Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Aug 28, 2016


Jonathan's Lessons: A New Beginning

Chapter 2

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All characters, and actions are purelyfictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

Special note: When I went onlineto see my stories, I noticed, with horror, that my well formattedsyntax was askew. I had gone thru great lengths editing each story atleast 3 times.Another thing I need to explain is someof the misspelled words. This is intentional for the story, and a feware one's that I have made up. Plus if you noticed, the maincharacter telling the story starts each paragraph on the margin.Every one else starts with a space. At least that's how I wrote it.

The week afterChristmas we helped mom organize and pack Bud's stuff up. Jim and Inever fucked each other after that night, but we did jack and suck afew times. Then it was back to college for me, to face my room mate.Boy, was he in for a surprise.

Joe, my dorm roommate, came back from the winter break a few days after I did. True tohis constitution, he took a shower first thing, and walked aroundnaked. His dark bush was sporting a semi hard cock. Mentally, Ilicked my lips. I don't think he had noticed at first that I waslaying on my bed stroking a full erection. When he finally did, heturned his head and did a double take, making sure of what he saw. Hestared at me, probably more at my cock. Holding it straight up andstroking, I said in a high voice, Joe, come suck me, as if it was mycock talking. His face turned beat red, but he didn't take the bait.

I'm not queer, hesaid.

Then how come Icatch you watching gay porn. His face turned red, but he didn't say aword. Then he sat down at his computer pretending to study. Not to beignored, I got up and stood facing his left side while stroking mycock. He could not ignore it. At long last he reached for my cockthen replaced my hand with his.

Suck it, I said. Helooked up at me, then down at my hard cock. He bent down a bit andlicked it. With a stronger tone, I repeated, Suck it. He did.Tentatively at first, then he got into it. Now that I had him, Isuggested we lay on one of the beds. He laid down on his back first,then I turned around hanging my cock in his face.

I had alwaysenjoyed watching him walk around naked during the first semester, andwould have to hide my erections because I was to shy to do anythingwith him. Since having gotten some "education" in sex over thebreak, I now had the confidence not to embarrass myself. Now I hadhis cock in my mouth, and he had mine. His cock was an inch or solonger than mine, and about the same girth; not that big at all.Smaller than Jim's, but longer. Now I knew why Jim liked sucking me.Joe's cock was as hard as mine and a delight to suck on. Much harderthan Jim's. I looked forward to seeing how much he would cum. Will Ibe able to contain it all? Or has he been jacking to much and I endup with only a dribble.

Burying my face tohis pub's took some doing. His longer length had me choking. It tookme awhile to figure out how to take him down my throat and masterbreathing thru my nose. His cock was a delight to suck. I figuredthat he might blow before me, so I was ready for whatever would cum.

When I took himdeep into my throat I heard him mumble something like having my cockfilling his mouth. His pumping my face got faster then stopped as heshot straight down my throat. I backed off a bit so the taste of hiscum could be appreciated. It wasn't sweet tasting. Actually it didn'thave much of flavor past the salty bitter taste. I cleaned his cockup, then snakely licked his balls with a good tongue lashing. His cock suckingskills needed some work, but at least his teeth weren't a cause fordiscomfort. His big lips made sure of that. My lips are thin, so Ihave to concentrate on keeping my lips wrapped tight over my teeth.That old familiar feeling of cumming started to build the same timemy hips started bucking hard into his face. My volume of juice wasn'tlarge, however the bullet shots of cum caused him to choke. Whenfinished, I just rolled off on to my back staying in the sameposition for awhile. It took several minutes before either of usspoke.

He broke thesilence first. Where did you learn to suck like that?

Remember me tellingyou about Jim?

Yea, the older guynext door.

To make a long andinteresting story short, I asked him to teach me about sex. And hedid.

Last semester youwere all but afraid of your own shadow. Now look at you. You're gonnahave to teach me a thing or two.

Gladly, but I'mgoing to be hitting on the girls now that I have some experience. Ihad asked Jim what the difference was between fucking a guy andfucking a girl. He told me that's a whole different thing, and that agirls pussy is more inviting than a colon.

Did the two of you"do it'?

Yes we did. I kindof got carried away and accidentally fucked him.

How do youaccidentally fuck someone?

So I told him aboutrubbing the balls in the crack thing, and how good it felt. Then toldhim how I lost control.

Now we laid side byside, head to head, as we both fondled each others cocks. My story ofall the things that happened when I was home took a good hour. Bythen we both had recuperated. Our stiffening cocks were again beggingfor attention. Instead of doing a 69 again, I went down on him.

His hardness was adelight to suck on. When I felt like he was working up to a blow, Iwould back off, and either lick his shaft, or his balls. Where was anice cube when you needed one? All the while him saying how good itfelt. Toying with him was fun, but I was getting hungry, and not eventhe cum in my belly was gonna hold me off for to long. So I startedwith the finger in the crotch, then going further down to rub hisdaisy. Feeling me rub that was a great sensation to him.

FUCK, was all hecould say, til I pushed my finger up his hole up to the secondknuckle in one jabbing shot. His pelvis bucked up high in one spasm,then like I had done when Jim did that to me, he came, and came. Iwas honestly surprised he had that much in him, but I took it all,even continuing to suck the last drop out of him till he told me tostop. Spent, he just laid there catching his breath and taking sipsof water. I grabbed a bottle to wash down my second cum meal thisafternoon.

The natural lightin the room was dimming when he said, hey, let's go get something toeat.

We took my car tothe pizza joint down in the food strip part of town. On the way Itold him how it was a surprise gift. I also gave him a quick story ofBud and his arrest. As we sat eating our meal I noticed Mary in agroup of four girls looking my direction from time to time. I toldJoe that I was being watched by this girl.

It's just wishfulthinking on your part. He said.

The looks Mary wasgiving me were instantly returned with smiles. Courage over took fearwhen I got up and walked to an empty table hoping she would get thehint to come sit with me. Much to my surprise, she did. Her petiteblonde body with long hair set my little head to wondering.

Hi Mary.

Hello Jonathan.

Can I order yousomething to drink, I asked?

Sure, I would likea bottle of water.

I got up, went tothe counter, got her a water, and me a Dr. Pepper. Then I asked,what's up?

Just gettingsettled in the apartment with a couple of other girls.

That's cool. Arethe girls you were sitting with your room mates?

Yes. And is yourfriend over there your roomy as well?

Yep, that's Joe. Weget along pretty good.

That's a goodthing. There's always drama when you get 4 girls living together,especially when they share a bathroom. I have my own bathroom.

That's cool.

Jonathan, can Isay something?

Sure, what is it?

Last semester youseemed like a very shy kid, but now I sense a change in you. For thebetter I mean. Is that true?

Yes it is. I hadsome big things happen to me during the break that have helped tobreak me out of my shyness. For one thing, my mom and Jim bought me anew car.

That's hardly alife changing event.

Well, it kind ofwas a big event to me, but the rest of the story is to personal totell right now. No offense or anything, but we hardly know eachother.

No offense taken.Maybe someday you will tell me. Here's my cell number. Call metomorrow morning.

Okay, I said.

I best be gettingback to the bitch's. You have a good night Jonathan.

Hey, thanks for thenumber. Then she went back to her group, and I went back to sit withJoe.

How did it go, Joeasked.

Great! She gave meher phone number, and told me to call her.

Cool! So when yagonna call her?

Tomorrow, about 10.She should be up and ready for the day by then.

See if she has afriend that's looking for a studly type like me. And we laughed.

Back at the dorm weboth ran around naked, and shaking our dicks at one another, falselyteasing, and being silly like a couple of young teen boys.

When I woke upduring the night to pee, Joe was spooning with me like Jim and I haddone, complete with his dick in my crack. It was a good feeling tohave someone snuggle with you. When I came back to bed, then he gotup to empty himself.

On his way back hestopped at the edge of the bed waiting for me to say something. All Idid is pat the mattress in front of me and said, my turn. So he laiddown in front of me. I immediately adjusted myself placing my semihardon in his crack. Reaching over him I fondled his package, thenrested my hand on his hairy chest.

He nuzzled hisbutt against me then said, if we keep this up we'll be going anotherround.

It is tempting, Ianswered, but I have to save myself for Mary, just in case.

I woke up with thebiggest skin stretching boner ever in Joe's butt crack. Just for funI pumped him a few times, then jumped out of bed to deflate that pisshardon.

Joe came in thebathroom with the same problem. Hurry up man he said as he stoodthere holding onto his swollen dick.

I just moved over abit, and said, here, we can both piss at once. Too bad we have topiss good hardons like this away. Trying to get my straight up,against my belly hardon, down to a point where I could hit the bowland not the ceiling was a hard thing to do. It hurt a bit, but I gotthe job done.

Yeah it is. But itfeels so damn good. Nothing like a good rip roaring piss to start offthe day.

I agree. Hey, Ihave an idea. Let's take a shower together.

Yeah, sounds like agood idea to me, he said.

We each had a barof soap to rub on each others bodies. Facing him I moved my hand withthe bar of soap up and down his back, spending lots of time on hisround butt and running a finger across his hole. He liked that bysaying how different it felt, but that it was a good thing. Meanwhile, he was applying soap to my chest, cock, and balls. Both of ushad raging hardons by now, so the natural thing to do was stroke eachothers soapy cocks. Of course that not only felt great but watchingeach others cocks being stroked was erotic. His cock headdisappearing and feeling the glans in my hand, then seeing it appearagain. Then I told him to turn around, which he gladly did. Grabbinghis hips, I ran my hardon left and right across his crack along withmy slippery soapy balls. Finally I placed my hard cock down in hiscrotch and pulled him up tight to me, then I reached around andstarted stroking his rock hard cock as I nibbled on his neck. It wasfun to watch his first few shots of cum hit the shower wall. I milkedhis cock dry as I watched succeeding squirts fly with less power. Itwas difficult to resist cumming myself.

That was awesome,he said. Don't think I've ever been so drained.

Yeah, that was fun.Darn near came myself.

Why didn't you?

I'm saving myself,remember? So with that we finished rinsing each other off making sureour "Grand Canyon's" were thoroughly rinsed. I still had a hardone. Now what do I do with it? Five minutes of just walking aroundthe room and getting dressed, slowly deflated my manhood. Now I couldget on with my day and call Mary.

Again, I hoped you enjoyed my writing.Comments or questions email me

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Next: Chapter 10: A New Beginning 3

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