Jonathan Casts a Spell

By Sebastian Fforde

Published on Oct 3, 2008


Jonathan Casts a Spell

By Sebastian Fforde

(BB, teen, high school, romance, oral, anal)

This story is completely fiction. Well, most of it is, anyway. If you aren't interested in reading sexually explicit love stories about high school boys, then you can stop right now. But if you ARE interested, then read on.

This is my attempt at a romance. It's going to take a few chapters before things start heating up.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Jonathan Casts a Spell

Chapter 1

Alex Jankowsky was madly in love with Katie MacMillan, a girl in his Trigonometry class. She was very pretty. Alex was far too shy to actually talk to her. He would spend each class secretly glancing at her and wishing she would notice him just once.

But this isn't a story about Alex and Katie. This is a story about Alex and Jonathan.

Alex was desperate to find a way to make Katie fall in love with him. A way that wouldn't involve him actually having to go up and talk to her. Love sometimes makes a guy do foolish things. And Alex was about to do a foolish thing.

He was about to enter The Chrystall Dragon Bookshop to buy a book on love spells. He didn't REALLY take that kind of stuff seriously, BUT, he kept thinking to himself, what if there was even the slightest chance that it might work?

Alex entered the bookshop feeling slightly embarrassed. It was quite cozy inside, with a calico cat sunning itself in the window, and several new-age enthusiasts leisurely browsing among the shelves.

There was a boy sitting behind the counter. The boy looked a little older than Alex, maybe in his late teens. He was tall and lean. His straight hair was dyed a dark auburn color and cut in a sort of emo style. He was wearing a black and grey striped hooded sweatshirt. Alex also noticed the boy's jewelry - a silver ankh pendant around his neck and a lip ring.

The lip ring bothered Alex a bit. People with piercings always made him uncomfortable for some reason.

Alex cautiously wandered over to the section on magic and witchcraft and began to look around.

An overweight, older woman was reading a book called Secrets of the Crone. Alex found that amusing, especially since she already looked a bit like a crone.

After a few minutes, the crone put the book back on the shelf and wandered off, leaving Alex alone in the aisle.

He picked up a book titled Magick in Theory and Practice. That sounded like just the kind of thing he was looking for! Theoretical AND practical! He began to thumb through the book, but to his disappointment it didn't seem to contain very many magic spells.

"Excellent book. But it's not exactly for beginners."


Alex was startled. He turned around and saw the boy from the counter standing behind him, leaning against the shelves.

Alex had only noticed the boy briefly when he first walked into The Chrystall Dragon. This was the first time he had seen the boy close up. The boy had a pale face and green eyes, and was fairly tall. Alex guess guessed the boy was around sixteen or seventeen years old.

The boy's face had a few pimples, but overall his complexion was relatively clear. Alex could see that the boy's dark auburn hair had been dyed – it was black at the roots. There was something exotic about the boy's face. Alex thought the boy might have had a little Hispanic blood in him.

"No, Crowley's definitely not for beginners," the bookstore boy told him. "But if you're just looking for some simple love spells," he continued, "I have a good one right here. It's pretty easy to use, and very effective."

"W-w-what makes you think I'm looking for a love spell?" Alex asked nervously.

"I can sort of tell these things," he laughed. "I know my customers pretty well. But I could be wrong. Am I wrong?" The boy smiled at Alex.

"Well, if it had some love spells in it, I guess that could be useful," Alex said, blushing. "Not that I really need them."

Alex looked down at the carpeting, slightly embarrassed. Was it really that obvious what he was looking for, he wondered. When Alex looked up again, he saw that the bookstore boy was gazing at him with a rather intense, unblinking stare.

For a brief moment, their eyes met. This made Alex uncomfortable. He had to look away.

The bookstore boy reached up to the top shelf to retrieve a book. He was several inches taller than Alex, and had no trouble stretching up to the top shelf. As he did so, he stretched his arm right above Alex's head. The boy's armpit was just inches away from Alex's nose.

Alex was close enough that he could smell that he could smell the bookstore boy. The bookstore boy smelled faintly of some sort of exotic cologne, very musky and spicy. Underneath the cologne, Alex could also smell the sweat from the boy's underarm.

For a moment, Alex found himself strangely intoxicated by the combination of scents – the spicy cologne, the musky teenage boy odor and the bland scent of fabric softener from the boy's clothing. To his surprise, Alex found himself deeply inhaling the boy's aroma.

Alex snapped out of his reverie – and stopped himself from sniffing- when the bookstore boy placed the book in his hands. It was called The Magic Spellcaster.

"Here you go," he said. "These spells are very simple, but effective. They work if your mind is focused enough."

Three teenage girls entered the shop.

"Oh John-a-thaaan," one of the girls called out to the bookstore boy, "won't you please help us pick out some crystals?"

The bookstore boy gently touched Alex on the shoulder. "I've got to help those other customers now. But if you have any questions at all, don't be afraid to ask. That's what I'm here for." Then the boy went back to the counter to help the girls.

The girl who had called Jonathan's name was flirty and made it very clear that she liked him. She was being very fussy and seemed to demand every moment of Jonathan's attention.

Gosh, some guys have all the luck with the girls, Alex thought enviously. He could see that Jonathan was the kind of boy that girls would flock to. He was quite handsome in his way.

But Jonathan didn't seem to enjoy helping the girls much. In fact, he seemed rather irritated with them. As he was assisting the girls, Jonathan kept glancing back at Alex, who was still poking around the shelves.

Alex finally decided to buy the book. Jonathan had to leave the girls to ring him up.

"There are some supplies you might need," Jonathan explained as he handed Alex his change.

Their eyes met once again.

Why does this guy keep staring at me? Alex wondered. Do I have a zit? Is there something in my hair? Am I goofy looking?

"Like what? What kind of stuff do I need?"

"Well, some incense, an incense burner, and some parchment to draw the sigils on. We have all that stuff right here," Jonathan said, pointing to some items in a case under the cash register.

"Well, maybe you can pick out some stuff I might need."

"Here's some dragon's blood."

"Dragon's blood?"

"That's just what they call it. It's a resin. Incense. There's other kinds of resins you can use, too. Actually, maybe I should mix up some special incense for you. Just in case you DO want to try a love spell."

"Yeah, that would be cool. Just put everything I'm gonna need together and let me know how much it's gonna cost me."

"Ok." Jonathan began to select various ritual items from the case for Alex. Then the annoying girl called him again.

"Jonathan," she called. "Chloe says you carry salvia, but I don't believe her!"

"Yeah, we carry it. Do you want the leaf or the extract?"

"What's salvia?" Alex asked curiously. He knew his mother grew salvias in her garden, but he wasn't aware of any magical properties they might have had.

"Salvia divinorum," Jonathan explained. "It's, uh, a visionary herb."

"Oh." Visionary. Whatever that meant.

Alex paid for the other ritual items. He noticed that Jonathan had given him a deep discount on the items he had purchased.

"It was very nice meeting you, uh,"


Jonathan offered his hand for Alex to shake. Alex took it. It was a firm, yet gentle handshake, and it seemed to last a bit longer than the average friendly handshake. Again, their eyes met.

"I'm Jonathan. And if you ever have any questions, I'd be glad to help you out," the bookstore boy said with a shy smile.

Then he paused and gently brushed something off of Alex's shoulder. "Just a piece of lint," he explained.

"Jonathan! Hurry up! You're keeping your customers waiting!" the crystal girl whined.

"You know where to find me," Jonathan said, winking at Alex. "I'm here most weekends and some weekdays after school."

As Alex left the store, he felt compelled to look back over his shoulder and look at Jonathan one last time. The boy waved goodbye, and Alex waved back. What a really nice guy, Alex thought. And so helpful, too!

After the cute blond boy had left The Chrystall Dragon Bookstore, Jonathan Drexler looked at the fine strands of golden hair that he held in between his thumb and index finger. These were the wayward strands of Alex's hair that Jonathan had been able to collect when he pretended to brush some lint off of the boy's shoulder. It wasn't much, but it was enough for what he needed it for. Quickly he folded up the boy's hair into a small piece of paper, shoved it in his pocket and went over to assist the irritating girls.

Jonathan decided that he would begin preparing his spell that very night.

Alex looked through the instructions for the love spell in the magic book he had bought from the Chrystall Dragon Bookstore. The idea behind it all seemed simple enough. Alex memorized the chant and followed the instructions to draw out his own unique sigil, a symbol that would unite his soul with the soul of the girl he loved, Katie MacMillan.

The gist of it was that the sigil and ritual would focus Alex's conscious desires and burn them into his subconscious mind, acting as a form of self-hypnosis. Alex would then unconsciously find himself doing all the right things to make Katie to fall in love with him. The whole idea seemed reasonable and actually somewhat plausible.

Maybe there is something to all this mumbo-jumbo, Alex thought. It's just self-hypnosis and self-help stuff, really.

There was only one tricky part to the ritual. In order for the spell to work, Alex had to concentrate on the sigil while his mind was in a highly emotionally charged state. This was the climax of the ritual, and there were several ways to achieve the proper emotionally charged state. Most of those ways involved something that was a bit of a shock – like cutting or injuring himself in some way. BUT – the book also said that concentrating on the sigil during orgasm could also be effective. The book said that this method was ideal for sex and love magic.

So Alex's plan was to conduct the ritual while naked in his bedroom. The climax of the ritual would be when he masturbated while focusing on the design of the sigil and picturing Katie in his mind. Then he would burn the sigil in the candle flame and the spell would be cast. It seemed easy enough to Alex.

Alex took a box of kosher salt from the kitchen and poured a magic circle in the middle of his bedroom. He spent about an hour setting up a makeshift mini-altar with the candles, incense and burner he got from the bookstore. He waited until his parents were settled in the living room watching Survivor before he began the ritual.

Alex pulled down the shades of his bedroom windows, stripped naked, lit the candles and got the incense burning. The incense produced a cloud of thick, billowing, sweet-smelling smoke. It was much stronger than the incense Alex remembered from church. His parents didn't take him to church anymore, and he was glad about that.

When he stepped into the circle and began the chant, Alex had to admit to himself that he felt pretty silly. But still, he knew he had to go through with the ritual. He had gotten that far - and if he did everything correctly, just maybe the spell would really work!

Alex recited the chant, messing it up and starting over a few times. Then he got down on his knees before the little altar he had made out of a foot stool and began to focus on the sigil. He started to think about Katy. Slowly, his penis started to become erect. Alex began to stroke it, getting harder and harder as he imagined himself having sex with Katie.

But Alex found that his mind had begun to wander. He kept thinking about Jonathan, the boy in the Chrystall Dragon Bookstore.

The spell book had warned about intruding thoughts interfering with a spell. Alex tried not to think about the boy and concentrated on Katy instead. He jerked himself off a little harder, hoping the physical stimulation would increase his mental stimulation. But he still kept thinking of Jonathan.

It did make some sense that Alex would think of Jonathan during the spell. After all, he did buy the book and all the supplies from Jonathan, so in a sense he was completely surrounded by things that would remind him of the boy.

Alex continued to masturbate, concentrating on the sigil. Katie, Katie, Katie, he thought. The incense smoke was getting thicker and thicker, and Alex began to cough and choke. The smoke was actually making him a little dizzy. He wondered if he was starting to suffer from smoke inhalation.

Still, Alex was determined to complete the ritual. He tried to bring himself to orgasm quickly, before the smoke began to suffocate him. Katie, Katie, Katie, he thought. He was – just – about – to – cum – when a powerful memory quickly flashed into his mind.

Alex remembered himself standing in the bookshop when Jonathan was reaching to get the book for him. Alex also remembered his uncontrollable desire to lean into the Jonathan's armpit and smell the boy's musky scent. The memory was so vivid that Alex felt as though he was really re-living the moment. He even imagined that he could still smell the intoxicating, heady scent of the boy's sweat coming from his armpit. Alex breathed in deeply. He gasped.

Alex could not control his orgasm. His sperm shot out all over the little altar, covering the sigil with sticky goo.

Oh no! Alex thought. The spell was ruined! He had broken his concentration at the most critical moment! Why did he let his mind slip? Why did he start thinking about that bookstore boy? Why?

Just then Alex heard the smoke alarm go off. Within seconds his mother was frantically pounding at his bedroom door.

"Alex! Alex! Unlock the door! Get out quick! There's a fire!" And there Alex was, sitting naked in a circle of kosher salt surrounded by candles and burning incense. Not exactly the best time for Mom to come knocking.

"Don't worry, Mom! It's just incense! I-I-I'll put it out! Everything's okay!"

His mother paused for a moment. "Alex, honey? What's with the incense? Are you smoking something?"

"No Mom, I'm not smoking anything! I was just, um, meditating."

Alex quickly put on his shorts and opened up his bedroom door a crack. "Mom, everything's okay! You can go back and watch TV now!"

"Were you getting high in there?"

"No Mom, I swear! I was only just meditating like I said I was!"

"Meditating? What on earth has gotten into you?"

"Well, uh, I've been having a lot of stress at school, and this girl told me about meditation. She said it would help with my stress. You can go and watch TV now!"

"You're too young to know about stress!" his mother laughed. She was still very suspicious, and it took Alex quite a while to convince her to go back to her TV watching.

Alex looked at the remnants of the magic circle. He had to clean that mess up. He put out the incense and looked wearily at the sperm-spattered sigil that he had forgotten to burn.

"Jonathan," he whispered. "Jonathan."

To Be Continued

Did you enjoy my story? I hope you did. So far I've written one other story on Nifty, Tanner's Talent in the Adult/Youth section. If you want to get to know me a little better, feel free to email or chat with me. My Yahoo ID is sebastianfforde.

Next: Chapter 2

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