Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Aug 21, 2016


Lesson 4 in sex

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All characters, and actions are purelyfictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

Yep. I was just rubbing your rose bud,when you pushed it in by thrusting your hips up. And you cameinstantly and a lot harder then you did the first time.

I don't remember doing all that.

I'm sure you don't. You were out therein la la land.

Oh. By the way. There's cum runningout both sides of your mouth like before.

Then do me a favor, and clean it off. Iwas expecting him to use his finger like before, but instead hepulled me towards his mouth. At first I thought he was going to kissme, but instead he started to lick it off. I was so close to hismouth, that I let some of his seed that I had saved, just for thisoccasion, should it happen, drop into his mouth. He was a littlesurprised at first, but took it anyway.

Are you hungry? Or need a nap?


Let's have a bite to eat first. One cansleep better on an full stomach. Then we can nap.

I hadn't thought ahead of time to makesandwiches up, so we hit up the junk food I had in the bedroom.

After we had some food in our bellieshe said, I feel so relaxed now. Like I've released the tension frommy whole body. My balls feel completely empty. And I feel differentsome how.

As in?

I can't say as I know right now.

Well, you've just had a big experience.Plus what we've done so far over the last couple of days, so yeah, Iguess you have the right to feel different. Let's just chill out fora bit. How's about that nap?

This time, he said, I want you behindme.

So we situated ourselves like wise. Hepushed back into me tight. Then took my arm over his body and held myhand tight against his chest.

Hold me tight Jim.

That was a no brainer. Plus I got tosnuggle my limp dick in his ass crack. I told myself not to get ahardon. Let the kid rest. My plan to have this big adult dick in hisbutt crack will happen soon enough.

I woke at 11pm still holding him tight.We were both sweaty from our combined body heat. My left arm hurtfrom being stretched out above me for so long. In fact, my hand hadgone to sleep. I tried to move it back down to my side without wakinghim, but that was a lost cause. He stirred a bit, then moved himselfonto his back.

Groggily he asked, how long did wesleep? Then he noticed the time on the alarm clock. FUCK! My mom isgoing to have a shit fit.

I thought you said she didn't care.

She doesn't. But she still has thisold fashioned thing about me being home by ten. What am I gonna doJim?

Call her up and tell her we both fellasleep on the couch watching tv. That's kind of the truth. I'vealways found that telling part of the truth doesn't make it sound somuch like a lie. He was nervous about making the phone call. Hefidgeted for some time before I made the suggestion for me to makethe call. He eyes looked at me pleadingly. Who could resist thatlook.

Would you do that for me? I sure wouldappreciate it.

Sure kid. But now I have to summon thecourage to make the call.

His step dad answered on the 4thring. Gruffly he said, Who in the hell calls this late at night. Henever was one for small talk in the few dealings I've had with him.

This is Jim your next door neighbor.

Yeah. What ya want. And where's myboy?

I thought that was ironic. The guydidn't seem to give a shit about "his boy" and here he wasseeming concerned. He's right here, I said. He was afraid to call hismother this late, so I'm calling for him.

Sounds like something that pussy boywould do. Jonathan heard, and hung his head in submission over hisstep dad's statement.

She's in bed, which is where I wasbefore I got this fucking call. Why don't you just keep pussy boy forthe night, and fuck his brains out. Maybe that will make him a man.And the line went dead.

Were my ears hearing right? Maybe hewas joking in a weird sort of way. He had to have been joking becausemost guys I know wouldn't say something like that. Protecting a boysvirginity from being butt fucked was high on most guys lists,including mine. I thought, yeah, right, and here you are showing thekid a good time. Doing everything but fucking him.

When I put the phone down his head wasstill hung in shame. I felt so sorry for Jonathan for beingsubmissive to this asshole. Just when I thought he had broken abarrier, and on the way to finding himself as a man, this assholepulled the rug out from under him.

He grabbed me in a hug so hard that Ihad to loosen his grip. The poor kid then sobbed like he was at afuneral for a loved one. Though other than his mother, I had no ideawho that would've been. Maybe he was crying for his own funeral.After the last couple of days he had started to morph from the shykid he was, toward something else. And his footing into his new lifewas uncertain.



Am I gay?

No. You're just having a little guy funat the moment. There's plenty of time to figure things out. Maturitydoesn't come without sacrifice. It doesn't come quickly either.

Now what ya say we go take a shower,and sleep on it. I helped him up as he was still a little weak in theknees. Also helped him in the shower and told him to hang onto thegrab bar while I went to get a some wash clothes and towels.

Neither of us said a word. He had askedme to washed him down. I had no problem with that, but my dick did.Its half hardon found it's way to his crack.

Well, I can see what your dick islooking for, he said.

I'm sorry. It does have a mind of it'sown.

Yeah, I know, it's a guy thing.

We finished up, dried off, and wentback to the bedroom.

What ya say we change the sheets. Ilike clean sheets, clean bodies, and dirty sex.

No more sex tonight, he said quickly.

It's just a saying I have. Don't go getall nervous on me. But maybe in the morning.

MAYBE, he said matter of fact.

We made the bed, and again he wanted meon his back side.

We both sat up when the door bell rang.I looked at the alarm clock. 10 a.m. SHIT! I said. Again with thedoor bell. The knocking started after the third time.

Get dressed I ordered. Both of werestill dressing on the 4th and 5th time. Ipeeked out my bedroom window to see his step dad at the door. Ohshit. Now comes the hard part. I checked Jonathan over quickly forsomething out of place as we both walked to the door.

Where's my boy, he said gruffly when Iopened the door. He could see Jonathan standing to my side and back alittle.



This was becoming a shouting match.Look, I said. This isn't the time or place for this. Let's justsettle down here. The neighbors are gonna wonder what's going on. Imight as well of been talking to the wall.





That said, he tried to get passed me. Iwent to stop him, but he punched me in the gut before I knew whathappened, and I doubled over. When he did get past me I heard thesound of a fist hitting a face. Oh fuck, the poor kid got nailed.Some protector I was. Then I saw his step dad stagger backwards offthe porch and collapse out on the lawn. I turned my head to look atthis kid I was supposed to protecting and saw him holding his fist.Then trying to shake it out.

Son of a bitch that hurts. Notanything like in the movies. Jim, Jim, you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Just punched the windout of me a little is all. He was helping me get back on my feet whenhis mother came running over in her flimsy robe having watched theconflict. She went straight to her husband, calling his name, tryingto get him to come around.

She looked up at me with fire in hereyes and said, You did this. YOU did this.

Before I could answer Jonathan steppedpast me and said, No mom, I did.

A look of bewilderment crossed herface. You did this?

Yes I did.

I don't believe it, she said. And withthat, he held out his blooded fist.

That asshole husband of yours calledmy best friend a fagot, and punched him in the gut.

She repeated. You did this? You - did -this. The confused look on her face was a kodak moment. About thattime he started coming to, and she started paying attention to him.She helped him up to his feet, and as they were walking away he said.I'm calling the cops. I'm gonna sue you.

Go right ahead, I answered. And I willtell them how you've been beating this boy all these years.

Then she turned her head to say. Thisisn't finished. I will be back to talk to the two of you.

I wasn't sure how to take that. So fornow I figured it would turn out to be a bad thing.

Looks like we might be in for a toughtime, I said, as we walked back into the house.

Yeah, it's been coming. He said.

I'm so proud of you. I can't believewhat you did.

Neither can I. It just kind ofhappened. It was like an instinct reaction when he hurt someone Ilove.

That one kind of through me back for asecond. I've figured that he probably admired me all these years, forthe mentoring and all, but love?


Yes, love. What were you expectingafter all this time?

Has the sex made you say that? Are youromantically in love with me?

The sex has deepened my love for you,but I don't think it's a romantic kind of love.

Well, that's good, because you needsome time to figure out where you want to be in life. Not that Iwouldn't be honored if you did, I just want you to go further thanthis.

As always, you have my best interestat heart. I'm the one that's grateful, and honored.

Okay. Let's stop blowing smoke up eachothers butt, and get some food in us before the wicked witch of thewest comes over.

Good idea. Nice analogy by the way.

How's about something simple likecereal and toast? We can catch lunch after she's done. (Ripping us anew one I thought.)

Yeah, sounds like a plan.

After making breakfast we sat down atthe table.

He broke the silence by asking aquestion. Why do you think my step dad called you a fagot?

I don't know. Maybe there's been talkabout me in the neighborhood. I have been single for a long time.People like to gossip. I keep to myself since I became single. Itmight also involve you.

How's that?

A single guy, with a boy spending timewith him all these years. Like I said. People like to gossip.

I still don't get it, he said.

I suppose they figure I would besexually abusing you.

But you haven't done anything tilyesterday. PG23

True. You know that. And I know that.Perhaps your step dad got that rumor going. Who knows?

I think you're right. He's asked me alot about what we do over here. I tell him that we work on projectsand stuff.

Have you had sexual thoughts about mebefore the yesterday?

Well I can't say the thought nevercrossed my mind. But my desire to keep your friendship was moreimportant to me. Molesting a child is just short of murder when itcomes to ruining a persons life. I respected our friendship anddidn't want to ruin you. Besides, jail time would not have treated mewell. Even thugs, and murders don't like child abusers. They rapemolesters, and I like my butt hole just the size it is, thank youvery much. He chuckled at that. Okay stud, let's clean up the kitchenbefore your mom comes over.

You know what, he said. I'm gonna callmy mom and have her bring some of my clothes over. I can't live overthere any more. If that's okay with you.

Of course. I would be glad to have you.You made a good decision on both counts, I said. She seemed to put upa little bit of a fuss at first, but when he explained that he justcouldn't live in the same house as Bud after what had happened, sheagreed that it was probably for the best. She said that it wouldstill take her awhile to get ready and pack his clothes.

We sat on the couch playing videogames. Time passed quickly. Before we knew it, the door bell rang.Both of us looked at each otherwondering which one of us should go let her in.

It's your house, he said.

True, but it's your mom with yourclothes. I got up and headed to the door with him right on my heals.I opened the door to find her struggling to hold his suit case andgym bag. Here, I said. Let me help you with that. After passing thesuit case back to him, I took the gym bag, and let her in. We setthem off to the side.

Jonathan and I sat on the couch farapart, while she sat in a arm chair. Can I get you something to drinkDoris? Water, soda?

Do you have any hard stuff, she asked.

Yes, I do. Any preference?

Scotch, straight up.



When I got up to head for the kitchen,he started to get up. I can handle it. You sit and talk to your mother. He gave me this look ofabandonment. I just smiled and continued on my way. There was anawkward silence for the first couple of minutes.

Jonathan, she said. Am I to guess thatyou will be staying here at Jim's from now on?

Yes I will.

I know things changed between us afterBud came into our lives. Guess I was just caught up with him, anddidn't pay enough attention to you. And here we are.

I came in the room just as she finishedspeaking. Here you go Doris, handing her the drink. Then I went tosit down on the couch, and handed Jonathan his water bottle, andagain made sure not to sit close to him.

Jonathan looked at me for someassurance before he spoke. You're right mom. After Bud moved in Ifelt like third wheel. Coming over to Jim's place was my only refuge.He's taught me a lot over the years, including how to box. Thingsthat I would never have learned from Bud. All Bud wants to do is talkabout hunting and fishing.

But he did take you fishing a coupleof times, she said.

Yeah he did, but he wasn't verypatient about it. That's when he started slapping me on the arm, oracross my head when I didn't do things right.

Oh Jonathan. I didn't know that. Whydidn't you tell me?

Because it would've just made itworse. You were to busy doing your thing to notice.

She hung her head for a few seconds,then took a long pull off her scotch. I'm so sorry Jonathan.

One could tell she was holding backtears.

Mom, he said, Bud hit Jim, and calledhim a fagot. I can never forgive him for that.

What have you done to my boy, sheasked, looking directly into my eyes. It's like he's changed overnight. He would never have hit someone before, or stand up forhimself, especially to Bud.

Oh, oh, busted! I took a sip of water,giving me time to regain my composer.

Jonathan spoke up before I couldanswer. I'm not that shy little kid any more mom, thanks to going offto college, and Jim's guidance over the years. I'm growing up mom.I'm out on my own and spreading my wings. There's a future waitingfor me.

Yes there is. Will you at least comeand spend part of the day when the holidays come around?

Only if Jim is invited too.

Well I'm not sure if that would work. PG25 It's not nonnegotiable mom. Take it orleave it.

Guess I don't have much choice, shesaid. I am going to have a long talk with Bud about this and theabuse.

Good luck with that mom.

With that, it was all over. She stoodup and walked towards him with her arms out stretched wanting a hug.They hugged tightly and I could see some tears running down her face,and when they separated he was wiping a few tears of his own.

I love you Jonathan.

I love you to mom.

She looked at me, and said, thank youfor being there for my boy when I wasn't.

He's a sweet kid Doris. Don't loose himagain. Then she walked out the door.

I was so proud of how he handledhimself. That boy, no, young man was gonna get rewarded some how. Iwill think of something.

Whew! He said. That went much betterthan I thought it would.

Alcohol can be used as either an icebreaker, or a thigh loosener. We both cracked up over that one.

Hey, let's go for a ride, and grab somelunch.

Sounds good, he said.

We headed out to my garage where, nextto daily driver sat, was my little convertible under wraps. We pulledthe car cover off to reveal a mid 60's Rambler American with a sixand a three on the tree. It was just a fun little car. My philosophywas, anyone could own a Mustang, or Camaro. And I certainly didn'tneed any compensation in the disguise of horse power, and speed. I dohave to admit though, driving a fast car was fun.

We headed north to a river road thatwound around with many curves for ten miles or so. My destination wasa little mom and pop restaurant that served good home made food at areasonable price.The burgers and fries were home made,and were washed down with a couple of root beers. Good food.

Our return trip was fairly quiet. I'msure he was thinking about how his life was gonna from here.

Jim. Would you teach me how to drivethis stick shift?

Sure. When do you want to do this?


So I found a safe place to pull off theroad. After exchanging places, we both buckled up. PG26 I explained the "H" pattern of shifting, whenabout to shift, and that I would remind him as he went.

Now the most important thing to learnis the clutch.

I had him practice feeling the clutchso he knew when it grabbed. Then we were off to a bucking broncostart. On the rest of the way home I continued giving him pointers ondown shifting and the like.

We finally made it home. I don't thinkthe car was much worse for the wear. After covering it back up wewent back into the house and sat down on the couch with a couple ofbeers.

So what do we do now, he asked.

It's been a long day. I think a goodold fashioned nap is in order. Not a power nap like we've beenhaving.

I agree. I'm kind of pooped.

Do you want to snuggle in bed?


Okay then. I'll take the recliner, andyou stay here on the couch.

Sounds good to me.

Again, I hoped you enjoyed my writing.Comments or questions email me

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Next: Chapter 5

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