Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Aug 21, 2016


Jonathan's lessons by Jim Fields

Lesson 6

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All characters, and actions are purelyfictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

In the shower we had fun rubbing oursoapy bodies against each other, and the exchange of cleaning eachothers cock and balls with soapy hands with some soapy stroking ofthe cocks too. After that I turned him around and rubbed my cock backand forth across his butt. Then he turned me around and did likewise.

Hey, this fun, he said.

I know, that's why I like your butt somuch.

We rinsed off making sure to get allthe nooks and crannies. He then went down on his knees and startedsucking me. He didn't suck long.

Then he stood up and said. Just wantedto suck a very clean cock. Is there something you would want to dowith me in the shower before we get out?

As long as you're asking. Turn aroundand put you hands on the wall, and stick your butt out.

Here we go with the butt thing again.

He complied to my wish. Now spread yourlegs just a bit. Good. Then I got on my knees, grabbed his asscheeks, and spread them. My face moved in burying my nose in hiscrack. When my tongue licked his hole for the first time he squeezedhis cheeks together in a reaction. I pulled them apart with noresistance from him and went back to tonguing his hole. He began tomoan a little and telling me how good it felt. My knee's couldn'ttake this kneeling on this hard tub surface for long, so I stood up,then straightened him back up. I put my arms around him and held himtight, then kissed his neck several times. My cock was beginning totwitch again.

Let's get out of here before we gocrazy again.

I'm for that, he said. And besides,I'm hungry as hell.

We dressed. He was now able to wearsomething different since his mom had brought his clothes over. Therest of his things we could get when we went over to his mom's tospend part of Christmas day with her.

Let me take you out to eat. We'll takethe Rambler again.

Cool, he said, but I see a problemwith that.

How so?

Wouldn't it be cheaper, and lessembarrassing to eat me at home?

Funny man.

You taught me well master.

You're welcome, I answered.

This time let's not drive to thatplace we went to yesterday. I'm too hungry to wait that long.

So where do you suggest Einstein?

That place down on Hobart street. Theyhave some good food. And they give you a lot.

That's certainly a consideration for agrowing boy like you.

After eating I just started drivingaround. Then a thought came to me. Why not buy the kid a descent car.So I headed for the car lots on Grand ave.

Noticing where we were, and how slow Iwas driving, he said, what's up?

I'm just looking.

Looking for another collector car?

Maybe. I was keeping close eye on himto see any reactions of something he would be interested in. When Ididn't see much of one I started pointing out a car or two in orderto get a reaction from him.

What you think about that silver one? Iwas pointing to a Pontiac Grand AM.

That's a cool car, he said.

I'm hoping it's a stick.

Let's go find out.

So I pulled into the lot and drove upby the car. We no sooner got out of the car and headed towards thePontiac when a salesman appeared.

How can I help you gents this morning,he asked.

By giving us some space to look at thiscar. We will come get you if we are interested.

That's fine. Here's my card.

I took his card, then he turned to walkaway. After he was a ways from us I mumbled, vultures.

He seemed like a nice enough guy.

Believe me, I said, all they want to dois get to your wallet.

Is that anything like you wanting toget into my pants, he chuckled.

Smart ass. We started to walk aroundthe car assessing its exterior, and reading the window sticker forinfo.

It is a stick shift, he noted.

I sent him to get the salesman, and thekeys.

The salesman approached us with heldhis hand out, and said, my name is Rob. How are you guys doing today.

We're doing just fine. I answered.

Would you like to start it up andpossibly take it for a spin? Then he handed us the keys.

I took the keys from him. While I wasopening up the car, and checking things out he told us some historyof the car. After I started it up, I popped the hood, and got out tolook and listen at the engine.

Will you be buying the car foryourself, or the young man?

That got Jonathan's attention. Inoticed a gleam in his eyes, probably hoping I'd say yes. It wastough to break his heart for now, but I said, It's for me. So we tookthe car for a test drive. First I drove to see what it could do andhow it handled, then I pulled off the road so we could switch places,and let him drive.

After he buckled up and adjusted thecar to his smaller frame, I told him to get a feel for the clutch asall cars are a little different. And the shifting pattern isbasically the same, it's just on the floor. He took notice of theshifting pattern, and we were off. Only this time he did much betterwith a smoother start. He did however, miss a few gears and groundthe gears a little. The few times he did, I'd say, grind me a pound.He was to intent on driving to answer back. Before we returned to thedealership, we swapped places.

That was fun as fuck. He said.

I laughed. Yes it was, I said. The funpart for me was watching him. That melted my heart even more, and asense of love came over me.

Of course the salesman was eagerlywaiting our return.

He was there to open the door for me.How was the drive, he asked.

Just fine, I said, and was glad not tohear Jonathan comment.

Right away he started in with thesales pitch, and I listened for a bit, and when started gettingpushy, I held my hand up to stop him. Of course he didn't like thatidea, in fact he kept on, not paying attention to my command. FinallyI interrupted him, and spoke loudly to over rule his banter. LOOK, IFWE WANT THE CAR I'LL LET YOU KNOW. He stood in shock for a moment,then said, Ok. You have my card. Feel free to call me any time. Myhome number is on the card too.

With that we parted company, got backinto the Rambler, and continued driving around the car lots lookingfor some thing else with a stick shift.



Why did you say "we" would getback to him.

I don't know. Just did. Force of habitwhatever. Oops, I thought. The kid is sharp; best be careful in thefuture.

Finding stick shifts is harder than Ithought. Even the one's we did find were either high mileage, or toexpensive. Normally I would take time when buying a car for myself,but Christmas was just around the corner.

On the way home we talked about all thedifferent cars we looked at and seemed to compare them all to thefirst one. It was beginning to look like that first car would be theone.

Looking at cars all afternoon suremakes a guy hungry.

Yeah it does.

What are you in the mood for? I asked.

What are you in the mood for paying?He turned to look at me with that shit eatin' grin of his.

Do you think I'm some sort of charitythat gives out free meals? That lowered his grin a bit. I don't thinkhe could tell if I was serious or not. If you're gonna live with me,you're gonna have to earn your keep. Then I had that shit eatin' grinon my face. That really cooled his heels.

So what do you have in mind, he askedin a subdued manner. Do you want sexual favors? Household chores?Grass cut? Cars washed?

First off, I said, there is one thingthat I want to make clear to you. Now he knew I was serious, and Iwas. NEVER, EVER, trade your body for sex to get something. What wehave going on is a great thing, as friends. However there is a bigdifference between showing gratitude, and prostituting your body. Itwasn't often I got real serious with him. I could see that he wasrather subdued now.

Boy, you sure know how to take the funout of things.

No, I just like to keep things straightand above board. That way you know what to expect, and what to do.It's called integrity.

Still hungry? I asked knowing that itwas a rhetorical question.

Of course I am.

Okay then, where do you want to go?

Ihop is just off the nextintersection.

Ihop it is. While at Ihop we talkedabout cars. He used his smart phone to check out the Pontiac wedrove. What kind of reliability, and recalls it might have. He hadtaken a pic of the vin number and ran that thru a auto check for it'shistory. I was impressed how he covered the bases on this car. By thetime we were done eating we had accumulated much of the car'shistory. Then his phone rang. Hi mom. No, not yet. We are stillthinking about it. That sounds good mom. I could use to come overanyway to get my lap top for school work. I will tell him. He lookedat me and asked, do you want to go over to my mom's house for supper?She's made a pot roast with mashed potato's and gravy, with greenbeans, and stuff. She also said to tell you that Bud is still out.

That sound good, but it's up to yousport.

Yeah mom. What time? We'll be rightover. We spent the afternoon at his mom's place. He did some packingwhile Doris and I talked. Before we knew it, it was time for supper.

The food and conversation during supperwas comforting. I could tell that the tension between Jonathan andhis mother had been relieved considerably. Both were talking in anormal tone of voice and conversation. I believe that it did themboth a lot of good. We all sat talking long after the meal wasfinished. His mom asked how things were going at college. His answerswere consistent with what one would expect. Math was a challenge forhim, he said.

What about your social life? Dorisasked.

What's a social life? You know me mom,I usually keep to myself.

No girl friends, she asked.

There is this one girl I've beentalking to, but we haven't dated yet. Girls are hard to talk to. Idon't know what to say half the time, much less have the courage toask her out.

I believe that is all going to changenow. She said.

Why do you say that?

Because you have changed since beinghome. I don't know what happened, but I'm glad it gave you someconfidence and courage. And you knocking Buds lights out wassomething that came out of no where. I truly thought you would neverhave it in you to do something like that.

You're right mom, I have changed. Iowe it all to Jim. All these years he's been teaching me things. He'sbeen a very good friend to me, and when Bud punched him I snapped. Hehurt someone I love and respect very much.

She said, that explains it.

I'm gonna go to my bedroom to get mylap top, and pack a few more things.

When he left Doris and I startedcleaning the table off. Just scraped the plates off, she said, I willput them in the dishwasher later. So basically I brought the platesand left over dishes of food to the kitchen, and got busy cleaningup.

Doris, there's something I need to talkto you about.

And I have something to talk to youabout too, she said.

If you don't mind I would like to gofirst before he comes back.

Sure, go ahead.

I'm thinking of buying him a car forChristmas as a surprise. We went car shopping today. I told him thatI was looking for something sporty. I wanted to talk to you about itfirst to get your approval.

That's very generous of you. I'm gladyou asked, but it isn't necessary. Do you want some money to helpwith it?

No, no. That's not why I bought up thesubject. I can handle the purchase just fine.

Are you sure there isn't something Ican do?

Actually there is. You could buy aservice plan so if he has trouble with it he can take it in to get itfixed with no cost to him. I think it's a prudent thing to do givenhe's so far away.

Of course I will do that. You alwayshave his best interest at heart, don't you?

Yes I do. I've known him a long timeand have helped him grow. It's such an easy thing to do for such asweet kid.

She looked me straight in the eyeagain and asked me what I think happened for such a sudden change tocome over him. You wouldn't hurt him, would you?

No Doris, I haven't all these years andI wouldn't now. I knew what she was getting at. She was trying to seeif I was being sexual with him. I will tell you what happened. Hecame home this time ready to burst from his shy boyhood, and become aman. You might say he found the courage to break out of his shell.

Just then he came in the kitchen. I'mready to go he said.

I had a talk with Bud, she said. Iconfronted him about his abusive behavior towards you Jonathan. Rightnow I'm not sure if it's going to work out between Bud and me. He'sbeen abusive at times with me too. I admit that I was blind to thingsin the past. He showed his true colors, and I'm not sure if I canlive with a man like that anymore. They hugged, and she cried. Ithink he teared up a bit too.

On the dining table were two boxes,and his lap top. Jim, you take the bigger box, and I'll take theother one plus my laptop.

Jonathan! She said. Where are yourmanners?!

What, he said.

Don't you think asking please, helpme, would be better than ordering Jim?

Yeah mom. Jim would you please help meby carrying the box?

Well now that you put it that way, Isaid, no! Before either of them could react, I said, just kidding. After we hoofed it back to my place, weput the boxes on my dinning table.

What are we going to do with thisstuff, he asked.

Yeah, looks like we didn't plan aheadon what to do when you moved in. I tell you what; you can have thesmall room across the hall from me. You won't be here most of thetime anyways, and when you are here, chances are you will be sleepingin my bed.

You're sure about that? You neverknow, I might go straight. Then he chuckled.

Well, I'm kind of thinking you will. Wehave plenty of time to clean out the room and get your stuff inthere. While in the process of cleaning I made the comment if weshould put fresh sheets on his bed.

Why? I'm not going to sleep in ittonight.

That's what I wanted to hear. The roomwas in fairly good order by the time we got done. We had a bowl ofpopcorn, and a few beers while watching a car auction. He hadn't seensuch a thing before. His total attention was given to the program. Along the way he would ask why one car was worth more than another. Heliked them all, and thought they should all sell for high prices.

When I walked in the bedroom door, ithit me. Fuck. We forgot to change the sheets this morning.

As he came up behind me, he said, whatare you mumbling about old man?

The sheets. We forgot to change thesheets this morning.

Oh yeah.

Go get another set from the closetwhile I strip the old one's off.

He looked at a six inch circle ofstain on the mattress pad and said. Did we we do that?

No, I did it when I shot my load downyour crack, remember?

He snickered. Yeah, I guess you did

With the bed made, and teeth brushed,we crawled into bed. I still got a kick out of watching his buttwiggle when he brushed his teeth.

We were both lying on our backs whenhe asked, So what are we gonna do tonight?

I don't know about stud, but I'm goingto sleep.

Spoil sport.

You've been running this old dog prettyhard the last couple of days buddy.

But I have all this energy. What am Isupposed to do with it. Jackoff.

That's no fun by myself.

Okay. What do you want me to do.

Nothing. Roll over and lay there likeI did last night. And I'll do the same thing to you.

Ok, I agreed, but go get a towel for meto lay on. We don't need to be changing sheets every day.

He put the towel on the bed. When Istarted to get in position, he stopped me and told me to lay on myback first. His small hand took hold of my limp cock and startedstroking it. Good luck, I said. This old dog just doesn't have it inhim, but you're welcome to play to your hearts content. Not seeingany results after a few minutes, he placed my limp cock between histhin red lips. That did feel better, but he could still only get halfa hardon out of me even playing with my balls and rubbing my hole.

Okay. I guess you're right. You mightas well roll over.

True to his word he oiled me up andstarted his version of massage. I'll have to teach him how to massagebetter another time. I was pooped, and I just let him do whatever.Then I fell asleep. Eventually he did get around to rolling his ballsin my crack. Then he slid his cock down my crack like I had done tohim last night.

The feeling of his cock head at myentrance didn't register right away. Perhaps I was having a dream. Asthe pressure increased, the more I woke up realizing there was a cockin me. I thought, son of a bitch, this kid is going for the gold. Bynow his cock head had penetrated my hole, and I was wondering justhow far he was gonna go. I could wake up and probably ruin it forhim. Instead I just laid there getting fucked by this young man. Onlyproblem was, now I was starting to get a hardon.

His penetration wasn't all that deep,but he was humping me for all he was worth by now. My pelvic thruststo get as much of his cock in that I could surely must have told himI was fully awake by now. He was lost in his own little world sayingover and over, FUCK THIS FEELS GOOD. Abruptly the pumping stopped ashe shot his hot seed in me. That's when I shot my load too. Goodthing I was laying on a towel. He collapsed on my back for a fewminutes, then rolled off laying next to me. It was an old familiarending.

Giving him a short while to recover, Isaid, well stud, what do you have to say for yourself?

Guess I woke you up with all that,huh?

Ah, yeah. Who wouldn't with a dick uphis ass and the one fucking me loudly saying "Fuck this feelsgood", over and over. Does any of that sound familiar? I knew thathe must have been blushing by now, so why not shame him just a littlebit more jokingly. So who was it that didn't want me to fuck him,only to turn around and fuck me.

I'm sorry Jim, he said, sounding likehe was gonna cry. Rolling my balls in your crack felt so good, thenwhen I started fucking your crack I lost control. Before I knew it Iwas fucking you. I hadn't planned on it. Now I turned towards him to draw him inclose for a hug. He kept saying over and over how sorry he was. It'sok. You just took me by surprise is all, just like you did the otherday when you exposed yourself to me, baiting me to suck you.

Jim? Yes, I said. I guess it wouldonly be fair to let you fuck me.

Tell you what champ, I wanted to lastnight when I had my cock in your crotch.

So why didn't you?

Believe me when I say the urge to do sowent thru both my heads. I didn't want to take your cherry. It wouldhave been more like a rape.

But isn't that what I did to you?

No, because I gave you permission to dowhat you wanted. You just surprised me is all.Only when you're ready would I think oftaking your cherry. It's called self control, which apparently issomething you need to learn. You can't always follow what your littlehead wants to do. But I'm glad you had fun.

Jim, my ass isn't cherry, he said,then hugged me and started sobbing, really sobbing.

I held him tight for a long time tillhe had cried it out. I spent this time thinking what might havehappened. Did he get raped in school? Was it a friend? Then it struckme like a ton of bricks, and I suddenly got very angry. It had tohave been Bud.

When he finally composed himself Iasked if he wanted to talk about.

You can't tell anybody, especiallymom.

Why is that?

It's just the way it has to be. Itstarted when I was 14. He made it seem like fun at first, but when hedid it my ass felt like it was being fucked by a horse. After that hewould do me about once month. After awhile it wasn't so bad, but hisbig cock still hurt me.

Now I was fuming mad, but I had to holdit together for his sake. It was Bud, wasn't it? He nodded andstarted crying again. I'm gonna kill that bastard.

You can't say or do anything, or hewill kill mom.

Is that what he's held over your headall these years?

Yeah. Please don't tell mom.

Your mom is gonna be the least of hisworries when I get done with him.

Please Jim, don't do anything. Rage is an overpowering emotion. Aftera bit I calmed down and began to think clearer. The kid is right, butnot for his reasons. Bringing it to the surface would just make himhave to relive it all over again, especially if it came to court andhe had to testify. But I just couldn't let the bastard get away withit. Something had to be done so he couldn't hurt anyone again. I willcome up with something.

He fell asleep in my arms. My littleman was growing up, but he still had some child left in him.

Again, I hoped you enjoyed my writing.Comments or questions email me

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Next: Chapter 7

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