Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Aug 27, 2016


Jonathan's Story: A New Beginning Chapter One

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All characters, and actions are purelyfictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

Special note: When I went onlineto see my stories, I noticed, with horror, that my well formattedsyntax was askew. I had gone thru great lengths editing each story atleast 3 times.Another thing I need to explain is someof the misspelled words. This is intentional for the story, and a feware one's that I have made up. Plus if you noticed, the maincharacter telling the story starts each paragraph on the margin.Every one else starts with a space. At least that's how I wrote it.

Jim had taught me much over the years,but what I learned over Christmas break was something else. Havingwatched my room mate running around naked so much in our dorm reallygot me stirred up. Not even jacking off seemed to help much. Andtalking to Mary, when I had the courage, added even more to mysexual frustration. I was going to do something about it when I gothome. I'll talk to Jim about it; he has an answer for everything.

I was only home a day when I went overto his place. I found him in his garage, like always, working on arepair job for a friend. We talked mostly about how I was doing inschool. What I really wanted to talk about was sex. After I told himthis, he suggested we go in the house where it was warmer. I was verynervous about what I was going to ask him. I thought he mightunderstand, and help me out, but it was a lot to ask.

Then I just couldn't hold back any moreand flat out asked him about guy sex, and if he would let me hold hisdick. Of course the request had taken him by surprise and while hewas sitting there thinking about it, I jumped to my feet, stood infront of him, dropped my pants, underwear and all, with my bonerpointing right at his face, and me stroking it. When I moved incloser, he grabbed my ass, and pulled me in taking me in his mouth.In just a few minutes I was getting weak in the knees cuz it felt sogood. I don't remember anything after that. Next thing I knew, I wassitting next to him and coming to. I had never been so drained.

We spent the next couple of dayssucking each other. He taught me how to suck a cock. I enjoyed allthe fun we had. A few times I cried. I didn't know why. Things werejust coming out of me. My biggest cry was when I told him about Bud'sabuse. I cried out all those years of pain, and humiliation.

Christmas eve morning Jim took me for aride in his jeep. He said that there was some last minute shopping todo at the Mall. Of course it took awhile because of the crowds.Eventually we made it out of there, grabbed a bite to eat, and headedhome. Jim stopped the carout on the driveway, which I thought was different, because heusually drove it in the garage. Once we unloaded the car of it'spresents, we sat on the couch making small talk. After 10 minutes orso the door bell rang. Jim got up to find my mom at the door.

So how are youboys doing, she asked once inside.

Great Doris, saidJim.

Hi mom. What's up?

Can't a motherstop over and say Hi once in awhile? Then she turned to Jim and askedif she could have a shot of that liquor on ice like she had the otherday. After he handed it to her we made small talk again.

Jim stood up aftera few minutes, looked at me and said, Jonathan come out to the garagewith me. I've been working on a project, and need your input.

I followed him outto the garage where that silver Grand Am was sitting with a big redbow stretched across the roof. Merry Christmas my friend. And frombehind us I heard mom echo the same words.

Really? I asked.

Yep, said Jim.Don't just stand there boy, go over and check it out.

I caressed thefront fender for a second or two, then turned back towards them, andwith that big shit eatin' grin on my face I stumbled out a thank you.

Your mother and Ithought you needed something more dependable than that piece of crapyou're driving now. Go ahead, get in it. Take it for a spin.

By myself? Aren'tyou coming along Jim?

Why? It's yourcar. Just let your foot work the clutch. It knows what to do. Now goand enjoy your new ride.

So I did. I took itout on the freeway, and opened it up a little. I loved the power ithad. I was feeling pretty damn good about myself till I got back toJim's, and saw Buds car in my mom's driveway. When I pulled back intoJim's garage, my mom and Jim could tell I was subdued.

What's the matter?Jim asked. Don't you like the car?

I like the car justfine, but,,,

But what? Heasked.

When I pulled inthe driveway I saw Bud's car next door. Both mom and Jim had a lookof concern on their faces. Then Jim turned to my mom and said in asoft voice, make the call.

She left, then Jimexplained it all to me. Jonathan, I told your mom all about Budabusing you.

I told you not to,he said sternly. Now he's going to hurt my mother you prick!

Settle down. He'snot not going to be hurting anyone anymore. Sometimes one just has tosay something, and it's a good thing I did.

He went on toexplain how Doris had contacted the detective she knew in the force,and told him about the abuse. A few days later he called her backsaying that Bud had some outstanding warrants, and was wanted inseveral other states for child abuse. Seems as though he would find agal with kids, then sexually abuse them. When he got found out hewould move across the country, change his name, and start all over.

Then I heard lotsof car doors closing outside. By this time mom had returned, so thethree of us went outside to see the action. Just then we heardshouting coming from mom's house, and a short scuffle. We sawBud literally being dragged out of the house by the handcuff's. Icouldn't contain himself and went running over for a close up look.Both mom and Jim yelling at me to come back, but I was all fired upand on a mission. The cops stopped as I approached, holding Bud up byhis arms. His face was bruised all over with one eye closed shut froma direct hit by one of the cops. Bud turned to look at me, and Isaid. Look who's the fagot now, and I spit in his face. My angerbecame explosive once again towards him, and I threw the hardest footkick I could to his groin striking a direct hit. I wanted to just letthe cops hold him while I punched away at him, but they didn't. Ittook two more of them to contain me.

By then mom and Jimwere at the scene. After a few minutes I calmed down enough for thecops to release me to Jim and mom. I watched with continuing anger asthey placed him in the back seat of the squad, and drove away. I wasable to get one last spit on the window he was sitting next to asthey drove away. Then one of the remaining officers started saying tothe crowd, It's all over now people. Go back inside and enjoy yourday.

Jim and mom were oneither side of me with their arms on my shoulders saying that thingswere going to be better now. We went back thru the garage where Ipaused for a moment to look at my new car. Some pride replaced thefear and anger I had been feeling. And I thought to myself, yesthings were going to get better.

Mom stayed with usat Jim's place the rest of the day, and into the evening. Jim went toget chicken for supper leaving mom and I alone to talk.

Jonathan, shesaid, you have been thru a lot lately. And I'm proud of how youhandled things, and proud of how you're maturing so fast.

Thanks mom. Thingshave been rough for you too, with Bud and all.

Jonathan, I needyou to be honest with me. Has Jim ever sexually abused you at anytime over these years? Is he now?

Mom, he nevertouched me till lately. Before I could finish she spoke up.

I knew it! That'swhy you've changed so quickly! I had asked him if he had ever hurtyou, implying abuse, and he said no. With a flushed face shecontinued. That son of a bitch lied to me!

Before she could goany further down that path I broke in saying, mom, he didn't lie toyou. I'm 19 and able to make my own decisions. He didn't come on tome. I came on to him.

But why, sheasked.

I've been prettymuch on my own for a long time. When I went off to college it reallyhit me that I was on my own. My room mate was walking around nakedall the time, and it bothered me. Made me sexually excited, but Inever did anything about till I came home. I had all of this pent upenergy to release, and I took it out on Jim.

What did you do?

I needed some oneto show me sex so that I could move on with my life as a normal hornyyoung man. Jim has been there for me all these years, and he wasthere for me again when I needed him most. Mom, I'm the one thatstarted this with Jim, so don't go blaming him.

What about datinggirls? She asked.

Haven't had thecourage to do that till now. I've grown up some mom. Things will bedifferent from now on.

I still don'tthink it's right for a 19 year old kid to be having sex with a middleaged man.

Mom, Jim is mybest friend. Who else could you or I trust to help me?

You're right, shesaid, but I still don't like it.

Just then, Jimwalked in from the garage with a big bag of chicken and fixings. Momsat in her chair as I got up to help him. While getting the tableready, I whispered to Jim what I had told mom. He got this scaredlook on his reddening face and said, oh fuck, I'm in trouble now.

No you're not. Itold her that I am 19, and can make my own decisions and that Iwanted you to teach me about sex. She don't approve of our agedifference, but there isn't much she can do about it.

Well, Jim said,this will make for an awkward meal.

After awhile momsubdued her feelings, and the meal went along as good as could beexpected. It was dark when mom went to leave, so I walked her home,with the promise that Jim and I would be over to her house tomorrowfor the afternoon.

When I came back toJim's place he was sitting in his recliner taking a nap, so I let himbe and got ready for bed. I was sleeping naked in Jim's bed when hecome in to get himself ready for bed. I woke up when he got into bednaked next to me. I didn't say a word, but went straight to strokinghis cock.

Are you sure weshould be doing this? He asked.

Yes, I'm sure.

I was going to showhim that he needn't worry about having sex with me. I figured that heneeded a good time, and I was gonna do my best to show him one. Andbesides I owed him for the car, and many other acts of friendshiphe's shown me over the years. I was just showing my gratitude.

He began moaning asmy stroking and sucking continued. I wanted to get him all horned upbefore I asked him to do what I know he's been wanting to do for along time. So I played with his ass, tweaked, and sucked on his nips.I kissed him all over, massaged him, and did anything I could thinkof to pleasure him, but I wouldn't let him cum.

Finally it wastime. Jim?


I want you to fuckme.

No, he said. Ican't do it. I wasn't about to take no for an answer, so I straddledhim, and laid my crotch on his cock. Our cocks touching waselectrifying. Damn near shot my wad right then and there, and I hopedhe wasn't going to do the same. I got up, quickly lubed myself, andhim. Then I lay on my stomach wiggling my butt. He was to turned onto resist now. He took the bait again like when I had first exposedmy cock to him. I could feel his movements to straddle me, then Ifelt his balls on my crack like before. A few strokes doing that thenhe backed up a bit to start running his hard cock down my crack,except this time he wouldn't have to control himself. This time hecan fuck my butt like he'd been wanting to. I knew he would goslow, and not like Bud who would just ram it to me.

The pressure wasn'tbad. Bud hadn't fucked me since just before I left for college. Hereally pumped me hard that last time, and shot a load in my ass thatdrained out of me the rest of the night. Thinking of this, I losttrack for a minute of what Jim was doing. To my surprise he had hisballs buried in my crack. Him fucking me was so much better than withBud. Jim took his time stroking me slow at first. It felt good tohave his mature cock in me. He was hard, but not rock hard like Iget. When his pumping became faster he grabbed my small ass cheekssaying, Man this is so good. I love pumping your ass. That's when Istarted pushing back. It felt so good. Oooooooooh damn! With that hecame, and came. Hot cum was filling my ass. I smiled because I justgave my best friend something he's wanted for a long time.

Spent, he laid ontop of me, and snuggled me like this for some time holding his weightso as not to smother me. I could feel his cock go limp and slide outof me. Then I could feel his cum running out, and wetting my balls.It all felt so good. Now I knew enough about man sex. Time to moveon.

The next morning Iwoke up in the bed by myself. First thing I did, of course was take arip roaring piss. Though my ass hadn't been reamed for sometime, itdidn't seem to sore. Or so I thought. After taking a shower, I walkedinto the kitchen with just a pair of underpants on. I didn't want toleave cum stains all over the place, or have it run down my legembarrassing me.

Good morningsport! I'm working on breakfast. Coffee? Juice?

Coffee, I repeated.Then sat down in a chair. A bit of an old familiar pain came to methen. I think he could notice the pain in my face when I sat down,but he didn't say anything. In fact we didn't talk much at all therest of the morning.

We went over tomom's place, spending the afternoon, and into the evening with her.She was putting up a good front, but I could tell she was lonely. Budhad come up in conversations several times. Life was uncertain forher at the moment, with the house and what to do with his stuffworrying her. When we left, I gave her a big hug and told her thatthings would work out for the best. And Jim offered his help if sheneeded it.

Your mom didn'tsay a thing about us. Jim said. I guess she has more important thingsto worry about.

The week afterChristmas we helped mom organize and pack Bud's stuff up. Jim and Inever fucked each other after that night, but we did jack and suck afew times. Then it was back to college for me, to face my room mate.Boy, was he in for a surprise.

Again, I hoped you enjoyed my writing.Comments or questions email me

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Next: Chapter 9: A New Beginning 2

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