Josh and Brad

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Feb 5, 2011


The story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story may contains descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Josh and Brad Chapter 12

Josh Jumped up out of the bed to grab Brad as he fell. The window in his room was smashed. There was a loud bang.

"BRAD......BRAD" Josh yelled as he was catching Brad as he fell to the floor.

There was no response from Brad.

There was blood coming from his head.

His eyes were open but there was no life behind them.

"BRAD.....BRAD PLEASE NOOOOOOO!!!!" Screamed Josh as he held Brad's lifeless body.

The tears were running down Joshes face as he held Brad.

"You can't leave me.......please Brad you can't leave me.......please" he whispered. "What am I going to do without you? I need you so much."

There was nothing he could do. Brad was dead since the bullet hit him in the head. He was dead instantly. Josh was already alone.


What was he going to do.

Alone. Without Brad.

Josh was crying uncontrollably.

Michael came running in the room when he heard the smash of the window.

It had only been seconds since the smash, but for Josh it seemed like forever.

"Josh what happened?" Michael yelled as he looked at the gruesome sight of Brad's bloody body in Josh's arms.

Josh was now mostly covered in the blood of his lover.

Michael looked at his brother holding his best friends body.

He couldn't move.

Brad was gone.

Michael didn't know what to do. He couldn't move.

He wanted to go to his brother, to his friend.

But all he could do was stand there.

His legs went week.

He fell to his knees, the tears flowing freely.

"Michael......He's gone Michael." Josh croaked out between sobs. "I couldn't protect him. I couldn't save him. It's all my fault"

Michael made his way over to his brother. He put one arm around his brother and one over his best best friends body. "Josh......Josh it's not your fault Josh."

"JOSH.......JOSH......WAKE UP JOSH" came a voice from far away.

"JOSH, it's Brad.....WAKE UP" Brad's voice came. "Come on babe, focus on my voice, wake up, your having a nightmare." Brad said.

Slowly, between sobs and tears Josh opened his eyes.

He looked over and saw Brad lying next to him.

Michael was standing by the bed with the most worried look on his face.

"Josh look at me." came Brad's voice.

Josh turned and looked into Brad's eyes.

Brad could see that Josh was still partly asleep and probably really confused.

"Josh, you were dreaming." Brad said in a firm voice but not mean.

Brad had been through this with Josh before. He needed Josh to completely wake up and understand him before he would believe that he had only had a dream. I really bad one at that.

Michael just stood there. He had never been through one of Josh's episodes before.

He was in his room when he he heard Josh's screaming. He had come running in to see if he could help.

He heard Josh crying and yelling in his sleep. He had tried to wake him too by calling his name but Josh had seemed to respond to him in the dream and not in reality. At that point he didn't know what to do. He just stood by the bed trying to help Brad.

Brad, knowing what this was, knew he had to get Josh to wake up and see that he was OK.

"Brad?" Josh whispered looking directly at Brad.

"Ya, babe, it's me. I'm OK, see?" Brad said rubbing his hand over Josh's chest.

"Michael?" Josh said looking over at his brother.

"Hey Bro." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You OK?"

"I....I....I was dreaming again?" Josh asked.

"Ya babe, you were. A pretty bad one too I take it" Brad said.

"Ya, you could say that" Josh said tucking his head into Brad's chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Brad asked.

"No....I want to forget it." Josh said.

"Well I think it's time we spoke to somebody" Brad said.

" I think so too Josh." Michael said.

"You are starting to have trouble telling what is a dream and what is real." Brad said.

"OK, but can we talk about it later, I just want to hold you right now." Josh said.

"Look, it's really late, why don't we try and get some rest and talk about this in the morning." Michael suggested.

"OK, Michael. Go and get some sleep. We will talk to you in the morning." Brad said.

With that, Micheal said good night to both boys and left closing the door behind him.

"Josh, we will get through this, we will OK?" Brad said cuddling up to Josh.

"It was so real babe. It was like it was really happening" Josh said.

"Was it about me getting hurt again?" Brad asked.

"Ya, but it didn't start that way." Josh told him. "It started really nice. You were giving me a back rub and we kinda went a bit farther then we expected too. It was really nice. We were getting up to take a shower and that's when it happened."

"OK, well I am fine. And we are safe." Brad said holding onto Josh.

"What's happening to me?" Josh said starting to get upset again.

"Hey, you had a lot to deal with." Brad stated. "We are going to make sure we get through this. Things will start getting better once we get you someone to talk to."

"But if people find out I'm seeing a therapist, I will never hear the end of it." Josh said.

"Who cares what people say." Brad stated firmly. "I am going to do whatever it takes to help you get better. This is not your fault."

The boys lay together talking softly. Josh telling Brad bits and pieces of his dream. While Brad continued to sooth him and let him know that things were OK and they were both safe.

Josh was afraid to go to sleep. He didn't want the dreams to come back.

Brad figured as much so he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed Josh's remote to his music and switched it on.

The music came on low and soothing for both boys.

Brad was laying on his back on the edge of the bed with Josh's head on his chest.

Brad had his arm around the back of Josh and could feel him relaxing and calming down.

Brad slowly ran his fingers up and down Josh's back trying to get him to relax more. This would cause a small sigh to come out of Josh every so often.

It took about an hour or so but Josh was slowly falling asleep.

He had a tight grip on Brad's body. Almost to the point of restricting Brad's breating.

Brad didn't mind. He knew that Josh needed the security of know he was right there. He knew that this was probably not going to be the last dream Josh had tonight. It was the early hours of the morning and on nights like this, Josh would no doubt have another dream before morning.

All Brad could do was try and help him through it as quickly as possible and get Josh to wake up. It was the only way to get him to calm down.

Brad too was slowing drifting off to sleep listening to the music. He found that for some reason it helped too keep Josh calm. It also served to relax him as well.

Michael was right. They needed to talk about getting more help for Josh in the morning. Maybe they should call Mr. Hack. He may know someone that could help with what Josh is going through.

Mr. Hack had said this wouldn't be easy. And he was right.

Brad was not going to give up. This was going to work out.

Yes he was young. But he was also stubborn. So he had been told.

When people would tell him that he was stubborn, Brad would smile and say, " no I'm not, I'm just determined."

Well, now he was determined or stubborn or whatever, to make sure that Josh was OK. This was going to work out. That's all there is too it.

This all happened because of that dam Steve.

Brad hopped that he was suffering as much as Josh was right now.

"He deserves whatever he gets." Thought Brad.

But there was a part of Brad that felt sorry for Steve.

There must have been so much hate in his life growing up. He must have really hatefull parents. Nobody should have to deal with that growing up.

Brad remembered one time when Steve had helped him in Gym Class at school.

Though Brad was a great dancer, he wasn't really good at sports.

Steve of course was a natural. He was always helping other kids learn to enjoy sports. He used to think that everyone should like to play sports. Even if they weren't good at them. So he always made it fun in class.

But then his brother had been arrested for the assault on Trevor. After that, Steve changed.

Steve only hung out wit the Jocks.

He didn't talk to anyone if they weren't on a team.

He stopped helping the talentless Gym students.

He started making fun of them.

Everyone knew something was up. But since what happened with his brother, everyone just left him along figuring he would get over it.

Now they knew he wouldn't.

Yup, Brad felt sorry for Steve. He didn't know what it was like to go home to a house of love and to parents that were tolerant or open minded.

Instead he would now be facing charges and probably not be permitted to graduate. Not to mention losing his chance to get a scholarship for collage. Not that he needed it.

But now no team would have him. They wouldn't want the publicity of accepting a player convicted of a hate crime. That would definitely change the outcome of his like.

Brad couldn't help it. He was so mad at the kid, but still felt bad for him.

No he was angry with himself. He could feel Josh starting to thrash in bed.

Another nightmare was starting.

Brad took at deep breath and let it out. It was hard to forgive Steve when he caused some much trauma to Josh.

"Hey Josh, it's OK" Brad started.

"Josh wake up, your having a nightmare." Brad started to speak louder and rock Josh back and forth to get him to wake up.

Brad help Josh close with tears in his eyes "Josh baby, come on wake up, its just a nightmare."

Yup it was really hard to forgive when the person you love has to keep reliving pain.............

Next: Chapter 13

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