Jordan and His Pit

By moc.loa@uty8orud

Published on Oct 31, 2019


I started doing my chores and had some running around to do so with the dog locked away in his crate, I could be gone and the house would not be destroyed. I got the bills paid from my home and about 2 PM get a text from Jordan asking me to call him when I had time. I was just killing time, so gave him a call. He told me that one of his primos was headed to the family thing and was wondering if it would be okay if he stayed at the house for the night. Well, it isn't my house so if you want to allow him to stay there that is your business. He apologized and said that no, he needed me to stay at the house to watch the dog and I would get the bed, and Alex could sleep on the couch. This primo lives in Chihuahua and he doesn't know if he would take good care of the dog, but he did want to offer him a place to sleep. I guess this primo and Jordan have the same grandmother and she is the one having the medical issue and they weren't sure she would make it, so most of the family was coming to say good bye in case she didn't. After that, how was I to say no. I said, "sure, when will he be at the house and I will take good care of him." Jordan wasn't sure, but would let me know. It was about 5 pm so figured I could stop pick up a pizza, some cola, and beer. Didn't really ask how old he is, so wanted to have my bases covered.

As I arrived home there was a car parked in front that had Chihuahua license plates so figured he had beaten me to the house. I didn't see him around so proceeded into the house setting the beer and pop in the refrigerator and pizza on the counter. Looking around, I didn't see him, but then heard sounds out on the back patio. Looking out the door I saw not one but two latinos sitting there and introduced myself. Alex says, you must be the uncle that Jordan speaks of and shook my hand and introduced me to his friend Chuy. Alex explained that they were trying to drive all the way thru to his grandmothers house so he brought his amigo from school to help drive. Trying to do the math in my head real fast, they had to be over 16 with drivers licenses, but not real sure they were old enough to drink the beer. I went back into the house to retrieve the food and drinks and then worded my question wrong and asked if they were old enough to drink. I should of asked how old they were. Hmmmm. They said that they were old enough to drink and as a matter of fact had already stopped and bought some recreational weed since the state is smoke friendly. I still wasn't sure they were 21, but if not they had good fake id's to buy the weed. It was quite evident that they were well into their weed with the glossy eyes and perpetual smiles, so it did not take them long to suck up the pizza and beer. I was glad that I had decided to purchase two. We sat and talked and they told me they had been on the road for 23 hours straight and were looking forward to a good night sleep. I told them since it was the two of them, they could have the bed and I would crash on the couch. They rumbled about that, but in the end, that is what we worked out.

I also worked up the nerve to offer for them to take showers and I'd wash their clothes. I didn't say they had a serious stink, but Chuy said that he didn't know if he smelled but Alex had a serious stink about him. I laughed and told them I was just trying to help them out and as bad as they both smelled, I wasn't sure the dog would let them in the house and he was a dog. Everyone laughed and I went to get some towels for them. Imagine my surprise when I returned and Chuy was already stark naked standing on the patio ready for his shower, thankfully it was dark outside. He handed me his clothes in exchange for the towel and I walked him into the house to the bathroom. I went back to sit with Alex and visited while Chuy showered. I didn't put Chuy's clothes right into the washer thinking I could add Alex's when he was ready. Chuy rejoined us and was still drying himself when he came out onto the patio. I glaneced over and he had a good 5 inch soft on him so my hopes were growing that they weren't as young as I thought they may be. He must have figured out that I was waiting for Alex's clothes to do the laundry so he told him to hurry up so I could get the wash done. Alex started stripping off his smell, handing me each item as he did. When he got to his socks, I almost gagged. Usually I am okay with a little foot fetish and smell, but this was bad. I did get a chance to check him out and he had a good seven inches going and pretty thick. I was trying to tell if he was chubbed up or if this was the natural state when Chuy made me jump by telling him to hurry up cuz no one wanted to see that little things. It was so hard to keep my mouth shut but wanted to say, just a minute, some of us want to see, but I didn't. He followed me into the house to the bathroom and I dropped his clothes in the washer. As I walked back by the door, he hadn't shut it and thru the clear shower curtain, I could tell he was giving himself a real workout with the soap and I was sure he was getting bigger and bigger. I returned to the patio with Chuy and visited while Alex showered. About the time that the shower would be done, I heard the washer shut off and went in to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer. Alex was standing in the hallway outside the bathroom drying off and now I knew for sure that he had chubbed up. Not full born mast yet, but was growing none the less. As I walked past him, I was sure that he made a point of moving into me so his cock rubbed over me. I wasn't sure, still am not sure, but not complaining either, then or now. He was one well hung man. When I got back to the patio, Alex was sitting there bare ass naked. He hadn't bothered to bring his towel with him and just let it all hang out for me and everyone to see.

As we talked, I noticed both of the boys started calling me tio or uncle. I didn't say anything for a while then at one point brought it up. They said that a tio is someone that helps out younger people and Jordan had been telling them how much I helped him and how close we had become, so they thought it would be a good thing to call me. I couldn't really see any harm so let it go. We then discussed their plans for tomorrow and when they would be leaving. They still had about 6/7 hours to drive to get to Alex's grandmothers place and wanted to get an early start. That was fine with me so I made up the couch for myself, showed them the bedroom and said good night. I actually was quite tired since that damn dog pestered me all night long and I knew he would be quiet tonight since he had been running the yard all the time I was visiting with the boys. When the boys were settled in, I went to take my shower because it had been such a hot muggy day and I just wanted to go to bed. Since I closed the door to the bathroom, I hadn't pulled the clear shower curtain all the way closed to let some of the steam out and much to my disappointment or not, in walks Alex to take a leak. I am trying to be discreet, so I leaned a little forward to see if I could see that cock of his again. Just as I am doing that, Alex looks over and exclaims, "damn tio you need to get some sun, that ass of yours is so white it probably glows at night." I tried to blow it off but kept sneaking glances at that dick of his and wasn't sure, but think it was getting bigger again. He kept talking a mile a minute about my white ass and even turns off the light and back on and says "Yup it glows in the dark it is so white". I have never been good at multi tasking so finishing my shower, checking out his cock that is still hanging out of his clean underwear getting harder and harder, and ignoring his comments about my white ass, I was getting in over my head. Pretty soon he yells at Chuy to come into the bathroom and see an ass that glows in the dark. Chuy shows up and again the light goes off and Alex says, watch, I bet I can find it in the dark it is glowing so much. I very soon feel his fingers in the crack of my ass, then on both cheeks of my ass and I know when there is hand on each cheek and something probing my crack and hole, this is about to take a serious turn. Chuy asks if we want the light back on yet and Alex tells him not just yet he hasn't quite found what he is looking for. That is when he nails me all the way to the root of his cock and I let out a yelp and Chuy flips on the light. There I am in all my glory bent over to relieve the pain with Alex balls deep in me pumping for all he is worth. Chuy just laughs and asks "why you rape your tio?" Chuy told Alex he could tell that I wanted Alex to fuck me when he first took off his clothes for the shower. All he probably had to do was ask. Besides, didn't Jordan tell him that he had been fucking his tio for several years?

Chuy walked away while Alex continued to breed my ass, then let me finish my shower. As I left the bathroom, drying off as I did, Chuy says to me, "you may as well sleep in here so we don't have to keep walking across the floor to get favors from our tio. Since both of the boys were as tired as I was, they put me in the middle of the big bed and we all fell asleep entwined in each other. By the time the sun was coming up in the morning I had lost count of how many cum loads I had taken either up my ass or down my throat. It seemed that neither liked to suck dick, but they did like to fuck and get sucked, so I was well used by these two guys. I always amazes me that guys won't wrap their lips around another cock, but have no issue sliding their cock into a mouth that is full of cum or an ass that is full of cum. Alex wanted to get on the road and asked if he could shower before they left and I said sure. I was going to get up, but Chuy said, he can shower by himself, stay here with me while he showers. I don't know if Alex even had the water turned on yet and Chuy was sliding back into my ass and fucking me again. I was amazed, but guess it is because I am old, but once I cum it takes a little to recharge, so to speak, but he had no trouble working up another load to plant in me.

When Alex came back into the bedroom, I was trying to pull on some boxers and the boys started talking Spanish between the two of them. My Spanish is limited to ordering tacos at Taco Bell so had no idea what they were discussing. Pretty soon Alex asks me if it is okay for Chuy to stay a couple of days. Chuy thought he would be out of place at the family gathering and that way Alex could be with his family. Alex seemed to think he was okay to drive the next 6/7 hours even being up off and on all night. He said that I had provided him with enough relaxation that he would be okay. I suggested he call Jordan since it was his house to ask him, and that would give me a chance to think. Again, I had no idea what they were talking about on the phone, but Alex hangs up and says it is up to me. That it would work out with the dog because Chuy could take care of the dog in my absence and that would save Jordan money at the kennel, so it was all up to me. My mind kept going back to the fucking I had just taken from Chuy and said, "Sure, that will be fine, when do you think you will be coming back to head back to Mexico?" He wasn't sure, but said he would call and keep me up to date. He then laughed and said that he was sure Chuy would keep me entertained, but not as good as he would if he were staying," then grabbed his underwear covered dick and shook it at me. So it was settled.

Chuy grabbed a few things out of the car and Alex took off to grandma's house. I don't know what they had planned on because he couldn't have had more than one change of clothes, so when they say travel light, they traveled light.

More to follow, if you like this let me know at and as always, you need to contribute to NIFTY to keep the stories coming.

Next: Chapter 4

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