Josh & Birch

By Jake Stone

Published on Feb 14, 2023


Please do me the honor of reading my other stories under the Prolific Author Directory @ Nifty.

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All my stories are pure fiction from my twisted mind. I use real places and try to use historical facts but with made up people. The situations are fantasies. Nothing more. Stay legal and always ensure you have consent.

Live life how you wish on your own terms and do not judge others. Life is too short.

Introduction:: This story finds us in Las Vegas. Las Vegas means "The meadows" in Spanish. Named in 1829 by a Spaniard named Rafael Rivera. The valley had several artesian wells surrounded by greenery at the time. Long before the wells were sucked dry by a larger population it looked like a desert paradise.

The settlement of Las Vegas was founded in 1905 after the opening of a railroad that linked Los Angeles and Salt Lake City, the settlement attracted mostly farmers at first. It was incorporated as a town in 1911 as part of Clark County. It didn't really take off until the building of the Boulder Dam (Later renamed the Hoover Dam) in 1931. The mafia then helped build theaters and casinos to keep the influx of young men that worked on the dam entertained. Gambling was also legalized in the local area in 1931.

The city has always had a history of attracting young ambitious masculine men. Even today. Whether they lived there before and have been lured back or they are new to the area.

Introduction to Josh - Chapter One, Part One

As he pulled his nondescript white work van up to his aged post-war home, onto the cracked concrete driveway, in an unassuming blue collar neighborhood, he let out a deep sigh. The house was on a corner lot. The driveway to the side off the other street than the one his house faced. Across the street to the front were more homes. But across the street to the side with the driveway was an empty lot. Where a gas station used to stand. Just the foundation and deteriorating concrete pads were left now. Then there was one home to his home's opposite side and behind his house was a row of businesses. More industrial than retail. Auto shops, construction supply, and more. Busy during the day and deserted at night. The neighborhood looked like it could be rough but it was actually quite with the houses full of either single blue collar types or families buying their first home. Besides looking run down nothing really shady ever happened.

The day had been long and Monday would come way too soon. He was so happy it was Friday. But it was also 98 fucking degrees out. It's times like these that he was happy that he lived alone. He could let the stress of the day drain away as he sat naked in his easy chair watching mindless TV doing the 12 oz curls. Usually he would go to the gym every other day, when he wasn't using his own home gym, and today should have been that day. But with the heat, and the work he had done while being outside, he was going to give himself the day off.

He preferred to have the windows of the van rolled down on days he had to work in the heat. When he gets to work inside in an air conditioned building he will have the windows in the van rolled up and the air conditioner blasting. But today he worked outside and in a small room that was not hooked up to the HVAC. Thus, the open windows and the hot air swirling around inside the van felt good. He had unbuttoned his shirt completely before he got into the van at the job site, letting the hot breeze caress his hairless muscular tanned chest. His nipples were hard from the heat and the wind grazing over them. The smell from his sweaty and rank pits surrounded him. He enjoyed his own scent. The true scent of men made his cunt tingle with anticipation. He did little to keep the natural scent of his body at bay besides Ivory soap and water. He preferred it that way.

Working on the commercial side, rather than the residential side, of construction he rarely had to worry about his appearance. It was mostly men at the job sites so the likelihood of him offending anyone was slim. It wasn't that long ago that guys in construction worked without a shirt on. He longed for those days. But, due to OSHA, it was hard to find a job that you could be that free at anymore.

He always wore his uniform shirt a size too small though. He liked the way his ample biceps filled the short sleeves that he usually wore rolled up and how the top of the shirt spread open, as he left the upper three or four buttons undone, showing off the top of his smooth rounded pecs. The smaller sized shirt usually rode up and clung to his torso often exposing the waistband of his pants. He rarely wore a belt, intentionally experiencing plumber's crack, in the stretchy material of his work pants, as that fueled his exhibitionism. His large muscular ass always pushed the waist of the pants out even when fully pulled up. And he knew he had a nice ass. He also knew that co-workers couldn't help but admire it. Straight or not. There were a few detractors but given his size and dark menacing looks, no one gave him shit.

But his tight dark blue stretch work pants and service shirt were soaked with sweat today. Leaving him with little patience, wanting to get them off completely. As an exhibitionist he already lived on the edge of decency. Showing swaths of skin here and there. His thick body usually tests the strength of the seams of his clothes. The pits of his shirt are usually dark with the damp excretions of his body. But he had one errand before he lost the shirt completely.

Between work and home he had stopped at an AM/PM for a 30-pack. Natty Ice was cheap and effective. He still left his shirt undone while he went into the store. Noticing a few stares now and then from men and women as his movement let the flaps of the shirt flow back exposing most of the front of his torso. His cum gutters dive into the wide waist of his low riding pants. The waist was almost at the top of his trimmed pubes. Tempting onlookers to want to trace their hand on them as they plunged to his pelvis. He also caught a couple of people looking down at his package. His thick cock and balls hanging to the right. He wasn't huge but he was definitely a shower. The damp pants clinging to him and showing him off in even a more R rated form. He was a loner but enjoyed people's reaction to him whenever he was showing off. He worked hard for his body. He had for over fifteen years. This was one of his rewards. The small glances of appreciation from eyes that lingered on whatever part of his body he was showing off. He had been like this since puberty. Craving the glances.

While in line he noticed that Powerball fever had overtaken everyone in front of him. When it was his turn, and while he put his beer on the counter to be rung up, he said, "Give me $20 bucks worth of Powerball too, please." He didn't usually play but figured what the hell. Maybe he'd win enough to pay for the beer and the ticket. The young man behind the counter was just as taken with him as the rest of the customers were. He handed him the Powerball ticket for Saturday's drawing with a shaking hand. Josh smiled and winked at the dude before he turned around to take his leave. He wondered what the boy might be packing. Then he headed out the door and back to the van.

After he left the store and secured the beer in the van he let his shirt fall off his shoulders. Leaving just his pants on, as they struggled to stay above his ass. The stretchy material always seemed to shimmy down his hips. Most of the time he made the effort to pull them back up. Most of the time. In any event he was sure that two inches of crack were exposed before he climbed into the van. There were a few blue collar types around the AM/PM that he wouldn't mind sharing his ass with that day but there were none that seemed approachable.

Now in his driveway, with the van turned off, he grabbed his 30-pack of beer, shirt and the Powerball ticket. He locked the van up and went to the front of the house and headed inside going through the front door. He opened the door to a dark and dismal living room. It hadn't been updated since before he was born it seemed. Dirty sculptured carpet, closed rotted drapes and a sectional from the fifties. The carpet was well worn from the front door to where the linoleum begins in the kitchen. You could even see the padding underneath in some spots. The house had the smell of abandonment. The only new item in the living room was the 75" LED TV. Used mostly for sports and porn. His next project would be to strip this room down to nothing.

He toed off his boots at the door, hung his shirt on a hook and then headed to the kitchen. The beer went into the fridge, but he took one out first, and then the Powerball ticket was pinned to the bulletin board next to the back door. He would forget about it like he always does and then check the numbers probably a month later. He only bought the ticket because the Powerball was up to 472 million and there was a line of people in front of him at the counter trying their luck. He momentarily caught the fever.

He grabbed the beer and headed to the bedroom. His childhood room. Found his favorite shorts, that probably hadn't been washed in months, and set them aside. He took everything off, which wasn't much. Besides the boots and shirt he had left at the front door he just had on sweat socks and his blue work pants. He never wore underwear unless it was a jock. And he rarely wore that. He spread his legs a bit and raked his fingers across his used cunt. Two loads in that morning. Both from regulars from the job site. One of them a black iron worker that waited till they were alone at lunch. The other is the foreman of the job. In the trailer before the shift started. He got there at 6:30, before anyone else arrived, just for the married man's seed. Then he grabbed the shorts, once he was nude, and headed back to the kitchen.

The shorts were from his glory days on the high school football team. They were tight and worn but they were the most comfortable piece of clothing he owned. Might be indecent to wear in public but he's done it before not giving a god damn who saw him. This was Vegas after all. When he did put them on the soft fabric hugged his large muscular ass and went up his crack and his ample cock was on such a display that you could see his religion.

Before he left the bedroom he was tempted to shove a butt plug up his ass and leave it in for the night. Hoping that it might satisfy the itch he had had all day in the heat after lunch. The iron worker left him wanting more. His cock was a weapon. But he decided against it. He might just call it an early night instead. If he started now he just knew he would be trying to find dick later. Better to just rest.

He then went to the kitchen and put a second and third beer into koozie cups and then went to the covered back patio. Keeping the shorts in his right hand. One of the best things about this house was the back patio. It was large, covered from the heat of the sun and it was perfectly private. Not that he would have to worry much about behind him or the street side. Besides the high cinder block walls around the perimeter of the yard there was a desert hedge of Japanese privet. At least ten to twelve feet high and surrounding the interior of the wall. The yard itself was just barren dirt and sand. Nothing left to mow. He's fantasized about building a tropical garden out here. Someplace men would like to fuck outdoors. But it was a lot of work and money.

There were two gates in the backyard. One was a gate on that side wall that led into the backyard from the driveway side of the yard. The other was next to his only neighbor's gate on the other side. Beyond the first gate was a door to the garage. The two car garage was converted to a gym a few years before. A nice gym. The overhang garage doors themselves were sealed shut. No regular windows, not even in the side door. But there were two high transient type windows for ventilation that could be open from the inside. He had installed good lighting on dimmers and there was a good sound system in there. He had insulated it and put in a portable air conditioner. Besides being a plumber during the day, he also worked from home as a personal trainer and masseuse. He was able to control the HVAC with his phone so that he could cool it off before even going in there. Some clients preferred the heat sometimes too though. Just open the transients and keep the side door open. He usually worked out in minimal clothing anyways. If any at all.

The heat was still in the low 90's but given his lack of attire he was comfortable. He sat back and started to unwind in his favorite lawn chair. The girth of his body sent the chair squeaking and moaning as he settled in. It too had seen better days but it was still comfortable and sturdy. He put the shorts and the beers on the table next to him. He rubbed his bare feet on the cool concrete of the patio. After being cooped up in his boots all day his sweaty feet relished the hard cool surface.

As he drank his beer with his left hand his right hand found its way to his crotch. He played with his cock and balls a bit. Once his cock became a bit swollen from the blood gathering in it he slipped his hand down further and lightly played with his sweaty, puffy hole with just his middle finger. He loved his thick cock and balls but his hole was his favorite. Especially when it was loaded. It was still hairless at the age of 29 and it was surrounded by muscular half globes. His pink cunt was popular and he was glad. He loved getting it worked. He liked to fuck but preferred to get fucked, sometimes while he was fucking. His hole felt left out otherwise.

Josh Nolan is 5' 10" and around 185 to 190 pounds of mostly muscle. His black Irish roots lend itself to almost black straight hair, worn parted in the middle and long enough to put behind his ears, thick 5 o'clock shadow, even when he shaves, dark features, but with intense green eyes. (Reader:: Inspiration for Josh is James Lock from the UK, look up his plumber picture. I saw that picture and started writing 'Josh & Birch'.). At 29 he is still very fit with just a bit of a cushion around the middle that only he knows is there. No one else sees it.

Josh has always been single but pays child support for his son Braden. The same old story, a football player in high school gets the new cheerleader pregnant when they were 15. Baby born when they were sixteen. Cheerleader transfers schools afterwards. Josh's parents paid support until Josh graduated from college and the cheerleader's parents raised the boy. Josh took over payments. Josh has seen pictures of the boy growing up and met him once. It wasn't that he didn't want to see him more, but he thought that maybe the kid was better off without him. Braden had a normal family. Cheerleader has since married and has two more children. They live in San Diego. The only thing is that Braden looked more like Josh than the rest of his family. It did make him ache for the boy at times.

The house he is in now was his parents', the house he grew up in, along with all the furnishings, he inherited when they died. And they died young. A year after Josh graduated from college when Josh was 24. They were in their forties when they died in a car accident. It had been on a road trip to San Diego to see Braden. They had met him several times. On the way back from San Diego they were going to spend some time in Palm Springs and check out some golf courses. His dad fell asleep while driving in the mountains in the dark. From what he was told neither one of them were awake. He just hoped they died without pain.

Braden's mother brought him to the funeral where Josh finally got to meet him. Josh and his ex were cordial and he thanked her for bringing Braden. She said that Josh's parents were always generous and Braden was very attached to them. She wouldn't think about keeping him away. Josh and the boy spoke only for a few minutes but that small amount of time carved out a space in his heart for Braden. He told the 9 year old that he was here for him if he ever needed anything. And he apologized for the lack of contact throughout the years. Braden found Josh more sincere than he expected and actually hated to leave him. He longed to get to know his dad. But given the distance, and the fact he couldn't drive yet, it would be near impossible to see him again. His mother was doing him a big favor just being here today. But even at such a young age he knew he wanted to know his dad.

A couple of years after his parents death he turned their bedroom into a massage studio. It felt more comfortable than actually moving into it. He had stripped it of everything, even trim, and painted the walls black. He replaced the trim around the doors and windows with metal outside corners. The floor was stripped down to the concrete surface and painted. Blackout curtains and well placed mood lighting changed the atmosphere. A large rug placed under the massage table. A changing area and a renovated bathroom completed the space. He made it as simple and modern as he could. The opposite of the rest of the house. He put all his money and time into the gym and the massage studio. He would tackle the rest of the house as he had time and money.

His parents weren't wealthy or even comfortable. They scratched by living paycheck to paycheck. They both had some small life insurance policies. Enough to pay for the funerals and to get Josh back to Vegas. Otherwise there wasn't much more than the paid off house and their cars. He kept his dad's truck but sold his mother's car.

When he was in high school his parents were both proud and relieved when an athletic scholarship came through for Josh for college. Because there was no way they could have afforded any sort of college for their boy. Therefore Josh always carried the guilt that his parents had to pay child support for Braden every month until they died. It was money they didn't have. But neither did he.

His dad, Patrick, was a carpenter. His mother, Sarah, was a nurse at Sunrise Hospital. She worked long and erratic hours. Usually second or third shift. This left him and his dad alone plenty of times. His dad made sure Josh made every football practice and he, himself attended every game while Josh was in High School. His mother attended about two games a year when her schedule allowed. They also sent Braden presents and cash when they could. But once Josh was in college they could not afford to travel to the games. But his dad did drive from Vegas to Texas a couple of times to surprise him.

Josh's mom usually worked 6 Ten hour shirts or 5 twelve hour shifts. Giving her little time to be around. Needless to say Josh and his dad grew used to a casual all boy household early on when she wasn't around. Patrick preferred to freeball in a pair of overalls for work. Usually just wearing an old tee shirt, boots and sweat socks to complete the outfit. Josh learned early on that he didn't have to wear underwear. Especially around his dad. He mimicked Patrick's masculine scent, preferring to be natural. Neither of the Nolan men wore deodorants or colognes.

The loss of his dad was the most painful. His mother was so much out of the picture most of the time they never grew very close. But Josh and his dad were thick as thieves. He lost part of his heart the day his dad died. He mourned for his mother. For her he was just sad. But for his dad he ached. Every now and then, like now, on the back patio, he let himself go back and relive special times he and his dad had before he went off to college.

Back then, after work, Patrick would trade his overalls and tee shirt in for a loose pair of gym shorts. Living in Las Vegas it was typical for blue collar guys to wear as little at home as possible. Josh obviously still practices that. Patrick had a good body with a sprinkling of hair on his chest and a thick treasure trail disappearing into his waistband. From the time Josh was 5 or so he dressed just like his dad. Usually hanging out at the house in just shorts. Only in the dead of winter did they change their habits. Then it was usually sweat pants with an open shirt. But winters in Vegas were never brutal. Even in January the average temperature is around 60 degrees.

As Josh grew older he appreciated his dad more and more. His dad was an athlete in high school. His sport was baseball for the most part. He dabbled in others but baseball was his mainstay. Patrick was 5'11" and less than 185 pounds. After high school he did a four year stint in the army. Then became an apprentice in the Carpenter's Union.

After work, and after he changed into shorts, Patrick would do a few chores and then settle in on the couch to watch the tube. Usually, when Josh was younger, he was with him from the time he came in the door till he went to bed. On the couch with his dad Josh would often fall asleep against his dad's warm skin. Patrick would just pick him up and put him to bed and then go to bed himself. In the morning, while he was getting ready for work, Sarah would come home from work and take over. Then, after she showed Josh off to school, she would go to bed and sleep till he got home. Once home they would wait for Patrick to eat and then she would be off to work again herself. The cycle never ended.

Josh was also in the closet in high school. Big time. He just made the football team and didn't want to lose what he had gained socially at the school in such a short time. He loved sport, always had, but he knew he loved boys and men just as much. He threw himself into working out. He wasn't a virgin, not since puberty. But he was able to buy a dildo online when he was 16 and practiced with it. He loved the object shoved up his ass. He knew it wasn't condoned in society but he wanted men to always play with his jock pussy. He saw that in porn on the net and was craving it all the time. Gang bangs. But, besides a few circle jerks with his friends and some heavy petting with girls he wasn't like the other boys.

But Josh also loved being all boy. He loved sports and the comradery with other guys. He wanted to do all things masculine. He worked out and played hard. His best buddy on the team, Sean, Sean and Josh secretly played with each other. Sean was fucking Josh by their senior year. Josh misses it. But Sean still lived in the area. He's now a coach on their old high school football team. And he teaches some too. Sean's been over a few times since Josh has been back.

At the time his parents died he had been in San Antonio working as an apprentice for a plumber. He had gone to Austin on a football scholarship to be a Longhorn. His football career started at Silverado High School, along with Sean, on the south side of the Las Vegas metro. His position was usually tight end. And he was good. Good enough that the NFL was scouting him out in his junior year of college. But he was happy to leave football after college and turned down any requests. He wanted to enjoy his healthy body. He knew what the NFL did to your body. His parents were disappointed but took it in stride. Academically he was not as proficient as he was on the field. He made it through high school by the skin of his teeth, barely having the minimum requirements for Austin. But he made it. 3.0 on the dot. He didn't do much better in college but ended up with a degree Athletic Training/Trainer with a minor in Health.

That sort of degree wasn't going to pay the bills right away. He enrolled in the plumbers program right after college and was mentored by a guy named Hank. He and Hank worked together until Josh had to go back to Vegas a year later and bury his parents. He found that he enjoyed the job and that he could be himself, mostly.

After everything was settled he decided to stay in Vegas. The house was his and paid for and with so much construction in the valley he was able to usually get work with no issues. But to supplement his income, and to expand his social life, he first took a part time job as a trainer at the gym he was going to. That led to one on one sessions with a couple of clients. Then, as his reputation grew he decided to quit the gym and make the money on his own. That's when he converted the garage and the primary bedroom.

His massage clients were only clients that he trained. That way he didn't have to turn away men that he wasn't attracted to. Only his clients knew he also did massages on the side. And they were more than happy to add that onto their package. This unassuming house was their private getaway.

Josh charged for two things, weight training and massages. After that he gave his body for free. While training certain guys all he could think about was how their cock was going to feel inside of him later. And most of his clients knew that if they wanted that part of the session there wouldn't be any resistance.

Josh & Birch - Chapter One, Part Two -

His thoughts were interrupted by the door bell. He looked at the camera app on his phone. His new neighbor, his only close neighbor, was standing at the door with what looked like a case of beer. Natty Ice.

His neighbor, Birch, moved in a couple months ago. They have talked on the driveway a few times but nothing more than that. The dude was really nice and humble even though he was a walking wet dream. Birch was a divorced dad. He worked as a mechanic in a small shop right behind their houses. He walked to work. That's basically all Josh knew about him besides that he was a bit older than Josh and used to play rugby back in the southeast. And he was also hot as fuck for a straight daddy. He excreted sexuality. Seemed to be just as much of a show off as Josh himself. Josh was totally into the dude but figured he was just another lost straight guy on his own for the first time in a while. He was even reluctant to become friends with the dude.

Birch's 6' 1" frame was standing at the door, away from the camera far enough so that Josh could see him in a wife beater, board shorts and bare feet with the 30 pack in his hand. A bit of grease on his face he missed wiping off. Josh was definitely attracted to the dude but didn't want to make any waves with a neighbor. So he usually mostly kept his distance. Especially when Birch was doing yard work in the front yard in nothing but gym shorts and old sneakers. Josh wanted to lick the sweat off the dude before he got pounded by him.

"Hey Birch, what's up?" he said into the app.

"Didn't want to drink alone tonight. Was hoping you were up for some company. I got beer." Birch held his own thirty pack of Busch Natty Ice up to the camera.

"Be right there." Josh said as he reached for his shorts. He was tired and horny and just wanted to pound some beers but he figured that the neighbor would be a good distraction for a couple of hours. Even though he thought it was odd that a dude he's talked to for only a couple of times across the driveway would just show up with a case of beer on a Friday evening. He figured a dude like Birch had more to do on a Friday night than hang out with the neighbor. Although he didn't mind hanging out with the sexy fucker but it was going to make him hornier. He would have to be on the apps later.

Josh opened the front door after he dressed in just his old high school shorts. He knew they were obscene but the dude would either just ignore it like a regular straight ex-jock who was used to half dressed men or he would take it all in. It was the latter. Josh found it interesting. Maybe not the straight daddy he thought he was.

"Come on in Birch. I just bought a 30 pack myself. We can keep that one cold but we probably don't need it. But I appreciate it." Josh said as he turned to lead Birch into the kitchen.

Birch followed quietly. His eyes glued onto the seam of Josh's shorts that ran in the crack of his bubble butt that looked frail and ready to burst. There were tiny gap holes in the seam. A couple of them you could actually see skin. Birch took in a nervous breath. He could just picture himself in the middle of those two muscular mounds of flesh. So big. A huge ex-footballers ass.

Birch came across as straight and was just as masculine as Josh. But the fact is that he used to play with some of his teammates. Sort of team building exercises that end with someone cumming up someone's ass. His family was sort of free spirited as he grew up as well. But that was before he was married, had a kid and then divorced. The only time he cheated on his wife was with old friends from his team and some evenings at the local porn theater. He missed his men. In the four years since his divorce he had gotten laid only once by a chick that gave him the clap. She was a bar fly and he should have known better but that was a year ago. He had no desire to go back to women after that. But he was happy to breed a twink or a stud from the gym now and then.

Lately, especially after moving next to a stud like Josh, he's been thinking about his gay side. Possibly exploring a relationship with a dude. Women were so much work and expensive. He was already scraping by paying child support. He didn't need to buy a woman's affection on top of it. He liked how uncomplicated his buds were. Besides, if truth be told, he always leaned towards men in his mind. Just didn't want to give up his masculine persona.

Also, the other problem was, he was a bit submissive. He loved being the top but he also liked being directed. Being told what to do. His wife was like that. She loved ordering him around. But the dynamic with a woman wasn't what he craved. He craved being with a man like Josh. Hell, he would even bottom for Josh if it came down to that. But he would prefer to live in that man's ass. One of the best he's ever seen.

He didn't have a clue on which side Josh buttered his bread but at least Josh was good for spank material later. The only type of man Birch was attracted to was men like Josh. Not only physically but mentally. Josh was built and a show off, just like Birch was. Birch fantasized that Josh was a bit twisted like he was himself as well. Birch wasn't sure how twisted Josh might be but he sure filled the other two requirements. Yep, spank material at the very least. He could only hope it was more than a fantasy. But he doubted it.

"I was sitting out on the patio. I was in the heat all day and the air conditioning was too much. Do you mind or do you need to stay in the air conditioning?" Josh asked as he grabbed four of his own beers out of the 30-pack he had purchased and put them into cozies. He handed Birch two of them. "I'm good either way."

"Nope, I'm good with the patio. The only time the garage gets air conditioned is if the bay doors are down for an extended period of time. And that never happens. I may take off my shirt though." Birch said as he followed Josh outside.

Josh turned to him and smirked, "Make yourself at home bro. I'm not shy." Was all Josh said.

Before he sat down Birch took off his wife beater and put it on the back of the chair he was going to sit in. They opened their beers at the same time and toasted. "To new neighbors." Josh said as he regarded the man's chest. Birch had nothing to be ashamed of. He was smooth and muscular like Josh. A commanding presence. Especially given his height.

"To new neighbors," Birch repeated and then smiled shyly.

Josh caught the man's scent as Birch lifted his arms and took off his shirt and liked it. The dude reeked pheromones. Obviously Birch was a lot like him in that aspect at least. A relaxed blue collar guy that was natural. Working in that hot garage all day certainly kicked up the scent. And Birch was fucking sexy. Josh was definitely going to have to shove the dildo up his ass tonight.

Birch asked Josh about his house and how he happened to move here. Josh told him about his parents, and how the house was where he grew up. He shared bits of his childhood and high school and then college. Even about his kid and the young pregnancy. How he became a plumber.

Birch had put one of his hands behind his head as he listened to Josh. His other hand was holding a beer that he drank from often. Almost as often as Josh did. At least they were the same as far as the beer drinking went. Birch's pit hair was thick and matted down with sweat. Sweat that Josh wanted to taste. Birch sat back in a casual way with his thick legs spread wide. Josh salivated over his new friend hoping he wouldn't make a fool out of himself by the time the evening was over.

Then Birch told Josh about the sports he played throughout his childhood, landing on rugby in high school. He grew up in Florida by the Orlando metro area. Birch also volunteered that he had been raised by naturalists. He sort of skimmed by that part like he was just seeing Josh's reaction. Then he talked about how he had become a mechanic. He left out some stuff that he wasn't comfortable sharing yet. But he would eventually. He liked Josh. A lot.

Josh let go of the part about the naturalists for a few minutes. Didn't react. But he did realize that old Birch might be here for more than just his company. Either Birch really needed a friend and was laying it all out there or Birch wanted Josh. Josh was good either way, but he hoped for the latter. At least he didn't seem ashamed about the naturalist part of his life. Which Josh found good.

Josh couldn't get over how attracted he was to Birch. He sort of had that Vin Diesel look. But Birch was 6' 1 " and had a close clipped beard. Kept his head smooth. Birch was also sort of nervous. He didn't know what to do with his hands and his bare feet kept rubbing against the concrete of the patio. It was sexy, enduring and amusing at the same time. Josh was smitten.

Josh was also becoming more convinced that Birch was even more like him than he had first thought. He wondered how kinky the guy got. If he minded having his pits worshipped and being a complete pig. Josh's crotch started to fill out a bit while his mind wandered. Birch noticed. It was like Birch paused from the conversation while looking at Josh's crotch and couldn't take his eyes away. Then he recovered and kept talking. But it was long enough for Josh to notice.

Then Birch took another long pull of his beer and, although he looked flustered, he continued talking about sports.

Josh couldn't wait any longer and said, "So tell me more about the naturist lifestyle you grew up in."

"Umm, what do you want to know?" Birch became more nervous. His eyes darted around like he was following a fly. He took another long pull of his beer.

"I mean, was it just at home? Did you guys go to resorts? Just you and your parents?" Josh asked while rubbing his hands on his thick thighs in a very suggestive manner.

"Home and resorts. Mostly campgrounds. And I have an older brother. My parents were sort of left over hippies. Like their parents were. Usually children of hippies rebel and become conservative. Not my parents. They embraced the way they grew up." Birch said.

"And you?" Josh asked, liking the way this conversation was going.

"I was good with it. My brother, however, became a right wing nut job. All in for Trump and his cult." Birch said with a bit of disgust. Then he looked worried, "Sorry, I don't know how you feel about stuff like that. I should wait before I open my mouth."

"No worries. I'm not really political. But Trump and his cult are nut jobs. I wish he would just go away." Josh said. Then, "So if you are ok with nudity, and I hang at home naked, why are we still in shorts?"

"Um, well, ...are you sure?" Birch asked, feeling his cock reacting. More than willing to see Josh's cock and ass.

Josh stood up and pushed down his shorts exposing his half hard cock. Birch saw it and swallowed loudly. It was average but nice and thick. "I hang out nude at home all the time dude. I only put on shorts for company. I won't bother putting them on for you anymore." Josh grinned.

"That's cool." Birch answered with a weak voice as Josh sat back down and did a manspread with his legs. One hand grabbed a beer while the other hand lifted his balls up to get some air under them. Birch was hooked but still worried about stripping. His cock was almost completely hard now. His eyes couldn't help but graze over Josh's body completely. Everything about Josh was perfect. Just what he was hoping he would see.

"Come on man. Join me." Josh said. Knowing full well that Birch was down. But the man looked so worried. But then Josh looked at Birch's board shorts and saw that his cock was almost, if not, fully hard. And it looked large but it was hard to tell with the loose board shorts on. "Oh, that's the problem. Fine with me. I'll get hard if it makes you feel better." Josh said while grabbing his cock and pumping it a bit.

"Um, are you sure, I mean, to, um, tell the truth, I'm um, sort of um, bi." Birch admitted.

"Ok, cool." Josh said while still slowly pumping his dick and taking a sip of his beer. This was turning out better than he thought. But he chose not to react to it either way.

"I mean, you're ok with that? I mean, like, to be honest I've been salivating over you since I moved in. If that bothers you I'll leave. I just want to be open about it." Birch said, still nervous, but with a bit more confidence.

"Sounds like you're more than bi, bro." Josh smirked.

"Probably, I mean, I don't know. I'll leave if you want." Birch started to stand. He was worried he revealed too much.

"I never said I wanted you to leave. I asked if you'd join me nude. I don't think I ever said leave or that I was disgusted." Josh said, still smiling. Then he put his beer down and put that hand behind his head. His butt slid down to the edge of the chair while he spread his legs wider. The arm of the hand that was behind his head displayed a large bicep and a thick forest of hair in his pit. "Besides, I like to be salivated over. And if you haven't noticed I'm not shy. At all." His other hand went back to his balls and then underneath them. He started to rub his taint and his hole with his middle finger. Just out of sight of Birch. But Birch knew what was happening.

"Oh fuck." Was all Birch could say.

"Now are you going to get naked with me? And, by the way, I'm not bi. Not anymore at least. I like cock too much." Josh continued as he winked at his new friend.

"Fuck, bro." Birch said as he stood up and tore open the Velcro on his board shorts. "Will you get stoned with me too?" He reached into his pocket, before letting his shorts fall down and pulled out four joints.

"Now we're getting somewhere. Naked, stoned and drunk. We may be best friends by the time you go home." Josh chuckled.

"If I go home..." Birch said under his breath.

But Josh heard it, "We got all weekend, bro."

"Happy I don't have my boy this weekend." Birch said.

Josh ignored that but he did want to know more. But later. For now he watched Birch let his shorts fall to the ground. What popped out was bigger than the lump he saw inside the shorts. Birch was uncut and at least 9 inches long. If not longer. He was thicker than Josh. The kind of thickness that could bring a lot of satisfaction to a big guy like Josh. "Fuck, brother. We may have to become best friends for real." Josh said while he licked his lips.

Josh sat back up in his chair and went to grab Birch, "I hope I'm not out of line. Don't punch me. But I'm in love with your cock." Josh said as he felt the girth in his hand. "This is beautiful."

"My wife hated it. Couldn't take very much and it would make her bleed sometimes. Lucky we even had a kid. I couldn't go very deep." Birch said.

Josh looked up at Birch. Right into his eyes. "I'll take you. All of you, bro. You like fucking a guy?"

"Yes." Birch said quietly. "I'd like him to fuck me too sometimes."

Josh grinned. "I hope you're talking about me."

Birch laughed shyly and said, "Fuck, Josh. Since I moved in I've been wanting to fucking touch you. Or even just hang out with you. I had no idea what you were into. If you were into guys at all. But I finally just said fuck it and took the chance. Bought the beer and came over. I didn't have high hopes but I was willing to chance it."

"Then what are you waiting for? It seems like I'm the only one doing any touching." Josh said.

Birch reached out and caressed Josh's shoulder and then his arm. Birch was built himself but he had nothing on Josh. And this stud said he wanted Birch to fuck him. It was a dream come true. He could fall for this guy. "You gonna wreck my cunt for me bro? Shove your cum up my ass, fucking breed me?" Josh said in a deep and sexy voice as he licked and gnawed at Birch's cock. As he felt Birch finally touch him.

There was something about Birch. He found the guy attractive since he first saw him but there was something new now. But he knew if he ever had feelings for another dude that he would have to be just as twisted as he was. So he looked up at Birch and said, "I'm fucking twisted bro. I hope you can handle me. Because we're going to be friends. Best friends." Josh said.

"I know." Was all Birch said. "I know we'll be friends. Or more."

"You don't want to ask?" Josh asked. Wondering why the word twisted didn't push Birch away.

"I don't have to. I mean, I don't want to, don't want you to know. The shit I've done." Birch got sad and nervous again.

"My dad started fucking me when I was 13. He still fucked me a couple of times when I was in college. I miss it." Josh volunteered as he was still making love to Birch's third leg with his mouth. Going first.

Birch looked at him and then looked away. But he kept holding Josh. Caressing him with a tighter grip. Both hands now. While looking away he said, "Oh fuck, Josh!" Then he siad, "I would eat my mom's cunt while my dad fucked me. And when it was just my dad, me and, or, my brother they would both fuck me. My dad let me fuck him when we were alone. My brother fucked me till he went away to college. After college my brother cut all ties with us and went completely wacko. I missed him for a long time, he was like my first lover, but it's been over a decade."

"I'm sorry about that but fuck yeah baby. We are alike. What do you like to do more? You like to use that weapon or do you like to be submissive?" Josh asked.

"I like it all. I mostly like to satisfy the person I'm with. Women are hard to satisfy. But men, they always seem to appreciate it more. No matter which part I play. But I love it when I can find someone that can take me." Birch was honest.

"Well sir, I'm going to take you, multiple times. And I know you're going to satisfy me." Josh said standing up. Then he took Birch in his arms and pulled him into a kiss. They made out for a few seconds and when they separated Josh said, "That, my friend, was a connection. Did you feel it?"

"Yes." Birch said, looking up at Josh. He was so shy that Josh knew how this was going to go.

"I know we're going to be best friends but if we become more you need to know I'll fuck around on you. I need men. Lots of variety." Josh said.

"So do I. I just hated feeling guilty about it." Birch said as Josh squatted down in front of him. Soon he was in Josh's mouth again. All the way in and down the man's throat. Josh had no gag reflex at all. He swallowed Birch whole. It was Birch's first experience with someone like Josh. "Oh fuck!" He yelled as Josh took him.

Josh let him go and said, "That's just a preview. Now how about you light one of those bad boys up and we get stoned and drunk and get to know each other more. And I meant it. We have the whole weekend. I don't want you to leave. Do you have anywhere to be?"

"Nope. Not this weekend." Birch said, "But I have to work at 7 AM Monday. Then I see my parole officer at 4 PM." He decided to let Josh know what he was getting into from the beginning.

Josh paused for a moment and then said, "Ok, tell me about it when you want. But if you're trying to scare me away you'll have to try harder. I don't scare easily."

"Wasn't trying to scare you off. Just laying all my cards on the table." Birch said.

"Consider them laid. Now, I want to keep you naked and sweaty all weekend. Go get your work clothes and prepare to stay here. Before we get too drunk and forget." Josh said.

"Ok," Birch said as he reached for his shorts.

"Whoa, who said you could get dressed? I want you naked all weekend." Josh said. Displaying his dominant side.

"But you said to go get my shit. I mean..." Birch started to protest.

Josh interrupted him, "There is a gate also on the side of my house next to the gate on the side of your house. You just have to go through the gates. You can't be that chicken." He challenged.

"Yeah, ok. I left the back door unlocked anyway. I'll get my shit. And more pot." Birch said.

"Thank you for doing that for me, brother. You have no idea how much you're turning me on." Josh said.

"I have a feeling by the end of the weekend I'll do anything you want." Birch said walking to the gate. His nice tight muscular ass lent Josh a nice view. It wasn't a bubble butt like Josh's but it was respectable and strong. Josh would be happy to fuck it, after Birch loaded him up good.

"Keep my ass full and we'll be best buddies. Now stop procrastinating." Josh said as he got up to freshen their beers and get the lube and poppers. He needed that first load soon.

Ten minutes later Josh was seated on the patio again when Birch came back through the gate with a backpack slung over his shoulders. Josh was pleased to see he was still naked and barefoot. "You all set?" Josh asked.

"Yes, sir." Birch said.

"Good. Let's get stoned then we'll freshen up." Josh said as he grabbed one of the joints that Birch left on the table. He liked how easily Birch called him sir.

As Josh lit the joint Birch said, "You want us to, like, shower?" He sounded disappointed. He liked the way they stunk right now.

"Douche baby. I do it every morning but I'm sure I need a refresh. Keep those pits ripe for me though. I want to eat them as you rail me." Josh said.

"You want to go first?" Birch asked.

"Together" was all Josh said and then he took a deep toke. As he let the smoke sit in his lungs he grinned at Birch. Then he let out the smoke and said, "We do everything together this weekend."

"Everything?" Birch asked, but he wasn't put off, he was intrigued. Could he have really met someone as twisted as he was. Right next door under his nose.

As Josh passed the joint to Birch he said, "I'm usually a loner, bro. I have my clients. I have work. But, other than that, I'm usually alone. But when I let someone in they have to see every side of me and I want to see every side of them. Nothing off the table. I was totally attracted to you months ago when you moved in but I didn't get a vibe from you so I just played casual neighbor. But now I'm going to find out what makes you tick. I want to."

"Then we'll do everything together. By Monday morning we'll know if this is a one off thing." Birch said, agreeing to the conditions.

"That's my boy." Josh said, taking the joint back from Birch. Then as he was taking another drag he slid down in his seat and lifted his legs. Then after he took the joint from his lips he put both hands behind his knees and pulled his knees to his chest. Leaving his hole on display. As he let the smoke out of his lungs he said, "Eat my nasty ass fucker. I need your mouth on me. And, by the way, I got two loads in me from work. Two of my regulars fucked me today. That ok with you?"

Birch didn't even have to think about it. He just said, "Oh fuck!" Then he was on his knees in front of Josh in seconds. He wasn't shy about it either. He went for it. Spread Josh's cheeks with his thumb. His tongue went inside Josh as far as it would go. He was pleased he could taste the day on the man. Josh was perfect. Then Josh said, "Look at me."

Birch looked up, taking his mouth away from Josh's hole for just a second. Then Josh hocked up a loogie and spit on Birch's face. Birch didn't even blink. He just said, "Thank you, sir." as it dripped down his face. And then went back to eating Josh out. Josh was surprised, but more than pleased.

Josh put his hand behind Birch's head and pushed him and his mouth against his ass, "You going to be my top boy? Gonna give me cock when I need it?"

Birch shook his head up and down vigorously. He said, "Yes sir" into Josh's hole.

Then Josh pointed his half hard cock down to Birch's face and started to piss. Birch didn't stop. He just kept chowing down on Josh's ass. Moaning deeply and saying, "Fuck yeah. Yes, sir. Fuck! Thank you!" Into Josh's hole.

Josh grinned. He might have finally found a nasty submissive versatile top. Just because Josh threw his legs up in the air didn't mean he didn't like to be the one in charge. That put most tops off. But Birch seems right at home. "Is your cock hard bitch?" Birch shook his head up and down again. "Fuck douching. I need your cock. Now!"

Birch stood up on his knees and then got into a squat position. He was in a hurry to please his new friend. Birch liked to please men. His father and brother can attest to that. "Lube, sir?"

"Fuck no. Shove it in me now." Josh said, holding up his legs still. He was horny as fuck. The heat, beer and pot didn't help. He grabbed a bottle of poppers and huffed deeply. "Fuck me, bro."

Birch lined his huge cock up to Josh's cunt. His ass lips swollen from Birch eating him out hard. Then he pushed in. Josh slowly took him inside of him. "Fuck yeah, baby. Give me all you got." Josh said through gritted teeth. Birch slid in slowly but didn't stop. He was used to demanding bottoms. But never one that he wanted to serve. He was in pig heaven. "Awwe fuck, fucking love your cock bitch."

"It's yours, Josh. Anytime you want it. Day or night." Birch said as he bottomed out. He grinded himself against Josh a bit before pulling back. Josh grunted his approval.

"Fuck you. I want you to just come and rape me in the middle of the night. Will you do that for me? Just come in unannounced and fuck the shit out of me? Piss all over me and my bed. Fucking use my ass if I tell you to?" Josh was saying through labored breath. With no lube it was hurting but Josh was loving it.

"I'll tie you up and rape you and then have others rape you. If that's what you want. As long as I can still be yours, sir." Birch said as he started to fuck. Without lube he was hurting a bit himself but he was going to do exactly what Josh wanted.

"You would do that for me, wouldn't you? Help me play out my wild fucking fantasies. Will you fuck me in public?" Josh asked

"Yes" Birch responded.

"In front of your parents?" Josh asked.


"In front of our sons?" Josh kept pushing buttons. Seeing how far the slut would go.

"If you asked me to, I would do it. I'm fucking yours, man, if you want me to be. I didn't make that clear?" Birch fucked him harder now. Frustrated that Josh wasn't taking him seriously.

"I'm a sick pervert, man. Totally twisted. Nothing is off the table, bitch. You understand that?" Josh said in pain. Birch was fucking him good now. He craved it.

"I just said yes to everything you threw at me and I meant it. And everything you're saying now is going to make me cum. May I cum?" Birch asked.

"Fuck. I finally found you. Yeah, you can cum. But stay inside of me for as long as possible." Josh said.

Birch came with a roar and shoved his cock so far into Josh Josh thought he could taste it. Then Josh came as well. And hard. His stomach was coated with his load. Without being asked Birch whipped off Josh's stomach and then fed himself with Josh's load.

"Come here," Josh said, reaching up for Birch. He pulled the man down for a deep kiss. A consensual raping of each other's mouths. Josh tasted his ass, piss and cum in Birch's mouth and was almost getting turned on again. "Can you go again?" He said into Birch's mouth.

"Yeah, and I'll last longer." Birch said, also into Josh's mouth. They kept making out.

Josh felt Birch getting firmer inside of him. It was making him hotter for the dude. He moaned into Birch's mouth. "Fuck, bro!"

As they kissed and as Birch started to fuck Josh again, Birch asked, "What did you mean? You said 'I finally found you'?"

Josh pulled away from Birch's face and then wrapped his legs around Birch's ass, pulling him closer to him. "I finally found a dude that could keep up with me. That wants me as his alpha but is my top. You are a rare breed. And, like it or not, you're mine." Josh said.

"Yeah I am." Birch said as he went back in for more mouth to mouth. He didn't have to think about dating dudes anymore. He found the dude he wanted to be with. He wanted to do any fucked up thing Josh wanted him to do.

"If I had known about this months ago, when you moved in, we would have been fucking since then. Don't keep shit from me again." Josh smirked after he said it.

"No sir. Never." Birch said as he started to pile drive Josh's hole. "When do you want to know the rest?"

"We have all weekend, bitch. Cum in me again then I want to eat your ass and pits." Josh said keeping his mouth on Birch's.

"Yes, sir."

Part 2? Or is this a one off?

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Next: Chapter 2

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