Jordan and His Pit

By moc.loa@uty8orud

Published on Nov 1, 2019


When we returned to the house, I asked Chuy if he needed any of the clothes in his bag washed as I had some to throw into the machine. Besides, I didn't need him opening that bag and the clothes in there being as ripe as the ones were that I washed last night. He smiled and said that would be great as he didn't get a chance to wash before they started up to the USA. He reached into the bag and pulled out two t-shirts, one button shirt and pair of jeans, two bikini briefs, two pairs of socks and a jock strap. I looked from it to him and he innocently said that was what he was wearing when Alex came by to pick him up for the trip. His family has a small ranch and when he wears his jeans, it keeps him from showing off his cock in the jeans. I thought, that was a pretty good self brag, but said nothing. He also had a pair of work boots and I knew would be spending most of their time out on the patio to air them out. As I walked away he says, "Stop, can I get this pair of underwear washed again, please, I haven't showered since I slept and they are sort of messy in the pouch," and he pulled down his pants, took off the underwear making sure I say his half hard cock and handed them to me. I suggested that he may want to take a shower again if he wanted and headed to the laundry room and he headed for the bathroom. After depositing all the clothes into the washer, I returned to the living room to let the dog out into the yard.

It wasn't long before Chuy returned from his shower and came in drying himself off without a modest bone in his body. I guess he figured after last night, it was fine. He sat on the couch with his cock lying on his balls drying his hair like it was the most natural thing to do. In my mind i figured it was now or never to have a conversation with him, if he and I were going to be roomies for a while, i needed to know his age. So I asked him what grade of school he was in. "I'm a sophmore", was his response. My math skills immediately kicked in and that meant 15/16, oh shit. I am sure my face paled at this answer becasue he starts to laugh and said, "don't worry I am 18, if that is what you are asking. I was held back a couple of years when my brother went to jail so I could help on the ranch and when he got out, he insisted I go back to school." I think I started breathing again at that point. "You think my cock would be this big and I have the skills that I have pounding ass if I was just a kid? Don't worry about it, you ain't going to jail." I then had to chuckle and sat back down.

I tried to change the subject and asked, "So your brother been to jail, huh?" He said yea, but it was a trumped up charge, aren't they all, for selling drugs in Mexico. He spent two years in jail and then got out. When he got out Chuy said that he was doing some stupid shit, so his brother and a friend of his that had been in jail with him took him to party. They got some coke, some weed and some beer and headed out into the woods. When Chuy was all lit up, they both said what they were going to do to him was for his own good and proceeded to rape his ass and mouth. They took turns on him for several hours. When they were through with him and he was lying there covered in cum and farting cum, his brother told him, "If you keep up the stupid shit that you are doing, you are going to jail and that will happen to you over and over and over again. So knock it off." He then told me he learned two things from that experience, one, he wasn't going to jail for anything and two even though he thinks it made him bi-sexual, he takes it easy on whomever he is fucking and never pushes the limit." He also said that he thinks the experience made him like it a little more wild and raw so he likes pushing the limit with whoever he is fucking. He looked me dead in the eye and said it was his turn to change the subject and wanted to know two things. First, do I really let the dog fuck me and do I want to meet his brother? I was stunned.

I said, "Well first of all, I don't let that mutt fuck me, he jumps my bones when he is ready and when he pops that big knot into me, there is nothing I can do about it. And second, I am not going to Mexico to meet your brother, you would probably just want him fuck me, also. Besides, you are your brother's bitch, not me." He still did not even crack a smile and said that Jordan and told Alex that the dog fucks me and he really wanted to see that before he left and the joke is on me that his brother some how got his papers and is living in this city. He told me that I would like him because he knew I liked Alex's big dick and his brother's is a lot bigger. Now. I was maybe interested, but wasn't going to say that to him, so had to go check on the laundry. When I came back from pulling the laundry out of the dryer, Chuy said, "While I am putting my stuff away, why don't you go wash all the cum smell off of myself" cuz he wanted to go check out the town. I said sure and went and took a shower. I know he was being a smart ass when he came into the bathroom naked, hard as a rock and asked if I needed any help washing my back. I relented and he stepped into the shower. Needless to say he didn't get around to washing my back, but did leave a deposit in me, then left. I got out of the shower and he was already dressed in some of the clothes that I had just washed for him and said that he wanted to go look town over, since he had never been here before. It was about 3 PM so figured we could grab something to eat while out and about. We were taking in all the sights and he was asking to see different things so when he gave me an address to check out, I never gave it a thought. I plugged it into my GPS and went to the address. It appeared to be an older part of town and when we got there, he told me it was his brothers address and was it okay to stop so he could say hi.

Against my better judgment and purely sexual curiosity, I joyfully said sure, why not. When we got to the door, I was sweating like a whore in church wondering what was up. Chuy rang the bell and this gorgeous latino answers. Chuy smiles and says, "hi, you remember me, is my brother here?" This guy was the stereotypical inmate in that he had spent all his time in the gym working on his muscles and getting tattoos. Must have been 6 foot, 200 pounds, black hair, black eyes, a shadow beard and muscle upon muscle. He grabbed Chuy in a big hug and said he apologized for the past but wanted to make sure he never thought prison was a good alternative. He said, just a minute I'll go get Jorge. I stood there and whispered, "is he the one that messed with you along with your brother?' I could tell by the look on his face that the answer was yes. We went in and sat down in the living room and soon another mountain of a man entered the room. Jorge was a little taller, a little heavier and a little rougher, where Saul (I learned was his name) was pretty and smooth, there was nothing pretty about Jorge, he was all man, masculine man. Jorge walks right up to me sitting in the chair and sticks his hand out and says, "you must me the tio that is taking care of my little brother." I tried to shake his hand, but he was so close that I fumbled around to get to the right position until I finally just fist bumped him. Why, lord only knows, being that close to me, he figures he needs to adjust his junk in his pants, I will never know and how loud my gasp was I will never know either. I was stunned. He was definitely larger than Alex and I was hoping that he was already hard because he was showing a lot of dick. I was so nervous. Thank heavens they all started talking in Spanish so I could gather my thoughts and try to keep my eyes above belt level.

As I sat there with my mind thousands of miles away in some perverted place, the doorbell rings. I about jumped out of my hide and everyone looked at me. Saul goes to answer it and brings back a very good looking young girl that he introduces as his girlfriend, so much for that fantasy. They make their apologizes and leave for dinner. Jorge had excused himself at that time and brought back a couple of beers for each of us. I start sipping on my beer and wondering what they are talking about and Jorge pulls out his weed and starts rolling a joint. They each take a hit and pass it to me, but I decline. They were smoking and lit another joint and I ask where the bathroom is to get rid of some of the beer since I seem to be the only one drinking while they smoke. Jorge tells me he will show me and stands up and leads the way. He opens the door and goes in and opens his pants to pee. I was sort of surprised and he says, "you don't mind sharing while I am here do you?" I walk up to the bowl with my best strut and as he pulls out his cock, I pull out mine. When I see his, a "damn" escapes my mouth and I am hoping he didn't hear, but alas he did. He smiles and says, "it's big isn't it?" I try to be non=chalant and say "yes, but probably a shower and not a grower," trying to be funny and relaxed. He gets serious and says, no it is a grower and he starts to stroke it, right in front of me. My god, it grew to a good 10 inches and big around real big around. He reaches over and grabs my hand and places it on his cock and tells me to hold it while he pees so he can take another hit of weed. He then reaches over grabs my ass and shoves a finger into my asshole thru my pants. "You like that?" he whispers in my ear. As he finishes peeing, I lean over and lick the head of his cock and take the last of his urine in my mouth and he continues to drill my ass thru my pants. I regain consciousness, stand back up, tuck my dick in my pants and return to the living room. I tell Chuy that "yes I need a hit of the weed" and suck in a good hit. I then lie and say that I should be getting back to check on the dog and make my way to leave. Chuy gets up and his brother asks him if he would like to stay the night to continue talking and he begs off after we agree that we will meet up with Jorge for breakfast the next morning.

When we got into the car Chuy can't wait to ask, "did you get to see it, it is big isn't it?" I just laughed and said, how did you take all that and not get ripped in two. He said that Saul had fucked him first and loosened him up. Then with all the cum that Saul put out there was enough lube that he managed, but that is why he doesn't get fucked anymore, he is too afraid. We headed home to go to bed.

More to follow, if you like this let me know at and as always, you need to contribute to NIFTY to keep the stories coming, this will only remain a free site if you contribute.

Next: Chapter 5

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