Jonathans Lessons

By Jim Needs

Published on Sep 2, 2016


Jonathan's Story: Chapter 3

Disclaimer: As with any adult material, if you are not legal in age or reading this conflicts with laws in your area, THEN BACK OFF! AND LEAVE THIS SITE!

All characters, and actions are purely fictional and do not represent any living people, places, or things.

Special note: When I went online to see my stories, I noticed, with horror, that my well formatted syntax was askew. I had gone thru great lengths editing each story at least 3 times.

Another thing I need to explain is some of the misspelled words. This is intentional for the story, and a few are one's that I have made up. Plus if you noticed, the main character telling the story starts each paragraph on the margin. Every one else starts with a space. At least that's how I wrote it.

I'm saving myself, remember? So with that we finished rinsing each other off making sure our "Grand Canyon's" were thoroughly rinsed. I still had a hard one. Now what do I do with it? Five minutes of just walking around the room and getting dressed, slowly deflated my manhood. Now I could get on with my day and call Mary.

Mary answered her cell phone on the third ring. Hi Jonathan. I've been waiting for you to call. Really? I said. I wanted to give you some time to wake up and get ready for your day.

I woke up at six, ran 3 miles, took a shower, and have been studying for two hours. So what time did you wake up, and what have you done so far?

Ah, woke up at 8, showered, ate, and here I am.

Lazy bum. Then she let out a short giggle.

Sooooo, would you like to do something today? I asked.

What do you have in mind?

I could come pick you up, and we could go for a drive, then take it from there.

Alright, she said, be here in a half hour. Do you know where I live?

You said something about an apartment last night, but no, I don't know exactly where you live. Then she gave me directions to her place. It wasn't that far away, so I had some time to kill. I went down to the first floor of the dorm lobby and played some video games.

When I found her place, I saw that her apartment was actually an old house that had been remodeled for college students to live in. I parked the car at the curb, and walked in the door. Ahead of me was the staircase leading to the second floor. One of Mary's room mates answered the door.

Hi, my name is Jonathan and I'm here to pick up Mary.

She turned her head back to the room, and hollered, Mary, your date's here. Then she turned back to me and said, hi, I'm Georgia. Come on in.

Georgia turned around and walked over to a big couch. I watched her small figured butt walk away from me. Nice, I thought.

It must have been obvious to Mary that I had been enjoying a little eye candy because as she approached me, she said, eying up my roomy?

Red faced and busted, I had to admit the truth. Yeah, I'm busted. Can't help it. It's a guy thing.

Well, "guy thing", let's get going.

As I drove, with thoughts of going for a nice country drive, she asked if we could go to the mall for some shopping she had to do. Three hours later, and I was about to explode with boredom. Why is it that a guy can know exactly what he wants, goes to one store, buys what he needs and is back in his car in less than a half hour even after waiting in a long line. And why do females drag their man thru a mall, shopping for clothes, shoes, make up, etc, and not see that it's pure torture for her man? I think that there must be a sadistic gene in the female's bones. Finally, the torture came to an end. The smell of fresh air never tasted so sweet. I was free! Well, except for me carrying most of the bags, and boxes, which barely fit into the small trunk of my car.

Wasn't that fun? She said?

I was bearly able to control a mental out burst, in my about to exploding head. Oh yeah, that was so much fucking fun, I can't wait to do it again. Instead, I kept my mouth shut, and rolled my eyes.

Jonathan, she said. I know it was hard for you to go shopping with me like that. Then after a short pause, she said, I promise to make it up to you, as she put her hand on my thigh and rubbed it a bit. We held hands, and I could swear a spark of something passed between us. Mall? What mall? I now had my eye on the prize.

We took a short country drive after the mall. Heading back home, on a different route, we were driving thru a very small town with two bars, and one mom and pop cafe. I suggested we stop to eat there.

Why, she asked.

Because these small town cafe's usually have good food, and lots of it.

I have heard that, she said. But I've also heard it's a good way to get food poisoning.

Jim and I went to a small diner, and he said that a good way to tell if a small diner is good, is to see if there are any truckers or old people there. We're to far off the highway for truckers, so let's go check it out. I'm game if you are.

She answered, honey if you're shootin', I'm game. An hour later we walked out, bellies full, and satisfied.

The drive back to her place went fast as we talked about our childhoods, college courses, and what we wanted to do in life. It ended up being a conversation to be continued.

Once back at her place, I unloaded the car with her purchases, and took them up to her bedroom.

Just lay it all in the corner over there and I will deal with it later. She said. And Jonathan, go get two bottles of water from the kitchen. And so I did.

When I came back into the room she wasn't there, but then I heard sounds coming from her bathroom, so I just sat in a chair waiting for her. I at least wanted to stick around to say goodbye.

She came out of the bathroom with nothing on but a see thru neglige, and walked right up to me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I've seen naked girls in porn, but to see it right there, in the flesh, right in front of me, was more of a turn on than I thought possible. I went from limp to skin stretching hard in ten seconds flat.

Like what you see Jonathan? She said. I was to dumb founded to answer. By the looks of that bulge in your pants, I would say you do. And my, what big eyes you have. Never seen a naked girl up close before? She moved closer to me. So close that my nose was level with her pussy.

I still couldn't talk as she motioned with her right hand for me to accept her invitation. Standing up with a boner stretching my pants into a huge tent large enough to house a circus, she started to undress me as we made our way over to the couch. First she started with my coat, then slowly unbuttoned my shirt, all the while looking up in to my face. Leaning in even closer, she raised her head up to kiss me. That's one thing Jim never taught me, was how to kiss. I didn't know what to do, so I just winged it by keeping my lips closed.

Oh come on Jonathan, kiss me. Kiss me hard. She tried again, but all I did was press harder. Then she stood back a bit, and said. You've never kissed a girl before, have you? My flushed face gave me away. So it's fair to assume that you have never fucked a girl before either. Am I right? Again my body gave me away and all I could mutter out was a weak pathetic "no". I thought as much when I first laid eyes on you. Am I ever gonna have fun with you! The way she said that had a slight ring of evil about it.

By the time she started undoing my pants, that history making hardon had not only dribbled some cum a bit, but had gotten even harder. As my pants and underwear both cleared my cock, freeing it from its prison, it popped up like a jack in the box.

She took hold of it with her small hand and said. My, my what do we have here.

Before I knew it, she was on her knees sucking on my cock, taking all of me in. Her hot mouth felt much different than Jim's, much softer and more inviting. It didn't take me long to realize that she was very talented. I landed on the couch after I came with her still sucking to drain what ever was left. Then she got up and straddled me placing her hot pussy on my now deflated cock and her tits just inches from my mouth.

I figured you would cum fast, she said. I hope the next time should takes you longer.

I didn't answer. Instead I reached up under her teddy, and started fondling her tits. Jim was right again. Tits are an added bonus. So nice and soft in my hands. Playing, with her nips was turning her on. I felt the sudden urge to suck on those nips. And, as if she could read my mind, she took her teddy off. Next thing I know she has her hands on the back of my head pushing it against her as I sucked on her right nip, then her left. I sucked on them like I would a cock, enjoying the nub going in and out of my mouth, and flicking it with my tongue.

Then she pulled my head back away from her tits, and bent down a little to kiss me, only this time she was very aggressive. Forcing my lips open with her tongue, she thrust it in to my mouth. My tongue met hers and we sort of did battle, by swirling them around. It felt very sexy. My mouth was under her control. My tongue was operating on it's own following hers. All I know is that my dick was getting hard as she sat on me. Fully back in operation, it magically found it's way to her pussy. Entering her was soft and inviting just like Jim had said, but it felt better than that, and very juicy. My cock slid up and down in her with ease as she humped my dick, rocking back and forth, and using her vagina muscles to further fuck her desire for a cock. It all felt so fantastic. Nothing like I had ever done before gave me this much pleasure. After what seemed like eternity, I finally came. I had started thrusting back at her when my nuts gave the signal of impending ejaculation. Grabbing my hair again, she thrust her mouth up on me hard, as we both increased our speed, sending my seed flying deep in to her. This was far better than fucking a colon.

Collapsing on me when we were done, she rested for a few minutes, then sat back up and asked, how did you like that virgin boy? Without waiting for an answer, she got off me and headed to the bathroom as I sat there in a glorious stupor, my cock deflating, wet with her juice.

When she came back out wearing the same teddy, I figured there could be more. However, I wasn't sure my dick could get a hardon again, at least till morning anyways. Then I got up to use the bathroom. It didn't even feel good to stroke the last of the pee out of me like it usually does. In just the last several weeks I've gone from a stiff as a rock virgin to where my dick was telling me to back off and let it heal. I had long since drained any built up teenage cum in me. My nuts felt so empty that I think I heard a slight echoing when they rubbed against each other.

Mary was in bed laying on her side. Jonathan, come lay behind me and let's snuggle while we take a nap. Cuddling up to her was different too. Plus I got to reach over and cup her breast. Now this was more like it!

I woke some time later to the feeling of her fondling my unit. Unfortunately for her, it was not responding to the play. I'm afraid that he's gonna need some time to recoup Mary. I said.

She looked at me with a pouting lip and said, that's to bad. There's so much more I need to teach you. I thought you newbies could get it up repeatedly. Have you been jacking off to much lately? Or have you been holding out on me about what and whom you've been doing?

Of course I went for the easy answer. Yep, been wacking the ol' wiener a lot lately. I must have had a flushed face when I answered, just jacking off and watching porn.

As she got out of bed, she said, stay here while I get something to snack on. You're gonna need your energy stud.

As I watched her cute butt walk away from me, I couldn't help but think I should get a piece of that. Now I sound like Jim! It also occurred to me that she was walking around in the apartment to the kitchen in that teddy. That would not have bothered me so much if it was just her female friends, but when she opened the door I saw a couple of guys with the other girls. I was embarrassed and slightly turned on at the same time.

The plate she was teetering on the tips of her fingers when she came in to the room had fried chicken with potato wedges, and two big bottles of water in the other arm. No doubt I was hungry, but with that much food I began to wonder what I was in for. Then to my surprise, she put the food on her dresser, far from the bed.

She must have seen the wanting look of hunger on my face when she said, you're hungry, aren't you? I just nodded. Before you can have any of that food you must eat something else first.

Like what? I said?

You have to eat my pussy.

Ahhhh, I'm not sure I know how, and,,, (not sure I really wanted to.)

She cut me off, and said, don't worry, I will teach you. Lay on the bed she said. After I did, she straddeled my face with her pussy. Now eat me! Thenshe pushed herself hard against my face leaving no option, and no air to breath. I had to figure out a way to breath, and when I did, I can't say it smelled sweet at all. Kind of musty, with a scent of ocean. Now how does one go about eating pussy, I thought.

Having sucked cock lately didn't seem to transfer over to this. I hadn't thought I would do such a thing. One would think that after all this sexual freedom and exploration that I wouldn't have a problem with this, but here I was. A woman's private area just seemed off limits for a sexual act like this. This is where babies come from. This is where I came from in my mother. Then a life saving idea popped in my head. Just think of it as a dick. Suck on it, lick it, whatever. Quickly I buried my mouth and started licking, then licked harder, and deeper. By the sounds of her moaning I could tell it was enjoyable to her. Then came another direction.

You feel that little nub deep in there? Concentrate on that. Lick it, suck it, bite it gently, and be prepared.I wanted to ask her what I should be prepared for, but I was slightly busy. The more I played with her clit like she told me, the wilder she got bucking her hips. Salty pussy juice was well lubing my face.Then I tasted my own cum mixed with her juice. This was something new to remember. Her juice was kind of like cum but with no substance, just watery. And then she came, which I had thought she was doing all along. Without any warning I felt an actual forceful stream of pussy juice spraying against my face. And it wasn't of short duration like when a guy shoots his wad, this kept up for what seemed like minutes. After a few seconds of this I backed off and watched the jet stream of girl cum fly by my head. Holy crap Batman. WTF? Then she collapsed, using her arms to brace herself with headboard.I let her down on the bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and get a towel.

When I came out she was gusseling down on a mega bottle of water. I thought holy fuck not even camels have that much water in them. No wonder she needs a 32oz bottle of water. Laying next to her with my hands behind my head, I waited for her to start talking first.

Whew! That was awesome, she said. How did you like it?

Eating your pussy was one thing, I said, but I wasn't prepared for you gushing out a jet stream like that. We laughed so hard my sides hurt. By the time we rested up again it was dark thirty. She suggested we take a shower together. This I knew how to do.

Soapy bodies rubbing each other was familiar to me, but this time I had real tits to fondle as I soaped them. Of course she enjoyed stroking my cock with suds trying to get it up. But the best she could do was a half hardon. Even on her knees sucking it didn't help much. Afterwords, I got dressed and went back to my dorm. I was beat. She had wanted me to stay the night, but I told her that I needed a rest, and gave her the crossed fingers like you would for a vampire. She laughed at that, but I was half serious.

Except for getting up once to take a rip roaring piss, I slept til noon.

Again, I hoped you enjoyed my writing. Comments or questions email me

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Next: Chapter 11: A New Beginning 4

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