Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 14, 2002


Boybands - Joint Affairs - Chapter 8 Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

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Joint Affairs - Chapter 8

by JT Poole

  • Tour Bus 1 (Day 3) *

"I am so glad that we got back together. I didn't know what I was going to do without you." Justin stated.

"I am glad too, I just thought my world was going to end, I missed you so much baby." Kevin stated.

"I promise I will do the best I can to keep us together and happy." Justin stated.

"Well, I know what would make me happy right now." Kevin stated looking at Justin with an evil grin.

"What would make you happy right now? I bet I can figure it out, but I would rather you tell me." Justin stated.

"I would want me and you to goto the bunks and take a nap, if you know what I mean." Kevin stated as he leaned in and kissed Justin on the lips passionately.

"I would very much like to do that to make my baby happy." Justin stated getting up off the sofa, pulling Kevin up with him.

Kevin and Justin walked down to the bunks. The pulled the curtain back to the bunk that was designated as theirs and preceded to enter it. The two men laid on the bed and started to kiss again. Not caring about the other guys on the bus, the two men let the world around them disappear and got lost in each others arms. They continued to kiss until both of them had drifted off to sleep.

  • Tour Bus 2 *

"Nick, do you want me to go talk to him? If what he says is true, I don't think you would understand what he is feeling right now." Brian stated.

"No, I will go talk to him, I am shocked, Hell I am surprised at this. Why didn't he tell me?" Nick walked away angry about the revelation he just learned of.

"Wow, more drama and we just started today. Damn, it didn't take long." Howie stated.

"Wonder why he kept that a secret from Nick, I thought they shared everything." Brian stated.

"Well I guess not everything. No wonder Aaron got quiet whenever I teased him about girls." Howie stated.

"Well you should know better than to tease him anyway. He's a young man, he shouldn't have to be teased about something like that this young." JC stated.

"Oh come on, wasn't like I was making jokes about him or anything. I just use to bug him about not going out on dates and I use to try to set him up with my friend's daughters and stuff like that." Howie stated.

"That's just as bad, I can just wonder what's going through his mind. He has a straight brother and straight friends that are constantly talking about pussy with the exception of me." Brian stated.

  • In Aaron's Bunk *

"Come on bro, talk to me please. Why didn't you tell me about this?" Nick asked.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you would react. I didn't want you to hate me because of it. I am gay and I am in love with a guy. I love him and well, I just can't control it anymore. I have been trying for days to control my feelings, but my emotions are getting out of wack." Aaron stated.

"Bro, I would never hate you, I will always love you, you are my brother. I may not agree with it, but I will support you, the same way I support Brian. I didn't stop liking him when he told me he was gay now did I?" Nick asked Aaron as he rubbed his back.

"Well no, but i am different, I am your brother. You work with Brian, you have to get along with him. After seeing some of the things that happened to some of my friends, I got scared. I didn't want you or mom to disown me because of this. Now that I am on this tour with you, I am away from him and I well, I miss him." Aaron stated as he started to cry.

"Well bro, why don't you call him and talk to him. Since you have gotten your feelings out in the open about him, you can talk to him freely around us now." Nick stated patting Aaron on the back and getting up.

"He's going to be mad at me, he wanted me to tell you guys this morning at home before we left, but I didn't have the nerve to tell you He was so upset, he wouldn't even kiss me goodbye." Aaron stated still crying.

"This morning, when did you leave, I didn't know you went anywhere." Nick stated.

"I didn't go anywhere this morning, he was at the house this morning, he spent the night. That's why I was so upset this morning when you called me to breakfast." Aaron stated.

"WHAT!!!! He was at the house? Oh yeah, mom's going to freak if she finds out that you had a guy over at the house and you are already sleeping with him." Nick stated with a frown.

"Bro just call mom and tell her what you're going through and believe me she will understand." Nick stated leaving Aaron alone in his bunk.

  • Bus 2 Lounge *

"Umm that was so nice, I am starting to enjoy this more and more by the minute. I hope we are able to do this forever." Brian stated kissing JC.

"Yeah, I like it too. I wish we had gotten together earlier. I have been lonely for so long. I had almost forgotten what it was like to have someone love me." JC stated as he had tears in his eyes.

"Come on now, don't cry, this is suppose to be a happy moment. JC we don't need that in out relationship. As long as we are together, I want you to always be happy." Brian stated kissing JC, making him smile again.

"I am sorry Brian, I didn't mean to get so emotional. I am happy, I guess I needed to let that out. I am glad we are together, I will make sure I do everything in my will to keep us happy too." JC stated hugging Brian.

"You two are so mushy. Get over it please. We have an hour to go before we get to Atlanta, and I don't want to arrive sick." Howie laughed.

"Oh shut up, you are just made you don't have no one in your life to be mushy with." Brian stated.

"Hey Lance, are you rested enough? You have been sleeping since we left Orlando." JC asked.

"I am okay JC, I just needed some rest. But I feel better now, I am going to get me a snack and call my mother." Lance stated as he walked out of the lounge and picked up his cell phone from his backpack.

  • Tour Bus 3 *

"What's wrong with you? You have been sulking since we left." Celia stated walking up to Benjamin.

"Nothings wrong with me, I am just having a bad day. Once I get some rest after we arrive, I will feel better." Benjamin stated getting up to grab a cup of coffee.

"Benjamin, would it be that you are missing someone? I heard that you have a small crush on someone on this very tour." Celia stated.

"Who told you that, it's not true." Benjamin stated.

"Do look on your face told me you did. Who is it that you want to hook up with?" Celia stated.

"How did you guess that I was gay? I didn't tell anyone." Benjamin stated.

"Well I am a woman, and a woman knows stuff like that, and I saw the way you have been starring at Nick and Joey since we started." Celia stated.

"Well I kinda have a crush on both of them, but I have a bigger crush on Joey. I wish I knew if he was gay. I would like to get to know him better and be his boyfriend." Benjamin stated.

"Well you are just in luck, I happened to have an inside source to find out if he is our not. Just give me a couple of minutes and I can give you an answer." Celia stated.

"No, don't do that, I would rather find out on my own. If you call him and ask him, that would really be embarrassing to him and to me." Benjamin stated.

"Who said I was calling him. I know other people besides them, don't worry about it, I will be back in a bit." Celia stated grabbing her cell phone and leaving the room.

  • Tour Bus 1 *

"Hey, what are you upto? You have been in here by yourself sense Justin and Kevin went to sleep. Are you okay Joe?" Chris asked.

"Yeah I am fine, I was just thinking about some stuff. Some stuff that has been bothering me for a long time." Joey stated.

"What's eating you Joe? What's got your boxers in a nitch?" Chris asked.

"Well Chris, I have something to tell you, but I don't want you to breathe a word of it to no one else. Can I trust you with this Chris?" Joey asked starring at his friend.

"Joe you know me better than that. You know you can trust me, what's wrong?" Chris asked.

"Well here goes..." Joey stated as AJ walked into the room.



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Yahoo: swainsborogaboi

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Next: Chapter 10

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