Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Aug 21, 2016


Jonathan's lessons by Jim Fields

Lesson 7

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All characters, and actions are purelyfictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

Rage is an overpowering emotion. Aftera bit I calmed down and began to think clearer. The kid is right, butnot for his reasons. Bringing it to the surface would just make himhave to relive it all over again, especially if it came to court andhe had to testify. I just couldn't let the bastard get away with it.Something had to be done so he couldn't hurt anyone again. I willcome up with something.

He fell asleep in my arms. My littleman was growing up, but he still had some child left in him.

The next morning he came into thekitchen with a pair of pj's on. Coffee was brewing, and the smell ofbacon frying filled the air. How do you like your eggs done?

Over easy, he mumbled.

How about scrambled? I'm not to good atover easy.

That sounds good.

So what happened to running around Mr.naked guy?

It just doesn't seem like such a bigdeal now that I have my clothes.

Okay, works for me. Thought to self,stop running around naked.

You can go naked if you want. I meanit's your house.

I think we've both seen each othernaked enough to last awhile. How's this; I will only go naked whenyou do. And you can even sleep with your pj's on. Not me though, I'veslept naked for to long now I couldn't go back to pj's.

Fair enough, he said.

You want to help out here? Put somebread in the toaster.

Sure, how many slices?

Two for me, and however many you want.And grab some jars of jam, or peanut butter. What ever you want.

Yes master, then he went into hishunch back of Notre Dame routine.

We didn't talk much during breakfast.Jonathan, I have some errands to run this morning, think you couldstay home and hold down the fort? Yeah, sure. I could use to get startedon my home work.

Great, it will only take me a couplehours or so.


Yes. Then out of the blue he asked.

What is it like fucking a guy comparedto a girl?

It's a whole different ball game buddy.Their pussy is much softer and accommodating than a colon. The majorthing is the drama that goes with dating a girl. But the tits are anadded delight.

Do you think I will be able to do itwith a girl after all this guy sex we've been having?

I can't answer that one for you. Onlyyou can. Watch some tv and look at girls real close and see whathappens. If you at least get a tingle in your dingle, then there'shope for you. I suspect that you haven't gone totally over to thedark side yet. You still have much to think about, and live thru. Ifyou really think that some encouragement is needed, there is allkinds of porn to watch in the drawers of the coffee table.

We cleaned up the breakfast mess, thenwent our separate ways. He went to his room to study with his pj'son, and I got dressed to go. I had a lot to do.

I took my my '04 Jeep this time.Sitting in the car, I knew that I had privacy to talk. Doris, this isJim. I'm going to the car lot, would you like to meet me there? Ok, Iwill meet you there then. When I pulled into the car lot I didn't seethe Pontiac. My heart sank just a little. Then I started criticizingmyself for not calling back and telling the salesman that I wantedthe car. Shit! You blew it! There was nobody in the office when Iwalked in. I looked for the guy from yesterday, but didn't see him.Then he came into the office from the garage and was surprised to seeme standing there.

Hi. Do you remember me from yesterday,I asked.

Yeah, you and the young man took thatsilver Pontiac for a spin.

I didn't see it in the lot when Ipulled in. Has it been sold?

No. It's back in the garage gettingthe oil changed. We just got it in the other day and haven't had thechance to really go thru it.

I would like to buy it. I also want topurchase a service plan with it. So let's talk price. We no soonerstruck a deal when Doris walked in.

I can be with you in a few minutes, hesaid to her. I'm just about finished here. There is coffee and waterover there. Just have a seat and I'll be right with you.

That's not necessary sir. Hi Jim.Hello Doris.

Good to meet you Doris, he said, as heheld out his hand for her to shake it. My name is Rob, and I guess you two know each other.

Together Doris and I bought the car. Weadded that it should be delivered Christmas eve to my place with abig red bow on it, just like in the car commercials.When all was said and done, I toldDoris that we needed to talk about Jonathan. There was a Denny'srestaurant around the corner, so we met there.

We started with small talk about how wewere gonna keep Jonathan from seeing the car till we could surprisehim with it either Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day. At a slow pointof the talk I told her the extent of Bud's abuse and his threat tokill her to keep Jonathan in check. Her reaction was what I had hopedfor. Mad as hell, and with a flushed face of anger, she said,,,

That SON OF A BITCH! I think half therestaurant heard her. I want to run back home and blow his balls offwith one of his shotguns. And it happened right under my nose. Atthat point she went from anger to regret, then sorrow. She buried herface in her hands, and wept, saying, my poor Jonathan, my baby.

The anger returned after she recouped,only this time she had a handle on it. I'm gonna call the cops onthis prick. Something needs to be done.

Jonathan didn't want me to tell you,and especially the cops. I think he's afraid of having to testify incourt, and I can't say as I blame him.

We need to do something Jim. I know aguy in the force that's a detective. I'll ask him for some advice.

Sounds good, I said. Let me know whatyou find out. And whatever you do, don't let Bud suspect you know.

Good idea. He's not home right nowanyways. He went to visit his daughter for a few days beforeChristmas.

After we went our separate ways, I gaveDan a call. Hey Dan, how's it hangin'? It's hangin' Jim, no sex for acouple of weeks now.

Maybe I can help you out on that, Isaid.

That sounds good Jim, he said. When doyou have in mind?

Now, I answered.

Come on over then, and we'll figuresomething out.

Sounds good Dan. Should I bringanything? No, he said, just that ass of yours.

Dan had long been a sex partner. We areabout the same age, and body type, so it worked out good for both ofus. He is more of a top, but I've poked his ass a time or two. Hiscock is a bit bigger than mine, but my ass takes him just fine. Infact, my ass was looking for a good time. Having gone several weeksor so with out sex before Jonathan came along had my ass twitching toget laid. It was all Jonathan's fault. Him fucking me last night gaveme the itch to get a good fucking.

Dan answered his apartment door in theusual manner, naked, with a boner. Closing the door quickly behindme, I grabbed his hard cock with my hand, stroked it a few times,then dropped to my knee's.We went thru this ritual every time,and it never got old. After a few minutes I stood back up, and weheaded straight for his bedroom. I quickly undressed as he finishedpreparing the bed. I was only at half mast when I was doneundressing, but I knew Dan would suck me to hard.

Again, we hit up our routine of firstdoing a 69, then he would turn back around and lift my legs in the air. I loved getting fucked this way because I could watch hisface go thru all of it's contortions as he pumped his cock in me.That, and I loved watching my own cock spit it's load on me. I couldnever tell, or feel when it was going to shoot, but seeing thestrands of cum squirt was so erotic to me.

He took me slowly at first, then harderand faster once he felt that my ass was waiting for him. I needed agood fucking after the "taste" of fucking I got last night. Damnyour cock feels good in me, I said.

You're always a good tight fuck Jim. Ilove pumping my meat up your ass slut.

His name calling always turned me on.I was now bucking my pelvis to meet his thrusts.

Take my cock, you cunt, he said.

Fuck me hard like the slut I am, Ianswered.

Take this you low life slut.

Fuck me hard stud, show this pussy boywhat his cunt was made for. Cum spewed from my cock onto my belly.The sight of that pushed him over the edge. I could feel his hot cumin my inerds. A very nice thing to feel. Sex with Dan was like cominghome. Comfortably the same every time.

Laying side by side now, we each had awater bottle in our hands as we talked. I told him all aboutJonathan's up and comings with me, and about Bud, the car, and howDoris came around.

Dan said, I know Doris has first dibswith the shotgun, but I'm next in line to finish off what might beleft over, or maybe I'll just blow the fucking head off hisshoulders.

Before his vigilantism could go anyfurther, I told him what Doris was going to do, and to wait to seehow that plays out. Then it was time for a short nap.

Driving on the way home I began toreminisce when Dan and I first met, and the fucking he gave my virginass all night long. It honestly surprised me how a guy like him couldcome up with so many hardons and cum.

When I finally woke up that morning Iwent to the bathroom to piss. No pee hardon this morning tho.Rummaging thru his medicine cabinet I found a new tooth brushfiguring that brushing my teeth might get some of the cock and cumtaste out of my mouth. As I was brushing, bent over at the sink, Ifelt his presence behind me. As he got closer I could feel his hardonbetween my ass cheeks. My legs spread a bit, and I braced myself forthe inevitable. Although my ass was sore, it also welcomed his cocklike a long lost friend. Neither did he pump hard, or long with hishalf erection, but he didn't cum either. His dick simply went limp. Iseriously thought I would ever see an end to his stiff cock. I hadhung in there.

So, I asked, just what did you take toget all those hardons, and cum every time?

It's your ass buddy. It just turns meon big time. Then he gave me one loud slap on the ass.

With the day dreaming over Iconcentrated to the matters at hand.

On the way home I felt a warm glowinside me, not necessarily because I just got laid, but thateverything was going good, considering. Jonathan had broken thru hisshell, and on his way to becoming a man. Although troubled at themoment, I felt like things were going to work out for him in the longrun. Of course having sex with him was an added bonus. Nothing like ayoung stud to breath some new life into an old dog.

When I got home Jonathan was sleepingon the couch with MTV blasting away. I turned the music way down,then stood there looking at him, laying there still in his pj's. Hestill had an innocence about him, yet I knew what he was capable ofnow. He will grow tremendously when he returns to college, and nextsummer and by the time he comes back, he will be a man, and no longerthat shy little kid from next door. I covered him with a throw, andlet him sleep. The end for now. Stay tuned to hearwhat Jonathan has to say about Christmas time, and what happens whenhe returns to college, and his room mate.

Again, I hoped you enjoyed my writing.Comments or questions email me

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Next: Chapter 8: A New Beginning 1

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