Jonah Got My Fix

By Z

Published on Feb 9, 2015


Disclaimer: The following contains explicit scenes of male sex and a variety of consensual activities. It also features some scenes that are explicitly fantasy and should not be attempted. This story may not be copied or posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. All characters depicted are above 18 years of age. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your geography, please do not proceed.

Author's note: New story I'm trying out. Please donate to nifty if able.

Jonah's Got My Fix Part 2 By: Z

The next three days I tried to forget about the pickup gone bad with Jonah. My parents sent me some extra money to help me out. They were pretty supportive of me having a great college experience and were doing OK so sending me a couple hundred every now and then wasn't a big deal. They were pretty happy with the grades I was bringing home.

The more I tried to forget about Jonah though, the more it weared on my mind what I had done. I kept telling myself it was no big deal and chalked it up to something fun to try but I was still into women. Every time I thought about his big dick, I just smoked more.

My suitemates Max and Zeke teased me about becoming a real pothead, but even they had to admit it was a good batch. They definitely made comments about me hogging it though; but for some reason, I felt like I earned this one more than if I had just bought it and insisted one of them cover the next one. They objected the first two days but over time they decided they wanted to get more of this brand.

On the third day in my history lecture was when I got hit with the first text from. I had forgotten to turn off my smartphone and got a "you're a dick," glare from the professor. I sheepishly reached into my tight jeans, retrieved my phone and switched off the sound. During the process, I glanced at the screen and saw it was a picture message. The preview image was smaller but to anyone who was looking it would have been evident. Jonah sent me a pick of me choking on his fat dick while looking right at the camera.

My face turned a deep shade of red and I sank low in my desk chair. I couldn't believe it. I felt like such an idiot. I noticed my cock was rock hard though. Something about the pic really turned me on.

After class I raced into the quad and sat by a bench where I was pretty confident no one would sneak a look at the picture. I opened up my phone to a series of new texts.

What's new Natey?

Still liking that stuff you got?

Hungry for some meat still?


Hope you like the pic. Check out this link when you get a chance...

He followed with a link to a page on redtube, a site where you can post amateur videos. I had checked out the straight and bi section a few times. People do some pretty interesting stuff on there. This one was in the gay section and it was a video of me sucking him off and wearing that freaky humbler device. Just seeing the thing again made my balls ache.

I sat there in a cold sweat. This video was out there? It was public? Why the fuck would he do that? I read through the brief video explanation. It didn't identify me specifically. It just said, `This is what happens to bitches that don't pay up. They earn it.' The account Jonah posted under didn't reveal him specifically either. I shamefully looked through it. He didn't just have videos of me posted on there.

There was one where he was railing two chicks at once. Both girls seemed to be really enjoying themselves and the speakers on my phone were pretty damn good. So I put in my earphones so no one would hear. It immediately immersed me into the scene. Jonah took turns fucking the each girl, who were constantly making out with eachother and touching each other's tits. I couldn't help but look at Jonah, with a satisfied grin on his face as each time he withdrew his huge dick the girl whined.

Another video started with him yelling at some guy. Calling him a faggot and telling him to stay on his knees where he belonged. The man was dressed in a dress shirt, tie and nice slacks. He looked like he was in his mid thirties, he was a smaller guy but all in all not a bad looking dude. Jonah then adjusted the camera view to so it focused on a naked thirty year old woman on the bed. It took me a while to recognize her, but she was a teacher at my university. I think she was in the English department. Not a bad looker either.

She laid on the bed provocatively and was impatiently whining in a very sexy voice. Jonah told her to, "hold her fucking horses," as he entered the frame completely naked. For a pothead, the dude was jacked. I guess he must not have much else to do besides workout. I couldn't help but admire his strong, bubble ass and remembered how surprisingly good it tasted.

Jonah turned and pointed to the guy off camera and yelled, "I want you to watch this bitch. I'm gonna fuck your wife, and you're going to watch every second of it. Then you can clean my dick when I'm done."

For some reason, I found this video more hot than the one with the two girls and started to seek out ones that specifically featured other guys.

I replied to Jonah that I was good on stuff for now and raced back to the dorm. I blew off my speech communications class. It was a bullshit gen-ed and I was too horny to concentrate anyways.

I got back to the dorms and noticed Jonah had replied, "Suit yourself man, hit me up later."

I felt a little better that me and Jonah could probably just move past this. Sparked up some weed and started smoking out the window. I used a scented candle to cover up the smell and frequently lysoled the place so I could hide it as best as I could.

After I finished the bowl, I was even more horny than before. I decided to check back to Jonah's account. He had a few more videos of him using dudes on there. A couple were more of the professor and her husband. The last one was of him fucking some Asian kid while his buddy videotaped it. The kid was clearly enjoying himself as Jonah railed his big dick into him. He was moaning louder than the two women in the first video combined. I had to admit it was hot, and started jacking my dick.

I must have watched the video a bunch of times. Soon I glanced over at the counter next to the video. This one had 867 views. That reminded me about the video he had posted of me. I panicked and clicked over. It was posted the day he recorded it, and it already had over a thousand views. I couldn't believe it.

As I watched it again, I thought of everyone who had the potential to see it: my teachers, my friends, my parents. I had to get it off of there!

I decided to play it cool and text Jonah, "Hey man, I checked out the video and you actually do pretty good camera work. Some of your other videos are pretty fucking hot I got to admit. Would you mind taking mine down though?"

I didn't have to wait more than a couple of minutes before I got a reply, "Hey dude. Glad you liked it. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement. I hit back at your roommates that you can pick up the stuff again cause you're my boy and I trust you. Come on by."

I shuddered. I wasn't his boy. I didn't want to go back over there. It was a one-time thing and I was having none of it. But it was in my best interests to get that video down from there. I considered just contacting the website, but that would definitely ruin the weed hookup I had.

In the end I texted back, "That's cool, I'll be over in a few," got squeezed my hard dick into some tight boxer briefs, threw on my jeans and headed out the door.

As I buzzed his door, again I didn't have to wait long before I heard him at the voice box, "That you Natey?" he said in a friendly voice.

"Uuuh...yea Jonah," I replied, not sure of how this was going to go.

"Come on up, dude. I'll buzz you in," he said.

A few moments later his apartment door unlocked with a loud buzz, and I was headed back down the hallway. He let me right in, wearing only some baggy cargo shorts. His muscular, hairy chest and six pack abs were on full display.

"Hey Jonah, how you been?" I asked.

"Hey man, get your ass in here," he said warmly, "I been pretty good. Just hanging out, making that money."

"Cool, cool," I said as I glanced around the room. Everything seemed pretty much back to normal. There were bags of weed everywhere, tons of air fresheners, and Jonah's typical stoner/surfer décor. He had some loud reggae music playing in his room.

I glanced back and he was already wrapping up a big bag of weed for me.

"Man, I'm not sure I can afford that much," I said.

Jonah looked up, flashed his perfect smile and said, "It's cool man. I feel bad about putting that video up there. So I thought up an arrangement we can make. Either way, you get another bag of weed cause it was kind of a dick move. Sound good?"

Jonah was very confident that I'd be OK with this, and I was. Another free bag of weed sounded pretty good to me. I just wondered what specific arrangement he had in mind.

"Sure man. Thank you! Uhhh...wh-what type of arrangement were you thinking of?"

Jonah smiled and leaned over, highlighting the definition of the sides of his torso. This dude was a masterpiece. He made me feel completely inadequate physically. He opened a drawer and brought out coils of brown rope. I looked at him confused.

"You did such an awesome job last time helping me test out that other thing. I know exactly what to do with it now," he said, "but I think it freaked you out a little bit."

"Yeah," I agreed, "It just surprised me a lot."

"No worries, bro," Jonah replied, "This way you'll know exactly what I'm going to do. This is some hemp rope. Pretty cool huh? So I've been having lots of sex lately as you can see. I'm on a bit of a hot streak and can get it whenever I want. It's given me a lot of control, and I like it. It gets me off. So I've been practicing my knots. I don't want to look like an idiot when I tie a girl up. So I'd like to keep up my practice by doing it on you. Sound good?"

I was taken aback. He wanted to tie me up? I'd never been tied up before. I'd seen it a bunch obviously but never considered in combining sex and being tied up. I decided to keep up the charade of playing it cool.

"I don't know man, I don't want to do any videos," I said softly.

Jonah smiled, "Nah man, no more videos unless you want to. We'll just keep this inside this apartment, OK?"

I nervously laughed and nodded.

"Well, OK man. Doesn't sound too bad." I said.

"Cool dude. You mind stripping down again I gotta do this with you naked," he said in a hurried voice.

I thought for a second and figured, `what the hell.' I stripped out of my shirt, briefs and jeans and sat on the rug.

"Come on, dude. Stand up," he said, his tone changing into more impatient.

I quickly obeyed. I have to admit, standing naked in front of him my dick was hard again. He just had this presence that was so intense, I couldn't explain it. He started winding the rope between his hands. Soon, he was wrapping coils of rope all over my body. It was a bit rough but I didn't mind too much. It was kind of sexy. The ropes got tighter and tighter. He tied my wrists together behind my back, wound the ropes around my arms, under my pits, across my chest and even tightly up my butt crack. The more he worked the more restricted my movements became. I did start to realize as he worked, he obviously wasn't an amateur at this. Also, I found I liked being tied up.

Once I could barely move the upper half of my body, he started wrapping another cord of rope around my cock and balls. The tighter it got, the more my balls churned and cock throbbed. I let out a soft moan as he tied it off.

"Yea, feels good doesn't it?" Jonah asked.

"Yea, Jonah..." I said, my voice trailing off.

Jonah helped me to the coffee table and laid me on my stomach. He wrapped more coils of rope around my ankles and tied them to my thighs so I was spread out like a turkey. He took a step back and grinned.

"Can you get out dude?" he asked, going over and pulling a packed bowl out of his drawer.

I struggled against the ropes. I bobbed my body back and forth and pulled at my wrists and ankles. Besides moving a bit on the table and causing some discomfort on my balls, I got nowhere. I looked up to see a big packed bowl in my face.

"Here dude. Smoke up. You're not going anywhere," Jonah grinned and sparked up the bowl. I obediently inhaled.

He helped me smoke the entire thing. I was stoned when I got there. Now, I was fully on gone. My mind was a euphoric fog. I slowly glanced all around the room. Jonah was watching me, studying me. Again, I tried to pull at my restraints. It felt great to struggle against the ropes for some reason, and Jonah seemed to really enjoy it. He leaned over to check the ropes and his stiff hard cock brushed up against my face through his shorts.

"Damn dude. You're big cock is hard as hell again," I half joked.

Jonah looked surprised, then smiled, "Yeah I guess it is boy."

He slowly stripped out of his cargo shorts, again wearing nothing underneath. His 9'' dick was again free, the head glistening in precum and demanding all of my attention. In my stoned state, I could only focus on it as it bobbed around in the free air.

"I think we should discuss something here, Natey," Jonah said, "I can tell you enjoy this. So I think we should keep going. Let's see what else we can do."

Jonah walked over to a small box and pulled out an odd black, rubbery thing.

"This is a butt plug dude," Jonah explained as he lubed it up, "It a medium sized one, I think you'll like it. And don't worry, the little rope harness I tied on you will keep it in so you don't disobey."

Now I was getting worried. He was planning on sticking that thing in my ass. I decided this was going too far, no matter how hard my dick was. I opened my mouth to object but he picked up my briefs and jammed them in there.

"Don't even pretend faggot!" He yelled out, scaring me to death, "this IS going up your tight little butt, we're going to train it good tonight."

Suddenly I felt his lubey fingers slide around my smooth ass crack and invade my hole. It indeed felt tight. He pushed it in and out and in and out. The pressure felt awkward at first, but I couldn't deny the response in my dick. It was leaking precum all over his coffee table.

"Mmfff," I moaned into my own briefs, which I had worn and reworn over the week.

"yeaaa now we're getting somewhere boy!" Jonah yelled out and gave me asscheeks a couple hard smacks.

I spit out the gag and yelled, "Ahhh! Fuck dude," but he kept on spanking my ass cheeks.

"Come on man! AHhh! I thought we were even," I cried out.

Jonah snickered and re-positioned me on my back, face up. He towered over me, looking more powerful than ever in my extremely exposed position.

"Even? You think that made us even?" Jonah asked in a commanding tone, "You will never be even with me faggot. And maybe this view will better illustrate that."

Next, Jonah turned around, spread his asscheeks, and sat on my face. The familiar musky aroma invaded my nostrils and mouth and I was again transported into a place of lustful ecstasy. The sweaty stench of Jonah's ass filled his nostrils with every breath he took.

"Man, sitting on your faggot face keeps you quiet doesn't it slut," I heard him say. I tried to mumble a comeback, but I just tasted his ass.

He started grinding his hairy cheeks against my face. There was nothing I could do to stop him tied the way I was. So I sat there, silently savoring the smell and trying my best to object that I liked it, despite my extremely hard dick.

"Fuck yea," he went on, "nothing better than grinding my manly ass on a faggot's face. Nothing you can do about it either. So sit back while I listen to my tunes.

He listened to his music play for what had to be almost a half and hour while he kept my face buried deep in his ass. Every time I opened my mouth to object, my tongue got more and more of his ass taste, and by the time he stood up, I was submissively licking it.

"That's much better faggot. I think we got an understanding now." Jonah complimented before flipping me over again and exposing my ass.

He didn't waste any time, he worked the lubed up buttplug right into my ass until it locked into place. The pressure was intense. I did my best to dislodge it, but the ropes up my ass crack held it snugly in place. Soon, my breathing relax, and my ass began to accept its new occupant.

"There we go, Natey," Jonah said.

"Fuck man, it's in there so fucking tight. Please man, can I get some..." I started to beg, but Jonah held his strong hands to my mouth.

"First rule, bitch, no talking unless I give you permission," Jonah said with a sadistic laugh.

"Come on, man. I did what you said," I begged again.

Jonah looked pissed. He rose to his feet and went to retrieve a frat paddle that was hanging up on the wall.

"One of my bitches begged me to paddle her cause her little frat boyfriend was too much of a pussy to. So I kept this around just in case any of my bitches misbehave," Jonah explained, "10 should do the trick to make sure you are an obedient boy."

"Fuck man! I'm sorry. I'll be quiet I swear!" I pleaded with him.

He picked up my briefs and again shoved them into my mouth, "You just don't learn, do you Natey?"

The taste of my tight rank briefs and my ass sweat again permeated my taste buds. It wasn't nearly as good as Jonah's but it still turned me on.

"If you spit that out, I double the amount of paddles. So I'd keep that in like a good slut," Jonah said.

I nodded obediently, not wanting to upset him further. I was hoping I could get out of this, get my video off of his redtube, get my stuff and leave. I felt him caress my asscheeks with the paddle. He started off so gentle, but then I felt a quick rush of air, heard a loud SMACK and felt a sharp stinging pain in my ass cheeks.

"that's one faggot. Got 9 more coming," Jonah laughed.

The sting radiated all over my body as I moaned into the wadded up briefs. I clenched my tight ass around the butt plug and hoped this would go quick. Another sharp blow landed on me, then another, then another.

"6 more to go bitch. Work that plug in your ass," Jonah shouted as he landed another hard blow.

Five, six, seven – my ass was on fire. I squirmed in my bonds and pulled at my restraints. I was completely under Jonah's control. The most embarrassing thing was that my tied up dick was rock hard the whole time. I focused on keeping the gag in my mouth as he rained down two more blows on my cheeks.

"Last one faggot, it's a shame you don't want video of this. But unlike your bitch-ass I'm a man of my...WORD!" Jonah said as he slammed the last blow square across my cheeks.

I sobbed and moaned into my gag, but I was still hard. It was nice that the ordeal was over though. I felt Jonah glide his hands over my hot red ass. He was gentle, so it didn't sting too bad.

"Man slut, I can feel the heat coming off those smooth ass cheeks of yours. Alright, time to see if that butt plug did its job," Jonah said.

I heard a loud rip of duct tape as Jonah started wrapping tape over my mouth and around my head, sealing my gag in place.

"MMMppphhh!" I pleaded and moaned into the gag.

"Shut up, bitch," Jonah replied and swatted my ass with his palm. This wouldn't have been a big deal had I not been paddled.

Once I was taped up and effectively silent. Jonah wrapped his big strong arms around my tied up body and lifted me into the air. He carried me towards the back of his apartment into his bedroom. It was dark in there and the reggae music was blaring. I had never been back in Jonah's room before, so I had no idea what to expect. If I had 1000 guesses, I probably wouldn't have come up with what I saw when he switched the light on.

Two guys were tied up naked exactly like I was. The only difference in their bindings is that Jonah had tied the two together on one side. They were sprawled out on their stomachs, one of each of their thighs tied together, and one of each of their elbows tied together. The guy on the left was a bit chubby, his fat plump hairy ass and legs on display. He pulled against his ropes and mumbled incoherent things into his gag. I had no idea what he was trying to say. The other guy right next to him was struggling too, he was way skinny, but toned, probably 140 lbs. As Jonah held me so I could get a good look at my fellow captives, I realized it was my suitemates, Max and Zeke.

Max was the guy on the left, I recognized the tattoo of our university mascot on his right shoulder blade. Zeke was tied up naked right next to him. Jonah unceremoniously dropped me on the bed and pushed me right up against Zeke, tying my left elbow and thigh to his left elbow and thigh. We were now together, tied in a naked chain of college boys.

Jonah stepped back and again admired his work. He even took his camera out and took a few pictures. I glanced over at my shocked friends' gagged faces, acknowledging that we were in for it.

"Looks like you boys got in a bit over your head," Jonah said, "That's OK though. I think we can help each other out."

Max fought hard in his ropes and cursed into his gag. Tied the way we were, Jonah could leave us here and we'd be going nowhere. He would have to untie us.

Jonah responded to Max's curses by spanking my his ass over and over until he was crying into his gag.

"That's better," Jonah said, "Now as I was saying. You boys love weed so much, I'm going to let you keep trying out my new strain. You see the stuff you've been smoking the past couple days is special. It's not for men like me. The phenotype has a special additive that allows it to access your submissive sides. It enhances those feelings and brings them to the surface. In effect, it makes you into permanent fag bitches. That's why it was so easy to talk you into this shit."

Now we were all cursing and fighting our bonds. A few more blows to all of our asses shut us up again. We sat their fuming as Jonah went on explaining the effects of what he called, `fag weed.'

"You see boys, fag weed has some other helpful side effects besides just making you submissive. As you can probably assume, all you bitches have particular things your subservient side craves. I already figured out your friend Nate here is an asseating dirty slut, and I'll figure out what makes the rest of your little cocklets drip soon enough," Jonah said in a truly domineering voice.

The realization that it was too late to turn back now was dawning on me, as was the fact that Jonah had just outed my service to him to my friends. I could barely look at them now, my ass stinging from the paddle and my face beat red from the humiliation.

"But for now faggots I got a special game for you," Jonah continued, "All of you are getting your little butt holes stretched by some butt plugs I bought from your drug money. By now you should be ready for my massive dick to open up the rest of your holes. So I'll make you sluts a deal. Each of you will get five minute turns with my big dick stuffed up your holes. After the five minutes I switch to the next whole. Winner gets to my load in their ass, the privilege of cleaning off the cum and all your combined ass juices off my cock, plus an extra bag of fag weed. Let's get started."

We all pulled on our ropes but still got nowhere. Jonah had tied us up too tightly and too well, and now he was going to use us like some human slut chain.

"Let's start with you Maxxy," Jonah laughed as Max mumbled into his gag that was also tightly taped in.

I laid their motionless, and listened to the loud moaning and groaning as Jonah used his lube glazed fingers to fish out the butt plug that was also in Max's ass.

"Damn chubby cheeks," Jonah said, "You're faggot ass didn't wanna let that plug go. I hope it grips my dick just as well."

Zeke and I listened closely as Jonah slowly shoved his fat cockhead into Max's asshole. Max pleaded and begged into his gag but it was no use. Soon Jonah was balls deep in him.

"Counter starts...NOW!" Jonah said as he hit the stopwatch on his phone and set it on Zeke's slender, tan back.

Jonah began slowly fucking Max in and out as Max wriggled and tried to get free to no avail. Once the five minutes were done, Jonah withdrew from Max's hole, leaving him breathing deep, relieved to not have to accommodate the huge dick anymore.

"Your turn Zekey boy," Jonah announced.

Zeke started trembling and pleading into his gag. His small frame wasn't exactly used to taking big cock. Jonah didn't care. He removed the butt plug and shoved his cock in and started the timer. After five minutes, he was just as much of a docile shell as Max was. Unluckily for me, Jonah had still not yet cum.

"Last but not least, my ass eating faggot, Nate," Jonah said laughing as he fingered my butt and removed the butt plug.

I braced myself for the inevitable. Soon I felt his cock pressing firmly against my hole. It pressed harder and harder, like it was drilling into me. After some force, it squeezed in and felt like it was splitting me in two. More and more of the dick entered my body until I felt his big bull balls resting on my ass.

"Ready boy? NOW!" Jonah said as he began fucking.

Jonah did not cum in my first five minutes either. Nor did he cum the second round or the third. He kept taking pictures of us tied up with his dick buried in our asses. On the fourth round of Zeke, I could tell by Jonah's breathing and moaning he was getting close.

The five minutes buzzed, and soon Jonah's dick was buried in my ass. I tried my best to get him off by squeezing my ass on his dick. It rammed in and out and in and out, but after the five minutes, Jonah again withdrew. As he pulled out his dick and prepared to fuck Max, he slapped me on the side of the face to further show how much power he had over us.

About two minutes into Max, Jonah started moaning loud. He picked up the pace. Max was squeeling like a pig in heat and Jonah was really getting into it.

"Ooooh fuck! OOOoh fuck!" Jonah yelled out, "I'm cummmmminnnnng!"

Jonah buried his dick deep into my buddy Max's ass as he filled the boy's anal cavity with thick hot cum. Max's face was a mix of pleasure and humiliation. Not one to waste a perfect moment, Jonah snapped a picture of it before he withdrew his dick and started unwrapping the tape on Max's face. Once the last bit was free, taking with it some of Max's thick black curly hair, Max spit out the gag.

"Fuck you man! I ain't doing anything else you mother fuc..." Max yelled out.

He was interrupted by Jonah shoving his fat dick into his mouth, effectively silencing and gagging him.

"Clean it Maxxy," Jonah ordered, snapping a picture of Max gagging on his dick, "I've got all the evidence I need to send to your buddies at what a faggot you are. I could post this shit on the internet, in your dorms, fuck even in the lecture halls. So be a good little slut and lick up your Master's cum."

Once Max had obediently cleaned off Jonah's dick of his cum and all of our combined asses. He thanked Jonah and was instantly regagged.

"Got a little present for you boys," Jonah announced brining over a tablet and sitting on the bed in front of us where we could all see his superior, masculine form.

Jonah flipped the screen on and opened up an internet browser. He went to what looked like some weird dating website, but specifically for gay guys. He scrolled through and we all had profile on there that he had set up. Max, Zeke and I stared in horror as he went through all of the stuff we were willing to do for a generous party. Our profiles were filled with pictures of our naked bodies gagging on dick or getting it buried into our asses (he uploaded photos as he showed us).

Jonah controlled the passwords for our accounts and he said if we wanted them down we would have to serve him and follow his orders exactly.

To be continued?

Thanks for reading. If you have any comments please let me know. I'd like to continue on the story. Also if you want check out my tumblr at

Next: Chapter 3

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