Joint Affairs

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 12, 2002


Boybands - Joint Affairs - Chapter Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Joint Affairs - Chapter 7

by JT Poole

  • Jive (Day 3) *

"Good morning guys, are you ready to get things on the way?" Celia asked as she entered the room getting a lot of groans from the guys in the room.

For the next four hours Celia and Benjamin went over the tour schedule top to bottom. Before Celia called for lunch, the guys were ready to get on the road to start the tour. Deciding to get things on the way, the guys decided to eat lunch on the tour bus as they started the tour and headed towards the first destination, Atlanta, GA.

  • Tour Bus 2 *

"Aaron are you feeling okay, what's wrong bro?" Nick asked sitting next to Aaron in the lounge.

"Nothing, I am just bored that's all. I will be okay once things start getting along." Aaron stated.

"Are you sure, you look like someone stole your best friend or something." Nick stated rubbing Aaron's back.

"Look Nick, I am okay, I just tired and bored." Aaron stated as he got up and walked out of the lounge.

"Nick is there something wrong with Aaron? Is everything okay, is he okay?" Brian asked.

"I don't know, he said he was just bored and tired, but he doesn't look so good to me." Nick stated picking up a magazine off the table.

"I think you better keep an eye on him, make sure he's okay or your mom will kill you." Brian laughed.

"I am sure he's okay like he said, he's just bored. I will check on him later after dinner." Nick stated flipping through the pages of the magazine.

  • Tour Bus 1 *

"Ummm, I have missed this so much babe. Do you still know...when someone does that?" Kevin asked Justin as he nibbled on his ear.

"Would you two please get a room, you are grossing us out with all the lovey dovey stuff." AJ stated.

"You guys act like you have never seen people kiss before." Justin laughed.

"Well we don't normally see two guys kissing on a regular basis." AJ stated.

"Well get use to it, me and my baby are back together again and we have a lot of making up to do." Kevin stated as he kissed Justin again.

"Okay, you guys just hang something on the bunk to let us know when you guys want a private moment, I am quite sure you wouldn't want us to overhear your lovemaking." Chris stated laughing.

"We will be sure to let everyone hear what we are doing so you know how much we care about each other." Justin stated unzipping Kevin's pants.

"What are you doing Justin, What do you have in that wicked mind of yours?" Joey asked.

"I am about to start loving my man, so I suggest you guys leave us alone or you can stay here with us. Doesn't matter to me, but you are going to see some stuff you don't want to see." Justin stated with an evil grin on his face.

"I think we will leave you two alone, I don't want to see any of that, and I don't think Chris and Joey want to see it either." AJ stated.

  • Orlando - Mariot Hotel *

"Mom he's already gone, they left and I miss him already. I don't know what to do. I love him, but I just can't deal with his secrecy anymore." Dave spoke into the phone.

"Son, I know you love him, give it time, things will change. If he loves you the way you say he loves you, then things will change for the better for you two." Dave's mother spoke.

"Thanks mom, my plane leaves in the morning, I should be in Manhatten around 12:00 then I will be going in to discuss some changes for the movie then I shall be heading home. Love you mom and I will talk to you later." Dave spoke hanging up the phone heading to the shower.

  • Tour Bus 2 *

"What are you two doing? Are you guys dating are something?" Lance asked Brian and JC sitting on the sofa playing with each other.

"Matter of fact, we are dating. Want to make something of it?" Brian asked.

"Really, hope you two don't turn out like Kevin and Justin. That would be just wrong." Nick stated as he walked past them leaving the room.

"Well we are taking things slow and we are not going to turn out like them. We both know what we want and we are going to work on making that happen." JC stated.

"Well I am glad you two finally got together, I thought Brian was going to have a heart attack making plans to get with you." Nick laughed.

"Hey, shut up. He doesn't need to know any of that." Brian stated blushing.

"What is he talking about Brian, why would you have a heart attack making plans to get with me?" JC asked.

"Well since the cat is out of the bag, I have had this crush on you for a long time and well every time we got back to Orlando, I would come up with a plan to meet you, but I never went through with any of my plans, and Nick was the guy that I trusted with my ideas." Brian stated as he threw a pillow at Nick causing him to laugh even harder.

"Oh so you had a crush on me, well, isn't that sweet. Regardless, we still got together and none of your plans worked." JC stated laughing, kissing Brian in the process, making the other guys in the room laugh too.

"Nick is Aaron feeling better? We are going to have the driver stop in a bit for dinner. I hope he is feeling better." Lance stated as Howie and Aaron entered the room.

"I am fine! I wish you guys would stop worrying about me. I said I am okay, I am okay." Aaron stated walking over to a seat and sitting down.

"Aaron what is wrong with you? You have been moody all day, I think you should apologize to everyone for the way you have been acting." Nick chastised Aaron.

"Fine, I am sorry." Aaron stood up and walked out of the room.

"Aaron! Aaron get back here, what is your problem?" Nick asked running behind his brother.

"Do you really want to know what's bothering me?! Do you really care?" Aaron asked.

"Yes I want to know, yes I care. Whatever it is that is bothering you, I want to help you." Nick stated.

"Fine, if you want to know, I'm gay and I miss my boyfriend!" Aaron stated walking away from Nick.



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Next: Chapter 9

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