Jonah the Houseboy

Published on Jun 17, 2020


Jonah the house boy Part 1

By Chaim


Disclaimer: This story involves sex between men and teens and boys of varied ages, including an underage character. It will at some point contain some domination-submission and punishment scenes. If you don't like that, you don't have to read it. It is just a story. None of the characters are based on anyone real, and none of this ever happened, most of this story is just wishful thinking.

If you like the idea of intergenerational and sex between teens with some kinky themes, submission, experiments etc. you will probably like this. All that being said, If you like this story and have constructive comments or suggestions, I'd like to hear them. English is not my mother tongue, sorry for any mistakes. My email address is:

Don't forget! Keep nifty going with a donation.

The main characters:

Jonah, 15, the new houseboy of Sir Thomas

Sir Thomas, 28, a rich noble man owner of the Estate

Abel, 18, his young private secretary

Bobby, 9, Sir Thomas adopted son

Sir Bentley, 34, lover of Sir Thomas

Robin, 17 on the edge op 18, Sir Bentley's son

Simon, 28 an American friend

Let's start the story.

Part 1

Jonah's introduction to the Household.

Jonah walked up to the door and just stood there. The boy had just turned fifteen less than a month ago and his Daddy told him that his Lordship had a job for him this summer. He walked alongside the wall of the Estate to find the entrance. The main House with its tower was hidden in the woods and Jonah looked down at the mobile he had in his hand, Kasteeltuin 1, and back up at the door to verify that he was at the right address. He pressed the bell at the gate and waited. The gate opened and the driveway to the House was long. Jonah parked his bike and reached the large doors and stood there waiting for someone to answer the door. Jonah stood there for a minute or two and saw that he main House had a beautiful with a huge garden surrounded by the forest area. Around the corner of the house a swimming pool, which lay, sheltered by trees a little bit further in the forest.

Jonah saw a little boy sunbathing by the pool. Naked! This was too good to be true, the little boy had an angelic face with a beautiful childish smile. He had long blond silky hair that was parted on the middle but now wet slightly fell down on his shoulders and backed. The boy dove in the water and swam underwater the length of the pool. He surfaced at the end and climbed out of the pool.

Jonah sighted and his penis stirred as the boy walked over to the slide. He slid down the slide and burst out laughing. Jonah wanted to run his fingers through his hair, when the boy shook his head to reveal the hair over his face. Jonah felt butterflies in his stomach and felt a tingling between his legs, his whole body was shivering. Jonah saw the boy's soft and smooth face and it was obvious he was beautiful and happy. Somehow he looked girlish, he was pretty, but too young to be called handsome.

It was at that instant he looked up and in the door stood, to Jonah's surprise, a muscular young man on his bare feet, wearing a very tight pair of black Nike sweat pants and a tight fitted muscle shirt. Jonah could clearly see the outline of his balls and cock and swallowed, he was impressed.

"I love long hair on boys, he his cute,"

the young man said,

"I think it's sexy. Well, Bobby is cute. I know, he oozes perfection."

Jonah didn't know what was happening to him but his body began tingling all over as he stared at this beautiful young man who was somehow connected with this cute and very sexy boy. Jonah had never had such a sexual sensation before from just looking a man but it was happening to him now and he was actually enjoying it. The man said and looked down at him,

"What can I do for you?"

"Hi, my name is Jonah, I'm looking for a Thomas."

"I'm Thomas. You are here for your interview for the houseboy position, correct? Your Daddy told me a lot about you."

The handsome man said as he looked Jonah over, noticing his small frame his blue eyes and the boy's blonde hair. Jonah who was wearing his Tommy blue polo with a pair of shorts stood there and felt little and shy. He noticed that Thomas' voice was young but deep and although his Daddy only told him it was an household looking for a young house boy, Thomas didn't look a day over thirty. The man was in a way intimidating, he looked strong and powerful, however, he was kind to him.

"Yes sir."

Thomas smiled,

"Sir. I like that, keep that, boy. Just call me, Sir, that underlines my position,"

and with a knowing smile,

"It is better than using my whole title. All boys in my Household everyone address me as Sir Thomas or Sir."

He didn't tell Jonah his father was in fact the Earl of Jochie and Jongeling, so he was strictly the Viscount of Knapen tot Meer, but he seldom used the title. Besides that Thomas considered himself gay and dominant, a Master, so his Household would him address all the same as Sir. He assumed, rightly in most cases, that young boys like Jonah would learn those facts from others.

"Come on in,"

Sir Thomas said as he stood back. Jonah walked into the House looking around and noticing how nice it was and that there was a lot of fine art in the house. Sir Thomas could tell that Jonah was impressed with the wealth of the surroundings. Sir Thomas led Jonah to the couch in the living room. It faced a very huge marble fireplace. Above the fireplace hanged a portrait of a Sir Thomas a teenager, wearing very regal and fancy clothing. Shy Jonah walked over to the couch and sat down, Sir Thomas followed behind him and sat in the chair across from the couch.

"So Jonah, I'm looking for a houseboy. Someone who can do my duties as I wish. It was my houseboy's job to keep the House inviting and to keep me happy above all else."

Jonah's Daddy told him some of that, every boy in the village wanted this position, but but were hesitant. It was the very best position there was, but it was only the most beautiful boys, and only the most willing boys ever got the position. Jonah's Daddy trained him, from the age of ten. He started learning the arts of being a servant, and he got to serve his Daddy and his friends, and Jonah had been very happy to be doing so. The boy learned about humble service and much more, he learned everything that they would ever need to know at Sir Thomas' household. At least that's what Jonah thought.... Jonah's father never mentioned to him that his Lordship wanted him to be sexual innocent but available. Jonah was taken out of his thoughts,

"You do have a bicycle don't you?"

"Yes Sir, I came by bike."

Jonah replied.

"Okay that's a plus. although you will be not allowed outside the Estate. I have a boy, Abel, he had been my servant for nearly five years now. He is born a servant, without specific instructions he is able to serve my needs. Now he is eighteen and I decided to promote him to my personal assistant. So that's why I need a new houseboy."

This was his dream, wearing only a pair of snug tighty-whities under his shorts, Jonah's penis sprung to life as he felt his need to become this man his houseboy and be part of this Household. He had desired this since he entered puberty. Jonah was aroused by the idea of service. He could hardly believe his own boldness as he nodded and said,

"Whatever you wish, Sir!"

Jonah heard a sweet, boyish voice,

"Hi, Jonah,"

Jonah's heart jumped it was the naked boy he saw at the pool.

"My name's Bobby. My dad, Sir Thomas told me about you. You are our new houseboy, right? I will see you every day."

Jonah turned his head and saw a blonde boy, who said he was Bobby. The little boy standing there, looking at him with a huge smile. The younger boy's tiny bathing suit was severely tented with what seemed to be a very little but respectably sized little boy penis. Jonah considered fight or flight as adrenalin flooded his veins. Jonah looked at Sir Thomas and chose to talk and looked at the boy his beautiful sparkling eyes, to avoid to look at his little crotch.

"My name's Jonah. Pleased to meet you, Bobby."

Jonah's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as the boy openly checked his body, but Bobby only smiled. Jonah couldn't help but drink in the slim boy, his little pink boy nipples, smooth body and his gorgeous face. The boy the most beautiful nipples. Deep inside he wanted to do things with that boy, but was not sure of himself. Sex things, Loving things, to make the boy happy. Things Sir Thomas would never approve his feelings and he had no idea why he felt this.

Jonah knew he was a gay boy but with no real sexual experience it was just a feeling. Jonah dreamed about a sex with a real hot guy holding him, whispering stuff in his ear, sucking and fucking him. Of holding this boy, to cuddle and to serve his needs. Anyway, Jonah didn't understand his own sexual feelings. Sir Thomas solved that problem for the time being,

"Bobby dear, I have to talk to Jonah here. Go out and have a swim."

Jonah relaxed. Thank goodness his shorts hide his erection. The boy waved at them and run off. Jonah often wished he was able to make a boy like Bobby to cum. Sir Thomas disturbed his day dreams and continued,

"Bobby is a nice boy, he is nearly ten and lives here. I told you about Abel. Abel lives here with me too and you will have to share a room with him."


Sir Thomas frowned,

"Okay, what?"

Sir Thomas replied.

"Okay Sir."

Jonah said hopping that was the right answer.

"Good boy. The formalities, according to the amount of task and work that you do is how you will be paid and your Daddy will look after your bank account and progress. When I request you to come you have just ten minutes to get to me, and you must do whatever I ask, do you understand that?"

"Yes sir."

Sir Thomas said in a gentle by firm voice,

"Listen Jonah, you know I like you, and I know will be a good play mate for my little Bobby. I always wanted to set things clear. You will do everything to please me and the members of my Household."

Jonah kept silent, and Sir Thomas continued,

"I will enjoy you taking care of my stuff, taking my orders. To be honest with you, I believe that you need me as a dominant male figure in your life. I need a houseboy and obedient boy, that makes the match, do you understand me?"

Jonah hesitated but said,

"I do, but..."

a look in Sir Thomas' eyes made Jonah stop.

"I want you to be my obedient little boy. I have set some rules here, and I will make sure you are gonna follow my rules. A boy has to follow the rules of his superior, don't you agree?"

Jonah nodded,

"Yes Sir."


Sir Thomas ordered and did Jonah had any choice kneeling in front of this muscular strong guy, could he say no? No fucking way! Thoughts were rolling in his mind, but he felt peaceful somehow being in that position, it was like something great was happening to him, something he was waiting for. Jonah felt embarrassed of himself.

"You like this, don't you?"

"Yes, I do Sir"

he replied helplessly.

"Good boy, I knew that, follow my orders, and I will help you to have the best life."

Jonah saw a smile on his face, and he felt kind of relief that he said something that made him happy,

"Don't worry, you will be my boy from now on and I will be your Master. Are you willing to be obedient to orders and take punishment if you are disobedient?"

"Yes Sir."

"If you break the rules of my Household, if you are disobedient you will be punished. The punishment will start off easy and as you get more experienced as a houseboy, they will get harder and harder, understood?"

"Yes Sir!"

"I knew, you are a good boy!"

Sir Thomas said, caressing Jonah's blonde hair,

"I knew, you needed this,"

as if it was a really obvious thing, as Jonah entered his new world,

"You know you want this position,"

he said.

"Yes Sir,"

It was like a dream. It was what Jonah had always dreamed of. Sir Thomas was making him his boy. Sir Thomas just took him, and offered this to him, told him the simple facts of his new life as his houseboy. Sir Thomas knew

his secret, he knew he wanted it, Jonah wanted it more than anything!

Jonah wanted it so much he was willing to do everything for it. Oh, it was heaven! Jonah looked up at him, his Master. Sir Thomas' large pecs there above him in his tight fitted muscle shirt, his biceps bulging as he hands gripped Jonah's head and held him in place as he looked at his tight sweat pants stretched around his cock, his manly cock, Jonah wanted his cock so much. It felt wonderful to become his boy, to sit on his knees, accepting his power. Sir Thomas' cock throbbed, hopefully he was making him feel good. Sir Thomas was a man, a real man, the man he dreamed about and he was his humble obedient houseboy.

He knew, he knew, he knew everything.

And now so did Jonah.

"You start right now. Your first task is to take off that polo, I don't like it on you and you will never wear a shirt in my house again. Take it off!"

Jonah did as he was told and quickly pulled the polo over his head and shoulders and sat it on the couch. Sir Thomas looked at Jonah's, the boy's body was very slender but from his chest and biceps he saw that Jonah frequented the local swimming pool and maybe the gym. The boy's chest was hairless and each was home to a tiny pretty pink nipple. Sir Thomas smiled and told Jonah,

"Stand up, boy."

Jonah did as he was told and Thomas looked him over, he had already nice abs and nice V shape boy torso being fifteen.

"This is the living room,"

Sir Thomas explained,

"Next to it is my private Study and now let's look at your room. You will share the room with Abel."

Sir Thomas led the boy went upstairs and to a door and they both entered the 'boys room'. Inside there was a large clean bed, covered by a black spread, the pillows were black too. There was a desk with a computer, some gym equipment in the corner. This was for him? This was his room? This was where he was going to stay? It was awesome!

Jonah's legs shook, he was just a common boy. He felt humble and little again. He didn't know what to say or how to act. Sir Thomas opened another door. It was a private bathroom, all tiled in white. There was a toilet and transparent glass door opened to a shower stall. Sir Thomas went to a dresser, pulled open a drawer, bringing out some new white briefs and a couple of jock straps.

"They are tight, but will fit you. They were of Abel when he was much younger."

He made a broad gesture,

"This is for the boys in my service, but I have to earn it. So now to your role as my houseboy. Your days will be spent in here if I don't need you. You will perfecting your body, a houseboy will workout for about three hours per day, and will have the rest for leisure, with only two rules, he must seek always perfection, and your own clothes are not allowed around the House. You may wear only the briefs or the jocks I provide you. You work for me, but will have to work on other points as well. Finally, the choice is your own, and will be made after a period of assessment during the next few days."

Jonah looked at him and nodded,

"Yes, Sir."

Sir Thomas looked at him and a handsome somewhat muscled teen entered the room. Sir Thomas introduced him,

"This is Abel, he is my personal assistant and boy. He is in charge of you when I'm not around, so follow his directions."

The teen smiled, he loved his new position that was clear.

"Abel lives here for a couple of years now. He will be your coach, trainer and guardian for the first year."

Sir Thomas said this and left the room. Jonah knew Abel was eighteen, but he looked younger. Abel looked at his new roommate and whispered,

"You heard his Lordship, so come on Jonah, hurry up, I need to see how they fit on you. Take off your clothes. No need for questions, Sir Thomas told you the rules of the House. Just do as I say, if you want to be a good boy and keep this position in his service."

Jonah hesitated, the teen spoke with some authority. He did just as he was told, kicking off his shoes, unbuttoning his shorts pushing them down to his ankles and then sliding them off his feet.

"You briefs too, boy!"

Taking a deep breath, Jonah turned away from him and peeled his briefs down, adding them to the pile of his clothes on the chair. Jonah's heart raced and his horniness took over as Abel pressed his warm underwear to his face to inhale his smell. Abel was testing him as he looked at the excited boy in front of him. It was that moment that Abel detected a distinct scent in Jonah's underwear. The scent that every teenage boy is particularly familiar with, fresh cum. Abel breathed in the private boy scent of Jonah and smiled,

"You smell good, boy."

Jonah thought it was funny how he called him boy. Abel held Jonah's briefs up and there he saw it, a sizable, wet stain of pre-cum on the front of the boy's briefs. Jonah couldn't help it, his young boy's body quivered and his penis oozed with pre-cum as he realized that Abel knew the stain was his boy cum and it was fresh. Abel smiled,

"You are a naughty boy, I like that,"

Abel walked to his drawer and took a new pair of white briefs for him. Jonah looked at the impossibly small briefs and leaned over to pull them on. Abel enjoyed the view of Jonah's white butt end as he bent over and had to he had to suppress his urge to slap his naked butt. Jonah pulled the skin tight briefs up his slender frame. Abel had purposely found a pair that was a size too small for him, so they would fit extra snugly. The sight of the tight material settling into the crack of the boy's ass was arousing, and without consciously thinking about it, Abel's own hand went to the front of his shorts. Abel wondered how Jonah would react the first time Sir Thomas inserted his cock his virgin ass. Abel enjoyed the thought and was getting an erection, and had to control himself not to grab his cock again for a quick squeeze.

Jonah fought to stuff his own little package into the tight confines of the briefs, and could swear he could feel his butt cheeks sticking out from the tiny garment. Shyly he turned around and faced Abel. Instinctively he put his hands in front of his groin, trying to hide the obvious outline of his penis and boy balls under the undersized briefs.

Abel took in the view of the quite little boy standing before him. The briefs barely covered his groin, exposing a tiny portion of Jonah's already small pubic bush, and the very tip of his uncircumcised penis was poking out. Jonah had very little body hair, which would make it pretty easy to remove. Abel's gaze was making Jonah horny, which was causing his penis to stir. Abel seeing the boy's growing package smelled his chance.

"Here Jonah, lets help you, I will tuck it in."

Abel knelt down in front of Jonah and pulled the front of his briefs open and grabbed Jonah's penis and started arranging it inside his undersized boy briefs. Jonah had never experienced anyone touching his penis except himself. When he felt Abel's hand encircle his penis, it instantly filled with blood, and a gasp escaped his mouth.

"Relax boy, you're going to have to get used to being man handled down here. There we go, all fixed."

Abel managed to stretch the briefs over the boy's now rock hard penis.

"Nice package, little buddy."

Jonah's slim form, his small stature, and his smooth looks turned Abel on. The boy was ripe for the picking!

Abel cupped his hand over the front of the silk material and ran it back and forth all over Jonah's groin. The boy was panicking. He felt tell the tingling signs as the feel of Abel's hand was sending electric jolts up his spine. Abel was stroking his penis now. Jonah felt his orgasm approaching and groaned, he saw stars for a minute, Abe's stroking hand felt amazing! Abel sensed Jonah's approaching orgasm and increased the rhythm of his pace. Jonah moaned and he rocked his hips and Abel sped up his pace even more.

"Oh please..."

Abe stopped his stroking and squeezed his penis tightly a couple of times and a drop of clear liquid formed at its tip inside Jonah's briefs. Now Abe was kneading his groin with his fingertips, taking his little balls in his other hand. Jonah groaned. Overwhelmed with his desire for Jonah, Abel began his stroking again, till Jonah's hips humped wildly under his hand. The power over Jonah was a major turn-on for Abel. He said,

"You're handling it well, Jonah. You being helpless, knowing you have no choice, that adds to the intensity. It should also make it easier for you to accept you are horny, don't panic. You're not responsible for what I do. You're in no position to stop me. And all you have to do is to obey me, so just enjoy the sensations, and don't think."

Jonah was gasping and groaned, his body arched and he a cried out of ecstasy,

"Oooh, no!"

This was an interesting test. Abel didn't expect him to resist, but he didn't expect this eagerness. Jonah was clearly a natural submissive. Probably raised very strict. It would be interesting to see how much self control he had. Jonah begged,


Abel stopped, looked at him and asked,

"Please what, boy?"

Jonah groaned,

"Please stop!"

Jonah was on the edge and desperate.

"Aren't you enjoying what you're feeling, boy?"

"Yes, oh yes, but this is really intense and frustrating!"

Jonah was hot as hell. Abel took hold of his penis, and pulled the foreskin back and forth over the enlarged head inside his pre-cum soaked briefs. Jonah moaned, he was on the edge, unable to control himself anymore.

"Please stop, I can't..."

There was desperation in his voice. Abel liked that. Jonah was on the verge of hyperventilating trying to control himself, but it was too late.

Abel could feel it coming. He saw Jonah's gut suck in right before he felt the younger boy's penis started throbbing and pumping warm liquid into his briefs.


Jonah wailed as he lost control and felt his penis explode again, pumping more hot sticky boy cum into the briefs. It was one of the most powerful orgasm's Jonah could remember, and he would have fell down if Abel didn't catch him, but he was humiliated that he was cumming right in front of his new room mate, and now here he was being held up by him! Seeing that Jonah was about to fall, Abel caught him, and saw that after the orgasm ended.

The boy was on the verge of tears. Abel stood up and pulled Jonah with him. Hands still on his naked shoulders he whispered to the boy,

"Shhh, it's okay little buddy. This stuff happens to a lot of boys the first time here. It's no big deal. Let's get you cleaned up real quick and get you another pair of briefs. It's just between us, honest!"

Abel thought it was fantastic, but it was nothing compared to the thrill he felt at Jonah's willingness, his eagerness. Jonah was inexperienced, he could tell, but he was trying hard to please him. Abel felt his desire, his cock was throbbing and he had to hold to keep from cumming right then himself.

"Abel, I'm so sorry, I'm not, I mean, shit, I don't know what I mean, I should just go home."

Abel looked at him. Jonah was so cute and innocent, he would like to share his bed with him. Jonah could think no more, for at that moment he felt the touch, the warm touch of Abel's hand, the back of his fingers caressing his smooth cheek.

"Was this your first time?"

Abel asked, and suddenly the fingers weren't caressing his face anymore, but gripping him instead, digging into his cheeks, turning his face around, forcing him to look at him.

"Look at me when I'm talking,"

he said,

"and answer my questions."

Jonah gulped, his eyes wide with shock, and lust, his face flushed, he shook his blonde head,

"No, it wasn't my first time..."


Abel asked, still holding the face, and his fingers were digging in once more at the continued silence. Jonah began to nod, and quickly shook his head in reply, and even before he could steady his nerves, Abel leaned forward, kissing him on the mouth, the tongue licking over his quivering lips, sharp teeth biting into his lower lip. Jonah groaned in response,

"Oh hell,"

he mumbled and he felt his body going limp, but his penis suddenly was awake again, twitching violently as a sudden gush of pre-cum escaped through the tiny slit.

"You want it?"

Jonah nodded slowly, Abel leaned in. He puckered his lips just in time to accept his kiss, he sighed and smiled while their lips tingled. With a smack, our lips separated and Jonah sighed, he was dying for to be kissed. With a grin, Abel looked up at him and said,

"Do you want me to kiss you with my tongue?"

Jonah hesitated for a spit second, but said,

"I would like that a lot,"

Abel asked,

"Still scared?"

"Yes, a little bit..."

"but that's what you want me to do?"

"Oh yes, please, kiss me!"

As soon as their lips touched, Joan felt a rush of horny pleasure race through his body.


Jonah let go of an involuntary moan. Abel wrapped his arm around his neck and he added a little more suction to the kiss and Jonah parted his lips. The boy felt his tongue slip into his mouth. Very gently Abel used his tongue to massage Jonah's tongue. Jonah was loving the heat and moisture that Abel's tongue was giving him. At some point, he moaned submissively and wrapped his arms around the teen's shoulders, so Abel took charge of the kiss by sliding his tongue into his mouth and stiffening it up.

When they broke their kiss, Jonah sighed and smiled happy, he rested his head on Abel's shoulder. Abel held him close and rubbed his back, letting his hand run up his back so that he could feel his warm skin. As the heat of his body wrapped itself around his fingers, his cock strained painfully in his shorts.

"Don't be scared, and don't be silly Jonah, and don't even think about leaving your position. You can't, your Daddy signed an contract for at least a year. If his Lordship, Sir Thomas would hear that quitter talk the very first day you work for him, he would explode. Just calm down and take off your briefs. Don't let me ever here you use that kind of language again."

The reply shocked Jonah, and he immediately felt like an idiot for saying what he did. Deciding not to wait for Jonah to respond, Abel pulled his briefs down off the stunned boy and started wiping up his penis and smooth balls with the wadded up briefs. Abel smiled and reached out with my left hand to caress his soft cheek and the boy blushed. Jonah gave him a cute smile that sent a jolt of electricity through Abel's loins. Jonah was so cute and willing, he couldn't wait to fuck his new young roommate.

"How was that, Jonah?"

Abel asked gently, and Jonah's dreamy smile told him all he needed to know. He said,

"Jeeze Jonah, nice load from such a cute little set of boy balls."

He took tossed the briefs aside and went to the sink, soaking a washrag with cold water and returning to the still dumbstruck Jonah.

"Now let's get this nice package all cleaned up now."

Jonah shrieked when the cold rag touched his balls, but was grateful for the effect it had, causing everything to go into a state or retreat.

"Good, now let's get you another briefs before Sir Thomas gets here and spanks us both for screwing around."

He had to be joking, Jonah thought as he stood there, watching Abel from behind as he tore into another pile of assorted briefs. He noticed that Abel's shorts were relatively short and pretty tight. Not so that they would stick out, but certainly not as baggy and long as what most teen's his age would wear. He momentarily thought about what Abel would look like over Sir Thomas' knee, taking a spanking, but quickly got that thought out of his head before he got another boner.

"Here Jonah, put these on, and I won't touch you this time, but maybe you like a spanking.

Abel smiled as he tossed the briefs to the boy. Jonah was shocked, and let the briefs hit him in the chest and drop to the floor.

"How did you know?"

Abel smiled,

"Let's just say I had a feeling, and so did Sir Thomas. It's okay, Jonah. You know,"

Abel said,

"I'm feeling a little turned on with you standing there"

He shot Jonah a smile, and took off his shirt. Jonah's penis immediately sprung a leak, and he couldn't think about anything else other than the beautiful teen standing before him. Abel unbuttoned his shorts, stealing glances at him as if he was performing some seductive striptease, before he dropped his shorts to the ground, showing his own very tight briefs.

"We wouldn't have it any other way,"

Abel winked at Jonah,

"Now hurry up, we don't want you naked yet."

Still blushing, yet relieved and excited at the same time, Jonah pulled the tiny briefs on, relieved at the fact that while there were still quite tight, they held his package snuggly inside. He looked at himself in the mirror on the wall and couldn't believe he would be wearing such a revealing outfit. What if someone Bobby saw him? But he was very turned on at the thought. Jonah's thought were broken up by Abel,

"Come on sexy, you can admire yourself later, we have things to do. You'll soon be performing the acts you've been fantasying about. I'll lead you through them; all you have to do is obey Sir Thomas."

Jonah never thought of himself as sexy and he did as he was told. He was following Abel to Sir Thomas' Study. He felt totally weird walking in the tiny briefs. Abel got him in position in front of the huge chair, which looked like a king's throne. Joan's small pink nipples were very hard and sticking out and he had broken out in goose flesh. As Abel instructed he kneeled on a the floor in front of Sir Thomas' Throne. He didn't have the faintest idea of the purpose of this ritual. Just then the door burst open and Sir Thomas walked in. He was dressed in his tight black sweat pants with his muscled chest exposed, Joan was impressed and felt little. Sir Thomas stood in front of him and he ordered Abel to stand next to him and Jonah looked up at them.

Sir Thomas just said,

"Jonah boy, you'll be silent until I give you permission to speak!"

Jonah was now fully aware that he was nearly naked kneeling in front his Master. He wanted to ask this, but before Jonah could say anything, Abel stepped forward and put his hand across his mouth. Abel whispered,

"From this point on, Sir Thomas is in charge of everything, always remember that, you are his little houseboy. You are just a submissive boy and Sir Thomas is your Master."

Sir Thomas smiled, Abel was in control of the boy and he likes his approach, he continued as he looked down on Jonah,

"You heard Abel's words, boy. He's right you know. You will be my new houseboy. Are you still interested? If not, you're free to leave now with no hard feelings. What do you want, boy?"

Jonah answered without hesitation,

"Sir, please allow me to stay and to be your submissive boy."

Sir Thomas smiled and patted him on the head.

"Tell me what you are."

"I'm your houseboy, Sir!"

"Whose boy?"

"Yours, Sir!"

"What does it mean to be my houseboy?"

"It means, Sir, that I follow your orders Sir, to do whatever to please you, Sir!"

"What about your body, do I own your doings and body?"

Jonah hesitated now, but he couldn't say no! What if he got angry and would send him away?

"Boy, I asked you a question, and I understand your fear for the unknown, but always remember that you are not to lie to me under any circumstances to avoid my anger, honesty is the key, do you understand?"

Sir Thomas' voice is firm and Jonah answered,

"My body belongs to you too, Sir."

"Good boy. You are to be available for service now and will you show respect to me at all times?"

"Yes, Sir."

Sir Thomas said,

"Jonah, it's settled, you are now my houseboy."

Jonah saw Abel smiled proud at him and he got a warm and pleasant felling. Jonah couldn't help secretly thinking how lucky he was having such a good roommate and friend. He silently vowed and made it his intention to show Sir Thomas and Abel that he was a willing and obedient boy. If he did say so himself, I will be a damned good boy, and proud of it. Abel said,

"Now bow for your Master."

Jonah bowed.

Sir Thomas put his bare foot on his head and said,

"I take you as my boy to own and command, to use as I will. You are my houseboy."

Jonah said, his voice muffled, his face pressed to the floor, with an intensity of conviction that surprised everyone as they heard him saying it,

"I am your boy. Neither am I permitted nor am I able to break this vow."

Abel brought him back to his knees and stroked his naked back. Jonah was thankful for this guesture of affection. Sir Thomas said,

"You're starting on a difficult journey Jonah. I'll help you through it, but you've got to just let yourself go and trust me. If you trust me and accept your position you'll find yourself in the happiest place you've ever been. During your training you'll not be abused and I think you'll find me quite friendly yet demanding. As long as you realize your place is to be my submissive boy, you'll find that learning the skills of a houseboy is enjoyable."

Jonah thought to himself that he might be right, he was very hot and Jonah already thinking of himself as his submissive boy. It was scary, but Sir Thomas' dominance was powerful and Jonah replied,

"Yes, Sir. I am bound by all your conditions and any others you may impose. I'm willing to serve you all the way,"

Impulsively he added,

"Thank you for having me here, Sir!"

Sir Thomas smiled,

"A houseboy is a boy that is looking for a unique position for a change, sometimes even love. Abel is already very fond of you. Did he kiss you?"

Jonah looked at Abel, the handsome teen and nodded.

"Yes Sir, he did."

"Well, Abel started his career as a humble and willing houseboy. As a houseboy you will serve me and my personal assistant. We have no taboos around here and his kiss was his way of showing his affection or even more.... I know Abel, he likes you and will enjoy you. You are a little boy in my Household, you will be submissive and will do housework in return for approval and endorsement. Sometimes your reward is humiliation or sex and of course in exchange for bed and board, with training possibilities attached to it."

They smiled down at him. Jonah was happy. He had always dreamed of this, but he never expected, it would be like this. Yes, he had been dreaming so long of it. And it was happening, it was nearly too much. It was as if all his erotic dreams were true. Sir Thomas walked up to him and stroked Jonah's trembling body briefly.

"You will become an excellent houseboy. You have very nice body, more than nice."

Sir Thomas smiled to him,

"Very good. You will not wear clothes again. You detest clothing. It would make you feel strange to wear clothes of any sort. Only the lightest silk briefs would make you feel good. Do your afternoon exercises and then return to your room. Take a shower and come to the tower in your briefs."

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English is not my mother tongue, sorry for any mistakes.

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