Jon and Eric

By Eric Tightjeans

Published on Dec 10, 2005



Jon and Eric

For Jon the best part about working at this grocery store was that Eric worked there too. He gazed with lust at Eric's Levi clad buns. They wiggled seductively when he pushed the hand truck.

Eric was moving the last few cases of canned vegetables from the quarterly delivery truck into the storeroom. Jon had told Eric that he needed a workout and volunteered for the heavy work of sorting and stacking the cases on the truck leaving Eric the lighter work of wheeling them to their assigned location in the storeroom. Jon's real reason was the sexual excitement he got watching Eric - especially his buns clad in faded blue denim (Eric only wore blue anything).

They had finished unloading the truck and Jon was horny from gazing at Eric. The next thing on his agenda was to be in his bedroom flat on his back on the bed. There, he would play with himself while he fantasized about petting with Eric till his boner shot its wad toward the ceiling. Jon was smiling in anticipation when Eric returned.

"I'm glad that's finished for another quarter."

"Yea! Me too!" Jon replied. "Let's lock up and head out."

"Here Jon, put this hand truck away and I'll close up the trailer."

When Jon returned he found Eric leaning against the closed storeroom door.

"Jon, what do you think about when you jack off?"

Jon was so surprised he was practically speechless.

"What do you mean?"

After a stupid response like that he wished he was speechless.

"You know. When you stroke your cock till it spits out hot wads of creamy juice and makes you feel like you never ever want to do or feel anything else. What do you think about when you do that?"

Jon's jaw dropped and his mouth hung open. Now he was speechless, but speechless with a boner growing in his jeans.

"I've wondered for quite a while now," Eric continued. "I think about lots of different things when I stroke mine, but lately I think about you. We're both wearing tight jeans. Only tight jeans. No shirts, no shoes or socks, not even any underwear. We wrestle, but never very long. As soon as we drop to the mat the wrestling holds turn into embraces. We hug, kiss, and press our crotches together. We grind our groins together dry humping till we both get boners."

"Then you back away and pull off my jeans. I lay on the mat and lean back resting my head against my rolled up Levi's. I put my hands behind my ears with my elbows out sideways. I pull up me feet, press their bottoms together and spread my knees sideways. I lay spread eagle on the bed completely exposed and vulnerable. My cock is hard, long and throbbing."

"You embrace it with your hand and stroke it! You gradually increase the rhythm till I am so close to the verge of coming that my whole body quivers! Then you stop! Your hand still holds my cock but you don't move it the least little tiny bit. I feel what seems like my cock filling with my cream. There are no other feelings anywhere in my body - only that wonderful preorgasmic thrill that overpowers all other sensations. I struggle to hold back coming and prolong this ecstasy! I succeed. My body stops quivering and the urgency to come fades as does the intensity of the pleasure."

"You stroke my cock again! This time you take my balls in your other hand and fondle them as well. You increase the rhythm and bring me back to the edge - this time much faster! You stop just before my point of no return! I feel more cream pumped into my cock! Engulfed a second time in preorgasmic ecstasy I barely hold back coming - this time the struggle is longer and more difficult! My cock's skin is stretched almost to the limit from the pressure of the built up jism. Each heartbeat stretches it a little more and pushes me closer to that ultimate pleasure. I arch my back pressing my urgent need into your hand. To my surprise my body stops quivering and the urgency to come recedes a little holding the intensity of the pleasure just below explosive!"

"When I ease my buns back down to the mat you stroke my cock and balls again. Your caresses are slow and so light you barely brush your fingers against me, but I am near the edge. My cock is bursting with ecstasy and engulfed with more jizz than it can hold! My body is tense as a bow string. I struggle with a doomed endeavor to delay orgasm and dwell in this heavenly ecstatic state of sexual stimulation indefinitely, but climax rushes forward. My legs, arms, torso all quiver! My pelvis thrusts and pumps uncontrollably! The safety valve pops in my boner and my cream bursts forth in a thrill that overpowers any other sensations in my entire body! I am completely overpowered by my orgasm. Pelvic thrusts drive my cock toward you synchronized with spurts of hot cream."


"Then another!"

"And yet a third!"

"In real time the whole orgasm spans but a few seconds. I exist in a slow motion. I feel the first volley of cum begin its journey behind my cock. I feel it excite every nerve as it speeds its way the length of my hard on. I feel it titillate the most sensitive nerve of all at the end! I see my cock thrust upward giving it a little extra boost as it bursts into the light of day. I watch it soar through the air and splatter on your chest!"

"Then the second volley begins its journey. Again I feel It titillate every nerve - especially the super nerve at the end! Again I see my cock thrust upward and again I see hot white cream arc and join the first wave on your chest!"

"Finally the third volley begins its journey. Like the two before it titillates every nerve as my pelvic thrust boosts it toward your chest, but strength is waning and it only makes it to your stomach!"

"I collapse, completely spent! In a few seconds that seem like minutes in my slowed time I return to earth from the intense pleasure of sexual orgasm. You're still holding my balls and softening cock. We're smiling and we burst into laughter."

"That's what I've been thinking about lately when I beat off." Eric finished. "What do you think about?"

Jon was surprised to say the least. Eric's fantasy appealed to him. In fact he would certainly like to help it come true. But he had never had the slightest clue that Eric thought of him in any sexual way. In fact outside of work he didn't even think that Eric cared that he existed.

"You really imagine it's me pulling you off when you do it!" Jon exclaimed in surprise..

"Sure! Since you started working here you've been watching me with bedroom eyes. You avert them when I look at you, but not quickly enough. I paid closer attention and decided to my satisfaction that it wasn't my imagination. I made up different scenarios of what it would be like to have you make me come. I liked the one I told you about so much that it has become my favorite fantasy."

"Now answer my question Jon." Eric persisted. "What do you think about when you do it? I really want to know."


"Jeans?" Eric said.

"Yea, Jeans." Jon said. "But there's more to it than that. I really like the way certain brands of jeans fit me - Wrangler's and Levi's. The way they feel on my crotch, butt and thighs warms my groin. Just pulling them on in the morning will make my cock swell. A boner is guaranteed if I put them on still warm right out of the dryer. Wearing Wrangler's or Levi's jeans is like petting my cock. I get the pleasure and don't have to worry about being discovered in public. In fact my parents unknowingly encourage it They want me to wear them so I won't wear out my dress slacks. They think they are instilling good habits in me. I guess they are. At least I really enjoy it!"

"Looking at other guys wearing jeans affects me the same way - especially old jeans that are faded and soft. Blue jeans excite me the most, but black jeans are pretty sexy too. That's what I'm looking at when I look at you with `bedroom eyes' - your crotch, butt and thighs in those tight Levi's you wear. The ones you're wearing today are the sexiest. They're old and you've had them long enough that you've grown and they're a pretty tight. They've shaped themselves to your sexy buns. They're faded to the light blue of soft cotton. I always want to rub my cock on jeans that have faded like that. I've had a boner off and on all afternoon watching you."

"That's what I think about when I jack off. Jeans - especially old, soft, tight faded blue jeans. Sometimes I use an old soft pair to stroke myself with to intensify the pleasure. I remember how sexy they make me feel. I create visions of other guys wearing these sexy jeans and how their cock must be all warm and hard and swollen with come from the soft faded cotton rubbing their crotch, butt and thighs."

"When I get to my bedroom this afternoon I'll be thinking about your ass in those tight faded Levi's while I stroke my boner to ecstasy. I'll also imagine myself rubbing my hard on against your Levi clad butt. When I come my fantasy will have you come too in those sexiest of all pants anybody ever invented."

"That's what I think about. Jeans! And what a turn on they are for me!" Jon finished.

Eric moved close to Jon. Their thighs touched. He put Jon's hand on his thigh and then moved his hand to Jon's.

"We could do something here so you don't have to wait till you get home to your bedroom."

Eric was petting the inside of Jon's thigh, each stroke closer to his crotch.

Jon caressed Eric's leg. He felt the soft faded cotton Levi's, warm from Eric's body heat. His cock finished swelling to a full fledged hard on. It throbbed with pleasure at each rapid heartbeat and stretched his jeans more than it ever had before.

Eric's hand brushed against the hot swollen bulge in Jon's crotch. Jon's whole body convulsed. A long involuntary sigh escaped his lips.

"Let's bring your fantasy to reality," Eric whispered. He slid his fingers gently along his boner - no longer the least bit concealed by his jeans. "What a great cock."

Except for his boner, Jon's whole body went limp. Barely audible between continued moans of sexual pleasure, "Yes! Now!" he sighed.

Eric removed Jon's clothes and positioned him face up on the floor. Facing Jon's crotch he straddled his chest, knees astride his waist. He lowered his butt to rest lightly on Jon's chin and stroked his abdomen in circular motions. Each circular caress brought the tips of his fingers closer to Jon's crotch till his probing fingers were entwined in pubic hair.

"My cock is all warm and hard and swollen in these tight soft old faded blue jeans. I really feel sexy. My ass will brush tight faded Levi's on your face while I stroke your boner to ecstasy. Play with my Levi clad butt, crotch and thighs! Intensify the pleasures I'm about to bring to your cock."

Jon moaned louder, grabbed Eric's thighs and pulled his butt into his face. He rubbed his cheeks on the warm soft denim. He ran his hands along Eric's thighs and kissed his butt.

Jon's hot, and purple boner pointed straight at Eric's face. Eric caressed it! He gradually increased the stroking rhythm till Jon was so close to the verge of coming that his whole body quivered! Eric stopped! His hand still held his cock but he didn't move it the least little tiny bit.

Jon's kisses became love bites. He nibbled and sucked at Eric's sexy buns.

"Your boner is really hot and hard! It turns me on. My cock is swelling in my soft tight sexy jeans. The harder it gets, the better it feels!"

"Don't stop now!" Jon's dug his fingers into Eric's thighs. "Don't torture me like this! Make me come!"

Quivering, Jon pressed his face against Eric's sexy buns. Not moving a single muscle of his own, Eric held Jon as still as he could till his body relaxed and the urgency to come faded. Eric resumed stroking his cock!

Again Jon kissed, nibbled and sucked Eric's butt. He stroked the outside of Eric's thighs, then the front, and finally the inside. He found Eric's boner pressed against his jeans. He stroked it gently and rubbed his face on Eric's butt.

It didn't take as long this time to stroke Jon to the verge of orgasm!

"Jon, you're fingers caressing my boner is giving me a taste of what you're feeling. I'm really getting horny. My cock may burst the seams of these jeans."

Eric stopped again!

"No!" Jon begged arching his back and pressing his hard on into Eric's hands.

He released Eric's swollen cock, gripped his hips, and pressed his face into Eric's soft Levi's.

"Don't torture me! I'm going to explode! Make me shoot my load now!"

It took longer this time, but Jon's body stopped quivering. The urgency to come persisted but eased slightly. He eased his grip on Eric's legs, bit his buns and moaned in ecstasy.

Very slowly, Eric resumed caressing Jon's boner. His cock, engulfed with cream, verged on exploding! Jon hovered on the edge of orgasm.

"It's ready now," Eric said. "It's all nice and swollen with hot white spunk."

While he stroked Jon's hard on slowly up and down he slipped his other hand behind Jon's balls and caressed the magic spot.

"You can come now! You can come now! You can come now!" Eric whispered in time with each stroke of Jon's cock.

Jon clung to Eric's legs and frantically rubbed his face in his buns. The soft warm faded denim added to his pleasure!

"I'm coming!" Jon gasped. "I'm coming. Jack me Eric! Pull my cock and me with it to heaven! Oh God! It feels so good! Keep stroking! Keep stro..."

Jon shook violently! His pelvis thrust uncontrollably! He felt the pumping behind his cock. His cream burst forth leaving behind a thrill that overpowered every other sensation in his entire body! He felt it stimulate every nerve as it propelled its way the length of his hard on. When it reached the tip his cock thrust upward giving it a little extra boost as it spurt into the air. It soared through an arc, glanced off Eric's arm and bombed his own chest.

The pumping continued and a second load ripped through Jon's boner. It especially titillated the super nerve at the end! Again Jon's cock thrust upward and again Jon's beautiful white cream soared through an arc to his chest! Except for his cock, Jon went completely limp and collapsed under Eric, his body completely relaxed. So intense was the stimulation that Jon's only reality was the orgasmic pleasure of the engorged tip of his cock.

Too soon for Jon's liking, his orgasmic pleasure faded and he gradually regained consciousness. Eric had remained kneeling straddling Jon's chest. Eric's voice penetrated his trance.

"I got so hot pulling you off I almost came. Now my cock is harder than ever! It's begging for attention!"

Jon caressed Eric's thighs through the soft warm denim. Eric guided Jon's hand, petting all the while, to the inside of his legs. Approaching Eric's crotch there was no missing a boner that throbbed in rhythm with his pulse and pressed against his tight Levi's making a clear outline of its contours. Struggling to open his fly with one hand, Jon used the other to caress this gorgeous hard on through the faded Levi's. He spread Eric's fly open in small increments as he unfastened each button individually. From what Eric had told him earlier, Jon wasn't surprised to find no underpants. Between buttons Jon petted Eric's naked pubic skin. Releasing the last button, Jon pealed Eric's Levi's wide open. His throbbing boner sprang free. It pointed up at an angle and twitched with each heartbeat.

Jon's heart raced with Eric's. He could only see the butt of Eric's loosened Levi's. He could only picture Eric's boner by touch. He probed to its root amidst a forest of pubic hair. Its top was smooth and hard. It curved gracefully to two pronounced ridges running its length along its underside. Between these ridges was a slight depression forming a groove, and in this groove Jon felt Eric's seminal canal. Jon's fingers followed this canal - the source of pleasure that could move a guy to do almost anything - to Eric's glans. With the first two fingers of each of his hands he caressed the ridge that separated the shaft from the head. His index finger found a drop of warm precum seeping from Eric's slit. He spread this slippery lubricant around Eric's glans then encircled the shaft and began stroking.

Eric took Jon's hands and repositioned them so that the tips only of his fingers pressed lightly against his iron cock. He moved them slowly the length of his shaft. Jon freed his hands from Eric's, and continued to gently caress the length of his boner. It danced with his pulse, got hotter and harder, and kept reaching for the sky.

Eric grasped Jon's wrists and held them immobile. He tensed every muscle in his body. Both boys were motionless as statues - well almost motionless. For a while Eric's hot boner danced in Jon's immobilized hands.

When the dancing stopped, Eric released his grip.

"I almost shot my wad just then but I wasn't quite ready. I'm loaded now though and ready to fire. Pull the trigger Jon."

Jon slid his hand along the bottom, slowly the full length from pubic hair to glans, then back. He barely made skin contact, hardly any pressure. He created just enough friction to know there was contact and only on the groove carrying the seminal canal. Slowly back and forth the length of the shaft coaxing it, not forcing it. It came to life on Jon's fingers. Little thrusts, not from the hips but from the cock alone. Jon synchronized his caresses to Eric's thrusts. He sensed the frequency and intensity increase and concentrated his caresses at the tip. He felt the canal swell and the rise in temperature. He sensed Eric's boner was deep purple and past the point of return.

Eric moaned with pleasure, his pelvis thrust uncontrollably and then collapsed. Eric's buns pressed into Jon's face and hot spunk bombed Jon's cock. By the time Eric's second and third spurt of jism landed on Jon's chest he was busy sucking and biting Eric's buns. When Eric returned from ecstasy he had hickeys on his cheeks that would cause him to sit carefully tonight if not for a day or two.

Eric grabbed some paper towel to wipe their loads of spunk from Jon's cock and chest.

"Use my underpants!" Jon said. "They're softer! Besides, I won't be needing them."

"Why is that?"

"I'm going to be like you and not wear any."

When he reached for Jon's briefs, he tripped over his opened Levi's which had slipped down his legs. He was literally caught with his pants down. The thought struck him funny and he began to laugh. The laughter was contagious and soon both of them laughed so hard they trembled. Lying on the floor and amidst the laughter, Eric sniffed the briefs.

"They already have a hint of essence of spunk." He tossed the briefs back to Jon for mop up duty and collapsed again into laughter.

Between fits of laughter, Jon got most of their jism transferred from his crotch and chest onto his briefs. They both cinched their Levi's back up around their waists.

"Jon, that was indescribable!"

"Yea, Eric. I'd been fantasizing about it for months. The real thing was better than the fantasy. We can't do this just once though and walk our separate ways as if nothing ever happened."

"Don't worry." Eric said. " We'll keep each other taken care of. Two things you should know though if you really plan on not wearing underpants. You'll get more boners - at least for a while."

"Sounds pretty good to me!" Jon said.

"You'll get them while you're out in public and they will show through your jeans. Nobody ever said anything to me about it though, even when I saw them looking at my crotch."

"What's the other thing?" Jon asked. "You said two things."

"Your mom will notice there are no dirty underpants in the wash and ask you about it. What I do is wear them in bed at night instead of pajamas. Mom gets underwear in the laundry she can tell has been worn and I get the pleasure of my cock hanging free in my Levi's and lots of hot boners when it rubs against them when I walk or move. It's kind of like someone with you all the time petting your cock."

"That's for me! But what do we do with these?" Jon said holding up his briefs holding pools of fresh spunk. "I can't take them home like this."

"Stick them over here in the back underneath the desk for now and lets go. Next week when they're dry, you can take them home. Rinse out the dried spunk, let them dry overnight in your bedroom, and toss them in the laundry. You're mom will never know.

"Speaking of mom's, mine will be on my case if I don't get home soon. She's got some jobs lined up for me this weekend and if I don't do them today I'll have to stay home tomorrow and I've got other plans. I'm going to make seventy five dollars having fun. You can too if you want. In fact it's possible we could make a fast hundred bucks each!"

"How?" Jon asked as they pulled the door closed behind them and left the store.

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