Jonah Got My Fix

By Z

Published on Feb 26, 2015


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Jonah's Got My Fix Part 3

By: Z

Category: Gay Male Authoritarian

Third part of Jonah's got my fix. Thanks to everyone who's read and also everyone that's emailed. It's been great talking to all of them. Please if able to donate to nifty. Thanks!

Max, Zeke and I spent the rest of the night tied up while Jonah made out each of our profiles in detail. He said he was going to offer a variety of slave's to make him money. Not all guys were into the same kink so he wanted to make sure he covered all of his bases.

"Well cocksuckers, while you struggle and pull on those tight ropes, I think I should explain some things to you. You are now all my slaves, or to be more precise, my whores. I own you now and until you work off your debt you will do whatever I say. Since you've been denying me your slut holes for months now, I'd say you owe me about 10 grand...each," Jonah explained.

I really struggled against the ropes now and tried to push the gag out, but the tape was wrapped around too tight. I felt Max and Zeke's bodies equally struggling on either side of me. It was odd having them so close to me when they were naked. I barely had a chance to notice it before while we were getting deep fucked by Jonah, but now as he laid out our fate before us, I started to feel even more naked and more exposed.

"To make your accounts more popular," Jonah said while carelessly slapping Zeke's ass, "I'm going to be adding photos to each of your accounts that highlight your slutty needs, I've got a pretty good idea what Maxxy and Natey like. But I've got something different in mine for you Zeke."

Jonah slipped an odd looking face mask over Zeke's face and stated to untie the ropes that bound him and I together. I felt them loosen around my elbows and thighs as I stared at him fight against the mask. It seemed like it was filled with something. Soon he wasn't fighting so much as he was gyrating his hips against the mattress. It looked like he was in some kind of lust filled haze. After a while, I don't think he knew where he was. Once Jonah finished recoiling the rope he came over and pulled the mask off.

"You liking those poppers Zeke?" Jonah asked while lifting him off the bed and depositing him on the floor.

Zeke just incoherently moaned to himself on the floor. He was out of sight now so all I heard was his lust-filled moans from behind his own duct taped gag.

"Now let's get you tied up more fittingly," Jonah commented.

I tried to adjust my view so I could see what he was doing. From my vantage point I only saw Jonah's strong back as he busied himself with tying up Zeke. I glanced over at Max, he was equally curious. We locked eyes for the first time and exchanged mutual pity and frustration. After a couple minutes, Jonah grabbed my ankles and pulled me down to the foot of the bed. I tried glancing up at him but the same popper mask was placed over my face. All of a sudden a flurry of some sweet smelling chemical invaded my nose. My head went berserk. I felt like I was lifting off and floating. My face felt warm, and a strange pleasure and lustful need swept over my body. Soon I began to inhale more and more deeply to further sink into the sex haze that the poppers sent me to.

While I laid there completely out of the situation, Jonah was at work repositioning Max so he was face down, chunky hairy ass up. I heard some rustling on the floor and lifted my drug heavy head over to look. Zeke was crawling around the floor of Jonah's room on his elbows and knees. His ankles were tied high on the back of his legs, his wrists were tied just above his shoulders, he looked like some weird type of naked bondage animal. He was still just as out of it as I was, uneasily shifting around in his new stance that Jonah had tied him in.

I didn't have long to take in the sight of Zeke as Jonah was soon pulling me back over towards Max. He roughly dragged me up and shoved my face deep into Max's hairy, sweaty and cum stuffed ass. It was moist the second my face pressed up against it and Jonah's remaining cum spread across my gagged face.

A week ago I would have been repulsed by the idea of sniffing my buddy's cum-filled asshole, but now as the combined scents invaded my nose I felt myself let go and just started sucking on my gag compulsively. I couldn't help it. I pulled at my bonds and tried to press my face in deeper. I wanted it bad, and my cock was throbbing as I rubbed it against Jonah's bed.

I kept at it for a few minutes, completely lost in Max's ass. Soon, I noticed flashes on the side of my face. My dazed eyes shifted over and looked at Jonah clicking away on his phone. He was taking pictures of the whole thing.

Once Jonah was seemingly satisfied, he pulled me up away from Max's big ass. I have to admit the second my face left his hairy butt crack I wanted it more. I didn't have much time to ponder that fact though, Jonah immediately began ripping open my duct tape gag. It unwrapped around my head lightning fast, taking some hair off the back of my head but otherwise it was over pretty quick.

"Aaaah fuck!" I shouted.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch," Jonah shot back, "I ain't got time for your mouth. Now, you said no video correct?"

I started to answer but he pushed his big hand across my mouth and held it shut.

"I said shut the fuck up, bitch," Jonah repeated, "Now I'm only going to ask you one more time, you said no video correct?"

I nodded yes, and he took his hand away from my mouth.

"Well taking pictures ain't video," Jonah said, "So that's just fine. Now get your faggot face back in there and lick up my cum!"

Jonah shoved my back deep in Max's ass. I obediently started licking up all of his sweat and all of Jonah's cum. I couldn't help it. The way Jonah was treating me made a weird sensation radiate out from my dick all over my body. I was still high as hell so that could certainly be a factor, and whatever that mask was certainly made my inhibition fade away, but one thing I realized was that I secretly loved tasting my buddy's ass. Judging from the moans emanating from Max's gagged face, he was enjoying it too.

Jonah snapped a ton of more pictures, laughing as I hungrily licked at my roommate's ass crack.

"Good job slut," Jonah encouraged, "Keep licking. That's real good. You are going to be such a good whore. Shame though, the other guys didn't object when I asked them about video. Sure they were gagged then but I bet they'll get a lot more takers than you. Shame that such a willing slut like you won't get as much ass to eat."

Jonah's words stung my face. I turned red. Max and Zeke were here. Sure they were in similarly degrading positions, but I was the one willingly licking away at one of their faces. I was the first to submit between all of us.

"Keep going bitch, I gotta give my new dog a nice drink," Jonah said as he walked across the room and out of sight.

As I licked away at Max's ass, I heard the unmistakable sound of piss hitting a bowl. The pleasurable groans from Jonah was also a dead giveaway, he was pissing and probably creating another video. Sure enough, he started talking.

"This is what happens when bitches fuck with me. They become a dog at my feet. Like this little bitch here. Gotta nice bowl of my piss for him to drink," Jonah said to his future audience.

I wanted to turn around and look to see what was happening behind me. Part of me actually wanted to see Zeke being treated like a dog. Except the way I was bound pretty much prevented me contorting in any way to sneak a look. I would have to try and roll over and Jonah would surely see.

"Fuck yea, lick it up slave," I heard Jonah say in the background, "Lick up your master's piss. You're going to be getting it a lot from now on."

Jonah kept it up for a few more minutes before I heard him shut the camera off and return to where Max and I were positioned. He lifted me off of him with ease and threw me on the edge of the bed.

"Uhh, Jonah...Sir?" I asked nervously, "Ho..."

Before I could finish, Jonah came back and shoved a crusty rag in my mouth and began to wrap more duct tape around my face.

"How's a month's worth of my cum taste Natey," Jonah said while staring me dead in the eye.

My face turned bright red as I realized what he meant. I was now chewing on Jonah's personal cum rag. His big dick had squirted all over this small piece of cloth and now I was sucking out the remnants of it like a baby on the bottle.

"Yea, you like it don't you?" Jonah said with a smile as he dropped me back onto the bed.

I looked over the edge and saw Zeke, tied like a dog with a big butt plug stuck in his ass, tail sticking out. He wore a dog collar locked tightly around his neck, which was angled down as he continued to robotically lap up Jonah's piss from a metal tin dog bowl.

I glanced over to look at what Jonah was currently doing, He was moving a big work table he had in the corner to the center of his bedroom. He cleared it off, threw a bag of mysterious contents on the table and went and retrieved Max. He slumped him over his shoulder and dropped him on the work table. Max pulled on his ropes a bit but didn't put up much of a struggle, and he certainly didn't fight when Jonah pulled the popper mask over his face.

While Max inhaled away on the mask, Jonah started emptying out the duffel bag. It was a series of butt plugs. They got progressively bigger as he pulled more out. The first one wasn't too big, but after he got to number five, I couldn't fathom how it was going to fit in Max's ass. It was a huge black buttplug, probably a foot long and thick as a beer can. The final item was a huge bottle of lube. It seemed like a foregone conclusion at this point.

By now, the popper mask had done its work on Max too. He was a moaning, horny mess. Jonah still wasn't done. He packed a huge bowl and set it down in front of Zeke. Then he went over and re-ripped my gag off.

"I changed my mind, slut," Jonah said, "You and your buddy here are gonna smoke this whole bowl by the time I'm done making Maxxy's video. If you DON'T finish by that time, you and Zeke are getting chained up naked on the quad."

Jonah lifted me up and put me on the floor face down.

"Hurry up now and finish that bowl. I want you bitches nice and fucked up when I'm done showing Maxxy over there his new favorite toy, his ass pussy," Jonah said more to the room than to any one of us.

Max tried to object through his gag but he was still bound too tight to make any type of change to his current situation. I craned my neck and body over to see what Jonah had in store for poor Max. He was gently lubing up the smallest butt plug. He had repositioned Max so his ass was facing him, completely exposed and ready for its training.

Soon, I felt a nudge on my head. Zeke was doing his best to pass me the bowl with his bound hands. I moved my neck over and did my best to help him hold the bowl on my mouth with one hand and light it with the other. Tied the way he was like a dog, he was just barely able to pull off the job. I realized we had better concentrate as much as possible so we didn't disappoint Jonah any further.

Of course, the noises happening behind me were begging for my attention. I heard Max pleading behind his gag. I heard Jonah tell shoosh him gently as he apparently began to insert the first butt plug.

"Yeah, open that ass up butt-whore," Jonah said, "You're gonna be my little size queen."

I hit the bowl again, and tried to pay attention. The effect of more weed was even more detrimental to my cognitive thinking. I was now thinking about Jonah's big dick swinging back and forth as he moved on to the next size butt plug. For this one, he took out his phone and started to record.

"Yeah, look at this little fag here. He can't get enough of stuff up his ass. Just look at him swallow that big plug," Jonah said to the camera.

I heard moaning come from Max, but it wasn't pleading anymore. It was filled with a need. He was starting to enjoy it. Evidently the poppers had done their work on him too. I could even tell the rhythm at which Jonah was fucking him with the butt plug just from the moans coming from Max.

"Yeah, little piggy likes that doesn't he?" Jonah mocked Max to the camera, "You love having something big lodged up your butt don't ya."

Zeke and I passed the bowl back and forth as fast as we could, but Jonah packed it deep. We were still at the halfway mark and Jonah was starting on the next larger dildo. The more we smoked however, the less able we were to work together and get the job done.

"Fuck yea, take that big plug you horny little faggot. Take it! Learn to love it. Learn to fucking crave it!" Jonah ordered as his phone recorded away Max's degradation.

"Yeah, you are loving this. You're backing your big ass up into it and everything," Jonah laughed.

I looked back. I couldn't resist. I had to see. Max was indeed backing his ass up like a bitch in heat. He looked like he was completely lost in a horny daze. I watched as Jonah switched to the biggest dildo. Max wasn't even afraid of it anymore. He was twitching and shaking his ass back and forth. It was almost begging for it. Max certainly was through the gag. Where he was previously begging Jonah to stop, now he wanted that plug in his ass even more than he wanted to be untied.

"Last one bitch, I hope you're friends are ready to play my next game," Jonah smiled as he placed the end of the enormous plug on Jonah's already open hole.

We still had a third of the bowl left. Both Zeke and I did our best to concentrate on it. Max's moans were difficult to ignore. He was now uncontrollably groaning and moaning. Almost as if he was about to...

"MMMMMFPPFPFFFF!!!" Max moaned loudly through his tape gag as his body convulsed into a huge orgasm.

"Ohhhh fuck!" Jonah laughed, Boy likes it doesn't he?"

Max collapsed back on the table in a panting heap. He looked like he had just had the best orgasm of his life. I had to admit, I was jealous. Jonah knew how to fuck us, it definitely got to a point where it made me horny. Rimming Max's ass only made it worse. Something about servicing such a hidden area and the humiliation of lowering himself for his friend triggered the lust inside him. It made him let go.

Jonah shut down his phone and picked up Max with a groan, he carried him over and set him down on his back. His soft dick and the area around it was covered in cum.

"Well bitches, get to work. Lick up that slut's cum. Hurry up now. Eat up," Jonah ordered.

Zeke crawled over as best he could for how stoned he had to have been. But I was stuck. Bound like I was, there was no way I could just go over and lick up Max's cum. `Luckily' for me, Jonah came over and lifted me up and threw me on one side of Max's belly. His cold, wet cum now glazed my cheek. I adjusted my face so it was craned upward, extended my tongue and started licking up Max's cum from his belly before moving downward. Zeke had started right at the source, licking up Max's sensitive cockhead and on his cum soaked balls. We both worked on them obediently while Jonah snapped away pictures showing off what cooperative whores we were.

We spent the next half hour in silence as Jonah loaded up the pictures on our respective profiles and built out mine and Zeke's. Zeke and I didn't bother trying to object again. We knew we'd be swiftly gagged if we did, and enjoyed the break he gave our mouths. He updated mine to show all of the pictures of me licking Max's ass. It was obvious from him showing me the pictures on his tablet that I was into it. No one would even question that. You couldn't even tell I was tied up in most of the pictures. People would think I did it willingly.

Next he moved on to Max. He uploaded tons of pictures. The one's where I rim Max, one of Max sucking his dick, and the huge set of him taking ever larger ass toys. He then uploaded the video and added text that begged for large dick men to contact him. Both our profiles were active, and people were already viewing them. Jonah made sure to show both of us.

"Bet you sluts want to edit these profiles don't you? Well earn your keep and soon you'll be released from being my slave. Sound good?" Jonah said.

"Jonah isn't there a way we..." I said before getting a sock stuffed in my mouth. Jonah didn't tape it in, he just held it there.

"Now be quiet slave, all this ass play work on Maxxy made me horny anyway," Jonah signed, grabbing his hard dick, pulling me up to my knees and shoving his dick in my mouth.

I took it with pleasure. I wanted to reason with him about the profile. But with that big dick pushing into my mouth, I couldn't object. For one thing his huge dick was restricting any comeback I could make. For another, Jonah's thick slab of meat tasted so good I couldn't help but to slide my tongue all around it and bob my head up and down on it.

"Yea fag, suck my dick in front of your tied up little friends. You're all mine now," Jonah laughed.

Jonah's encouragement made me even hornier. I wanted to please him more. I started going faster, trying to use my tongue more. I moaned with lust, trying to signal him that I was hungry for his cum. His breathing picked up, he started moaning louder, but before I could get that huge load down my throat he pulled out. Without even thinking, I whined that he was denying me his dick. While I contemplated what that meant, I saw him break a sly smile and walk over to where Zeke was tied up.

"Does this little slut want this bone too?" Jonah teased shaking his throbbing boner in the air while standing over Zeke.

Tied up like he was, Zeke had no hope to suck that dick from his position. He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. Jonah sank to his knees, grabbed Zeke's hair and pulled him on his cock. I watched as he gagged away at Jonah's dick that I had worked hard getting that big.

Soon Jonah was again close to cumming, but he definitely liked to edge himself. He pulled out and slapped Zeke's pleading face with his hard throbbing dick some more. He really seemed to get off on Zeke's humiliating position. He was completely helpless, just like Max and I. We were simply ragdolls to him. Ragdolls he used to get off with.

"Fuck yeah whore, suck that big cock," Jonah said as he facefucked Zeke.

I pulled at the ropes on me to try and adjust and get a better video as I watched from the floor. Max was doing the same thing. He was still in a bit of a cum coma, spent from the long hard fucking Jonah had given him from the butt plugs.

Jonah kept having Zeke suck him until he was right on the verge of releasing his second pent up load. Every time he got close, he stopped. Finally, after about the sixth time of Zeke working like hell to bring him to the edge, Jonah pulled out and moved behind him.

"I'm gonna fuck you like a dog Zekey, you want that? Shake your little tail plug for me," Jonah said, giving him a hard slap on his bare ass cheeks to show him he meant business.

Obediently, Zeke started wiggling his tight ass to get the tail butt plug to appear as if he was wagging it. His face was completely red as Max and I watched helplessly. I had to admit, it was incredibly hot seeing Jonah dominate my roommate this way.

"Good boy," Jonah said mockingly as he bent over and slowly removed the butt plug, "Goooooood boy, now get ready to get railed and pumped full of your master's cum."

Zeke stayed remarkably still as he looked at us with a concerned look on his face. Jonah had made Max and I into complete obedient sluts, he looked as if he wanted to rebel against it. But when Jonah began teasing his hole with the fat head of his dick, Zeke's eye's rolled to the back of his head. He wanted it.

"Get ready boy, and be a good little dog slut. Here it comes!" Jonah announced while he drilled his pulsating dick deep into Zeke's ass.

Zeke's eyes bugged and he made the typical `there's a giant dick in my ass' face, but Jonah didn't let up. He began to roughly pump his dick in and out of Zeke's ass.

I had to admit out of the three of us Zeke was probably the best looking. He kept his skinny body very well-toned. His bubble ass was very sexy. He had a cute young face and he usually did well with the girls at parties. Now, tied up like a dog, he looked like a complete slut begging to get fucked by a man like Jonah.

"Fuck yea, bitch. Take my big dick!" Jonah yelled out as he picked up the pace a bit.

Zeke was moaning loudly along with Jonah's rough fucking. He backed his ass up on Jonah's cock, trying to get more of it deep inside his ass. He had given up fighting it, Zeke loved Jonah's big cock. It made me want to please him the way Max and Zeke had already, I wanted that cock cumming in my ass.

After about 10 minutes of various speeds of fucking, Jonah was ready to cum. He picked up the pace. He gripped Zeke's ass tightly, and a low roar mixed with a moan.

"Fuuuuuck!" Jonah yelled, "I'm cuuuummmmmiiinnng!"

Jonah released what must have been a huge load of cum up Zeke's ass. He kept pumping his dick away for a while to make sure a bunch of it stayed in. Next, he stood up, lit up a joint of his stash and sat on the bed.

"Good dog, now go back that bitch ass up in that other ass hungry faggot Nate's face and have him clean out the cum," Jonah ordered.

Robotically, Zeke silently crawled over to where I was tied. He adjusted his stance so his ass was facing me. I stared deep into his hole. Something that would have previously never interested me, but now seeing that open hole dripping with cum made me hungry for it. Zeke slowly backed up towards my face, where my tongue was anxiously waiting.

"That's my good sluts," Jonah said.

As I tongued away at Zeke's ass, he wiggled and moaned in absolute pleasure. He was really getting into it. After the rough fucking he must have just got, feeling my tongue in his ass must have felt great. Before long, he started backing his ass roughly into my face. He started to pickup the rhythm, and before I knew it, he shot a big load of cum all over Jonah's wood floors.

"Nice job Natey, you made your little buddy over there cum just from licking his ass. I think I'll put that in your profile to help get you some customers," Jonah said while picking up his tablet.

Jonah logged in and scrolled through our accounts. He showed me that he added my unexpected tonguing benefit to my profile. So far I had plenty of views from local guys in the area. Some I even recognized from college. But luckily for me (or so I thought), I didn't have any messages.

Next he logged onto Max's profile. Not only did Max have plenty of views but he already had two messages. The first was from a big black man who claimed to have an 11 inch cock. The second was from two truckers that wanted to share a pig boy for a night with the condition that he be bound, collared and leashed. Jonah opened up the first message from the black guy with the profile named, BBClooking4sluts.

"Hey fag boi, bet you want this big dick sliding in and out of your cunt."

I noticed Max was starting to get a hard on just from Jonah reading the message. He scrolled to the next one and read it out loud, "two burly truckers, one ten inch cock and one really thick eight inch cock looking for a boy to tie up and spit roast for the night."

Jonah smiled and stood up. He stepped on Max's balls and pressed down.

"Looks like you made quite an impression Maxxy, I'll set up the prices and let you know where to go. You show up, service the real men and then get your fag ass back to me to give me the money. This goes for all of you, if you try skimming from the top, I'll know. And your debt to me will quadruple." Jonah explained.

Next, Jonah skipped to Zeke's profile. He too had more views and one message waiting for him. It was from a professor at the college. He wanted a boy to keep in a cage and suck his dick through the bars all day long. He was willing to pay extra if he could keep Zeke locked in the cage overnight.

Jonah anxiously replied to all of the messages. He mentioned my lack of having videos was probably having something to do with the slow replies. He wasn't interested in seeking out the people and carrying out drawn out conversations. He wanted his contacts to message us directly. We clearly weren't in any position to resist. So it just worked out better.

Once he was done. He forced Zeke to lick up his cum, untied us all, gave us a huge bag of fag weed, video cams for our laptops, and said he'd be in touch.

That night, we all walked home in silence. We didn't have much to say to eachother. We now knew things we had never planned to learn about ourselves. We were now whores who belonged to the same master.

To be continued?

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 4

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