Jonothan and the ride of my life 2nd try

By if.tenep.nona@043763na

Published on Nov 20, 1995



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The Disclaimer:

The following story contains scenes of sexual contact between two males. If a this offends you, b this disgusts you, or c you are of an age which your territory says you shouldn't read this, then please stop now. This is a story, part of a set which have been previously posted and has no basis in real life. Any correspondence between people, places, or situations is purely coincidental.

As ever, any comments are welcome, also money, invitations, gifts....

Well that's enough of that, on with the show...

Jonothan and the Ride of My Life

"Oh, for Christ's sake, Andy!" screamed Joanne as she quickly reversed out of the staffroom door.

Now Joanne and I had been working together in Bingo for a few years now, we're the best of friends and nothing either of us does really offends the other. I got near to it this time though! Joanne knows I'm gay, and also knows I've got a very healthy sexual appetite, but it's only today did she find out just what an appetite I have. And it's not everyday she sees me riding the mantool of our latest recruit, and boy, what a ride...

It all started about a fortnight back when we had a new guy, Jonothan, start with us. Well, I say new, in actual fact he'd been at another company for a few years previous so he, like me, was very well experienced. The company I work for is only small so we all work hard and try to keep each other happy, it's almost like family really. For Jonothan, this was a bit of a come down, but he was settling in well. Must have been hard for him moving to a smaller company in a new town.

Jonothan was 24, two years older than me and also quite a bit taller. I'm 5'10 but he was well into the 6-foot range. I've noticed this about myself, I have this fascination about taller men. I used to believe that their height had some relation to length, but that was just a theory and had yet to be disproved. Unlike most 6-footers I've known, he was quite agile and this also attracted me to him. It also confirmed in my mind (among other things) that he certainly wasn't straight. With very short blonde hair and large deep-sea-blue eyes set in such a gorgeous baby-face he was a beauty of manhood - and I intended to get to know him better.

As ever, Joanne tried to make a play for him, despite us telling her many times he was gay. She did this to every new guy who joined us, sometimes she got lucky. Joanne was 22 like myself and we felt the same way about many things, including sharing the same taste in men. A few days after Jonothan arrived I could see that Joanne and I might get really bitchy over him because of this. As it happened, she soon realised that she was on a looser and backed away, leaving me and half of the others I work with to battle for him. Devil and the deep blue sea? Possibly!

I'm very good at my job so I get respected by people I work with. I don't have a problem getting along with anyone, so I found it quite a shock to try and get Jonothan to even talk to me. I made sure that we were assigned breaks together, but he'd sit in the staffroom in deathly silence. When I tried to talk to him, fear covered his eyes. To be honest, it was quite embarrassing.

We were in front of customers on his fourth night when I went up to him and asked him to do something. He looked at me like a scared rabbit, dropped a pile of glasses on the floor and then ran off and hid for half an hour. And I only asked him to get some more pens from the office. If I'd have asked for a blow job, then yes, that response would have been expected. I was annoyed. Most people know when I'm annoyed and keep well clear, it's not a pretty sight.

After Jonothan had come out of hiding, I ordered him in to the staffroom. Because of my length of service and rank, I was classed as senior staff, and even though Jonothan had more experience than me, I still outranked him. I was determined to get to the bottom of this, and now.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at, showing me up in front if customers?" I screamed at him.

"I.....I......I....." he blubbered, his eyes glazed over and turned scared rabbit.

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this up for long.

"I'll ask you again, and this time I want an answer. What the fuck's going on?"

"I....I'm sorry Andy, it won't happen again."

"Too right it won't happen again," I chirped, "'cos you're not getting out of here until I find out why it happened in the first place. So you better start talking, and it better be good."

I sat down on a chair near the table we use, Jonothan was left standing. His eyes started to fill, and I knew he was about to cry. I always forget how frightening I can be when I'm angry.

"Andy, what it is, I don't know how to say this..."

"Just spit it out."

"It's just that, I... er... I think I..."

"Please, get to the point, we do both have jobs to do." I said, impatiently.

"Ok", he took a deep breath, "It's just that I think I want to fuck the arse off you but didn't know how to let you know. I wanted you from the first time we met but was so scared to speak in case you didn't want to know me."

I was lost for words. I'd heard many lines in my time, but never ever one as plain and simply put as that. I really was quite amazed, and also relieved. At least now we might get to talk to each other without him cowering in fear.

"Er..Er..Jonothan", I began, "I don't know what to say."

He slumped down into one of the other chairs, his head drooped, not wanting to look at me.

"Of course I wanted to know you,", I regained my composure, "that's why we had all those breaks together.I had my eye on you when you first walked through the door."

"So you're not angry?"

"Not about what you've just said, no, but I'm furious about you showing me up."

"I'm very sorry about that, I was asking someone about you and I thought you'd heard."

"Oh, Jonothan. People say a lot about me, some of it good, some of it bad, but the best is from the source, you know?"

"I'm sorry Andy," he looked up and a little tear crossed his cheek, "it won't happen again."

"I know it won't, Jonothan, and I'm sorry for screaming at you like that, I didn't mean to frighten you."

I got up and moved over to him and wiped the tear from his cheek, and kissed gently where the tear had been. Those sea-blue eyes looked at me, but without the fear that they used to show. We'd made contact and there was no going back on it now.

"You don't ever need to be frightened of me, Jonothan, apart from when you get me angry."

"I know, and I'm not now. It's just I was feeling crazy for you but didn't think you'd be interested. You spend so much time with Joanne I though she was your girlfriend."

"Oh, Jonothan," I laughed, "Joanne and I are only good friends, we just share the same taste in men and we're both crazy about you. Oh, Jonothan."

At that, I put my arms around him and hugged him. Being in a strange town was difficult for him, but he'd made friends with someone who he never thought he would and in a way he certainly never considered. I was also pleased because it meant we'd get to really know each other.

That night in bed, I dreamt about Jonothan and how soon my dreams would become reality.

The next week passed as most weeks do with little special about them. Jonothan and I spent quite a bit of time with each other at work and outside work just talking and getting to know each other. He had bad feelings about his last company because he'd never tell me anything about why he left. I found that strange, but I observed his privacy.

Apparently my own reputation, both professionally and personally, was known throughout the local area, he told me. I was quite astonished. He knew quite a bit about my history and the people involved.

"It's a known fact that you're the best for your age, Andy, and I've always wanted to meet you and work with you. It's such an honour to be here."

"Hey! It's just a job, I do it well. The honour is all mine to be sat talking to this hunk!"

Jonothan blushed. It was more apparent because of his blond hair and fair complexion, but he still looked beautiful. When he smiled it was like sunshine on a summers day, it was a pleasure to make him smile just for that.

"So tell me about Lee." he inquired

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"What are you prepared to tell?"

"Ah ha! Touche my friend! Lee was a youngster I trained up a while back. He got to be almost as good as me. He was terribly timid when we started but that soon changed. How do you know about him anyway?"

"Oh, he came on to our staff for a few weeks a couple of months back. Showed good promise and good training. Cute little ass as well!"

"Ah!! you noticed as well! I also showed him what sex was all about as well."

"I know, he told me all about your underwear fetish."


"That's what he said."

"Nothing of the sort, I just wanted to see what he was made of and used a very old trick."

"It worked, he still remembers it well, and what happened later."

"You mean..."

"Yep! the very same!"

"Oh, Jonothan, could that boy fuck!"

"Tell me about it! I lost count!"

"You never did it with Lee?" I said, with disbelief.

"Yep, five times one night, I think, and still he wanted more. You certainly train them well, Andy!"

"Well, I like to think so."

It transpired that Lee had caused trouble for Jonothan, starting a string of malicious rumours just before he left. I could see that there was a bit of tension there between them but they were far from being sworn enemies, though, as I'd found out, Lee did have a strange sense of humour. I never did find out why Jonothan left. He'd just never talk about it.

After his first week, his shift pattern settled down into a standard routine. It was company policy that in the first week you work every session, every day to learn the jobs. After that time you are assigned your own duties.

It was on the second week that it happened. There were two days when our shift patterns overlapped and we worked two full days together. Our relationship had developed past the usual horse-play and things were starting to get serious. It was clear that something would happen soon and on this day it did.

I'd done many things in our staffroom since starting work with the company but having sex was one that I'd always avoided. Other workers had done it in there and had made no secret of it. My reason was that there was only a small lobby outside the staffroom before the doors to the main hall and the customers, and I can tend to get a bit vocal.

We'd finished the first session and cleaned up and retired to the staffroom for a rest. Because we were working the full day it was common for me, at least, to stay in the building during the "rest period". Jonothan was a bit of an exhibitionist so he started to undress to change out of his uniform so he could relax more easily. Now I could understand why he wanted to get changed, but the flirtatious way he was doing it intrigued me. All I could do was just watch him.

It was like watching a stripper, a slow, seductive unpeeling of clothing from his well defined body. Firstly he slid the belt and gently pulled on the free end so that the metal pin which held it closed came free. Grasping the buckle he wrenched on it while gyrating his waist, pulling the leather snake upward as it freed itself from all the loops. He whipped the floor to his left and then his right before dropping it on the floor beside him.

The show continued. His bow tie was quickly removed and dropped along with the belt. The buttons on his virgin-white shirt pinged as he deliberately flicked at each one, opening up the button hole, he peeled one side of the loosening garment as he worked his way down. Jonothan stopped about halfway down and with a typical stripper movement jumped and re-adjusted his shirt so that both his shoulders and the majority of his perfectly formed chest were showing. His skin was lightly tanned with a slight dusting of blond hair. The dark skin around his mouthwatering erect nipples were calling out "suck me, suck me" but I wanted to see more. I felt a stirring in my own crotch and noticed from the way that he was grinding his crotch in his trousers that he was also highly aroused.

Off came the shirt. Straight over his head still half buttoned. Again, it landed loosely on the pile of already discarded belongings. Realising that I was now a highly interested and definitely captive audience, he cupped his jewels with one hand outside his trousers and covered his tight arse with the other. He then proceeded to move his pelvis back and forth as if he was riding on a bucking bronco. I could feel my juices start to rise and instinctively began to rub my hardening cock through my trousers. My desire for Jonothan was starting to reach boiling point. I couldn't hold on much longer.

The trousers were peeled away as slowly as the other garments revealing that Jonothan wore no underwear. It was then that I saw it. Eight thick inches of pure, pleasure-giving prick, and I knew there and then what I wanted to do with that. Boots and socks came off rapidly and he stepped over to me and pulled me out of my seated position effortlessly with one arm. We kissed deeply and passionately whilst he loosened my clothing and started to remove it.

My hand went straight down to that mammoth tool between his legs. It was warm, as hard as granite and dripping manjuice like a tap. I smeared the slick liquid over the length, and Jonothan moaned into my mouth as I did so. Within minutes I was extracted from my own clothing and as naked as he. Our two 8" rock hard boners rubbing against each other, tongues intertwined and firm nipples grazing firm nipples. He ran his fingers through my hair and held me tighter. If this was love, and it sure felt like it, I didn't want to wake up out of it.

"I want your ass boy, it's gonna hurt, but you're gonna love it." he whispered in my ear.

"Oh, fuck me and just don't stop fucking me. I want to die on that pole."

I was picked up and placed on the table on my side. Jonothan wasn't going to fuck me straight off, we were going to have a bit of fun first. He climbed onto the table as well, it groaned with our combined weights but held us both, with his cock toward my mouth. It was a beauty. 8" perfectly straight and cut with an angry red head being cooled by the flow of pre-cum coming from his piss-slit. I put my tongue to the ridge of his head where the clear liquid was gathering and licked it off. Oh, the sweet taste, I just had to have more.

As I engulfed his mighty cock with my lips I was aware of a warmth growing around my own member. I looked down at the pleasure on his face and my dick in his face. It turned me on so much that I shot a volley of fuck-lube into his mouth right then. This in turn triggered his own tap to let more juice flow, lubricating my own blowjob and getting me even more excited about this prick that I was lovingly worshipping.

"Andy," he mumbled with a mouth full of cock, "this is the most tasty thing I've ever had in my mouth and I now your spunk is as sweet as your cock."

Jon resumed his sucking and I was sure I was ready to blow my load at any moment.

"Jon," I moaned, taking his piece from between my lips, "I don't want to cum just yet. You're driving me wild."

Jonothan got off the table and rearranged me so that my body was on the table but my legs hung of it and proceeded to start licking my eagerly waiting arsehole. I moaned helplessly. I was in ecstasy. The tip caressed the outer ring gently pushing in the middle, exploring the area around my bunghole but always returning to the centre of attention.

My head was filled with images of what kind of fuck he was going to be. I knew it would be one I'd not forget for a long time. My thoughts were interrupted by his tongue making its grand entrance right into my hot fuckhole. I literally screamed with pleasure as he moved it in and out of me, it felt almost as long as his dick and nearly as wide. Jonothan continued his tongue fucking for ages sending wave after wave of warmth through my body. The table below me felt like a river of pre-cum.

We changed positions. Jon got onto the table and laid back in my river of juice. He put his hand in it and rubbed some of it in with the torrent that was emanating from his own piss-slit and also pushed some inside my pussy. This was it, the ride of my life. I got on the table and sat on his stomach. With my balls resting on his shaft I rubbed my body into his. Once again our nipples rubbed each other and we kissed exploring the narrow confines of each others mouths.

With the sheen of sweat between both of us he slid me down easily so that his slab of granite like man meat was pointing directly at its target. One further push and he penetrated me in one go, all eight inches up my tight hot hole. We both moaned and gazed lovingly into each others eyes. Jonothan lifted me up so that I was sat on him with his tool firmly embedded into me.

The feeling was indescribable. Pleasure and pain all rolled into one. It was a tight fit and I felt filled to capacity. Surely it would hurt if I moved anymore? But it didn't.

Jonothan held me by the waist and started to ease me up and down on his shaft. Slowly at first and the pain was close to unbearable. I'd never had one this thick before, it was nearly as thick as my wrist. More motion and soon the pain subsided as the lubricating juices started to loosen me up inside.

"Are you ready for the ride of your life?" Jonothan said after a while of the slow slides.

"Yes," I breathed, "give me everything, I know I can take it. I want you all and more of you. Give it to me and don't stop."

"I'm gonna plough your arse 'til you can't ride it no more."

"Gimme that horse-cock and just keep going. I want you to fill me with your seed 'til it's coming out of my mouth."

"Yeah! Juice you up good and proper!"

And with that he set about his assault on my boy-pussy. No more of the gentle lifts, I was being pumped up and down on the mighty monster inside me. My cock started spraying fuck-lube everywhere covering me and Jon equally. I began to rub it into Jon's chest and this got him more and more excited as his pace quickened.

After a while, he stopped lifting me from the waist and just started bouncing me up and down with his hips. He was incredible. I was so in love with his cock that I didn't want it to leave me, so I tightened my muscles around it, making it even tighter inside my ass. He loved this and started bucking me even faster. It was all I could do to just hold on. I grabbed hold of Jon's tits and started squeezing them. He moaned. I moaned.

The sweat was rolling off us, the table was an absolute mess, but we didn't care. Jonothan was fucking me like there was no tomorrow and I didn't care if there was a tomorrow or not. Neither of us wanted this fuck to end. Jon took a firm hold of my cock and squeezed it. He found that he could wank me and fuck me at the same time. He didn't need to move his hand, bouncing me up and down made my cock move up and down in his hand.

I'd not really noticed Jon's balls before. I reached round and found them. They were fucking huge! The pair of them about the size of small tomatoes. I began to juggle, stroke and feel them. This put even more vigour in his ploughing and on one up stroke I nearly tore them off! They were warm, lightly dusted and felt like they had a big load to give. My own bollocks were rubbing his shaft and landing in his bush which was giving me an enormous thrill.

It was at this point that I thought I head the door open, but was too carried away to turn round and look. Above our combined moans somebody said something but nothing broke the spell that Jon and I were under. It was much too soon then that it all had to end.

From the movement of Jon's balls in their sac I knew that he was near. I gave them a gently squeeze. A couple of strokes later Jonothan bucked and remained with his hips in the air. When I landed I was impaled to the hilt and I could feel his monster tool gushing it's mammoth load of white-hot seed deep into my guts. His cock pulsed and pulsed and each pulse seemed to send what felt like gallons of cream deep within me. It triggered my own load which went soaring across Jonothans body and straight into his open mouth. The second, third and fourth volleys went nearly as far, covering his whole body in my white hot cream.

I collapsed on top of Jonothan, exhausted, but definitely fulfilled still with this dick firmly in my shute. This won't be the last time Jon and I do this, there's no doubt about that.

We weren't the first to have had sex in there, and I'm sure we won't be the last. Whether we'll do it in there again is another matter. They always say that you remember your first time, well Jonothan was not the first man I'd been with, but I'll always remember my first ride at work, and what a rollercoaster he was.


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