Jono's Journey Home

By Shy Guy

Published on Aug 18, 2017


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Chapter 2 - A Need For Education

Oh, how I hated that alarm. After one year of sleeping on Government Issue sheets, this bed was heaven! The silk pajamas where so soft and cool on my skin, coupled with the at least 2000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets. I really didn't want to get up. The phone rang, "Jono, you outta that rack yet?"

"Nessa, Puhleeeeeease can I get 5 more minutes...." I whined.

"Right there with you slut puppy. But, we gotta get moving if we want breakfast Taz."

"Breakfast is overrated. But gimme 10 minutes and I'll meet you at the elevator, and Nessa, stop calling me slut puppy." I went to the door to see if my laundry returned. When I saw it was, I stowed it away quickly. I looked at the clock and went into panic mode. I took a 3 minute shower, squared away a fresh short-sleeve shirt. Dressed and checked my gig line as I dashed to the elevator. As usual Vanessa was 5 minutes late. I looked at my watch and mockingly scowled as she approached.

"Jono my sweet little 'SP' not one word. Let's get some chow. You have got to be starving." I pleaded with her to please stop calling me that. "Jono, sweetie, we have to meet with the quartermaster and requisition a sense of humor for you." She playfully pecked my cheek, "Thanks again for the 'food' save last night hun." We had a good meal and headed down to the parking garage to catch the bus to the site.

We entered the briefing room, and grabbed our cups of crew life's blood, aka coffee. Given last night was so short I would be living on this stuff today. We settled into our seats. Captain Nelson approach the podium and began, "The grip and grins are over it's time to get to work. Before we begin there are two assignment changes. A1C Banks, the host nation has requested you be re-posted to Riyadh. Their folks are having trouble with manual load times on the 407-L system. Your DO confirmed you have 'wicked awesome' training skills in that regard. I need to get them near the standard 30 minutes they are currently averaging 60 to 90 minutes. I know you're not an AST, maybe we can fix that while you are here."

I responded "Yes sir!" and sat down.

"Tech Sergeant Sasquamo, sorry to say that means I need you in Al Kharj. I understand you are a master of manual operations, I could really use your skills there."

For all his bluster about knowing all "my tells," Sasquatch really sucks at poker. He shouted out in mock disappointment, "Whatever the Air Force needs sir!" Then he turned and shot me a happy grin.

Vanessa was so happy; her nails were actually digging into my arm.

Then we got down to the meat and potatoes of why we were there. The tech briefings went on for a couple of hours and then our good Captain returned to the podium with the safety briefing.

"Ladies under no circumstances do you go out in public without an escort, long sleeves and full length skirt. While the burqa that was issued is not mandatory, it is highly encouraged. A1C Banks stand-up" I stood "Anyone who looks like him does not go out in public without an escort, trousers, shirt with long sleeves and a tie or band collar." Vanessa saw the confused look on my face in addition to the blush filling my cheeks and mouthed the words 'slut puppy!'

Apparently my blush then turned into a deep maroon against my light blue shirt.

At that point the good Captain said, "Outstanding, I see some tactless fool has informed Jono why. It's a different culture people and there are some here who would prize an attractive American woman, or a skinny pale blonde kid as a trophy. Covering exposed skin will protect you from two things; skin cancer and those who would prey on you. Sit down Jono before the blood loss from that blush gets you dizzy and you fall down!" The room erupted in laughter as I sunk back into my chair.

"Those of you who have food allergies that can cause anaphylaxis raise your hand. I will encourage you before you leave today to get with Jono about local foods you may want to avoid. When in doubt ask before you eat. Jono, can you do some restaurant order flash cards for each of them saying 'Severe Allergies, does this contain _____.'"

I replied, Yes sir."

He then went after Nessa, "Those of you who have allergies that can cause anaphylaxis and have forgotten their epi-pens at their primary duty station keep your hands up." Vanessa's hand was the only one that stayed up. "AH, my favorite tactless fool... You Sarge have earned a trip to the dispensary. There you will be issued two epi-pens and a handy carrier. The rest of you go get some lunch across the way at the combined mess."

As soon as the Captain cleared the door with Nessa, I was ambushed by four very nervous eaters. Taking each, one at a time through the serving line, I pointed out foods they should avoid based on their specific allergy. I also told them how to ask if food contained their allergen, I wrote it down on cards for each of them to show restaurant staff while ordering. I told them keep the cards close and use them whenever ordering because some foods can vary between regions. For example, Kabsa most of the time contains pine nuts, but on occasion cashews or almonds are substituted.

Once that was done, I was about to put myself through the line. I performed a brisk 'about face' slamming straight into the chest of the person standing behind me. The mess hall erupted in laughter. Based on the smell alone I knew who it was. "I am so sorry Captain Hassan. I am running out of feet," I then looked up. I loved the confused look on his face. "I keep trying to start off on the right foot with you and I keep screwing it up."

He smiled, "My fault entirely I was standing too close. I wanted to watch you teach your betters. Is that your technique?"

"Not quite, for operations I prefer using the tried-and-true demonstration performance method. In this case it boils down to I have knowledge they need to survive. I knew I had their absolute attention. Still, I can't imagine going through life with that constant thought that the next bite of food could kill me, especially since I have to eat so often."

"I agree. Jono, would you mind if I dined with you. I have questions on your training style and if we can help get our peoples load times up towards yours."

I laughed, "This is gonna sound like a boast, and it isn't. Even Vanessa can't get to my level. I have several unfair advantages. I have nimble fingers, I am rated at typing 175 to 200 words per minute, and I commit the software load to memory." He smiled and we loaded our trays. As we walked to the table, I felt like I was such a child next to him.

His first name Tamam meant "generous" or "perfection" clearly he was the latter. His butt cheeks looked like two hams wiggling in the same gunny sack. Wait that was a weird thought. Why am I calling another dude's physique perfection? Why do I keep losing myself into his eyes? Why the hell does he look so familiar? It must be the lack of sleep.

As we ate he asked how we could improve his people's load times. I told him that was probably a matter of motivation, not intelligence. I went on, "When our unit started using me to help train the ASOs and ASTs manual loading 6 months ago the load times improved. No one likes being shown up by an E-2, with only 6 months on active duty. Especially one who looks like me."

I chuckled "Now that I'm a 'mighty' E-3 that may change but, I doubt it. We also chose to deviate from the technical order and make manual loading a two person job to eliminate single point failures. One person enters the data and the other must verify it. That may be something you might want to try in the future. In addition once everyone is sure of their own jobs you might want to look at cross certifying them. It will give you increased operational flexibility."

The Captain thanked me for my insights. At that point Vanessa and Captain Nelson returned from the dispensary. They brought their trays over to our table. I must admit I was a little disappointed that I was losing this alone time. Was that a weird thought? Nope chalk it up to being introverted and the group growing.

Captain Nelson thanked me for assisting the other allergy sufferers. "It worked out for the best." I replied, "It gave the Captain Hassan an opportunity to see my training style with superiors and a chance to test some of my boasts." I looked at Nessa "I think we may want to take the approach we took in Basdahl. I glanced at a few of the training files the Captain has been flipping through. I assumed you were testing my eidetic memory claim?" OH MY GOODNESS HE BLUSHED, with the blood rushing into his cheeks he was either embarrassed about getting caught or getting pissed that I overstepped my bounds, again.

"You could read those files, in Arabic, upside down, and from across the table?" He asked.

"Please forgive me sir, I could read it upside down and from across the table if it was written in ancient Persian or Semitic cuneiform. If I went too far I am sorry."

"Well Jono, I will have to tell my fellow Saudi's to remember their coversheets. There is nothing to forgive you did warn me about your memory."

Vanessa chimed in, "Jono's security clearance had to be raised almost as soon as he got to the squadron. The wing commander forgot to use his cover sheets. Jono only saw the document for a second or two, and read back the entire report to him. He then went on to point out flaws in their plans and outdated information. Now he serves in the intelligence section of the unit's battle staff. He is very likely to become our squadron's Airspace Management Coordinator or work in the MPC when he makes E-4 Senior Airman.

I blushed and continued my assessment. "I would like to bruise their egos a bit. Create a little friendly competition among the Saudi trainees and I. Once they see how fast the load should be done by someone, they already look upon as a child. It will prick their machismo and drive them harder. I have no doubt most, if not all, will hit the twenty minute mark. This approach does tend to ruffle feathers Captain; I might need someone running interference."

Captain Hassan replied, "I believe your Senior Director can do that with ease."

I responded with a traditional "Yes sir."

"Airman Banks, Captain Hassan is your SD. You, Sgt Gilmore, and I are his day shift Air Surveillance training team. We have certified Saudi Search Scope Operators already available here. That is why I had you slated for Al Kharj. I hate to admit that would have been a waste. Now, you can focus on training for your own AST qualifications while you co-instruct the Saudi ASOs and ASTs with Vanessa and I. Once you are certified, Captain Hassan has approved Vanessa to start training to be a Senior Director Technician."

I was doing an internal happy dance. Do to your security clearance I'm going to be using use you as my acting Intel NCO and classified runner. Add to that with your linguistic skills, I will likely be using you heavily for diplomatic encounters. We will be going to Embassy row quite a lot. You will find among the various embassies the famous 'day that ends in y party' is quite common. For these events you will be required to have a mess dress."

I quickly replied, "That might be an issue sir, junior enlisted people are not issued mess dress. I do have my semi-formal, will that be sufficient?" He nodded.

Several days passed and training was going along well. I had read and committed the local software package to memory, to the amazement of the civilian contractors. I failed to share that information with my fellow trainees, thus ensuring that I was always a step ahead of them. I was right; it was risky to bruise their egos, but nothing that couldn't be controlled. Captain Hassan and Captain Nelson had no trouble stepping in when tempers started to get a little out of control. By the end of the first week even the slowest trainee got his time down to 40 minutes, and the rest hit the 30 minute mark. My AST training was going well. Vanessa said I was ready for my eval (evaluation). However recommended I sit on it for a week or so. Get the host nation trainees out first.

Each day had become the same routine. Breakfast, the bus ride to the base, two training sessions in the morning, a third after lunch (or evals), 2 hours for paperwork, and we ended the day with a group meeting of the instructors. We discussed the status, strengths, and weaknesses of each trainee. We also discussed problems that we had to get around. Then we would get back on the bus ride back to the hotel, get dinner, go to bed and start it all over again.

I had accompanied Captain Nelson to several Embassy functions, and was becoming quite popular amongst the various allied embassies respective staffs. The highlight of my days however, seemed to center around lunch times. It was almost as if Captain Hassan was going out of his way to dine with me. I was so grateful every weekend was a three-day weekend. Because we were a hybrid crews we had every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off to accommodate both cultures. The tradeoff was the need for longer workdays during the week.

Thursday, morning training went long, and I was one of the last people seated in the instructor's lunchroom. Fortunately for me Captain Hassan continued what had become a daily ritual as he sat down at my table. He wanted to let me know there were in fact some Saudi troops complaining about a tiny child teaching them.

He smiled, "Your plan is working well. After just two weeks everyone was under 30 minutes. On top of that impressive fact, a few of the primary crew is certified. The Command and NATO staffs are very pleased. Oh, and I have this for you from our supply sergeant." As the last instructor departed, he slid a new star headset package to me. "You shouldn't have to be pulling a headset out of the equipment locker. They so rarely work the first time." The headset was the same type used by the weapons cell. Everyone in the surveillance cell coveted them.

I smiled, "Thank you for the headset. As for the trainees, my goal was to get them under 20 minutes before their evals. With the next group I'll start doing a little more praise and make it more of a positive game. The complaints should fade from here on. Instead of competing with me they will start competing with each other."

"I would like to know more of this game play, Jono. Perhaps we could discuss it over dinner."

"I would like that sir." His first middle name, Aza meant 'comfort,' how appropriate. Whenever I talked to him I wasn't nervous like other senior officers made me, it was odd. It was as if we connected, it was very comfortable and pleasant. "When would you like to meet in the hotel restaurant?"

He smiled, "Jono, since you have arrived in my city you have seen the hotel, a few stuffy embassies, and this base. I think it is time you see my city. Do you have any civilian clothes with you?" I told him just a couple pairs of 501 jeans and a couple dress shirts. He shook his head then smiled and touched my hand, "We can fix that. I will collect you at 6 for a bit of shopping and a late supper."

He put his fist under my chin and raised my head up. Without warning he leaned in and tenderly kissed my forehead. I know kisses could mean many things and a kiss on the forehead was normally showing that you were cared for. I was confused by his action. I blushed a deep red and dropped my head. All I could think of was to finish the conversation.

"Sorry about the clothes, sir." Sight unseen what I had was not acceptable. I should have been angry but I wasn't.

The eval team had the ops center for the afternoon. The unaffected trainees were released for the weekend. Vanessa and I got a jump on our paperwork and I used the extra time to prepare for my eval by rereading manuals, regulations, and orders I had read a dozen times already. In other words, I was wasting time. I was enjoying the silence alone with mamma bear. She broke the silence playfully, "Baby bear, what's going on. It's been an hour and a half; we are so far behind on gossip."

"Jus thinkin Nessa."

"Spill it Taz, what's going on?" she demanded.

"Someone wants to take me to dinner to talk about the Saudi's training plan."

Her eyebrow cocked on one side, "Could that someone be a certain Saudi field officer with a penchant for blonde boys in silk jammies?" I blushed. "I will take that as a yes, please continue..."

"It's not like that. Now that the guys have the basic skills down, he is curious about team building." I replied defensively.

"Sweetie, if it was just about training, he would be in here..."

"He is busy supporting the evals."

"You know what I mean. Jono, I love you like a brother, but you are so blissfully naive... If you keep taking everything at face value you're gonna end up alone, or saddled to a pushy jerk who makes all the choices for you. When you grab your headset from the equipment locker almost every pair of Saudi eyes, and a few of the Air Force ones, are on that cute little bubble butt of yours. That includes Hassan. Just be careful I don't want you hurt. The most the Air Force can do is court-martial you and throw you out. Remember here they 'can' and do imprison and occasionally kill people caught in homosexual acts in this city. Riyadh, while beautiful, is the single most conservative city in the whole country."

A chill ran down my spine, I nodded and she hugged me. "Trust me this IS a date. He is really digging you. Hell, Jono, he is even pumping me for Intel on you. Sergeant Dennis told me, he pulled YOUR emergency contact sheet from the orderly room. I'll stop by and help you get ready. If I am right, you should find a way to warn him about your little 'issues.' I have to get a few things you will need, be back soon."

I almost asked what things, and then I remembered Vanessa knows everything. I smiled and returned to my reading materials. Ten minutes later she returned with her purse clasp straining. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Don't be so nosy, you'll see later. The Operations Director just approved our early departure. Let's catch the bus or the duty driver." We stowed the classified materials, locked the safes, and dashed for the transportation building.

The whole ride back I was lost in thought. Was Vanessa right about Hassan's intentions? I was excited, but nervous and confused at the same time. Was I gay, straight, or something in between. It was true; I was interested in Hassan and eagerly looked forward to seeing him, when he spent time with me my world stopped.

Was what I thought I felt with Vanessa just a close friendship, extreme gratitude, fantasy, or infatuation? Sexuality often confused me. In school I was always the little kid who didn't fit in, or the dorky big brain in the tiny body. No one ever expressed interest in my physically. I lived most of my life friend-zoned by one person or another. It sucked but I eventually came to accept the fact I would probably have a celibate life.

Nessa came up to my room shortly after we returned to the hotel. I looked at her and shared my concerns. I confessed the fact that when I was tutoring the jocks back in high school, I sometimes had desires. Vanessa always dropped those not so little hints that she questioned my sexuality and I was curious how she knew if I didn't.

Vanessa answered my concerns and questions. "Jono, did I ever tell you about my brothers?" I shook my head; I always thought she was an only child. "Okay, story time sweetie." She patted the mattress next to her for me to sit down. "I come from a family of 5. I'm the baby of my family, just like you. The three of us kids were born a little more than a year apart. My folks were very religious people. You know real bible thumpers. They were constantly dragging us to one church meeting or another.

One Sunday afternoon Cal finally snapped. That day, he didn't just come out of the closet; he took a ten pound sledgehammer to that sucker. He told my folks he had enough hearing how his 'lifestyle choice' was a sin and damning him to hell. My dad freaked out, there was shouting, it got ugly, and dad threw him out of the house. I haven't seen or heard from him since. Richie was the middle kid. He was sweet, smart, talented, and so very shy. You remind me of him so much."

She hugged on me. "Richie idolized Cal, the way I idolized Richie. When dad threw Cal out, something inside Richie just broke. Richie had been dating a guy for almost a year before Cal started dating guys. He was too terrified to tell anyone he was gay. He hid his secret from everyone but me. His boyfriend was one of Cal's classmates. Alex was out, loud, and proud. Alex hated hiding their love and gave Richie a very 'douchie' ultimatum to come out or he would leave him. Richie saw no way out, so he made his own after taking dad's gun."

I put my arms around her. She didn't have to complete that thought. "Jono, I love you like my brothers and never want you in the position where you think there is no other option. As to how I know about your sexuality, I don't know if you are gay, but I have learned to trust my gut. This is for you," as she opened her purse and handed me a paper bag from the dispensary. "Go into the bathroom, use this, or don't, it is your choice. If you do, follow the instructions on the boxes. Then shower, try the sandalwood scented soap, I think you will like it. I'll be out here seeing what kind of outfit we can pull together..."

When I got into the bathroom I started laying the contents on the counter. Each was labeled using grease pencil. Damn, she thought of everything. I knew how the enema/douche bag should work thanks to all of the months in the hospital and my chronic bowel obstructions thanks to all of the pain meds. "Need help Sweetie?"

I replied, "Sadly no, I know how all this works."

"Jono honey, two pairs of 501s and a couple dress shirts are NOT a wardrobe!" After the fourth enema, clean clear water dumped into the toilet. Trusting Nessa, I grabbed her 'soap choice' and jumped into the shower. It was a good choice, it smelled great. When I stepped out of the shower I heard, "Dry your body, put on your robe and get out here."

I reached for my cologne, "Touch that fucking Halston I'll break your fingers!" How did she know? When I stepped out she grabbed my hand and led me to the desk chair. She grabbed my brush and started sweeping my hair back... The terrors of the past struck again, I was in full panic mode! When those terrors arrive my voice begins to stammer.

I put my hands up, grabbing hers trembling "N-no... not that way."

"What's wrong babe? It shows more of your beautiful face. You shouldn't hide it."

"It shows my sc-scars. I w-will look like a fr-freak."

She pulled me up and hugged me, then led me to the full length mirror. As she stroked my hairline she spoke softly, "Oh my sweet Jono, those itty-bitty lines are barely visible. The surgeon did an outstanding job. Hon, what do you see in the mirror?"

I glanced then dropped my gaze down. "I am broken, this is st-stupid, no one is gonna want me. He will take one look, and la-laugh, or worse he's gonna recoil in fear..." I was shaking and tears were streaming down my face as she put her finger to my lips. She pulled my head down and kissed my forehead. She untied the belt of my robe, then stepped behind me and let the robe fall to the floor.

"Jono, look up. What do you see?"

Trying to make light of the situation I said, "I see a hairless tiny dicked Chihuahua." The joke earned me her annoyed look, so I answered honestly. "I see a monster, a scarred up man, who is trapped in a child's body."

She wrapped her arms around me pulling me close. Then looking into the mirror over my shoulder she said, "Here is what I see honey. I see a beautiful young man in pain. A man who cares for others more than himself. A man who was pushed too far, too fast by life and is still standing. A man anyone would be proud to call friend or lover." She turned me away from the mirror and hugged me close. "Lastly sweetheart, if he does reject you, I will personally rip his nuts off and feed them to him! Trust me that is not going to happen. Let's finish getting you ready." Then she kissed my head again and brought me back to the chair.

She teased my hair into soft spikes, "If you like it, we can cut and shape it later." Once that was done I had to admit it did look nice. For the first time in years I barely noticed my surgical scars. Nessa laid out my jeans, and my black Nehru collar shirt. She said the white shirt would make me disappear and to it save it for embassy parties. Whereas the black one would make my face stand out. Gee that's the last thing I wanted. "Okay Jono, I got this just after I saw that spark between you two. I think you'll like this better than that stinky Halston." She pulled out a small bottle and sprayed my face and neck. "If I am right, it should blend nicely with his scent."

She had me stand again, and then looked me over from top to bottom. "Jono, it still needs something." She ran to her room and came back with a small necklace with a crescent moon medallion. She put it over the band collar and the moon dangled on my sternum. Vanessa then said "Perfect" and kissed me on my cheek.

She went to my phone and forwarded it to her room. "Just in case you're not back for bed check. Have fun sweetie; call me when you get back."

I was so very nervous when I made it to the lobby. I had seen the piano several times. I have learned to ask before touching anyone's instrument. As I approached the desk I was greeted with the usual smile and, "Mr. Banks, how can I help you today?"

"Is it okay if I play a bit of classical music on the piano? It has been a few weeks and I miss it. If the quality is not good enough just hold up a hand and I will stop."

He smiled and agreed. "Please, no western 'pop' music." I played a few short pieces he smiled and nodded okay, then went back to his tasks. I was almost finished with Chopin's Nocturne when the Captain entered the lobby. To my surprise he almost walked past me. I cleared my throat, "Captain?"

He spun around in surprise. "Jono, that is magnificent. I didn't know you could play that well." How on Earth did he know I played piano at all?

"Thank you, you have a forgiving ear. Not everything makes it into a service jacket. I prefer to play the cello, but I have never been able to walk away from a grand piano. It is difficult to travel in the military with a piano and cello in your duffle bag." As we walked past the desk I thanked the clerk for letting me play. He smiled and nodded.

Tamam said, "I like what you've done to your hair. It looks better."

As we approached the valet station I dropped my head again. "Was I supposed to meet you outside? I am so sorry."

"No, I had assumed that I would collect you from your room. This was far better. After all, I was able to hear you play." I smiled and blushed.

There was the sound of screeching tires as a black sedan with dark tinted windows approached. The valet hopped out and presented the keys to the Jaguar to the Captain. Captain Hassan escorted me to the passenger side and opened the door for me. As we sped away from the hotel, I swear he was accelerating so fast he missed every other gear. It was like being in a rocket ship.

It was at that moment I realized I really had to know. "Captain could you pull over for a second."

He stopped the vehicle on the side of the road. "Are you feeling ill?" He thought I was going to throw up, I still might.

"No sir. All of this is very new to me and if I am misunderstanding please forgive me. Tonight's dinner is not about discussing the training plan is it?"

He rested his hand on my thigh and said, "I admit, I am hoping for more."

I swallowed hard I knew this was the moment Vanessa warned me of. I had to tell him. I asked him to turn on the dome light. I showed him the scars in my hairline. Then he turned the light off. "The crash did a little more to me than just take my family." I put my hand on his I wanted him to feel how nervous I was. "The impact caused a few cranial fragments to transect my pituitary gland. This resulted in a lack of hormones being produced. Specifically th-the hormones that control..."

My voice dropped to a shamed whisper, "...puberty. Some things, like body hair, never fully developed.

I'm not telling you this to make you n-nervous, or for p-pity you just deserve to know. I've never b-been with anyone EVER. No one has ever expressed interest in me. I don't know what you're looking for. I just wanted you to know what I cannot give. If you're still interested in me, I want to learn from you. If not, y-you can take me back to the hotel, without recriminations."

He slid his hand up my abdomen and chest and softly cupped my right cheek turning my face towards his. "Beautiful, intelligent, and honorable; Jono, I wish to only show you love and pleasure, nothing more. We will go as slowly as you wish, and I will never force you to do anything, or harm you in any way." His hand slipped from my cheek to the back of my neck and pulled my lips to his. His lips were warm and soft. His soft chin strap beard prickled and softly scraped my face. I never expected such passion from just a kiss, he didn't even use tongue. He released his hold and smiled at my contorted frame. "Sit up, and adjust your seatbelt. We have reservations.

"Sir, we could grab falafel and go straight to your place for all I care right now." gasping for breath.

"Jono, in uniform it is Captain or sir. Like this I am Tamam or Tam. As to your novel suggestion of falafel, I do not wish to precede that quickly. You are a precious treasure and deserve to be pampered, and won. I promised to show you my city, and that is precisely what I will do this weekend. I will show you my city, and my home."

"Tamam, you had me at pajamas." He laughed. "Exactly how did you get pajamas that fit me so well at midnight?"

"Be patient Jono and you will see."

"Wait, did you say all weekend? I have to call Vanessa; she is going to try covering my bed check tonight. I don't know if she can do it all weekend."

He laughed, "There will be no bed checks. Your Captain understands where you will be, and with whom." He saw my look of panic. "Don't worry he cannot turn you in, without turning himself in as well."

The light came on, "I am such an idiot! He is seeing Lt Nejem! If Vanessa figures it out, she is gonna be pissed."

"Jono, first, how did you figure this out? Second why will the Sergeant be angry?"

"Tamam, you may wish to warn the Captain to put his necklace with 'star' written in hieroglyphics on a longer neck chain, I believe Nejem is Arabic for 'star'. As for Nessa, it means she is the only one not with someone. That and the fact she is kinda crushing on Capt Nelson." We laughed.

In about 15 minutes we were in the center of the city as we pulled up in front of a store. Clearly, this was not for dinner. I noticed the logo on the sign in the window was the same as the logo on the box that contained my pajamas. Tamam led me inside. The shop owner smiled and approached Tamam and greeted him warmly, I was ignored.

Tamam pointed in my direction and spoke very fast. I heard something about riding pants, shirts, boots and shoes. Three assistants slipped into the room and pulled me to a standing riser. They then started taking measurements from all angles and hollering out to the fourth man who was taking notes. I had enough! "Sir, what's going on? I have been buying my own clothes for years now."

Tamam waved them away and approached he held my chin and said, "Little one, this is how things are done here. This is my personal tailor. He does not fit westerners in this shop. They are doing this for me. Please do not embarrass me. Tomorrow we will be going to my family's home in the country. I must make sure you are ready for everything. Trust me little one."

I smiled dropped my head and replied softly, "Sir, I am sorry. Would it help them to know I am half Arabian?" I batted my long thick eyelashes at him. Tamam stepped back laughing.

The measurements must have been completed because I was led to a soft blue wing back chair next to Tamam. He was sitting chatting with the owner. My military training kicked in as I sat next to him silently. My stomach growled so loud both heard it. I looked at Tamam and whispered, "Ana asef..." The owner smiled as if I had said something cute.

Tamam asked, "Jono, when was the last time you ate?"

I hung my head, "Lunch at noon with you, sir. I usually eat dinner at 1700. I'm sorry sir; I should have had a snack when you said late supper."

The owner spoke to Tamam, and he nodded.

Moments later a small plate of dates and figs were set on a table next to me. With a champagne flute filled with apple juice and sparkling water. I dropped my gaze to the table and said thank you. I asked, "Tamam is this someone's meal? I don't wanna take food away from someone else." Again he and the owner laughed.

The owner said in English, "No little one, you are not my first customer who has come in with a hollow belly. But you are by far the most charming..." He added, "Like most Arab boys." I blushed bright red as I turned my head back to Tamam. He rifled his fingers through my hair then returned to selecting outfits for me. Note to self: watch your tongue. Many speak English here, they just choose not to. Who knew they were French, I mused.

The mood changed. I apparently had endeared myself to the owner as he started asking me for input. The dominant color Tamam chose for me was white. I looked at him and told him I would wear it, if it pleased him but, I told him I tend to disappear in white. The owner agreed and had one of the boys bring out a fabric sample book. Tamam asked what my favorite colors were. My favorite was the light reddish brown (like a camel), greens, and blues of all shades.

Tamam asked, "Jono, do you ride?"

"Would that be horses or motorcycles? I have ridden both since I could walk, sir."

"I was speaking of horses. But, it is good to know about the motorcycles. Back to the horses Western or English tack."

"Both, but I prefer Western sir. Both at my family's and the Ghorbani's ranch we had international customers, requiring us to train the horses to handle both types of tack.

"You will be using English on our horses." He then told the owner something about silk linings

"Is this where you got those wonderful jammies?"

The owner replied with pride, "Indeed he did, little one. You are most fortunate that I had some children's sizes available. Did you prefer the royal blue or the jade?"

"The jade sir. I wear blue all day, the change was nice. Thank you so much for opening so late and delivering them to the hotel." Tamam rifled my hair again. I guess I was talking too much again.

I smiled and went back to munching on the figs, and dates, and sipping my Saudi champagne. After about an hour or so the boys zipped into the room with an ensemble. They whisked me behind a screen to change. I was down to my government-issue boot camp skivvies. I realized even those had to go when a pair a very sheer black jockeys came over the screen. Tamam thought of everything. He wanted this weekend to be special. The aqua band collar shirt came over next followed by the softest wool trousers. I put Vanessa's necklace over the shirt. I then stepped from behind the screen.

Tamam smiled at first until he saw the chain. He stepped forward and removed it. He held his hands towards my eyes saying, "These are the only jewels you need." He asked for a box for the chain. Again I was ushered back to the wing-back chair and silky, sheer, black dress socks were placed on my feet. They were followed by a pair of butter soft leather shoes that replaced my Wellington Boots with the 2 inch heels. I wondered to myself if they had platforms, but, wisely kept that thought in my head.

I was feeling overwhelmed by his generosity. He looked at me and asked, "What is wrong little one. Do you not like them?"

"No sir, I love it all but, it's too much."

He smiled and whispered in my ear, "Jono, you are worth it, this and so much more. It gives me joy to make you happy." I blushed.

My old clothes were folded neatly and put in a bag and presented to me. The owner put the box with Vanessa's chain in the bag.

The owner smiled and presented me a bundle which contained four more pairs of silk jammies 1 in burgundy, 1 in Jade, and 2 in light reddish brown (the color of camels.) "Please take these, with my complements. You are always welcome in my shop, sweet prince." I looked at Tamam who smiled and nodded. The two of them continued their discussion. I heard something about a morning delivery. I think Tamam said that would be acceptable.

We then returned to the Jag. I looked up the street to see if anyone was watching. Then I turned in my seat and kissed Tamam softly on the cheek and thanked him so much for making me feel so special.

"You did very well. I have never seen Hamza ever warm to a Westerner. You have made me proud." He reached over and grabbed the back of my neck again and pulled me into a tight passionate kiss. His tongue slipped through my lips as my mouth opened to accept it. His wrestled mine to submission; it wasn't much of a fight. My back had arched, and my legs, came up, curled, twisted, and were touching my bottom. When we broke our embrace he looked at me and asked, "How can you twist that manner?"

"Years and years of gymnastics my Lion. That is what Asad means doesn't it, Lion? Have I been your prey this whole time?"

"Indeed you are correct young Jono. However, I believe it is you who are the predator who has ensnared my heart. I have a question for you. You have taken the time to learn what my name means. Does your name have meaning? I have tried asking everyone, what does Jono mean? No one has been able to answer me." I laughed. He looked at me as if I was mocking him.

"Please, Tam it is just a funny story. I have never told anyone, not even Vanessa." There was a look of pleasure that spread across his face. He would have something of mine to share with me alone. "In the Banks line traditionally they named their children after the grandparents. My brother was named Mikaeel Ezekiel after both our grandfathers.

When I came along, my mother was positive I was a girl. She carried me high through the whole pregnancy. So it was decided I would be named after her mother Joseffa and my father's mother Noorjahan. When I was born and I had that extra little bit of equipment, suddenly the name didn't work. I was told father looked into my eyes and he saw his mother's eyes looking back. They decided to just shorten my grandmother's names to the first two letters, Jo No Banks. The nurse made a mistake on the birth certificate and combined the two names together without a middle name. So technically my name means 'One under a lucky star' and 'Light of the world'." I laughed and he smiled.

Tamam kissed me softly, "It fits. Now sit up again, so I can get you fed." With that we sped deeper into town. People in this town drive insane. I think the most common driving tool is the horn, and they use it extremely well, and often. We pulled up to an older structure and he announced we are here. He passed his keys to the valet as we came in the building and entered the elevator. He pulled out a key and turned it.

We ascended to the top floor. "Dinner is on the roof terrace." The elevator doors opened to a large marble hall surrounded by darkness. He strode confidently to a doorway and opened it. There was a narrow staircase going up to the roof. The door at the top of the stairs opened to a huge low walled terrace ringed with potted trees looking out over the old part of the city with a curtain of stars stretching over us. There was a low table in the middle of the Terrace with two reclining benches on either side of it. The scene was so opulent and breathtakingly lovely, I actually gasped. Fine Persian rugs of red and gold were strewn about the terrace.

"Tamam, it is so beautiful!" I gushed.

Tamam clapped his hands loudly and servers emerged from another stairwell and started loading the table with exotic foods and drink. It reminded me of all those goofy old Hollywood pictures Mom and I would watch together when I was a kid.

While they were preparing for us, Tamam rested his hand on the small of my back, and walked me around the perimeter of the terrace so that I may see the entire city, his city. It's awkward walking with a man who can cradle your head in his armpit. The amber glow of the city lights stretched out for what seemed forever, until their lights kissed the stars held within the black satin like field of the sky. It was difficult to see where the ground ended and the sky began. It reminded me of home on the Gulf Coast. The terminator between the sea and sky looked similar. When I heard the door closed, we turned around to find we were alone with candles lit all on every horizontal surface.

I looked up at Tamam and thought about kissing him but couldn't get around the height difference. He sensed my desire as I stood on my tip toes; he bent down to meet my lips. I suddenly understood why Vanessa wore the 10" stilettos on dates. "Heals next time, I have to wear shoes or boots with heals or lifts. Or you will hurt your neck." He smiled and led me to the table.

"Have you ever eaten in the reclining fashion?" I shook my head no. "Then I will just have to lay behind you and help you." The sneaky bugger I thought. It was a highly sensual experience having him putting bite fulls of food in my mouth. While he spooned in behind me. The heat from his groin was practically baking my ass. I could feel the contents of his pants swell and shift through the well-tailored trousers.

After 20 or 30 minutes I rolled my head to the side to face him, "Tamam, how long have you been planning this?"

"Ever since the first time I saw you in the hotel; when I got you angry and saw that fire in your spirit."

"Am I correct to assume this is your terrace and this event was catered for me?"

"Jono, you are half correct. This is my family's home when we are in the city. The food was prepared by our staff that lives in their own quarters down the other stairwell." I looked up into his eyes smiling. "I take it you are no longer hungry."

"Tamam, it is you who are now half correct. I am still most hungry but, not for the wonderful food."

I leaned back and tilted my head to receive his lips again. As they almost touched mine, he replied, "Not here my sweet boy. Please come follow me." He denied ME again! I am never going to lose my damn cherry. He rose and held out his hand to help me to my feet. We then walked down the narrow staircase to the marble entryway he tapped a light switch next to the stairs and the apartment lit up. He touched it again and the lights softened and dimmed. The furniture was modern, masculine, and large in scale, it all reflected Tamam so well.

We continued on into the master suite. The furniture was again oversized, centering on the largest four-poster bed I had ever seen. The carved posts were each at least a foot wide and depicted some kind of ancient battle. There was a lattice suspend at the top of the corner posts filled with mirrors in the top of the canopy. The height of the mattress was also set to his level. I felt like a small child who sees his parent's bed for the first time.

Tamam spun me to face him, pinning my lower back between him and the bed. I tried to figure out the geometry of what we were hoping to do. I couldn't wrap my head around the almost foot and a half size difference between us. He saw the desire, confusion, and doubt on my face. He put his right hand under my chin in tilted my head slowly backwards as he bent down to seal his lips over mine.

All of the hows and whys faded in the passion of the moment. I was moaning and whimpering as he slowly opened one button at a time on my shirt until it fell open. He slid it off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I kicked off one shoe then the other as he bent even further to lick and nibbled on my right nipple.

I pushed on the center of his chest until he was standing upright. "Tam, I'm so much smaller than you, please sit and let me stand before you. I don't want you too hurt yourself." With that he ripped open his shirt showering me with buttons he then threw it across the room, perhaps to show me that he was the man. Then sat on the settee at the end of the bed and pulled me to him. His legs bracketed my lower body. His arms were placed on my back. I reached out grabbed his head and kissed his lips. His mouth opened as did mine. His tongue roamed freely inside my mouth as I moaned and cooed. I tensed as his hand slid from my lower back towards the front of my trousers. He pulled back and reminded me, "There is no pressure. We will only go as far as you are willing."

I looked at him and said, "It's not that, it's just no one has ever seen me like this. I have had others see me naked in the showers at school, and later in boot camp. No one ever saw me as something to be desired. I'm sorry, please don't stop." I reached down and undid my button letting my new trousers fall to the floor. He pulled me tightly to him kissing me deeply. Using my toes I slid one sock off, then the other off my feet. Only my thin sheer silky briefs were remaining.

He went back to playing with one nipple then the other. I was moaning and twitching, when my gymnast side broke free as I swept my left leg in a graceful arc, then wrapped it around his back. I started grinding on his crotch. Tamam slid his right hand inside my briefs and slowly started to finger my small tight starfish. I started to push back on his finger as my hips began to buck wildly.

My head rolled back. 18 years, 6 weeks, and an odd number of hours I lived with the curse of virginity. I knew only one thing; I wanted to give it to him. I heard fabric tearing as Tamam ripped the silky smooth fabric from my body. As I realized what happened, my lower lip went out in a playful pout. He looked up from his nipple play, and nibbled and sucked on my pouty lower lip. He released my lip and promised to buy me many, many, more pairs.

"Jono, may I look at you please?" How could I say no? I leaned my right hand on his shoulder, and then unlocked my leg from around his back. Reversing the previous arc then rotating it back to the floor. Tamam's eyes went large with my act of showmanship.

"My brother used to make fun of me. He thought it was too 'girly' for a boy to take gymnastics. Gymnastics and track were the only sports that my mother would allow me to compete in. She was terribly afraid of me being injured by my fellow classmates who were normally much bigger. I hope it doesn't offend." He shook his head.

The whole time my left hand was covering my tiny penis. He looked at me disappointed. Then took my left hand and slowly pull it away. Smiling he said I was beautiful. He stood and swept the comforter and top sheet down. He turned and swept me off my feet and gently laid me down on the bed, and kissed me. He was so gentle it was as if he was afraid of breaking me.

My right hand reached out and undid the top button on his trousers and slowly lowered his zipper. The soft fabric fell open. My finger traced the outline of his cock and balls. As my fingertip ran over the soft fabric its contents kept increasing in size. That was the difference between a "man boy" like me, and Tamam. I was stuck with a tiny inoffensive clit of a pre-pubescent penis with tiny grape sized balls. Meanwhile he practically had a third leg and a pair of large plums tucked in his trousers. He saw the look on my face and smiled down on me.

"It is not the size of the gift my beloved. It is the heart that bares it. Your heart is larger than the entire world."

"Still, it would be great if I wasn't just one baby step away from a Ken doll." When I explained the joke Tamam scowled.

He then kicked away his trousers and lay on the bed with me with nothing but his overstuffed briefs. I felt like an idiot he had been working so hard to make this night special for me. Then I go and kill the mood. I had to make it right. I climbed on top of him and lay on his chest. I got to feel his muscles ripple underneath me. I traced the outline of his lips with my finger and connected my lips to his. I kissed my way down his body I butterfly kissed each of his nipples. Then I kissed and nibbled on them like he did to me. I kissed my way and slid down his body until I hit his belly button.

Tamam asked me to spin around if I wish to continue lower. I complied and begin kissing his belly button again and nibbling at it playfully. Then I continued kissing down his tummy. When I reached the waistband of his briefs I noticed the huge circle of wetness that was seeping through. I turned to look at Tamam in the mirror and asked him, "May I?" He nodded in the affirmative. He arched his hips as my thumbs hooked the waistband. His thick, eleven inch prick got hung up in the waistband. When it finally slipped out of its silky prison it came crashing down between my eyes with a wet slap. It smelled both musky and sexy.

I figured I might as well go with what happened and I licked at the base of the shaft and worked my way to the tip. I kissed it and was immediately rewarded with the taste of his precum. It was earthy, salty, and nowhere near as gross as I thought it would be. I took my tongue and licked around his glans. Tamam made a muffled sound of pleasure. I may be a virgin, but living in an Air Force dorm I had seen a bit of porn. I at least had a clue what I was supposed to do here. I was just having a bit of trouble with the HOW. There was just so much there in front of me.

I rested my lips on the head of his cock and slowly let it into my mouth. I was overcome with a desire to swallow it whole; I knew that was not going to happen. But I still tried and immediately gagged. My sweet gentle guide told me, "Patience, patience little one." He began his own endeavor he began playing in earnest with my little pink starfish. He asked me if I had cleaned myself before our date. My mouth was full of well, "him" and I did not want to take it out.

I responded with an affirmative sounding "MMMMMMHHHHMMM!" Hmmmm, I just learned something new. If you hum while giving a blow job it counter acts the gag reflex a bit. I finally released him and answered him, "Yes, Vanessa said you would appreciate it, if this was a date. She helped getting me ready for you."

"Remind me to get something very, very nice for her. Jono, come up here." I gave my new mouth toy a final lick and shot a dejected look to him via the mirror. He pinched my bottom and I complied with a yelp. "We are far from done; I just need a little better access to please you." Damn my tiny frame! I climbed down from "my mountain of man." My pouty lip returned as I returned to the head of the bed and dropped to the pillow next to him. He again played with it sucking my lip back into his mouth.

When he released it I asked, "Was I doing something wrong?"

He caressed my face, "No, my sweet you were doing it too well. I need a moment to recover."

I reached down flicking my finger around his bulbous head and asked earnestly, "How do you NOT get light headed when the blood fills this thing?"

"Right now it is you who are making my head spin." He gently pushed me onto my back while kissing me. Once there he slid his hand from my shoulder down my body to my crotch. "You are far from being 'Ken doll' and more than enough for me." He wrapped his lips around my tiny member and slid them up and down the feeling was quite remarkable. His hands continued in earnest playing with my butthole.

After about 15 minutes he had me violently bucking my hips into his face. He noticed I was shaking and twitching. I began tapping his shoulders trying to get his attention. He looked up at me in confusion, and asked, "Why are you stopping me you seemed so close." I couldn't catch my breath. His look of concern became one of almost panic. He slid up and squared off against my face. He kept asking over and over again are you okay? My breathing was erratic and shallow. As I started to gain control again; I put my hands upon his shoulders.

"M-m-my love, you did not do well in biology did you?" His face contorted in confusion. "Remember, no puberty equals no cum. You just put me through three dry orgasms in a row. Thank you very much by the way." He chuckled and kissed me deeply.

"It seems everything I do to, and with, you will be new to both of us. I will try to pay more attention. You are so beautiful, little one." While I was stroking his beard and grinning like an idiot.

I looked into his eyes and asked, "Please Tam, can you be taking me now. Please, I want you inside me."

"Patience little one, if I fill the 'vessel' before it is properly prepared it could burst."

"Tamam my mighty warrior, my 'vessel' has been on the storage shelf so long, you are risking rupture from dry rot." He roared with laughter.

He raised my legs to my chest. I could not see what he was doing. When his tongue flicked across my butthole I swear I saw stars. I knew I had to see my man... I rotated my left leg and folded it behind my shoulder. Then I repeated the procedure to the right. Tam stopped his endeavors to admire the act. "HOW do you do that? Doesn't it hurt?"

"It helps to be lean but, as to how, remember all those years and years of gymnastics practice. It makes it all possible. As to pain, I haven't been able to do my stretching exercises for weeks, so I feel a bit of pressure. It is so worth it, I just wanted to watch you. In this position all I can do is move my arms a bit. You have total control. I want you to know, I trust you completely. I can go back where you put me, if you want me to." He smiled shaking his head no and returned his tongue to pleasuring my ass.

My new position caused my butthole to be completely exposed for him. He alternated between tongueing and fingering the surface of my very tight hole. He started pushing his index finger harder against my hole and it slowly sunk inside. The pressure was remarkable as his knuckle slipped through my ring. I tried to stop it, my bottom clamped down hard on his digit as it made contact with my prostate. I bit my bottom lip and focused on trying to relax. If this was just his finger, how in the hell was I gonna take the rest of him?

"I am so sorry sweet Jono." as he removed the digit leaving me feeling so empty. "My spit is not going to be enough." He crawled to the head of the bed, kissing my body the entire way.

I was begging, "Please don't stop now Tamam. I don't care if it rips me in two. I want this! I NEED this!"

"I am not abandoning our passion Jono." He kissed my forehead and opened the drawer in the bedside table removing a tube labeled KY-Jelly. "We just need a little help making it happen. I told you that I didn't want you hurt. If I do not prepare you properly, I will hurt and possibly damage you."

"I thought you used petroleum jelly for butt sex?"

Tamam chuckled and shook his head while rubbing my still relocated thighs, "Two errors in one sentence. Petroleum jelly is too messy and leaves a residue that is difficult to clean out of fabrics, and out of you. This is state of the art, it is water based. I have a friend who brings it in for me from Europe."

"Would that friend be a certain American Captain?" He nodded. "What was my second error?"

"Sweet Jono, so young and innocent. It is not 'butt sex.' It is anal sex, anal, or what I prefer just 'sex'." With the lesson ended he returned to my preparation.

He squirted a stream of ice cold goo straight onto my butthole, with accuracy that would make any bombardier proud. I too might have been, IF the term "ICE COLD" was not used. The sudden shock caused my arms to fly out from my sides. I slapped the mattress with both palms like a pro wrestler tapping out. He smiled and ignored my gyrations and started working the thick goo into my still tight but eager hole. As he worked his second and third finger into my ass I was grabbing the sheets like a man possessed. He continued to slide them in and out while twisting and spreading them. I never thought I'd be happy for dry orgasms. At long last, he asked, "Are you ready?"

I simply whimpered, "yrja 'abi" (please daddy!)

He asked me to rest my legs on his shoulders. He was afraid of hurting me in my current straining position. I broke the submission position as he warmed a bit of the jelly in his hands then slowly gave his prick a few tugs ensuring all was slick. Damn, he was so huge, I thought to myself, as his honey bronzed, godlike form towered over my tiny frame. He folded my legs back against my stomach and rested the head of his shaft against my now well prepared ass. He told me to take 3 large breaths and hold the final one.

When I complied he pushed and his cock began stretching my tiny hole. His bulbous head slid within. Pain seared and radiated from my now stretching hole. Sweat was pouring off of me as my ass locked with vice like strength around his shaft. "Breathe" he commanded me again. The pain of initial entry faded as my body became accustomed to the offending member. Tamam began pushing into me again. Inch by inch we stopped being two organisms as we worked together striving for each other's pleasure. He muttered something under his breath I couldn't completely understand. I heard the word pressed or squeeze. I had heard a couple of the Saudi Sergeant's use it after a training session. Did he want me to squeeze something, it seemed counterproductive.

I looked into his eyes and repeated the word in a questioning tone. His eyes opened wide as he told me, "No, your bottom is very tight. It is fighting back." I could feel my face warm with a blush. I finally understood what those little shits on base called me, a "tight ass..." Hell hath no fury like a pissed instructor.

"I have no doubt that you can conquer it my mighty warrior." He smiled and returned to sliding an inch or so in and waiting for me to recover. He followed with a few short pumps in and out for his reward. After what seemed like forever I finally felt his soft bush make its fluffy landing against my bare bottom. I swear he must have used half the tube of KY-Jelly. "Please remind me to get something very, very nice for Capt. Nelson..." He paused and chuckled, as we caught our breath.

The pain of entry slowly faded into waves of pleasure. He kissed my forehead and told me he was not sure how much longer he could continue. "My treasure, you are so tight."

I replied, "Well, I was..." I teased back.

The pressure was intense. I had a real man inside of me. A man who loved me in spite of my issues; who chose to be with me.

Tamam slowly pulled out about half way and ever so slowly pushed back in. I told him, "Please, I can handle it. I promise you, I will not break. Please fuck me." His rhythm increased apparently I still was too tight. The look of release on his face was amazing. I felt his load fill my bowels as he let my legs slip from his shoulders and began removing himself from me. I immediately wrapped my tingling legs around his waist and begged him to stay in me until it slid out on its own. For the first time in my life I felt happy and complete, I didn't want it to end.

He complied with my request. He lowered himself onto his elbows still covering my body, while breathlessly kissing my lips. His softening member slowly slipped from my ass. His cum and the remnant of that miracle lube began to ooze out. My legs went numb then released their lock from Tamam's waist. We snuggled and kissed until sleep overtook us.

-- Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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