Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Sep 26, 2016


Jonathan's Lessons Chapter 5 by Jim Fields

Disclaimer: As with any adult material, if you are not legal in age or reading this conflicts with laws in your area, THEN BACK OFF! AND LEAVE THIS SITE!

All characters, and actions are purely fictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

Joe, I think they drugged us. Go get your briefs and I will show you what to do. Once we were done in the bathroom, we both got dressed, and left. It was painful to sit in the car. My asshole hurt like I had been fucked by a horse, and my ass cheeks were stinging like hell. On the way home I drove slowly because of still being under the influence of what we figured was some sort of date rape drug.

After exchanging what happened to both of us, we found close similarities to the nights sexual events.

Both Joe and I slept all day, sleeping the drug out of us. By the late afternoon we finally came around, waking up hungry as hell. Although we showered together, there was no sexual fun involved. Cleaned up, but still hurting, we went to the cafeteria to eat. Our funds were low after paying for books and stuff, so we were gonna have to lay low for awhile, and not eat out so much. We had our phones turned off all day, only powering them back up after we ate.

Joe said, I have 4 voice messages from Mike.

Listen to them, I said, I'm curious as to what he has to say. And I'll listen to the 5 I have from Oly. The messages from both of them started out apologetic, then the messages got more intense with anger because we weren't calling them back.

Joe, I think we may have a problem with these two. I'm feeling a little nervous about it. Got any ideas about what to do?

One thing is for sure, said Joe, I don't want anything to do with those two.

I agree, but Mike knows where we live, and THAT makes me real nervous. Oly told me that I was his bitch now, and said he would hurt me if I didn't want to be.

What does that mean exactly, Joe asked.

It means that he wants to control me, and fuck me when he wants.

What dose it mean when they said, "till the cows come home".

I'm not sure, but I think it means fucking us all night or something like that. Joe I'm feeling scared. I am thinking of calling Jim and ask for his advice. He's the only one I trust.

Good idea, said Joe.

Jim answered on the 3rd ring. Jonathan it's good to hear from you. How's your college sex life going?

That's what I called you about.

Tell me. It must be something bad if you're calling.

Yes it is Jim. I made a long story short about having sex with Joe and Mary, but went in to more detail about what happened to us last night. So what do you think we should do? One of the guys knows what dorm we're in. We have a feeling that they are going to find us and force us to have sex with them.

What you need to do first is go to the clinic and get your ass checked. It will be embarrassing, but it's a necessary thing to do. Promise me that you will do it. And you need to change dorm rooms. Preferably in a different building.

Silence from my end.

Jonathan, promise me.

Ah, okay, but only if you don't tell my mom.

Okay, but you go to the clinic as soon as we get done talking. Jonathan, promise me.

Ok, ok, Jim. I promise.

Good. How's the car running?

It's still running good. No problems with it. Jim, what does it mean when someone says "till the cows come home"?

That's an old farm expression. Cows will go out to the pasture for the night, then early in the morning they start making their way to the barn to get milked. So when someone says that, they're implying an all nighter.

That's kind of what I thought it was. We made small talk after that. And once again, he made me promise to go to the clinic.

At Jim's place: So, what's Jonathan up to now asked Dan.

Got himself date raped, I (Jim) said.

What happened asked Dan.

Then I told him what Jonathan had told me about the drink, the fucking, and the blood.

Dan had spent the night with me, and giving me a good fucking as usual. It was comfortable being with him. I needed his company since Jonathan left. I really missed the kid since we had the sex, and our relationship changed and with all he went thru in such a short time over his Christmas break. His thin frame and cute butt were etched in my memory. Sometimes I even got a tingle in my dingle when I recounted some of the things we did. A small smile came to me when I remembered the mental picture of him standing at the sink brushing his teeth, and his butt jiggling.

JIM! Said Dan. Bringing me back to reality. What do you think about my idea.

Sorry, I was drifting. What idea is that?

About going to where Jonathan lives and showing those two jerks not to mess with those boys. What I'm talking about is putting the hurt on them, and see how they like it.

I think you have a good idea Dan. Let's plan this out.

Mean while, back at Jonathan's.

I told Joe that Jim said we should go to the clinic, and get checked out.

I don't really want to do that, said Joe.

We really should. I will be embarrassed as hell, but it's for our own good. I mean, what if they did some damage that we don't know about? They might even check for aids, and stuff like that.

But I saw Mike put a rubber on.

And I saw Oly put one on too, but with being drugged, how do we know for sure what they did?

You got a point. Said Joe.

I know it's a hard thing to do, but we have to do it. Come on, let's do it now before we chicken out. Jim wouldn't make me promise if there wasn't a good reason to. So we left.

It was difficult to explain to the lady at the desk what we needed done, in a whisper, so no one else would hear me. She gave up, and just handed us a form to fill out, and said that we could explain it to the doctor. There was a million questions on the 4 page form that I didn't have answers to. Stuff that only my mom would know, and I wasn't about to call her on this one. Then we waited, and waited, and waited some more, till finally my name was called. Joe got up and started walking with me, then the nurse told him to wait his turn. He was scared big time. I told the nurse that we both had the same problem, and would it be ok if we do this together. She took one look at Joe and saw the fear in his eyes, and agreed.

Once in the exam room, the nurse started with the questions of why we were here. Joe and I looked at each other not really knowing where to begin. Our stalling and confusion must have obvious to her, so she said, ok, just tell me where it hurts.

Ah, it's our bottom sides I said.

So you're telling me that you both have the same problem?

Yes, I answered, we do.

And how did this same thing happen to the two of you?

It took awhile for her to drag the story out of us, then she asked us to both drop our drawers so she could have a look.

Ah, would it be possible to have a guy doctor look at us?

Boys, I'm a nurse. I've seen it all. You don't have anything I haven't seen a hundred times before. But if you insist, I will get a male doctor. Then she picked up our file and left the room.

Then we waited some more, till finally the doctor came in the room. I immediately sensed something different about him, but couldn't figure it out right away. When he introduced himself, then shook our hands, I knew. This doctor was gay.

So boys, he said, I've been told you both have the same problem with your bottom ends. As he said this he used his fingers making quotation marks.

Yes, I said, we do.

So drop your pants and let's have a look see. I don't know why I was nervous about baring my bottom to a gay doctor, but I was. Was he gonna laugh at the sight of two young guys getting reamed big time? Or would he make some sort of sexual advance?

As we dropped our drawers, he saw the blood stained toilet paper in our underwear. He immediately went to the phone and told the nurse to bring a rape kit. Joe and I looked at each other like, WTF? When the same nurse walked in the room with a couple of small bags, we had no choice but to accept her being there. So much for hoping we would only have a guy looking at our asses.

Ok gents, lean on the exam table, so I can get a look at what's going on here. I'm going to take some samples of your blood and semen that's there. It maybe tender to the touch, but I promise to go fast. Okay, samples have been taken, and the nurse will take them off to the lab.

So we can go now? I asked.

No, I'm sorry, but there's one more thing I need to do.

I almost hate to ask, but what is that?

I need to take a peak in your colon to see what kind of damage there might be, and we'll go from there.

Now we were both getting nervous. What do you mean, "go from there"?

Let's just take this one step at a time, okay? Then one at a time he spread our cheeks, and had a look see. Then the nurse walked in with a tray. I couldn't tell what was on the tray because of the towel covering whatever sinister instruments where on it.

Gentlemen, said the doctor, continue staring at the wall in front of you. You will feel a small scope entering you so I can assess the damage. When he was done, he said, I don't think you need stitches. But you are gonna have to take it lightly for a while.

Joe and I both looked at each other. Our eye brows were raised over the word stitches.

The procedure wasn't to bad, and when he was done with us, he said that we could get dressed. The nurse had left again by the time we were finished.

So, tell me what exactly happened, he said.

We told him that what basically started out as having some guy fun, turned into us being drugged, and getting fucked big time.

Who did this to you?

We told him that we only had first names, but we knew where they lived.

And what did these two guys look like? So we told him. Gentleman, he said, those two characters are well known for doing this sort of thing, but nobody has actually come in to get checked out. Now I the have DNA evidence to get these guys arrested.

But we're afraid that they will come after us. And we don't want the cops in on this. It would be embarrassing, and people will know.

You leave me in a tight spot, he said. By law, I am to report such things to the authorities. But I understand your delicate position. So I tell you what. Promise me that you two won't have any anal intercourse for at least two months. That should give your colons time to heal, and perhaps think twice about this road of gay sex you're going down. Is that a deal?

Yes, we agreed. I think we've had our fill of that for awhile.

Great! Now here's my card, with my personal number on it. You call me any time if you have problems with your colon, or you just need to talk. The nurse will give you a sheet with a special diet that will let your colons heal faster. Basically you don't want to be eating spicy, fatty, or hard to digest foods. And that means no pizza!

On the way out of the clinic I turned to Joe and said, no pizza?

Jim, Dan, and "Stump" drove over to see Jonathan, but only Jim talked to Jonathan to get the address of Oly and Mike. Jonathan had no idea that Dan and "Stump" had come along with Jim, or what the three were going to do.

The next morning saw Oly and Mike at the clinic to get themselves "checked out". Just so happens that they got the same doctor Jonathan and Joe had. The good doctor knew who these two were, and wasn't easy on them at all. He told them that stitches were necessary after examining them. When the doctor asked the two what had happened to cause this much damage, they lied, giving him a story of how they just got carried away using a toy bigger than they should have. The doctor wasn't buying it judging by their low demeanor. He informed them that they would have to go to the hospital's ER to get stitched up before they lost to much more blood.

Then the doctor said, you know gentlemen, I had two young college boys in here last week with the same thing, only they didn't need stitches. You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you? A feeble, "no doc" is the best answer they could give with their heads hung low. I think you do. You do know that I took semen samples from those two boys, and I took some blood from you two. It makes me curious to see if your DNA would match what I took from them. And if it did, I could have you arrested on rape charges. They looked up with fear in their wide eyes. Do you two happen to know what guys in prison do to guys like you? Let's just say that what you have now would feel like a good time compared to what they would do to you in prison.

So, what I'm saying here is that you will give up the practice of date rapes. Fuck between your selves till your dicks fall off. And if I hear of such a thing happening again, the cops will be banging on your door. Catch my drift?

The two left the clinic with their heads hung low on the way to the local hospital.

Several days after that, the good doctor called Jonathan to see how things were going. Still kind of sore doc, but getting better.

That's good to hear, said the doctor. Just keep using those medicated suppositories like I prescribed. That will fight any infection that might come along. And of course I don't think a reminder is needed about not having anal sex.

No you don't. In fact I haven't even had a hardon for a couple of weeks now.

This will be the end of Jonathan's lessons, due to health reasons. I just don't have it in me to go further. I thank all of you that sent me feed back.

Again, I hoped you enjoyed my writing. Comments or questions email me

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