pulled out his favorite jeans and shirt from his closet. He wasn't trying to impress Brad. After all they had know each other for years. He just wanted to look his best for him. He also pulled out a pair of blue silk boxers and a pair of no show black sport socks. Even though it was winter and very cold out, it was worm in the house and the socks were very comfortable to Josh.

Just as he was spraying on his favorite cologne which was Cool Water, he heard a voice from downstairs. "Josh are you upstairs?" came Brad's voice.

"Yes, my little man, come on up. Lock the door behind you please?" Josh shouted back.

In what seemed like less then a second, Brad was standing in the doorway to Josh's room. Josh was facing away from the door putting some things away in his nightstand so he didn't see Brad right away.

Brad stood there for a moment just staring at Josh from behind. Since he was leaning over his nightstand, Brad was admiring his tight, muscular butt. He had longed to see that but for years. He knew Josh was on the swim team at school and always admired the older boys toned, muscular body.

Not that Brad had anything to be self conscious about. He was 5'10" tall and had a very similar body type as Josh. Not from swimming, but from dancing. Brad had been taking dance for several years and was very good. He couldn't wait to dance with Josh.

Instead of black hair like Josh's, Brad had dark blond hair. He was also very smooth like Josh and also only had hair on his head, under his arms and a small patch just above his dick. He was slightly nervous that Josh would think he was to boyish. His dick was just over 6 inches long and almost 2 inches wide. Although he wasn't ashamed of his dick, again he was afraid Josh would think he was too boy like to continue to be interested.

Josh turned around and caught Brad staring at him. He just smiled at Brad and said "Hey babe."

Brad looked up into Josh's eyes and in almost a whisper he said "You haven't called me that in five years."

Josh moved closer to Brad. It was obvious that even after the make out session a few hours ago, Brad was nervous again. However, Josh wasn't going to let that come between them again. He closed the distance between the two of them. As he got closer to Brad, the other boy looked down at the floor.

"Would you like to come in?" Josh asked as Brad was still standing just outside his bedroom.

Brad only shook his head yes but continued to stand fast to his spot. Josh, now standing right in front of Brad, took the boy's hand and slowly pulled him into the room. Brad allowed himself to be lead into the room, but continued to look at the floor.

Josh placed his free hand under Brads chin and lifted the boy's head so that they could look into each other eyes again. Standing as close as they were it wasn't much of an effort for Josh to plant a kiss on Brad's lips. He went slow, he didn't want to scare the boy. He took his time lightly kissing Brad. Waiting for the younger boy to relax himself.

As they kissed, Brad did relax. He started to put his arms around Josh's waist. He aloud the older boy to kiss him and embrace him. He had been afraid that the earlier making out was all a spur of the moment reaction to the intimacy of the THEN heated moment. He had been afraid that once he got back Josh would say that it was all a mistake or joke and that he would have lost what he had been waiting for for so long.

Instead, he found the man of his dreams. Holding him in his arms again. Kissing again. Josh took a step back for a moment and pushed a button on a small remote he had in his hand. At that moment music started playing from Josh's computer. The remote must have been what Josh was pulling from the nightstand.

Stepping back over to Brad, Josh tossed the remote on his bed. He put his arms around Brad once again and lead Brad to the middle of his bedroom. He slowly started moving to the song that was playing. He encouraged Brad to put his arms around himself and to start moving with him across the floor. Before Brad even realized what was happening, the two boys were slow dancing to a love song.

As they were moving Brad let Josh lead them around the floor. Brad had his arms around Josh's neck and rested his head on Josh's shoulder. Brad couldn't believe his dreams were all coming true. He was still so scared that this would all come to a crashing end. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. How he was supposed to do it. Or even IF he was supposed to do anything. Right now Josh was leading them. He felt safe with Josh. He trusted him with not just his life, but his heart. He just knew Josh would NOT do anything to hurt him. All he wanted to do right now was let everything go. Just let Josh take him wherever he wanted to go.

"Babe?" Josh said in Brad's ear.

"Ya?" Brad said into Josh's chest.

"What are you feeling right now?" Josh asked.

Brad thought for a second and then said "Loved"

Josh smiled but continued "But your scared too aren't you?" all the while continuing to dance with the younger boy. He wanted to make sure the boy was OK with all of this and that he was allowing himself to open up and share in there happiness.

"Yes" Brad said so quietly that Josh almost had to have him repeat what he said.

"Would you be surprised if I told you that I was scared too" Josh asked.

At that Brad lifted his head and looked into Josh's eyes. "You are? Really? Your not just saying that to make me feel better?"

"Well, I am telling you this to make you feel better. But it happens to be true too. I am scared. " Brad said.

"Can I ask what you are afraid of?" Brad said.

"Well, a few things actually. I'm afraid that I'm pushing you into this. I'm afraid that you may feel differently later. I'm afraid I'm going to do or say something to make you change your mind." Josh said not holding back his feelings from Brad.

"I'm kinda afraid of the same things." Brad said "and that you may not want me when you realize that I don't know what I'm doing. I have never done anything with anyone. You were the first person I ever kissed. I don't want you to look at me and think I'm to young to know what I really want. That you might look at my body and say I'm to boyish for you." Brad could barley keep from crying.

Josh brought his hands up to Brads cheeks to wipe away his tears. "This is new to me too babe. You are the first person I have ever done anything with. I have known I wanted to be with you for five years. Ever since the first night you slept in my bed with me. Now I don't want us to rush anything. I don't want you to say yes to everything when it comes to me just because you think it's what I want. If you are not ready, I want you to promise me you will tell me."

Brad looked into Josh's eyes. He knew Josh was telling him the truth. Brad definitely felt more relaxed now. He didn't know how to tell Josh that he didn't feel he was ready for sex yet. He knew if Josh asked for it, he would give it to him. But he wanted to make sure he was ready for it and that it was the right time." Oh Josh I am so glad you said that. Lets sit down and talk for a bit OK?"

"Sure, that's what I want. I want you to feel that you can be honest with me. I want you to know that your wants and needs are just as important as mine are. I don't want to move too fast here. I want us to be sure about what we do." Josh said.

The boys sat on Josh's bed. Josh sat with his back to the wall and pulled Brad into his lap. "Now tell me what you have on your mind babe."

Brad leaned back into Josh's chest. Josh wrapped his arms around Brad from behind and Brad leaned his head back so that it was resting on Joshes chest and shoulder. Josh put his left check against the right side of Brad's head. When he spoke it was in a whisper into Brads right ear. The soft words an Josh's breath caressed over Brads ear causing him to start getting turned on.

"Josh there is no doubt in my mind that I want to have sex with you. I mean, I know I want you to be the one I lose my virginity to. I just don't think I'm ready to have sex yet. I want to learn what it's like to be with someone. I want to know that what we feel for each other isn't just a way to get into each other pants. But do believe me when I tell you, I WANT to be in your pants." Brad said, talking very fast. He wanted to get it all out before his fear stopped him. The whole time he was blushing so much Josh thought he was going to pass out.

Josh smiled the whole time. He was glad that Brad had the same feeling that he had. He really did want to give his virginity to Brad. He had no desire to be with anyone else. But he wanted to make sure that they were both ready and that it was special for both of them. After all, once gone they couldn't get their virginity back.

"Brad I feel the same way. I mean I also want to get in YOUR pants. But I want it to be special not just a reason too get off. I want u to grow together. Learn together. Be there for each other when the times are good and bad. I don't want us to have a relationship based on sex." Josh said honestly.

"So you DO want to be in a relationship with me?" Brad asked somewhat hopeful.

Josh turned him towards himself so that the other boy could look into his eyes and said " I want to be with you any way that you will have me. I would love to be your boyfriend, but if it's too soon I will settle for being your friend and giving you the time you need until you feel ready. I will not be going out looking for another guy. I don't want to go have sex with other people. I will be here for you and you alone."

Brad leaned forward and placed a kiss on Josh's lips. Once he broke the kiss he said "Oh Josh I want to be your boyfriend if you will have me? I have known you and been your friend for years already. I know I'm ready for the next step with you. And I am ready to learn what it means to be in a relationship with you. And I REALLY like it when you call my babe or when you say MY LITTLE MAN. That means a lot to me"

" Well I mean it. You are MY little man. But I don' t think your that little anymore. And you are MY babe. You are the only person I call that.

"I don't care how big I get. I will always be your little man" Brad said with a smile.

With all the talking and dancing, with all the emotions and feelings they had gone through that day, the boys were very tired. Within minutes they were asleep.

As they had before, the boys woke up in the same position as when they went to bed. Josh on the outside, Brad on the inside against the wall with his head on Josh's chest and Josh's arm wrapped around him.

Josh was the first to wake up. He just laid there watching Brad sleep. He couldn't believe they were finally together. He had been waiting for this for years. Now he just wanted to enjoy the moment. Unfortunately, they had school. Ever so gently, Josh began to wake up Brad.

"Hey babe." Josh said while gently rubbing the sleeping boy's back.

Opening his eyes and looking up to Josh, Brad said "Good Morning."

"Good morning babe. Did you sleep well?" asked Josh

"Better then I have I a long time" Brad said.

"We have to get up and get ready for school." said Josh.

"OK, I can get a set of close from Micheal's room." Brad said.

"While you do that, I'm going to hop in the shower." Josh said while climbing out of bed.

"Um, would you like me to take a shower in Micheal's bathroom?" Brad asked kind of shyly.

"Well, that's up to you babe". Josh said with a slight grin on his face.

"Um, well......" Brad started, but it seemed to Josh he was a little nervous.

Josh wanted to put the boy at ease. " Hey, no worries. If you want to join me for a shower, I would like that. If you are a little nervous about it, you can shower in Micheal's bathroom and I wouldn't be offended."

That seemed to be what Brad was hopping for. He said, "If you don't mind, I would like to shower with you"

Josh could see the boy blushing even if he was looking at the floor. He thought this was very cute.

"I would like that very much. Now go get cloths and come on into the shower with me." Josh said while heading to his bathroom.

He stopped half way turned around, walked back to Brad, took him in his arms and gave him a great kiss.

Once he pulled back from Brad he went straight to the shower. Brad for his part, ran down to Micheal's room and grabbed a set of close and headed back to Josh's room. Once there, he placed the close on the bed and nervously headed for the shower.

As Brad entered the bathroom he could see that Josh was already in the shower. Brad was shaking as he stripped to get in. He was very happy that he and Josh finally got together. But he is very inexperienced and he didn't want to do something stupid.

Once naked he pulled the shower curtain back enough to step in the shower. As he did, Josh turned to face him. He was excited about getting to see Brad naked, but he didn't want to rush him or push him in any way.

Once in the shower Brad kinda just stood there. He was so nervous he was shaking harder. Josh noticed this and decided he had to do something before the poor kid passed out.

Josh reached out with his hands and pulled Brad under the water. Brad let Josh lead him and was glad the other boy was able to notice he would need a little help with getting used to stuff like this. Brad just thought it was another thing to be thank full for.

Josh got Brad nice and wet and started to lather him up with soap. Brad kept looking at the floor trying not to look at Josh's naked body. Oh, he wanted too, but he was afraid he would get a hard on and that would embarrass him. But Josh was already ahead of him.

While Josh was washing the boy, he put his hand under Brad's chin and lifted it up so they could look each other in the eyes. Josh leaned in and kissed Brad. Once the pulled apart Brad finally looked down to get his first look at Josh's dick. He was amazed that it was hard and Josh didn't seem to mind that Brad was looking.

"I guess you can see what you do to me." said Josh with a little laugh.

With that Brad started to loosen up a little. He even began to was Josh. The both paid special attention to each others body's but, it was getting late and they needed to hurry before they where late for school.

With a quick rinse they were out of the shower and drying off. They quickly put there close on and ran downstairs to have cereal for breakfast and then they were out the door.

End of chapter 4 hope to have another chapter for you all by next weekend. Please send comments to

Next: Chapter 5

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