Josh & Birch

By Jake Stone

Published on Jul 30, 2023


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All my stories are pure fiction from my twisted mind. I use real places and try to use historical facts but with made up people. The situations are fantasies. Nothing more. Stay legal and always ensure you have consent.

Live life how you wish on your own terms and do not judge others. Life is too short. Where we left them -

Josh let him go and said, "That's just a preview. Now how about you light one of those bad boys up and we get stoned and drunk and get to know each other more. And I meant it. We have the whole weekend. I don't want you to leave. Do you have anywhere to be?"

"Nope. Not this weekend." Birch said, "But I have to work at 7 AM Monday. Then I see my parole officer at 4 PM." He decided to let Josh know what he was getting into from the beginning.

Josh paused for a moment and then said, "Ok, tell me about it when you want. But if you're trying to scare me away you'll have to try harder. I don't scare easily."

"Wasn't trying to scare you off. Just laying all my cards on the table." Birch said.

"Consider them laid. Now, I want to keep you naked and sweaty all weekend. Go get your work clothes and prepare to stay here. Before we get too drunk and forget." Josh said.

"Josh & Birch, Chapter Two -

After an intense weekend with Birch Josh was ready to relax Monday night. He had worked outside again and the Las Vegas heat seemed to be breaking records daily. Although he was still horny after Birch had fucked the literal shit out of him the past few days he figured some alone time and relaxation was in the cards. He and Birch agreed to see each other on Wednesday night. Giving them both a couple days off and to clear their heads. Plus Birch said something about seeing his parole officer that night. Josh was curious what that was all about but is going to let Birch fill him in when he is ready. He knew that Birch wasn't a serial killer at least otherwise he'd still be rotting in jail.

Josh and Birch both realized by the end of the weekend that they were basically on the same page. Both twisted and sex crazed. They couldn't get enough of being together as well as in each other. Literally. They did everything with each other humanly possible. And nothing grossed them out or pushed them away. Josh was definitely feeling stuff for Birch he hadn't felt for anyone before. He almost asked to see him again tonight but he knew Birch was busy and he needed alone time. Think things out. Otherwise he was just going to tell the stud to stay forever. Move in. He wasn't even sure if Birch owned or was renting.

Birch also took direction well. He was the first submissive top Josh had ever met. And that turned Josh on more than anything else. He could still be the alpha while having his own cunt worked. But once Birch was in his ass he became dominant. Fucked him like a real man fucks anyone. Josh could also see being Birch's sub. The man lit a fire in him. And he confused him too. Yeah, to say Josh was smitten was an understatement.

On the way home Josh did his usual Monday routine. Stopped at the AM/PM for his 30-pack and then stripped off in the van. This time he stripped off his jeans too. When he pulled into his driveway he went through the back gate instead of the front of the house since he was naked. He had just rolled up his clothes and put them under his arm and then grabbed the beer. He doubted anyone would pass by since there was just an abandoned gas station across the street. He also didn't care.

He got inside, put some beers in the cooler with some ice and then went out to the porch and hung out. After a few beers he was starting to relax. He had been home about 45 minutes and was able to down four beers. That's when his phone went off. He was half expecting, and probably hoping, to see a text from Birch even though they agreed that there was to be no contact till Wednesday. If it had been Birch he would have weakened and told him to come over now, hard. His sore cunt could take Birch again.

He looked at it and it was a new client. 18 year old jock from the same high school he went to back in the day. Played football as well. He was actually the varsity quarterback. He had hurt himself and Josh's old friend and fuck buddy, Sean, who is a coach at the school now, recommended that he train with Josh for a while while he heals. He knew Josh would be able to treat the boy and ensure that he didn't injure himself more, given Josh's degree. He also knew that the boy, Lucas, had a wandering eye for man ass. The boy didn't know how to hide it very well. Thankfully his teammates were clueless. But Sean wasn't. He didn't tell Josh that part but he was sure they would get along fine and Josh would eventually figure it out.

Lucas was texting to ask if they could move up their appointment to this evening. He had a family thing to go to tomorrow and wouldn't make it. He had only worked with Lucas twice. Those sessions were just some light weight training and stretching to help him from stiffening up while he healed. Both times Josh was properly dressed. Decent work out shorts and a regular tee shirt. Bare feet though. For most of his clients he usually dresses with much tighter shorts and shirts with so little fabric left that he might as well be shirtless.

Josh answered the text back saying, "Sorry dude. Already had a few beers. Long day at work. Not sure I should train you after the beer. Besides, I stink." He was hoping that last part would convince the boy that he wasn't in the mood.

But Lucas text back, "I live in a locker room dude. We all stink. But I'm getting really stiff. You can drink beer and give a massage at least. Right?" After that Josh thought it was odd. He didn't remember telling Lucas about the massage services he offered. All he's offered him so far is stretching and light workouts and they do that in the garage/gym.

Little did Josh know that Coach Sean and Lucas were close. They shared their secrets. Even before Lucas was 18 he and Sean shared some intimate moments together. Sean got Lucas to even give up his ass as well as blow each other now and then. Sean told Lucas about Josh's massages and how they turned a bit sleazy at times.

Josh didn't text back right away. Wasn't sure what to do. He was naked, dirty and horny. And a bit buzzed. A hot young quarterback was texting him. A fairly new client. But he had to admit he wondered what the high school powerhouse was packing. And if he had a hairless pink hole like other teenagers he's been with. That made him more horny. But this client, as far as he knew, was on the up and up. He didn't want to hurt his reputation. He tried one more diversion. "I really didn't want to shower till the morning."

"I haven't showered yet either. Coach Sean says men should smell like men. I agree. No problem with me." Lucas answered. That's when Josh realized that Lucas and his old friend Sean were closer than they let on. It was true that Sean loved the smell of a ripe man. Probably why he went to coaching. He loved the locker room. Sean used to ask Josh that when he douched not to wash the rest of his body. He wanted to taste him after practice. Josh had a feeling he should do the same for Lucas. He wasn't sure but he wanted to be prepared.

"Ok, an hour then? And I'm still drinking beer. I was taking the night off from everything. I Need to unwind." Josh answered Lucas.

"Not a problem for me. Thank you Josh!" Lucas answered.

Josh got up and went to the kitchen for another beer. Then he went to the ensuite in the primary bedroom to douche. He was just going to clean his ass. If the boy wanted man-stink he was going to give it to him. The boy didn't know what he was in for.

After almost exactly 60 minutes the side door to the gym/garage chimed. It was the only door that Lucas had ever used. Josh went out to the back patio in just his shorts. His tight, well worn, obscene shorts. Then he spoke to Lucas to get his attention. "The massage studio is in here."

Lucas looked up and saw the man of his jack off fantasies wearing less than he's ever seen him wear. His tight old shorts left nothing to the imagination. He was shirtless and his feet were bare. He had a can of beer in his right hand. He looked a bit buzzed. It fueled Lucas' desires even more. "I, um, didn't know." The confident kid was nervous all of a sudden.

Josh led him in. The kid was wearing a tank top and mesh gym shorts with flip flops. Looked like he was commando underneath the way he was swinging. Obviously not here to weight train. But they did agree on just a massage. "No problem. Come on in." Josh said.

He led him to the studio and then said, "Strip off. The towels are over there. If you need to use the restroom it's through that door. I'm going to get another beer. Do you want water or anything?"

"Um, no thanks. I'll, um, get ready, I guess." Lucas was looking around the room. He saw a table with a variety of oils and an oil warmer. There were also a couple of different types of lube and a few bottles of poppers. Josh didn't even bother hiding the lube and the poppers. He wanted to see what was really up with this kid.

Josh just turned around and went to the kitchen. "Let me know when you're ready. If you want to stay in your underwear that's fine." Giving Lucas an option of modesty.

"Um, not wearing any." Was all Lucas said. Josh smirked as he walked down the hall.

Josh took his time in the kitchen, waiting for Lucas to call out. It wasn't long. "I'm ready!" Lucas said.

When Josh got to the bedroom he saw Lucas laying face down on the massage table. His towel was folded haphazardly and barely on his ass. The boy was either toying with him or he wanted to have sex. Josh wasn't going to say no if he was asked.

Josh prepared the oil in the warmer. And then he adjusted Lucas' towel so that it was covering about 80% of his crack. Just a thin strip of towel. "I'm good without the towel." Lucas said just before Josh grabbed the oil to begin.

"You sure?" Josh asked. Not really surprised. The kid was cocky and probably liked to show off. Just like Josh did.

"Yep, no worries. Why get oil on it if we don't have to." Lucas said casually. So Josh removed the towel and put it to the side while admiring the football stud's muscular ass and thighs. He didn't have the bubble butt that Josh had but he definitely had a man's ass. It took everything Josh had not to dive into it with his tongue.

Josh started the massage by dripping the warm oil onto Lucas' back. Then he slowly rubbed it in before dripping some more on. He paid special attention to the injured shoulder. Rubbing it more lightly than the other parts of Lucas. Then he worked his way down to Lucas' lower back. This time standing at Lucas' head. Lucas lifted his head and then his arms. He grabbed onto Josh's shorts waistband and pulled down. "No need for these either." Lucas said, exposing Josh's half hard cock.

"As the client wishes." Josh said without much concern. The kid was legal and he was hot. And he was obviously screwing around with Sean. After the shorts fell he stepped out of them while still rubbing down Lucas' torso.

Lucas watched the thick half hard cock swinging in front of him and longed for it. Josh was no longer being careful and his cock made contact with Lucas' head a few times. After a couple of minutes of this Lucas just opened his mouth and took the head of Josh's cock inside of it. "You sure about this kid?" Josh asked.

Lucas let go of Josh's cock for a moment and said, "Why do you think I'm really here? Coach Sean told me stuff after I told him I was turned on by you when we were in your gym. Told me how hot your hole was. And your cock."

"What did you think was going to happen?" Josh asked after stopping the massage completely and standing straight up.

"Well, I was hoping for everything." Lucas said.

"That's a long list, boy and I don't have many hang ups. Could be biting off more than you can chew. I'm pretty much a pig." Josh admitted. The boy made the first move so he was free to lay it all on the line. "How long has Sean been fucking you?"

"Plenty of times I've left the locker room with Coach Sean's cum up my ass. He started fucking me in my sophmore year. We've pissed on each other in the showers after everyone has left. I've eaten his ripe ass after he's worked out. Telling me you're a pig doesn't discourage me in the least. The coach said you like to get fucked. Do you fuck as well? I'd be happy either way." Josh was cocky about it all. Found his confidence again.

"Yeah I fuck. But I do like my hole to get worked on. That fucker took a chance with you. Asshole could get arrested. When's the last time that fucker fucked you?" Josh asked, thinking he might know the answer.

"Right before I text you. He had me so worked up. He came hard too. Deep inside me." Lucas said.

This drew an intense look from Josh. He moved to the other side of the table and then spread Lucas' cheeks. His hole had that just got fucked look. And it was hairless and pink like Josh imagined. While he was gazing at it Lucas raised his hips a bit and spread his legs as much as he could on the narrow table. Then he pushed out. Sean's cum started to drip out of his puffy pussy lips. Swollen pussy lips. That's what they looked like. But it was a man's pussy. The kind that Josh craved. "Fuck!" was all Josh said before he dove into the hole. It had been a while since he got to taste Sean's cum as it usually went deep in his own ass.

Josh ate Lucas out with determination. Looking for Sean's deposit. Wanting as much as he could get. His own cock was hard and aching. "Are you going to fuck me?" Lucas asked in a labored voice.

Josh pulled back and said, "You're going to fuck me first. I want your load in me as I unload into you."

"Yes sir. How late can I stay?" Lucas asked. Josh grinned thinking this boy was pushy. But he called his bluff.

"I leave for work at 6 am." Josh said thinking Lucas wouldn't dare stay all night.

"Can I shower before I go to school?" Lucas said, surprising Josh. "I usually leave at 6 myself."

"As long as you go to school with my load in you and show it to Sean." Josh said.

"I was hoping to get another one before I left in the morning anyway." Lucas said as he pushed his ass back a bit indicating he wanted more tongue. Josh was happy to oblige.

Lucas did spend the night and left three loads in Josh's ass. Josh gave him one as promised the night before and then one just before the boy left for school. Basically just before he left the house. After Lucas took a shower. He wanted the boy soiled before he left.

Josh took his time leaving himself. Wanted to stay as naked as possible for as long as possible. He was feeling slutty and liked it. He forewent a shower and then at the last second put on his jeans, socks and boots. Never fastening his jeans. He grabbed his shirt and headed out to the van. Hoping his open jeans would slide down and expose him more. He was horny as shit after having that boy. He knew he was a sick fuck but couldn't help it. And through it all he was still wondering what Birch was up to. He was amazed at how taken with the man he was. He really ached for the fucker.

Josh got through Tuesday and spent a quiet evening at home. He even refused a couple of clients. He needed to recharge. On Wednesday, all he could think about was when Birch was going to contact him. He felt like a school girl even though he was supposed to be the alpha. He was wondering how he could keep that up with Birch. For the first time he wanted to be naked kneeling in front of another man.

He knew he told Birch that they shouldn't have contact till they were both home from work. But it was driving him crazy. He wanted his man inside of him. 'His man.' Josh chuckled to himself. 'When the hell did I ever give a man that title before?' But he knew that is was what he wanted. Birch was just as fucked up as he was. The possibilities expanded in his head. Birch told him while they were fucking that he wanted to share a muscle twink with Josh. The two of them take turns on the boy. Josh wondered if Lucas could fill that fantasy or if Birch already had someone in mind. Maybe his boy. He was what? Birch said 16. Josh's own boy was 13. Maybe Birch wanted to see the boys together. The thought just made him hornier for Birch. 'God I'm fucked up' Josh thought.

Wednesday, after Josh pulled into his driveway, he grabbed his shirt from the passenger seat and got out and went through the gate. He didn't want to see Birch's driveway because he would be sad if the man wasn't home yet. He wanted to wait.

As soon as he closed his gate he took off his boots, pulled off his socks and let his jeans fall. Then he unlocked the garage side door and went in. He wanted a quick swole and was also hoping to enhance his already rank scent. He put on some dim lights in the hot garage and then put on some house music. The type of music they play in the baths. Then he started to pump up his chest and arms. After about 30 mins of that he did some squats. He was sweating like a pig when he was done.

He left the garage after turning everything off and locked it. Then he picked up his discarded clothes and went to the house. He kept the house at 82 degrees during the day. Only lowering it to 72 at night. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer and sucked half of it down as soon as it was opened. When he finished he grabbed another one. When he did he took inventory of his stock. He should have stopped for some more. Especially if Birch was coming over.

He went to his ensuite and took care of a good bottom's business. He took his time and made sure he was ready. Everytime he inserted the nozzle he pictured Birch taking him. He only cleaned his hole. He was feeling especially sleazy today.

Just as he finished the doorbell went off. He smirked, knowing it was Birch. He hoped so anyway. He took the chance and didn't bother with shorts as he went to the door. He didn't even check his app. He just walked to the door naked. He opened it slowly just in case it wasn't Birch. But when he saw the hunk standing there in just some rowing shorts that were too small for the hunk and well worn in the front, he opened the door fully. Birch had a 30-pack with him much to Josh's relief. The two of them wouldn't have lasted long on his inventory.

"I should take my bitch out in public dressed like that. Others would be jealous." Josh said with a grin.

Birch smirked at Josh. But fell into their role play quickly. Birch was fine playing the sub for a while. But he knew he would have Josh just the way he wanted him soon. "Thank you, sir. If you wished for me to walk down the street like this I would be happy to. Just let me know." Birch bowed his head for a moment. He was happy Josh still wanted him though. Calling him his bitch meant he was Josh's. He hoped so anyway. Because Josh was certainly going to be his. "Can I come in?"

"You don't ever have to ask that again. You know I want you here so that means you should come in. Are you second guessing my needs?" Josh asked with a bit of a nervous chuckle. He was trying to be the alpha but his hole was throbbing for the bigger man. Who was he kidding? He would do whatever Birch wanted him to do.

"Thank you, sir. It won't happen again. I will put the beer in the fridge and take care of your needs, sir." Birch pushed by Josh. Actually brushing his sweaty body up against Josh's to push him out of the way, playfully. His confidence was never in question but he wanted to show respect to Josh. Keeping him guessing. Now he was a bit horned up. He knew he would soon be taking what was his.

"Don't go any further with those shorts on." Josh said. "I may have you walk down the street naked as a lesson. Show you off properly."

Birch stopped and put down the beer. He bent over completely at the waist as he pushed his tight shorts down over his thick thighs. When he got them down to his ankles he stayed bent over as he removed them from his feet. Then he spread his legs giving Josh a good look at his own hole. He was a top, a versitle top, but hoped Josh would fuck him again sometime. Then he straightened up and pulled his feet together before he picked the case of beer off the floor. "As you wish," Then he continued on to the kitchen.

Josh watched the thick ass and thighs walking away from him. It made his ass throb for the man. But he definitely wanted to eat that ass again. Birch ticked off most of his boxes. He never thought he would find a package quite like Birch. And he was living right next door to him all the time.

Josh followed him into the kitchen and Birch had a fresh beer waiting for him. "Outside," was all Josh said as he went through the sliding glass door onto the porch. Birch followed without any questions.

When Birch looked around he saw lube and poppers already out on the patio table. Josh turned to face him and took him in his arms. He looked up at the beast that was now his man, he hoped anyway, and said, "Let's get the first fuck out of the way. I'm thinking I was dumb demanding a break. Even if it was just a couple of days."

"I was going to call you a few times, Josh. But you said..." Birch said quietly. Then Josh put his hand up to stop Birch from talking.

Josh pulled away and went to the side table and picked up some lube. He poured lube over his own three middle fingers on his right hand. He put the bottle down and bent over slightly as he put his right foot up on a deck chair. Then he shoved all three fingers into his own cunt while his ass faced Birch. Giving him a show. He then picked up a bottle of poppers and screwed the lid off with one hand. The lid fell to the patio floor. He sucked the vile vapors into his nostrils and then his mouth. Getting as quick of a high as he could. Birch became hard as a brick as he watched. Josh knew how to be masculine and slutty all at the same time. Birch felt like he won the jackpot.

"Shove it in me now. Talk later." Josh said.

Birch walked up to him and laid his hard cock in Josh's crack pulling back and forth so the head traveled the whole length of the ass crack. Then he pulled back a bit more letting his cock head fall right to Josh's beautiful hole. One of the most fuckable holes he's ever seen. He pressed in a bit and Josh's pussy muscles worked hard trying to suck him in. Once the head popped in, the rest was easy. He just slid all the way into Josh with one push. Josh didn't even show any pain. He moaned and whimpered a bit but he didn't give evidence of pain.

"Fucking breed me fucker. I need your fucking nut." Josh said. For some reason he really needed Birch to breed him at that moment, above all others.

But Birch all of a sudden had a strange feeling, "Who else fucked you?"

Josh was surprised. He hadn't told Birch anything. Nothing since Sunday. "Does it matter?" He asked as he grunted from the assault. Birch was fucking him harder after he asked.

"Only if you lie to me," Birch stopped fucking and took his right hand and put his fingers next to his cock. He felt the point where his cock was entering Josh. He pushed his middle finger in just a bit. It felt so fucking hot. He pushed more of the tip of his hand in. The middle finger was in about an inch as his ring finger penetrated the hole. Then he started to slowly move his cock in and out. His fingers go further in with every push.

"Oh fuck, what are you doing?" Josh asked, his hole throbbing to the new intrusion. He wasn't sure if he liked it.

"Who fucked you?" Birch asked again while sticking his hand further in. He rotated his hand on his own cock. Going around his cock to open Josh up more. Josh had been fucked and he had been fisted. But never both. He knew he was going to find out what it was like real soon. Josh also felt the tables turning. Birch was becoming the dom. He wasn't sure how he felt about it.

"Just a client. Why?" Josh was concentrating on the fuck. He was breathing heavily and starting to feel some pain. But the pain wasn't bad. He was curious where this would go. Could he adjust to Birch being dominant sometimes? Most of the time?

"Do all your clients fuck you?" Birch asked as he felt around the tight hole. Stretching it to its limits.

"Just the ones I want. Is that going to be a problem?" Josh asked. He really wanted Birch but wasn't going to give up being a slut. He liked variety.

Birch loved having his hand around his own cock inside a hole. Especially a hot hole like Josh's. He was trying to maintain and not push the man too far. He wanted Josh. Badly. Emotionally and physically. "Sorry, just a bit jealous, sir. Not sure I want to share just yet. I will though. Anything you want." Birch said. Not sure if he meant it. He wanted to possess Josh.

"Nothing to be jealous of. You got me. Can't believe I'm saying it, but you got me. What the fuck are you doing to me? Fucking hurts but so good." Josh said, pushing back into Birch's hand and cock more. He felt himself open up more than he's ever been open before. "You fucking are making me crazy. Fucker."

"Should I stop?" Birch said with a grin. He knew the answer.

"Fuck no! But I hope you brought some weed. I'm going to need it after this." Josh said, "Fucking making me your whore? Is that what you want?"

"Is that what you want? To be my whore? I'll do it anyway you want it. I just want you. And, yeah, I want to share you. Pass you around. Have your cunt dripping with another male's cum and piss. You need to be fucked." Birch said as he was able to wrap two fingers around his own cock and started to fuck harder. "Will you be my whore, sir?" He added the sir even though he knew they were beyond that now.

"Oh fuck! Fuck yes. Fuck me. Fuck! God that hurts. God damnit, I'll be anything you want." Josh yelled out. "Just breed me. Make me fucking yours!" The whole scene clicked for Josh now. He usually craves different and this was different. He's had two cocks inside him before but never a partial hand and a cock.

Birch did come. He came hard. Then he removed his hand and held Josh as close as he could so his cock was deep as it could be while he unloaded. He stayed in till he went slightly soft. Holding Josh tight against his own sweaty and hot body. He loved the way their scents of sweat and sex surrounded them.

Birch reached both arms around Josh and hugged him even tighter. The dynamics had changed. Josh was his.

"That calls for another beer!" Josh said as he enjoyed Birch's embrace. Birch's almost hard cock still inside of him. He wasn't sure he wanted it out yet.

Birch caressed Josh's back, going from his shoulders to the top of his ass. Then caressed his chest, stomach and thighs. Feeling him all over. Admiring how his cock still looked embedded inside of Josh. "My boy is coming to live with me." He said out of the blue. It made Josh look back at him. Sweat was beaded around Josh's face. He looked well fucked and Birch was proud to have been the one to bring on that look.

"Your boy? Another man?" Josh asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"No, dumb ass. You are my man. I meant my son." Birch chuckled. He did enjoy having this conversation while they were still connected though. He had barely gone soft. But he felt Josh's ass twitch when he said it was his son. It pleased him.

"What's that going to mean for us?" Josh asked, his voice faltered, his confidence momentarily displaced. He just found Birch and wasn't ready to give him up yet. If ever. But Birch felt Josh's ass muscles work around his cock. He grinned. It made his cock harden. Almost back to being fully hard inside the man. Josh was as much of a pervert as he was. He knew it from the start.

"Well, I'm still going to fuck you, and..." Birch thrust into Josh as he said it, "...once in a while I hope you fuck me." Then he pulled almost all the way out and shoved himself right back in. Josh let out a small shudder. Almost a tiny scream. "I doubt I'm going to get enough of your ass though. I may take it wherever you're standing. Keep you naked around the house."

"Won't he wonder about the two of us?" Josh asked. He was getting more turned on. He couldn't hide it.

"You still want me to fuck you in front of him? Like you asked last weekend? That turn you on, baby?" Birch asked as he escalated his assault.

"Oh fuck....", was all Josh could get out. Birch got his answer. The whore would like nothing more than to be used in front of Birch's boy. Birch had some surprises for Josh.

The second fuck didn't last as long but Birch was able to breed Josh again. Once they sat down at the patio table Birch lit up a joint and Josh refreshed their beers. Once they finished the joint Birch pulled Josh's chair so that the man was facing him. Then he put Josh's feet up on his own arm rests, spreading Josh open. He pulled Josh down to where his ass was right on the edge of his chair. Then he started playing with Josh's hole. By the time he had three fingers inside of Josh he said, "I love keeping this hole sloppy. It's one of the most beautiful cunts I've ever seen. It looks even better swollen and used. I'm going to keep it that way."

Josh whimpered a bit. He thought, 'What is happening to me? I'm totally under this guy's spell.' But he didn't say anything. He just enjoyed Birch's attention.

"I want to sleep with you every night. Starting tonight." Birch said. Then he added, "I'll let you have your fun with your clients, and I'll stay out of the way, but I want your hole after they've had it."

Josh was becoming hard again, "Ok," he said like he was in a trance. But that simple word just indicated that he agreed to what Birch was saying.

"We'll stay here. Your house is more furnished than mine. Eventually, I'll let my lease run out. I'll just live here." Birch said. "But I'll keep the house for a while. Just in case."

Josh's ass muscles were working around Birch's fingers. Sucking them in. And still all he said was, "Ok", but then Josh had a moment of clarity, "Your son?"

"I guess he needs his own room. Is there one? Here?" Birch said as he pushed his fingers in deeper. He had his four fingers spreading Josh's ass now. All that was left was his thumb. Josh was getting worked better than he had for a while.

"Yes, his own room...." Josh said. He was agreeing to everything but he knew he had to move things around. The primary was his, and now Birch's, and one guest room was his massage studio, and the other room had a bed but was loaded with crap. He would have to clean it out. Would Birch still let him give massages? 'What is happening to me?'

"He'll be here Saturday. Can we make it happen before then?" Birch asked as he rotated his hand inside of Josh. His thumb is now tracing the outside of Josh's hole. Threatening to go inside. Josh wondered if he could take it all. He had before. Someone else's. Their hands weren't as big as Birch's though.

Josh reached for the poppers. He was thankful they were close, was thankful he was stoned and and thankful he was a bit buzzed from the beer but he needed more. He snorted the poppers through each nostril and then huffed the vapors into his mouth as well. Then his nostrils again. Once the vapors did their job he whimpered, then moaned, then said, "Yeah, we can make it work..."

"Can't wait to have him catch us fucking," Birch said. Knowing what it would do to Josh. Josh was not quite as twisted as Birch was, but he was close.

"Oh god," Josh let out, the teenager catching them would be so hot. Josh wondered what his own son would do. "What's his name?" Josh couldn't remember if they had discussed their son's names.

"Bo," Birch said. (Reader - Bo is based on Mike Pucillo's image. Some really hot eye candy to picture as the story continues). Birch didn't tell him more than that. But Birch knew Josh would get wet at the sight of his boy. Soon to be seventeen Bo looked like a man. And fucked like one too. When daddy wasn't fucking him.

"Bo?" Josh whimpered, "Oh fuck, Bo?" Josh liked the name. Simple and masculine. Wondered if he was like his father.

"Yeah, he told my ex to fuck off. Rather live with me his senior year. Doesn't care that he has to transfer school's. She didn't put up a fight. She knew it wouldn't do any good. Fucking cunt is a drinker. Wakes up to a new trashy man every morning. Sometimes Bo has to step over them as they don't always make it to the bedroom. You and I are a step up." Birch explained. "He's seen her get fucked more than once in his lifetime. She was stepping out on me before I was locked up. I fucked some of her left overs sometimes. She watched. So did Bo."

"Oh fuck." Josh said as his eyes rolled in the back of his head. He was on perv overload. Fucking Birch was the right guy for him.

Then Birch all of a sudden pulled his hand out and picked Josh up and threw him over the table. He put his cock to Josh's hole and slid in aggressively. "You going to be a good step-daddy for my son? Take care of him?"

"Oh fuck, fuck yes. Fuck! Fuck me...." Josh moaned out. He was becoming delirious again. He's been fucked a lot in his young life but has never been fucked like Birch fucks him.

Birch shot deep into Josh, again, and pulled out as the smaller man was left panting on the table. Birch kicked Josh's legs open wider so he could see the damage he did before sitting back down. "That pretty cunt is mine." Was all he said.

"Yes, sir." Was all Josh got out.

They spent the rest of the week together. When Josh got home Friday evening he had everything off except his jeans as usual. When he went through the gate next to the garage he slipped off his jeans too. It was time for a beer. He had a few minutes before Birch would be home. 'Birch would be home?', he thought. 'What is wrong with me? I've moved him in. But who am I kidding. He's the best sex I've ever had. I can't get enough.' He snickered to himself as he rolled up his jeans and continued up to the house.

He got into the kitchen and put his rolled up clothes on the counter and his boots on the floor. He would deal with them later. Thankfully they had loaded the fridge with beer the night before. He grabbed a beer and leaned his butt up against the counter as he emptied half the can into his dry mouth. Just as he lowered his can a ridiculously hot and muscular teenager stood in front of him with nothing but a jock on. The boy was strapping and had the body of a man but still a teens face. Although there were signs of a five o'clock shadow. The only way Josh thought of to describe him was manchild. His face was powerful rather than handsome. His chest had a light carpet of dark hair. His stomach was flat like most teenage jocks. From what he could see of his ass it was round and muscular. The kid was a walking wet dream for the right perv.

Then, out of the kids mouth, came the deepest, sexiest voice he ever heard from a teenager, "Dad sure knows how to pick them. I'm Bo."

Part Three? Some other stories of mine:

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Next: Chapter 3

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