Jonah the Houseboy

Published on Jul 3, 2020


Jonah the Houseboy Part 3 The second part of Jonah's medical By Chaim

Disclaimer: This story involves sex between men and teens and boys of varied ages, including an underage character. It will at some point contain some domination-submission and punishment scenes. If you don't like that, you don't have to read it. It is just a story. None of the characters are based on anyone real, and none of this ever happened, most of this story is just wishful thinking.

If you like the idea of intergenerational and sex between teens with some kinky themes, submission, experiments etc. you will probably like this. All that being said, If you like this story and have constructive comments or suggestions, I'd like to hear them. English is not my mother tongue, sorry for any mistakes. My email address is:

Thanks to Lorzen, Oldvic, wpg, Carl, Fred, Rick, Bill, Nip, Archimedes, Jon, Ted for their mail!!!

Don't forget! Keep nifty going with your donation.

The main characters: Jonah, 15, the new houseboy of Sir Thomas Sir Thomas, 28, a rich noble man owner of the Estate Abel, 18, his young private secretary Bobby, 9, Sir Thomas adopted son Sir Bentley, 34, lover of Sir Thomas Robin, 17 on the edge op 18, Sir Bentley's son Simon, 28 an American friend

The last lines of the second part:

Jonah showed total obedience, just the way he like it. Jonah may needed a little training, and seemed to be ready. The young teen boys, Abel and Jonah were already Sir Thomas' submissives, so it wouldn't take much to train them to be perfectly obedient couple of boys. Both of them settled into Sir Thomas' service as if they'd been born into it, becoming completely obedient and relishing the fact that they could run around the House all day totally nude or in their briefs as ordered.

Sir Thomas would keep Jonah as his houseboy, so Abel would have someone to play with, and Abel would love his power over him. Doctor Daniel would get his fair share of fun and was happy with the situation as well. Doctor Daniel had that irresistible craving to dominate and fuck beautiful young boys. Emphasis on young and beautiful and... virgin boys. And, truth be told, being an absolutely perfect athlete, those cute young things couldn't resist him. Doctor Daniel sighted, there were a lot of things to do, doctor Daniel knew he had to continue his examination, but Jonah's future was going to be an exceptional one and unlike most boys he had found the members of this Household to spend his life with.

"Jonah, I need you to get on the exam table and lay back. I need to examine you some more."

Jonah complied, and the doctor continued to move his stethoscope, gently probing Jonah's abs while pointing out things to Abel,

"Feel your boy, Abel,"

So Abel did the same, but his touch was much firmer. The doctor then started to palpate Jonah, and explained to Abel were he was to feel Jonah's organs. Abel followed the doctor's path, but the feeling was much more like a sensual massage than an exam. Despite Jonah trying not to, he got a firm erection and started leaking pre-cum.

"Ahh, looks like Jonah likes your touch, Abel,"

remarked the doctor.

"I think you should continue so we can see if Jonah can keep up the flow for a bit."

Abel smiled, turned and looked into Jonah's eyes as he continued to work his abs. At one point Abel reached up and massaged Jonah's little boy tits, the doctor joined in and worked the smooth boy's chest, really tugging at his erect nipples. After some minutes, Jonah's belly was soaked and he was breathing deeply.

"See Abel, your new boy looks like a healthy young man like yourself."

Jonah blushed and slowly got off the table, he gulped and nervously and stood up, exposing his dripping erection to doctor Daniel and Abel.

The doctor was just about to speak again when there was a knock on the door. The doctor apologized for the interruption. As he walked away to open the door. Jonah heard him say to the unknown visitor,

"Oh yes of course. You are welcome! We all know you are very curious, don't we?"

Let's start the third part of Jonah's story,

The second part Jonah's medical

Jonah was looking at Abel's delighted face, the teen grinned as if he was in a secret conspiracy. When Jonah saw who was standing at the door he could have died.

Bobby! What the hell was the little boy doing here?

Doctor Daniel smiled as well, but Jonah was cursing Abel under his breath. He would never forget the look on their faces. Jonah felt his heartbeat quicken, closed his eyes and gave a soft frustrated groan, not Bobby... but he got himself under control and turned his head back to them. Doctor Daniel and Abel laughed when the Bobby frolicked into the room. Jonah tried to remain calm and not look at the little young boy, who greeted him with a cheerful,

"Hi Jonah!"

Jonah had no idea that this had been arranged but Abel offered him an explanation,

"Oh Jonah, relax man. Little Bobby wanted to watch you undergoing a full medical. So I asked Sir Thomas and he agreed and I invited him to witness your medical, that's all. I am sure that you will agree, this can be a good lesson for a curious young boy like Bobby. You have nothing to hide, haven't you?"

Jonah still stood there frozen with his white briefs around his ankles, his dripping erection went down. Doctor Daniel interrupted them and asked Jonah calmly,

"Please step out of your briefs and pass them to me."

Jonah stepped out of the small garment, picked it up and handed it to the doctor. He watched as doctor Daniel turned his briefs inside out and laid them with the pouch upward om the table. Doctor Daniel pointed at the pouch and said to Bobby,

"That is from when Johan gets an occasional erection while wearing his briefs. You may also notice the really sticky patches on the pouch. That is because Jonah is what we call a leaker! During the course of the day, he leaks lots of pre-cum into his pouch, his pouch is a testament to how much his penis drips and drools. That's interesting, isn't it?"

Jonah felt embarrassed and humiliated and watched Abel watch amused. Bobby looked surprised but did not respond, the little boy was surprised. He had never thought about things like this before. The examination table whirred as it was lowered until it was level with his knee.

"Now Jonah, I want you to face Abel and little Bobby and place your right knee on the edge of the table."

doctor Daniel said while he approaching Jonah. He took Jonah's hands and placed them behind his neck telling him,

"Interlock your fingers and straighten your back, boy."

Now the front of Jonah's body was exposed to everyone. Jonah's body was slim, on his smooth chest there were his firm little nipples, his ribs were just visible and now his penis and balls were openly exposed crowned by his soft patch of new little pu hairs. The look of surprise on Jonah's face was priceless! Bobby was amazed just how big a boy's penis and balls seemed to look on his slender body. All of this attention had caused Jonah's penis to stiffen. It was still rhythmically pulsing in time with his heartbeat, fully erect. Jonah wasn't sure what Bobby would say or do as he looked at the little boy.

Without a word Bobby reached towards his penis and wrapped his hands around it, squeezing it gently in his fists. Abel looked at Jonah's face intently as Bobby did this.

"It looks like your own penis,"

Abel said to the little boy.

"Does yours look like that?"

Bobby asked. Abel nodded and smiled,

"Just bigger..."

Bobby asked,

"Can I see it?"

Abel smiled and slowly hooked his fingers under the waistband of his shorts and briefs and started pulling them down together. Abel exposed a thin trail of pubes leading down from his navel. As he pulled his shorts and briefs further down he started exposing the base of his cock. Bobby's eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. Abel's cock really looked good, and the little boy was impressed. Just looking at his half exposed cock really made his ass begin to quiver in eager anticipation. When he was older he wanted that cock up his ass!

When Abel pulled his waistbands past his swollen knob his cock sprang upwards and bounced about before settling in its erect state, which was pointing slightly upwards. Abel admired his impressive cock as he pulled his shorts and underwear down his sexy toned shapely legs to his ankles.

"You like it?"

Little Bobby swallowed,

"No, not at all, you are not big enough for me!"

He laughed out loud,

"Well you look great!"

Abel peeled his foreskin all the way back, showing his swollen knob and aimed his cock upwards.

"Look you are getting a boner..."

said Bobby with a trembling voice, not sure what he was talking about of course he looked up to Abel as an authority. Bobby licked his lips and stretched his hand out.

"Sorry Bobby, there'll be time for that later."

Doctor Daniel said. Jonah was listening closely, Bobby was so cute and naive, and had to rely on what his older friends told him, so this was good. Doctor Daniel said,

"Bobby will learn soon enough. Next I am going to test Jonah's leg and groin strength."

and he continued to Jonah,

"When I have done your right leg and lowered the table I want you to turn around and do the same with your left knee. Do you understand?"

Jonah whispered,

"Yes sir."

The slight hum of the table being raised could be heard. As it rose up Jonah's thighs parted, openly displaying his semi erect penis and smooth balls. Doctor Daniel stopped the table then proceeded to grasp, rub and squeeze each inner

thigh. Each time the hands worked up Jonah's thighs they would contact his smooth boy balls. Jonah just looked straight ahead pulling a concerned look on his face each time his smooth boy balls were touched. The table whirred and slowly lowered. As directed Jonah turned around and placed his left knee on the table. As it rose up again Jonah could feel his leg being lifted up and out. When it stopped his legs were parted as were his ass cheeks and now his small, pink sphincter was on full view as were his smooth balls. Again Doctor Daniel's hands rubbed up and down his inner thighs and again kept hitting his balls. Jonah was relieved when the table was lowered and he had both feet on the floor and his hands by his sides. Unfortunately it was just the beginning of his utter humiliation.

Doctor Daniel's hand moved to his smooth scrotum and he cupped his boy balls, and gave them a gentle squeeze. He went to his penis after a minute, and started to masturbate him. Doctor Daniel reached behind Jonah with his other hand and stroked his firm ass cheeks,

"Look at his ass, Bobby! Jonah has a great ass, little boy! Nice smooth, firm, with squeezable cheeks."

Jonah's eyes flew open, as one of his fingers suddenly scooped deeply through his crack, the tip of it raking over his boyhole.


Jonah gasped. Abel grinned devilishly at him, but this time Jonah grinned back at him. He gave in to the inevitable humiliation and was suddenly determined not to reveal himself. He would show Bobby that he could have it. The devilishness went out of Abel's grin, and he just smiled at his younger roommate. Jonah was looking at the flushed face of Bobby who had just seen all of his intimate body areas this way. Bobby was used to it, he knew Abel and was familiar with his nakedness, but this exceeded his wildest expectations. Doctor Daniel said to Little Bobby,

"It's okay to look at him, Bobby. I know you're real curious. We all where when we were your age too. Luckily, we feel the same way about you. We care about you Bobby and you need to know Jonah all the way and we want you to know how to have great sex too!"

Bobby looked a little shocked and he had never been so surprised in his young life! He couldn't believe he could have sex. All he could do was stare at Jonah, wide-eyed. Doctor Daniel said to the trembling excited little boy,

"You don't have to get upset when we talk about sex. I know you're curious, that's a great attitude. There is nothing wrong with sex, Bobby."

Stunned Bobby was staring at Jonah's penis, which was still totally stiff and dripping. The doctor reached down and pulled on the little boy's chin, forcing Bobby to look at Jonah's leaking penis. Jonah groaned, he felt so exposed and feared the little boy's judgment. Compared to Abel he felt his penis was too small to be a good example.

"I said, it's okay. Jonah is hard and pre-cum was leaking from his balls,"

"But... "

Bobby started to say, in a raspy voice.

"It's alright,"

Doctor Daniel said again, smiling at the young boy.

"So, you like his penis and balls, eh?"

Still a little shocked, all Bubby could do was nod dumbly at him.

"Cool! We will teach you everything you need to know!"

the doctor said and he surprised Jonah by reaching for his penis again. As the doctor's hand moved in to stroke his penis, Jonah automatically spread his legs, to allow him access willingly. Smiling, Doctor Daniel cupped his privates and squeezed them gently. Instantly, his penis, which had instantly deflated when he realized Little Bobby was watching, began to swell up again. Doctor Daniel asked,

"Now Jonah, have you ever had your prostate gland checked?"

Jonah shook his head.

"No Sir,"

and little Bobby asked,

"his prostate gland, Sir?"

Doctor Daniel said to Bobby,

"Your prostate Bobby, it's inside your body, if you put your fingers inside your little bum hole you can touch it. It gives you a nice feeling in your balls and you can have a better orgasm. It needs to be checked when you get older.

"Jonah kneel up on the table now on your hands and knees, face the back wall. Please spread your knees wide apart to the edges of the table."

Bobby listened in fascination to the doctor's explanation, and Jonah knew nothing better than to follow his instructions.

"Good boy,"

Doctor Daniel praised Jonah and once again he had his bum cheeks spread open and was displaying his most intimate spot. He whispered some things to Abel and Bobby.

"Now Jonah, keep your head up and look directly into the mirror, boy."

In doing so, Jonah saw Abel, who gave the doctor a look of approval. Abel and Bobby could see his little pink hole and hairless balls, Jonah was sure of that. The doctor said,

"We are going to start opening your hole up, Jonah. Abel and Bobby will take the first steps, don't worry, it will be a pleasant surprise for you."

Looking in the mirror Jonah saw Abel lifted Little Bobby on the table. He pushed the little boy in position so Jonah's ass hovered inches over the little boy's face. Jonah heard what he said,

"You want it, Bobby. I know you want it, look at that tight boy pussy, all pink and tight, lick is cheeks, lick his crack!"

As Jonah watched in the mirror, the little boy's tongue came out and lapped.

"Awwwwwwww fuck!"

Jonah almost screamed!

Jonah's penis rose up and pulsed. A long stream of pre-cum drooled from its head trailing a strand as it fell to the examination table. Jonah's eyes snapped shut, Abel moved Bobby's head up and down. The little boy was a little grossed out at first, when he noticed that Jonah's asshole was almost pressed against his mouth. Jonah felt Bobby was licking down his back, his mouth was so wet and hot. Jonah felt spit sliding down his back into his ass crack as the little boy went lower and lower. Jonah cried out again!

Abel had grabbed him by his ass cheeks and lifted Jonah's whole lower body up to Bobby's little mouth. Abel moved Bobby steadily forward, accompanied by Jonah's muffled moans, until the little boy's face was fully buried between his ass cheeks and his little tongue on his tight boyhole. Now Jonah's asshole was nearly violated by his wet tongue. Jonah's eyes gaped open in shock.

"Oh damn, damn."

he was losing control, Not able to quite explain it, Bobby stuck out his little tongue, and let it run along Jonah's crack. Jonah groaned for a second when he felt his tongue up against his asshole, however, once it dawned on him what the boy was doing, he pushed his ass downward further. With Jonah's asshole pushed tightly against his mouth, there was only one thing that Bobby could do. Jonah responded wildly when he licked it, so he pushed his tongue out once again, and let it come to rest right at Jonah's tiny, puckered opening. He felt Jonah began to grind his hips, and asshole against his tongue.

Abel pushed his tongue harder against Jonah's boyhole, and Jonah gasped a little when his tongue suddenly slipped into him. Bobby stopped for a moment thinking that he was about to taste his shit, but when he tasted nothing, he continued to run his tongue inside the Jonah's ass.

Jonah were beyond turned on, this was extreme! Jonah knew that he was close, he felt tingles all over, his balls were boiling, but Doctor Daniel reached down and grabbed his balls and squeezed them tightly. Jonah yelped. Jonah's mouth opened from the pain and Jonah's penis got down.

"Too early for an orgasm, boy! You have to earn it."

Doctor Daniel put on a pair of tight fitting latex gloves, he had been following the little boy's every move. How the doctor ordered Bobby to come down from the examination table and take a seat text to Abel. Bobby looked disappointed but did as ordered.

"Now Jonah,"

said the doctor coating the fingers of his right hand with lube.

"You felt Bobby's little tongue on your ass. Now its time for the next step. I'm going to open your tight sphincter. Relax! The lube is water based so I will have to re-coat my fingers at times which will mean having to withdraw and re-insert my fingers inside your tight little asshole."

The word 'fingers' struck a nerve with Jonah which showed in the mirror, much to the delight of the watching boys. Jonah's little puckered hole tensed when the first finger made contact and Jonah visibly shook and sucked air in.

"Oh hell! Aah! Please Sir, stop!"

Doctor Daniel laughed, when Jonah tried to pull away. He cupped his tight ass with his free hand. Doctor Daniel held Johan tight till he started to relax and Jonah quickly regained his composure and looked at the doctor with a startled frightened look.

"That's a good boy, just moan and show your emotions, it's only natural. I am just up to the first knuckle, just a little stretch now as the knuckle goes inside, here we go."

"Shit, oh no!"

Slowly but surely the doctor had his finger all the way into Jonah's tight boyhole, the air filled with his raspy sighs and moans.

Abel and Little Bobby both squirmed in their seats as they watched the doctor stretch and finger Jonah's boyhole, working the little pink muscle like an elastic band. When his second finger was inserted the doctor used a screwing rhythm while pushing and stretching. This all to the delight of Abel and Little Bobby as they watched and listened to the boy's groans of discomfort.

Some ten minutes of intensive finger probing had passed and now Jonah's body was coated with sheen of sweat, his hair now clung to his forehead and his face was visibly flushed. Jonah's penis had responded to the fingers stroking his prostate and finger-fucking his stretched tight boyhole. Jonah was now hard and producing copious amounts of clear pre-cum. Next thing he knew was that Abel stood next to him. Abel's fingers grabbed his penis,

"Ooh pleeeeease! Oooo! No!"

Jonah managed to withstand the sexual torture for five more minutes. Abel had kept up a slow rhythm on his penis, gently wanking him. Abel took his white briefs and hold them up under the top of Jonah's leaking penis. Soon Little Bobby stood next to him, as young as he was, he could read what was about to happen and focused on Jonah's throbbing penis.

"You are so fucking horny, scream for it, scream,"

Jonah thrust his hips down and forward as he let out an almost animal like scream,

"Fuck yes, I'm so close."

as his cum rose up and shot out of him.

"Oh shit!"

Ropes of boy cum hit his briefs and suddenly it was all over, the invading fingers were withdrawn from his body making him gasp and he naturally relaxed. He was also relieved when the doctor told him to lower his arms and rest his head on the table. Although that only caused him to push his ass out and up.

"Doctor Daniel,"

The very red a flushed Bobby asked,

"Do you think that I really can put a finger up my bottom?"

Doctor Daniel just looked at him with a huge smile,

"Well, I think from what you have just seen that an anus can be stretched, it will be not always comfortable for you but you can try to stretch your little boyhole open. Bobby, you are very young, but I think it is possible after all. Use your little finger the first time, maybe you can ask Jonah to help you. In fact I think it could be quite therapeutic for both of you and yourself."

Jonah had been busy recovering and only half listening to the mumbled voices.

"Jonah! Are you listening?"

"Sir, sorry Sir, I wasn't listening to everything."

"Well, we were just discussing how Bobby can use your help and he wants to see if he really can put his little finger in his boy bottom. Would you like to help him to do it?"

"Yes Sir, I guess so Sir. if you think it would be good for him, Sir."

"That's a good boy. I think it would be very good if you helped him out, it would make it easier for you as well."

Doctor Daniel had some more test to carry out which Sir Thomas had requested. Jonah was instructed,

"Jonah, face his friends, kneeling and sit back on your haunches with your knees spread wide open."

Jonah did and his penis and balls fully on display again.

"Now Jonah, I want you to put the palms of your hands on the front of your thighs and keep them there. Sir Thomas want to know if your boy's nipples really are connected to your penis and balls and I have to do a demonstration to show Little Bobby here."

He smiled at the excited young boy.

"Where are his cummy underpants, doctor?"

Abel asked. The doctor picked Jonah's boys briefs up from the table and handed them over. Abel gave them to Little Bobby.

"Oh look at Jonah's briefs, Bobby,"

Abel explained the boy,

"there is a lot of nice boy cum inside the pouch of Jonah's briefs. You have understand there is a lot of protein in sperm, Bobby. Protein makes you grow and helps with the muscle development, people at the gym use Whey etc. Jonah can use some muscles, don't you think so?"

Abel smiled at the boy and said,

"It all came out of Jonah, so it won't hurt to go back in, Jonah should eat his protein shake, don't you think?"

Bobby nodded his little head, although he did not understand everything.

"Doctor, can Bobby feed it to him? All of it, Bobby can feed him with his little fingers, than you can get on with Jonah's nipple test."

The best the doctor had to offer was a sympathetic shrug. He liked the idea... Adel said to Bobby,

"Do it boy, feed Jonah his healthy sperm shake."

Bobby collected Jonah's cum on his little fingers and brought them to Jonah's mouth. Jonah groaned softly as he was made to suck his little fingers clean. Jonah opened his mouth to take the first scoop of his fortunately still warm cum, and Abel warned him,

"Don't waste any, Jonah."

Abel said and Bobby used his little fingers to collect his fresh cum from the pouch of his briefs and made Jonah to suck on them.

"Make sure to lick it all!"

Abel pushed now Jonah's face into the pouch of his briefs, Jonah licked the pouch clean before placing his hands back on his thighs waiting for the next humiliating test. Abel sat back with Bobby and took the little boy on his lap. Immediately, the boy settled down onto Abel's lap, leaning into his body with a deep sigh of content! Abel put his arms around his surprisingly firm frame, and held him close. Memories showed up in his mind, of holding him. They both were now a lot older but the feeling was still the same. Abel was starting to get hard again having this little boy in his lap. For a moment, he fantasized snout more possibilities as they looked Jonah.

The doctor examined his nipples now, circling the areolas with his finger tips and flicking his smallish points with this nails. Jonah caught his breath, he always had rather sensitive nipples. Doctor Daniel smiled and nodded, he fingered his smooth balls and Jonah groaned softly. Doctor Daniel carefully lifted his penis, with two fingers, looking at the underside. The doctor held the head of his penis between his fingers and examined the slit.

"Good boy, looks fine, now you must clasp your hands behind your head, Jonah."

Jonah reluctantly obeyed and sat back on his heels but his penis was now rigid, with the foreskin stripped back exposing the tender glans. When the doctor touched his smooth boy balls and he felt a slight pulsing through his penis and balls with a slight burning sensation in his nipples. The doctor gripped his left nipple and began to pinch, pull, and tug at it. He did the same to the right one.

Jonah's eyes brightened and he groaned as the doctor's fingers moved over his smooth chest to focus on his boy nipples again. Jonah unconsciously drew himself up a bit and thrust his boy chest forward, clasping his hands behind his back and displaying his body, making himself accessible. Jonah groaned,

"Please play with my nipples, Sir. I will do anything for you."

Begging for it, Jonah gave the doctor the key to his mind and body and let doctor Daniel unlock is true desires. Jonah was really inviting him to play with his nipples! Doctor Daniel didn't suspect his surrender so soon in doing anything for him. Taking him at his word, doctor Daniel placed his mouth on one of his nipples. He started licking and sucking on his nipple as his fingers fondled the other. Jonah moaned slightly as he worked on his chest, the boy's penis was nearing its bursting point. So doctor Daniel continued to play with his nipple and feel up his chest as he sucked on the other nipple. Jonah seemed resigned to letting him do what he wanted. After working on his smooth boy chest and sucking his nipple for a few minutes, making Jonah's nipples even more sensitive, he stopped.

Jonah's body quivered, and his nipples contracted, forming small, hard peaks as the aureoles tightened. The time was right, Jonah opened himself, his body relaxed into submission, he focused on his examination and the pleasure it gave him. Jonah's penis rose up at a sharp angle, his penis pulsated with the pleasures coursing through his young body, jerking upward to meet his fingers.

"Good boy, we found the first connection between your boy nipples and your penis. Sir Thomas will be pleased, he want to know if your little boy's nipples really are connected to your penis. You proofed him right."

Next, the doctor opened a metal drawer and got out two strange looking metal clamps and some wire. He clamped one onto Jonah's right nipple as it stuck out stiff and erect.

"Ah oh shit! What the fuck you are doing!?"

Jonah yelled as he felt the pain growing from his right nipple.

"Jonah, I know it may be painful but, we are going to have to test your nipples in connection with your penis. We will test your limits boy."

the doctor said calmly,

"Don't worry, it wont be too long! Your Master, Sir Thomas would like you to cooperate with this more extreme test. I know you are already man enough to take it!"

Jonah held his hands behind his head and gritting his teeth in humiliation. He was trying to get use to the pain radiating from his right nipple when the doctor clamped the other one onto his left one.

"Now Jonah, you are ready for the next step. We need to feel more of his boy nipples to be sure about the real connection with your penis."

remarked the doctor and ordered Abel,

"Abel, Bobby get both undressed. It's better to be naked like Jonah."

"Okay, sir!"

Bobby answered, eagerly pulling off his shirt. They started to undress, they were about to witness Jonah and at the fact that this private act was going to be shared with him made Bobby happy. Abel was slipping out of his shorts. He pulled them off his legs. Bobby stopped undressing to stare at his erect teen cock. They had seen each other naked many times before, but this time there was more significance to it. Bobby looked so cute with his smooth, supple skin. Bobby's little penis hung limp between his legs. It was small and perfectly formed with a tiny scrotal sac hanging right below it.

Doctor stood there a few minutes looking their naked bodies over from head to toe. He had a slight smile on his face as he looked Bobby over. Doctor Daniel didn't belief that youmg virgins were best. Well, virgin boys were hard work. Boys so young had no understanding of how to use their mouths, and their little boyholes were difficult to enter. Of course, he enjoyed the pleasures of slowly teaching boys the skills that all boys must learn, but Bobby was different.

Bobby was Sir Thomas' adopted son and he knew Abel and Jonah would be his true guardians as well as his lovers.

Doctor Daniel' cock hardened some at the thought, perhaps, he sighed to himself as he waited for the right time he could be part of it. This was a dream that came to him often, came even when he was not at Sir Thomas' House, and why it came he had no idea, but always, when it came, it hardened his cock.

Bobby relaxed a little when doctor Daniel pulled the little boy closer to him and took a hold of his tiny balls between his fingers and after a few seconds he released them, and stood there with his hands on his hips looking at Bobby's exposed genitals. Doctor reached his hand back out and cupped his little balls in it, lifting them up and down a few times, he began to fondle and knead them between his fingers and Bobby's penis was beginning to come alive. Bobby groaned and his face was burning beet red as his limp little worm began to fill with blood.

The doctor tried to make like it was no big thing, but Abel and Jonah stared at them and their eyes did not leave Bobby's penis for a second, until it stood our long and hard from his little body.

Doctor Daniel told Bobby, in a low voice,

"Bobby, I wanted to check you and make sure that everything is okay, before I continue my medical on Jonah, so you can join the fun."

Almost as soon as he finished his sentence, his hand reached out and began to caress his hard little penis. Bobby gasped and tried to pull away, but he reached his other hand around his buttocks and pulled the little boy forward as his

hand continued to caress his penis. Jonah felt weak in the knees watching them. He looked at Abel who smiled, in a matter of minutes Abel's hand was flying up and down his own erection. Abel looked at Bobby, the little sex symbol of his strong secret fantasies. There he was, in flesh and blood, so young and rock hard. Abel watched the doctor's movements intensely as Bobby, his object of lust and desire, was getting his penis stroked by Doctor Daniel. Soon Abel groaned and couldn't hold back, he yelled,

"Oh, oh, I come!"

Abel's sperm spurted up from his balls, there was no way back. With a gasp, he came, after his cock swelled a little, cum shot out of his wide open piss slit into the air with such force and volume that Jonah wondered if Abel ever masturbated on his own. At the same time doctor Daniel cupped his hand around the little boy's buttocks and supported him as he continued to bring me closer and closer to his dry orgasm. Bobby came a few seconds later with a loud little yelp. Doctor Daniel had just given him his first orgasm, dry but intense. The doctor asked the panting boy,

"Did it feel nice, my boy?"

Bobby said still panting,

"Oh, yeah, it did, sir!"

"This was great Bobby, you are a lovely boy. I think we all are eager and hot for more. Would you like to learn more about what men can do together?"

Bobby nodded his head eagerly.

"The feeling was so wonderful!"

Doctor Daniel laughed at the trembling boy and he gently worked his little over and over until it started to go limp. Jonah just stood there in a state of shock as he realized what was happening. Doctor Daniel said to Abel,

"You stand on the side of Jonah. We should make sure Johan can ejaculate properly. Jonah, lay back on the exam table. Abel get him in a sitting position with his feet into the stirrups."

He smiled at Jonah,

"Well, we do things a little differently here,"

he said as his hands moved up to his inner thighs and pressed his legs open wider while the table moved in a upright position.

"Just remember to do as you're told and just follow orders"

He stepped closer in between his legs and his hand went to Jonah's shoulder and his chest over his stomach to his thigh. Jonah was getting nervous cause I felt the tingle in his penis as his hand brushed over it. Abel moved in and put his hand on his open thigh,

"Relax, we're going to get you ready."

Abel immediately attached straps around his lower legs securing them. Abel pulled the straps tight, which caused his knees to spread open to the edge of each side. The doctor looked satisfied at Jonah's helpless position.

"Good, boy,"

the doctor praised him. Jonah was surprised when Abel attached straps to his wrists and forearms and secured them to the table as well. Jonah realized he was not able to move his arms nor legs..

"We have to be sure you don't move around to much during this procedure, boy."

He explained,

"Just relax, as a good little houseboy."

Doctor Daniel held his penis and asked Abel,

"Look at his penis, Abel, tell me what you see."

Abel answered,

"Jonah's penis is getting hard, sir"

Jonah was quite embarrassed.

"Sir, his penis is already leaking cum on his belly."

Abel said. Jonah had gasped as Abel's hand went over his boy chest and his fingernail grazed the underside of his areola. The nipple above thrust out angrily, seeking attention, but Abel just circled the areolas, making the pebbled surface rise like little goosebumps. He grazed his fingernail across the sensitive erectile flesh of the unruly nipples.

"Ah... shit!"

Abel slapped his face and Jonah groaned as he felt his hand on his face burning.

"Keep silent, just take it!"

He ordered and at the same time he teased Jonah's little nipples into erection with his fingertip.

"That's it Jonah, enjoy it, yeah boy, look down at those little boy nipples, just hard and stiff. Your nipples need lots of attention, don't they?"

Abel wet his fingertip by licking it, and returned to Jonah's nipples, gently scratching them. He upped by grasping the nipples with his thumb and index finger, and gently twisted them, and then pinched. He returned to wetting them

and scratching and grasping them, alternating each action. Jonah made a hollow back, but was quickly ordered him to straighten up, and in fact push his chest out. Defeated, Jonah did as he was told, and secretly, he was enjoying the unbelievable sensations on his chest.


he howled as Abel's lashing tongue and nipping teeth worried the stiff protruding boy tits. He feared another slap, but Abel ignored him. On his belly was a large wet spot where his boy cum dripped down. Abel moved his wicked index fingertip straight to the point where the glans was leaking, knowing that the piss lips was there. As he sucked voraciously on Jonah's nipples, and used his one hand to pluck and pinch the free teat, he used his ragged fingernail to begin a stead scratch of the boy's piss lips. Jonah bucked from the sensation, but his hips thrust up to meet the sensation, allowing Abel to tease his pride and joy.


Jonah nearly jumped off the table as the sweet pain hit his nipples.

"Oh boy, it will be finished in one more minute."

the doctor reassured as wave after wave shocked his body. Jonah gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and held his head back enduring the pain like a real good boy. After two minutes Abel stopped. Jonah sat back on the table and felt his penis was dripping.

"The source seems to come from your prostate and nipples, that's good, young man."

Doctor Daniel was massaging over the little creases of skin over his belly in an effort to comfort him. Jonah was looking at the lustful, approving look on Abel's face. Doctor Daniel whispered,

"He is a fucking natural."

Abel cupped his fingers around Jonah's pulsing boner and gripping just the leaking glans, twisted his finger tips around the shaft, making him to grunt and groan helplessly. Abel's lips went back to the thrusting nipples on the boy's chest, while his one hand continued to maul and twist the other free nipple and his other hand masturbated the boy's penis knob, using his fingernails to tease the boy to distraction. From the doctor's perspective, the handsome little boy, leaning forward towards the sweet torment of his penis tip, yet arched back to thrust his chest towards the delicious work on his teats, eyes closed, panting and whining, with his body secured to the table.

It was a long five minutes of pleasure and torment before the doctor stopped. Jonah's penis was not only solid but was now dripping with pre-cum. Abel smiled and told him,

"Scoop it up. Jonah and lick it from your finger,"

He directed his next question to the doctor.

"Can Bobby help you?"

Jonah clutched his hands hard behind his neck and groaned softly as Abel teased his tortured nipples. He coached Bobby's doings and the little boy stood next to him and cupped and gently massaged his balls with his little hand and was delighted in the way his penis twitched. Jonah sighed.

"Now, don't forget to tell, Bobby when you are about to cum."

"Yes! Oooooooh yeeeees I will! Shit, I'm about to cum...!"

As Abel watched his face contort the little boy took hold of and began to massage his hard penis, then his balls then the head of his cock. Almost two long minutes had passed and Joan warned him.

"Oh fuck. I'm going to cum, please stop!"

Bobby was masturbating him, the sound of the wet lube made a funny slurping noise as his little hand moved up and down his penis. Jonah groaned and bucked his hips up and as he reached orgasm. The pressure in him was so intense that his first stream of cum flew above Bobby height landing on his nose, the second volley landed on one of on his nipple, a third on his belly button. Jonah squirmed, drawing his hands tight behind his head while drawing his knees up towards his chest. He begged Bobby to stop wanking his cock. Only when he began openly sobbing from the intense pleasurable pain did the boy slow down and eventually stop.

"Thank you doctor, that was excellent. And so were you Bobby"

Abel said, as he scooped up the cum from Jonah's body and wiped it over his lips before pushing his cummy fingers into his mouth.

"Now, be sure wear your cummy underpants, be outside in three minutes."

Jonah was left to put his briefs back on. The cum stained, wet pouch of his white briefs was uncomfortable. He managed to get some kind of shape into his hair without comb. He left the examination room and the doctor thanking him polite as a good boy. Outside, Bobby and Abel were waiting. Abel took Jonah by the hand leading him along the dimly lit corridor with Bobby following. He pushed them ouside the tower. Nobody was watching them, Abel brought them to Sir Thomas' gym and said,

"This is a private moment, just the three of us, Sir Thomas' boys."

Jonah the Houseboy Part 4 is coming soon.

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