Josh & Birch

By Jake Stone

Published on Jun 29, 2024


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All my stories are pure fiction from my twisted mind. I use real places and try to use historical facts but with made up people. The situations are fantasies. Nothing more. Stay legal and always ensure you have consent.

Live life how you wish on your own terms and do not judge others. Life is too short.

Where we left them -

They spent the rest of the week together. When Josh got home Friday evening he had everything off except his jeans as usual. When he went through the gate next to the garage he slipped off his jeans too. It was time for a beer. He had a few minutes before Birch would be home. 'Birch would be home?', he thought. 'What is wrong with me? I've moved him in. But who am I kidding. He's the best sex I've ever had. I can't get enough.' He snickered to himself as he rolled up his jeans and continued up to the house.

He got into the kitchen and put his rolled up clothes on the counter and his boots on the floor. He would deal with them later. Thankfully they had loaded the fridge with beer the night before. He grabbed a beer and leaned his butt up against the counter as he emptied half the can into his dry mouth. Just as he lowered his can a ridiculously hot and muscular teenager stood in front of him with nothing but a jock on. The boy was strapping and had the body of a man but still a teens face. Although there were signs of a five o'clock shadow. The only way Josh thought of to describe him was manchild. His face was powerful rather than handsome. His chest had a light carpet of dark hair. His stomach was flat like most teenage jocks. From what he could see of his ass it was round and muscular. The kid was a walking wet dream for the right perv.

Then, out of the kids mouth, came the deepest, sexiest voice he ever heard from a teenager, "Dad sure knows how to pick them. I'm Bo."

Josh & Birch, Part 3 -

Josh stayed leaning against the kitchen counter with his mouth open. He knew they were expecting Birch's kid the next day, Saturday, but he wasn't expecting the hunk standing in front of him. He was afraid to move. He realized he was naked and that the kid would see his cock betray him if he didn't remain calm. But the kid was just as fucking hot as his dad. Just a shorter and younger version with hair on his head. Birch was about 6' 1" to Josh's 5' 10". But the kid looked just an inch or two shorter than Josh. But thicker and wider. All muscles.

"Oh right, I wasn't supposed to be here till tomorrow. I can tell by your surprise that you weren't expecting me till then. My car is at my dad's house in his driveway so you probably didn't see it. I called him at work and told him I arrived early and he came home, to his house, on a break to welcome me and told me just to wait here for you. Said to tell you he would be a bit late as he has to get a car out tonight. Wanted me to get to know you before he got home." Bo explained. His voice was almost sensual. It was almost like the kid had experience seducing men.

"Ok," was the only word Josh could get out of his mouth. He just kept repeating to himself in his head, 'He is only 16, he is only 16. My god how can that be only 16. He looks just a few years younger than me. He looks 22 at the very least'. His mind was spinning.

Bo stood there smiling for a minute. Waiting for Josh to say something more. When he didn't he went on, "Sorry for surprising you like this. And this." He spread his arms and nodded towards his own body being barely dressed, "But I had worked out before I drove out from LA. I was hot and I probably stink. Especially after dad was here." Then he winked.

"Your dad?" Josh asked. Not knowing what the teen was trying to tell him. Or did he?

Bo wasn't shy. He just turned around and bent over. He took his hands and spread his cheeks. A hairless teenage cunt came into view. It was puffy and when Bo pushed out a bit of cum came out. "He left me a load before he went back to work. He said you would understand." Bo said as he stayed bent over.

"Fuck!" Josh muttered under his breath.

"Dad said you really like the taste of his cum." Bo teased Josh. "Dad said I should share it with you. It would help us bond."

Josh put his beer can on the counter and was shaking with apprehension. What the fuck did he get into with Birch. The role playing was hot but he never imagined he would be serving his son up like this. And this kid was brazen. ""

"Take a taste dude. It's all good. I hope you don't mind when I want to eat dad's cum out of your ass. And we can gang up on dad together and fuck him. Take turns." Bo said as he pushed more cum out of his ass. It was starting to go down his upper thigh. "Hurry, it's going to start to run down my leg faster." The cocky jock said. He knew he had Josh. The guy just had to get out of his head. His coach was the same way the first time. Afraid to fuck his star athlete. But Bo is persistent. He likes cock. Masculine, sleazy cock. Learned that from his ex-con dad. Birch fucked Bo in front of his worthless mother before and Bo loved it. Birch looked at her after and said Bo was a better cock whore than she was. Bo was proud of that. It was just before his dad was sent away. Five years ago. While Birch was in prison Bo got his mom's better looking tricks to fuck him. He loved walking naked around the house with cum dripping out of his ass or from his spent cock. He didn't care if his mother saw it or not. He did see the lust in her eyes more than once, however. But Bo had no taste for pussy. Even taboo pussy.

"You took your dad's cock? It's huge." Josh said quietly. He was more turned on than shocked. He wished he had seen it.

Josh's cock had become hard and dripping. His defenses were weakening. There was nothing more on earth that he wanted to do more at that moment then get on his knees and eat the fuck out of that boy's ass. Then Bo said to him, "Yeah, but it's the cock that trained me. Eat me out a bit then add to dad's load. He would be proud of the way we bonded so quickly." 'Fuck!' Josh thought. 'The kid is brazen and sexy as fuck.' But Josh knew, deep down inside, he was good with it. Craved it actually. He craved the intense depravity of it all. Ever since his dad first fucked him he's been twisted and liked it.

Josh slid down to his knees and then walked on all fours across the kitchen floor. When he got to Bo he raised up a bit and put his hands on the back of Bo's thighs. "That's it bro. We're going to be good friends. Brothers even." Bo said. He knew how his dad was. Birch was going to want them both. Both his boys. Bo was all for it and he had a feeling Josh was going to be on board. Especially after he felt Josh's tongue on his hole licking up his dad's cum.

"Oh fuck yeah bro. Dad said you were as twisted as me, as us. But he said to be easy on you. He doesn't want to lose you. Never seen dad this hooked on someone. But, fuck, you do know how to eat an ass." Bo went on but his breathing had changed. His dad had described Josh but he didn't do him justice. The man was hotter than his dad's words described. No wonder he was hooked. Hell, Bo himself was becoming hooked. This was going to be a hell of a lot better than living with the drunk and her white trash tricks. Well, they weren't all white, but he didn't mind that at all. Enjoyed the variety.

Bo didn't want Josh to get his dad's entire load though. "Hold up buddy. Shove it in me now. I want your load to mix with dad's load a bit." Josh heard that and grunted a bit. "Yeah? You like that? Like you and dad's DNA marrying in my pussy? I know I like it."

Josh stood up behind Bo and had his cock laying in his crack at the top of his beautiful bubble butt. It was so round and muscular it looked like something that didn't belong on a white boy. Bo turned his head and pushed his lips against Josh's. The boy obviously knew how to kiss another man. So Josh opened his lips and accepted the boy's tongue.

Bo pulled back and said, "Push it in brother. Then I'll fuck you while your load mixes with dad's." That put Josh on perv overload. He squatted just a bit and lined himself up with the most perfect boy hole he's ever seen. He was in love with Birch but he was still a whore. Couldn't help himself. If a hot ass or cock is put in front of him he's going to take it.

Josh sunk in slowly but steadily. Feeling each inch of the silky smooth tunnel of the boy's cunt. His swollen pussy lips looked just like a snatch around his cock. If was so fucking hot he almost shot off before he was fully inside. But he controlled himself. Wanting nothing more than to feel the boy around his cock for as long as possible.

As he bottomed out he felt around the boy's ample chest and flat stomach. Reaching down to his jock. Then he reached around to each strap in the back and tore it from the waistband. Once the pouch was hanging freely from the front of the waistband he felt the boy's cock up. It wasn't Birch's cock by any means but it was respectable. He would still be honored to get a load from it.

"Do what you want to me, Josh. Dad does. Make me your fucking bitch. Fuck you feel good." Bo was saying. His breathing was labored but he got out all the words.

Josh was yanking at the waist band of the jock wanting it off. "You should be fucking naked at home. Why are you wearing that stupid thing? I want to see all of you." Josh said before lifting the boy's arm and getting a taste of his pit. Ripe but not as strong as Birch. But still tasty. He needed to get him right after a workout.

Bo grabbed a knife off the rack on the counter and cut off his jock at the waist and let it fall to the floor. Then he threw the knife back on the counter. "Naked from now on." Bo said. "I'm going to like my new step-daddy..." Bo said.

"Kinda like big brother. Kinkier." Josh said as he continued to fuck.

"Fuck, call me anything you want." Bo said as he put his upper body across the island in the middle of the kitchen. It was low enough that his chest and head were supported. He wanted to just lay there and get fucked for as long as possible.

Josh wasn't sure where he was getting the stamina. He couldn't believe he lasted this long. But he was going wild. He started plowing into Bo, making the boy whimper with each stroke. He was also building up a healthy sweat. His hair was dripping onto the boy's back. He was in pig heaven but the only thing that could make it better walked in a few minutes later.

Birch appeared at the entry to the kitchen just as Josh was unloading into Bo. "I see the two of you hit it off..." Birch said with a smirk on his face. The man was as nude as they were. He obviously stripped off as soon as he got in the front door. "Any room for me?" His cock was at full mast.

Josh pulled out his spent, dripping cock and then turned around and sat on the floor between Bo's spread legs. He spread his own legs wide so that Birch could stand between them. Birch knew what Josh was doing. He watched Josh pull his knees up keeping his legs spread. Birch got between Josh's legs behind Bo. He pulled Bo from the island so his ass was out more and Josh could get to Bo's cock. Then Birch sunk in. Bo's hole was nicely open for him. It didn't take a lot for him to be fully inside the boy.

As Birch started to fuck Bo, again, Josh concentrated on his new playmate. Sucking his balls, sucking his cock and licking where Birch's cock was embedded into Bo.

"You like my new boyfriend, baby boy? He's almost a bigger pig than we are." Birch asked Bo as he continued the assault on his ass.

Bo took a minute to answer but then he said, "He's hotter than you said. I may have to steal him from you old man." Bo joked. But halfway meaning it.

"You can have the bitch anytime you want him. Same goes for him. He can have you anytime also. Just don't forget who you both belong to. Both your asses are mine. I just want to watch once in a while." Birch said, solidifying the pecking order in the house. "Josh gets fucked by his clients too. Maybe you can come home loaded up. I'd love to play with both of your sloppy whore cunts afterwards."

Josh was listening. He never quite had the relationship with his own dad. Yeah, he got fucked by him, but the twisted pig talk wasn't part of it. He was enjoying it with the boy's cock in his mouth. Soon, however, Bo unloaded into his mouth and then Birch filled Bo's wanting hole. That made three loads. Josh was under Bo licking up what he could from the leakage. And then, when Birch pulled out his cock, Josh was waiting with an open mouth to clean it off for him. Fuck! He loved the new family.

As Josh was finishing up on Birch's cock and Birch and Bo were making out, the buzzer to the garage studio went off. Josh pulled back and got up off the floor. "Who's that?" Birch asked.

"Not sure. I don't think I have a client tonight." Josh said as he found his sleazy old pair of shorts and put them on. They were obscene but they covered his cock.

Josh went out to the patio and looked over at the gate. It was Lucas. He actually had his workout gear on. Well, a tank and gym shorts with trainers. Josh had a feeling the boy was commando. He knew Lucas was hoping for a repeat of the last time he was here. But this time he was there for some light PT. Josh forgot all about their appointment. "Fuck bud. I forgot you were cumming." Josh yelled over.

Lucas looked over and saw the state Josh was in. He looked a bit fucked up and looked like he had just been working out or having sex. He realized it was probably all three and sneered lustfully, "That means we can do other stuff besides PT?"

Josh let out a deep breath, smiled and sighed. "I'm not getting rid of you, am I?" Then he chuckled. "Well, I'm not alone. Come on in and meet the rest of the family, I guess." 'Family?' Josh thought, 'What the fuck? Well I guess they are, now.'

Lucas started to walk towards Josh and removed his tank top as he did. "I'm assuming the rest of the family is as dressed as you are?" Lucas asked, wondering who this family was. Or if it was just some sort of code for a group of horny dudes.

"Nope, I have something on. But I can remedy that." Josh said as he slipped off his poor excuse for a coverup.

Lucas gave him a big smile and said, "My type of folks." Then he toed off his trainers. He had no socks on. His shorts peeled down easily. "Am I presentable now?" Lucas asked with a grin. Just as Josh thought, no undies or jock. The boy was a slut. Just like Josh.

"More than presentable. Just wonder how my boyfriend's going to feel about you." Josh said, leading the way into the kitchen.

Lucas looked at him in surprise. "Boyfriend? That's new."

When they got inside Birch was drinking a beer and Bo was still recovering as he leaned over the kitchen island. His stance was pretty lewd as he had his legs spread and there was obviously some cum running down his leg. Birch got an amused and curious look on his face and then said, "Well, what do we have here?".

"Birch, Bo, this is, well, umm, my client, Lucas. We had an appointment today and I forgot about it so I invited him inside." Josh said.

"I hope I'm not crashing anything private." Lucas said with a smile from ear to ear seeing the two additional studs in front of him. Then he focused on Bo. Lucas looked like he was going to drool, "Hi," was all he said, shyly. Bo's face turned a bit red and he got shy too. Josh was surprised. Those two never were shy about anything so far. He only just met Bo but could tell by his demeanor that he was a mostly confident dude.

"So? I am assuming this is one of those clients? Or do all your clients just show up naked?" Birch asked. Bo's head snapped back. He had a feeling what his dad was trying to say. He had mentioned that Josh liked to get fucked by his clients. He was quietly hoping he could help out in the gym once in a while. But this dude Lucas looked like he was his age. He wondered if they were going to be in the same school. He also wondered if he was a top.

"A recent development." Josh gave a pensive smile as answered. Then he said, "Lucas knows probably more than most of my clients as his coach is an old friend of mine. So Lucas can keep secrets. Isn't that right, Lucas?"

"Of course I can. Especially if I'm included. I hate to lose good things." Lucas answered. Bo had stayed in an almost bent over position during the conversation. Lucas then surprisingly said to Bo, "Has everyone had their turn?"

"Not you." Bo simply said and then did a small sort of twerk with his big muscular ass. Lucas took a few steps until his hand was on Bo's hip. He caressed Bo from his hip up his back and then down again to the small of his back where he pushed down a bit making Bo raise his ass a bit higher.

Josh saw Lucas go fully hard instantly. Not that he wasn't half way there already. The boy had stamina. They only had that one night together but it was a long night of sex. "This is a fucking hot ass." Lucas said as he touched the crown of his cock to Bo's hole. Just to tease it first. Then he squatted down to have a taste. The hole was puffy and opened up. Ready for more cock. He wouldn't even need any lube. He sucked on the hole and got a nice taste of someone's load. Or everyone's. He wasn't sure. Then he stood back up and aimed his cock again.

Birch went to the other side of the island so that he could make out with Bo. "Got a hot boy that's gonna be fucking my son." Birch said into the kiss.

"Son?" Lucas said as he sank deeper into the battered hole. "Fucking hot." He backed away, just keeping his tip in, after a few minutes feeling Josh's presence behind him. Then he turned to Josh, "You're step-son?" He asked with a lustful smirk.

"To be determined." Josh said.

Birch stopped kissing Bo and said, "It's already determined. You're mine. And Bo likes daddy's, so just accept it." He said with a wink. Then he started to make his way to Josh.

"Hot" was all Lucas said as he fucked Bo. Then he reached over to Josh, before Birch got to him, and pulled him in for a deep wet kiss. "Fuck Bro, I'm happy you're my PT." Then he kissed him again. Then he returned his attention to Bo, "We're going to hang out, bro. Become fast friends. Where do you go to school?" Lucas asked.

"Uggh, fuck you feel good. Hmmmm, um Silverado. I'll be a Senior." Bo got out.

"I'm going to be a Senior. I've never seen you. I wouldn't have forgotten, that's for sure." Lucas said as he continued to fuck his new friend.

"Transfer. From LA." Bo said. He grunted more than he put words together but Lucas got the gist.

"Football?" Lucas asked.

"And wrestling." Bo said. Lucas was pleased. He needed a best friend at school who he could fuck. And hopefully fuck him.

The two boys didn't notice both Birch and Josh backed off and went to their room. They were anxious to be together, alone, just for a bit. Lucas kept fucking Bo. Asking him more questions as he pistoned into him. When he finally let loose Bo did too. His cock squirted all over the island. The way his ass spasmed when he came made Lucas' orgasm even more insane. Lucas collapsed on Bo's back and held on to him. "Got somewhere we can hang out?" Lucas asked as his breathing recovered.

"My room, I guess. I'm still moving in." Bo said, sort of shyly. "It's a bit of a wreck. I guess it was Josh's storeroom before me."

"No matter. I just want to hang with you. Doesn't matter if it's a bedroom or a storeroom." Lucas said as he started to stand up. His cock was deflated enough to fall out of the juicy hole. "I hope I can get in there again, soon."

"Fuck bro, anytime you want." Bo said as he stood and turned towards Lucas.

"Are you going to reciprocate?" Lucas asked. Hopefully.

"I can, and I will. But my preference is..." Bo started.

Lucas interrupted, "Yeah, mine too. But with you I can top more. Your ass does things to me. Do you mind if I get it from Josh sometimes, or your dad?"

"I didn't know we were going steady." Bo said with amusement in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, did I need to ask you first? I just assumed that we had a connection...." Lucas started.

Bo shut Lucas up with his mouth. He slammed his lips into the other boy's and raped his mouth with his tongue. He was aggressive and Lucas liked it. He returned the enthusiasm right back. They made out for a good 3 or 4 minutes and then Bo said, "Yeah, we have a connection. Rule the school as best friends? Double date and leave girls wanting and then come home and fuck each other silly? You move in and we become brothers and we become incestous lovers? Which scenario would you prefer?"

"All of them. I'm totally in the closet at school but the coach fucks me. That cool?" Lucas asked.

"Will he fuck me too?" Bo said with a smirk.

"Doubt I could stop him. He'll take one look at you and probably shove my ass to the curb." Lucas chuckled.

"I doubt that very seriously. And if he does it's his loss and my gain. Let's go to my room. Or what will be my room I guess." Bo said as he grabbed Lucas' hand and pulled him down the hall. The primary bedroom door was closed. He figured the love birds were giving Bo and Lucas a bit of space to become friends.

They settled on the bed that was in the middle of the room. On one side of the room was Bo's stuff and the other side there were still some boxes that Josh hadn't found room for. Bo wasn't worried. He just needed someplace to sleep. Either here or with his dad and Josh. Now he was wondering if Josh's bed would fit all four of them.

Once they laid down in each other's arms they started to talk. Bo said, "I'm sixteen by the way. Turn seventeen soon. I am a year ahead, skipped 7th grade and went straight to eighth."

"Fuck, bro. You look older than me. Wouldn't have guessed that. You're a fucking hot sixteen year old. But that's funny. I'm 18. I got left back in the 9th grade. I'll be nineteen when we graduate. I'm sort of dumb with books. Coach has tutors helping me. If it wasn't for him I would have dropped out. My mom can't afford stuff like that. He's even paying for the PT I'm getting from Josh." Lucas confessed. His voice clouded with a hint of sadness.

Bo reached up and touched Lucas' face and then kissed him gently on the lips. When the kiss was over Lucas looked at the man-child in his arms and felt something he never felt before with another guy. Affection. He kissed him back with emotion that had been bottled up inside of him. When they were done Lucas said, "Fuck bro. I never felt that before. I could stay like this for a long time. Just in your arms."

"I got no place to be before school starts." Bo said with a bashful grin. He wanted to stay just as they were also. Not that he would mind his dad and Josh joining them once in a while. But he was happy here with this amazing boy. "Will your mom miss you if I kidnap you?" He teased. Not knowing what Lucas' home life was like.

"She's got a new asshole fucking her right now. As long as they don't mind her drinking all day they stick around for a while. They fuck her till they get tired of the stank. Then they leave. This one, Turrell, has stuck around a bit longer. He sort of took over the apartment. Never wears any fucking clothes besides a robe. His big fucking black cock on display more times than not." Lucas said.

"Did you ever....?" Bo started to ask. He felt bad for Lucas but he was also getting incredibly turned on.

"Get fucked by him? Yeah. Bo, I'm sort of a dumb slut. My dick and ass do all my thinking. It's not that I like the guy, at all. But he has a really nice cock. I think the only reason he has stuck around this long is because he's getting ass from me. Thankfully I've never seen them fuck. If they still do. I'm not sure, but I don't want to see that. But when she passes out, which is often, he is on me. Likes me just to wear gym shorts around the house so I can get naked as soon as mom is out. Mom doesn't think anything of it. I'm a jock. What jock doesn't just hang out at home shirtless. She doesn't know I never wear underwear. I do my own laundry." A tinge of anger filled Lucas' voice. "I'm so ready to leave. I just have to get through school. Then I can work at the casinos or something."

"No college?" Bo asked but he knew the answer.

Lucas chuckled a bit and then sadly said, "Besides the lack of money there is also the lack of brains. I'm smart enough to know I don't have the brain power. I have braun and a sex drive like no other. I'm ok on the field but I'm not going to get any scholarships. What about you? I have a feeling that behind that super fucking hot masculine exterior there is a huge brain that just soaks up information and easily spits it out for school."

Bo shyly smiled again. Bo is usually the beast in any situation. He is imposing with his muscular presence. And looking older than he is always commanded respect from his school mates. But the past couple hours with Lucas has made him this shy school girl. Like Lucas he thinks too much with his cock and ass too. Way too much. But he does have that type of sponge for a brain that soaks up all the information around him and retains it. It was obvious once you got to know him. "It does come easy to me. I don't know why. But, yeah, I have over a 4.0. I easily do extra credit stuff. Dad isn't exactly rolling in dough either so I need scholarships if I want to go to school. It won't be from football. I'm big and strong but clumsy. Trip over my own feet."

"Sexy feet I might add." Lucas said as he slid down the bed to caress Bo's feet and to give them a lick and a kiss here and there.

Bo smiled down at his new friend. "I could get used to you spoiling me."

"I could get used to spoiling you. But what is a smart stud like you going to do with a himbo like me?" Lucas asked sadly looking up at Bo.

"Probably fall in love with you and keep you with me." It slipped out of Bo's mouth before he could stop it. But then he recovered a bit and said, "If you don't mind sharing me with others. I'm still a teen slut." He giggled.

Lucas, still looking up at him, smiled and said, "It is a good fantasy. Falling for each other and being happy. But you have a family that's normal and I have what I have. Nothing to offer you."

"Lucas, I think we may have the same mother. Except my mother isn't kind enough to take her sexual romps into her room. More times than not I've had to walk over her and her passed out random lover on the living room floor on my way to school. She's a drunk too. And doesn't mind indulging in a little coke or meth now and then. If I didn't get out of there I would have gone crazy. I'm not sure what the dynamic is with you and Turrell dude but if I saw something I liked from her tricks I took them over after mom passed out. So, besides brain power, we're not that much different. And, by the way, dad was in prison for almost four years. So I don't have the Leave it to Beaver life you think I might." Bo explained. He didn't seem sad though. Not to Lucas. It was more like 'this is what you get'.

"That explains his crazy eyes. His eyes look like a man that is trying to get everything out of life before it passes him by. Or one that is trying to make up for a life taken away from him." Lucas said, staring down at Bo's feet.

"Pretty insightful for a himbo," Bo teased.

Lucas looked up at him again and smiled. Then he crawled over Bo's body and brought his lips to Bo's lips. They made out again for a few moments and then Lucas said, "I don't know if I'll want to leave you."

"Then don't. I don't think the other two sluts will mind having two hot teen boys to look at around here." Bo said. His confidence is on display once again. He didn't want Lucas to leave his new bed anytime soon. "You may have to put out for them once in a while."

"As long as I have you at the end of the day anyone can fuck me." Lucas kissed him again. A quick one.

"Me too." Bo said and then the boys started to make out again. More intensely this time. Bo's legs spread and he lifted his knees so they were on Lucas' side. Lucas' cock becoming hard and touches the space between Bo's balls and hole. Bo moaned into Lucas' mouth. While their lips were still engaged Bo said, "Get back inside me. Please."

Lucas reached down to adjust his cock so that it could enter Bo again. Bo's legs were up in the air now. The heels of his feet almost on Lucas' back. "I could live inside of you." Lucas said as he started to enter Bo. The several loads of cum in Bo's ass made the process easier. Once they were united again and Lucas had bottomed out Bo wrapped his legs around Lucas' torso and held him there.

"Don't move. Stay like this. I don't want it to be over too quickly. I want to feel you inside of me for as long as possible." Then the boys started to kiss again. But as their kisses became intense Lucas couldn't help but to start fucking Bo. Even the short deep strokes he was doing was more than Bo wanted. But he knew too that it was going to happen. They both couldn't help themselves. Bo and Lucas, although mostly keeping it to themselves, were falling hard for each other. Besides the difference in scholastics they had a lot of common traits.

Of course they couldn't help themselves and started to fuck like rabbits again. Lucas made Bo come hands free and he gave Bo's hole another load. The scent of sweat and cum surrounded them. They both enjoyed it. Once Lucas was dislodged he laid next to Bo, holding on to him as Bo pulled him closer. "I want to live with you." Bo said plainly.

Lucas laughed and said, "As much as Turrell would like that I know you wouldn't."

"Well, Turrell can have a shot at my ass while we pack your shit. I'm going to check with Josh and dad. I want to live with you here. What do you think?" Bo asked.

As much hope as Lucas displayed in his eyes he said, "I'm not sure Josh would like that. I'm already a pest to him. I sort of forced him to have sex with me the first time. He wasn't into it at first."

"At first?" Bo asked with an amused expression.

"I ended up staying the night." Lucas became red in the face.

"Just as I thought. I'll be right back." Bo said as he abruptly got off the bed. He left the room as a bewildered Lucas looked on.

Bo walked up to the closed door of the primary and just opened it and walked in. He was still nude and dripping the latest load from his hole. Josh was on his knees with his head and shoulders into the pillows in front of him with Birch plowing him from behind. Birch was the first to notice him, "Hey boy, did your new friend leave?", he asked.

Bo sat on the bed and then laid down on his back next to the couple as Josh became aware of his presence. Josh was only momentarily put off but then Birch drove in deeper making him forget about his apprehensions. Bo was very comfortable with the situation and had no problem with what was happening. He even reached over and played with Josh's half hard cock as his father kept fucking the man. "He's still here. But I wanted to ask you both something. Is this a bad time?" He asked with a cocky smirk.

"Nope, ask away." Birch said as he continued his assault on Josh. In fact he became even more into it with the fruit of his loins on the bed with them.

Bo decided there was no reason to skirt around the issue, "Lucas' home life is shit. As bad as mine was. Mind if he becomes my roommate? I guess I should ask Josh as it's his house. Or we could live next door until your lease runs out dad. What do you think?"

"You're right son, we need to ask Josh. I've sort of moved you in without really asking." Birch bent over and pulled Josh up so that they were both standing on their knees. But still connected with Birch's cock deep into Josh. Birch felt Josh up, caressing him all over. "What do you think, babe? Two hot teens running around with nothing on? I know this one will put out anytime we want. Not sure of the other one."

"He will." Josh said as he turned his head back to catch Birch's lips. They kissed for a few moments as Bo's mouth latched onto Josh's cock. Josh wouldn't mind a bit. Both boys like to get fucked and as long as Birch is fucking him he was happy to have the boys access available to him.

"So you're ok with it?" Birch asked as his mouth left Josh's. He wasn't really surprised but Josh had lived alone for a long time.

"Your cock is in my ass and your son's mouth is on my cock. If Lucas' cock was in my mouth life would be complete. The more the merrier. I know Lucas and he's a little pig and I've gathered Bo is too. So I think we'll all get along well. Just keep fucking me and you can move ten teenagers in." Josh said before he went back to kissing Birch.

Part Four?

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