Jonah Got My Fix

By Z

Published on Feb 18, 2016


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note: New story I'm trying out. Please donate to nifty if able.


By: Z


Jonah drove around with me tied up and gagged in the trunk of his car through he campus parking lot. Bump after bump came rolling along and I felt it resonate deep in my ass via the large butt plug he had shoved in there just minutes earlier. I didn't mind the blindfold. To be honest, it felt like a safety blanket shielding me from embarrassment. I didn't mind the gag. I actually started to like the look of my face when it was gagged. I didn't even really mind the butt plug stuffing my ass. Jonah had made sure that I was a well-trained little slut. What I minded was the tight, binding metal cuffs digging into my wrists and ankles.

They were rigid and inescapable. No matter how I pulled, the cuffs stayed in place. Soon I recognized the smell of weed as stoner rap music engulfed all around me. Jonah must have had a pretty serious speaker system. It made everything, including the butt plug, vibrate and tingle. Which, in turn, made me start softly moaning like some dicknotized whore.

A bit later, the music died down as the car slowed to what felt like a crawl. I focused in on what was going on. But all I could sense was that the car was constantly changing directions. From what I could guess, we were in a parking lot. But wherever we were, we were not alone.

"What up playas?" I heard Jonah yell from the driver's seat. "You gentlemen want to get fucked up, stupid high?"

I didn't hear the reply, but then again, I didn't need to. In a few seconds, I could hear the music go up and more people packed into the car.

Blindfolded, gagged and locked away in the trunk of the car the way I was, I can't really recapture the specifics of their conversation. I guessed there were three of them. Jonah gave them a swig of some type of hard liqour. Whoever they were, I guess they were a little closer to my age than Jonah's.

My face flushed with redness when I realized this might be people I know. It could even be guys in my class. Was Jonah planning on pimping me out to them?

To summarize what I did manage to hear: Jonah had offered to sample his product to them before buying. The guys seemed eager to purchase, but he insisted. After they agreed, he said he was going to make a call to another buyer and left. While his customers remained in the car commenting on how good they felt, I wondered how hung each of them was and how good their asses probably tasted.

Soon, the conversation progressed into how horny each of them was. I put together that the three of them lived together. They complained how loud one of them always fucked. Saying it was distracting and irritating. That one, the more confident one seemed really pissed. They told them all they can "kiss his big fucking dick" cause he'll fuck who he wants, when he wants.

The car fell silent. Now all I could pick up was some idle pass-the-bud conversation. Meanwhile as drool slowly spilled out of my mouth and down my face, I was trapped in a perpetual state of horniness.

My mind slowed to a crawl. I felt my body begin to drift away as I gazed off into nothingness. I realized too late, not that I could have done anything, that their smoke had seeped into the trunk and given me one hell of a contact high.

Listening much more intently now, I heard the two other guys say they were going to pack up another one. The annoyed deeper voice guy replied, "fucking fog or it, but I ain't smoke any more of that shit."

"What the fuck dude. This is some of the best I've ever had," the other replied.

I listened to them argue back and forth while the two smoked and another one-again the smoked streamed back into the trunk and sent me flying. Finally, the conversation was interrupted by the car door opening. I felt a thud from Jonah re-entering the car and starting it up.

"Smells like weed in here boys. You get yourselves good and set? Good stuff?" Jonah asked, putting on his best salesman hat and no doubt using his confident, smug smirk to seal the deal.

"two of them agreed and said it was a "ballin strain" The one who voiced his concerns earlier mentioned how it gave him a huge headache.

"Sorry to hear about that bro. That stuff gives some of my buds headaches too. Even me. Can I offer you some other stuff? We'll just smoke it. Me and you."

From what transpired next, I can only assume the guy agreed to Jonah's proposal. The new stuff seemed to do the trick. Shortly after starting he and Jonah were laughing and giggling. The other two guys asked to share, but Jonah told them he was with another customer, using a pretty dickish tone for someone who expected these boys to buy his supply.

"Sure man, I'd smoke a fuck ton more of this new stuff," the deep voiced guy yelled out, now suddenly in a good mood.

"I know a good spot," Jonah replied, "why don't your little red headed friend come up in the front seat, give you two more room back there."

"Yeah, get in the front Tommy." The deep voiced guy yelled out.

I felt whoever Tommy was get out of the car and move into the front seat. Pretty soon we were on our way. Of course, I had no clue where we were going. I had a feeling that Jonah planned to work his bound and gagged slave into the night eventually.

Jonah and his new deep voiced friend talked much of the way there. I assumed the other two were as blazed as I was and just staring off into space.

I could picture them in my head: laid back, sitting comfortably and rubbing their ever-hardening college dicks under the influence of Jonah's brand of weed.

The car slowed to a crawl again. From the sound that the tires made, we were on an unpaved gravel road. The car slowly made its way down the path, before Jonah switched to park and shut off the engine. Now, all I could hear was absolute silence.

"Fuuuuuck you guys are stoned," I heard Jonah announce from inside the car.

"So why don't you two split this joint, and me and your other buddy will split this bowl of my other stuff," Jonah offered.

"Why can't we try the stuff you're smoking?" one of the guys asked.

"Shit bro, I'm only doing that cause this stuff gives him a headache. You said it worked for you did you not? And hey, it's free weed!" Jonah said reasoning with the guy.

"Can't argue with that," the guy agreed.

As they smoked yet another round, I sat and listened, the conversation inevitably turned to sex. Who was getting laid the most. Who was hooking up with the hottest chick. Jonah and the deep voiced guy seemed to have tons of battle stories. The other two seemed to do more listening and supporting versus bragging.

"What about you guys? You get lucky like...ever?" Jonah asked incredulously.

"Not too much, " the deep voiced guy answered for them, "but they admitted they like hearing me bang chicks."

"Fuck no we don't!" one of them snapped back.

"Yeah?" Jonah asked, " You like listening to your buddy rail on chicks, imagining his big dick sliding in and out and wanting to be up close to see it until his hairy balls are slapping you right in the face?"

A silence fell through the car again. Jonah's descriptions of their friend must have made the two uncomfortable. Was Jonah playing them against each other?

"Typically," Jonah said, "Me and your buddy would bring chicks out here to see how far they could get our dicks down their throat. You boys ever do that?"

"Yeah dude, I fucking do that," said one boy to defend himself.

"Oh really," Jonah said sounding surprised, " You like sliding your tongue up and down on a nice fat sausage?"

"What? Fuck no! That's – that's not what I meant," he replied in a very flustered tone.

"Oh no?" the deep voiced guy asked. "You mean to tell me in all the times you've seen me naked, you never wondered what it would be like to feel my big load spraying down your cunt throat?"

"Fuck dude, look at their faces. They both have! They totally both have you fucking stud!" Jonah laughed.

"You know they have, I got a thick piece of meat that would make any chick or fag's mouth water," the other guy boasted.

"Come on, dude. It's not like we're thinking about your dick all of the fucking time," one of them said.

"But you DO think about it don't you dude?" the deep voice guy asked. "You actually think about my cock pushing its way deep into your hungry fag throat?"

The car again fell silent. My dick was leaking pre-cum endlessly now with how the night had progressed. My cock throbbed in unfulfilled torment. Still, out of hope of remaining anonymous, I did my best to stay quiet. However, Jonah's newly revealed plan to seduce these guys out in the woods was making it much harder.

"Don't be nervous dude," the deep voice guy said in a calming tone, " I just gotta let it out, it feels so tight in my pants."

"What are you..." one of the submissive guys started.

"Shhh!" someone interrupted, "just look how big that cock is."

"Fuck yes man," the deep voice guy continued, "feels so good waving my big dick around free. Aw, shit. See that? There's precum glistening on the tip?"

"Yeah, he sees it," Jonah said, "they're both fucking staring at it man. But my new buddy in the front seat doesn't have to stare at yours, he can have his own personal sausage to stare and worship."

"...holy fuck!" I heard a voice say.

"That's right, bitch, " Jonah continued, " I got my own thick cut of meat right up here."

"Mmmm nice dude," the deep voiced guy said, "here bro check this out, which one of you wants a taste of this?"

Locked in the trunk I had only a hint in context at what he was referring to.

"Fuuuuuck dude," look at him suck the precum off your finger! You want some too faggot?"

As I sat there chained and gagged, I imagined the deep voiced gy running his fingers over the top of his cockhead and bringing his finger to his friend's lips. I pictured the friend nervously leaning forward, extending his tongue and getting his first taste of what will come to dominate all of his thoughts going forward: alpha cum. Oh, he may have sampled his own, but there is nothing quite like being offered a thick creamy sample of a real man's cum, and now fueled by the fag weed, I knew that these boys would soon be fully fledged cock whores.

"Come on, man" Jonah said interrupting my train of thought, " why don't you come in for a taste of the source."

"Holy shit dude," laughed the deep voice guy, "You just impaled him on your dick!"

Ha ha, yeah, this faggot needed a strong arm to show it its true purpose, but now, judging by how he's dragging his tongue up and down my dong, he's a fast learner," Jonah said.

"Un-fucking-believable..." the guy said, "I could have had him swallowing my gravy every night I came home without a chick!"

"Well dude, you're not alone back there. Put your other buddy's mouth to use," Jonah recommended.

"Good idea, man!" the guy replied, "Come on Jeremy. Wrap your lips around my thick pole and get an up close view of why that bitch of a girlfriend you had always screamed out my name when you fucked her."

I could have cum right there. Listening to these rough voiced dominant studs emasculate their peers and turn them into cock whores. The closer I listened, the more I heard the two new cock suckers moaning and gagging as they happily sucked away.

"Fuck yea, now your buddy's getting the hang of it! He's deepthroating my fat dick like he can't get enough!" Jonah announced.

"Same with this bitch back here, hope you faggots know things are going to be changing when we get back to the house. But for now, work on my dick, boy. Show me how much you want my load." The deep voiced guy said.

"That's right dude," Jonah agreed, "now that they've tasted your meat these faggots won't get enough. I recommend arranging some enforced quiet time to keep them at bay."

Frustrated beyond belief with the need to cum, I started slowly dry humping the trunk bed. Rubbing my hard dick over the rough carpeting burned like hell, but it also was giving me the friction I so desperately needed at this point.

As Jonah and his new dom buddy got closer to erupting their cum in their new bitch's throats, I got closer too. Their constant demands for the two cock sluts in front progressed into more degrading tasks.

"Lick my nuts you fucking loser," the deep voice guy commanded.

"Smell my fucking taint queer! I want to feel the air of you sniffing a full day's worth of ball sweat under me," Jonah raised

Soon I picked up the pace and was dry-humping Jonah's trunk as fast and as hard as I could. My dick felt raw, but in that moment all I could concentrate on was achieving my long-awaited orgasm. That is, until something grabbed my attention.

"Dude, what's up with your trunk? You got a wild animal back there?" the guy asked.

"Ha ha ha, oh yeah," Jonah chuckled, "Your friend here was doing such a good job working up a big load of my cum to eat I forgot I left one of my slaves tied up in the trunk."

"Slaves? You serious man? What the fuck?" the guy asked.

"Fuck, a drug dealer in this town has to demand respect, and that little faggot in the trunk thought he could cheat me. So now he's my personal fuck toy until I say otherwise. Him and his friends, they're all fucking queer for my cock and gladly worship and obey all my orders."

"Fuck dude I'm impressed!" his new friend said.

"You want to check him out?" I got something back there for these cum-hungry sluts too. No, bitch don't stop sucking. Work for my cum!" I heard Jonah say, clearly talking to two different people.

Well before I was prepared to receive an audience, the car emptied. Footsteps approached my prison Jonah had put me in and the voices I had been lusting after for what seemed like hours now were just inches away from me. The trunk popped, light spilled into the trunk and cold air drifted over my naked body.

"Fuuuuuck dude, this fag ain't going anywhere. Those cuffs real?" the guy asked.

"Hell yeah they are," Jonah replied, reaching down and removing my blindfold.

Light flooded my eyes. Even without the blindfold I still couldn't see yet. As my eye's adjusted. I saw two figures towering over me: Jonah, and whoever his new friend was.

"What's in his mouth?" the guy asked.

"A big ball gag," Jonah said, "I like them cause they keep the fag quiet but also make them look so fucking pathetic."

"Niiiiiice," the guy said.

"Rise and shine cock slave!" Jonah said, finally turning the conversation to me.

"Mmello Mffrr," I greeted him obediently.

"We got some nice new friends to play with this morning boy. I got some presents for them but don't have enough for you. So we'll just leave you chained up and helpless," Jonah said before bending over and hauling me out from the trunk into the morning air.

Jonah dropped me on the ground like a sack of potatoes. Him and his new buddy helped me to my knees. For the first time last night, I got a clear view of my new surroundings. Jonah had driven us into a nearby forest preserve. It looked pretty isolated and since it was way early in the morning I didn't anticipate any additional guests. We had parked in a clearing typically reserved for camping. Jonah was using it as a battleground for his next sex orgy.

I also finally got a look at our these new guys. They all looked like they had factory jobs and had probably just gotten off work (third shift) when Jonah had picked them up. The dominant, deep voiced guy was called Joe. He was tall, well built with short brown buzzed hair, a full hipster beard and a natural tanner skin. I could see why they wanted to blow him. Judging from the huge bulge in his dockers. I also noticed the other two guys. Like me, they were also sitting quietly on their knees. They weren't bound or cuffed, but the dazed out look in their eyes suggested they were both high as a kite and in no condition to be attempting to move around.

"Strip bitches, all the way down. I don't want you fags running off together without my permission," Jonah ordered, as if reading my mind.

The sub closest to me had curly red hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes. He was lean and muscular, but definitely not too hung as I saw him and his buddy obediently lay their clothes in a pile in front of them. Joe scooped up the clothes and threw them in the trunk. I took a moment to check out the other guy. He was built like his friend, with light brown hair buzzed tight. I noticed he had sleeve tattoos and his ears were gauged. His cock was very thick and looked about seven inches.

"Here, go put this on the red head's balls," Jonah said while handing something to Joe.

"the fuck?" Joe asked.

"Just snap it on dude. Oh, take this and zip tie his wrists behind his back," Jonah said as he handed him a plastic zip tie.

A few minutes later, both overly horny and stoned boys had their wrists ziptied tightly behind them, and what looked to me like some electronic wrist watch clasped tightly over their balls. My own cock throbbed at the site of two more boys Jonah had dominated into his whores.

"Since you bitches are probably too stupid to follow simple cocksucking instructions. I'm going to make this VERY simple for you," Jonah said while proudly circling the two conquests, "Attached to your precious nuts is a small dog's shock collar. In each of our hands is the remote. Failure to cooperate and be a good cocksucking whore will result in a shock. Good cocksucking skills will be rewarded with you hungry bitches getting fed a nice, creamy breakfast."

The two guys looked at each other nervously. They didn't have the balls to protest. Hell, even if they did, they were probably in too deep. Their friend Joe looked realy horny, and didn't seem the least bit sympathetic to their predicament.

Jonah took position right in front of me. Once again his glorious ass was inches away from my face. My cock went instantly hard as I stared at the tufts of brown hair peeking out of his crack. A soft moan escaped my mouth. Jonah turned around and flashed a knowing, arrogant smile.

"Well I hope you fags are just as eager as my slave to step up and take your rightful place. He prefers the taste and smell of my ass to just about anything. Unfortunately for him the only other part of my body that he prefers more will be down YOUR throat, red."

Listening to Jonah degrade these new guys sent my cock twitching and leaking on the dewy grass. I knew better than to lick his glorious ass without permission. He had trained me to be a completely compliant whore. Still, as I sat chained on my knees with a ball gag stuffed in my mouth causing drool to flow down my face and chest. I couldn't help but inhale the musky scent of it. I wanted it so bad. What had he turned me in to?

"Hurry it up, princess," Jonah snapped, "Crawl over here on your knees. Let's get them marked up nice and good to remind you of your new position."

Without any complaints, the red headed submissive obediently started to knee walk his way over to where Jonah was standing (in front of me).

"Faster bitch!" Jonah yelled, which was followed by an odd clicking sound and red falling to the ground in pain.

"AHHH! What the fuck man!" he shouted.

"No complaining faggot!" Jonah yelled, "Get up here and do your job!"

The poor red-headed sub did his best to get back on his knees. His pale skin had gotten dirty from the fall, but that only seemed to make him look hotter, at least from my vantage point between Jonah's legs. Once he reached Jonah, there was a slight bit of hesitation but soon the guy's throat was stuffed with Jonah's platinum-grade cock.

With one sub in place, Jonah began to back up – forcing me to inch backward until I was up against the back of the car with nowhere to go. Soon, Jonah's ass was pressed up right into my face and my nostrils were filled with his now very familiar manly scent. Meanwhile, the red headed sub had followed along with Jonah, being careful to inch along on his knees without letting Jonah's cock drop out of his mouth once. Jonah was sandwiched between two subs, with me in his ass and the other slobbering on his cock.

"Fuck dude that's hot," Joe said while watching the scene enfold in front of him, "he really loves the smell of your ass?"

"Oh dude this fag totally gets off on it!" Jonah replied, " And even if he hates it: who cares? It feels good having a guy's tongue in your crack. Makes me feel superior."

"Haha I hear that dude," Joe laughed, "hey Tommy, feel like getting a close up view of my hairy ass crack?"

"What?" the gauged ear guy said almost automatically, followed by the inevitable clicking of the shock collar as sub-Tommy fell to the ground.

"Ahhh fuck! What the fuck Joe!" Tommy yelled out.

"I don't want to hear it bitch!" Joe shot back, "YOU got yourself into this and there isn't much you can do now to convince me otherwise. Your best bet is to stick our bitch face into my crack. NOW!"

Tommy stumbled to his knees and slowly weighed his options. Joe was more patient than Jonah was with red. I chalked that up to his lack of experience, but as I looked through Jonah's legs (not to mention, his big hairy nutsack), I could tell he was enjoying watching his former buddy stew in his new position.

"Face it dude, you're fucked," Joe mocked, "You're going to be a good little ass muncher like that faggot over there (motioning to me)."

"Come on, dude. Don't make me lick our ass," Tommy pleaded.

"You better get over here soon, bitch," Joe warned, Once I count to ten I will be holding down the button until I feel your tongue flossing my ass. Got it?"

"One..." Joe started.

Tommy started pulling and struggling with the plastic zip tie but Joe had attached it far too tight for him to pull his hands free. Both Jonah and Joe couldn't help chuckling.

"Two..." Joe said.

"Three...FOUR...FIVE!!!!" Joe continued.

Before Joe got to six, Tommy started knee walking over behind his roommate. He didn't have much time to think about it, Joe was now up to eight. He sighed, took a deep breath and pressed his face into his buddy's ass. I saw Joe move forward a bit.

"Easy faggot, I know you like the smell but you don't have to knock me over," Joe teased while a humiliated Tommy moaned and complained behind him.

"Uuugh," Tommy groaned, but the cocky smile on Joe's handsome face suggested he was complying.

"Goood boy," Joe said, "Get used to it, this is going to be a regular routine for you at the apartment."

Jonah was really getting into red working on his dick. His ass as grinding into my gagged face. I just wanted to lick it with my tongue unimpeded but the ball gag kept getting in the way.

"MMph..." I whimpered unintentionally.

"Aw, poor slave Natey wants to taste my musky man ass?" Jonah asked.

"Mmmhmm," I groaned into my gag.

Jonah reached back and began to fumble with the ball gag strap behind my head. Soon I felt relief as the buckle released and the ball-gag spilled out of my mouth and onto the ground. I didn't miss a step. I plunged my face deep into my master's ass and began to swirl and dig my tongue in as best as I could to get the taste Jonah had brainwashed me into craving.

For the next 15 minutes Jonah let us sandwich him in oral pleasure. Joe made poor Tommy alternate between his big thick cock, sucking on his balls, and licking his dark, hairy ass. My mind only focused on pleasuring Jonah to completion, and the way red was pleasurably moaning on his dick, I guessed he was too.

Soon both Jonah and Joe wre roughly face-fucking Red and Tommy. Their gaggin and choking sounds filled the woods around us, accompanied by the frequent moans emanating from the two dominant men that were using them.

"Oh fuck yeah. SUCK. THAT. DICK!" Jonah ordered.

From behind him I could feel how hard Jonah was forcing Red down o his cock. Repeated jabs continued to resonate through his ass, which I was still hungrily licking.

"Ohh fuuuck man. Think these bitches would ride my big dick?" Joe asked.

Jonah couldn't help but chuckle. "You know it man. Little pro tip though, don't do it here. These bitches will be tight as hell. They're buying a shit ton of weed from me. You noticed how you didn't like their brand?"

"Yeah..." Joe said while they both fucked away on his tied up submissive roommates' throats.

"That's because it makes guys like them into little submissive bitches. It don't work on men like us," Jonah replied while piston fucking Red's face. "Just. Gives. Us. A. Headache."

"HA!" Joe laughed, "You mean they're going to act like this even more?"

"Hellllll yeah, bro" Jonah said, "They're addicted now too. Not just to your cock. But to the stuff, it gives a real good high and lets them break down their inhibitions."

"Soooo what did we smoke?" Joe asked.

"That stuff is for us," Jonah said.

"Uuugh...oh fuck!" Joe suddenly gasped, "I fucking can't take it anymore your little fag tongue feels great. I'm going to fucking cum!"

"FUCK, YEAH!" Jonah yelled, "CUM!"

All I could see was Jonah's ass crack pressing in and out of my face. But I heard Joe let out a loud groan that could easily have been mistaken for a bear.


"Hmmmm," Tommy groaned as he must have been swallowing what I was hoping was an enormous load.

I heard Joe let out a few big sighs as he began to come down in the after-glow, but Jonah still continued to fuck away.

"AAAHHH!" Jonah said sounding more frustrated than horny.

All of a sudden his ass moved away. I heard his dick come out of Red's mouth with a big POP! Jonah turned to face both of us. We briefly made eye contact before simultaneously looking down at the ground.

"LOOK AT ME SLAVES!" Jonah commanded!

We both looked up. He had an angry stern look on his face, but it wasn't pointed at me. It was pointed at Red.

"Red, you fucking disappoint me. Can't even suck dick right," Jonah said.

He strutted up to me with his hard saliva coated cock still glistening.

"Now watch how this fucker does it," Jonah said motioning to me, "You watch him and learn how to be a fucking good slut. Or else you get shocked."

Jonah taunted Red with the remote control for his shock collar by waving it slowly in his face. Tied up on his knees, there was nothing he could do. He looked deep into my eyes as I stared back at him and then towards Jonah's huge dick.

"That's a boy," Jonah said, "You're learning your place."

He stepped up to me and beat his hard dick on my frustrated face a few times. I looked up into his eyes as he smirked down at me. I'm sure this is what he would have preferred all along. Me on my knees, sucking his superior cock versus me just buying weed from him on occasion. The odd thing was, I was starting to prefer it like this too.

After a good few dick slaps to the face, he plunged his cock into my mouth and I hungrily took it into my throat and began working it like a professional. I would slide my tongue up and down and around his hard thick shaft, bringing it into my throat and take it all the way down to the balls. I held it there for a little while staring up at him with a submissiveness that I figured he would get off on. Indeed, he was.

Out of curiousity I glanced over at Red. Sure enough, he was staring at me and studying my technique.

"Sometimes you gotta let them learn from someone who's had the pleasure right bitch?" Jonah asked me while picking up the pace of his fucking.

"Mhmm!" I hungrily replied.

"You got to show these newer sluts how important it is to work that dick," Jonah sighed, "Show them what a nice big reward you can earn."

Mhmmmm," I said, my hunger for his cum had taken over my body.

"You want it slut? You want my cum?" Jonah asked teasing me. I couldn't answer at this point since he was fucking my throat.

"Here it comes Natey! Swallow it all like a good whore!" Jonah groaned while depositing yet another load deep into my throat.

Once we were done. Jonah and Joe decreed that it would make more sense for all of the fags to ride together, so they piled the two new guys (still ziptied) into the trunk with me. We didn't have the largest frames, but it was still mighty cramped in the back. While I'm sure, it was nice and roomy in the front.

I listened while the car started up and began to move. Even though the other two weren't gagged they stayed silent. It reminded me of the same shock that first day after Jonah's. I had felt like a zombie. Still, as we went to wherever our next destination was, I was guessing this wasn't going to be the last time Joe used them.

To be continued?

Thanks for reading. I wanted to get this in before IML. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

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