Jonah Got My Fix

By Z

Published on May 22, 2015


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note: New story I'm trying out. Please donate to nifty if able. JONAH GOT MY FIX – PART 5 By: Z Category: GAY MALE AUTHORITARIAN

As I laid on my back with my wrists and ankles cuffed to the locker room bench, I had a great deal of time to reflect on what had changed in my life. How my priorities had changed. I hadn't really considered grades or passing courses or even assignments in over a week. I'd attend class but couldn't seem to focus on anything. My mind would drift away to thoughts of weed and dick.

Even now, covered in the cum of some of my college's best athletes, all I could think about was how good their cocks and assholes tasted. How I wanted more of them and more weed. Class was the same thing. I watched the professor walk around the room. I'd sneak peeks at his bulge. I'd look at every hungover college student scratching his balls and wonder what their asses tasted like. It dominated my life.

I considered how good Randall's piss tasted to me, and how much of a shame it was that the other men didn't use me as their urinal. It felt strange to consider these things now. But as I licked my lips to savor the men's mixed up cum on my face there was no denying Jonah had turned me into a whore for cock.

I started pulling against the cuffs and twisting back and forth. I actually started enjoying the frustration of being completely helpless and exposed. My dick started to grow hard. Cuffed like I was, there was no relieving the tension, but my dick swing free, hard as a rock.

Paul's gag tasted slightly different than Jose's, but they both had that musky taste mixed with smell that made me happily chew away on it. Other guys may have puked, but something in me drove me to suck as much of their scent out of it as I could.

Three hours of frustrating pulling against my restraints later the door busted open and I heard the familiar sounds of a guy and a girl getting it on. They were moving quite fast and the girl seemed to want it pretty bad.

"Oh fuck, do me!" she pleaded, "Please do me!"

But the guy had balls. He actually made her beg. He said things like, "get down on your knees and set my dick on your tongue and maybe if you're a good girl I'll fuck you."

I wouldn't dream of saying shit like that when I was lucky enough to be getting with a chick; although I hadn't considered the possibility of being with a girl in a while now that I was Jonah's full time whore.

I laid there hopelessly for what seemed like forever while the guys casually fucked the girl's brains out. When she finally came he told her to get dressed and get the fuck out. I figured I might actually be in the clear.

All of a sudden, the gym lights went on. Oh fuck! Was it the next day? Were classes going to be starting? Shit! I could be expelled!

I started pulling on the cuffs and moaning pathetically into the gag. I got nowhere. The worst part of it was I had willingly cuffed myself up here. Nobody held me down. Nobody forced me. Sure, I was in a stoned haze when I clicked he cuffs shut and wasn't thinking straight, but nobody would but that.

A figure came into view. For a second, I was relieved to see Jonah standing butt naked in front of me, his hard dick proudly swinging free. My anxiety hit me back like a freight train when I noticed he had been filming me struggle with his phone for a bit.

"this is what happens to faggots that cross me," Jonah said to the camera, "they become my slaves."

Impressively, Jonah began to jack his rock hard cock. Judging from the noises I had heard, I was pretty sure Jonah had cum just a few minutes ago. But here he was, hard as a rock getting off on putting on of his weed sluts on display.

"This little slut was one of the first to learn his true place," Jonah continued, "Isn't that right Natey?"

"Mmmmfff merrrr," I obediently mumbled into my gag.

"ha ha, the fag's mouth is full for the moment. Occupational hazard I guess," Jonah said with a smirk as he approached my restrained body, still filming away.

Jonah swung his leg around the bench I was cuffed on, giving me an up close view of his perfect, muscular ass. From my vantage point I could see he had worked up quite a sweat while fucking that girl. I looked up to see him looking back and smirking at me.

"Now this fag is my personal whore," Jonah said to the camera as he lowered his ass over my gagged face.

Jonah made sure to use as much weight as he could. My head pressed tightly against the bench as my nose found its way right to Jonah's hairy hole. Once I was situated, the musky smell and familiar aroma invaded my nostrils. The more I stared up into Jonah's ass, the more I hated being gagged and wished that I could be tasting it too.

Jonah added insult to injury by rubbing his ass crack up and down my gagged face.

"Fuck yea, he fucking loves my ass now. When you owe Jonah a favor you pay up your you end up an ass sniffing fag like my bitch here," Jonah said.

He then began to bang on my exposed stomach as if he was performing a drum solo. The more he smacked my stomach and my thighs the deeper whiffs of his ass I took. Soon, I was completely lost in a desire to serve him.

I realized I was being used as some sort of makeshift prop for his new video. In debt as far as I was to Jonah, I just hoped it would get me some clients so I could catch up to my roommates. It would suck to be the only one left who has to pay back Jonah with slut service.

After Jonah was satisfied showing off what an obedient little ass whore I was, he climbed off of my face and turned around. His huge 9'' dick hanging inches above my face. He reached down and began to tear off my gag. He pulled off layer after layer of athletic tape, until the sucked out jock fell out of my mouth and unto the gym floor.

"Fucking gross fag," Jonah said while he filmed away and began stroking his hard dick, "looks like we need to sterilize that mouth. Open up."

I held my mouth open as I watched Jonah towering above me slowly stroking away at the tip of his cock. Not long after that, he started pissing away at my face. He aimed for my mouth but made sure to hit my eyes, nose and all around my face to cement his position as my permanent superior. I obediently held my mouth open and swallowed as much as I could.

"Goooood boy," Jonah encouraged, "Drink up master's piss."

Once he finished pissing, I thought he would stop filming and let me go. But he just kept watching me struggle in my predicament with a broad grin across his face.

"You want me to uncuff you boy?" he asked.

"Yes Sir, please Sir," I pleaded to him and the camera.

"Well that was pretty good, but I you know what, I think a whore like you should beg in a way that's more comfortable for you," Jonah said while beating his dick in my face.

He then lowered his cock and slid it in my mouth and to the back of my throat.

"Now, you may beg for me to let you out," he announced while face fucking me.

Jonah was coordinated. He was able to still film away with his phone while aggressively face fucking me. He made sure the camera got a good view of his satisfied face as he fucked away.

His cock came down into the back of my throat like a jack hammer. I gagged and spurted and did my best to accommodate the invader. At times I thought I might actually puke.

"I can't hear you bitch, I thought you wanted your freedom. Come on. Beg for it with a big hard dick in your mouth like the cock whore you are!" Jonah ordered.

Now I understood what he meant. He must have realized it had dawned on me because he lowered the camera to get a good view of my face with a mouth stuffed full of his cock.

"Mmpllsss eet eee ggaaa," I gargled while choking on his cock.

"What's that fag? I can't understand you?" Jonah mocked me while he continued face fucking me.

I repeated the process for him but he still acted like he couldn't understand me. After about ten times of asking him while getting throat rammed he pretended to start comprehending what I was saying to him.

"Oh you want me to let you go?" he asked.

I got excited. I knew he was toying with me but I still got excited. I tried my best to suck his cock better, to slide my tongue around it more, to moan louder, to show him what a good slave I would be if he would let me go.

"Well I don't know boy, you really think I should let you go?" he asked.

"Messshh Mppllzzz Mserr," I choked on his cock.

"But you didn't even taste my cum yet! Don't you want my big second load of the night?" Jonah teased.

I sat there thinking as Jonah fucked away, driving his dick deep into my throat without regard. I considered his offer. My cock actually ached for him to fill me with his cum. I wanted it bad. To me, it actually tasted great.

"Well slut, you want my cream or what?" Jonah asked, pretending to get impatient.

"Fufcc yeff serr," I managed to say while slobbering on his dick.

Jonah reached back and stroked my hard dick while he face fucked me. He started to pick up the pace. I knew he wouldn't be too much longer. I started to unconsciously moan, anxious for him to shoot his load deep into my throat.

"Fuck yea, you want it don't you whore?" Jonah groaned, "Well...HERE IT FUCKING COMES!"

Jonah's yelled filled the locker room and probably echoed through the entire building's halls. His load was monstrous. I couldn't believe it was his second! Spurt after spurt of hot cum fired down my throat while he held the back of my head. I felt his cock pulsating inside of my mouth.

After his cock was spent, he slowly withdrew from my mouth. It was nice to give my aching a jaw a rest. I stayed silent, hoping to not require a gag.

Jonah leaned back on the opposing lockers. He was hunched over, panting and wheezing. Sweat was coating his handsome face. He looked over at me, still cuffed to the bench, and flashed his arrogant grin that made me glad I got to swallow his dick.

"You did good little bitch, but if you want me to release you I'm afraid there's an after-hours surcharge. Five hundred bucks," he said through deep breaths.

"What! What the fuck! Come on, man!" I blurted out.

Jonah acted pretty quickly considering how tired he looked. He jumped up, hurried over to me, through his leg around me and sat on my face. I tried yelling, but my mouth was just filled with his ass, and it wasn't long before I was licking it like some sort of hypnotized drone.

"Now that there's no confusion over our positions," Jonah said with an arrogant sigh, "Five hundred bucks – do we have a deal?"

I did my best to nod from underneath his ass and mumbled a "Yes Sir."

"That's better, don't worry boy. I have a way you can work off that $500 immediately. In fact, you might just earn more," Jonah said.

I didn't like the sound of that, but as he reached over and finally began to unlock me, I had to admit I was grateful. I finally had a chance to rub my wrists, which ached after hours of confinement. But I was still filled with some controlling lust, a need to cum. Jonah had me locked in this sex controlled haze.

Once I was uncuffed, Jonah used a padlock to shorten the length between the chain of the leg irons. I looked down at him with a puzzled look as he locked them on me. Next, he cuffed my wrists tightly behind my back.

He went over to a locked locker, pulled out a key from the necklace he was wearing and undid the lock. Inside was a set of clothes and a black bag. He casually dressed himself while I saw there adjusting to my knew bindings. Once he had his sexy ass covered with gym shorts and his muscular chest covered with a sleeveless tee, he reached into the bag and pulled out a ball gag and a butt plug.

"turn around and bend over maggot. Chest on the bench, ass pointed up in the air." Jonah ordered.

I did my best to comply. It took me awhile, but after some adjusting my chest was pressed up against the bench, my ass was pointing straight up at my owner, and I looked at the floor helplessly.

Jonah lubed up the butt plug and began to finger my ass with lube as well. It didn't take him long to insert it, I had gotten used to being a butt slut and this wasn't an incredibly large butt plug. Once it locked into place, Jonah gave my ass cheeks a couple good smacks and yelled at me to, "Get on my knees!"

I rose to my knees and was swiftly greeted by a ball gag being locked around my mouth. Next, tit clamps connected by a chain were attached to both my nipples. The last thing I saw was a dark blind fold dropping over my eyes. But I felt the weight of the chain on the nipple clamps, then something being attached to it. All of a sudden, a sharp jolt on the chain pulled me. I squealed into the ball gag and tried to follow in the direction that was pulling me.

"Hurry up bitch, time's a wasting." Jonah ordered as he pulled me along.

With my ankles cuffed on the shortened chain, I could only make small baby steps. I moved as fast as I could through the locker room, but I'm sure Jonah intended for me to be slow so he could pull on my nipples more to tease me.

He led me through the hallways and out the side entrance of the building. The free air of the early morning hit my bare naked skin as I slowly walked behind him. I couldn't see a thing, but that only heightened my embarrassment.

To my relief, his car was parked just outside the entrance. Jonah unlocked the car and then hit the button for the trunk. Without much ceremony, he picked me up and threw me in and slammed the lid shut.

All I saw was blackness and all I heard was silence. A couple minutes went by and Jonah began pounding away on the trunk.

"you hear me in there whore?" He yelled, "We're going on a little smoking roady with some classmates.

To be continued?

Thanks for reading. I wanted to get this in before IML. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 6

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