Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Aug 20, 2016


Lessons 2 in sex

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All characters, and actions are purelyfictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

Jonathan by Jim Fields

Yeah, he said, it does that some timesafter I jack off. To tell you the truth, I don't think it's donehaving fun yet he said as he handed me a beer and sat down next tome, hip to hip.

We raised our beers in a salute and hesaid, here's to guy fun, to which I countered, and here's to friends.We both took a swallow, but I swished mine around in my mouth.

He chuckled. Trying to wash the tasteout?

That's when I lost it and spit my beerout in a spray halfway across the room. Then he laughed so hard hedoubled up. After I recovered, I began laughing too. We had bothsettled back down to normal when he began to talk.

Jim, he said, that was fun, but Idon't think I'm done just yet.

And how's that. I asked.

It's my turn to do you. I said beforethat I wanted to play with your dick, but now I want to do more thanthat. I want you to teach me how to suck a cock.

This young man was blowing me away. Hewalked in the door still kind of shy, but he had an agenda, stuck toit, and had the courage to follow through. He put himself in the fastlane of life, and there seemed to be no stopping him now. He wasmaturing right before my eyes. I was so proud of him.

Like he had started earlier, I stood infront of him pulled my pants down, but left the briefs on. I wasalready sporting a half mast hardon, and I knew he would take it fromhere.

He wasted no time in moving closer. Hishands were shaking a little as he rubbed the tent my cock was making.I grew harder as he rubbed, and his shaking nervous hands had settledin to the task at hand.

He was most likely savoring the moment,and probably still a little apprehensive. Take your time I said. Getused to the feel of it. He looked up at me with that big shit eat'ngrin of his and continued to his fun.

Here I was instructing him again onsomething. It was an old familiar road that we had both been downmany times before, but this time it was different.

Reaching up through the leg band of mybriefs he found my cock. He fondled my balls a little to hard, so Itold him to take it easy on the jewels. Him stroking my cock felt sogood. Then he did something different. He pulled just my cock throughthe front opening. There it was jutting out all by it's lonesome. Tilting his head one way then the other, like he wasinspecting it, or assessing it, hestarted stroking it again for a bit, then came in even closer. Hebegan licking the head like a ice cream cone, then the shaft. At thispoint I was getting impatient and wished he would just put it in hismouth.

A warm mouth always feels good on acock. He took the head in slowly at first, bit by bit, then backingoff. Suddenly he grabbed my ass like I had done to him earlier, andburied his face in my pubes. I've had my cock sucked many timesbefore buy experts, but now I was feeling an amateur. Well, weall have to start some where. Then came the teeth. I told himto only wrap his lips around my shaft. He complied, then began goingfaster. Now he was getting some where. It was actually beginning tofeel good.

I know it's called a blow job, I said,but you actually have to suck hard on the out stroke, other wise it'slike fucking a warm pail of water. He continued stroking my cock withhis warm juicy mouth and was starting to get the hang of sucking. Atthe same time his fingers were digging even deeper in to my asscheeks. Whether he did this on purpose or not the effect worked.

That old familiar feeling of knowingyour on the way to cumming was taking hold, and I wondered what hewas going to do with my load. Time will tell, and at that point Iwon't care. Instinctively I grabbed his head with both handsfollowing his movements. I was getting closer and told him so. Atthat point he went faster, and dug his fingers in my butt further.When he did that, he spread my cheeks apart sending fresh cool air tomy hole. That through me over the edge. I held his head tight againstmy pubes as I squirted my spunk in to his throat. He didn't resistme. He hung there like a trooper choking several times during theprocess.

Although I had gotten a little weak inthe knees, I was no where near to loosing it like he did. When I wasdone shooting my load I let loose of his head. He continued to suckme as I went limp, then again he reached up through the band of mybriefs and held my balls in his hand and asked, how did I do? Wellyou have my balls in your hand, so naturally I'm gonna say you didgood for a first timer. We laughed as I sat next to him on thecouch. I let out a big sigh of relief as I relaxed my head back onthe couch with my eyes closed.

We sat in silence for a few minutesbefore I said, That was different.

How so he asked.

You didn't pull my briefs down.

Ya, I know, kind of dumb wasn't it.

No, not dumb I said, just different isall.

Guess I just wanted to concentrate onyour dick. I will try and do better next time.

Hey, I said, let's grab a snack orsomething.

Good idea, he said.

When I got up off the couch I took therest of my clothes off.

Isn't someone gonna see you runningaround naked?

No. I answered. I have high bushes oneither side of the house, and the front drapes are closed. I runaround naked a lot.

That explains why it takes you so longto answer the door sometimes.

You don't have go naked if you don'twant to. But, without another word he finished stripping his clothesoff.

How's about a pizza? I asked.

Yeah, pizza's good.

I pulled out a good quality pizza fromthe freezer, and removed it from the plastic wrap. I bent over toadjust the shelf in the oven.

Nice view. He said. Then I wiggled mybutt back and forth a bit. He started laughing.

What? I said, as I stood up.

Oh, he said, when you bent over andwiggled your butt, your cock and balls were swinging too, and itreminded me of that thing inside a big church bell or something thatswings back and forth.

That's funny. I said. So what does thisremind you of. Then I bucked my pelvis making my package fly up anddown. The sound of my balls slapping back against my thighs alwayssounds sexy to me.

Looks like some old guy showing off.Then we laughed.

When I bent over again to put the pizzain the oven I felt his presence close to my butt. Then I felt hisstill half hard dick in my crack. So I wiggled my butt again to teasehim. He instantly became hard and I could definitely feel it. Then Istood up, turned around to face him, and saw a look of fear in hiseyes. I must have looked mad. Guess he didn't know what to think.

It's ok I said. But I think that youneed to cum again to get that half hardon of yours to settle down.Here, I said. Get your ass up on the counter. I'm gonna have to suckyou again. I helped lift him onto the counter, and went down on him.

I was really hopping that this time hewouldn't shoot his load so quickly. He lasted a bit longer than thefirst time, but not by much. It was truly a pleasure to be sucking onhis cock. When he blew his wad I didn't choke like I had before. Hehad drained into me pretty good the first time. Yet I knew that ayoung stud like this was good good for a couple of more rounds.

He relaxed a bit against the cupboardafter he came. I had thought about snowballing with his cum, butdecided that it was to early in the game for that. So I juststraightened up and stood there looking at him. Without warning hesat up and put his arms around me in a hug, and began crying on myshoulder. I thought, oh shit, what have I done to this poor kid. I wrapped my arms around him too andhugged him. It's ok, I said. I guess this has all been overwhelmingto you. I shouldn't have done all of this with you. He released his hold on me enough tolook me in the eye and with tears still running down his cheeks, hesaid. No, You didn't do anything wrong. Foryears you have been teaching me things. But today you taught me morethan I could ever have hopped for. You helped a shy kid start his waytowards manhood.

I didn't do that. You did. You camehere today as a shy kid with an plan, not knowing what to expect fromme, or how I would respond. But you had the courage to follow throughwith it, and when I didn't just jump at the chance, you had the ballsto flat out tell me what you wanted by exposing yourself, and hoppingI would take the bait. And I did. Then he laughed a bit as he wipedhis eyes with the palm of his hand. Your courage and persistence paidoff. You will go far in life if you keep up that attitude.

Just then the oven time dinged. Ihelped him down off the counter, and he hugged me again, and said,thank you.

We devoured the pizza, and washed itdown with another beer in no time.Say, us old farts like me need a nap.Why don't we go to my bedroom for a nap. We can spoon and maybe havea little more fun in the process.


Yeah. It's when you snuggle up tight.

Oh yeah, I remember my mom doing thatwhen I was little kid after dad left.

Well, this time it will be different.We'll be naked.

We walked down the hall to my bedroom.I pulled the covers down, eased myself on the bed, then laid on myside.

So where do you want me to lay? Hesaid.

On either side. You choose.

He went around to the other side of thebed, and crawled in close to my back side being sure to place hislimp dick in my crack. Then moved in as tight against me as he could.

I had no idea how long I had beensleeping when I felt a hard object dry pumping my ass crack, andfeeling his balls on the back of my legs when he tried to bury them.

Do you really want to fuck me? Or areyou just all horned up?

I think he was to caught up in themoment because he didn't answer me. Then I got his answer, in amanner of speaking. I felt him shoot a load into my ass crack. Ah,what the hell, he was having fun.

After he deposited his load, he didn'tmove out to clean up, and he didn't say anything. I guessed he wasstill sleeping. So it turns out I was the recipient of his wet dream!Youth. I fell back back to sleep, and woke uphearing him saying something about a sticky mess. He held my shoulder rocking me gentlyand said, Jim, Jim, Jim. Thethird time being louder.

Yeah stud. What's up?

Jim I think I came in your crotch. Iwas having this dream that I was fucking someone and I came.

Yes you did. I was the fuckee in yourwet dream.

I'm sorry Jim. I didn't know what Iwas doing.

That's okay. Who was it you werefucking in your dream.

I'm not sure. There were severaldifferent people that crossed through my mind.

So who were they?

I'd rather not say, but one of themwas that girl I told you about.

Was one of them me?

Silence. I knew he was to embarrassedto say so. It wasn't hard to guess given his actions when I bent overin the kitchen.

It's ok I said. My ass has beeninviting to many.

Oh crap. Look at the time, he said. Mymom is gonna wonder why I've been over here for so long.

Just tell her we watched a couple ofwar movies and time got away from us. And before you go, brush yourteeth. I don't want her smelling beer on you. Watching his cute butt wiggle as hebrushed his teeth was both comical, and sexy at they same time.

Can I come over tomorrow, he asked, ashe walked towards the door.

Sure. Just give me a heads up. I havesome shopping to do. I certainly hope you enjoyed readingthis. If you think my writing is good enough, and you want me tocontinue, or if you have any comments, you can email

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Next: Chapter 3

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