Jordan and His Pit

By moc.loa@uty8orud

Published on Nov 1, 2019


When we got back to Jordan's house, I think the combination of my age, the weed, the beers and two nights of, while pleasurable, but no sleep had finally taken their toll on me. I was ready for bed. I went into the bedroom to go to sleep while Chuy let the damn dog out of his crate and outside. Chuy had also gotten into bed so I got up to let the dog back in doors. As fast as he was, he was on the bed before I could get the backdoor shut. I was too tired to fight it, so left him there and crawled into the middle of the bed between Chuy and the dog. Chuy being the young man that he is and always up for a good fuck, slides over and behind me. I stopped him right there and told him I was worn out and needed rest. He tells me that Jorge had given him some salve for that and jumped up and got it out of his pants pocket. As he is applying it to my ass, he tells me that it is lotion infused with something called CBT oil and it will relieve swelling and pain. It actually did feel pretty good as he spread it around and into my ass. I immediately passed out from tired and don't remember a thing until morning.

As I lie there semi asleep in the dark, I feel him running the head of his cock up and down the crack of my ass and tenderly putting the head in me. I say, "Chuy, that stuff does work pretty good, all the pain is gone and it feels good again back there." His arm tightens around my stomach where it was draped across me, holding me in place and he says, "I sent Chuy to go get donuts and coffee for breakfast he will be gone about 30 minutes, it is Jorge." I didn't know what to think. Was I excited to try this, was I betrayed, what was going to happen. "Oh hi," is all that came out of my mouth. He says, "after watching the video of that mutt fucking you last night, I figured I would be a step up from that." What Video?? He then tells me that Jordan's dog nailed me again and since I was passed out, Chuy recorded it on his phone and sent it to him early this morning. I figured, after you licked me last night, you were interested so I came over and sent Chuy on his way.

He sternly tells me, "Now we can do this one of two ways with the final outcome being the same. The final outcome is that he will bust a nut in my ass. I can help him get in and enjoy it or he will force his way in and I may not enjoy it, either way he will get in me and will leave a load. All I could think about is that he was young and muscular big and I was pushing 60 and not in shape at all. So I think my options were coming to light quickly. I decided, I would prefer to enjoy it as much as possible rather than him forcing himself on me. I told him, I wanted to be on top so I could control his entrance. He was okay with that and rolled over onto his back. Here this mighty cock sticks up into the air at least 10 inches long. I tried slobbering all over it getting good and wet but was developing lock jaw before I thought it was wet enough. I then remembered I had vaseline so jumped up to go get it. He tells me, "don't try to run away, you won't like the final outcome and I told you I will bust a nut." While I am headed to the cabinet to get the lube, he yells out, "And put a jock strap on, I don't want your junk slapping all over my stomach as you bounce on my cock and god help you if you cum on me, you are here for my pleasure and not the other way around." I knew I was fucked, literally and figurtively.

I pulled on my newest jock strap so it would have the least amount of seepage if I came, grabbed a handful of grease and shoved it up my ass. I rotated my hand, not my fingers, but my hand as much as I could to try to stretch out my ass before this assault. Then I made a big show of greasing him really well and rubbing it in trying to get him to pop before I sat on it. I figured if he came early, he would leave, but no luck. I climbed up and squatted over it and started to lower myself. I started to see stars and bright lights but continued to slowly slide down. I stopped to catch my breath and he grabs the fronts of my thighs and pushes me all the way down in one push and I was sitting on his pubic hairs. I think I would have passed out but miraculously I had already gotten the thick head in before this and the shaft wasn't as thick as the head. I started to slide up and down and was trying to relax to take it all, but it was so large. I would come up to the top keeping the big head in me and then slowly slide back down. As I slide up to the top he gets the idea to pull out of me and as I try to aim his dick at my ass, he shoves it back with all his force and I think I did mementarily pass out at that point. The next thing I remember is lying on his huge chest and he is telling me I better not be cumming on him as I try to get back in my upright position. I get back into my routine of up and down and he surprises me and rolls me over onto my back and he is now on top with an ankle in each hand pounding away. I could tell that he was getting close as his pace changed and his breathing started getting shaky and I was hoping that he would hurry up and I hear, "So this is why you wanted me to get the donuts, so you could fuck him." Chuy was back.

Jorge bellows out, "shut the fuck up, I am close," and I yell at Chuy, "Do as he says, I got to get this over with." Chuy left the bedroom and moments later Jorge is filling me with his man juice and as he continues to pump, it is squishing out around this cock. He must have dumped a big load because as big as his cock was, it filled me up and was a tight fit, so not much should have come out. He then shoves all 10 inches back in and I can feel him still spasming so figure he is still pumping is baby makers into me. He lies on me for a couple of moments then in one motion, instantly pulls out of me, again I thought I could see stars. He gets out of bed, pulls up his basketball shorts and walks out of the bedroom like nothing had happened. As I pull myself together and roll out of bed, I leave the jock strap on and pull on a pair of shorts over it. Chuy asks me if I am okay and comes over to help me sit down. I say I will be fine, where is the coffee. Jorge takes his coffee and heads to the bathroom and Chuy again asks if I am okay. I said, "sure, it is just so big. But the good part is I got off twice to his once, but don't tell him he want to catch up." we laughed. As Jorge comes back into the kitchen, he looks at me and asks, "How is my new best friend?" I tell him I am not his best friend and he says, "Yes you are or everyone will see the video of the dog fucking you and them you will go to jail for fucking with animals." Guess I got a new best friend.

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