Jonah Got My Fix

By Z

Published on Apr 5, 2015


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note: New story I'm trying out. Please donate to nifty if able.

Jonah Got My Fix Part 4 By: Z

It had been five days since we left Jonah's apartment as his whores. None of us said a word to each other the entire way back. We were too embarrassed at what Jonah had made us done. Deep down, we had to admit to ourselves that we enjoyed the experience. The second we got back to our dorm, Zeke made a b-line for the shower. Max and I laid down in our separate beds. In about five minutes we were both passed out and nothing could wake us.

I think the three of us must of slept for twelve hours straight. When we finally did crawl out of bed, it was almost four in the afternoon the next day. I basically hobbled over to the shower to finally hose the humiliation, sweat, cum and whatever else I had on my body away.

As the hot water rushed down my body, I instantly felt better, relieved that I had come up for air. Last night I had felt saturated in a lust haze that I couldn't seem to snap out of. Now that I had, I could finally focus on something other than Jonah, his stash or his huge magnificent cock that I couldn't deny the fact that I had come to like the taste of.

Since we had skipped class, after we showered we all hurried over to the local fast food place to chow down and finally talk about what happened.

"Shit man..." Max finally blurted out, "My ass is fucking killing me."

Zeke started chuckling a bit. Max shot him a dirty look back.

"You're the one that was on the floor like a dog and shit, man. Some professor wants to lock you up in a cage and feed you his bone!" Max blurted out a bit too loud.

Zeke got serious, "You think Jonah meant what he said?"

"Probably dude, that guys crazy. He had us tied up for hours waiting on Nate to come in," Max said.

"I think he's serious," I replied.

"So what do we do?" Zeke asked.

"Fuck, man. I don't know. Maybe he won't text us." Max said.

"Have you guys checked your phones?" I asked knowing I hadn't even glanced at mine.

A nervous look spread across both of their faces. I got the impression neither had bothered to look at theirs either. Each of us slowly reached into our pockets to fish out our individual phones. Indeed, we all had messages from Jonah.

The first message was a group text to all of us.

"Welcome to slavery, bitches. Hope you whores didn't forget about our little arrangement last night. In case you did, don't worry, I've got the pictures and video to remind you or anyone else who might doubt that you guys are really dick serving sluts. Don't forget. You are all now mine until you've worked off every last of that ten grand you owe me. From now on your place is on your knees in front of my dick or in whatever else position I demand."

We all shot each other looks of concern. I think it was a safe assumption none of us wanted these pictures to circulate around the school, but ten grand was a fuck ton of money. As I started to let that sink in, I noticed both Max and Zeke had continued reading.

"Do you guys have more?" I asked.

Yea..." Zeke trailed off.

"Mine says Jonah wants me to go to that sleazy fucking motel off the highway tomorrow night to meet my trucker buddies. What the fuck!" Max said, again almost too loudly.

"Who?" Zeke asked.

"Those guys that messaged him on that profile Jonah made for him, fuck, for all of us," I said.

"What does YOURS say Zeke?" Max said.

Zeke got quiet. He must have had something additional in his messages as well. Part of me felt bad, but another part of me was jealous that they had gotten messages where I had not. Was I undesirable? No one wanted to buy me? That's fucking ridiculous. Jonah loved how well I sucked his cock and served him.

"So what are we gonna do?" Zeke asked.

"I say we finish our food, smoke up a bit to calm down and then decide," said Max.

"Sounds like a plan to me," I sighed.

We did just that. We quietly finished our food. At first we searched for additional topics of conversation but in this awkward ordeal we were trapped in none of us had anything that we really wanted to say.

Once we got back to the dorm. I quickly hauled out the giant bag of weed Jonah had given us and started packing up with Max's fat bowl.

"It's not all bad I guess," I said to myself.

In minutes, we were all stoned as fuck and had indeed calmed down. We actually started talking again, shooting the shit – just like we had done before. It was like being in your own comfortable skin again. It felt great. We talked about what parties we wanted to go to next weekend, what professors were a-holes and plans for a trip.

I can't really attest for Max and Zeke, but after smoking the weed something else started to happen. I started to get insanely horny. After a few hits my dick sprang to life. After we were a couple bowls in it throbbed with an aching need to cum. I noticed Zeke and Max were rubbing their crotches as well. I figured something in this must be making us hard.

Before I got the chance to ask, Zeke stood up and started putting his shoes on. Max and I shot each other confused glances across the room.

"Where you going man?" I asked innocently.

"I...out...I gotta go out," he said in a stoned haze.

"Where you going, Zeke?" Max asked again.

Zeke turned to face us. He had a raging hard on in his tight jeans and was way embarrassed. We all busted up laughing.

"Dude, I know mines the same way," I laughed.

Max didn't even waste time. He just pulled his gym shorts down and revealed a huge boner, "What? Like you guys haven't seen it?"

Zeke started for the door again. Max jumped up but with his pants around his ankles fell over, exposing his chubby hairy ass to both of us. It then occurred to me that I'd love to lick that butt again. It tastes so fucking good when it was sweaty.

Before I knew it, I had my cock out and I was rubbing it while staring at Max's ass. It took Zeke to snap me back into reality.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Zeke asked with his hand on the door knob.

"Fuck, I don't know man. I'm horny!" I said defensively.

"Me too, fuck," Max said. I glanced over and noticed he was now fingering his ass and dry humping the carpet. What the hell was wrong with us?

I tried to concentrate, "Where did you say you were going, Zeke?"

He finally broke, "Dude, fine! I'm going over to that professors house."

"What?" Max asked incredulously.

"I do this a few times, work off my debt. I get free weed. Win/win. I gotta meet the guy in half an hour at his house," Zeke said.

"Why are you going?" I asked.

"Fuck man, the same reason you're looking at Max's ass and licking your lips. We're fucking horny and we're craving it!" Zeke replied.

"Yea..." Max said as he continued to rub his hard dick on the carpet.

"How long you gonna be gone?"

"Three days," Zeke whispered.

"Three fucking days?!" Max yelled up in disbelief.

"Dude it works off a bunch of it. I get $1500 bucks off this fucking debt if I do it. That puts me a good way there. Besides, fuck man I'm horny," Zeke explained.

"So what did your text say?" I asked.

He finally dug through his pocket for his phone again and showed us.

Pup slave – hope you enjoyed your master showing you where you really belong last night. Judging by how hard you got I know you did. If you want more dick, you better get cleaned up and over to Professor Myer's house. He's expecting you and is willing to pay $1500 dollars for you to be his dog slave for the next three days. You will be gagged, collared and kept in a cage when not in use. He has assured me that you will get plenty of bones if you know what I mean. Return the money to me after, and make sure your asshole is clean.

"Fuck..." I said out loud to the room.

"Shit man you gonna do that?" Max asked.

"Dude I don't know why, but I'm hungry for his dick. Check out the pic he sent of the prof," Zeke said while scrolling and showing us a massive 10'' dick.

"For some reason," Zeke said, "I have an uncontrollable urge to suck it. I can't explain it, but I think you both know you do as well. So my suggestion is to enjoy the free weed along the way because I need dick."

Zeke quickly walked into the bathroom and cleaned what I assume was his ass judging from the amount of water on the back of his shirt. He then started out the door. He didn't even second guess himself. He simply left.

Since that day we made it a regular thing to just be wicked high the entire time. Max went out to meet his trucker buddies the following night and didn't get back until about five in the afternoon the day after. He looked wrecked. Just like back at Jonah's, he collapsed in bed and passed out until almost midnight. I anxiously awaited for him to tell me what happened.

"You really wanna know?" he asked.

"yeah man, we're going through this together. What was it like?"

Max sat up in his bed, grabbed a half bowl of weed from the nightstand and sparked it up. He inhaled deep and had an expression on his face that looked like he was replaying the whole event in his head.

"First they had me crawl in the hotel room on my hands and knees," Max started before taking another hit.

Max then recounted parts of his ordeal. They locked a chain leash around his neck and led him around the hotel room before stripping him and leading him into the bathroom. They gave him an enema, cuffed his hands behind his back and laid out a bunch of ass toys on the floor. They promptly set them up and then made Max sit on them in order of size. For an hour, he fucked himself on those dildoes while his renters drank beer and mocked him.

Even after he recounted all of that, I was still jealous that I had not even received a hit. No one was interested in me. No one wanted to use me for their degradation. I couldn't help it.

Max went on to say he spent most of the time on his knees blowing each hung trucker as they watched porn and drank beer. They kept a tight grip on the chain leash and never let him forget he was their slave, but even Max admitted, his dick was hard the entire time.

Later on, when Zeke finally got home I had him tell me about his ordeal. Part of me wanted to make sure he was OK, but my lust filled part of me had to know what type of treatment I could expect to get. I was craving it. I wanted to be used like a cock slut at this point. I understood was Zeke was trying to say earlier: I had a hunger for big dick.

Zeke said the man made him lock his own collar around his neck while he waited like a dog naked and outside for an hour. Once the professor, who Zeke had last semester came out to greet him. Zeke said the professor had such a shit eating grin on his face as he led him inside. The man was true to his word. For three days, Zeke slept while locked in a dog kennel. He wore hood and was gagged. His fists were locked into mits. Finally, a butt plug with a tail was shoved in his butt, except when the big cocked professor had him tied up over his desk and was fucking him like there was no tomorrow.

The man even made Zeke use the bathroom outside while he slowly walked behind him and controlled his every movement with a remote control electro-shock collar that Zeke had come to fear as his contract with the man progressed. The professor continued to find new ways to humiliate Zeke and train him as a dog. He too pissed in a dog bowl and made Zeke lap it up. He also bought large dog bones that he trained the boy to fetch in his mouth before he got the honor of choking on the man's dick. By the end of the contract, Zeke didn't know which way was up, he was a complete cock whore.

The days further progressed that way. Max had three separate bookings to the same fraternity. They weren't as kinky, but they paid up just the same.

More interestingly, Zeke had a new customer too. Somehow the guy who was currently dating Zeke's ex girlfriend found out about Zeke's indentured servitude, and it seems he was a fan of any way he could feel superior to Zeke.

Zeke reported to his dorm later that night. He welcomed him in with open arms, but not soon later Zeke was on all fours with his ex's current boyfriend's dick planted squarely in his throat as he hurled every insult in the book at him.

"Go on boy, suck on the big fat dick that actually satisfies your ex. She needs it from me. Begs for it all the time. Pretty soon you will too, won't you fag," Zeke said doing an impression of him.

"I have to admit," he continued, "It made me want to suck him off even more.

I agreed with him. That would have made me hot as fuck too. It wasn't long before we realized that constantly smoking Jonah's weed increased the need for dick. But by the time we realized it, it was too late. We needed cock, with or without the weed. Sometimes now I would come home to Max riding on a huge dildo for Jonah to watch on the webcam. Or sometimes it would be Max and Zeke. Max would piss into a dog bowl and Zeke would obediently lick it up so Jonah and whoever else could mock them online.

During all of this, Jonah was ignoring me. It drove me crazy. He must have had little photo assignments for the other two on a daily basis. And the more they did, the more they booked. When both were already a fifth of the way to paying off Jonah, I decided to give him a call and plead with him to make a video.

After making me get on my knees over skype with him, he insisted that's where I belonged, he made me make a recorded confessional about how much I enjoy being his whore and how I bow to his superior dick.

He posted this video to my profile right away, but he said that one was just an appetizer. He insisted that I would have to make a new video to show off my skills and he had the perfect place all picked out for me. Hesitantly, I agreed without even knowing the particulars.

He informed me that the reason that I wasn't getting messages is that people were trying to pussyfoot around meeting me, expecting me to go to them.

"We have to cement the idea in their head that you're a slave whore, like the other two," Jonah explained.

So he said that if I agreed to serve for free one time, he would put together a good video for me. He said that if I had one of these, I would make the money much quicker by advertising my `god-given rimming and cocksucking' skills. I didn't want to still be Jonah's cock slave years after my friends so I agreed.

The next day, I got instructions from him via text message. I was to meet him in the college locker room at 11pm that night. He cautioned me that it was after they closed, but he had a friend who worked maintenance in the building so he would make sure they would be unlocked. I was to report to the last locker section on the right, strip down and await further instructions there.

Before leaving that night, Max, Zeke and I smoked a huge bowl to congratulate me on my first semi-booking. Both of them exchanged knowing glances like they knew what I was in for. It made me anxious. Stepping out the door, I practically ran all the way over to the athletics building.

It was indeed after hours, but walking around the side I saw a side door propped open. I took a deep breath and started for it. I walked across the pitch black basketball court towards the other side where the locker room that Jonah was referring to. It was the only room in the place with the lights on.

I tried to walk in without making much noise. I wasn't exactly sure what I'd find in there. Jonah just instructed me to wear only a sleevless tshirt and some gym shorts, no underwear, and to make sure my hole was squeaky clean.

The place was completely deserted, or at least it appeared that way. I walked around the entire locker room and didn't see a soul. It was eerie how quiet it was. During the day, this room would be repeatedly filled with hot studs in various states of dress grabbing ass and letting their big sweaty dicks flop around.

The thought of that made me weak in the knees. My lips parted with drool. Jonah had certainly done a full number on me.

When I reached the last section of the locker room. I saw leg irons wrapped around one side and wrist shackles wrapped around the other side. There was an envelope with my name on it laying on the bench as well. I quickly ripped it open to see what instructions Jonah had left.

To my fag asslicker,

Sorry slave, it won't be me you are serving tonight. I know you had your hopes up. I know you wanted to slide your tongue in and out of my hairy hole like the dirty little whore you know you are. But I don't have time for it. A promise is a promise though, so I've taken the liberty of arranging a little entertainment for your big video debut. You are to immediately strip down, throw your clothes to the side. I then command you to lay on your back and cuff your ankles and then your wrists. At 11:45, your client gets here. Do it now slave! Failure to comply will result in extreme punishment and increase of slave debt.


Master Jonah

I crumpled up the letter as I finished reading it. How long would I be cuffed here? Who would release me? I weighed the pros and cons internally and decided that in the end, I had better just follow Jonah's instructions.

I stripped out of my basketball shorts and took off my tee. There was something freeing about being naked and alone in the locker room. I took some time to strut around and inhaled the musky air of a full day's work of man sweat. My cock instantly rose to its full 7 inches. Zeke was right; we did all crave what Jonah had unlocked in us a week ago.

Looking at the clock and noticing it was 11:33, I wasted no more time in getting prepared as Jonah had instructed me. I straddled the bench so my legs were each on one side, reached down and tightly cuffed both of my ankles. Even if I changed my mind, now there was no escape. I couldn't even reach my clothes from where I through them. I sighed and laid down on my back. Reaching above my head, my hands found the shackles Jonah had laid out.

"Here we go..." I sighed to myself as I cuffed my wrists as tightly as possible and waited.

11:45 came and went, as did midnight and 12:30AM. I was beginning to get extremely restless. But cuffed the way I was, there was no way for me to escape without someone unlocking me. I surveyed the room for any sign of life. There was none.

Then, I started to hear raucous laughter approaching from the gym outside. The unmistakable sounds of rowdy, drunken college guys filled the walls. As time went by, the noise got louder and it was all of a sudden clear to me just where they were headed, to the very locker room I was helplessly cuffed to a bench naked.

My suspicions proved correct. The voices were incomprehendable at first, but soon they got close and I could understand what they were saying.

"Jonah said he'll be in here right," said one voice.

"Fuck yea, the little horny fucker is going to be on full display!" replied another.

Soon, a group of six college athletes rounded the corner and came into my view. I looked up at them and my face immediately turned red. I couldn't form any words with my mouth. I just laid there frozen in terror while they all busted up laughing at me.

"See fuckers," one of the guys I recognized as Randall Garrison said. Randall was a star on our college's wrestling team. He went undefeated this season. Not only that, but the dude was a man's man in every sense of the word. He had shaggy, curly dark brown hair, bushy eyebrows, dark brown eyes and just enough stubble to make it look sexy. He was only 5'8 but he was built like a god, and judging by the bulge in his shorts, he was hung like one too.

"I told you this faggot would be all chained up waiting for us," Randall said.

"You definitely were right," Trevor Williams replied, another stud on the restling team. He was 5'6'' 140 lbs of solid sculpted muscle and had a short dark brown mo-hawk, blue eyes, and an arrogant grin you only see from a guy who has spent more time making people worship his dick than he can count.

The other four guys I knew as well. It wasn't that big of a college (private) so we all knew each other's faces, especially those of us that were athletic gods. Randall and Travis traveled with a pack of the school's top athletes, including: Clay Reynolds, the baseball team's starting pitcher and hot as fuck ginger, Jose Valdez, a starting soccer forward, Paul Freeman a shaggy blonde haired Scandinavian hockey stud, and a guy they just called Big C, a tall, ripped black basketball player.

"Aw, the little fag's in shock," Trevor mocked.

"Yeah, he bit off more than he could chew, but luckily for him we have all night to teach him what a whore he really is," Randall laughed.

"G-guys, I think..." before I could finish Big C came up and clamped his massive hand over my mouth and cut off all sound.

"We don't need to hear you bitch," he said in a stern tone.

"That's right, Big C," Trevor agreed, "we don't need his mouth right now anyway, not until he learns to be a more cooperative slave. Who has the dirtiest jock here?"

"Oh, Jose without a doubt," Paul grinned, "Motherfucker hasn't washed it for a few weeks, plus he uses it as a cum rag cause he thinks it's lucky."

The other guys started laughing. Jose looked a little embarrassed, but the color of red in his face was nothing to mine. I was handcuffed to this bench and at these guys complete mercy. I watched Jose produce a foul looking jock from his pocket. It was originally white, but constant use and undoubtedly a huge amount of cum had faded it to a pale yellowish color. Now, Jose was carrying it over right to me. I tried to act disgusted, but my rock hard precumming cock couldn't lie. I was turned on.

I moaned into Big C's hand and fought against the restraints, but we all knew I was trapped. Jose dangled the dirty jock inches above my face.

"You smell that slut?" he asked, "that's what a man smells like."

Jose emphasized his point by rubbing his weeks old jock all over my face. The smell engulfed me. It was so rank, so musky, but it turned me on just the same. A huge part of me wanted to suck on it, and I was pretty sure I was about to get what I wanted.

Randall took out a roll of athletic tape as Big C pried my mouth open. Jose stuffed the jock deep inside my mouth and Big C wound layer after layer of athletic tape around my head. Pretty soon, the jock was tightly taped into my mouth and no amount of pushing or mouth maneuvering could help me spit it out. The taste was incredible. A flood of various flavors slid all around my taste buds.

"MMMMMPPPHH! MMMPPPPH!" I moaned and struggle in my bonds, causing my tormentors to laugh and lightly slap the sides of my face.

"What you got little bitch boy?" Big C teased me as he held my head between his huge palms and slapped each side to make the other guys laugh.

"you wanna do the honors Big C?" Randall asked.

"Fuck yea dude, this white boy looks like he was born to get swallowed up by my big ass," Big C replied.

Before I even realized what was happening, Big C stood up, took off his shorts and jock and out fell a truly massive and thick hard cock and big low hanging balls. He gripped his huge, now hardening cock in his hands and started jerking it. Then he straddled my face again and slowly lowered his big balls until they were teabagging me. He dragged his balls all along my face and hit me with them like a pendulum. My dick was so hard with need to serve these men I thought it might actually explode.

"Little fairy boy loves my big balls don't he?" Big C mocked.

"Mmphhh-mmm," I said through Jose's jock gag while anxiously nodding my head.

"did you get that dude?" Big C asked.

I glanced over at Randall. He was getting video of the whole thing on his phone. So this is what Jonah meant about a video.

"Fuck yea I did, man," he replied, "that horny little bitch is going to be one popular whore after this video."

Trevor approached me holding a giant plastic bag filled with clothespins.

"Listen up fag, you want to taste our dick's and assholes. Don't deny it. We've seen your pathetic profile. But first you have to earn it by worshipping our scent. So Big C here is going to sit on your gagged face. And if we don't here you sniffing as hard as you can, I am going to start adding these all over your body until I am satisfied. Got that slave?" Trevor explained.

I meekly nodded my head. I was certainly in no position to object restrained the way I was. I couldn't take any one of these men if I was free. And there were six of them.

"Go on Big C," Paul encouraged him.

That was all he needed. I glanced up and saw Big C's huge asscheeks spread apart, revealing a tight hot hole as he lowered himself onto my gagged face. The first thing I noticed was how hot and sweaty it smelled from only a foot away. But as his hole touched my face and his ass cheeks engulfed the rest of me, the scent was over powering. It saturated my every thought. All I saw was blackness and all I smelled was ass. It was too much. I shot my load right then and there.

Spurt after spurt of cum erupted from my cock. I moaned through my gag and inhaled the hot man's ass that was sitting directly on my face. All I heard while I was cumming was groaning and laughter. It was like I was in a completely different room from them now sheltered under Big C's ass. But I knew that I was likely to be punished for cumming already.

"You see that, fag is so turned on by how a man's ass smells he cums the second he gets it. But we don't like misbehaving slaves. Trev, why don't you add 20 clothespins as punishment," Randall said.

I groaned into my gag but knew there was nothing I could do to stop them. I felt some rough cloth-like material wiping away my load. After that, the first pinches of the clothespins were on my ballsack. The next were up the shaft of my softening, now very sensitive dick. More were added on my stomach and nipples. When he finally got to twenty, the constant pinching and stinging pain made me sniff more and more of Big C's hot ass.

"Ok cumbucket, now that Big C has had a turn let's let Paul try," Trevor said.

Big C quickly stepped off my ass. I could smell fresh air again but couldn't deny I already missed the smell of man ass. I watched as Big C walked away and accidentally squeaked out a moan of lustful need.

"Fucking bitch really loved your ass Big C,' Paul laughed as he stripped out of his shorts, revealing a pretty big dick with bushy blond pubes.

He turned around and I saw his ass crack was covered in blonde hair. I felt my dick getting hard again as I stared at it and wondered how good it would taste.

"He's staring at your hairy ass like the bitch is in love with it Paul," Trevor joked.

"I don't know about that," Paul said, "But after the six mile run we just took, I bet this fag is gonna love MY scent just as much as Big C's."

Paul wasted no more time. He straddled my face as Big C had done and sat his hairy ass right down. The rank scent of jock sweat filled my nostrils again and I was instantly hard. This caused further pain to my clothespinned cock, which caused me to sniff even harder. Luckily this helped me avoid further clothespins, but I knew this was all being caught on Randall's video.

Paul began to rub his hairy ass all up and down my face. He was actually rubbing the ass sweat on me. I loved it. My cock ached and throbbed in anticipation over how much ass I was going to get to sniff tonight.

After Paul was done, Jose took a turn to rub his musty ass all over my face. Going from his jock alone I figured his ass would be rank with sweat. After that Clay went with his perfect ass. I relished every second of that. I sniffed as hard as I could and actually rubbed my face up against his ass crack. His smooth ass with just a few spots of hair was THAT perfect. Finally, I got to Trevor.

"I think the slut is pretty horned up by now wouldn't you say boys?" Trevor asked.

All of them agreed. Trevor reached the back of my head and started ripping off the athletic tape. As he freed my mouth I spit the jock gag out on my chest. It was nice to be able to breathe from my mouth again. But was this ordeal over?

"Alright fag, enough of getting your appetite all wet, now let see if you lick as good as you sniff," Trevor said, stripping out of his shorts, revealing a huge thick piece of pierced meat.

He juggled his cock and balls in his hand and came over and dangled them in front of my face. I knew better than to reach up with my head and try and lick and sniff them. Trevor would reward me when I had earned it.

"You like this cock boy?" Trevor asked.

I nodded my head and replied, "Yes Sir."

"Boy's got manners," Clay laughed.

"Yeah, most horny little faggots will say whatever you want to get a taste of our prime, grade a meat. Isn't that right boy," Trevor said.

"Yes Sir, I crave it. Please Sir," I replied, knowing they were going to enjoy it.

Trevor's dick got even harder. The other guys laughed at my willingness to submit. I had to admit, I had come a long way in just a couple short weeks. >From just another college boy to a full blown cock whore, Jonah had done a great job.

Trevor straddled my face as all the others, except Randall, had done before. But before lowering his glorious looking ass with dark brown hair jetting from his ass crack, he stopped.

"Alright fag, beg me. Beg to lick my ass. Beg to sniff my ass. Show me how appreciative you are of this honor," Trevor commanded in his arrogant tone.

I didn't have anything else to lose. I opened my mouth and the words came flooding out, "Please Master, Please let me worship your superior ass. I know I'm a fag but please let me lick your hairy ass hole to show my appreciation for how great you are. I'm just a lowly slave but it would make me feel so great. Please Master!"

Everyone erupted in laughter. It echoed all across the locker room. I felt my face go even more red, but Trevor complied. He lowered his hairy ass down on my face and I went nuts.

I started hungrily licking his hairy hole and sniffing as hard as I could to please Trevor.

"Fuck yea bitch, how's that ass hole taste," Trevor mocked.

I just moaned in pure ecstasy, which they got on video as well. I licked and stuck my tongue deep in his ass hole. It was so sweet. I wanted to eat it every day for breakfast from here on out. Fuck, I would have paid for it.

Trevor kept it up for another twenty minutes. He verbally degraded me while I licked up and down his ass crack, tongued his hole and thanked him for the opportunity. Next, he made me kiss each of his ass cheeks and thank him again for letting my tongue touch his glorious ass.

When Trevor was finished, he did something the others didn't do. He plunged his big 8'' dick pierced with a PA into my surprised mouth.

"Go on, faggot. Suck me to completion," he ordered.

I was happy to comply. I leaned my head back a bit and began gagging and choking on his thick hard cock. After a couple minutes of face fucking me he would pull out and demand I worship his cock head with my tongue. Then he would resume face fucking me.

Trevor kept this up for a while. He would face fuck me for five to ten minutes then pull out and have me lick his cock head. But soon enough, the growing need to release all of the pent up jizz he had in his balls was too much. He plunged his dick down my throat one more time and unloaded a gigantic amount of cum down me. I happily choked it all down.

After he withdrew his cock, he seemed to calm down a bit. Panting and almost not able to stand, Trevor stepped off my face and leaned against the lockers.

"That's what you deserve, bitch," he said while going over and taking the camera phone away from Randall.

"My turn now?" Randall asked.

"Fuck yea man. Get him good," Trevor replied.

"Alright," Randall said, "But I want all of you who didn't cum yet to get ready to shoot all over this bitch. We gotta get going soon."

Big C, Jose, Clay, and Paul all started stroking their hard dicks in anticipation. I pulled slightly on the cuffs as I was concerned that they were going to just leave me here like this. None of them had mentioned releasing me when this was done. I didn't have long to contemplate it as Randall stripped out of his clothes, straddled my face and sat his perfect, hairy ass down on my nose and mouth.

I licked and sniffed with all my might. Somehow, Randall's was the best tasting and best smelling yet. It was unbelieveably sweaty and musky. I couldn't get enough of it. While I licked away at his ass, Randall started removing the clothespins from my body. This sent shockwaves of new pain all along my body as I moaned and squirmed under this superior man's ass.

"Fuck yea, bitch," Randall said, "You love licking my hairy ass don't you?"

I nodded my head and replied, "Yes Master, it tastes so good. I need it so bad."

"I know you do fag boy, and you're going to be getting it. I bet you want my cum too," Randall said.

"OH YES SIR!" I yelled out from under his ass.

"Well I've got a problem there bitch. I need to cum, but I have to piss real bad first. Any suggestions," Randall teased while he dragged his ass up and down my face.

I thought for a second. I knew what he wanted me to say. I knew he wanted me to beg for it. I decided to just go with it.

"Please let me be your urinal Sir," I said out loud.

The room went silent, but Randall kept riding my face with his ass.

"What was that fag boy? You want to be a urinal?" Randall asked.

"Yes Sir," I softly replied.

Randall stood up and turned around. He slapped his huge 9'' dick along each side of my face. I glanced up into his eyes and saw that familiar arrogant smirk that all of these alpha men seemed to have while I serviced them.

"You gonna be a good urinal boy?" He asked mockingly.

"Yes Sir, I'll be a real good urinal," I replied.

"I don't want no leaky pipes so you better not spill a drop of my precious piss. You got that fag?" Randall ordered.

"Yes Sir!" I almost shouted with pent up need.

Randall inserted just the head of his cock in my mouth. He instructed me not to suck it, but to wait. I prepared myself. Knowing Randall as I did, I knew he probably pissed like a racehorse and if I wanted to be a `good urinal' I was going to have my work cut out for me.

Suddenly, a hot stream of stale piss erupted from his cock. I hungrily swallowed it all down. I didn't want to disappoint my masters. Soon the stream strengthened and I was busy chugging away all of Randall's piss as Trevor was getting a close up.

"Look at that hungry urinal," Trevor laughed.

"Yea," Randall agreed, "He's getting just what he deserves."

"All of you guys getting close?" Trevor asked.

"Fuck yea!" Big C replied, "Let's hose this bitch down in cum and get out of here.

Randall finished his piss and began to face fuck me. His pace quickened. He was close too.

"Fuck yea, little piss fag drinking my manly piss now wants my cum don't you," Randall mocked.

"Mmmff hmmm," I said, gagging on his big dick.

Before long, Randall was unloading a huge amount of cum in my mouth. He instructed me to swallow it all and kiss both of his balls because, `that's where my protein is made.' After he got off, Big C and Paul were on either side of me. They blew huge loads all over my face and made me lick the cum off their cocks while Trevor took video. Then Clay and Jose repeated the same act. I was truly covered in cum. It was in my eyes, up my nose, dripping in my ears, coating my hair and all along my lips.

Before I could thank any of them they regagged me with Paul's dirty hockey jock and more athletic tape. I struggled when I realized they indeed were not going to free me.

"Slaves stay like that," Randall said, "Maybe your Master will come by to free you before school starts in a few hours."

After that, the men left. The lights in the locker room turned off, and I was left cuffed, covered in cum and hard as a rock.

To be continued?

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 5

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