Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Aug 21, 2016


Lesson 3 in sex

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All characters, and actions are purelyfictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

Oh crap. Look at the time, he said. Mymom is gonna wonder why I've been over here for so long.

Just tell her we watched a couple ofwar movies and time got away from us. And before you go, brush yourteeth. I don't want her smelling beer on you. Watching his cute butt wiggle as hebrushed his teeth was both comical, and sexy at they same time.

Can I come over tomorrow, he asked, ashe walked towards the door.

Sure. Just give me a heads up. I havesome shopping to do.

The next day I did some groceryshopping. I was gonna make him a good home cooked meal when he cameover.

I was in the kitchen just finishingputting the groceries away when he just appeared at the kitchen door.Didn't your mother teach you to knock?

Just thought I would surprise you andlet myself in and maybe catch you walking around naked.

Well, I'm not. Yet. Did your mom sayanything about you being over here so long yesterday?

No, not much. I pretty much just saidhi, and went upstairs to my room. Jim? Yes. Can I run around nakedtoday too? I really like the feeling of it.

Sure, but it's gonna take me a bit tofinish up here. I have someone coming over for dinner, so I have somefood prep to do. Saying that took some wind out of his sails. Aseager as he was a minute ago to get naked, saying what I did just puta look of disappointment on his face.

Sooo, you got a hot date coming over?

You might say that.

When is she coming over?

Who said it was a she? That took him afew seconds to decipher. Really? It's a guy?

Yep. I swing both ways pal. What yathink of that?

Well I don't know what to think, but Iguess it fits cuz you sucked my dick and all.

Of course he didn't know that he wasthe guest of honor tonight. I figured that he needed a good homecooked meal, because I knew he didn't get one at home, and he damnsure didn't get one at college.His mom was more interested in being atrophy wife and shopping in the good life. It's to bad she never tookthe time to be a real loving and caring mother. With him grown up andout on his own now, she missed out on many years of loving such asweet boy. Her loss was my gain.

I've always enjoyed having him comeover in the past. However, that relationship had changed intosomething different now. I wasn't sure where it was going at thispoint, cuz it was to early to tell. All I knew is that I didn't wanthim to cling to this thing we currently had going. And I certainlydidn't want to ruin his chance at a normal life. Now that he's had abit of a start, once he gets back to college he will grow from there,an most likely forget about me.

He didn't shed his clothes like he wasso willing to do a minute ago. That got me to thinking how long Ishould carry on with this ruse. I hated to see him sad anddisappointed.

So what ya making for dinner? And whenis he coming over?

I'm making spaghetti, with garlicbread, and a romaine lettuce salad, with sherbert ice cream on theside. And HEEE's already here. He just stood there with no reactionat all for moment till he figured it out. Then I couldn't have wipedthat shit eatin' grin off his face if I wanted to.

Can I get naked now?

No. Let's be civilized at least tillwe're done eating. Again with the disappointment. I couldn't take it.Why don't we at least wait until we're done cooking for safety'ssake. Would that be ok?

Sure. What can I do to help?

See the two smaller cucumbers there onthe counter? I want you to use vegetable peeler and take the greenskin off. Do you know how to do that?


I reached in the drawer, pulled out thepeeler, and showed him how to use it.

And keep your fingers out of the way.He went slowly but got the job done. We prepared the rest of the meal withno further discussion of sex. Keeping true to my word we bothstripped before sitting down to eat. I was surprised he didn't havea boner. I had even uncorked a bottle of wine, and poured us both aglass.

Man, I really feel like the date now,with dinner, and wine. Are you trying to get into my pants?

Don't have to do that, you don't haveany pants on. What I am trying to do is get you drunked up. The wineis my secret thigh loosener.

A thigh loosener? You are gonna tryand fuck me aren't you? He said nervously.

No, no, it's just an expression to getone loosened up a bit, so you can have a pleasurable evening. Ittakes the edge off the anticipation, or nervousness, whatever. Andwith that we made small chit chat through the rest of the meal. Afterthe meal we cleaned up the dishes etc, then went and sat on thecouch. Grabbing the remote I asked him what he wanted to watch.

How about some porn?

Are you sure? You know what it willlead to.

Yeah, I know. I'm counting on it.

I'm not so sure that you have any ideawhat you might be getting into.

Having sat close to me, he reached overand started fondling my dick. So I did like wise to his. He wasalready sporting a boner. It felt good to have him stroke me, and Ifound it pleasurable to stroke him. So hard. So fresh. I was gonnakeep stroking him to a minimum so he wouldn't blow a load before thefestivities got underway.

You know what I did last night? Ijacked off thinking about what we had done, and what we might do.

And what is it we might do?

All kinds of things ran through mymind. I thought maybe I would take time getting to know your cock upclose. Play with it, and just explore your body. I also thought aboutmy room mate, and what his cock looks like, and what I would do withit, and what he might do to me.

Sounds like a good start to me. What yasay we skip the porn for now and go to my bedroom and get this partyrollin'?

Kewl. Let's go. And with that hejumped up and headed to the bedroom.

I loved watching his butt when hewalked. He was in the hallway when he turned around and said.

Come on old man. Then bucked his hipslike I had done sending his smaller teen package with his hardonflopping up and down. Come and get it. He said. I didn't spring up off the couch likehe had, but I wasn't wasting any time either. By the time I got tothe hallway, he had his butt sticking out of the doorway wiggling itback and forth.

You're a big tease. I said.

When I finally walked in the room hewas already on the bed laying on his left side, patting the mattress,inviting me to lay there. So I complied, and laid on my back next tohim. He went right to my dick with his right hand and startedstroking me.



I sure like stroking your big cock. Itmakes my hand look small.

Before you get to far I have somespecial lube in my night stand drawer I want you to use.

Is this it?

He was holding a plain plastic bottlewith a flip up squirter on the top.

Yeah, that's it.

What is it? He asked.

It's olive oil.

Isn't it used to cook with?

Yes. I said. But it has multiple uses.It doesn't taste all that good if you're gonna suck me, but it's goodfor stroking, and massage. If you do want to suck me just wipe itoff.

Okay. I use vaseline a lot. I justmight try this stuff. Now you just lay back and enjoy. He gently fondled my balls, my cock, then back to the balls. Then he rubbed mybelly and chest running his fingers through my chest hair. His handwas all over me. What you're doing feels good, butthere's something more you could do.

Sure. Anything, teach.

Take your hand and use the middlefinger to go below my balls, deep in my crack, and run it up to thebottom of the sack, and scratch.

He was fumbling with it at first. Thenthe more he did it, the better he got with some additionalinstructions.

Now scratch a bit lower in the crack.Yeah that feels good. Now work your way back up. I wanted him to rub my hole, but Ihadn't taken a shower since after last nights activities. I'll gethim to do that another time. Don't want to gross him out to early inthe game.

You're doing good little buddy. Hecontinued going back and forth from my cock to my crotch. Thehardness of my cock kind of snuck up on me. And before I knew it,that urge to cum started.

Dude, if you keep doing that I'm gonnacum.

That's what I want. I want to see youcum. See how far you can shoot. And don't tell me when you're gonnablow. I want it to be a surprise.

He continued to stroke me faster now. Ibucked my hips when I came and shot a good load onto my chest.

Awesome dude! That was so kewl!

He continued to slowly stroke my dickas it deflated in his hand. When I had caught my breath, I said.Yeah, it's a neat thing to see.

What I'd like to do is taste it. Youshot straight down my throat last night so I didn't get much of achance to taste it, or see it.

Sure. Help yourself. So he leaned overand used his finger to scoop up a little up and licked it off for ataste test. He made a bit of a sour taste look on his face, but wentback for more. So tell me what you think.

It's a little salty, but other thanthat it actually tastes kind of sweet.

That's because I don't smoke, or eat alot of junk food. Eating fruit helps too. It's said that you are whatyou eat, and this is a good example of it.

So how did I taste last yesterday?

Over all not bad. Young cum alwaystastes good. But lay off the junk food and eat more fruit. Now goget a towel from the bathroom and clean me up before this stuffhardens into glue.

Damn. I sure liked to watch his butt. Ineed to get a piece of that, I thought, and I knew just how to do itwith out taking his virginity. When he came back with the towel hestarted cleaning me up.

So now what? I said.

How about you do the same thing to me.

Sure. But let's have a littlerefreshment first. Go over to that dorm fridge in the corner, and getme a water, and get what ever you want. There's also a small bowl ofice cubes in the freezer part. Bring that too.

What are they for?

You will find out later. Now I was theone with the Cheshire cat grin.

Okay, but can I have a beer?

I did say whatever. Didn't I? He handedme the water, and the small bowl of ice cubes, then just stood there,and popped the beer open. I liked his butt, but his front side wasappealing too with a nice flat torso, and with just a small hint ofhair on his chest, and a nice little red bush around his pecker. Hewas as white as white could be. Then he laid on his back next to medrinking his beer. After we refreshed our selves he put his handsbehind his head giving me free rein of his body.

Do me. He said.

I took the bottle of oil and latheredhis dick and balls up good, then what oil was left on my hand Irubbed on his chest and belly, savoring his youthful torso and thoselittle brown spots that were his nips.

Basically I was giving him a sensualmassage. Then I went back to stroking his manhood. I did the samething to him that I had ask him to do to me earlier, but better. Ireached further down his crotch to rub his rose bud gently cuz Iwasn't sure what his reaction might be. He must have liked it cuz hislegs spread open and he raised his ass up a bit. I wasn't gonnafinger him. I just wanted to let him know that it can feel goodhaving it rubbed.

His rock hard cock was standingstraight up. Bobbing, pleading for attention. Without furtherresistance I answered it's call after wiping the lube off it. Lickingit, and playing with it was out of the question. I couldn't helpmyself. My sudden action of taking him to the hilt with an ice cubein my mouth caught him off guard. His body stiffened momentarily overthe shock and he took in a short breath of surprise with it. Then Iwent slow savoring the moment.

What I like about using ice cubes likethis is two fold. It provided lots of lube for sucking, and it feelsgood to the suckee. I planned on keeping him on the edge as long aspossible this time, and with all the loads he's shot lately I justmight have a chance.

I played close attention to his bodylanguage and groans. Then backed off before he could blow bymassaging his body. He was groaning with extreme pleasure while I wassucking him, then he went silent. After about 6 rounds of this up anddown roller coaster he began to beg me to let him cum. Several icecubes had been consumed by his hot throbbing cock. A few more roundsof tease, then I was gonna let him cut loose, but not before one lastthing.

On the final lap of me sucking for allI was worth, I started rubbing his rose bud. By now he wasdesperately pleading with me to let him blow. A little good naturedtorture never hurt anyone.

This time his body ached for some sortof penetration. His hip thrust up hard driving my rubbing fingerfirst knuckle deep in to his tight hole. At that same instant heblew. He blew harder than anyone I've ever sucked. He must havedrained his cum from some unknown well deep with in his bones.

Again I was choking to keep up with thevolume of seed he was direct depositing down my throat like a machinegun. I knew that I hadn't captured it all. It was a small price topay for this much pleasure. Besides he just might get a kick out ofit again, like the first time he flooded my mouth. Hisbucking hips settled down, then I heard a big sigh like a guy who hadto pee so bad that his teeth were floating and was now relieved ofthat pressure. I laid up next to him running my hand all over hissweated torso.

After a few minutes his dry mouthbegan mumbling, "Water. I need water."

So I handed him the beer he hadstarted, but he pushed it away repeating his need for water. With mywater bottle in hand he drank like a thirsty man, emaciated, freshout of the dessert.

Whoa. Not so fast, I said. To late. Hehad already inhaled it. Toweling his torso dry gave him some addedrelief, plus I had turned up the ceiling fan above the bed with theremote. Installing that fan was one of the best things I had everdone. It comes in very handy after sex.

It took several minutes before hespoke. Jim.

Yes I answered.

Wow! What the fuck just happened tome? I don't do drugs, but that was a mind blowing experience.

How's that?

It was like I was out of my body. LikeI was floating some where out in space. And when I came, it felt likemy whole body was in on it. I think it was boy. Your body shivereda bit just when you forced my finger up your butt.

I did? You had your finger up my butt?

Yep. I was just rubbing your rose bud,when you pushed it in by thrusting your hips up. And you cameinstantly and a lot harder then you did the first time.

I don't remember doing all that.

I'm sure you don't. You were out therein la la land.

Oh. By the way. There's cum runningout both sides of your mouth like before.

Then do me a favor, and clean it off. Iwas expecting him to use his finger like before, but instead hepulled me towards his mouth an started to lick it off. I was so closeto his mouth, that I let some of his seed that I had saved, just forthis occasion, should it happen, drop into his mouth. He was a littlesurprised at first, but took it anyway.

Are you hungry? Or need a nap?


Let's have a bite to eat first. One cansleep better on an full stomach. Then we can nap.I hadn't thought ahead of time to makesandwiches up, so we hit up the junk food I had in the bedroom. Again, I hoped you enjoyed mywriting. Jim

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Next: Chapter 4

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