Jonah and the Aussie

By Author Jonah

Published on Dec 29, 2007


This is my first attempt at an erotic story so I hope it goes ok. So yeah... blab la bla, if you are under 18 don't read this, it a story about two guys having sex so if offends you go somewhere else. If you have any comments or feedback about this story I would love to hear it. Feel free to contact me at if I get no feedback I will know that it sucks and wont write anymore.

A few months ago I took an amazing trip to Australia through my college; the choir I was in went on a performance tour there. Now, I know I am gay, I am sure a few of my close friends know too but I still am not comfortable with it yet so I am still in the closet. I will be honest too... I never had been with a guy because of the guilt and the shame I felt about being gay, but I guess you can't fight what god makes you.

Just a bit about myself... my name is Jonah, I am 6'2" and 182 lbs. I don't have a six pac or anything but I am still kind of athletic... I work out and run a couple miles a few times a week. I have short brown hair and green eyes which I get lots of compliments on from the girls that like me, yet can't understand why I am not really into them. I don't really like to drink but I will occasionally with friends... this was one of those occasions.

The way my school setup the tour is we were staying in dorms at a college in Sydney; it was just like living on campus at home with Resident Assistants and dinning hall food. From the school we were shuttled in a bus for the performances and events our director had planed, but the third night there we had a performance planned for the school that was letting us stay for some of the faculty and students. After the concert me and some of my friends decided to go to the pub on campus, who would have thought they would have a bar in the dorm area? Like I said before I don't drink, I can't stand the taste of Alcohol so when I do drink I like shots... they are fast and easy to take and get the job done quickly. After a few rounds of goldshlager shots that all of my friends bought me because they love to see me drunk I was a little tipsy and all that guilt kind of slipped away.

Some of the students from the school and the RAs showed up to the pub to drink with us and congratulate us on the concert including the RA that was in the room next door to me, Calub. I had noticed him the night we arrived (he did help me put my bags in my room after all) but didn't really think about it since after traveling for a day you just don't care about checking people out. But seeing him here in my slightly inebriated state I began to notice how hot he was. Calub was about 6' tall and had an awesome body; you could tell he worked out a lot from the definition in his arms and chest since he was wearing a wife beater. He had strait brown hair that was just a bit longer then mine and styled in a hot shaggy way. His hair framed his smooth beautiful tanned face and his amazing blue eyes. To top it all off he had the sexiest accent, which was totally common being in Australia and all but it was still a big turn on. After a while of my friends talking to him and some of the other students (and me starring at this sexy Aussie stud when I thought no one was looking) I was getting a bit bored and was ready to go back to my room, so like my normal antisocial self I got quiet and reserved. One of my friends took note of it and asked if I was feeling ok and if I needed to go to sleep, why is it that after 4 shots people think you are going to be sick or something? After telling my friends that I was getting tired and was going to go back to my room they decided that one should walk back with me to make sure I was all right. It made no sense to me since the bar was IN the dorms basement and it was just an elevator and a few hallways to my room. so even though it made no sense to me I wasn't going to turn my friends down because I knew that they were doing it because they care about me... that is when Calub stepped in.

"It's pretty obvious that you guys want to stay and drink a bit longer so why don't I walk him back. He is next door to me anyway right?" I nodded knowing he was next to me and was kind of flattered that he remembered. "So yeah, no worries boys, I will take him back. It is kind of my job anyway, and I need to get to bed myself." So I said good night to my friends and took off with Calub.

In the elevator back up to our floor I stood behind him, I couldn't help but notice how well his jeans fit his beautiful ass and legs and I started to stair again. What I was too tipsy to realize was all the mirrors in the elevator... he clearly saw my eyes glued to his body and glanced back at me and gave me a little laugh and smile. I gave him my best attempt at a nonchalant "I swear I wasn't starring at your" smile which just made him laugh a bit more.

"So how d'ya like your trip so far?" he asked as we walked down the hallway.

"It's been great, this place is beautiful. I can't believe how clean it is here, and the people are really nice."

He starts to laugh at my reply. "Ya know, its funny how many people say how clean it is here. Almost every kid that comes through here says the same thing." He flashed his perfect smile after that. How are his teeth so white I wonder? (Don't you think about the dumbest stuff when you are intoxicated?) "So where are you mates heading tomorrow? Have something planned for the morning?"

"We are just doing some sight seeing at around 11 so I will get to sleep in" I smile "It will be nice to get a morning to sleep in... we have had to be ready to go by 8 the past few mornings."

"Sight seeing, eh? You know I think I have one of those tourist maps in my room. Do you want it?" He asks as we arrive at my door.

"Yeah, that would be great. Want me to come and knock on your door in the morning to get it?"

"Not if you are going to be getting up past 10, I won't be here. How about you come get it now?" I nod in agreement and we walk down one more door to his room.

He opens the door and we both walk in. "Now where did I put it?" He walks in and starts to look around. He has a typical guy's dorm room... kind of plain and kind of messy, very comfortable. After looking on his desk he walks around me and starts to take off his shirt. His back is smooth and well defined, and after he throws his shirt on his laundry pile he turns around letting me see his well defined abs. What can I do but stair at him as he scratches his head and continues to look? "I wonder where I put that thing."

Watching him searching his room half naked is starting to give me an erection; I need to get out of there before he notices. "Its ok, I can just buy one I guess. Thanks for offering though, Calub. Guess I will be getting to bed now." I start to walk to the door.

He stands in front of me and leans against the door and puts his hand on his head like he is concentrating. "Oh wait, you know what... It must have slipped my mind that I gave it to one of your group mates already." He looks up and me with a sly smile. "Or maybe I did remember and just wanted to get you into my room."

"What?" I look into his eyes.

"Come on, Jonah. I saw you starring at me, and you haven't been able to look away from me since I took my shirt off which was all the conformation I needed."

So busted. "Uhh sorry, I didn't mean to... I mean... was it that obvious?" I must have been red at that point.

"No worries man, its ok." Why is his voice so sexy? "Ya' see... I have been looking at you since you got here." Without warning he steps into me and pulls my face to his and starts to kiss me.

I push him away. "I can't do this; I have never been with a guy before."

He pulls me back into him and starts to kiss me again. "If you think that is going to stop us mate you must be crazy." He laughs and continues to kiss me. He starts to slowly open his mouth and let his tongue tap my lips waiting for them to open, and as soon as they do his tong darts into my mouth to start to play with mine. It was the most satisfying kiss I had ever had in my life. He raps his arms around me as we kiss and I do the same to him, feeling his tight back up and down, his skin is so smooth and warm to my touch.

He pauses for a sec and I must look dumbfounded because he starts to laugh at me a he continues to embrace me. "Jonah? You aren't drunk are you?"

"No, not really"

"Good, I want you to really want this as much as I want you." He starts to kiss me again and all I can think about is how amazing this guy is.

He pulls his face away from mine and grabs my head and starts to direct my face down his body. He pulls my mouth down to his chest and I more then happy to lick his nipples. His body tastes amazing as I lick his chest and suck both of his nipples in my mouth one by one and play with them with my tongue. "That feels so good, keep going mate" he says as he starts to undo his jeans.

I start to lick down his stomach and kiss everyone of his abs as I fall to my knees in front of this amazing Aussie stud. He lets his pants slide down and there was the first cock I had ever seen up close besides my own in all of my 20 years. It was amazing, he was already hard and it was pointing right at me. It must have been about 7 inches and about as thick as a cucumber, I was surprised that he was circumcised but I guess that was just my American ignorance of other people's culture. "What do you think mate?"

"Its beautiful" I look up into his eyes to be greeted by his warm smile. "But I might be really bad at this; I have never done it before."

"Its ok babe, with those sexy lips of yours I am sure it will be amazing." That last compliment was all I needed; I opened my mouth and licked the head of his cock like a lolly pop. "Yeah mate, taste my cock. Just suck on it like you would want your own cock sucked."

I start to lick his shaft up and down getting it all wet with my constant supply of saliva since I was salivating so much at that point. His cock smelled so great and musky as I played with it with my tongue. I started to fondle his balls and such each one into my mouth as I gently massaged his cock with my right hand. "You are a natural at this babe.' He started to laugh a bit as I smiled back at him. I licked my way back up his rock hard shaft and put my lips around the head of his cock. I slowly start to suck him in and out of my mouth letting him feel the warm wet walls of my mouth around his cock and the soft roughness of my tongue on the under side of his shaft. "That's it, make me cum babe. Do you want to taste my cum?"

"I would love to" I reply as I let his cock slide out of my mouth.

"You look so hot sucking on my hard cock." I let his cock slide back in my mouth and it hit the back of my throat as I hum in pleasure at the taste of it. He must have loved it because he started to moan a bit, but then he had a knock on the door.

"Oh shite!" He exclaimed as he jumped, "holds on a sec" he helped me to my feet and sat on his bed as he pulled his pants back up. He walked over to the door and opened it up a bit to peek out of it as he rubbed his eyes, I guess to make it look like he was tired. "Hey Mark, what's up?" mark is the name of the other RA for this floor.

"Hey mate, did you still want to go to grab breakfast in the morning before the meeting?" yeah that was Marks voice.

"No thanks, I am really tired and might sleep in... I might meet you there though if I do go so save me a seat."

"No worries mate, have a good night."

"You too, man... catch you later"

He looked back at me sitting on his bed and almost looked angry for a second when he saw me. "What the hell man, why are your clothes still on?" He gave me his wicked grin again ad I tore my shirt off me as fast as I could before he got to the bed. I started to undo my pants and he let his fall t the floor again and he stepped out of them. Then he pushed me on the bed and started to pull my pants off me. "Nice mate" he said as he looked down at my now raging 7.5 inch cock. "You look even better with your clothes off" he dropped my pants on top of his and crawled over me to start kissing me again. I loved his warm body pressed against mine.

After a bit more kissing he started to explore my body with his hands as I caressed is tan smooth back. As he kneeled above my body continuing his tongues assault on my mouth he started to rub his cock against mine. After letting his hands play with my chest and rub my stomach he propped him self up with one hand and broke our kiss, then he grabbed our dicks and started to rub them together. "How d'ya like that, babe?" he sighed

"It feels fucking amazing" I cried as I reveled in the feeling of my cock rubbing up against the silky smooth skin of his as he jacked us off. I let my hands slide down his defined back and rest on his tight ass cheeks. I was like a kid with a new toy feeling his ass up and driven by my lust for him I let my hands start to pry his ass cheeks open and explore a little more. I stop abruptly as I notice him starring down at me, "do you mind if I. . ."

"Yeah, go ahead mate" he smiled back at me. I pulled my right hand back and sucked on it for a second to get it wet, don't ask me why I did that... to much porn I guess, then brought it back to his ass and started to probe his asshole. It was tight and hot and he started to moan as my finger explored deeper. His body collapsed on mine and he started to kiss me again as he continued to grind himself against me which I used as a queue to start grabbing his ass to pull him harder into me with my finger still inside of him.

I don't know what came over me then... I pushed him up and off of me so he was on his back laying on the bed and laid on top of him. I pulled his right leg up and around me and my cock found the crack of his ass. I couldn't really look decipher the look on his face so I hesitated. "I'm sorry, do you mind?"

"Knock yourself out mate. For someone so inexperienced you sure know what you want." He laughed and I couldn't help but smile back at the beautiful guy below me. He reached down and grabbed my cock and directed it at his hole. "Here, I will help you." Then he grabbed my ass and started to slowly pull me into him. I started to breath heavy from the amazing pressure around my cock... the feel of his anal ring contracting around me and the soft warm walls of his ass were the most amazing sensation I ever had felt (this night got better and better). By the time I was balls deep in his ass I was sweating and after two thrusts I was already about to cum. I paused for a moment and he noticed my hesitation, "Its ok babe, cum in my arse. Fill me up stud. You feel so good inside me." Hearing him talk dirty to me in his sexy accent was too much for me... I pulled my cock out so just the head was in his ass and did a hard thrust all the way back in and shot my load in him. I felt kind of silly because I had came so fast but he pulled me down on him and started to kiss me again as my last spurts filled him and the cum dripped out of his ass and down my balls.

As I started to get soft in his ass I smiled down at him, "thank you baby, that was amazing." His hands slid down to my soft ass.

"We aren't done yet stud, I want a go on this sexy arse of yours." He said as he started to massage my ass cheeks. "D'ya mind mate?" a ping of nervousness spread across my eyes. "I promise to go easy on you and you'll love it." He flashed that smile again and I couldn't say no, and to be honest I wanted it more then words.

I nodded and his face lit up before he kissed me again, god he was beautiful. He slid out from under me so I was on the bed on my stomach then he laid his long frame over mine so his cock was lying right on my ass cheeks. Are you ready for this, Jonah? Ready to get my hot cock shoved up your tight virgin arse?"

"Yeah baby, I have waited so long for this."

"Tell me how much you want this cock, babe."

"More then anything, baby. Please Calub... fuck me, take my virgin ass and make it yours." I pant as I feel my cock getting hard again under me.

He licks the back of my ear, "I want you so bad." I hear him start to spit in his hand behind me, then his fingers slide down my back to rub the saliva on his rock hard dick. He reaches down and starts to spread my cheeks open to reveal my tight virgin hole as he sits up. "How about you get up on your hands and knees?"

I move my body up so I am on my knees in a doggy style position as he rubs my back down. "Damn babe, you are so sexy. Do me a favor and hold your breath and try to relax... and breathe out when I start to make my way in you." I do as he asks and prepare myself for the ride mentally by thinking how good people say it is. As his cock starts to squeeze in my hole I breathe out slowly. "That's it, babe. You feel so good. Take all my cock in your arse... I am going to cum deep inside you just like you did to me. Your cock felt great in my arse but its nothing compared to the feeling of your tight hole around mine." I was so into what he was saying and his sexy accent I didn't even notice that he had slid his entire cock in me, I mean... it burned a bit, but I didn't care; I was so into him. He bent over to kiss and lick my back as I came accustomed to his hard cock inside me.

"Oh god, Calub, that feels so good." I moaned out as I bit my lip.

"It gets better, mate" he pulled his cock all the way out and slid it all the way back in balls deep. It sent a wave of pleasure up my spine and my body shook a bit as he hit my prostate and I started to moan. "I told you babe" he chuckled. He continued to pull all the way out and slide back in so his balls taped my own until I started to slide myself back into him. "Oh, I see you're getting into it now, eh? I knew you would love my cock in you."

"Yeah, I love it" I managed to pant out between moans. "Fuck me hard baby, your cock feels so good."

He laughed a bit as he began to thrust harder, "I bet it does sexy, but it can't feel as good as your tight hot arse." As we both got more into it he started fucking me harder mixing short and long strokes of his cock. He had had both hands on my waist this entire time but then he started to bend low over me and reach around and jerk my dick as he fucked me. I my head was swimming from the ecstasy he was giving me... between his cock pumping in and out of me and his hand pulling at my rock hard shaft in contrast to his hips I didn't think I could stand much more. He began to grunt as he thrust in me and I moaned as I rocked my hips back and forth.

"I want you to cum again for me babe. Shoot your hot cum, and you are going to get mine. Don't you want my cum filling your arse, mate?" he asked as he fucked me hard and wildly.

"Please baby... cum in me." I panted as my body started to convulse again. I started to moan a bit louder, "Oh fuck Calub, I am going to cum!" My body shook as I came in his hand, it was the best orgasm I had ever had in my life.

I heard him start to moan himself as my ass contracted and pulsed around his hard pole and he started to shoot his load in me just like I had done to him earlier. It was an odd feeling to have the viscous liquid seeping out of me around his pole but it felt great knowing that my ass made this stud orgasm. I fall on my side and he rolls me on my back and lays on top of me. "That was amazing, mate!" He pulled his hand up to his mouth that had a bit of my cum still on it and licked a bit off. "And for fucks sake you taste amazing! Do you want to try some?" At first I was a bit weirded out about tasting my own cum but I didn't care anymore so I opened my mouth. Instead of him letting me taste his fingers he started to kiss me again and let the flavor of my cum fresh on his tongue flicker against my own so I could get a taste of it. It wasn't that bad I guess, but that could have just been because it was from his mouth.

"So what now?" I ask. "Should I go back to my room or something?" I start to laugh.

"You are not heading anywhere, mate, except to sleep in my bed next to me." He kissed me on my forehead and got up and walked over to the door and flicked off the overhead light. Watching his ass as he walked away was only rivaled by watching his cock waging as he walked back over to me. "Get up a sec so I can pull the blankets down." I sat up and helped him pull the blankets down and slid into them with him. He slid his naked body up against mine and spooned me as I started to doze off.

"Jonah, before you fall asleep... I have a meeting in the morning, but I would love it if you were still here when I got back." I laughed. "I will take that as a yes." He kissed the back of my neck.

Next: Chapter 2

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